6 THE SCTIANTON TEIBUJTE - WEDNESDAY MOKXTN-Gr. JAXTJATIT 31, T894. i Only a Step from Weak Lungs to Con sumption, from Depleted Blood to Anaemia, from Dis eased Blood to Scrofula, from Loss of Flesh to Illness. Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, prevents this step from being taken and restores Health. Physicians, the world over, en dorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes ! t'lreimrtid by Scott i limine, N. Y. All Druggist. LIVE NEWS OF IT Events of the Upp3r End of Luzerne County Briefly Narrated. BUNCOED BY GREEN GOODS MEN Two Pittstonians Get Neatly Taken in by an Offer of Fine Greenbacks at Half Price Which Metamorphose Into a Vulvar, Common Brick An Amateyr Theatrical Venture Which Came to Grief Minor Happenings in Lively Pittston. The Scuantos Tuibtxe's Pittston de partment is in charge of J. M. FiiUy, to whom news items aud couiplaiuts may be referred. J That all the fool are not yet dad is well Illustrated by a case recently tried before one of our local justices. The parties, who are both well known in this community, we will call Tom and John. The former for some time back had been receiving "green goods" cir culars from Jersey City simpers, inviting him to purchase their goods. He finally asked John's advice on the matter and was told to invest, that it teemed to promise to be a good thing. Not satisfied with this, however, Tom decided to go down to Jersey City to examine into the proposed investment. He, there fore, telegraphed as per the instruc tions given in the letters seut him that he was coming. As directed, he left the train at H mud Brook and went to a hotel, at which he registered under the name which his Utter of instruc tion had directed him to assume. Very soon he was accosted by a well dressed.substantial and respectable ap pearing young man, who, using th name under which the Pittstonian had registered and giving the one that had been signed to the letters, invited him to go to Jersey City and examine the goods. The Pittstonian and his new acquaintance went by a circuitous route to a house situate in the outskirts of the latter town. Ttere the would-be purchaser of "'green goods" was shown ii large amount of perfectly new bills; ones, twos, fives, tens, and twenties, which he was informed was the "goods." THE BAIT EAGERLY GRABBED. These he was invited to and did ex amine most carefully to see whether he could find in them any imperfections or defects that would prevent their ready circulation or make their handling dangerous. He was assured that it was impossible to detect these counterfeits, as they had been made from plates that had been stolen from the bureau of engraving and printing at Washington many years ago. The Pittston specu lator was thoroughly satisfied with the prospects of sudden and easy riches that he saw thus opened to him, but explained to the Jerseyite that he had not brought any money with him to pay for the "goods," hut would go home, get his money and return to make the purchase. To this the Jewrite assented, cautioning the Pittstonian to not say anything to anybody about the intend ed purchase. When Tom arrived in Town he hastened to call upon and till bis friend John of the easy road to great riches which tho Jerseyite had dis closed. John was so well pleased with the prospects that he gave Tom $100 to invost for him. The latter with $300 of his own money hastened back to Jersey City as fast as steam could carry him. Once more be mt the Jers-yite and was taken to the room in which the "goods" were. There before his eyes, the Jerseyite gathered tip $5,500 of the "goods,"(tbe $500 being ndded to make good measure and to compensate the purchaser for his extra trip), which after being carefully wrap ped in a newspaper were deposited by the Jerseyite in a small iron casket that was securely fastened and then given to the Pittstonian with the strictest in junctions that it should not he opened before he reached home. AN AFFECTING PARTING. The Jeneyite instructed him, more over, when he reached home to have a weak solution of coffee made and to dip the bills in it, thus browning and giv ing them the appearance of age. The Pittstonian, so tar as not opsning the casket was concerned, followed strictly the instructions that he had received. When he reached home it was neces sary to force open the caskot by using a hammer and coal chisel. When this had been done in it was found the newspaper package, which, when opened, disclosed a common, every day brick. Nor was this the end of the speculators' misfortunes. When he attempted to explain to his friend and fellow-speculator, John, how they had been "done" out of their money. The latter grew incredulous and sus picions and demanded the return of his $100. This not beinir forthcoming. John hastened to the offiVe of a nearby justice and bad a summons issued for Tom. The case was heard and judgment given against Tom, who now Buds him self not only minus his own $!I00, but compelled to make good the $100 which bis fellow-speculator had embarked in the scene. NOT A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. An Unnppreciative Public Whose Bnthu- aiaam Would Not Enthuse. IjOtiok t minstrels is the name or a local organization, who for months haa been perfecting arrangements prepara tory to making a tonr of the suburban towns. The organization Incl tided some very capable talent and would un doubtedly have made a fortune had it not bsen for the failure of an unappre- ciative public whose taste had not been educated up to a thorough realization of minstrelsy. The organization in question made their appearance in Mill City Monday uight at Rogers' ball. When the cur tain, 8 by 10, rolled upon the Urst part there were forty-seven persons in the hall. The slim attendance, however, did not discourage the comedians one iota. Fame, not money, they were after. When the treasurer counted up the receipts ot the evening he found there whs barely enough money to oover expenses. When he made known to the com pany the condition of affairs a feeling of sadness emu over them, which was only augmented during the trip home by the accommodations a band wagon afforded, Til c imp my, in explana tion fortheir "hard luck," allege it wan lack of patronage. MR. BENNETT FOR BURGESS. West Pltleton Citizens Inaugurate Move ment for Borough Reform. The citizens of West Pittston held a convention last night in the town ball to nominate a rof irm borough ticket. William Sax presided. C. H, Foster acted as secretary. 3 Hits was the ticket anally nomin ated: For burgess, S B. Bennett; for councilmen, Charles E. Howitz and Joseph Stackbouse ; for school directors, W. B. Hibbs and C. H. Foster; for overseer of the poor, John Courtright; for tax collector, C. P. hnngli; tor auditor, Fred L. Fordham, and for high constable, George Walker. - PITTSTON BRIEFLY PORTRAYED. The Events of the Iw n Villages Choicely Boiled Down. The KureKa Social club held a very enjoyable hop at Keystone Hall last evening. Considerable sickness exists through out the borough, principally among children. Snow shovels were in great demand yesterday, and many an idle baud earned an honest quarter. J. Arch McDongall, manager ot Music hall, has booked William Brry in "The Kising Generation" at Music ball for next Tuesday evening, Feb. 0. "Green goods" circulars bavo been received by several of our townsmen during the past week. It behooves the recipients to give them the go by and not be "taken in" as was a certain individual, mention of whose escape appears elsewhere on this page. A special meeting is called tor the West Pittston Republican club next Saturday evening at 7.80. for the elec tion of;officersand settling all bills due. C. F. Dewey, president. Last evening Thomas E. Shea and his excellent company presented to a large audience "Snares of New York" for the first time in this place. It is a iiielo-drama with an interesting plot and gives Mr. Shea an excellent oppor tunity to display his abilities. This evening "Rip Vim Winkle," a piece dear to every theatregoer, will be the attraction. William Holt, the colored man who underwent an operation a few days ago for the removal of accummulated pus which bad gathered internally as a result of being shot by a fellow col ored man, still continues to improve at the hospital and it is now a foregone conclusion among the doctors that he will recover. Monday evening hts temperature was 09 2-5, and he felt better this morning than at any time since he has been in the hospital. Dr. Walsh Monday night began moving the drainage tube, and removed it two and a half iuci. s. The doctor feels much elated over the operation and well he may, for it is considered one of the most delicate of its kind in the his tory of the medical profession. Margaret Tiarney, of Port Griffith, died yesterday morning, aged 00 years. She is survived by one son and three daughters, Her husband, James Tier ney, died two years ago. The funeral will occur Thursday afternoon at 1) o'clock. Funeral services in St. John's church. Interment in Market street cemetery. (Jthor Scran ton papers please coby. Rev Father Finnen, of this place, won a handsome Afghan at St. Mary's Avoca church fair Monday night. Miss Mary W. McKtne, of Avnca, and Wilbur F. Vau Tassel, of Now York city, were married at noon yes terday at the borne of the bride's parents, Avoca, the Rev. John W. Burras. rector of St. James Episcopal church, officiating. Mr and Mrs. Van Tassell started immediately after the ceremony for PnilaiMphia, whence they will go south and visit the prin cipal cities and pointsfif interest. The bride is well known in the valley and has a host of admiring friends who wish her well. A large number of our young people went to Avoca last night to be present at the closing of St, Mary's Church fair which has been going on for some time, Among the number was the Misses Powers, Joyce, Walsh and Loftus, McNamara and Earloy. If vot; bave made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsapnrilla, do not be persuaded to take any other. Bo sure to get Hood's Sarsapnrilla, which possesses peculiar curative power. Hood's Pii.i.s cure all liver Ills, bilious ness, jauudice. indigestion, sick headache. A Natural Error. Chiruyo Tribune. "That yonng lady seems to be practicing her Delsarte lesson unconsciously." "Who!' Miss Blithersl That Isn't Dol tarte. That's St, Vitus's dance." m ' Orltloleing a Young Lady. "She would be a pretty girl for b-tt one thing." 'What's thatr asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with pnrple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Us 'd to be the same way my self, but I caught on to tbe trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. George What was it? ( harloy Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tll yoc, it's Ihe boss blood corrector. The governor bad rheumatism so bail that you could hear him holler clear across the country every time he moved. He tried It, and you know what an athletic old vont he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it. e Check Hie Mad Career! Rt-cheeter 'elf A-'jpreM. Is Mr. Cleveland going to sacriflco all his legal frioudsiu New York? In Holland, Mich., C. J. Doesbury pub lithes the New, and its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. , When Baliy was sick, wo gave her Castorla, When she woe a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she becuue Mlse, she clung to Castorla, When i.l hi had Children, she gave them Castorla, CROWDS AFTER ROOKS Surprise at flie Excellent Quality of tbe Stand ard Works Furnished. (UfiljllU IMD FOR THEM All Handsomely Bound and Well Printed on Superior Paper in Large Clear Type, with Illuminated Covers, Resembling the Works Contained in the Albright Library List of the Titles of Books Contained in the Oxford and Rugby Series. Crowds of people anxioas to see the books of the Oxford, Rugby and Co lumbus series yesterday filled THE TltlliUNR office, and their curiosity was soon turned to pleasure, for they had not expected to behold such an excel lent quality of standard works, so handsomely bound, such fine paper and in such clear and large type. It should be borne in mind that all the books of all the series, wbioh have illuminated cqvers, are bound in cloth, many of them in the English vellum cloth. As a consequence the demand for the books exceeded all expectations. The general remark of surprise was that they resembled almost exactly the fine works in tbe Scranton library. They had not looked for such exell ence. All these books in the different series have arrived, and as there is a raid on some special authors It will pay those desiring first choice to cut coupous and send in their cash without delay. Following are tbe titles of the books comprised in the Oxford and Rugby series: OXFORD EDITION. (25 Cents Each.) Chestnuts, Old and New. East Lynne. Duke's Secret. Children of the Abbey. Etlie Ogilvie. Tom Cringle's Log. Vicar of Wakefield. Arabian Nights Entertainment. Duldee, or the Iron Hand. Eugene Aram. - The Countess Eve. Tuo Confessions of a Woman. Zaiumi, ll Etataw, Baled llav. Wooed and Married. Two Years Before the Mast. Zenubia. All Sorts and Condition of Men. Bed Rover. Tom brown at Oxford. Red Uaunlett. Tom Brown's School Days, Shirley. A Strange Story. Oliver Twist. .Monsieur Leroq. Mill on tbe Fluss. Dick's Sweetheart. John Halifax. Kenelm Chillingly. Last Days of Pompeii The Spy. Pilgrim's Progress. The Foragers. Daughters of Beth. Felix Holt. Heart of Gold. Kestell of Greyston. Fair women. , Tbe Bondman. Chaplet of Pearls. Frederick the Great and His Court, Armorel of Lyonesse. Charlemont. Belt Help. Blanchhampe Lime Kiln Club. An April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. Orlops, The Carrier. Rnffiiio. The Honorable Miss. Lady Maude's Mania. , Marcia. The Parisians. Border Beagles. Bride ot Laminermoor. Life of Daniel Boone. Tho Rival Princes. Molly Bawn. Murdered in tho Rue Morgue. Reproach of Aunersley. Kenilworth. Last of tbe Mohicans, Shandon Bells. Old Myddletou's Money. Ro inula. Tho Mysterious Island. Mystery of Orcival. The Second Wife. Monastery. Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Rob Roy. Tbe House of the Seven Gables. Violet Vivan. The Wages of Sin. Vivan Grey. Strange Adventures of a Pheaton, Beyond Pardon. The Antiquary. Birds of Prey. The Firm of Girdlestor Fern Leaves. Charles Anchester. Foul Play. Gold Elsie. Martin Chuzzlewit. Chandos. Catherine. Pathfinder. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers. A Pair of Blue Eyes. Tne Prairie. Thu Human aud Divine. YencasBe. Th sAi-y of an African Farm. Cousin Pons. Crown of Wild Olives. Life of Kit Carson. David Copperlield. Child's History of England. The Fairy of the Alps. No Name. Mv Loid and My Lady. Tour of the World in SO Days. TweDty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Phantom Ship. Jane Eyre. June. Knickerbocker History of New York. Lady Audley's Secret. A Hardy Horseman. House on the Marsh. The Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. Nick ot the Woods. Wit, Humor anjj Pathos Queen Hortense. In tbe SchilliogHCourt. Pioneers. My Heart's Darling. Life of David Crocket. Lady Castlemains's Divorce. The Sin of Joost Avolmgh. Woodcraft. Half Hour with Groat Humorists. Half Hour with Groat Story Tellers. Silas Warner. Half Hour with Great Novel X History of the Unltod Statee Southward, Oh. Her Dearest Foe. ureal. Expectations. (Irinim's Fairy Tales. Gilded Clique. Tho Vandetta. iEiop'a Fables. Waverley. Vixen. Faith and Unfaith The Deemster. A False Start. Scenes from Clerical ' r Chnrlutte Temple. Oriffltl Gaunt. Vrsoonselos. Mastorman Roady. Mastor Passion. Old Mamselle's Secret, The Leronge Case. March In the Ranks, sloane Square Scandal. The Wigwam and Cabin. OuyjMnnnertng. Flying Dutchman. Macleod of Dare. Marry Lorretjiier. Guilderoy. Don Qaixote. Donald Grant. Caet Up by the Sea. Other Peoplo'B Money. Othnmar. baruaby Rudge. Dennis Dnval. Dora Thorne. The Dove in tho Eagle's Nest The First Violiu. Madcap Violot. Mellichatnpo. Riohard Hurdis. The Parting of the Ways. Forty l.iars and Other Lies. The Vicomto's Bride. Eutaw. Far From the Maddening Crowd. Aurelian. Dramas of Life. Famous or Infamous. Mary St. John. ' Alice. Shadows and Sunbeams. Alas! Plira, the Phoenician. Swiss Family Robinson. Rory O'More. Ladies' Family Physician. An Egyptian Princess. Anderson' Fairy Tales. Vaulty Fair. The Moonstone. Eric Uirghteyes. Twenty Years After. The Scarlet Letter. The Partisan. The Scout. Merle's Crusade. Heron Munchausen. Katharine Walton. Conlgsby. Tbe Arundel Motto. Is Life Worth Living. Princess huushine. Card a. Willy ReiHy. ThadileiiH of Warsaw. Tbe Wouinp O't. Syrlin. Twice Told Tales. Rhoda Flemmiug. The Young Duke. Strang Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. RUGBY SERIES. (20 Cents Eaoh.) Deep Down. The Boys in the Forecastle Roanoke Island to Murfreesboro. Popular Natural History Barbara's Triumph. Stories from American History. The Smugglers' Cave. Erllng the Bold. Adventures Amonc the Indians. The Rifle,and the Hound. Gilbert the Traveler. Parents' Asustant. Audubon the Naturalist. Harlie's Letters. Banff's Fairy Talos, Fort Sumter to Boanoka Island. School Life, or Three Years at Wolvor ton. Ocean Waifs. Tho White Elephant. My Tour in Europe. Nature's Young Nobleman. Qatooyne, Frank Wildmau's Adventurers on Land aud Water. Aunt Diana. The Golden Magnet. Round the World. Stories About Auimals. Young Voysgers. Grocie Goodwin. German Fairy Tales. t Famous Men. iioyB' and Girls' Story Book. Hoy Conqueror. Young Folks History of Greece. Adveutures of Famous Sailors. Boys of tbe Bible. The Adventures of Rob Roy. Young Folks Book of Birds. The Yonng Foresters and Other Tales. Salt Water. Boy Slaves. Young Adventurer. Old Mem's Travel on the Cpntineut. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Grahanie. Grey Hawk. Fairy Tales from Bretano. Wild Sports in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Lcgeuds Current in South ern India. Cliff Climbers. Pirate Island. Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es. Young Acrobat. Dick Chevelry. PerilBof the Jungle. Through the Looking Glass Dick Rodney. Our Young Soldiers. Bush Boys, l Iriental Fairy Tales. Young Folks' History of Rome. Spanish Fairy Tales. Eric Dane. Eight Years' Wanderings in Coylon. Fort Pillow to the Eud. The Fire Brigade. Grandfather's (.'hair. Jackanapes and Othor Tales. Young Folks' History of Germany. Mulfreesboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. Plant Hunters. The War Tiger. Paul Blake. Baron Munchausen. Edgeworth's Classic Tales. .lack Wheeler. Young Folks Natural History. Young Folks History of Prance. Wonders of the Great Deep. Tho Wolf Boy in China. The Magician's Show Box. Mark Seaworth. Luke Bennett's Hide Cut. Adventures of Famous Travelers. Saudford and Merton. In the Wilds ot New Moxico. The Tiger Priuce. The Red Eric. Number 111. COLUMBUS SERIES. (16 Cents Eaoh.) Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Man's Darling. Allan Quartertnniii. Ah in a I king disss. Arabian Nights' Entertainment. At the World's Mercy. Bonuie Dora. Bride of the Tomb. Cam! lie. Child's History of England. A Dateless Bargain. The Deer Slayer. , The Duke's Secret. Dedlee, or tho Iron Hand. Dick's Wanderings. Doubly Wronged. A Desperate Woman. A Dreadful Temptation. A Deathbed Marriage. East Lyune. Essays of Ella. The Frozen Pirate. Grimms' Household Fairy Tales, Guy Kduinere's Wife. The House on the Marsh. Tbe Hon. Mrs. Vo.-elcer. Handy Audy. Ivsnhoe. Jacqueline. Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Gentlemen. Lady Audley's Secret. Last Days of Pompeii. The Last of the Mohicans, Lorua Doone. A Life's Remorse. Little Golden's Daughter. Little Nana. Mr. Fortesque; an Audrean Romance. Too Master of the Mine. Matt; a ThIo of the Caravan. Moll Bawn. Tho Nun's Curse. Old Mam'selle's Secret. ( Hiver Twist. The Patuflnder. The Pioneers. The Prairie. A Prince of Darkness. Queenio's Terrible Secret. 'I he Reproach of Aunosley. Robinson Crusoe. Romola. Rory O' Moore. The Rabbi's Spell. The Rose and the Lily. She. The Sketch Book. The Swiss Family' Robinson. Second Thoughts. Strange Case of f '--ifvtl and Mr. Hyde. Tom Brown's School Days. Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues Cnder the Sea. The Two Orphans. Two Years Before the Most. Under-Currents. ' A Vagrant Wife. The Witch's Head. Willie Roilly. Won by Waiting. A Woman's Face. A Wife's Crime. dam Bede. Crooked Path. Cardinal Siu. Blind Love. Hoyle's Gaines. ' Wife in Name Only. Janet's Repentance. Master of Bsliantrae. Ivan the Serf. Lady Valsworth's Diamonds. For Knit hand Freedom. Wee Wifie. Christmas Stories. Col. Q uiritch. A Family Affair. A Mental Struggle. For Another's Sin. Mysterious Island. Redeemed by Love. Princess of Thule. We Two. At War with Herself. Missing Husband. Between Two Sins. Baron Munchausen. Evil Genius. Uy neutlinq J cent, extra for pottage mil of the Loilti tcfll Di SMi bu mini. Closing out the bal ance of our AIM DDL TI IT) H H mi Ii SALE 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Clonks and Fur Capes duriujr ale tit less than cost of material. Every iuch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains eve shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles 10s. each Boys' Winter Waists Qo each. Muffs 30c. each. . Cloaks . . $ 1 .50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. at following prices: Russian I.ynx Circular Cap's, L'l Inchon, Jl.t'S Electric Seal Artmjaf Ospat, lit in 8.H8 Astrakhan Circular Capes, 24 in 9.Wt Wool Hi al Circular Cap -s, 'Jl in H.IIJ Stone Marti-n Circular Capes, -'I in 40.00 Brown Marten circular Capos, -4 in 4.1.(10 Otter Circular Capes, 24 in 00.00 Seal Sacques Seal Sacques, .1, inches long 1190.00 Seal Jackets, M inches 100.00 Seal Jackets. 24 inches long (0.00 Asti akliim Jac kets, til inches lon.r , 30.UO Circular Capes Seal Circular Capo, IK) inches long. w:th Butterfly Cape 185.00 Otter Circular Cape, M inches long. With Butterfly Capo 10540 Sable Circular Cape, 30 Inches long 85 OH Astrakhan Circular Cape, 30 inches long H 00 Electric Heal Circular Cape, .'HI in. long.. 211 00 Uruy Crimmer Circular Cape, 30 in. long 30 00 40 dozen American 8al Muffs at. ...?1 25 ench 1 lot 1 children's sots at 98c. each 1 lot of Melgh Koboj, plush lined 83 each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the citv. DON'T FORGET That wi nro hoadquarters for ovorythinp in the line of WATCHER. It you have inidea or pitrnhttniiiK any kind Of a Watch, s or Rout's. QoU or Silver, yon will uiakt'a riov OQI niintuki' it yon do lot fift uh a cull ami get our prirtr, which you will find far bolow all otnorH, DBpecfalty m ill tho high ratios of Elgin, Walt hum and lUmpdoti movement. If yon havu any donlil a id aro at all posted on pi icon. ji o una call and w will havo no trouble in cottTinoinf you. West in here a large took to dispose Om and will otter 700. won- derfn tndnotmenti In Jewelry, silverware, (Mocks and all othor goods which we havo in stock. C. W. Freeman I'"in Avo. and Spruce St. jATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and O LUBRICATING VfilLO Atlantic I rail mill Krencli Zinc. Pure Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Vurnlslien !leady-nileit I'alnts In all colore, Ullder' Whiting. Pari! Whit and Kalaomlne, Oil' Vltrol, Marble Dust and Window r.lns. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, efc. l'riroa very reusoniiblo. Spnco will not. permit ua to mention the good t hinge for a Christmas, din ner. Htock ia complete. Anything to be found in a first-class market, W. H. PIERCE, FENN AVK I PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN YOt: KNOW HOW S300 IN PRIZK8 WILL BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THE PUZZLE IN THE BHOHTKS1 bPACK l TIME FOR BALE BY MW NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY BTORES, OU SENT T ANY ADDRESS I PON IIECKU'T OF PRICE, H. CENTS, UY lit COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. AND 111 BOUTS EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. RESTORE LOST VIGOR VtW dteeemr. Will brsce yon up in ft week Bold with WRITTEN IV A KAN 1.1. to CVN N Debility) Lom vt Hiul Power in nthfi sex, IntohmUrT Eniinfuioe (tarn udj ceott. If netilt-rted, sacta trouble Wai t coiiHiiMLtion oi iliui it j, t ! pt-r ) ix by mail, 6 boiei for i With wv rr $5. uni'T w.- tv- a irni, i, L'uniMi't . t i .urtr n l ,1 LLt muLi v AOOl hi PLaL m . n i. co.. Cie?leild,Oble. For Palo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cur. Wyoming Ave. and f pruce St., Scranton, Pa. XMurv ii.j AUtt Lfiiug. .S FEDS. rMn.'l) rnif. 11 n.r.i.11- dll can'f. mcli us W'pnk Mwii.-rv. !. 1 m n " wer.H.-.uiadu'.Wuaeiulneee. Liihi MiHihiio.l, Kicbtly EiiiUsii.i. . .rv..;in'.lldrutiieaiillooi power IniJo'.ierutlveOrirniin'if eltberaoxoaoie i byoferexertton, yonihi'.iierrori. u .. ii - i.f ...hnnnp. onluni or i-tlir.lllflritfi. which loud to 1 nil mil t T, Con- 'XVsSc A -r JfjHumfiloriorli sanliT. oi.! eetpocket. ml per box. 61 leefiMli leie"-IV "'-ii' i.r..ii 1,1. Withe S hi ' rllteri irmirnnlee la cure mnaHWM. NlHim llir mmcy. I irruinriri'M. . ' ' i ' . i iiriuriivsiis. .... ......r oCFORE MO HFTtR USING.uo other. Addreei XIHVK M t in .. MODl Imple, CHICAGO. 1U. For Sale in Scranton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON. Drucfrist, cor. Washing-ton and Suruco streets, aud JOHN J. DAVIS, Druggist, loC South Main Ave. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. TH K Thatcher IS THE BEST. (let prices anil eo the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello aud Gauze Door Ranges. cOnlafsIardware IMTTSTON, PA MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL, Conlnr tho tiont nnnlltjr for doOMMfl QMkMa of ,11 eizns, dollvorod In uuj pert ot tho cm at low-out prim Order left st my nlflco. no. UK. WTOMntn ,...-,NT-, R.nr nvim. drat floor. Thirl Nation il Bank, or wilt by infill or telrplione to tho mino, will receive prompt attention. hpt-oial contrnotrt will be minlo for th.. HUe end doliyury of llni'kwheiit t'oul- WM. T. SMITH. WEBSTER'S lXTl'MXATTOXAL Ahreestcnk, Vn,t XJ1 ' J-- I A Grand Meteten Aloemor o f cm "UbMbridgetl." Ten fmxn sint It) ri'vi'siiif. pi id ItoneinplovedJuii more than INtyNO expended. Everybody should own tlii DJctionaiT. It an- Jjl M ffweratul qaestfoni conccrnliur tho his H r tary, ppellinB, piu m-1 tiuiu-i:it ion, and r BMUllnff of words. A Library in Itself. It tltoglvw tiie often desired Information concerning eminent persons) facts conoernlng Um countries cities, towns, and natural fca- tiues of uo globe; psrUculsri oonosrning noted fictitious persons and places; trans lation ot foreign .pioUtions, words, aud proverbs; etc., etc., etc. 7 ii.s-11 ork is Invaluable i i tin- household, sod to the teacher, scholar, pro fcssioual man. and self educator. SoktbsiAII nmikMlltn. ;. .v- v. Harriuu Co. Publithl rn. Sjtrinyjiebl, ,1nss. MTRSTKR'S 1 INTnKXAWNM. I , ;r mo nni mi) ciiiwniinew- nirTlnv'.lA' L'i:.ilii. ri'enntsoi iiiii'ii.iu IJlLliii.vuu I'lllllOllS. If eenaTorrrea pnnsertui l Atlantic Refining Co. htsnafsotnrers and DssJsfsin Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linseed oil, Napthai and Gaso- liiios of all gradsij. Axlo Orease, Pinion Greaw Wl Colliery Com pound ; also, a largo lino of Par rnfiine Wax Candles. We ;ilsn handle the ITamoni CROWN ACME OIL, the only family Bafely binning oil in the market. WILUAM MASON, Manager. Office: Coul Kxchango, Wyoming Aye. orks at l'lne HroolL wANT . Inserted In THK TRlHUNB tho atoof ONE CENT A WORD.