Four Billions Of national lass iB a steep price to pay for Demo cratic incompetence. If There Is Any truth in prophecy, the American people are get ting sick of their bargain. -1 J lit A . V , . J-J A'.nuiijrj ,)'Big P lb EVELAMD'8 IE n,Ti, u SCBATON, TA.. FIJI DAY SIOIINLNG, FEJiRUAKY 2, 1S!)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. 10 TE HAS Oil T THE COUNTRY MORE THAN THE OIL WAR WILSON TIIF INCOME W m PASSED The Measures Passed the House by a Vote of 204 to 140. Feeble Efforts of Sputa Crisp and Chair man Wilson Who Attempt to Answer His bgonttlts. THE PARTY LINES AliE DRAWN Representative Si'oley Voted in the Ne?A'ivo-Amos J. CumminRS, of New York, Also Among tho Bolters. Representatives Hine3, Mutchler, Beltihoover and McAleer Vote with Their Party Scenes at the Close of the Debate. Washington Fob. 1. BY a vote of 204 to t to the bouse to day passed Cue WiUOH tariff tad income tux bill, Representa tives Hines. Mutohler. Utitz- hoover and McAleer voted with their party in the affirmative; RepraseuU tive Sibley voted in tt:- uetftuve, and km J THOMAS D. ItKED. Representative Hopkins, of Penniyl raiiia, absent nu RCCOOOt of illness. Representative Scranton was present and voted in the ne;;ativ. Among the Democratic bolter from other states was Representative Amos J. Cnm minf, of N'ew York city. The income tax nnii-ndment was tacked on the original Wilson bill by a vote of 1S2 to 50, Representatives Beltzhoovcr. McAleer, Matohltr, Reilly and Wolverton being tin only Demo cratic members from Pennsylvania to oppose tbe incom tax. Representative Bines voted for the income tax, The feature of the sloaing debate was tbe speech of ex-Speakor Reed. He was weakly answered by Speaker Crisp and by Chairman Wilson, the author of tbe Dill, who brnnuht the diacussiou to a close. The Wilson bill now goes to the senate. The attendance during tbis last scene in the debate in tbe house was very heavy. MR. REED'S SPEECH. It la a Masterly Exposition of the Case for Pro'eotlnn. Washinoton, Feb. 1 Mr Reed's speech in closing the Republican side of the tariff debate was the strongest presentation yet made of the case for protection. It was listened to with rapt attention, and whs the oratorical feature of this session. Some of his best points follow. The entire speecii would occupy a p io anil a half of Thi TuBtnra: Those who will vote against the Wilaon bill will do so because it opens our mar kets to tho destnicive competition of for eigners, and those who vote for it doit wnu iuu ' 'ii i. it iiji'y win in stantly devote themselves to a new cru sade against whatever barriers are left. It is evident thnt there is no ground for that hepe entertained by so many moder ate n en, that this bill, had us it is, could be a resting place where our manufactur ing and productive indiistries,sucli as may survive, can reestablish themselves and have a snre foundation for the future, free from party bickering and pany strife. Hence, also, there can be no foundation for that cry, so inaidnousiy raised, that tills hill should lie passed at once, because uncertainty is worse than any bill enn possibly be. Were this bill to pa both brnuoh'eH today, uncertainty would reign just tbe same. This result was inevitable. Although this bill professed to open to the man 'if n -Hirers a new era of prosperity and pro fessed to be made in the interest of some Ol them.the moment it came to he defended ou this floor, tho great of it Oottld not be defended ou any other ground than the principles of free trade. Home, in this discussion, the precise terras of this pro posed act count for nothing, and we are left to the discussion of the principles which underlie the whole iuestion. 1 nut question may not be decided bore and now upon these principles, but the ultimate decision by tbe people can have uo other foundation. Whether the universal sentiment in fa vor of protection as applied to every conn try is sound or not, I do not stop to dis cuss. Whether it Is best for the United States of America alone concerns me now, and the first thing I have to say is, that after thirty years of protection, undis turbed by any serious menace of freo trade up to tho very yar now hist past, this country was the greatest and moat flour ing nution on the face of the earth. More over, with the shadow of this unjustifiable bill resting cold upon It, with mills Oloeed, with hundreds of thousands of men un employed, industry at a standstill and prospects before it more gloomy than ever marked its history excopt once this country is still the greatest and the rich est that tbe sun sbines on or ever did sbine on. Nor have we in any way exhausted tho future. Tbis country is teu times more capable today of further development than it was in ISitO. Let me state one lit - i le item, sample of a thousand. Only last year at nutnford, in mi own state, was brought under harness waterfalls which which will give to tbe productive ener gise of this country 4U0tXhorae power for every day in the year. Three hundruu and lift.v thousand jast su-h hors power ruiw to waste every day in New Euglatul lone, Whenever our cit uro rich enough to employ theee g'oat resources my hope is that they will be rich enough to COneume their ptoduote themselves. Bo utterly undisputed and ho distinctly visible to every human being in this audi ence bas beeu our growth aud progress that this hasty outline is all that is needed to remind you of one great fact, that what ever the future industrial sysieui ol tins country may be, the past system Is a splendid monument to that series of sua ceesful statesmen who found the country bankrupt and distracted, aud left it tlrst ou the list of nations. WE WANT NO UPCB1MKNT& We may safely assume that a country which has bee one in tho last thirty .vein's the richest COUUtry in the world, a coun try which daring all that period was a 'paradise for lab u in j men," does not need to try any dubious experiments, A good tlnug in this world ol disappointments is not to be lightly left. A better thing w should dostrc with still more reluctance, and nobody but misguided noil would leave the best tiling ever known la the history of tbe universe unless ho bad tuoh a glimpse of the luture as would place him securely among the prophets and not laud him among those unhappy martyrs whose blood is the seed of no church. What sre tho reasons why auy change of principle should tie h id? Is there any example In the history of tne world of any nation situated IlUe ours which has taken the Step to Which we are invited? Some gentlemen, perhaps, are hastening to say that Eugluud affords us the needed ex ample. .Mr. Speaker, I have looked there, and 1 am amazed to Had bow little the ex ample of Ejgiaud can tench. Are tbe gentlemen of the ways aud means committee legitimate successors of bright and t'obden and the Anti-Corn Law league? Jot t e lea-t m the wo'io. That a tight by tne manufacturers. This is a tight agaiust lb I manufacturers. The manufacturers then desired uo protection whatever. Tarn over this big volume of Cobden'o speeahee autiLyoa come to the tvaeutieth speech, seveu years after he hetiati; you will not tlud one allusion to protective duties to tsiinufacturers, and ev.u iu the twentieth speech they are only alluded to to reiterate the declara tiu made In 1W, when tbe (torn law league began, that all duties were to be abolished. VvbatCobden was fighting was an odious law enacted to enhance the price of bread, not for the benetit of the farmer, but of the aristocratic owm r of land, Workingmen were clamoring for increase of pay. The manufacturers knew that decrease of the price of whent was the equivalent of higher pay. Meu do not work for money; they work for money's worth. While our w'Sedrresare reading Hritisb books of forty years ago with the emotions of great discoverer-, what do the Euglish themselves say about the actual facts? They come here in shoals. Naturally they do not like our system; but for it, they could do unr msnufuctnring for us Never theless, prejudiced and prepossessed as they are, they are startled into some, in cautious truths. Says Mr. deans: "It re quires, 1 tbir.k, unui-ual temerity to allege that the tariff system of the United States hrs been a failure for that country.'' What a prejudiced English free tra ler regards as "unusual temerity," and which he might have caded unexampled rashness, is not only exhibited by our committee of ways and mentis, but by every gentleman who can recite Sydney .Smith's discourse on tho taxed Engiisuman under the im pression that he is delivering an original speech. Mr. Uavrr, too, remarks the strango phenomena: ' 'I am," says h, "a couvimcod Free TTader. Protection is to me an econ omical heresy, the fraud and folly'' (How like one of our own dear Southern states man he SOUnd) '"the fraud and fnlly of which are capable of mathematical illus tration. And yet throughout th length and breadth of this vat coutinente one is almost daily brought face to face, with solid indispntabio facts thnt MOD to give the lie to the soundest aud most universally accepted axioms of political economy." Yes, not only do "solid, indisputable facts seen to give tho lie to the sound est and most universally accepted axiom of political economy," but they do give it, and so does the whole history of this eoooty. If what ho calls "the soundest and most universally accepted axioms" hud been axions at all, this country onght to have been permanently r thirty years in the situation which I, .s now in tern porarilly, after eleven months of this free trade nightmare. We ought to have been halting in every branch of manufactures: we ought to have stopped progress ami laltered to tbe rear, for we were Wasting both capital and labor in unprofitable employment. protection's Our workmen penned up in our little country while Englishmen reve.oj in th I markets of the world ought to be imp ver ished beyond all the. experience of history. Instead of that tho Aldrich report shows that since 1800 money wages have risen M per cent. Or, if you say, aud you would be right in so saying, that wages should be measured by what they will buy, the re sult is still mine striking. The same report. shows that, measured try prices of things bought, wages have ri-en, real wages, 70 per cent. Hy which I mean to say that WOere our ne .pie in lew received a dollar our people have now one dollar and six'y eight cents aud six mills in money, and a dollar and eeVentynlne cents and one mill In consumable wealth. During the same period the hours of labor, by average in all the occupations calcul ited, nave In len from eleven to ten. If you count that and reckon the man's hours saved to be worth as much to him as it used to be to his employer aim it is you have real wages riotd 17 per cent, and yon hud the wage-earner today, after thirty-three years of protection, with 11.07, where in istiu he had bnt a single dollar. The Al drich report declares that there esit no thorough digest of facts relating to Euro penn wages, but. if you will 'how me any figures of Increase at any approximating What 1 have just described In Free Trade England, you will discover what my search has not been able to find. With wages rising, prices of manufac tured goods falling, with lessening bourn of labor, what more do you want except moro'of the same sort? WAOKS Tin UAL HKtJR. 1 confess to you thnt this qaeetlofl of wages is to m the vit d question. To in sure our growth lu civilization and wealth we must, not only have wages us high as they are now, but constantly and ateudiiy Increasing, This desire of mine for con slaii lly Increasing wagos does not have i ts origin InjlpVe for the individual, but, iu love for ibo whole natl n in that, enlightened sclMitmess, which recogul.os tho great, ti nt h that your fate and mine, Mr. Sionknr,iind the fate of your descendants are. so wrapped up iu the fate of all otlcr. that whatever contributes to their progress gives to us all a nobler future aud u higher hope. In my judgment, upon wages and the consequent distribution of consumable wealth is based all our hopes for tun In tars aad all the. possible Increase of our civilixatiou. The progress of tbis nation is dependent upon the progress of all. When 1 talk about wages I use the word lu its broadest sense as the prico aud value of u.-ryioo, w hoi her of brain or muscle, When 1 speak of Constant nnd continuous iuci'esseif wages 1 do not mean the caprices ot benevolence or of charity, or the fantasy ot u mind longing for the impossible. Tin, increase of wages which the servic seller o igi.t to have and tho only use ' increase lie pan ever get wiH be hy the I . ration ot natural laws working upon the opportunities which legislation may aid iu tarnishing, The Inorease will nevr come from the outside, will uover bo the gift of any employer, it must come from the improvement in the man lumseit. Can you get a carpenter or b niklaver to work for 9& Cents a day? lie did it iu Kngland InlTHS, Today 111 thoUuitoa States it is a poor place where he cannot gel ten times that sum. Why does behave to have tun times as much? li-cause tho carpenter of to day oould no more dye as did the carpen ter of 1T35 than he could live iu a cave and and bun' snakes for food. The difference iu nrugei means the dlffareuos In iivlng, and the t'l "tt is as much a nee -ssity today as the -to cents was 15U years ago. Man is not a mere muscular englo, to be fed with me it and give forth effort . Man is u social being. He must have whatever his neighbor has. He cannot grow unless he does. This question of wages is all'lmporiant as bearing up in the qusitlou of consumption. All tn'oluoioii depends noon consumption, who are the Consumer? Ill the old days whan the pro ducts of manufacturers were luiartei, the lord and his retainers, the lady and her molds were the c.oisum is, a class apart by themselves, but today the consumers are tbe producers. Long ago the lab n or oonspmod only what would keep ulm alive. Today he and ins wife and their child ren are BO iminea uiruhly the moit valu able coetuinsrs that II the shop had to give up the wealthy or those whom it is the custom to call poor, there would not be a moment's hesitation or a moment's doubt Dntortunately, t ie gentleman on the oteerside have persistently retained the old idea that the producers are one class sud toe consumers are another, and hence wo he ir on all hands such Stupidities ot speech us those which sum up the workers in each b.-uncli aud compare them with the whole people. One hundred and fifty thousand workers in woolens -you ask what are they compared with 70.000,000 of consumers; 900.000 worker in steel, .what are they compared with 70,000,000 of con sumers; 200,000 workers In cotton, what are they compared with 70,000,000 of con sumers, and so on all through the long list, forgetting that all these people added to gether make the whole 711,000,000 them selves. AMEP.ICA's OltEAT UAHKgT, It sn happens that America is Blind with workers. Therears idle people, but they an' fewer hie than elsewhere except now, when we are living under the ehadow of the vViisou bill. If those workers are all getting good wages they are themselves tic market, and if the wages are increas ing the market is (also increasing. The fact that iu this country all the worfcers hare been getting better wuge than else where is tbe wry reosoo why our market is the best in the world and why all the na tions of the world are trying to break into it. We do not appreciate the nature of our market ourselves." We are nominally 7O,OiK),O0O people. That is what wo are iu mera number-. Hut as a market for manufactures and choice foods we are potentially SKKt, 000, 000 M com pared with the next, bust nation on the globe. Nor u this difficult to prove. When ever an Englishman earns fl an American earns (1. CO. I speak within bounds. Botb can get the food that keeps body and aoul together aud the shelter which the bady must have for 60 cent-1. Take B0 cents from fl and you have 4U cents left. Take that same (V) cents from the f LCD and you have $1 left, Just two and a half times as much. That surplus can be spent in choice foods.iu house furaishines, in flue clothes uud all the comforts of life in a word, in tho products of our manu factures. This makes our population as consumers of products, as compared with the F.nglish population. 800,000,000. Their population is :)7,000,n0 as con -umers of products which one century ago were pure luxuries, while our population is equival ent to MO. 000,000, If this is our comparison with England, what is the comparison with the rent ef the world, whose markets our committee are so eager to have in XCbange for our own? Mnlhall gives certain statistics which will serve to make the comparison clear. On page MB of his Dictionary of Statistics he Hays t he yearly product of the manufactures ot the 'Vorld are .14.471, 000,000, of which the United Statos pro duces 1,448,000,000. I do not Vouch," nor can anybody vouch, f ir these figures, but the proportion of one-third t i two-thirds nobody can fairly dispute, We produce one-third, and the rest of the world, Eug land included, two-thirds. The population of tho world Is 1,800,000,' 00O, of which we have 70,000,000 which leaves 1,480,000,000 for the rest of mankind. Wb use all onrmenofaotoree, or the equiv alent of them. Hence we are equal to one half tli whole glohf outside of ourselves, England included, ami compared as a mar ket with tho rest of the world our popula tion is equal to 718,000,00 I I repeat, as compared with England herself ns a mar ket, our people are i quivale it to 000,000, Ofin. As computed with the rest of the world, England included, we are equal as a market to 718,000,000. These figures trior than justify the adjectives of the Englishman, and the cold facts of mathe matics surpass the spasms of rhetoric. SIIAMK OK TAXATION. There is still another argument which 1 desire to present out of t ho hirgo number yet unused. What has made Kngland rich? It is the immense profits which come of converting raw material into manufac tured goods. Kho is a huge workshop, do lag the niost profitable work of tin world; changing material to flnUhm! product. So long as she enn persuade the rest of the world to engage in the worn which is the least profitable and Uave her tliu most en riching, ' he can well be content. Let me give one itom, and the figures shall be furnished by Mm gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Wheeler), who told me in your presence tbft the value of all the cot ton raised in the United States was only 1(100,000,000, while i he Bnished product, of that cotton was $1,751), D ip, 000 When cot ton leaves the Held it Is worth :t()0,(KW,0()0: when it leaves tbe mill it Is worth six times n much. On onr own cotton crop alone wo might iu time make Mm profits on a billion and a half of manufactured goods. Nor is there any thing to prevent such a result in n protectee tariff. Some men think, indeed, this mil and its author's speeches proceed upon tho suppo sition that the first step toward gaining the market ol the world is to give up our own, (net OS If fortified army, with enn mies on nil llnuks, should overturn its own breastworks in tho first preliminary to march into tbe Open, liven the fool ish chivalry of the Marquis de Montcalm which led lit in to his dealli on the Hoights of AbrHiinm had not that crowning folly. Such is not the history of the world: such is not even theexamp 8 of England. Tariff duties, whether levied for that purposo or for revenue, become a (lend letter when we are able to compote with I le- outside world. Wo nro the only rival that Eegland fears, for wo id me h tv in our borders the population aud the wages, tin, raw iiin lerisl Sad, within ourselves, the great mar ket which insures to us the most improved machinery. Oir constant power to in crease our wsges ius ires us also continu ous progress. If you wish to follow the Sample of England, I say yes, with all my heart, bnt her real example and nothing else. Lei us keep protection, as she did, until uo rival dines to iovad ' oar territory, and then wo may lako our chaucos for a future which, by tbut time, will not be uukuowu. Nobody knows so well as I do how much 1 have tailed to present even ot niv own oomnroheneion of the great argument .Which should control this vote. I have ..hid not, a word of the gruat fall of prices winch has always come final thu compel i tioii of tho Whole world rnud're l pos.lblu by protection and substituted for tie com petlon of a single Island. I have said not a word of the greet difference, between the attitude of employers who tind their own workmen their best customers in their own laud, aud who are, therefore, moved by their own bust interests to give their workmen fair wages, and those who sell abroad and are therefore anxious for low Wagee at home, and on whom works unre strictedly that pernicious doctrluo, as wages fall profits rise. These and much more have 1 omitted, for is a limit to all speaking. We know, my friends, that before this tribunal wo all of us pload in vain. Whv we fail let those answer Who road the touching worts ot Abralitm Lincoln's first luaugare! ami remember that ho plead iu vain with thesosatn 1 mon and their predecessors. Where he failed We cannot, expect to succeed. Hut though wo fail hero today, like our great loader of other days In the larger field before the mightier tribunal which will finally and forever do cile this question, we shall bo more than conquerors; for tins great nation, shaking off as it has once before the influence of a lower civilisation, will go on to fulfill its bigbdootlny until over the south as well as over the north, shall be spread the full measure of that amasiog prosperity which is the wonder of the world. Hut is not It a dreadful buslnees to tax people! Not necessarily, Taxes raised for a good purpose -like a schooloouse, a road, an army, lor payment of pensions, for t he public debt, and iudeol for all the pur poses of it free people ire not only not Dad, but very good. Taxes to build a pal ace for the King's mistress or to plum a barbarian queen ou a deserted throne would be dreadful: bat we are not likely, owing t6a series of fortunate accident, to be . ailed upon to (io even the last. On the question of tho eonstnutlonality of tariff taxation I shall spin, I no tune. I have not been here a long as 1 have with out learning that "constitutionality" and "unconstitutionality" ou the other efde of the chamber are mere phrases, and that when a gentleman of the other side, with Welling voice, denounces the tariff as no Constitutional ho merely moans that ho does not iike it. Inasmuch a nobody in a bundrod years has even asked the supreme court to pass on that quest! in, it seems hardly worth while to discuss it. If tho father of his country, frejh from the cnaveutiou, in signing the first Uudfl tax bill, signed an uiicoustilutionaAct, the gentleman from Qeorgia (Mr. Turner) and tbe whole Dem ocrat!.' party are butter than George Washington -a thing not hiterto charged gpon them. But do not the peoplo pay the tariff taxes, and do they not go into tho pockets of monopolists? Do you believe the con sumer pays the tax, or the foreigner:' Well, I am going to be perfectly frnuk about that and answer, sometimes one aud some times the ill 'i . and sometimes bith. Toe first thlnft the foreigner does when a tariff tax is laid is to see if bo can get into our market without paying anything. If so then ho will not reduce his prices. If he etinnot. he looks over his margin of profit and sees if he can, hy abating some part of these profits, get his goods in. So far ns he does aba:, thorn hnpays the tux. So far as he does not the rest of tbe tax is paid by tho consumer. WHAT THE TARIFF DOES. Here let me meet one Other question, and let me meet it fairly. Wo are charged with having claimed that the tariff alone will raise wages, and we are pointed triumph natly to the fact that the wages of Fniuco nud Germany, protected by a tariff, are lower than England, free of all tariff, nud to America with a high tariff and still higher wages We have never mado such a claim in any such form. Free trailers have sot up that claim tor us in order to triumphantly knock it over. What wo do say is thnt where two nations have equal skill and equal appliances and a market of nearly equal size and oueof them can hire labor ut one half loss, nothing but a tariff can maintain the higher wages, aud that we can prove. (tbeaebe two bales of goods side by side ntade by the satno kind of machinery nnd with the labor of the human being in both of tho same degree of skill, and if the labor of one bale cost only half, for exam ple, as much as the other, that other bale can never tie sold until tbe extra cost of tho costlier labor i squealed out ot it pro vided there is an abundant supply of the product of the cheaper labor. If tho bale with the cheaper labor of England in it meets tho bale with the dearer labor of America in it, which will be bought, at cost ,,f proUUOtleO? I leave that prob lem jusl there. The anle of the English bale will be only limited by England's pro duction. "No, no; tnriffdo?s not make tbe blind see, the Iniuo waU, nor does it. raise tho dead to life; bill it is u good, sound, sensible policy for the United Stales, for its growth In lichee nnd civilization, aud if it is Stricken down tho people who in their sec ret hearts will think us the most short sighted, will bo the foreigners who profit by our folly. THE HAWAIIAN CELEBRATION The First Anniversary ol the Abrogation Will Be Fittingly Observed. GRAND RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. The Day la Dovold of Any Kspocially Tntoreatluir Faatnras. Washinoton, Fob. I The samite (islmted during the whole or today's suasion thu resolution denying the au thority of the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds. None of tho Democra tic senators spoke. All the Ropiiblienn spnk"rs dsnisd the authority to issue bonds for the pur pose of ni 'etiug current expenses, ami Mr Oolph denounced the claim of right under the resumption act hh a bald usurpation anil ni a case of false pretenses. At the close of tho debate tbe resolution went over till tomorrow. . WHAT MOSES DISCOVERED. A Bioltke pr Olelrns to Havs Unaaitbed a Qlsnntio Fraud Wkst Ciikstkb, Pa., Feb. 1. -Comity Auditor John O, Moses made a discov ery today by which he believes lie has unearthed a fraud by which Ibo county hna been swindled out of between if lib) and $800, Mr. Moses, who is book keeper for the Daily News.oanm across a bill for advertising which Ii suya is a fraud. Other paid bills wera found that are also anid to be u swiulle upon the county and which brought the total of the alleged frauds up to tbe sum men tinned above. a ALL QUIET At MANSFIELD. Twelva Anarohlats In Prison Nearly All tho Mlnea In Oparatlnn. Mansfii'.i.d, Pa. Feb. t Twelve of the an iritblste captured in the raid at Bower lull minel yesterday were given a bearing by Squire McMilliu to-day and were held to answer at court Everything is qulat In tne district and there are hut two deputies on duly. Nearly all the mines are in opera tion. .'.Lai of good character applying for work nro hired. Mine owners hare luo appoarace of further iroubio. Minister Willis Declines to Take Part in the Festivities The British Rep resentative Sulks Plans for Future Development Resolutions Against Hie Chinese The American League Gaining Prestige. Honolulu, Jan. 17. TODAY is to be observed as abro gation day. It is ttie first anni versary ot the abrogation of the Hawaiian monarchy. (ireat enthusiasm is expected iu the celebra tiou. A reception is to be given in the council room, formerly throne room, mi l a m iss meeting In the evening on Palooe square, which hss been dubbed Union squ ire by the Annexation club United States Minister Willis has de clined for himself, nud for the admiral and United States naval officers, the presidsnt's Invita tion to the reception. He alcatel hia note by expressing the hope that more satisfactory relations may soon obtain between the two governments Bast 1,1 'tit, no reply to a similar tuvita tion had beou rtccivad from Minister Wodeboose, the British rpt -siita tive, who is an almost open partisan of the queen. No difficulty lias arisen between him nnd this government, II lately complained to the prtsjident of a disparaging remark repriute I here fiom Amerloau papers, but received satisfactory ussnrance, A hasty call ou the morning of the 13th by Minister Willis upon President Dole, gave rise to in my surmises, be cause uo such visit had before been made. President Lioie, however, says that the interview was wbolly amica ble aud called for the elucidation of an expression in Mr. Dole's long letter to Mr. Willis, which tho latter was about to forward to Washington. AMKIHCAN UUQUaffl SAPID GROWTH, Ths American league is rapidly grow ing and is coming to the trout us the chief political organization In support of tho provisional government and the cause of annexation. It is developing strong opnosition to what its members regard as an endeavor of tlm planter capitalists to control tho govern uient In their own interests, in opposition to those working classes of whiUa. The night before last a strong resolution was pissed opposing the further mitiortation of Chinese laborers. 5,000 of whom the government hud agreed to allow admission to the isl ands. Feeling iu the league goes deeper than this. I he desire is to see Hawaii become a white man's country, aud tiol mainly uivon up to great estates of cap italists manned by Asiatic laborers. To this end they prefer to see a portion of the profile of the planters sacrificed and loms of the sugar estates giveu up and tho land divided in farms for white immigrants. It is becoming evident tbut party linea are going to run mainly upon these issues tor the future. The plant ing interest is csrtaiu to make a strong light for itself. Planters, as a class, however, are unlike to autagoa-iz-i annexation, or any government which tends towards it. They will probably r-cognizi the n) cessily of ample concessions to popular demand In order to secure es tablishment ot ii stable government, h is not clear how far the natives will be permitted tocount in this cent"st. Iu- flux of Aai.itiid is generally regarded as destructive to aboriginal population, who r weak and are wasting away CUINESB AUK OBJEOTIONADLB. The resolution mentioned obova as adodted by the American league con tained the following expressions: Resolved That we view with the ap prehension t he almost eager lend mess with which the provisional government has co operated with tho importers of this horde or ( lilneso. Resolved, That while we are fully nlivo to the necessity of moderately cheap field labor, wo shall continue to object to Chi nese; viewing tueni as dangerous aud di tsstelul, not oulv to ourselves, but also to our steadfast friends in the l ulled Slates. . TO DISPENSE WITH CONFERREES. Republicans of Cheatsr nnd Delawara Counties Adopt a New Uvalem. CRUTBK, Feb. 1, The sub-coinmit-tee representing the Chester county ex cutive Committee, consisting of Ma jor E. B. Moore, of West Chester, s. s. xonng, of Coatee vi lie, and Colonel D, B smith, of Pasadena, not a like eouv mittee of Delaware county hna today oouisistiiig of John A. Wallace, of this city, obafrman; II. 0, Bnowden, of Me dia. and John S linger, of Morton, to formulate a plan for it district conven tion for the nomination of congress men from this district. Afier a long discussion it was agreed to do away with the conferee system and adopt the method of leUotlng can didates by delagntM, the new method going into effect nt the end of Con gressman Robinson's term The basis of appointment was decidod on us one delegate to each precinct, and one for eash additional 100 votes. This will give Chester county the whip band for a tlm, as the voters arc in excess ot those m ll'law.ire county The conventions will be held altern ately In the two counties. s DIPLOMAS WITHOUT PUBLICITY. Thriving Bcsiinsss Transacted by nn In dividual ; . Hi .i- tog-us Osit tlcnt-s. PiULASRLPIUA, Feb. I. A Swede giving l lid name of Dr. Kolf Pithgren was arrested here today, charged With selling bogus m dicnl diplomas to wo men, allowing them to practice mid wifery. The diplomas issued by the North Auiericin and ITiystclaug' Pro tective association ami were signed "It, ii. Edmunds. Medical DlMi tor." The price of the dlplotn t was 0, i'lth .reu says the association in n Massachusetts society, but l.u unti give nn information about the address ef Edmonds Pithgren is a man of fine penopal ippoiranoa and good address, and from the number of receipts found on him for diplomas that he has soi l In various parts of too country, nls operations have been quite extensive. The receipts show that'll has jour neyed through Connecticut, Now York uud tbe upper part of New Jersey sell ing his diplomas. A greater num ber of the receipts found on him were signed by women to whom be has sold diplomas in the cities of Newark, Eliz abeth und New Urunawiok. -1 - THEATRICAL LICENSES. Judas Furs!, of Huntingdon, Exempts the Traveling Companies. Huntingdon, Feb. L Today Presi ding J u ig ITurst, of this judicial dis trict, banded down an opinion iu a case slated on the theatrical law, iu which the manager of a dramatic company was mad defendant by having object ed to the payment of the $')J fee to the county treasurer here. Judge Furst decides that Manager Qreonbnrg, of tho Huntingdon Operu bona-, must yearly pay tue $31 license fee tin ler the act of assembly and that companies showing hers uro exempt from payment of tne license under the provisions of the net. " --as- THE VALLEY IN LUCK. Through the Sala of Securities I'. May Liqiidale Floutina Debt i. Philadelphia, Feb 1 Through the sale of 3,0O0,0004 per cent, bonds of luo city of Newark, N. J., tho Le high Valley Railroad company is en riobad to the extent of 1, 790, 000, The bonds were paid by tue city to the East Jersey Water company for water supplies. The Lehigh Valley owns a half interest in the water company and tho ruilroad receives one half of tbe profits from the sIe. This places the Lehigh Valley iu a position to pay off so much of its float ing debt at or before maturity. THE JERStY 0 LADLOCK. Attorney Ojneral S'.ocltton Exp-esses an Opinion Upon the Mattsr. Jersey City. N. J., Feb. 1 At torney General Stockton in his opinion to Governor Worts regardiug the sens tonal deadlock, says: "I have no doubt of the jnrlsdiolion of the supremo court in a case were tin-re are two conflicting legislatures, each claiming a right to exercise legislative functions, to de termine by which body legislative authority can be lawfully exercise 1.'' The opinion declare:! that the Rjpub lioons should stop :.. ! w. :: .. aad go into the courts to settle the right of majority at ouce. THE ONLY VICTIM. mm Oeorge Wash .. 8imp9on Did Not Know It Was Loaded. WASHINOTON, Feb. l. The only vic tim ol tne hostilities between Da Guma and Beiiham in Rio Janeiro harbor, so far os reported is Past Assistant Pay master George Washington Simpson, of thu cruiser Detroit. Mr. Simpson accidentally shot himelf in ths leg while handling a reyoiver. The in jury is alight. It is presumed nt the department tbut Mr, Simpson was puitiug his weupou iu order for the expected bat tle when the accident occurred, .- ARRESTED CN S'JSPICIOM. Adam Car beach Accused of Haviss Strangled ,Tac:b Wagcaman. QbttTSBURQ, Feb. 1. Adam Car hangh, tbe man charged with having murdered Jacob W. vVaggaman by stranding him. was arrested today aud is in the comity jail tonight. Ho was erreeted at bis home in Franklin county near the Adams county line The facts of tbe ci8' now in posses sion of the OOinmetlWStUth will not j list i Ty a verdict! ot more thau uinrdor in the second degree, av IN OUR OWN COr.MONWEllTH. The Democratic city convention at Car lisle renominated .toiin H. liiller.a lemliug law yer, for mayor. At midnight Mr. Chili's physicians is sued the following bulletin: "Mr. Child's had a bettor day, though there is no strik ing change in his condition.'' Execution has been issued from the Delaware county court against the ltricgs Brick company, of Norwood, upon judg ment notes aggregating 118,000. The Booth Chester police have arrested "Jersey" Gerand, who is charged with ii. Ins implicated In the murder of Charles McUloneon the night of .inn id. An official revert, of the appraisers of the defunct UeedVllle Bavlngs hang shows the nso . to be s.M.i'iM; linlniities.Sl'JT.OiK). The stockholders are Individually liabie. A tire of unknown origin badly dam aged the malt house nnd contents of tbe Bberbordt A Ober Brewing comoany. lo cated 00 Troy bill, Allegheny City, The loss Is sa'i.lXHl; insurance, J2.00'l. An early resumption of work at the Key stone Hulling mill nnd the I'lttsbnrg Tube works la probable. The hiiIIh have been idle since June They furnish employ ment to Tun men when iu operation. The Far mi ni Cotton nulls at Lancaster announce a rednotlon in wages of hi per cent. The nulla which employ over 800 bauds. Will bareafter run four days every week instead of on nlteruato weeks. The twetlty-flve collieries of the Head ing Coal company iu BhoOSndoab, employ ing 10,000 men and boys, shut down last evening tor an Indefinite period. The shut down was caused by over production. Anion.: the fourth class post masters ap pointed are the followloi! Alice Daley, Benesott. Elk county; V. A. atsebaa, Long Valley, Bradford; Albert Muling, Red cblTe, Forest; D, M. Smith, Scott Center, Wayne; ,1. It, .Mc.Maiianey, Cambria. The PaOttiX Iron company 1ms just re ceived the contract from the Southern ra. cific railroad to put up near New Orleans an Iron bridge over two miles loan which Will take 50,000,000 pounds of iron. The contract will keep the works busy two years. The West Chester authorities have dragged the city reeervolr for the body of Joan Beltler, the ot muster who itisap p nnd in, in llowollvillo with u lot of money received from Italians and llnu gnriana It wa sappuaed ho bad com niitted anlcide, 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVENUE. Iff SILKS Extraordinary Value. We have opened a line of Figured Louisienne Silks I' or Waists and Dresses. 85c, a Yd. The former j rice, $1.83. (1 hey cannot be duplicated) Also a new line of Solid Black Brocaded India Silks and Satins In newest designs. Our Plain Black Satin Duchesse at 89 cents. Former price, $1.25. FEET'S THE GUTTA PERU & RUBBEB ITS U'i FAMOUS Maltese Cros3 RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. Warn W IATM Eil rUCasr. Feb. 1. Forecast fur Friday: on eiutern Vim suteanto, fair; slnM oaaaaft hi MMMerature duWnp Friday, M rowed 8btnrdtuba leamtrr, teeif ufxasbs eomfnr MnacM, furwuttin fVamjZaa n fo, fair; ttototy rising teMiueraiare; rurf. ublu Ktiadl, sA id'oy (o inula. CHAS. A. PCH1ERKN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak tanned Leather Ctl'dng, H. A. Kingsbury AGKHT 313 Sprues St., ScraDtfli Pt Lewis, Reiiiy & Davies Reliable Footwear. Mm Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davie3. Will dIoM every roBlns at 6.80 r.M. XCOpt SaturJnv. We Examine Eyes Free of charge, fa doctor is needed you are promptly toM so. We also guarantee a per- I'tvl lit. WATCHES AT cos t for one week only. w .1 mm. ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.