8 THE SCltAlSTTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOItNTtTG. JANUARY 31. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries. TI7K HA V K now open and on sale II tlu newest anil most desirable tilings in the ever-popular Embroideries, Our stock of last season's goods had been reduced to a very low point previous to opening oar new and beautiful collection for the spring of L8W. The goods came direct from the makers on the other side to the wearers on this side, With only our own moderate profit as distributors. Cambridge Elgingl, 1 to 13 niches, from 1 to 50 cnts. Cambric Insertions, to '- inches, from 10 to j0 cents. All-over Embroidery (Cambric), 20 inches wide, from 00 csnu to $1.50, Nainsook Embroideries, 1 to 10 Inches, from 12 to 73 cents, Nainsook Insertions, to 2 incbei.froin from 10 to 00 cents. Nainsook All ov-v,20 inches wide, from 50 cents to $1 33, Nainsook Flouncing, 45 inches wide, from 18 cents to $1 50. Full line of Colored Embroideries, Col ored Grounds with White Embroid ery and White Grounds with Colored Embroidery. All the newest things in Point de Venice. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS We have re-marked twenty lines of last season's goods in no way unfashionable at prices to satisfy the most exacting. A CHANGE OF MIND. 1 Jonas Hardlnek.-For the last time I contemplate the smiling fare of nature. Friends, health, wealth, all have deserted me I 2 Farewell. mm mr 8 "Bah! how cold it isl-'hat re minds me 4 that I forgot to pay last winter's eoal bill." Buoklen'i Arnica Salve. The beet salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required! It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price Vifi cents er box. For sale by Matthews Bros. ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report m rowaer ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS OF f TOWNS Out of town eonespoadenls orTun tiub- cm i '. I thi-lr MUMS In full to each news letter, not for publication uut to guard against dtceutiou.l CARBONDALE BOARD OF TRADE. It Elect Officers, Drinks Elixir of Life and Flourishes Special to the tieranton Tribune. Carbondale, Pa., Jan. 80. The reg nlnr meetiUK of the Carbondale board of trade, which was held in their rooms this evening, was one of considerable importance. The first bnsiness trans acted was the electiou of officers, which resulted as follows,: President, C. E Speticer; vice president, D. W. Humphrey; treasurer, P, A. Carroll, Sfcretasy, A. P. Trautwelu ; trustees, E. E. Ilandrlck, James Barrett, 13. It. Ulair. Following this was the calling of the roll, which was done by M T. Burke. On hundred names were on the roll, of which number forty were present. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved, and the treas urer's report when read showed the sum of $50 ,00 to have been in the ex chequer from the old board Dnes amounting to $445 make a total of $501.05. Bills amounting to $20.75 wtre favorably acted upon. A bill of $100 from J. W. Aitken for rent against the old board was returned by the aud iting committee for the actiou of the lull board. This caused considerable discussion. Finally M T. Burke moved that the bill be received and paid, and a small majority so ordered it. The secretary's report showed an increase in membership since Jan. I. of thirty two. The .. following gentlemen, whose names had been previously proposed for membership, were added to the board: P. Bridgetr, insurance agent; W. J Byrne, liquor dealer; W. H. Elgett, contractor; John Gilbert, confectioner ; Kinback brothers, cabinet makers; J. F. Maxwell, liquor dealer; J. F. Revjj olds, attorney. Also twenty-seven more firms and individual business men who took advantage of the recent ruling of the board which exonerates all who filed applications for membership last evening from the initiation fee. The board at present has a membership of 103 and is ever on the increase. - i - CANDIDATES CHOSEN. Nomination Made at tin Prlceburir Caucus Monday Night. Special to the Scrantoti Tribune. Priceburu, Pa. Jan. 30. Th cau cus held in Central ball on Monday evening by th Republicans was con ducted in a quiet, yet businesslike manner. They have placed men in the political arena that deserve recognition by the yoters of'tlus borough for their fealty to their party and labors in the interest of the borough. The follow ing were nominated- Bnrgess, Charles D. Snyder; school directors, Phil Morgan and F. Kran nicb; council, William Bommers and Jacob Zerke; tax collector, William Moses; judge of election, Fred Smith; inspectors, Henry Dirkes and George Ferio; high constable, Max Koehler. A eitizens canens was held in Smith's ball on Monday night also, and tbey succeeded in placing some very good men in tb field. It is tho opinion of many that tho majority of them will be eleoted. The following were nominated: Burgess, Patrick Langan; school directors, P. Munly and James Reed ; council, P. J. O'Con nor and Thomas MeGnire; tax collec tor, Frank Callaghan; auditor, Pat rick Kane. Most of these gentlemtn were nomi nated by acclamation, showing that tbey stand well in th community. A MOCK TRIAL. Fun at th Keystone. Academy Society Masting. Special to the Sranton Tribune. Factokyville, Jan. 30. The "mock trial" held by the Phi Mn society at the Kiystone academy on Friday evening ws interesting throughout. "A wo man in it" again. This time a breach of promise. Prosecutrix, Miss Ruah Dnnken; defendant, Mr. E.. Thompson. Suit whs brought upon said W. E. Thompson for failing to comply with a matrimonial engagement, wherefore a redress of $35,000 was asked for. The defense tried to prove that de fendant had sufficient reasons for not keeping the engagement, but the jury brought in a verdict of guilty as in dicted. Attorneys for proseootion, Fsssett and Thomas; for the defease, R. U. Capwell and C. F..Ledyafd. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you aro afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer aid wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Bros', drug Btore. Large size 50c. and tl. PECKVIUE POINTS. 8trt Oar Traffic Blookadud by Snow. Faraonal and Other Nw. Ulireiat to the Scranton Tribune. Pki'KVIm.e, Jan. 80. Mrs. and Mrs. N. E. Hoskins, of Avooa, who have been visiting Rev. F. P. Daly, returned home on Monday afternoon. Rev. F P. Doty attended the funeral of little Joseph Sohenok, eon of Ralph Sohenok of Olyphant, this afternoon at 8 o'clock. No street ears made their appearance on our street Tuesday on account of the blizzard, whleh effeotually blocked the way. The funeral of Mrs James Totbill will be held from the Methodist Eois copal church on Wednesday morning at 10 o'cloek. The pastor will officiate. ev t Thk essential lung healing principle of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined Into a perfect cough medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. MISCELLANEOUS MOOSIC ITEMS. What Our Enterprising Lical Corres pondent Haa to Chronicle. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Moosiu. Pa.. Jan. 80. William Williams, of South Maiu street, is visiting his parents at Plymouth. Airs. R. Muokalow and two children, of Avoca, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Smith, of North Main street. Mis. Daniel Hamlin and son Clifford, of Plttston, mude a Hying trip through town Monday. John Mott, of Penn avenue, is work ing at Carbondale while the powder mills are idle. William Stevenson, the bookkeeper at McCrindle's store, attended the funeral of hie cousin at Providence Tuesday afternoon. J. M, Robertson, of North Main street, who has been visiting relatives for the past few weeks in Bonnie Soot land, returned Monday evening, bring ing with him a handsome dog. Among the persons who attended tb opera "Robin Hood" Monday even ing were: Mr. John Green. (Marion Greeue, John Glllick aud Mary Mo Crindle. Charles Watkins was a visitor of Avooa Tuesday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. P. S. Hamlin, of Penn avenue, have returned after visiting Mrs. Hamlin's father at Madisouville. KEVSTON E ACADEMY. Ill- Happening's at That Well Known atitutlon of Learning. Special to the Scranton Tribune. FaOTORYVILLK, Pa., Jan. 30 School opened for the third quarter on Mon day with quite an iucrease ovsr last term's attendance. Rev. William C. Whitford, of Alford Theological university, N. Y., has been spending a few days with his twin brother, Prof. E E. Whitford. Q E. Wilson spent Sunday at Scran, ton with bis friend, G W. Slocum. Many of the students spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes, some of whom are the following: E. E.Scott, or Montrose ; N. N. Nichols, of Clark's Summit; Miss Lou Mace, of Peckville; Arthur Reynolds, R. W. Henwood and W. J. Matthews, ofScranton, and Miss Stone, of Waverly. B W. Termant, '93, and Allen Finn, of Clifford, wero callers at the Acad emy on Snnday last. The boy evangelist, Mr. Biles, of New Brunswick, is making a short stay among us. The physical culture elass is now booming under the leadership of Miss Connor, who is a graduate of Cam bridge, Mass., and is a very able in structor. A piano recital will be given in Ladies' ball on Wednesday evening under the direction of Prolessor E E. Southworth DURYEA DOINGS DESCRIBED. and Pen Point of Personal Mention Miscellaneous Intelligence. Svecia to the Scranton Tribune. Duiiyea, Pa., Jan 80 The young people of the Presbyterian chapel have organized a Christian Endeavor soci ety, and start out with a good showing and good corps of officers. There is some talk, having an opera house in town in the near future. O- B. Richards has returned from an extended trip through Bradford and Susquehanna counties, and reports n good time. Robert Thomas and David Morgans have recently removed to Joseph Mar cy's new home on M irey street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian chapel will meet at the church Friday afternoon. The foundation for the new B iptist church is completed. Are ambitious Democrats who 'failed to nominate their township officers Saturday evening for the coming elec tion, held their caucus Tuesday after noon in the basement of the High school building. G. A. Dill, the sprinter, left Monday for California. - . MINOR PERSONAL MENTION. Gossip About People, Thalr Ctilngs and Their Comings Special to the Scranton Tribunt. Cakuondale, Pa., Jan. 80 Lin Gilbert, of Bainbridge, N. Y., called on friends in this plaoe today. George F Jacobus, of Scranton, a former hotel proprietor of this plaoe, was a visitor here today. W. J. Cody, of Green Ridge, oalled on friends in this plaoe lazt evening. There will be a basket sooial held on Thursday evening In Keystone hall, given by the Alhambra Sooial olub. Mrs. Benjamin J. Evans, of Pitts ton, is the guest of friends in this oity. TERSE TAYLOR TOPICS. Happening of a Day, Sooial, Commer cial and Political. Special to the Scranton Tribune. TAYLOR, Pa., Jan. 80 John B. Dan iels wishes to announce that he is not a candidate for school director upon the citizens' or any other ticket of Tay lor borough. John Gynne, of Moosic, was in town tonight. The 0 year-old daughter of John and Charlotte Dnnkerly, died yesterday morning at 4 o'olook after a short 111- Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the .most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Lost Manhood and vigor quickly r ' t i -!. 111 1. .i !.-. itlirht.lv tnlilfn. iliy, wle., surely cured by IMMrn, tlie greet (Inn Remt'dV. With written merietMU! em. Bold 1T eUTlHKWB UKOS, Pnigglita, Mcrwiton, Pe. etrci III11 nesa at the home of her grandmother, Mrs Griff Watkins. of Taylor street. The funeral will take plaoe Thursday afternoon.. The "8tar Chamber," or citizsn tic ket, has met with a sad fute by many of their candidates deolining to acoept the nominations which were tendered on a silver platter. Tbey were again in session tonight remedying the tic -ket. OLD FORGE BREVITIES. Th News of th Neighborhood Told In Telling Fashion. gpsetal to the Scranton Tribune. Old Forok. Pa.. Jan, 30, John M. Hollttnd, the well known proprietor of Fallon's hotel, challenges John Con way to a Bkatlng contest for half a mile on Jermyn's lak, for $50 or $100. Answer through The Thibdnk. At early dawn today the scenery here looked grand through the coming of the beautiful snow, throwing its white mantle over all and festooning the trees on our mountain slopes as well ss the orchards and gardens. Simon Richards, sr., is somewhat in disposed Whilst Contractor Taylor's horse and buggy was tied up in front of Butoher W. D. Evans' store, some thief stole the rug from the buggy, on Monday evening. Messrs. Hollaeh and Conway attended the ball at Taylor on Tuesday evening. Our popular store keeper, James Smith, has bsu iu New York th last few days on busiuess. - ! PRICEBURG NOTES. Th General Borough Cauou Itms of a Personal Nature. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PltlCEliuuu, Jul). 30 M. Coe, a pros perous business man of Clyde, N. V., registered at the Central on Monday. Mr. John Gilligan, of Main street, is indisposed W. M. Brady, of Dickson avenue, is spending a few days with friends in Carbondale. The general borough canous will be held tomorrow night, Wednesday. I REVIVAL MEETINGS' A Religious Awakening at Peckville Riv. Doty'. Labor. Special to the Siranton Tribune. Peckvii.lk, Jan. 30 Rv. M. D, Fuller.of Providence, will preach in the Methodist Episcopal church Wednes day night, where the Rsv. F. P. Doty is conducting a series of revival meet ings. A good degree of interest has de veloped, which gives promise of suc cessful work. The Only Explanation. Uetroit Free l'cc$. Jack "I don't quite comprehend Miss Smith." Tom "In what respects'" Jack "W'oll.we weie children together, aud now here I'm SS nndshe' only ft." Tom "You've lived faster than she has." Jack "Thanks, old fellow. 1 guess that explains it." And Make Fifteen. Yankee Marie. Grocer Do you want twolve dollars a Week Applicant Yes. sir. By the way, do you use a cash register!1 Orocer No. Applicant Then I'll work for ten dol lars a weuk. Time No Object. Brooklyn Life. President of the Insurance Company I am afraid our advertising mau is no good. He sent a shipment of blotters to Phila delphia. Secretary What of that? President They don't n blotters there; tbey wait for the ink to dry. - An Unsatisfactory Mlstr. Texai SiftinuH. "Why, yeu haven't left your place, Msryr "Yes. I have." "Bless me. Why everybody wno bus lived with Mrs. Blank gives her a good name." "Yes; her hats ain't becoming to me." James Ileber Dorman of 8hy Beaver, Pa, Cured of Scrofula The People will have Hood's Mr. Dorman's Experience "My hoy, now 9 years old, had Scrofula In one eyo from th time ho was a haby ; dlscharg liK all the time, (if late wo have been giving htm Hood's HarsanarlllM, and It has done all that medicine ran do. The Rrrofula has disap peared, and his eye Is healed up and well. I Hood's Cures fully believe Hood's Harsaparllla is the best medicine In the market. I keep a general store, and it Is not a trick (o sell Hood's Harsaparllla for the people will have It. I sell more of Hood's Karsapaillla than all other modletnus together and the store would nut be complete Hood's s; Cures without it. My wife has also been entirely cured of Herofnla by Hood's iarsauarlllii, and I am heartily Ihanknil for wliV It lias dune for OS." John Dorman, Shy Beaver, Pa. HOOD'8 PlLLS Ui beet after dinner P11U, aetlit digestion, euro iiemlin-lie. Try a box. 26o. fPHE DUTHEIL STUDIO, o i r Lackawanna avknue, A OLO 8CK ANTON, I V. AV1N() MA Dr. a T TV snv small I'll A 1(1 II. LATKaT rcmlrnct with a framo factory to turn out 1,0111) (nun Ixitwoen now and Chr st mas, I wish to announce to the pub lic that 1 will inako a OKrtUlNK CRAYON POKTKAIT coptod from one ABSOLUTELY FREE OP NTYI.KS of I'llAMES f'KOM K.50 UI-WAKU. Workmanship Kunrnutoed. Frame SO per cent, less than regular prloa R DUTHICHi, Artist us. v ww r ui v vn , 0 R. edy, undiiriuvMIt,, b4fkl by U,lMirit..4l. H Potillv prontf uil 100-pa Ix.'k ill'Utrtl Irutn H H Ufcfninpeiipttourwl.frMbyniiil. When Hot Sprlup H and Mtrenryfell, Out MnsiC Remedy "III poelUnly cure. COOS Ke( in PH.. Ill What Causes Pimples? Clogging of the pores or mouths of the seba ceous glands with sebum or oily matter. The plug of sebum In the centre of the pimple Is called a blackhead, grub, or comedone. Nature will not allow tho clogging of tho pores to continue long, hence, Inflammation, pain, swelling and redness, later pus or matter forms, breaks or Is openud, the plug comes out and the pure Is once more free. There aro thousands of these pores In the face alone, any OM of which is liable to become clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? The only reliable preventive and cure, when not duo to a constitutional humor, is Cuticura Soap. T contains a mild proportion of CUTICCltA, the great skin Cure, which enables it to ilbsolvu the sebaceous or oily matter as it forms at the mouths of the pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduces inflammation, soothe ami heals irritated aud roughened surfaces and restores the akin to its original purity. This Is the secret of Its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red, rough hands and Shapeless nails, dry, thin and falling hair, scaly and Irritated scalps and simple babyblemisues it is wonderful. It is preserving, purifying aud beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for the skin and complexion. Hale greater than the combined sales of all other sk'n uud complexion soaps. Sold fnroaghout the world. 1'oTTKlt Dm (i asp CliliM. Com-., Sole I'ro prielors, Uosluu. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality In Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-killing, nerve-strengthening plaster when all else fails. Dr. ED. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And his isaooiatpii ttafl of Encllsh and Ger man l'hysiclaus,aro now permanently located Temple Court Building 81 1 RPRUCR ST.. SCRANTON Whcru thoy may bo consulted DAILY AND II MlAY. Tho Doctor in a graduate ot tho University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology and surgery at the Medico Chir urtjlcal College, of Philadelphia. He Is also an honorary n ember of tho Medico-Chirur-glcal Aisoclntion, and was physician and Surgeon In chief of tho most notod American and German hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by th leading professors of Philadelphia and hew York. His many years of bosDltal rxperieno en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat U deformitias and diseases with the most flattering success, and his hhih standing in tho statu will not all w him to accept anv incurable caae LOST MA Mi i m ill BKftTOttKT). WXAKNKM OF YOUNG MKN CUIIED. If yon navo oeen givon up oy your physi cian call upon the doctor and be examined. He cures tho worst casesof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Soroa catarrh. Piles, Fomala Weakness, Affections of tbo Ear, Kye. Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumor, Can cers and Cri poles of every description. Con sultation in English and German Fre. which shall be considered sacred and strictly couti dentlaL i mi. . Hours: 0 A. u. to 9 V. M. Dully. Sunday, U a.m. to 2 p in. THB TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CKGANIZF.D LttO. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. lAMT'F.t, IIINF.S,rreidont W.W. WATSON. Vice President. A. B. WILLIAMS. Cashier. miiEt'Tons, SAMTKr. IltNKS, JAMES M' KvRlinART, iRVINU A. FlNCn. PlElH'E B. FlNl.EV, Joseph J. Jeiimyn, M. U. Kemeukk., CUAS, V. MATTHEWS, John T. I'i. Ill Kit. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tho patronage ot business men and firms generally. Third National Bank of Scranton. Miiteineni Dae, ill, I so l. railed for by the Comptroller of the Cm-renoy. RKSOUBCM, Loans l,M,47S.4s) Overilriilt United si nt i - llonde. Other ltniide Ilaiiklng House Premiums on 11. S Due from I'. S. i're Due Irom Hunks,. . Cash Bunds, ,m leuror ; to 18 mi i. oo no 44K,m.7 g8.074.46 17,44.1.711 10.00(1 (III . Sttl.lHD Oil IT8,6W,N ,408,68a, S6 MAIUMTIKS. Capital 00,000 00 uriiliie U4O.0O0 OO Undivided l'ro6te nO.IM '4H Circulation lUH.OOII.OO Dlvldemle Cnpiild I,H 50 Deposit.' l,7'.iiftHO Hue to Hanks 86.0'.' 1.07 18,468,698. 66 WILLIAM COMNKLt. PrMBt, UKO. II. ( ATI. IN, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. I'KCK, t ashler. IIMtKCTOKS William Conntill, George II. Cittlin, Alfred Hand, Henry Helln, Jr., .1 nines Arrhbald, William T. Smith, Littliar Keller. to depositor every their Iialaiices, lutsl- I1PRR and responsibility. This hunk oft'ers facility warranted by I Special attention given to business ae oouuts. Interest puld on time depoilts. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are liundretls of yooog men and ypung women In thin country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to liundretls of young people. If you aro tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON BNOIilSH COUKSK III si NT SS CO I US K. SHORTHAND Co, us,, p R y0QJ) pj NKW YKAR OPENS JANUARY 1. FUR RUGS Combination Goat and Sheepskin Rugs. i Hne Angora Wool, all sizes. Real Leopard, with full head. Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or Satin lining. Large line to select from. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUG3, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4 SMYRNA MATS, 50c. each. These are bargains COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c. and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, &c. KERR h SIEBECKER CARPETS AND DRAPERY, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenu9. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A M A PPY PATRON OF" THE RICHARDS L UMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. 'VTT'HILE many manufacturers nml dealorj are making; extravagant stata ments concerning tho merits and durability of medium or low grade pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the faiuom STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application P rf 0:B,M ft- 123Adam3 Ave. m NOT MANY f Days left of our Odds, Ends and Remnant Sale, but still a few choice things, maybe W just your selection, are here. We Are House Furnishers Tliat statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter ing of everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets. Lace Curtains, Crockery, Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators, Lamps, Clocks, &c. Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses.