I THE SCRANTON TRTBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 1. 1894. ONE CENT A Word M'i(j 0 all ktndl cos' that much, tx re,f Sitt'Ulions 'niitfil,whih me im'ittit FUSS. Situations Wanted. SitCj vTrJ5wvNTl;U)'KvvwA YOl' N u 0 married man; vary popular and geutoet. desires a postnou tu learn to tend l.ar;or hotel clerk in a flrHt claa. PlBCS. Address . Triuune office. (J 1TUAT10X i WANTED AS LUNCH- counter man of Oortsnaer cu.s ex perience: good reference. J- W. s I bis olncc. oinVT WAXTEP - TO LEARN THE i ha tier trade or Work mas: re Address L H stone. Pilchard, btnerno oonaty, Fa, L)EAlil R WISHES SlTfATIOX TO RE vl. t two boms even oventntto gentlsniau oi lady DAVIDsHfRRA. it Pitt ton ave. oiTU.Vi'loN WASTED - BY SOUNO O uiitn with two yaaw sxperlinee In jcwely uu watch repairing store: would like to learn mora of ta bualno; rflo object; tail of references. Address 11.. bo $8. Moot rose. Ha, A 0000 NKAT SEWRK WISHES A iV few customers by thouuv. Address Dr maker, general delivery, city. i Help Wanted Mdle. WAITED- TWO MEN K"K POSIl'lONH VI paving goo I ! to workers apply alter a in Boom 14. Arcade Bjlldlij I AN 1 1'I'-TWO MEN COS POSITIONS it paving good sslattsa to worksrs. Apply alter '.' a in , renin It, Aft ado buiUtiijf GENERA L NEWS OF 1 T Lebltjh Valley Will Ship No More Coal Over (tie New Euglaud. IS A VANDERBILT AGGRESSION In the Opinion of Poughkeepsie Bridge Security Holders This Step It Portentous of Great Things Soon to Be Accomplished by the Gotham Influence! Antagonistic to Mr. Me Leod-Small Talk of Railway Af fairs and Interesting Personal Chat About Trainmen. ( ooK mi- Help Wanted WAN NtD AT Kemales MO ol'iSCY AVE Agents Wanted. The Lahigh alley railroad company has issued circulars uiHlciuir the nu- noanoatnent that: "Taking effect Fab. I, the rate on uuthraeito coal from uiines located on the Lehigh Valley railroad to points oti and via tU New York ami New Kiinlaml railroad will be withdrawn " A situilar initio as t points ou and via the Philadelphia, lieadinc ami New England railroad was ltO issued. At the LMiigh V il lev utllces it WaM explained that there was no si)iiiilicauu in this ao- I tiou other than the desire on i the p u t of the company to secure the I longest haul pLiSiihle over it a own lines, I and that the recent arratiirem ut with the New York, New Haven uiul Bart ford to transport their coal to N -w t'.nUnd poirtt- enable them to haul WASTEU TWOYOlOMEKOPUOOO ,D - lov y, j ,, ,0 tu, wh address to rail ..ai business houses hl'j Stead employment fur ood men. Apply SATIONA.. CLEAN Arcade building;. TOWEL t'oMP OR For Sale. 1-..1: -sale a ERESH JERSEY COW R j r b.Sifor ealVSS, yearling or two year old . Jersey bull, registered: sired by Pedro Hugo. a son of Pedro wh rookSrst prbjsat thamtsl World's tair. HEN KV 0 SlLKSiA.N. Maplswoodi Wajrne ia, Pa. For ai.k-a platform bprinu V wajt.-u. a.d nottss for sale or rent. In i . re of H. r. SiM uE.iHEl.L. aloaeow. Pa ici Fi'K sai.E- DELIVEBKD IN SCRAN I ton at 81c. uer ton lD'iuire of W. H. SMITH. -r M. U. HVFFOKft Clari s Bum-1 ui : . Pa. 'HI! SALE Hli'Ki.iRY BliAi'l.E. SEC u t baud. .d.-oUdtti..u. ' a;i at Keouu Jieanottlco. A K. EUUKTT. Y'i iR SALE " iCBB X an. I utensils. J M. Monroo ave. TJOR SALE-ONE NEW YOHT TYPE J' writer, also ne saw Abbott cheek punch, at a bargaiu. Address H. J . oaTS Tribune or-flcai under the format urranc;eu)ent it had been diverted at interior points. Sum ou who pretended to kuow the real inwardness of this tnove tells the Phil adelphia Ttntti thrf following story: "Kver sines the downfall of ths Ksa I injj coul combination ths New Haven company lias step by step been draw itijf triittli; away from the Pouirhkeep 1 Bridge route, ftud that the V ruler bilt's gt'owiuc; SWSndanoy over the anthracite coal i- i ! has furthrJ this scheme is evidsut'e.l not only by tnis action ou the part of the l.-hi-a Valley, but also by the reoent neiToti.'itiotis between the New Haven company nud the H-a litig and Jersey Central companies looking to similar action on the part of the latter ' ...mh r.ii n 'I'hu w . t hi) ra w at nf traeH.. Sf1eLU.2 I 'Wall ths bridge system and t!ie Niw York and Nw England road sra but stepping stones in the path that leads to Yauderbilt dominion over the transpor tation business from the Hudson river east, and to Yau lerbill control of the distribution of the product of the an COB SALE OB EXi'HANUE FOR SCRAN- in. -reasiuu m Droductioii ami valu yearly m turacite coal mines of Pennsylvania ta oraBBw section In Hori.la. Addr NETTl.ET'iiN. Lake Helen. FlorWa P. E. For Kent. Through the conrtesg of tbs sner getio management, a writer for the Pittstou Oasatts recently made a tour of Simpson ft Watkins" Mount Lookout I'i.h KkS'l' -Kl AT IJI HENN AVKN'I'E r 1st. :fr d. tin Hours bniidm. No. an. ato ' colliery, near Wyoming, for the pur- Center -tre.-t Apply CO rRANM.IN Hiv nmn at Uvlns th nractical workings of the electric hauling plant that was I'LL. Kerchants and UeotuMics Bank. is spm.'e itrast ;a,r avenue. Inijuire at 111 Wyonv S; m-r HEXT M-uRB boom AN u recantly put in place by .loan E Free, buseuieor. No. lii Penn avenue, now o.- I . ' ,..r,,, ,'.. i l'i0..:' espied by C. S. Woolworth a. a 8 cent store electrician for tae ..eoer.il Electric Inquire of B. o. HILL, 1 - i North Waablngton company. Some of the thiugs which avenue. impressed the (iizHte representative ('oK KENT -A LARUE STORE Room AT are narrated in Ins languige as tollows " the usnerating apparatus is located In the engine house on the surface. There is what is called a mnlti-polor generator of 100,000 volts cipacity. which is operated by e HcEwtn high peed steam engine, with cylinders 16x18, From the generator In the engine house the electric feed wire is carried down the air shafts lead covered cables. There is 1,000 feet of feed wire, and then begins the trolley wire, of which there is 8.OJ0 feet. The Inside plant is situated on the tooth side of the shaft, at the foot of a slop several hundred feet in length. Here four three-mule teams, with iv driver for each, havj been required heretofore to jjather the coal an 1 tiring it to the foot of the slope. :e electric locomo tive now does th work in a satisfac tory manner, although too employes are not yet accustomed to the new or der of things, and the machinery, be ing new. does not work as smoothly as it will after few months' operation I'OR RENT-TWO-SToRY URU.'K DWEL ling house; modern improvements. tU Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS agent. t Wast Luckawanna uveuue. TO LET FOR A TERM OF TlABS Part or all of three bun.ired feet of yard ro m along railroad. Apply at 'M Frankliu svnue. rro RENT-STORE SSxSMiR FURNISHED I hall ou Green R.Jge street. Very desira ble location and on reaeoiiabl terms. Apply to F E. NETTLETON or C. S. WOODRCFF Republican building. Special Notices. THE LACKAWANNA TBL'ST AND SAFE I DEPOSIT COMPANY. oFSCKANToN, PA.. Jan. U 1894. THE ANN IAL MEETINi i OF THE STOCK holders of the Company for the election of Directors will lit held at their ..nice. No. KM I.aekawanna avenue, on Monday Feb y j, Wii between the hours of I and 4 p.m. HENRY BELIN, Jr., secretary. "I" UK SOLDIER IN' OCR CIVIL, WAR, 1 containing Frank Leslie s famous old vtr pictures Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated, over Ufa) pages As an edu raior it is unex. elled. Sold on easy monthly Iwymenta. both volumes delivered complete Addreaa P O Morale, tie Krsnklln avenue, aaent f.-r Northeastern Pennsylvania. f EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144. .i crner Spruce street and Franklin ave Tine Twenty nieal tickets for ::.."." Qood table board Legal TESTATE OF GEORGE G OT rv ..(.. LATE Sj of Ransom, in the eountv of La.ka Wanna Letters of administration upon the sjiiovs name'i --state having been granted to the undersigned, ail pere.ns i.i. in nlal ns ..r demands ugan.st tba said .stare will please present thm for payment and those indehre.l thereto will pl-ase make immediate payment to ELIZABETH MOT 1 V7AI.Z. Adm X, JolIN F. KCRAOG. A tfy for Est ite. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF La'kausuna county. No. '.17. Jonstsng, ijwt. onifrio Salerno vs. aftnasta Balerno To Xnnata Sslerno.resuondetit abovo named. ar- her -by n titled to l and appear at the next term of esld court, to wit . the eighth day .f Januury. A D. ls St 10 . clo.-k a in to answer th- Hbalhut'l cmplainf. JOHN J. FAH N . Sheriff. WATSON & ZIMjftRMAN, ttorneys JNTHIi C'Ot UTOF COMMON PLEAS Of ...... si- a county, No. SI . .-.-ptemld.r term. ISN .lov-ph R Milbnrn vs. Snrah Sophia Mllburn. To Sarah Sophia Mfltnrn iespondeat above named The inbpOsM anil alias subpoena in uivor.-e having iieen ie "The locomotive i an interesting bit of mechanism. It is barely as large as an ordinary mine car, being :ii loohat hign. II feet 0 inches long, and of 8 foot gnage. All it consists of is the frame, motors, san I box and the oper ation levers. i these there are two one for the control of th enrrenf, and the hutid brake. Incandescent lumps are arranged at both enda and send a ray of light a considerable distance ahead. One man, lilting on a fixed Mat at one end, handles the locom.f tiye and. with the SSllStSOCt of a run ner, does the work which heretofore required so manv moles and drivers Ths total weight of the machine Is fivo and one-half tons This locomo tive is somewhat light for the work which it is required to do in its iiresent location, wlmre it is placed but temporarily. It is the intention of rneke. bnt nearly twice a heavy, for nsa on the south side of the shaft, and then the one in nse at present will be transferrel to the north side, whero the work is not si heavy. The niana gers of the Mt. Lookout company nr.i evidently convinced of the superiority of electricity as a motive powsr In and about the mines, for they are making arrangements to put it to further use tu ii ' MS . St inventus, von .ne hereby not) i An electric pump has leen ordered and lieu i-. ow uiio w i!.- i.'-v vim 01 -a"i .Tn. n ftfr V. HAori WOOfl It W 1 court, to wit; me eighth day of January A , P 1 i soon, WOOn It Will II, HPS. ut ill a. in., to unsw.-r the 1100:1 ml a complaint. JOHN J.FAIILY. sheriff. Watson Zimmerman, Attorneys. Minor Industrial Notks; Thirty paiuters will today return to work iu tbu Ashley shops of the Jersey Central. A dining car will hereafter run in con nection with the day Lehigh Valley train between New York and Wilkes-Harm. The grievance committee of the Lehigh Valley railroad has decided that n cou- fara not with Voorhsss would do thomuo material good and they will uut, as ex pected, go down to sen him. The Hvuragu time of Ontario and Y ast ern conl trains per week this month Is four days. The time of extra trains is still less. The Pennsylvania division of the Dela ware ami Hudson runs now with fourteen trains less tbau it does when trade Is brisk. Snow sheds ou the Kale's Jefferson branch keep the tracks clear of snow. The Ontario and Western, from econom ical reasons, has removed one trainman from each, tram. Coxe Bros.' collieries will resume today titter a prolouge.t idleness. All new work iu the Leaigh Vulley's Hazleton shops hai been suspended ludeB nitel) , Tbu recent storm seriously lutorforred with colliery operations iu (be Lehigh valley. There is n strong probability that the Pennsylvania Railroad company will not, after all, malts SB exhibit at tbo Antwerp fulr. The managers of the fair want too much rent. Prominent people lu the New England road who wero interested In the eftort to have ex-President Pnrsuus appointed one of the road's receivers, now say that while Mr. Parsoua cannot be receiver, they pro pose to have him Iu the 111 luugeiuent, and that uven uow 11 movement la on foot to secure his election n president of the rond in Marcu. The Keadiug's coal touuage for the week ended Saturday, Jnu. "7, d. creused AO, 044 tons, mnking the total decrease for the year to date 77, MO tuns. The Missouri Kansas Cosl ami Mining company, Ol Kausus Cltv, Kau . is the name Of S UOW JLOOuOUO corporation just char tered at Topcks. ' . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Blocki and Buudi Niw YoliK, Jan. XL- There waa an ap proach to stagnate at the Stock Exchange today, only a littleover UU.iXlu shares bav lug chauged liauda. At the opening of huaiuvsn puces were lumber except for L'ulou Paoitlc, which was de'iresaed OB bales for Loudon account It was reported that uuder the new organisation plan an assessment of anywhere f rum 1 10 tu $'.'5 is looked for ou th.- stock. Distilling and Cattle Feeding was another weak spot. The general list cut aloof from the stocks named and advauced anywhere from to :n.. Delaware nud Hudson leadiug. The Yauderbllts displayed more strength nud advanced ,4 to J1., Louisville and Nashville nud oilier south ern stocks were comparatively tinner than the remainder of the list. The changes 111 the active stocks outside of those men tioned wero slight. The dullness of the market was a disappointment, us it was thought in certain quarters that the enor mous subscriptions to the new government loan would start up speculations at ouce. The total subscriptions by New York and L'ostott capitalists amounted to over forty s x millions uut of a grand total of fl.'ly millions offered. In the last hour of trad lug the market was tinner than at uny other time of the day. The closing was firm, with prices ', to' SJ above yester day's prices. The too .wiug complete table snowing the day's fluctuations Iu active stock is aappliek and revised daily bv Lall.tr St Kulttr. atocd brokers. l'Jl Wyoming avenue: opeu HDh- Low Ing. ost. est. Beccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c, At drugstores.or rite B.P.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. 6 To Investors. T IK SCItAMOX Axle YYoiks have Issued 175.000 of i per cent. Coupon Howls, interest payable Miti-aabtlally. These bonds ure to run for ten years, from Not . 1, 1893. inl.v a limited amount are offered for sale to investors, These bonds are lira! mortgage on the entire plant of the' company, uiul are issued for the purpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of 1 in- denominations 1 i $1,000, IflOO Mini smimi each. For further particulars address JNO. M. K EMEREH, l'n s. Or E. H. RIPPLE, Tieasurer, SCR ANTON, IV. L)ueber Hampden 17-Jcwel Ad j usted V i c h t ; . It is iiiiirveloiis how j these famous Watches I are taking tlie plate of all tdlici s where accu rate time is reauired. Railroad man will have liolliilie rise. ..jcb-e Watch Works, Canton, Ohio y 17 ti RUBY JEWELED 01 ADJUSTED oi Vn. wAtCHti; Art, Am.i'ot Oil Am. Sugar. A T. S. F Can. s t'eu. K. .1 Cate. an. w a, b. A v Chic. Oas On 0., I-'. 45 St. L. .. rol, Hock.Val. A T L). At H L. L. & W U & 0. F trie a, . Co Lake Shore L, N M tuhattan Miss Pao Nat. . it 1 S. Y. Ai S. K S. Y. Central K. Y.. O. A W N, V., S. & W U. S. C. Co North Ps.t North Pac. pf Omaha Pac. Mall Reading Knck Island R. T St. Paul T..C.4I Toxis A Puc I'liioa Pan Wabash, pf W. Union W. A L. K W a L. E. pf IS II I lu! "st -'s K lii" mk liH m6 4'"h -4 4 lint, 1VS "fa m IfM s (IS an M l;iS sSv, an. i:'s 4SI. ost. Olva II , IC4)s 3T'M ir l"t Mi (VlsHj Clos ing. 28U ;iM is iff1 lOIUj ;i:4 S4 AHTOHEHARTHAH 906 South Washinyton Avenue, Contractor and lutider of Conarata Flagging, Ctaereta Rlocks. Potato, liutter and Coal Hins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may l lett at '! ho 111 peon i Pratt, Will urns Si (,'u . Main anl .' ;, n Streets, or at ScranUm Stove Works. Also Ko.ludatluus. Cisterns, Kish Wire Tunnels and Cottlhs. Flagging for Uardeu Walks. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL K.'aj 1X1 UH, Mi im ,m u 4JH a m luiH, In 1 liM IIU s liJV V m K II Wii U MM nil IM 1TI f vm SbHj laS 1 11H ia - h lay. rfZ 1IS 1UI4 IV, ITW Jig aQ M r. ii'., .w IKlsj Wti 1 1 4U Chicago Orsin RCRAMtOII. -'an-Hons are supplied aipt Bar A Fuller, atook On uuu. WHKAT. Opening Illghoet , Lowest Closing Co UN. Opening Highest Lowsst Closing OATS. Opening ETlfnest Lowest Cloning PORK Opening Highest I OW St (losing LARD. Opening lilghast LoW'iSt CI. slug 8H It I' R1HS Opening Highest Lowest t.... Closing a id Provisions. -Tli following quota -e .rrectod dally hy La .Iters. 1-1 Wyoming avo - dan, Msy July. :' ui'-, ei-i. MM lt(, ml W'sj MsH OH., ), h.'i MM 8-s iWM HQ iim., aiu.H mvi as cr,u4 mi4 HUji OH HN ml M MM i-.nj im tn ivn7 iw u: u: No IV t mi IVVI 740 m M ISW mid- Rcji Cstate. I 'OK SALE SINGLE HOUSR, Of, QUINCT 1 aveiiuo: vry daslralilj locf.lioii Aoulr 3. F. REYNOLDS, or WILLAKD, WARREN V K S APP. (JMtMWlLL BCY MODERN NEWS ROOM ? house, all Improvrmenta; Unns aasv: cor her Mad .son avonua and Delaware streak Ap ply HARRY LEES 1,W WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT rner Maduion avanus aud Dslaware Street, 'i urias easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Care for Hsadaohs. As a remsdy for all forms of Headache Electric bitters has proved tu be ths very Dest. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who aro nfHIcted to pro-cure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. Incases of habitual roustlation Electric Hitters cures by Riv ing the needed tone to the bowels, sud few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Large bottles only r'ifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store. " . Philadelphia Tallow Markst. I nn AioLi'iiic. Jan. HI. Tallow ivas ilullaud uucliangd. Price i were: Prime city, iu hogsbesds, :,,,:; prune country, iu hogsheads, 5c. do. dark, In hogs heads, 4'4a44c; cakes, IffO.) grease, 4X844-0.. a . For Eahachb, Toothache, 8ore Throat, Swelled Neck, and the results of colds and inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' F.clscfri. Oll the great palu destroyer. ee let placed In operation. It is also In tended to miik" use of 100 Incst'descent in; in lighting the principal points in the mints " Here are some railway jutting that may Interest trainmen Twenty addi tional locomotives will ha built for the "Pennsy" itt their Altooua shopi Conductor iloyle, of the Delaware and Hudson Albany and Susiilohanna di vision, lost fid on Mitchell, 'iporin tendent 0. 0, Eiser, formerly of the Wyoming division of the LiShffO Val ley, but now in ohargeofthe new di vision that baa been created, to extend from Coxton to Hiyre, has, with Mrs Eaer and diughter, returned to Wllkerllarra after a prolonged Weal em trip whioh bus (freatlv bensfittsd Mr. Esssr's health - Trie laying off of train crews on vicinity railroads indi cates that the railroads are notrxpect iutf a brisk spring tratttc - Tba Erie's coal trtfflo at this writing is practically dsad. - Lugiuetrs of switch engines In the Erie's yards do not average in no than half time Vice-President Piatt, of the New York, New Haven and Hartford road, says that under the provisions of the new coal agreement with the Jer sey Central, fully ns muchooal will be brought over the Consolidated at is now carried under tho agreement with the Lehigh Valley Oeorge W. Tivln Ing, superintendent of 'be Lehigh and Susquehanna division, Central Itsil road of New .'ersey, and T. B Koons, the division general freight and pas auger agent, are on a tour of inspec tion over the line, New York Protluos Marktt. Naw Yohs. Jan, 31. Kt-oun- yulet, easy. Wukat Fairly active, '4c lower nud weak; No. H red, store and elevator, fjAUaMKo,) afloat, HUMMc. : I. o. b., 68'4a l',7c. : ungraded red, WanTr ; No. 1 norih ern, 7(ll4a7lll(c ; options dull, closed weak: No a red, Keoruaiy. Ool.c: March, fififjc. ; May, Wj,c; July 7U',c. ; Derember 76. t.tiRN Dull, weak; Nu. 2. 4'."l4n4;ic. -, ele vator, 41c.; options dull, closing weak; February. 4J V' . March, 4 1 ' e. ; May, u -.. oats Dull, steady: options dull, easier, February, Klc; March, ll4,c.; May, tC: No. U whits Fabrunrv, 4i', ,jC, ; spot prices: No. 'J, 34c; No. 'J white, MK0.J No. U Chicago, ST..-.; No. 3, 33 No. 3 white SMjC, mixed western. II4s8Gc , white do , 30.. IIIO. : white state, DUatOu. IIBgr--firm (inlet IIIKK Ha M'- I lull, Urm. 'J IKK'.Kl. BSBV-Inactive. Clt Mkat-i Steady, ipilet; pickled bellies, 74 1 middles, nominal. Lard yulet, i -l steady; option salas, Bone; rellned uulst; coutinnnt, Soiith.Americs, -- .... compound. ..-,.ii. .u I'oita Moderate dsmaiiu, steady, muaa. li,Wal4.7t. lilTTiH Flair demand, llua creamery, firmer: state dairy, ICniKc : do. creamery, SsJ0e,i Pennsylvania do., '.0a27c.; west em dairy, ISVjalTs. du i rrainsiy, lt)a'J7c; do. factory, li'XulOc. ; Klgins, MMM7e.i imitation creamery. ".Ualwc. ; rolls, liialfic. CSBMI -Steady, fair demand. Koiis- Largo supply, .al.tt, lower, ice house, 18c; do. i-. . .....-. 'on west stn fresh, 10c: limed, llal'Ic, ; southern, .latto. i p Aie.it LAhLOS, carriage manufacturer. Ill) Carroll street, Huffalo, N. Y., ststeS. I wss troubled with nausea of the stomach, tick headache and general debility.. Bur dock Hlood Hitters cured me. PtlYSK IANS ANIt SUHGICONS DH II E, HEA.N. Diseases of the Eye, .V Tin out and Ear, iH Spruce atreet. uppo bite court house. lt A J. vO.VNKI.Liiltlie -ui Washington X avenue, turner Spniee. street, over Fran, ke s drug store. Itesldan.-e, Vine St. Oliice hours In 3D to IS a. m. and ii toi and 130 to f.St p. in Sunday. 9 to S p. in. DR. W. E. ALLEN, titilce cor Lack, wanna aud Washington eves. : over Leon ard shoe Store; olhco hours. Ju to 1- a. iu. and 3tO 4 p m .; evenings at residence, tlaH. Washington evt. lYICCL FREV. Practice limited to Dli H eases of fhe Eye, Ear, NoSj and Throat; office. Hi Wyoming ave Residence. 5J Vina fctveot. IYR. L M hates, no Washington AvOooe, U Oflwa bonra, tf to 0 a.m., iito Sanof to 1 p.m. IOHNL WE.NTZ. M D Olhcu. Iki and .1 I Commonwealth building: i, . 711 .Vsdisonavu; ufBca hours jo to i. 'Ho 4, 7 to l Sundays i 3U to 4, evenings at reaidelice A tpeclalty made of dlreassS of tho eye, car. iiosj and throat and gyneoologv. hK. I I) Mi, BRAY, specialty made on ills easos of eye and kn.ZrJ Wyoming Ave OIBoo hours: t'ntll 10 u rn 1.. 4 and , t.. Sp in. IRS ur KINO, sniiCLBitRRY STREET 11 At Carbondale on Fiidays of each week VKi KatNARl SORUKOMS is stl'Rue. Veterinary Bnrnon, Dag 1j. J,itry a specialty: gold medalist of On tario cteriharv College. ORice. SnBUBSr! livery. KM Dtl si., nasi Keller's can lags shop Telephone No. 41't LAW) KRS I M cTltAMCK'S Law and Collection of tl . flee. No :U7 IprttOS st., opposite Forest House, Bcranton, Pa.; collections a sa-cialty throughout Poalnsyl venial reliable correspond' euts hi every county. TIUOiUPS A UAiSD, Attorneys and Counsel I lois at La w. Commonwealth building, Washington ave. W H Jkssitp, HORAOa E HANn, w ii jaaaor, ia U;iI.I.ARD, WARREN A UN API', Attor neys and Connanlors at Law, Repul.llcao hnildinv, Washington nv-e. Scraiiton. Pa. i)ATTBRSOM wii.cox, Attornstys. and I Couiisillors at Law; uttties U and S Library t ulldiug, Uorantou, Pa Rpawau h RATtisaoa Win i a vi A. Wii.cox. ALFRED 11 AN I). WILLIAM. I. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors. Commonwealth lailldlng Roohh Is. '..Hand U, HI.MtV M SEELY Law oBtOSS in Ro publican building I 'RANK t oKi.LL. Attorney at Law. Room I f). Cual Exchange. Scraulou. Pa. MILTON W I.OWHY, , Att'ys. a? Washing i II VON 8TORCH, itonsv. C H. aquaro IAMESW dAKPORD, Attorney at Law, 1 rnoBMtt, M afld Oft, commonwealth b'l'g LAMCEL W. BDOAR! Attorney at Law. 0 OAfle, H7 Spruce st SOrsnton. Ph. 1 A WATRF.S, Altornny at Law, 43J I i . latcki.vanna ane.. Sciantcn. Pa I) P SMITH. COOBSSUOI at Law Office. . room. M. .v.. ri CommonwmltD bulldlns i R PrTCHKH, Attorney at Law, Com " ' . ., ... ..... Hi bnllalng, Scrant.m. Pa. C. COMKIlYS. ;til Spruce it II RKPLOOI.E. Attorney-Loans neso I) listed on real estste sm-urity 4W Spruce F KILLAM, Attorney at Law. Iai Wy ) oiulugavenue. Scraiiton. AVS VOI R fiF.KDS ANl MoKTHAOKS written and aeknon ledtred bv J W. BROWNIN4. Artonwy and Notary Public, IM Commonwealth Hiill.llng. II OCHOOL OF I ' toll. P , Connolly 8c Wallace MBROIDERUCS and Laces claim our special atten tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Scranton. To substantiate our statement we on'y ask your in spection of our line. The newest effects in Embroideries are the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. We have an endless variety of ex clusive styles. Colored Embroideries are also good for the coming season, especially for trim ming wash dresses. See our line of wide-margin goods. EMBROIDERIES II LACES Lace Department Is replete with everything new and desirable. The POINT DE VENISE LACE& AND GAL00NS. The latest thing out. CONNOLLY & WALLACE srltool a THE LACKAWANNA. Boras. nretiatea bovs and ulrls for collatr. u. ouaincss thoroughly irnius young children Catalogue at leanest. 10 v Thomas M Cans, WAtABB M Hush. ISS WOHOKSTSR'i KINDEROAIITKN .'I nd School, tli Adsu.sav.iime Pupil, received at all times. Nest torin will open Jann.i v M A Handsome Complexion la out. of tiie greatest charms a wouiau can PUSSl'SI PUSZOXI'S CoMi-LKXIUN PoWPUB gives It. IKTIT. (1 LAUHACII, Surgeon Deutlsl. No, 111 . Wyoming avs. R M. tsTKATTON. .in - Coal Ki.diaugo 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Hood Bar sup- ESTMIKSTER HOTEL. W. O. BCHENCK. Manager. Uliteentb street, one block oast of Hroa.lwky, at I'ulon Square, New York. American plan, lf:l U per day aud upward. OYNE ROUSKj European plan V lojms open .lay auil night piled wltu the heat. P II. COYNE. Proprietor . OCR AN TON iiOI.'SE, near D. L. A W pas LJ Sehger depot ConducU'd on the European plan. Vl Ton Koch. Proprietor. 1 RAND CENTRAL Tho largest and bssl VI eoutnped hotel Iu Allontowu, Pa ; latei '.' and J'.'.lsl nsr day. VRTuk 11 BAMSB, Proprietor. AHCMlTafOT. II Avis HoOPf, Aichio,.ts Room -n. If at and 88 Common woalth b'ld'g, Seraatoa Ija L WAI.IKH. AreMtSot Library uulld i. ing. Wv qui ing avenue, crantou. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Price building. 111! VKa9hlngtou Are., Scranton. F. ' mim BLLANMODS R'l'oN 1). SWARTS WHOLESALE lumber, b and V Dime Bank Lulldhig, Scranton. Ps. 1 EUA1UIEE BROTHERS, PRuItCBS' ...I supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine Warehouse, 1J0 Washington ave, Scranton. Pa PRANK P. BRoWN A CO.. WHoLE I sale dealers iu Wuodware, Cordage and 1 flit Cloth, 7'AI W. La.'kawanna avenue. H ACER'S ORCHESTRA - ML'SIO FOR ; balls, picnics, partisa, reception, wed .lings and ooncert work furnished For terms eddies R. J, Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave . over Hnlbert s uiustc store. f" ,SZRA FINN A SONS! builders TViid contra " J lora Yards: Corner Olive St. ami Adarut ave ; corner Ash kt. and Penu avo.. Scranton. EzntSSS for Eastou, Trenton, Philadelphia and the (South. 5.1, W and sM a. in ; IStU and 8 UI p m Wioihiugtou slid way atatioos. -' 4U p m. T'ohykaunaaccommudatlou, n IU p. hi. Expr la for Binghaudon. Oswego. Elu.liu. Corning. Bath. Usnsvllle, Mount Mm lis and Buffalo 12.10, 2Us m. u.id I Jt p. ui , making . lone court', ttuus at Buffalo to all points iu the West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation. 911 u. m Bingliaiiitoh and way stations 1J ,. p m .Nicbolsuii mid wsv stations. S 4.'. p in Binghauitou and EIiuum 1 i - - tiUo p, in. Express for Cortland Syia. es.-. O.wego. t.'tica and RlchftelJ ipi IngS, i U a m. and i.'.'l p in. ltha,.a. " lj aud toU a in and 1 21 p. m f..r Northumberland. I'll tston, Wilkes Bane. Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Danville, making ..-lose connections at N'orthumbeiiahd for Willi:. m.poi i Hsrrisburg, Baitlmoie, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and Intel mediate stations. 4JXKJ. vou n ui. and I.Jo and tiOT p. m. SfantlookS and intermediate stations. S US and 11.31 a in Plymouth and intermedial) stations. :I .Viand Kiis p. lu. Pullinau parlor and sleeping roaches on all express trains. i'ordetailed Information, poukettim itahlos, Stc., epply to M. L Smith, city ticket ofBce. o.'s La.'kawauiinav'ei.ue. or depot te.-kt-l otflce ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAN'. I. FIRST TIME HERE Chas. Frohmans Comedians The only origin! poBpisy tiic uhtu, iu MRS. GRUHDY, JR. Adapted bv aathor oi "Bona Brummei. Mr. Clyde Fitch, from the Parlsisu suvctss, "Conshjaa va, Corolgan Twenty one Capable Actors Oreat Divorce Trial Scene Sale opens Tuesday ACADEMY OF MUSIC. tit in ay rm, . YEW YORK, ONTARIO AND - Raliioail. Scraiiton Division. WESTERN Time tahL in effect Nov IV, 1!. Trains leave Scranton for arbondaie .. ,c s i n o:, k iu., 4 .xi. ti.iu p m For lancock Juuctlou and mail. . ol.i.ectlons 11 lias m d lu p. m Trains leave Hsucck Junction tor main line couueclloh tor Scrantou. o uu k u. . S,0t p. m. Tl sins leave I 'arbondaie ful Scrafitoh 7 24, ! ita.ni., i.iu, o.iip m. J. C. ANDERSON Qonora Passenger Agent, New York. T. FI.ITCROFT, District Passenge: Atieht. Beranton Rtium of the distinguished artists. MAN0LA-MA30N And a struiaf vocal U4 AfftWtk f,oui FRIEND FRITZ 'the .ante dellghl1.il utuslc. lii.kHai.i-flUip.nj of HlllsU j t.e sau.e perteci snteriainsneni 'Die sau.e brkutlfol slkfe pleturee. I Au entertainment for the la-st class if ; theatre goers i Regular pre et SsaUonsals Wednseday. I KEKDS. ( R. CLARK 4? CO., Seedsmen. Florists Or, and Nurserymen; store ) st. Washington avenue; green house, li&l North Main avenue; -;...- t.-leplion.' s:' I.KIF. A a 1 1 Ij RiiAU WYOMING VALLEY RAIL till A N U IN ION TEAS. TEA CO.. Jones Bros wiiti: m ii i ns. I OS. Kl'ETTEL, .',ij Iatckawanna avenue. Sciatiton. Pa . luanufr of Wire Screens Train leave Scranton for New York mid iu t.-rmedinte point, on ti e Erie aud Hawlev and local points at tt B, 9.4'. a. m and llN p m. Train leafing at V.U a. m and UN p, m are through trains to and from Honeadale. Trains leave for Wilkes Barreat 0 so a. m. and a. ii p m. X. H. BROOKS Supt and Lecturer HAhRV THORN Fl Mage Manager. 'MIMUI'imillllll lllllllllllllailllllllllll- 5 ......p.. vfeegommenclne MIIMIAT JSM SKI RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF R J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usel inclusively, insuring .'leaiilinese and ...mfort. TIMt TAUI.i: IN XHF.iT.UX ). lSj4. Trains leave Scranton for Pittnton. Wilkes Barre. etc , at s.ln, y.lj. II :M H. in.. IJ.jn. L'.UD. USD, MS, 7.S8, D.0.V p. in Sundays, "J ul a. m., 1 UU, 2,00, 7. hi p. in. For Ailantlc Cltv. S lu a. in. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, K.1U fexoreae) a.m.. ItJd fatpreai with Buffet parlor car . a .j .express, p. nv Sunday, 'J.UU p. in Pom MAvrn CtitTSK, ai t ttttows, Bstttbt ni s. Bastok and PniLAonufiiiA, s.iu . n. i.. j. ion, i."j ivi.-spt I'uiiaooipBlai p Sunday, 1 OOn, m For I. UNO HlttNi H, Ol FAN llhovr. etc s.lUa. iu . IJ.SIti. m. I oi Reading. Lebanon and Hsrrisbnra OUR j CURTAINS .a at .ading. I rn, s.iu , in . Utlfj, j ft), pan Sunday. Allentow -' l p. m. For Pottsville. s Hi a. m l.' :mp iu. Returning, leave New York, foot .if Liberty sirstt, North river at '.ID (express. . in.'. I lu, I 30. 4 i i express whn BnTlei parlor can p. in. Sunday. 4.30 a. m Leave Philadelphia, Rending Tei minal. s 4) a. m 2.110 and 4 1. n, in Sunday, ti 27 a. m. Through tleketa toall pnlnttBt lovvett rata may be bad on eoplioetlon in advance to tho ticket ugciit at ths ststi. n. II P. BALDWIN', Oeu Pass Agent. .1 II OI.HACSEN, Pen, supt. J BB109 Y ALLEY RAILROAD Train leaves S, ranton for Phila lelphin sad Now York vis. I), .v H R R ai s a. in . IS10, !Ua and II HJ p. m v ia D , U A W. R. H , .u. II. a a in., and I II. tMi, in. Leave Scranton for Pittston and W.lkss Rarre v la 1)., L & W. R. R I Ds, IL.SJ . m . Un a.3o. 8.07, ii. is p. m Leave Scrantun for Whltn Haven. Hazleton. Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meidow and Pottsville branches, v iu D A H. It It. at s a m . IJ.10, :.' 38, I In p.m , via D L A W, It. R.sik, g tiiuni.. I fi ;!.:.. p.m Leave Scrniitiui for Betiilehern. ESstOQ, Hf.itliiig. Hai nsbiirg and nil lntrni.llute points via D a II. R It . a,, p. la in, at. 1 1. SB p in via O . L A W R R.s ns. 10 .,. , i m I H p hi I Leave Scraiiton fOrTuokhannook, TovvanJa, Kliulrn. ltha c. ileneva uiul all Infteriiiedliit. points via D. ,k H R R 1 2.', and 11 111 p. in.. viuD L. ft W R R . Ii .'si a in.. 1.30 p. m Leav e Scriinto.i for Rochester. HufTu Ni agara Falls. Detroit. I'hit-ng.. and all points west rial) A II. It. R. I a".M 15.11 g p. m . via D L I -W R. R ami I ittstou JuttrUM ( 5D a in for Iliitla o oulv I, I 'My;tv 0. in , via E A W. R R. U8 p, rn - Vol Ellnlrii end th west vln Sulsmaiics. via D. A II. K R at (Jin, mviali. I & W R R. . S. UO a. in and n.o7 p m, Pullinau parlor ml sleeping or 1. V. chair , ai4 ou nil trains betvreep I, A B JniMttoBor Wilkes-Bane and New Yolk. Phlludelp'ils, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROI. I. IN II WILBUR, Hen Supt. F.sst Dlv ( HAS s. L.K, (ten. Cass Ag t. Phlla Pa. A W NoNN EM At'HKR. Ast't Osli Puss Ag t. South Bethlehem. Ph. smimimiiiiiniminiiiiiiiiiiiiitins ee S r; S Are worth going a long tlistsncet.i j S fee. No such collection can be II S fonnd neaier than New York ir j. 8 I'hllailelphia.ntd then it is not snr- m S passed in the matter of unigueand m S elolosite designs, or richness. - S daintiness and delicacy ol mate f" I nal. In a word, i ur Oirtam stock B a. this fall reatcbos cur highest ideal JJ m of what is should be, sud rannot jg ! y fail to irveet the approval . : the J I most rtVHiie.l and artistic tas-es. 51 g Yet all this dee not mean high 5 jJJ prices, tin the contrarv.t be alues a y; we now offer are submitted for S S your inspection. Of course, we' ve S I B every make ami among them will B be fonnd the very Choicest eres m tionsin Orusssls. Irish Point,Swiss. & Nottinaham nud otbor Lace liocds g also the New Snowtiake Swiss, eg with silk Slripe in coulrastiug g colors. Also full lines of Silk Ettlpee, Tapestries, etc., uiada to g . r.l. i Wonderland's : Winter : Circus. 1 li E M I I I V UF XQ KLT1KS S I A Theatre Trsnsform.sl Into atCfrcua In MiJ winter. S : downs, Aerobat s. Mat a. pinners, S Hi, . le Kl.iers. loot Jugglers, attt.i.g Men. W Ire W elite r i iiiii.ii Hall .1 ngglers 1 tinny - sJtOSa King Muster. Ketl 1 . in. i ..... alio Sets .lu. I In feci, the whole business. SPKCIALNOUCE-Ileieafter OpraChatrs can be reserved, by i. umbel., afternoons only, for ihe evening jierformauce without extra charge Socnr. voiireats la sdvanoo, Hc. to liack of balcony; 20c. to Iront of bslconv and real paroustte: JOr opera cbaira Pertt'.rinkuces at i Ju aud Ui p.m. Doors open at 1 8u and 7. EDEN MUSEE Wrek Comnencing Jan. 29. Cl llio H 1 LOANS. 'IMIE REPI'HI.IC Saving, and I n Ass.. 1 olstlou will loan toil mine) on easier tar ml and psy you better on Investment than any other ....... I.i ion Call oh S. N OA LLKN HER, Dime Bank l.iilldlng HOTBU AMI It RSTA I : HA NTS rpHE WEST MINSTER, 217 2I Wyoming 1 sva. Rooms heated with uteatu: all mod em Improvements C M 'I'liliksA. Plop. ZlKOLF.R S HOTEL. 927 Lackawanna avs nue, bcrantuu. Hutci reasuuable. P Zibolih, ProprUtur 'tin :ls, 4 10 and DELAWARE NI RUD SON RAILROAD Couiinenclug May v, 1st!-', trains will run aa follow. Trains leave Bridge Stieet Stutlou, Scraiiton. for Pitta ton. wiiku Barre, u l.ra MI7. U7, HI I'.: a. in . 12.10, I, Mt IM. 4 IU. ii ii. v 1.1 and 1 1 JA p. in. I'oi New York and Phils delphla. a Ilia, m . 12 10, . .'V Sil B. m I'or llouesdule i from Delaware Lackswaoiia and western depot', 7.01. .;. hi lua.m , li.on in.. :.'. 17, ElO p. iu, F'or Cat boiulule and inlei 'mediate - ( is. IM 7 on. s.;j. in. in u m . liOOn ,2 17, lUJUu, ii II and li So it in ; fn.in Bridge Bti set lsip,,t. 2U8 a. m.. 2. iTsUd II l'5 p. ta. F'sst express to Albany, Saratoga, the A.li reiidack Mountains. Boston and New England points, 5.40 a. in., arriving at Albany 18.46 Saratoga 2 20 p. m , und leuvUig Scranton at a p ui , arrlvlug at Albsnv at 4 IU p in. . Sara toga. 12 65 a m . and UostO'i I on a iu The only direct route between the coal fields and Boston ' The Leudlug Tourists' Rout, of America' to the Adirondack 6l..autslu t sorts Lakes Oeorge and Champlaln. Montrrel. .-tc Time tables showing local and through I rain service between stations on all dliaivB Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtalnvd et all Dulaware aud Hudson ticket tdtlcat. H U Vol Nil. J. W BP HOICK. ...ut I. I'ltisHl.-nt SlIllliitlllllllallHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlBl I HILL CONNELL i SCRANTON, PA. IIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIC. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, ri:u :t. Special Return KiiKitgoineut of the 1 avorlt Irish i V.ui.slian. EUGENE O ROURKE lu hi. successful I.t lati Cometly Drunm. The Wickbw Postman Pi Pill with the ssnui excelli.nl company, spe. Is -. "iiei v and . tie. Is as v. lien It scored a hit in S,ct anton lsst October Sale ..pens Tbuisds) ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, FEB 5 Engage luent of the Famous Itotnsnt I Ac tor, ALEXANDER SALVINI Aud a selected . mi...... of (players uuder tits .directum of W M Wilklnsou. lu Dumas great uiastei piece, tue THREE GUARDSMEN To bo presented a lth the same cost and elab orate soenlc effects and aocessorles us s during his iscent eiigugsniout kt the Star Theatsr. New York Oftf Prices Parlor. II 60: orchestra Si; Orches I'll Ota and two Brsl rows Balcony. 74c ; re m.s. ..( of llalcu.y, .klc : Osllei r. 25c Connecting Link AT LAST FOUND. JAMES MORRIS, The WonJerlnl Elastic Skin Man. The Original London Punch and Judy. Oeu. I t,s. Agl. DELAWARE. LACKAWaNNA AND W ESTER ri RAll ROAM Trains leave Scranton as Tollons: Express for New York and nil points East. 1 50, S.S&, 3 15, OU and S.50 a. m ; 11 U aud 3 50 p, in. ody, uiul.r fu.i.iit,, bwk. I I, VrSlll ea, al. Wj feWliT. pruul. .nil 100-pet. Wot,. .llu.ir.Hil irua, HE llf. rr. in P. I'l' ...uel Or li tii.it WhMjHetS(irUir. H sns Sa.cii.ri.il. Our Mnglo Romody LH THKATRR. HaRRy's EaToN S Afro-American Vaudeville Company. A sn lcilv nioi al entertainment Tho onlv le gttimate Oatored Vaudeville Coin pan) before the pulilic. UP 10' DUE. EVERYTHING NEW. Admission, 30c THE LABOSST CHBAPB8T wots Ihe Tribune
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