The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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MR. J. L. STELLE will continue
the bun'ness under the firm name of
Stelle i. rfeeley.
Popular, reliable aud within yonr reach.
Heve taken over 100 Urst premiums hi
0 ibe past titty years.
Otter makes Of Planon. Four maft- nt
Oigaun in beautiful new dosigaa, So our
atcik bi'tore buying. We hare tho good".
Cur prices are light. Everyimug m the
KUslc line.
:S4 Wyomlna Ave.. Scranton, Pa.
Punch Cigars
B. Sc Co,
tnp',lilP'1 on Each C'aar
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
IOIU1 joii. bUVAUKi
tTO 11.10 A.M.
LSOTo t.3J .' U.
Happening of a Day That Will Interest Hydo
Park Rcita.
It Was Givan Last Night in St. Patrick's
Church on Jackson Street -Birthday
Party at the Residence of John
McWilliams on Swotland Street
Iroquois Club's First Social Other
News Items of the Day.
P. J. Ruano, of the city treasurer's office,
Is on the sick list.
Edward Collins, of Little Bock, Ark., is
Yisiting relative la the city.
Herman Langfeld, of Scranton, was in
tv liKes-aarre Wednesday evening.
Miss May Matthews, vf visit
ing Miss Com Brooks on tainey avuuue.
Jliss Uanie Bey noble, of Curbondale,
Visited menus, on the W est Side yesterday
Mrs. K. B, Jermyn and Miss Archbald
attended the Junior dance at Cornell this
Miss Silini. of Carbnii'In'.e. and Miss
Fulk. of !y:acusc visited Scrautou. friends
John Wilkiua and Edward Smith, of
Wilkes Barre, are visitiuir friends ou the
West Side.
Miss Vtda Johnson and May Wilkin.s, of
Husnonon, were the guests of friends m
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrp. Morgan, of Lost Creek,
Schuylkill county, spent yesterday with
relative! in the city.
Misses M. Blle nnd Grnco Doud, of
franklin avenQe, are convalescent, after
a severe attack of grip,
Mrs. Claude B. Johnson, of Pittsburg,
has returned borne utter a visit with
friends ou the West Side.
Miss Cora Edwards and Jessie Laugau.
of Wllkes-Barr, spent yesterday with
friend ou the West Side.
Miss Blanche Jobneetook, of Lancaster,
wl has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. I. F.
Everbart, will return borne today.
Mis. James McAulty and Miss Cbarlee
w. rth of this city aud Miss Blanche I.
Wood, of Honesdale, attended the Vale
Junior promenade at New Haven this
W. E. Watt, of Carbondale, is doing
jury duty this week. Besides reading law
with J. E. Burr, Mr. Watt, finds time to do
some first class correspondence for various
Clarence M. C'larke,vice-president of the
Scrantou Traction company and Howard
flat lie, members of tiie K. W. ;larke;& Co..
syndicate of Philadelphia, were in the
city yesterday, the guests of General
M aniiger B. H. Archer, Thoy are making
a tour of inspection and will remain in
t the city till tomorrow.
The Philadelphia Times prints the fol
lowing: V. S Godfrey, proprietor of the
Lackawanna Valley house; Architect John
A. Duckworth and ti. IS. Jermyn, allot
p irantOD. are at the (iirard house, Mr.
Godfrey is looking around to secure the
best iu modern hotel equipment. He in
tends to build a j&)0,0iXi botel on the site
of the old Forest House and so add to
Scrantou's attractions as a city.
Y. W. C. A. Note
A very interesting talk on missions will
be given at the Young Women's Christian
association Sunday afternoon nt 4 o'clock
by Mrs. J. Seidell lilair, It hoped many
young woman will respond to this invita
tion to be present and enjoy tho music
and hear about th work and lileofMise
Fidelia Fi ke.
Girls wishing to learn dressmaking and
plain sewing can now aecure places in
Friday evening class. The Madam Clark
chart is used and instruction is given by
Mrs. Wilson,
Tho boys' class opened Saturday after
noon at the Young Women's Christian as
sociation with a goodly number in attend
ance. This class is designed for boys too
young or too aelicate to exercise with
older boys. Light work with dumbbells,
wands, etc., marching and all exercises
which promote grace and accurncy of mo
tion, together with special attention to
round shoulders ami Hat, chestn. in tho
plan of work. Cost is small, only :2 for
the terra ending June I.
Ladies can enter ClanSM now at reduced
rate, 1 for the remainder of year.
An illustrated talk on "Health ami
Emergencies and How to Meet Them"
will be givon by the physical director at
the rooms next Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock. Free to gymnasium members,
non membors 10 cents. Ladies only.
The West Side nfllcs of the Soramton
Tuibune is located at W8 .soirh Uatu avs
tine, where subscriptions, advertisement!
and Communication! will recsive prompt
The auditorium of St. Patrick's
church wis fill-d but evening, the oc
casion being a conert for the benefit
f people in destitute circumstance.
That the canse met the hearty appro
val of tho nertde was shown by the
large number who attend 1. The affair
was in the charge of 1'roleseor liaydti
'ran, leader of the choir, and the pro
gramme opened witn an anineni,
ganctut, by that well-trained body
of singers. A solo by Miss Lizzie Rey
nold! followed, and a dnot by Llew
Herbert and Howell I) ivies met with
approval, Mrs. Kate Sullivan, Edward
Welsh aud Joun Connolly fornwl a
trio which rendered ''I'enedictus."
Llew Herbert gave a solo, and the
Misses Lizzie and Margaret Reynolds
rendered a duet iu an excellent man
ner. An instrumental selection was
given by Miss Hirriet Ward, mil a so
lection from Gounod's mas was rend
ered by the choir tinier Proftwor
Haydn Evans. Llew Herbert again
sung, and uioria from hcmtierts
mass giveu by tho -jhoir closed the con
No admission fee was charged but
when the affair was concluded a col
lection for the b'lmtit of the poor wis
taken tip, to which thoso present re.
spoiuled liberally.
Anniversary Party.
the home of John McWilliaim on
Swetland atreet was brilliantly i Hum
itiated last evening an I the place was a
scene of activity, ihe occasion was
the Thirty-ninth anniversary of his
tiirth, and a large number of guests
were received during the evening. An
excellent rep ist was ssrved, which wis
enjoyed by all Am mi those present
were J. 1. Jonos, I) C Hughes, lliomas
( Yiagrove, Q B. McDermott, William
Humphrey and William Graffuey.
Thslr First Social Evnt.
The Imouoi Select olub opened their
series of soci lis in Mear's hall last
ev ning. The room was neatly deco
rated and presented a striking appear
ance as the merry dancers glided
through the hall to music furnished by
Professor Johnson. About thirty
couple were present.
Brief Items of News.
Enterprise lodge, No. 21. Loyal
Knights of America, will celobrate its
twentieth anniversary with a reunion
of its members at a bannet to be held
on Monday evening. Feb, 19. Short
addresses will be m ule by the mim
bers which will be interspersed witu
musical selections.
The Washburn Street Presbyterian
church Young Peopl sSocie'y of Chris
tian ha deav r will celebrate its mini
versary on Tuesday evening next
Key. T. A. Mills, of th Memorial
Presbyterian church, Wilkes-Barre
will be the spealcor
Cars began running on the Taylor
line of the Scranton Traction company
yesterday morning for the first time
since the severe snowstorm
David R Williams, of South Hyde
I-'ark avenue, is recovering from an
U. A. Williams, of the Republican
has returned from Wilkes-Hirro whore
he has been under the cure of the den
tist for the past few days.
The Hyde Park Free library will be
reopened within a few dayi.
Joun H Evans, of Jackson ftreet, i
serinnsiy ill,
Jackson street bill was crowded with
bobsleds List evening. The most con
epiciDus was the fi incv Hanks, I
model sled, patterned similar to the
hook and ladder truck by b-Mnj steered
both front and rear, there are two
seats and It has a patent brake appli
ance. inis sled was built at a larg
expanse and is run by Julia Wettliug
and hiimor t r me
C.irr's home made mince meat is now
being sold by several dealers here.
Delightful Play to 11 GHven at th
Acadsiny of M i c .
This evening the Marion Manola-
Johu Mason company will return to
this city and again present their
charming performance of "Friend
Fritz, winch achieve I such a pro
nonnced success when first presented
here last October. It is a charming
musical entertainment, and a iree
translation of the Comsdifl Francaiao
success "D Ami r riiz. wnien is
looked upon i-y the French as a claisic.
Its etory is one of simplicity and
ove without the usual accompani
ment of the stage villian, The scenes
the com- dy are laid tmid the val
leys aud along the brooks of tiie Claire
fontaine, and tells of the triumph of
love, and again proves that love is the
ruler of the universe. Ihe music, of
Which there are til t' en milliners, was
written by Julian Edwards, a clever
musician. The company is a particu
larly good one, capable of singing as
well as acting.
Frohman's Comedians Glv a First Class
Performance at the Academy.
One of those complicated French
farces which theater goers have come
o expect from all of Charles Frohman 'a
OulDaules, was presented at the Acad
emy of Music last ov- ning before an
nudience that was shamefully sinill
Nevertheless every person who was
present had a laugh of twououra aud a
half duration.
The play was "Mrs. Orundy, Jr.,"
an adaptation ot the v rencn farce,
Corrigan vs. C'orrigan." It was pro
duced by Charles Frohman's comedi
ans. The company was beta id by such
capable players as Oeorge Leslie,
liarles S Abbe, Miss Henrietta
roMtnan and Miss Margaret Craven.
Mrs. Grundy, Jr.," is a very laugh
able piece. Tim humor is plentiful and
wholesome anil, in the hands of such
artwtio performers as Mr. rroliman
comedians, it pleased the audience at
the Academy last eveuiug imm-snsely.
Mueic Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautschi & Sons., mnnnfncturors,
1(130 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derfnl orchestrlal organs, only $5 nnd 1 10.
Specialty I Old music boxos carefully re
paired aud improved with now tunos.
Bendleston tk Woerz'i
Ales are the beet. E. J.
Lackawanna avenne.
and Ballantlne'a
Walsh, agent, W
Booke by Mail.
Add 7 cents to tho price of any book
found on page 0 aud we shall mail it to
your address.
New Bloycl.
A new bicycle worth $75 will be sold for
f86. Tho machine is guaranteed and is a
rarebiirgnin. Machine may be seeu at the
liibnue ollice.
Ttelnhart's Market,'
tft and 88 Lackawanna avenue. Every
day from a. m. to 10 a. m. Round steak,
lie; sirloin steak, 14c. ; standing rib roast,
30c.; chuck roant, 8o.: boiling meat, 4c;
fresh pork, lc; pork sausage, v:a.
Branches Have a Msating
nss That Tramplred.
Select council met in regular session
last evening. Two ordinances passed
third reading as follows: Creating
certain othces and fixing salaries, pro
viding for vacating Drinker turnpiks
A petition for horses for Relief Eiigin
company was referred to the estimates
Common council met to consider an
ordinance for the repeal of an ordln
mice for the grade of Rbecoa avenii"
A. H. George, F. A. Nichter and 1
J Johnson made address-fa W.
Thomas made one of the ablest, an
most sincere addresses ever mid by
any councilman in favor of repeal, and
Mr. Browning's recommendation that
the ordiuauce be repealed passed two
- i
Warranted a Sure Panacea.
Uurtfhnt Vintrnnt.
hill the Wil-on bill and there will soon
be plenty of money in the treasury with
out increasing the debt or the country.
Are Wattlnir for Annlsut.
I:tch(ter l"mH rnt unit Chnntirlp.
The Democratic tariff smashers listen in
vain for applause from "the toiling mil
ilappeiiiiii3 of a Day That Will Interest
Mauy Tiibuue Readers.
That If What S.-hank, the Shoe Mr-
cbant, Is Now Doing.
The well known shoe merchant,
Bobank, of the Arcade Suoe home, is
now receiving the first of bis spring
goods, and has uot enough store room
for all he has ordered. There is only
one thiug tor him to do and he lias
lone it.
That is, get rid of the goods he h is
on hand at present at just what they
cost. Not cheaper than thoy cost, be
cause that would not be good bnslnesi,
aud Schatik, above all, is a good busi
ness man,
Therefore during February, he will
-dl siloes that sell elsewhere for at
63. And all other goods will b sold at
proportionately low prices. But re
member, these cost prices will uot pre
vail after the 2S:li of February.
Schank's Akcade Shoe Store.
To Mk It Inoperative.
U'mwmfoa I'imt.
inn nir.rme lasers are engage! in a pr
lllteat effort to strike out the enacting
clause or tue ueinocratlc party.
Tliny Lack Ptaroh.
HOsasifer 7' Kf aress,
It some quarters it is h:ld t hat Mr. Car
lisle's bond explauattous are of a kind that
do nut explain.
The Smoke Nulamoe Solvsd
Rsoatsfsr Posi-JRrprrsa
A bright Boohesleriaa suggests that, in
the dosing of the factories of the country,
tho smoke nuisance has been solved.
Flfly Gems for Ten Cent.
Remember that fifty beautiful plotures
and not simply sixteen and they nil
representing tho most notable buildings
aud exhibits at the late World's fair can
now be obtained at Tub Tiubune office for
10 cents aud three coupous. Part I of the
World's Fair Portfolla contains those ar
tiBtic gems and souvenirs, cait your cou
pous and get the pictures.
Anhsuser Busch Beor.
Louis Lehman's, Stlb bpruce ab
Ho Rasbly Threatened to Take the Llf
of Junkman Suroyi z
David Feltz, of Raymond court, was
arraigned before Alderman Wright
yesterday oharged with haviug threat
died to take the life of his neighbor,
Jacob Surovitz
The men had a discussion and during
un angry sceno that followed Surovitz
asserted that Feltz had been branded
in the old country for misconduct.
this put Feltz in a towering rage,
and he forwith procured a pistol and
threatened to assist Mr. Surovitz to
make bis exit from this world of sorrows.
As the latter would be compelled to
part with bis junk suop, be declined
the proffered assistance and had Feltz
arrested. In default of $300 he was
committed to jail,
The Flay to B i Presented by Alexaadsr
Ealvint at the Acsdtmy.
In Alexander Salvini who will pres
ent "The Tnree Guardsmen ' at the
Academy on Monday evening, the
play goer has a right to expect big
things tr nt the stand-point ol heredity
alone. Had lie not realize 1 the great
est part of his expectations he might
long ago better have ch inged hi
name. Even his name Itself would be
a loadstone around his neck, did he not
show an ability to psrp.itnate the fama
of his illustrous father.
The position the younger Salvini
now occupies ha been won quickly
and legitimately. Ho has succeeded
to an unqualified degree in doing what
no other actor of this goneratiou has
accomplished he has successfully re
vived the romautic drama.
Eagens O'K -i.i to Ripest His Excel
lent. Irish Comady-Drama.
The well known Irish comedian, Eu
gene O'Rourke, will m ike his sscoud
appearance here as n star tomorrow
evening at the Academy of Music in
tti new comedy-dram i written for
bin by the w II known actor and play
wright. Mark Price.
Mr. O'Rourke is possessed of a hand
omo face an 1 figure, good singing
voic and a nimble pair of feet, and in
the part of "The Wiuklnw Postman,''
which is the title of the play, he will
be given ample opportunity to display
the above qualities to advantage.
4V- -
RmntOTON Typewriter! and Edison
Phonographs for sale and rent. Oo yiug
work executed. Phonographs reined for
an evening's entertainment Telephone
2im:i. Edw. Quuatar Jr., 4ar BprMa
Fooks 1 Books I Bonks 1
During the coming week we shall offer
to Hie subscribers of Tine TiilliUNK rare
bargain! In books.
e have a large line of bright and pop
ular volumes, elegantly bound, that wo
intend to give to the patrons of the paper
at about. one-fOUrtb of t he usual price.
The following list will give you an Idea
of the inducements anil tho unusual op
portnnlttes to secure valuable additions to
your library.
Regular Tribune's
The World's Fair (New) fU.50
Pictorial History of theUt eat
Civil War 3 00
Pilgrims' Progress (IMutt'ed) 2.50
Kan h, Sea and Sky VS 75
Marvelous Wondera 'J.75
Lifenud Works of Bourgeon I rs)
Pictorial History of the Bible U. 75
Museum of wonders 2.75
Prom Pole to Pole 2.73
Pictorial History of the Uni
ted Mates a no
Science of Life.
Lifeof Biirnnm
Indian Horrors
J' sephus
Shepii's rhotogrsph-
Columbus, the Navigator,.,
Bear Column (Stanley's
Webster Dictionary in one
half Russia
t M
Or There Can Be No Election in
Nineteenth Ward The Law Bear
ing on That Question Demand
That Next Board of Trade Meeting
Be Called for Discussion of Bridge
Question Funeral of Mrs. Mol
arity. Unless common council takes prompt
action in the matter, thera may be no
election in the Nineteenth ward at the
general election to be bebl on Feb. 20
l'hit act of ISM!) declares that council
shall by resolution appoint the date on
which an elecMou -h ill be held to till a
vauimcy, ami the mayor shall issue a
proclamation to that eff-ct ten day
prior to the date fixed by council. Laet
night's meeting was called for a special
purpose and nothing else could be con
sidered save the question for which the
memtiers were called together. 1 ho
regular meeting will b next Thursday,
nod it behooves the candidates, P. J.
Hickey and August Franz, to see to it
that the necessary legislation be
enacted at that time.
Mnl: It a Bridge Meeting
Tho regular meeting of the South
Side board of trade will be held next
Tuesday evening, and the idea is gain
ing ground that the meeting should be
exclusively 11 bridge meeting. There ia
onlv a very brb'f interval in which to
agitate and discuss the question, and
friends of the movement think that the
board of trade should lead in the mat
ter. The time is propitious for suoh a
gathering. All possible data has been
collected and compiled, uud the total
cost of the improvements can be defin
itely statod. For the purpose of mak
ing a complete explanation, City En
gineer Phillips, Coniicitmen Roche,
Lauer, and other councilman who have
made a study of the question, should
be invited to participate iu the discus
sion, Funeral of Mrs. Moviarlty.
The fuueral of Mrs. Michael Molar
ity took place yesterday morning from
tiie family resilience on Orchard street
and the concourse of attendants was
unusually large. Services wrro held
iu St. Peter's cathedral, where a solemu
high mass of requiem was sung. Rev.
Father Mill. me being celebrant. At
the conclusion of the mass Father Mil
lane preached an eloquent sermon tnat
was full of golaee to tho relatives or
the deceased. Interment was made in
Hyde Park Cattiulic cemetery.
Fred Zang'e Philosophy.
Fred Zing, the Pittston avenue
grocer, is a keen obseiver of things
and events, and his savings, while not
grammatically correct, are always
brimful of truth and humor. Mr. Zang
is a nephew of August Zing, the cele
brated hairopnau bread b iker, who in
troduced Vi-una bread into the French
capital, nnd who, by the popularity ot
.'ae product, ranuily asqmred fame and
riches. Mr. Ziang believes that a les
son can be learned from every occur
rence in daily life, and the other day
while addressing some intimates that
were waiting for the car, he stated
that the quarrel and reconciliation be
tween the German emperor and the
rx-chnncellor showed to both men
whom they could rely on us friends
Shorter Paragraphs.
It ii a suicidal policy an 1 a vry un
patriotic one to oppose a public lm
provement because the gentleman ap
pointed to represent a ward may not be
one s choice.
The fire department is making stren
uous egorts to have the council's atten-
lion drawn to the queitum of a service
utile fire alarm, oue that will corre
-1 1 1 nl wit 11 the finely equipped hose
houses. An electric system seems to
be favorably spoken of and it is hoped
that the council will hesd tne iuflii"iic
which is being brought to bear. Tiie
present alarm is tho laughi.ig stock of
the whole community mil in most
casi'sis beard to pour forth its iteam
aootit the time, whatever may be on
fire, has collapsed. With a good fire
alarm Dunmore would have ample pro
tectiou against fire and the confidence
of insurance men, wnich jiow wavers
would be reitored.
The Junior Christian Endeavor soci
etv of the Presbys-rian church will
hold a social in the church Iparlori to
morrow evening. Hfreshuwuts will
be served and a literary and music
programme will be rendered. It is for
a worthy canse and should ba liberally
Crosswalks are badly needed in some
sections. Peilestnans are continually
crossing at the corner of Fourth and
Film streets, yet there is no walk to
u-e, necessitating a wade through 11111. 1
There is a rumor that council will
make an appropriation this year for
the purpose of beautifying tho town
hall surroundingi This would b
move 111 Ihe right direction, as the
ball, so conspicuously located as it Is
looks sadly negiicted.
The handsome resilience which is be
ing erected 011 upp-r Dudley street is
rapidly Hearing completion. It will
be occupied by II. A. Mace, chief dis
pateher of the Frio and Wyoming Vul
ley railroad.
James Dowd is on tho sick list.
The caso of Potter vs the borough
of IMiniuoro, winch was to have boon
brought before court yesterday, had to
be postponed on account of the illness
of ex Judge Ward, counsel for Mr
Potter. The suit arises from the bor
migh suing Mr. Potter for maintaining
a nuisance. As such they consider his
laughter house which stands uear the
Drinker turnpike. The matter was
brought to tho ntteution of til
health oftlcers by oue Patrick
O'Hoyle WUOSO residence is situated
near the slaughter bouse. Mr. Potter
says that the whole alfair ia a spite ac
tiou ou the part of Mr. G Boyle, whos
dog the Potters killed because of its
gluttonous appetite for sheep. He also
h ays that there can be 110 unpleasant
odor arising from the place as the
swinu dispose of all offensive olfal or
any other refuse that would endange
tho health of those living iu the vicin
ity. The case promises to be a hotly
contested one ami win involve Rome
time, as there are thirty or forty wit
neese on each side, with probabilities
of there being as many more subpe
He Will Ba Arrested as Soon as Released
from the Couoty Jail.
P. J. Callahan, tb Pittston young
man who escaped from a charge of eui
bi zzlement Tii"sday 011 a technicality,
wss taken before the court yesterday
uud sentenced to pay the oosts.
A verdict of not guilty was directed
in Callahan's case because the lembez
zlement did not actually take place in
this county. A warrant has since been
sworn out charging him with embez
zlement in Susquehanna comity.
It has been lodged with the sheriff
and Callahan will be again arrested as
soon as he is released from the county
Stelle & Seelay.
Mr. J. L. Stollu will continue tho busi
ness under the firm name of Stelle See
ley, at 131 Wyoming avenue,
. .
Be Witts lino position photos are meet
ing with great favor.
ARNOLD- At North I'nrk, Dunmore, Jan.
81, 1804, Christian Arnold, aged 77 years,
8 months and 7 days. Interment at
Tunkbanuock, Wyoming county.
FOLEY In Blmhnrst, Wednesday, Jan.
81, 18114, Mrs. Mary Foley, wife of Timo
thy Foley and datig!it"r of John dibble.
Funeral Saturday morning at!) p. 111. In
terment ill St. Catharine's cemetery,
On proontation of two of tloe
Coupons, Subscribers of THE TBI It
UN E may purchase any book iu the
above list.
Books by Expraa.
Any person ordering ten or more book!
at one time may nave them seut by ex
press prep nu.
"Special low price eale at Battiu & Co
this mouth. Don t full to see advertise
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
PRICES on brand-new Suits and Over
coats in our windows will convince
you that we are about giving them away.
Martin & Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
A New
OR One Week, commenc
ing Monday, February
we will have a CHINA
when we will sell Cups and
Saucers for less than
Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern
sylvania The highest grade of Pianos and Organs.
lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal
terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the
leading inducements. Look at the list
Sohmer Pianos,
Everett Pianos,
Vose & Sons' Pianos,
Mehlin Pianos,
Popular Pease Pianos.
Estey Organs,
Story & Clark Organs.
Chicago Cottage Organs
Palace Organs,
And all kinds of Musical Slercuai; II 1
co 11 7 1 -' on band.
Hie Holiday! are here, and this is the place to buy Pianos for a Christmas
r-resent. Prices nro lower than uuy other music store In Scranton. Special
Attention Remember always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or
gan that Christopher Columbus points with bis right hand to the exact place
you wnnt to go. Now here it is:
Their value. Remember
this sale will be for one
week ONLY, as we posi
tively will not sell a cup at
the sale price after next
116 Wyoming Avenue.
, J. W. Guernsey, Prop.
Do You Need an III
Do You
eed an Overcoat?
Wo linve the most rompleti- BSBOrtmeUt of
Ken's Furnishing (lood that ever appealed
to (bo eye or to the taste. Some of our new
hliailet ami ili.-eiirns iu Tine are especially at
tractive. They arc eellinir at HffUres which
Hive yon no excuse for beiug without all eorts
of size and u(ylo'.
Christian, unm
205 Lackawanna AvcnuD.
The (licul Marvel of Denial Science
discovery and
property of
till- Silk'
7ood & Wardell,
DEN'J is rs,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
By the us of this remarkable dlaoovsry
team are aotnally removed without pain in
the moat aggravated cases Local in its hp
plication, vc-taMo in Its composition and
absolutely ha mil s and ofHoienl in avare
..-,,.., ,1 1.1, a un. tuu uuqu&uueu en-
reputable physicians
have beun relieved
dorscm, nt ., the renal
as well a. thousands who
liy ts woiilcrl il 1
Pis II mvood and Wardell are the exclu
sive owners of this Invalu bio diaoovery and
nrenaiiiKit In their practice with heretofore
unneird-of results.
All the higher grades or meehanieal and i
erethre deoUstrfprao'lced in this offloe in
I'lates made hucccasfully from all kind! of
IT YOU do, now is the time to buy one,
and our store is the place to get it.
Because we are going to sell every one
which we have in our store this winter.
Price is no object, profits have now disap
peared, and you can buy one very cheap.
Try it.
Collins & Maclett
220 Lackawanna Ave.
P. S. Look for our name before the tlonr hpfnrp en.
term tr. Make no mistake.
An immense
Boots. Shoes
and Rubber (iootls thai
we must sell before our
Spring (ieoils arrive, in
about three weeks. We
simply must
1 hem.
sloek of
get rid of
The very best grade of
of Footwear to be found
in the entire city at es
tremely cheap prices.
We have the goods and
you have the money,
Willgive you lull value
for your inouey.
Arcade Shoe Stow.
e e . "Y"
Scranton, Pa.
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Sliimberg,
The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches nnd
Nervousness relievo 1. Latest and Improved
Style of Kyo QlaOSM and S)io.:tacloe at the
Lowest l'rioes. Host Artllleial ByOS iuaortod
for fY
305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poet Office.
.1 AGS BT, Full
Skirl, Malloon
and tan. Cost to
make, $lb Isovr
We will give you
the choice of 10
Jackets, all this
season's m a k e.
Not one in the
lot I hat cost less
than 12 to l?20.
and WRAPS. It)
will pay you to
See I his otfering
of Tailor-made
We need room for new Spring
Stock. Visit us,
& Co.
Ladies' Tailor . Cloak JUkora
aud Pur liars,
Bl R1 :ok s-iT..
i n:r i i lie- out.
Portfolio of Photographs
S February 2, 1694 S
rue B
s - s
Send or bring in 2 Coupons
of different dates, loirether
With 5 cents, and receive this
5 Album of rare Photographs.
Cor. Ponn Ave. and Spruoe Bt