6 THE SCIiANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1. 1594. LIVE HEWS OF TWO P1TTST0NS Events of the Upper End of Luzerne County Briefly Narrated. ITS THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY Preparations That Are in Progress Among Pittston Churches to Com memorate the Organization of tho First Christian Endeavor Society. Entertaining Programme Arranged for Tomorrow Evening's Observ anceMinor News Notes of the Twin Cities. The SriiANTOS Trihvxk's Tittaton ile partment is In oluurge of J. M. Fahy, to Whom news items ami complaints may bo retVrrt'il.l Tomorrow evening will occur the thirteenth nniverMry of tii orani i ttion of the tirst (.'lirUtian Kudnavor society. In OOUinomoratton of the in teresting ev-nt all tb local unions in this place huva been for WMkl actively engaged In making arraogtmoDta for a nnton meeting anil social. It will be held in the first 1'rosbrtnrian church, Broad street, tod an entertaining pro gramme lias bfn nrriiiged for the oc casion. Dr. Partridge, of Boranton, had consented to address the ni-Jeting, but a letter reoelred Tubs lay brought the an welootat newi that the reverend gentleman had been auldsnly taken lerionalj ill and oonld not pouibly fill his engagement, beiug unable even to attend to Ins pastoral duties, G 'tioral Secretary S. M Bard, of the Wilkea Barro Youug Men's Christian associa tion, has yery kin lly consented to till the racauey. ami he will simak to the young people on Fridiy evening. Hil ddrete will be appropriate to the p'ir-pos- of the meeting thftt of arousing tlie Christian EnaeaTOWn of these towns to a sense of their responsibility bs members of toe society and of the church. Uther features of the programme will b: Devotional exercises by Re?, Dr. Park, lnt by Misses Bash and Monie, review of lookout committee work, by Mr Foley; review of mission ary committee work by some one yet to be name J ; solo by HiM Jessie Par riil. The meeting will bt opened at 7 30 p.m. ami it is hoped to complete the programme as near to !) o'clock as pos sible, in order that a social hour may be enjoyed in the lecture room. To this not only mem bers of the Christian E ideavor society, but all friends of th work who attend the meeting are invited. It is expjcted there will be a few masical numbers rendered, an 1 light refreshments will be served More important than all else, it will be a time for our Ciristian Endeavorers to become acquainted with one an it her, and all are requested to take full advantage of the oppor tunity. PITTSTON CONOiflSflTIONS. Horpenicffa Bnn but Prig-h'ly Told for Quick Farcnal, At a meeting of the stockholders of the Pittston Stove confpiny held Tues day, a board of directors to serve for the emning year was caosen. The work of repairing the Hook and Ladder rooms on Charles street is last nearing completion. Notwithstanding there is an ordin ance prohibiting snow to lay a certain lenzth of time on the sidewalks of the borough, the punishment incidents thereto appear to have no terrors for the derelict property owner of this place. The ladies of Trinity guild will hold a sociably m the Sunday school room this evening. The mother's meeting held by Mm. Galbraith, the city missionary, will bo at the homo of Mrs. Kedcliff. on Wash ington street, tomorrow at 3 p. m. All ladies are welcome. Angnstiv Vinceryo, an Italian suf fering with the grip, was admitted to the hospital yesterday. A meeting of the hospital staff will he held at the hospital at :! o'ctock this (Thursday) afternoon By order of Dr. (i. Underwood, president. Tho board of trustees of the Pittston Cemetery associ ition will bold a buii ness meeting this evenin.'. In addition to the several amounts heretofore received by Treasurer Wat on of the Pittston hospital tiie follow ing amounts hare been rer-ived dur ing the past few days: $M..ri') from UiM May Mathews, treasurer of the Loving Servjce Circle of King's Daughters, to pay for operating table, mattress and pillow; 10 from John Howell; Rev. J J Z o-orzlaslci, $10; cash, $1 Lithuanians, !)60; Slavo nians, 16.18; Gnard, 5; total, $31 81 The 'uneral of the lata Mrs. E. Sut ton look place, at 2 o'clock yester lay afternoon from her lata home on Fnl ton street. Rev. P. J. Kaio conducted the funeral services, hu the remains were interred in W-et Pittston ceme tery. The pall beams' were .1. M, Snowden, J. E Embleton, M Delaney, A Axhorn, J. Knaat and F. W. Bed rick. Kv. J. B. Sumner, pastor of the Broad Street Methodist church, has gone to Spring Hill, liradford county, in re far nee to a telegram announcing the serious illneja of his father. Upon his arrival he found that the death messenger had preceded him but a few minutes. Mr. Sumner whh aired 82 years. He Htillcrod an attack of the grip some weeks :igo, but had recovered from it nnd was able to be about whan he suffered a relapse. The deceased is survivod by his wlf, four inas and four daughters, as follows: A. B., of Spring Hill; Rev J. B., of this place; C. J., H merchant at New Albany; and (i. GrV, of Spring Hill. A fifth son, Banjamiu, died in the late war of the rebellion. The daughters are: Mr. Sylviria Lyons, of Spring Hill; Mis. Miry Camp, of Nich nlson; Mis. Minnie Shuunvay, of Spring Hill; and Miss Nora. The funeral will occur at 1.30 p. m. today. ''Hip Van Winkle" was the attrac tion at Music Hall last evening, and fully as entertaining as the siveral at tractions winch have been presented by Mr. Shea and his company since their arrival in town. The work was meritorious and the applause generous This evening "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hydo" will be the attraction The fair which has been in progress at Avoca for some time under the aus pices of the St Mary's Catholic church, presented an unusually lively scene Tuesday evening owing to the closing of the contest which has been under way for several months between Misses Nellie Curran, Alice Morahan nnd Cassie Moran, three young ladies of Avoca, for a diamond ring. Large crowds were in attendance from. Car boudale, Jerinyo, Providence, Scran ton, Taylor, Pittston, Inkerman and Olyphant. Mist Nelfie Curran was the winner. She collected the sum of $1,710.05; Miss Morahan, $87o.9o; Miss Moran, $S65, the sum realized being $.151. The contestants are to be congratulated on their efforts In the contest for the barrel of candy between the hoys and girls, the girls were the winners, collecting $101), ami the boys $87; total, $286. Several valu able articles were disposed of by chauce Water color portrait of Rev. M. F. Crane was won by Martin Mc Govern, of Murr; the pastel painting presented by Mrs. H. M. Stever was won by Miss Mary Reiller, of Mill Creek; a handsome plush rocker, by John A. Doherty. MINOOKA NEWS' IN BRIEF. Facts and Doings That Will Interest All Our K idrt Gvrciiil to thr $frantin Tribune. VlNOOKA, Pa., Jan 31 J 1 Mc Crea, ol this plaoa, has been visiting at Pittston since Sunday. A horse belonging to Liverman Jor dan, of the South Side, got frighteuo I by a street car nnd badly smashed the cutter. Prank Kane, jr., is able to be about again after a week's illness. Michael, the 6-year old son of Johu Plnm, of drove street, is ill. Last Sunday St. Joseph's Total Ab stinence and Benevolent society held its regular meeting, at which the fol lowing offloen were installed: Presi dent. Peter Higgina; vice president, J. J. Nalliu; recording secretary, J. B Mai ley; rinjinclal secretary, H. J. Egan; treasurer, Patrick DrlMOll, zer Keant-atarmi, John Corey; messenger boy, William Diskin; janitor, J, () Wallace; trustees, Owen Connelly and Patriok Dolan, The tirst car that mede attempt to run to Greenwood today got oil the traok several times ou account of the big banks of snow. The Young Men's institute is becom ing more popular every day, Nearly all the young men of this place belotig to it. ' 1 Bona mischievions boys have been nuking it a habit to place dynamite caps on the street car track as the cars are goiii: by, which makes it very un pleasant for the paiseug- rs. Martin Onjitk, of Main street, is contemplating a visit to Sbarpvtllo. Pa W. P. Judi'e, the popular hotel keeper of this place, will be our next supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Modingan, formerly of this place, have returned home from the Black Hilli ufter an absence of about ten years Greenwood miuo was idle today. Q, W. Fasshold is going to inakj a hard rignt for supervisor. D. J. tuiun and J. J. McCreay visit ed Pittston friends Sunday. No other sarsapnnlla has the merit to hold the confidence of entire communities year Biter year, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It possesses curative powers peculiar to itself. H'oi's Pills are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from the best ingredients. 28c JINGLE OF THE BELLS. CROWDS AFTER BOOKS Surprise at The Excellent Quality or tbe Stand ard Works Furnished. Oil ForK9 HoateirUa Ara Visited by Many Sleighing Parties. Special to the Scmnton Tribune. Old Fouoe, Pa., Jan. 31. A good mauy frieuds of the well known hotel proprietors, Clark Bros., came from a distance to visit them this evening, availing themselves of the snow. The air was resonant with the merry sound of the many ileigh b-lls. Died at 5 o'clock on Tuesday morning at Glen Lyon, Sarah Jane, th 20 year old daugnter of William Hughes, a former resident here, aud who was con templating returning for the benefit of his daughter's health. She will be much missed and regretted by all who were privileged to know her for she ti iss-ssed sterling iinalities. bUe was a loving daughter, aud the sympithy of all goes out to the widowed father. William Herbert has just completed the big c dlar for tbe hotel and store at Austin Heights, belonging to Mr. Free man, of Pittston. Max Rosenblnth entertained some of his friends this evening. Our genial tnercnant of the Old Forgo cash store, T. J. Conway, has increased his business so much that he has been impelled to put another wagon on the road. Miss Maggie Bntler. the obliging bookkeeper at the Oid Forge cash store, is confined to her home in Moosio through sickness. John Lallv, of New York, u visiting his old friends here, John and T. Dur- kio. INTERESTING AVOCA NOTES. Some Out of-Town Visitors to the Fair. 0;htr Ntws Sf.irinl t the St ranton Tribune. AVOOA, Pa., Jan. 31 M Loftni, K. Binks and Father Curran, Carbon lale; Father Greevos, Pittson, and Or Ly nott, of Jerrayn, wore at the fair Tues dav evening. Ttv. ft. N. Makely, of Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly of the Lnngcliffa church, will occupy the pulpit of the Moosic clinrch Sunday, Feb. 4. Mri. William Dixson spent today in Plains. " In Holland, Mich., C. J. Doesbmy pub li lew the New", and its columns strongly recom mentis Dr. Thomas' Hileotrlc Oil for conghe, colds, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. VHj'-n P-l r im slek, wn frnvt her f'nstorla. Whi n kIh- was a Child, she Cried forOattOTili Win n sh" ln-i-nme Mlse. Rim ofa&f t ('iislnria. When hIiu had Children, she gavtttheui C'ustorla, THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OP ALL. A Trip Through the Colom bian Exposition. 72 leaves; printed OU one side only. Showing nil the places i Interest on main grounds and Midway Plaisanee, Size, 5x7. Embossed paper cover or full doth. o Two Coupons and 25 CENTS fakes mbo8se cover. Tw i Coupons and 40 CENTS tak. s c'oth cover. Add 4 nt for poatnxe if ordornil by mail. The Scranton Tribune. tillllUU MAND FOR THEM All Handsomely Bound and Well Printed on Superior Paper in Large Clear Type, with Illuminated Covers, Resembling the Works Contained in the Albright Library -List of the Titles of Books Contained in the Oxford and Rugby Series. Crowds of people anxioae to see the booke of the Oxford, ltugby and Co lumbus Beriee yesterday filled TlIK TuiBUNS office, and their curiosity w.ia 000 uinied to pleasure, for they bad not expected to behold guoh an excel lent quality of standard worku, ho handsomely bound, such line paper and in Blieh clear and large type. It should be borne in mind that all the books of all the series, which have illuminated) covert, are bound in cloth, many of thorn m the English vellum cloth. As a couseiiueiice the demand for the books exceeded all expectations. The general remark of surprise was that they resembled almost exactly the tiiio works in the Boranton library. They had not looked for such exell- cnoe. All these books in the different series have arrived, and as there is a raid on seme special authors It will pay those desiring tirst choice to cut coupons and send in their cash without delay. following are the titles of the books comprised in the Oxford and Rugby series: OXFORD EDITION. (25 Cent Each.) Chestnuts, Old and New. Eatl l.ynue. linker. Secret. Children of the Abbey. Bfflo Ogilyle. Tom Cringle's Lob, Vicar of Wakefield. Arabian Nights Entertainment Deldee, or the lion II oM Kugene Aram. The Countess Eve. The Confessions of a Woman Zanoni, i-l Hntaw. Baled Hav, Wooed and Married. Two Years Uetore the Mast. Zenobia. All S irts aud Condition of Men Red Kyer. Tom lirowu at Oxford. Red Oautilett. Tom Biowu's School Days. Shirley. A Strange Story. Oliver Twist. Mcusieur Leeoq. Mill on the Floss. Dick's Sweetheart. John Halifax. Keneltn Chillingly. Last Days of Pompeii. The Spy. Pilgrim's Progress. The Foragers. Daughters of Heth. Felix Holt. Heart of Oold. Kestell of Greyston. Fair women. The Bondman. Chaplot of Pearls. Frederick the Great aud His Court, Armorel of Lyonosse. Charlemont. Belt Help. Hlanchhampo Lime Kiln club. An April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. Crinps, Tho Carrier. Ruffino. Tbe Honorable Miss. Lady Maude's Mania. Marcia. The Parisians. Border Beagles. Bride of Laramermoor. Life of Daniel Boone. The Rival Princes. Molly Bawn. Murdered in tho Rue Morguo. Reproach of Annersley. Keuilworth. Last of the Mohicans. Shandon Bells. Old Myddletou's Money. ROfflOUi The Mysterious Island. Mvstery of Orcival. Tho Second Wife. Monastery. Search for Basil Lyndhuist. Rob Roy. Tho Homo of the Seven Gables. Violet Vivan. The Wages of Sin. Vivan 1 Irey. Strange Adventures of a Pheaton, Beyond Pardon. Tbe Antiquary. Birds nf Prey. The Firm of Girdleston. Fern Leaves. Charles Auchestor Foul Play. Geld Lime. Martin OhOlllewit. ( handos. Catherine. Pathfinder. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers, A Pair of Blue Kyes. The Prairie. The Human and Divine. Vnnciisso. Th Story of an African Farm. Cousin Pons. Crown of Wild Olives. Life of Kit. Carson, David Copperlleld. Child's History of Kuglnnd. The Fairy of tho Alps. Nil Name. My Loid and My Lady. Tour of the World in 0 Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the LSea. T he fnentom snip, .lane Kyro. .1 unn. Knickerbocker History of New York. Lndv A nil ley's Secret. A llanlr ilnrsi-inau. House on the Marsh. Tho l wl Houro. oid larioalty shop. Nick of tho Woods. Wit, Humor and Pathos, (jiionn Hnrtense. in the Bchilllogaoonrt. Pioneerti My Heart's Darling. Life of David Crocket. Lady Castletnaios's Divorce, The BIO of .Inost, Aveliugh. w Icraft. Half Hoar with Omi Huiiiorisie. Half Hour with Great Story Tellers. Silas Warner. Half Hour with Great Novelists. History of the United States. Southward, Oh. Her Dearest Foe. Great Ripeotationi. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gilded Clique. The Vendetta. .L.op's Fables. Waverley. Vixen. Faith nnd Uiifnith. 'JTm Deemster. A False Start. Soenes from Clerical Lifo. Charlot te Tetnplo. Orifflth Gaunt. Vrscouselos, ltaeterman Knady. Muster PsSSlOD. Old Mumselle's Hecfot. The Lerongo Case. March in the Hunks. Sloane Square Scandal. Tho Wigwam and Cabin. Guy M.mnerlug. Flying Dutcbmau. Macleod of Dare. Marry Lorrequer. Guilderoy. Don (juixote. Duuald Grant. Cast Up by the Sev Other People's Money. Othnmar. Uaruiiby Hudge. Dennis Duval. Dora Thome. The Hove in tho Fagle's Nest. i The First Violiu. Madcap Violet. Mellichampe. Hichard Hurdis. ThO Parting of the Ways. Forty Liars and other Lies. The Yicouilo's Bride. P.utaw. Par From tho Muddeuiug Crowd. Anrellan, Dramas of Life. PantOM or Infamous. Mury St. Johu. Alice. Shadows aud Sunbeams. A his I Para, tin- Phoepiolan. Swisi. Fsmily Robinson. Ron O'More. Ladies' Fsmily PhySlOlaQ. All Egyptian Princess. Anderson' Palry Tales. nnity Fair. The Miionstoiie. Brie Birghteyes. Twenty Yeurs After. The Scarlet Letter. The Partisau. The Scout. Merle's Crusade. Hsron Munchausen. Katluiriuu Walton. Conigshy. The Arundel Motto. Is Life Worth Living. Princess Suushiue. Uarda. Willy Heilly. Thaddeni of Warsaw. The Wooinr O't. Byrlin, Twice Told Tales, Hiiodii Plemming. Tim Young Duke. Strauge Case of Dr. Jokyll and Mr. Hyde. RUGBY SERIES. 120 Cents Each.) Deep Down. The Hoys in tho Forecastle. Roanoke Maud to liurfreesboro. Popular Natural History Barbara's Triumph. Stories from Auieiican History. The Smugglers' Cave. Ei ling the Bold. Adventures A motor the Indians. The Hide nnd the Houud. tlilbert the Traveler. Parents' Assistant. Audubon the Naturalist. Hsrlie's Letters. Banff's Fairy Tides. Fort Sumter to Roanoke Island. School Life, or Tureo Years at Wolver ton. Ocean Waifs. The White F.leplinnL My Tour in linrone. Nature's Young Noblemnn. Qasooyne. Frank Wildman's Adventurers ou Land mil Water. Auut Diana. The t iolileii Magnet. Round the World. Stones About Animals. Young Voyagers. Grade Goodwin. German Palry Tales. Fuuious Men. Boys' and Girls' Story Book. Boy Conqueror. Young Folks History of Greeco. Adventures of Famous Sailors. Boys of the Bible. Tbe Adventures of Rob Uoy. Young Folks Book of Birds. The Young Foresters aud Other Talos. Salt Water. Boy Slaves. Young Adventurer. Old Mem 's Travel on the Contiuent. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Grahame. Grey Hawk. Fairy Tales from Bretano. Wild Sports in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South ern India. Cliff Climbers. Pirate Island. Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es. Young Acrobat. Dick ( hevelry. Perils of the .lungle. Through the Looking Glns. Dick Rodney. Our Young Soldiers. Bneb Boys. Oriental Fairy Tales. Young Folks' History of Rome. Spanish Fairy Tales. Eric Dane. Eight Years' Wanderutgs in Ceylon. Port Pillow to the Eud. Tho Fire Brigade. Grandfather's Chair. Jackanapes and Other Tales. Young Folks' Hi-tory of Germany. Mulfreesboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. I "In ii t Hunters. Tho Wr Tiger. Panl Blake. Baron Munchausen. Kdfewortn's Classic Tales Jack Wheeler. Young Folks 'atural History. Young Folks History of France. Wonders of the Great Hoop. The Wolf Boy in Obina. The Magician's Show Box. Murk Seaworth. Luke Bennott's Hide Cut. Adventures of Famous Travelers. Sandford nnd Met ton. In the Wilds ut New Mexico. The Tiger Prince. The Red F.ric Number Ul, COLUMBUS SERIES. (16 Centa Each.) Airy Palry Lillian. An 1 lid Man's Darling. Allan Qatrterualn. As in n Looking Glass. Arabian Nights' Entovtniunient. At the World's Mercy. Bonnie Dora. Brido of the Tomb. Camilla. Child's History of England. A Dateless Bargain. The fleer Slaver. Tho Dukn's Secret. Dedlee. or the Iron Hand. Dick's Wanderings, Uoiibly Wronged. A Desperate Woman. A Dreadful Temptation. A Deathbed Mnriiage. East Lyiine. Essays of Ella. The Prole) Pirate. Grimms' Household Fairy Tales, Guy Kenmore's Wife. The House on the Marsh. The Hon Mrs. Vereker. llmiily Andy. - Ivenhoo. Jacquelina. June Eyre. John Hnlifax. Gemleiuun. Litdy AuuTov'a Secret. Lust Days oT Pompeii. The Last of the Mohicans. Lurna Donne. A Life's Remorse. Little Gulden's Daughter. Little Naun. Mr. Fortesqiie; an Andrean Romance. Too Master of the Mine. Matt; a Tnlo of the Caravan. Molly Bawn. The Nun's Cnrse. Old Main'selle's Secrot. Oliver Twist. The Patlitlnder. Tho Pioneers. The Prairie. A Prince of Darkness. yueeule's Terrible Secret. The Reproach of Auneiluy. Robimion Crusoe. Rotnola. Rory O'Moore. Tho Rabbi's Spell. Tho Hoho and the Lily. She. Tho Sketch Book. The Swiss Family Hobluson. Second Thoughts. Strange Case of Dr. Jeykyll nnd Mr Hyde. Tom Brown's School Days. Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Twuntv Thousnnd leasees Under tbe Bea. The Two Orphans. . Two Years Before the Mast. Under-Currents. A Vagraut Wife. The Witch's Head. Willie Roilly. Won by Waiting. A Woman's Face. A Wife's Crime. Adam lleili-. Crooked Path. lardinal siu. Blind Love. Hoyln's Games. Wife in Nmno Only. Jauet's Repentance. Master of llaliautrao. Ivnn tho Serf. Ladj Vulswurth's Diamonds. For Fall hand Freedom. Wee Wille. Christmas Stories. Got Qaariten. A Family Affair. A iMentsl Struggle. Por Another's Sin. Mysterious Island. Redeemed by Love. Princess of Thuie. Wo Two. Al War with Herself, .Mi! sing Husband. Between Two Sins. Baron Munchausen. Evil Genius. Ha efatfisjD ceati extra ..r pottage aap of in-- i.uohg ii in ut: srni uy mini. Closing out the bal ance of our Hal mm A Jjjj 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Be Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Eemnante of Dry Goods. Cloaks mid Fur Capes (luring wilt; ul less than '(isi ni' material., Every inch ol' counter room oovered with th: greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's stylos IOo. eaoh. Boys' Winter Waists Qc each. M,uff9 30c. each! Cloaks y 5Q eHC(j, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR ANU NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE COME. IT WILL l'AY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. at following prices: Bnsstae Lynx Oireolar Cspa '.'i iucin8, h.'m Elaetrio Suul Cironlar Ospea, .1 In s.iw AstrukiiHn Olrenlar unpen, -t in nyn Wool 11 hi Olrenlar Cap lit in litw Stone Marten Circular Oapee. i in i-'ii Brown Mnrti-u cfenlar Oapee. -i in UW Otter Circular L'upen. M iu MM Seal Sacques Suni Baeqnes. IB inoi os long IMOiOO Suai JaeketSi U Inebee 10U.00 Beal Jaeketa M inchH lonir su ou Astrakban Jsoketa 1 Inonai lou u.uu Circular Capes Si'nl Olrenlar t'ape, JO InchoH long, With Butterlly Capo t&.OO Otti-r Circular Cupu, :J iticlli-H long,wltb Butterfly ('aim lu.j.on Sulile Circular Cape, IJU inclioa Ioiik 96 UD Astrakhan Circular Capf, 10 InOMS long H nu Kleetrie Snui omnia Oape. ue in. long.. 2d (i iiray Orinmar CiroularOapa, ao in. long ju uo tt dozen Anu-rioaii Bal Mulls at....fl '15 each 1 lot f ohllrlren'l noU at S8r. each 1 lot ot t-luigh l; pluiU lined $i each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. jr. BOLZ PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir ol the Fair. QUITE BABY WHEN YOl KNOW HOW 800 IN l'KIZi:s WIlil. BR DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING Till PCZZLE IN THE sHoKTI si -P ( K Ol TIME FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, OR SENT T V ADDRESS UPON KECEIPT OF PRICE, 2S CENTS, UY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING. CO., lta AND 114 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. MOOSIC POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commoiwealtti Bld'u SCIIANTON, 1VV MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSIC and KUSli DALE WOHICS. Lnfllin & Rand Powder Co 's ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Kune-i for explod ing blaxts Safety Eusu aud RcpaunoChctnical Co. 's High Explosives Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. E n n p Pimples, Blotches S LJ LJ LJ and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria TH E Thatcher IS THE BEST. Uet prices and ace tba lurnnce and be con vinced. A full line ot HEAT ERS, Appello and Unnzs Door Rungea CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. a- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT g AND POTASSIUM gr Hakes g marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula p p. p. purines thp blootl, baiMsap th weak and aobilUatiHl, :(- strongtJi to wtHki'iU'd DerTMSpM dliMaettfflTllurtliopatteni health and hHii'lnefd wht'fo alokneaa, al'nT i.M'hiK? and l.i.itndt' ilrt prer.Ult'cf. - Poi DriiaMyaMoondAry and tertiary BTpblUsi forblooil ioiaontn. mereu rwpOlaoDi malaria, dfipepcUi and In all bloiM aud akin iUm'hwc. liko blotoDMi MnplMi old ohronto afoena 0S t"ttpr, ai-aid hiMti, boil?. n -u ot ienia wo mar mt, without fiar of l poDtridlctJon.tint P. ?. P. It tbe best 4 blood purMU r In tho world. and make positive, speedy aud permanent cures In w caaes. Ladles who.e aratrii' are i - i and whose Hood in m an impure eondt" lion, due (6 menttrul lrret;ularltten, are i-eitllarly bnt'flred by tho w.-n-dorinl tonto and blood oleenelD pri i artltaol r. P. r. 1-rWklj Aah, rok Koot and Potaaainm. . ppsiiranuDj Uo., Aug, nth. l can spoak in tlio blgSeel tefm4 vfur medtolDi from ni own persona ftnowledM, l vraaene ti with hoart dlteete, plenrU) end rhoumnti-m tor ' ooyeen, was treared by t hp vrn beet M nhvKlidnna ami iDent hundred fars, tried eren known remed) nlth- 4 out llndinir relief. I have only taken one bottle of four P f Pi i"1' en' rhooTfuiiy nay l nai done me room OOOd i hau anvihini; 1 !i;ivo o Liken. lean ree.mniend ) onr medic l uo to all 4 Bufforers oi the 10011 0 dUe isee. grjj M U. M, M. YKARY. fiprtntrtiv Ki, Qreeo Oonntj . Ko, and Kidney Troubles Art- cndrclj -mooo by P.P.P. -Prlcklv Ash. Polte Boot and Potas sium, tbe grt-atvat blood purlQur on CbTtU. AnFRnnn. 0.. July 21. 191. Mkhrrs. LH'Pmax Bros.. SaTnr.nah, Oa. : Dear Sirj-I tKui;ht a bottle of yonr P P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and It ha;, done me more good than three moll t lip' CTMUMnt at the Uul tfprlnb'S. Rend three bcttles C. O. D. Bvapvet fully j-oura. JA8. M. KEWTOK, Aberdeen, Brorn County, O. Cnpl. J. I. Johnalon. To oil whrm it mav tcneerm I here by testify to the v , ndertul proper! ie of P. I .P. for eruption. of the akin. I nffered f.r several yeara with an un alftUtiv and disagreeable eruption oa my face. I tried every known reme dy but In vain. until P. P. p. was used, and aw now entirely eured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah. i3a. Skin I r. n err t .u oil. TtiHmgny.'rom the A'lt.ver of Sequirt.TtX. IMQUIM Tri.. January 14, 10:?. Mri-sR". Umiill Bros , Savannah, Oa. - '. v I hive tried your P. T. P. for a disease of the. skin, usually known a skin .-aneer.of thirty nw aianilmit, and louu.l sreat relief; tt DUriflM yil blood and removes nil ir ritation from tlie seat of tho disease and prevent, any spreading of the ores. 1 have taken live or su bottlea and feel eontirtent that another oourse, v. ill elteet a euro. It has also relieved me from lodlRvstlon and stomach trouble, lours truly, CAPT. W. M. KVST, Attorney at L;iw. M ori Blood Diseases Moiled free. ALL DKTJOOISTt SELL IT. LIPPMAM BROS. PBOPE1BTOBI, I.lppmitn'i III.M-k.NHt annah.Ca US 'NERVESrTEOS. fH, v. -ti:l MSMtb tSSf MANHOOD RESTORED! eu-ev sii.-h n. Weak Memory, l . . , i Hriilu PoWtr, HMdacha, n RkefttlMM. l.iM Hanhood.Nlghtly Knilsslons, Nervousness. MldnlBaknoloMOt POWK InQeuerAUtfSOmntOf OttbfVMXMttMd t'y overejertt .Mi.youChl'Mlel-l-ers, inMIH use of to'.iftoco. opium oi stlninlnnts. whleli loud to lntlruilty.1 im- siiinptloiiorlii.anltj. fan ho etui ledln vest poeknl. perhoi. o tor. In mm I iirenm,' W it!' n .t oMel 0 atM- it rlden mlnrantee li cure hi - .nil iil.ni.IT. t'ln-utnr fr.-e. Sold hv all di'Ui-dsl. Ask for It. Iaa bCFOHt AND AFTI.R USINb' ottoi ki - aSUVK Ilti CO., Masonic Temple, OUOASAUaa ForSalt in Borutoh, Pu .by n. C. SANOKHSON. Drujylrti yir Wathingtoq 'mil Snruco streets. JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DKALERg IN OILS BURNING and LUBRICATING AtUntle lead mid 1 rencli In,-. Pura Linseed Oil, 1 in prni 1 1 1 1 und VarnUlioa Itendy-niliad Vnlnta rn nil volora, OIKtort' wi.iiin-;. l'urla White unit Knlsomliio, Oil Vltrol, Marble Hint anil Window tilils I HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very rensonabln. Space will not permit uu to mention the p;ooil thinn for a Christinas din nsr. Stock in coinplelt?. AnytliitiD; to be foutnl in tirat-cliiss umrket, W. H. PIERCE, l'ENN AVE. m ADS. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE rnte ul ONE CENT A WORD. at th