The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 31, 1894, Image 1

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Let that boy ofyour'g loiter
about where be gains no
benefit. f t
St rant mt Cfilfilir IHlmtte.
His band an entertain
ing and instructive TRIB
UNE book and make some
thing out of him.
eight pages--. coi.i mn's.
Admiral Benham's Guns Bring Then to Their
The Brazilian Naval Commander Per
sisted in Reckloss Firing That En
dangered American Merchant Ves
sels in Spite of Admiral Benham's
Protest A Few Shots from the
American Man-of-War Settles the
Adinira' Bouhiun resents an insult to the
American Urn: by Bring shots across th beW
of Admiral l'o Unman flagship. Tin OOVHM
of the American admiral Is warmly Indorsed
Inofficial circles at Wssnlogton, who thiuk
Admiral Benham bad Unpll ground for fore
lag De Game to recognise tlio .dignity of the
United Stales.
Washington, I). C, Jan. 30.
IHKN the navy department
closed this afternoon Secretary
Herbert had received no t Or
ther news concerning the crit-
lOal condition of stYairs at liio than
that contained in United Press dis
patches. It wa positively aserted at
the state department that Secretary
Uresham had received nothing what
ever from Minister Thompson and that
the only information as to Rio Janeiro
complications was obtained from Ad
miral Benham's disp itches us furnished
by the navy depitynent.
The cable message from Benham
giving an acconns ot the vigorous mea
eares taken by him to stop interference
with American merchantmen by De
Gams, was received by Secretary Her
bert at 10 o'clock lat night while a
email informal dance was in progress
at the secretary's turn. It was trans
mitted in naval cipher and the
secretary immediately sent for Lieu
tenant Mulligan, the cipher trans
lator of the navy department.
L'util 4 o'clock this morning Lieuien
aut Moliigan worked on the iuegage,
and at that hour handed a translated
copy to the secretary, who had re
mained un to receive it. A copy was
immediately prepared f.w Secretary
Oreshnm and it was delivered at bis
hotel at 5 o'clock this morning, Mem
bers of the senate committee on
foreign relations and of the house com
mittee on foreign alfaira who have
Keen the dispatch say its purport if to
'.be following effect:
Admiral Benham. finding that Ad
miral Da (iatna persisted in reckless
firing that eudangered the safety of
American merchant vessels, entered a
protest. Pa Gama paid no heed to this
and yesterday Benliam sought to warn
the insurgent admiral by clearing his
decks for action. When Da fiam i re
fused to take this hint, Benham fired
several shots across the bow of Da
Gauia's flagship. This had an immedi
ate and salutary effect and the matter
ended at that point, so far ns Admiral
Benham's dispatches disclose.
The American squadron consisting of
the cruiser, New York, the finest ship
in the navy, the cruisers Detror, New
ark, Charleston, ami the fUgship San
Francisco, are of course overwhelm
ingly superior to anything that Da
Gama has to bring against them
The news of Admiral Benham's ac
tion was regarded of inch iniDortance
that Secretary Herbert laid the matter
before President Cleveland early this
morning and the two discussed the sit
uation nntil the cabinet meeting
at 11 o'clock. The questions pre
sented were considered at the
meeting and press dispatches from
Kio Janeiro were else carefully
read in the hope that they would be
stow some new light on the aspect of
affairs After the meeting adjourned
Secretary Herbert declined to make
pnblicany information sent by Admiral
Benham. He said, however, that he
had heard notoin,' from the admiral
concerning the reported surrender of
Da Gama to Benham, but if anything
additional came in from Kio he would
make it public, provided it had no
political bearing.
The courso of the American admiral
finds warm endorsement in official
circles. An official of prominence
told a United Press reporter that
Admiral Benham had a perfect rig'it
to interfere with Da Gama'e move
ments when they becarn a menace to
the interests of American vessels.
The Insurgents, he said, had not been
recognized as belligerents tiy the
United States or any other nation.
They had no right to establish a block
ade, but they had done go. Yet in es
tablishing it they took no means to en
fore it by giving warning ito incoming
vessels. He believed Benham had done
right and that he wonld be endorsed by
the administration for stopping the ar
rogance of De Gama.
Those who know Admiral Benham
say he is a gallant officer, ever ready to
resent sn insult to the flag, but exceed
ingly conservative and not likely to do
anything without considering it care
fully. Besides he had the exmple of
Admiral Stanton before him and tnat
whs enough to make him donbly dis
creet. It is the general opinion that
Admiral Benham had ample grounds
for bringing Da Gama to a sense of
the dignity of tne United States and its
ability to take care of the interests of
its citizens.
Admiral Benham had the Newark
ready to aid the Detroit, while the New
York, Charleston and Han Francisco
were alert to receive the Aqnidaban
and Tamandare, which werH under
steam. Admiral Benham said today:
"If Admiral De Gama was contending
for any principle or position In wbion
any civiliz d nation would snstain him,
he ought to make a fight, but he is
wrong iu law everywhere in opposing
The commander of the Austrian
warship has asked Kear Admiral Ben
ham to be allowed to help in case of a
fight. The German uaval officers ap
plaud Benham. The English officers
naturully Hre in Opposition, while not
denying lliut Hi'tihums pontion is law
ful Benham now has two proposition!
regarding arbitral ion, but he will not
reveal them. A settlement by such
means, however, is at present improb
able. While angry at his decision the
iiisurgeius comment upon .Benham's
great courtesy ami taot in the negotia
tions The day before the con
flict Benham notified the city authori
ties that too water front would likely
be endangered A consultation of the
senior offioers of foreigu naval 'vessels
will be held tomorrow on the Ban
A Secret Congruence Held at Crown
Point to Discuss Details.
t'lSciNSATTl, Ohio. Jan. !S0. A
special to the Tost from Liporte, I ml ,
says: Crown Point was tlie meeting
place last uight of a secret conference
held to discus the coming Corhett
JaokfOn mill Not only will a hid be
made for the fight, but a purs. of $40,
000 will be offered the contestants.
Jaiuea J. Corbatl is an Intimate
frirud of Will 3. Davis, proprietor of
the Columbia theater, Chicago, and it
is stated has expressed a desire to en
ter the rin iu Indiana, providing there
is no prospect of state interference.
An Investigation of the Cause
Disaster Now In Progress
at Hoboken.
Hobokf.N, N. J., Jan. 30 Among
the witnesses examined touight by the
jury investigating the recent Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
roald disaster, was Engineer David
I loffman, of the South Grange local. He
left South Orange two minutes late, he
said. He knew the train ahead made
no stops between Milbourn and Newark
aud that he had four stops to make
At Newark lie was told that the Dover
express was a mile and a half ahead,
and a Broad street tie received the G.
K signal. He left Newark three min
utes late. He blew a long whistle
blast as he approached Sandforu's
Crossing and shut the steam off
when wifhiu six hnudred feet of the
bridge As lie was going down a steep
grade he applied the air brakes, aud
tin ling the train coming to a stop too
suddenly, released the brakes. At the
same time he ?aw the rear end of tne
Dover express. He called to his
fireman, applied the brakes and
jumped. He saw no flag. The whistle
at Sandford's crossing, he said could
have been beard a mile. Hud he been
flagged there would have been no ac
cident. The train was going at the
rate of seventeen miles an hour aud
was under control. He c uld have
stopped within 100 feet if the company
had taken all the necessary precautions,
lie attributed the accident to the care
lessness of Flagman W . -ton.
L. H. Devoef a passenger on the
South Grange local, said that after the
accident he found Hoffman, witn his
eyes blinded by blood moaning, ''Gh,
why did vou do that? Where was
yonr flag? Why didn't you torpedo us?"
Engineer Stitcher, of the Dover ex
press, was recalled, and when asked if
he thought a train running at twenty
five miles an hour could stop in the
given distance, he said it was hard to
be asked to condemn a brother engi
neer. .
Enlisted in the Defense of the Secretary of
the Treasury.
Attempts to Impair the Credit of the
Government Are Not Only Unwise
but Unpatriotic -Mr. Turpie and
Mr. Chandler Indulge in a Spirited
Debate Mr. Hoar Interferes in the
Interest of Peace.
Mr. Sherman's powerful defence ot the an
thoi ity of the secretary of tho treasury to is
sue bunds, was the leading feature ot the
proceedings In the senate. Tho Democrats
were rebuked lor their attempt to Interfere
with the tariff.
Washinoton, Jan. 30.
THE leading feature of the pro
ceedings of the senate today was
the sp-eech of Mr. Sherman who
made a powerful defence of the
authority of the secretary of the treas
ury to issue the bonds of whiuh he had
given notice and solemnly declared that
any attempt to impair the credit of the
government WM not only unwise, but
unpatriotic. Before he had concluded
his speech, Mr Sherman rebuked
the Dsmocratl for their attempt to in
terfere with the tariff and said that
any deficiency create ! by such change
in the tariff must be met by the Demo
crat! In their own way Mr. Teller
also spoke admitting the legality of the
issue of bonds for the purpose of main
taining the gold reserve, but declaring
that the real intention of the secretary
WU not within the letter uud spirit of
the law, but that be wanted bonds to
provide him with money to pay the
current expenses or the government.
At the conclusion of the financial
discussion, Mr. Turpie, Indiana, made
a speech favoring the repeal of tho
fed-ral election laws, in which ho
pail particular attention to the
operations of the law in the
state of Indiana. At the conclusion
of his speech, Mr. Turpie and Mr.
'handler got into a short altercation
in which Mr. Turpie retorted iu
language so sharp that Mr. Hoar felt
constrained tu call the senator to or
der Subsequently it was agreed that
general d 'bate on the bill should close
at 4 o'clock on Tuesday next, at which
time debate on the ameudaieuts should
begin under the five minute rule, and
proceed until the final vote was taken
ou the bill the same day. The senate
adjourned at 1.1. "i.
ine entire (lav in tne bouse was
given over to general debate on the in
come tsx bill, the main interest center
ing around the speech of Burke Cock
ran, of New York, against the bill, and
nf Mr. Bryan, of Nebraska, who advo
cated it. Both came at the end of the
day's proeeedings, and both created
great interest in the galleries. The
other speakers of the dav were Covert,
(l)em., JN. i. ;) Cox, (Item., Tenn.
William A. Ston, (Kep, Petina. li
Hnrtlett. (l)em , N. Y.i) Penes. (Pop..
Col.;) Pigott, I Dew.. Covin. d Williams.
(Usui., Ill ;) Dnnn, (Uem , N. J :)
walker, (Hep., Hats ; fendleton.
i uem., w. va.)
180,000.000 of bon li ai proposed in bis
o ut oo:;d circular.
J ii lg" i ' x in i M decision declared
Unit tbe Knights ol Labor as an orga
nization bag no atanding in court to
mtain the injunction, ami his opinion
also sustained Mry ully Secretary
'arlislo's right to laine gold bonds.
I'hi) Kuighls of Labor will appeal.
Selection of Conai s .men for tli Four
teenth and Fifteenth Dlitric'.e.
New York, Jan. 80. The special
election for members of congress in
the Fourteenth and Fifteenth districts
of this citv to choose successors to
Clyde and Fitch, resigned, was held to-
Uy. Lsmuel EL U ugg, Kepublicnn,
was el.-i-t- i in the Fourteenth district
ovr William J. brown, Democrat.
Cjniirg received 18,806 votes; Brown,
In the Fifteontli district Iiidor
S'ranss. D iuocrst, was elected over
Frederick Sigrist, Republican. Strauss
received 18,890 votes; Slgrist, 10,303.
President Cleveland is said to be opposed
to the admission of any "silver" territories
as states.
The senate finance committee is prepar
ing a comparative statement showing tho
changes made by the Wilson bill in tho
McKiuley act.
Senator Kyle proposes that only "per
sons of temperate habits" (one who has not
b'?en drunk in twelve months) shall be an
pointed to or retain office in the army,
navy or civil service.
The snow storm will boom the lumber
badness in the northern part of the state.
Farmer Fred Jac.,!, of near West Orove,
lights his house and barn with electricity.
A n ail agent held up and robbed Chris
tian Wlnland, a school t-acher, at liHaver
I i.i Blait couuty.
Tho senate yesterday confirmed tbe
nomination of 0. A. dense to be postmas
ter at Lehigbton, Pa.
The presi lent yesterday sent to the sen
ate the name of James B. .Mercer, to be
postmaster at Bloonsborg, Pa.
State Senator Mirkley teleuraDhs the
United Press from llatboro, Pa., that there
II no trnth In me story or his withdrawal.
Charged with besting his wife to death,
Andrew F. itJndergOtt had a hearing at
Ilurrisburg and must face the grand jury.
Governor Pntttson has received n tele
gram from Congressman Sibley withdraw
ing his resignation and stating that a lutter
would rollow.
With much of the stolon plunder in his
possession, Harry Dean was locked up at
AltOO Be, accused of robbing tho Duncsns
villn pustoffice.
(leorgn Ueoring Wolff, aged l:i years,
editor-in-chief of the Philadelphia Catho
lic Standurd, died yesterday morning at
his home in Norristown.
John 11. Willinms, for twenty-five years
the humorist on the Mornstowu Uaily
Herald, has recnived by acclamation the
nomination for buru'oss of Norristown.
Tomorrow both shops of Orr, Painter Ai
Co., sto ye tnnniiinrturors nt hadliu;. will
resume full handed after an Idleness of
several weeks. Over 4110 men W'H go to
Fires were started in the furnares of the
Belmont mill at Wheeling this m aniug
and the mill will go ou lull time after nn
interval of sevond mouths. About 400
hands will be employed.
At the Democratic borough convention
at Michanirsbtirg last, night, resolutions
were passed denouncing Conors sman
BeltshoQvor for his position on the Wilton
bill and calling upon him to resign hiseeat
in congress.
The Latrobe Steel Works company, or
Greensburg, last June reduced Hie wages
of their eipplovos 'in per cent., and I hey
VosteriUy made, nn additional reduction
of 35 per cent., Which how gives them only
half the wages they received this time last
Uy nn explosion of gas yestorday inorn-
mo in the lower lilt, of Tunnel JKIdge col
liery, near Alabanoy Clly, throe men and a
boy were badly burned. They were; Au
gust Adams and Wesley Wutts, miners;
Bbeneser Richards, a laborer, uud William
Diyaut, door boy. ,
Senate Committee's Work Nesrina Con
elusion An Extsndul Report.
Washington, Jan. 30. Members of
the senate committee which is iuvesti
gating the diplomatic relations of this
government with the Hawaiian gdv
eminent express the opinion that the
investigation will be conclude ! within
tbe next ten days or two weeks.
While the resolution undsr which
the committee was appointed will
loubtless limit the scope of any fin lm
which may ne reported as such, the
testimony will throw a great deal of
light upon the character of the institu
tions, the in habitants and the indus
tries of the islands.
Reported Programta When Latter
Leavoe the Ofllca of Delegate.
St. Louig, Jan. 30 A St. Bonis
priest witn a charge near the utnter of
tl ic;ty has recdved a letter from
Iri end at Home confirming the inform
itinn that Archbishop Satollt is to be
relieved of his duties as apostolic dele
gate and to be appointed Archhisho:
ol l) dogna at tne next consistory.
Archbishop Irebrid is to succeed
Archbishop Satolli as apostolic dele
Ex-tjovernor Campbell Will Devote
Himself to Practice of Law.
Cincinnati, Jan. 80 -Ex-tiovernor
James li. Campbell has r turned with
bis family to their old home iu Hauiil
ton. hx-Uovernor Campbell suit)
'T shall not again enter politics. 1
think I can give politics the credit for
placing me as 1 now am, and in the
luture 1 shall devote myself to tho
practice of law in this city."
A Little (ii I Killed by an Klsctrlo Street
l.AItl'.lsliuiid, Jan. 30. While coast
ing down Linco :i s o ,tt Stwelttm to
uip,ii-. Myra Downs, aged 14, and Roger
Alleina i. IgOd U, ran Into a car ol th
Citizen's BleOtrlO railway, Which was
tnrown from tbe track.
The cirl died in fivo minutes from
her injuries und the boy has a bud
scalp woiiud.
Their lojunotbvi d nee Airalnst
ChiUiI ,'s Mnd Issue Fall.
Washinoton, Jau. 30 --Jiube Cox
of the District Supreme court, tin
morning decide ! to grant .ppli cation
of the Knights of L ibor to U up ! 5 SO
retary Carlisle to show c nise it uy li
should not lis enjoined from issuing
Twenty-Four Are Brought to Pittsburg aud
Lodged u Jail.
Fifteen of the Strikers Still Confined
at Mansfield -The Deputies Agree
That Another Outbreak Is Improba
bleImmediate Steps for the Sup
port of Destitute Families Will Be
If His Accomplice! Ar Caught All
B Lfnohsd.
Kaonakk, Vs., Jan. 80 -Norfolk
and Western Detective IWldwin yes
terday arrested at the scene of the
wreck near Dublin, John Dolan, charg
ing him with wrecking the train. He
Wi'S brought to this city late last night
for snfe keeping, us the fseliug was
running high at that place.
Dolan confessed to tho crime, lie
and two others, colored, supposed to be
implicated iu the wreck, are known ns
bad lot, und lynching was being
talked of, so the detective states, if the
others were caught.
Five Men Killed nod Another Injured
at Mercer's Portable Mill
in Kentucky.
OwENSHuRo, Ky.. Jan. 30. -One of
the most horrible disasters in, the his
tory of southern Kentucky occurred
this morning near Crow, Hickman
comity, a station on the Owenboro and
Nashville railroad, nine miles of here.
A boiler in the portable mill of John
Mercer exploded, killing five men and
fatally injuring another. The explo
sion was caused by the runniug of cold
water into the hot boiler.
The engineer foresaw the oxplosion
and nrged the by standers to run. but
they regurdod his warning as a joke,
Secretary Cailiale ( lalms to Uave Found
Washinoton, Jan. 30, --Secretary
Carlisle, after the cabinot meeting to
day, authorized the United Press to
stats that there was no longer any
doubt, if any ever existed, hot what
the full fifty million of bonds would
he taken.
One offer by telegraph from New
York for twenty million was reoeived
this afternoon, besides many others
iu smaller sums. Several, it is said,
were for fiOO.OllO and $1. 000,000.
.- wm
The loss by the Bath, (Me,i lire was
fJ75,lK)0; the insurance about tl.'iO.OIIO.
Cracksmen got 17, 503 bv Mowing onen
the Planters' Hank sate at Kllsville, (iu.
New York health authorities are
alarmed ai the spread of smullpox in the
Dr. Talmage may stay with the Brook
lyn laberu .cle if Us financial condition is
There were over 78,000 paid admissions
to the Midwinter fair ut S.tu Fruticisco on
burglars made a H.800 haul in diamonds
nt the Pacific Iron Works' office iu Bridge
port, Conn.
taken with the grip, William llilhollin,
of Springlield, , hiccoughed seventy
hours until he died.
John Kearney, who escaped from Clin
ton, N V.. prison last July, has beeu cap
tured Ht Baltimore.
In adrunken quarrel near ('ompton,('al.,
Iluiichmun John B. Johnson aim his sou
Uenrge shot each other dead.
Claiming infringement on steam, fire on
Bine patents, William Brickell sues New
York city for K 000,000 damages,
itreukiug through the iv. El ward Ford,
years old, uf New York, was found
drowned in a Central park pond.
All departments of the Cleveland Roll
ing Mill company'! big plant will run this
week for the first time in many mouths.
The St. Lodil Car works which bays
been closed down for sometime, have re
sumed operations with a day uud night
force. mm
With 1,740 flue opals in their coat lin
ings, 1'rospero de la Beta mid KadollTo K.
Yillalo, smugglers, Were caught at Kl Paso,
During a wedding celebration atcieve
Itlnl, Mis LoalSS Mayer soiled a pioposrid
empty 1 1 flu and fatally shot Miss Annie
A further loss of 1800,000 in gold is
shown by the treasury llgttres today,
tusking the gold balance slightly below
fiili, (K 10,(100.
Crawling oyer an hotline: board, used ns
a hi Idge, throe, persons narrowly escaped
with their lives from a burning New Vork
tenement house.
Manuel I'lquera, of tho Peruvian liega
tion at. Wai-hingtoii, wedded Oeuoral T.
A. HoPaytlu'l daughter at AuunpoliS and
will take his bride to Puru.
Detectives have sei.ed in (luatemnln
Jo pn Man, of Natchez, Miss., who Me l
with 171,000 in binds and S,000 iu dia
monds stolen from his Utet-lndeW,
The Daily Chronicle's Vienna corre
spondent that Brazil baa porobasod
H.uoo idles iii Bteyer and ordered
small anus of MO fjeews firm iu ilerniuny.
Albert Stroebel, the murderer of John
M'ushall. of lluriiiiitfdon, li. C, was exe
cuted nt the gaol ul Victoria, lie made a
tqincch from the galloiv-i acktiowlejgiug
his guilt.
John Dolman, oolnred, was arrested at
Radnor, Va., for wret king a Norfolk and
Western 1 1 eight train uenrn bridge A rail
hud boon removed With the evident pur
pose Iu wreck ail express.
Governor Worts submitted to President
Rogers, of the Repnbtioan somite, a propo
sition fur a settlement of the existing
trpubttl. Both I be governor and Presi
dent Rogers declined to give uuy particu
lars. S
The jury in the rase of Mary B. Davis,
against the eftnto Of Welt Whitman, the
poo , returned n verdict In she supreme
court, et ( iimrien for tf.SK. Ihe :-int wus
for fft.Ouo fur money advanced aud services
Tho riots In the western part of tho btuto
are auMueil hy the arrest of twenty four of
the most turhui-ut strikers, a sufficient
iininijoi- of deputies bare been employed to
protect tho oul interests. Kuvurul mines ere
now in operation.
Pittsbubo, Jan. :io.
WBNTY-FOUB ot the rioting
miners were drought from Mans
field this morning uud lodged in
tho couuty juil. They are vicious
and repulsive in appearance, Fifteen
others, now in the Ifansflsla jail, will
be given a hearing ibis even
ing. Tho deputies who accom
panied the prisoners state there
Is much destitution uud Buf
fering among the miner's families
in tho Mansfield valley and that im
mediate steps for their support will
have to be taken. The deputies agree
in the belief that another out
break among the miners is now
probable. They state that several
mines in the district ars in opera
tion todav and that repairs are
iu progress at those places damaged
or destroyed by the raiding rioters on
Saturday. While the officials are con
fident tnat the rioters will not renew
their hostilities, deputies iu sufficient
numbers to protect the coul interests
will be continued on guard for eomo
time to come.
The ruinous tour of the riotera means
a further delay in tho resumption of
many managers, so that the d.000 or
more meu who calculated on resuming
tins week will be forced to remain idle.
Coal cannot be loaded until the burned
tipples are restored, which will require
four or five weeks in construction.
All of the prisoners thus far brought
to the county jail from the Mansfield
Valley mining distriet eharged with
unlawful acts connected with the
riots of last Saturday, were given
a hearing in the jail this afternooti.
Alderman McMillen, of Mansfield,
presi led ut the hearing for the com
monwealth. The cases went imme
diately before the grand jury, resulting
iu the indictment of thirty-nine on the
charge of unlawful assembly aud three
on the charge of arson and riot. Of
this nuuib-r, tweuty six were Poland-
ers. ten frenchmen, ttiree Hungarians,
two Hermans and one Italiau,
hours or more. At iiernics, on the
Lehigh Valley railroad, the fall was
eighteen incties deep; at Dallas, over a
foot, and at Shickshiuny fully teu
inches. A Pennsylvania railroad train
is reported wrecked near Delano, but
no one injured. At Delano station a
number i. f men were engaged in clean
ing snow from the switches during the
A section boss and a Hungarian la
borer was struck by an engine, the
Hun was killed and Doyle is said to be
fatally injured On account of the
drifting snow the men were unable to
see the engine approaching.
Jacob Breestl While Upon a Spres
Shoots William Dneil.
Prtbucku, Pa.. Jan. :!0. William
Doell, 00 years of age. the father of
idue ehildreu, was today the victim of
a shooting scrape that will probably
result in murder Jacob Dreestle fired
the fatal shot. iSreestle has been on a
prolonged drunk. At noon lie entered
Sciilegol's saloon, at the corner of Cal
ifornia avenue and Sedgwick street,
Allegheny, aud demanded a drink
which was refused him. Ha then asked
the bartender tor tbe loan of a dollar,
which was also refused.
lireestle then drew a revolver and
pointing it Jdirectly at j?dr Doell, who
was standing by, nred a bullet into his
head. Breestlc escaped, j
510 AND 512
Extraordinary Value.
Passengers on the Erie Branch
a Miraculous Escape Near
Indian Orchard.
Hall Would Exclude Foreigners
from Holding Pensions.
Washisuton, Jan. 80. Representa
tive Hall, of Missouri, who has been
the most psrsisteut advocate of nn in
come tax, is soon to turn his attention
iu another direction. He will intro
duce a bill providing that no pension
shall be paid to any person who is not
a citizen of the United States.
He says that many foreigners who
participated in the lato war and who
under the present pension laws nro
drawing pensions should become citi
zens or give up their pensions.
George Sleeman Is at Last Discovered
by an Anxious Wife.
BiRBJlBCRO, Pa., Jan. 30. Mary and
George Sleeman were before Judge
Simonton this afternoon as plaintiff
aud defendant. The husband, who
lives at Saltiilo, Huntingdon county,
is alleged to bavo left bis wife and
child in Bngland twenty-five years
ago, and to have practically ignored
their existence.
Recently Mrs. Sleemnu came to
America and is now eudesvoriug to
compel her husband to contribute to
her support.
Experts Appraising- Damaess Done
Vandals at the American Ltaatlon.
KnMK, Jan. BO, Official experts huv
appraised the damage done by vatidals
at tile American legation and consulate
here Sun lay night. Work iu t lie dif
ferent bureaus was resumed today, or
der having b en restored out of the
chaos caused by those who perpetrated
tbe outrages.
The authorities have become con
vinced that the mal fee tors had no other
motive than tobbery in entering the
Frolght Cars Run Into Trap Set for
Southern Vestibule Train.
Richmond, V., Jan. 80. A Dublin
dispatch says that an attempt to wreck
the east -bound vestibule train, due
lime at II o'clock lust Bight. felled owing
to the I. id that it was forty miuutes
As n result of this delay a freight
train ran into the trap laid for the pas
senger train, having its engine and
three cars derailed about three miles
east of Dublin.
Says He Will Accept llultimore's Offer
. $1,000 a Week.
Boston, Jau. o uorbett aays h.
will looept Baltimor'i oiTer of $1,000
per week to play ball in July and
It is not known what position he will
occupy 011 the diiiiuoud.
Snow Falls Incessantly fur Ten Hours.
A Train Wreoked.
Wii.kks-H until, Jan HO -A severe
snow itortn prevailed throughout the
Wyoming Valley today lasting for ten
Sifruil (0 Iks n nation YVilooif,
HoXKSDAliB, Jan. oU Conductor
Hardenlnirg's train on the Houesdals
branch of the Erie wss wrecked at
Indian Orchard, about three miles be
low here, at 5 o'clock this evening.
There wore about twenty passengers
ou board the traiu, but beyond a se
vere shaking np none were severely
Dr. K. H. Gibbons, of'Scrsnton, who
was returning home from a profes
sional visit here, suffered a slight
bruise on the hip, and Baggage Master
ConuifT was hurt about the neck and
kilos by beitig struck by a tub of butter.
As the twin wis rounding a curve at
Indian Orchard the rails spread and for
a short distauce the train bumped over
th railroad ties The engine became
separated from the baggage car aud
plowed ou along the rails, while the
cars left the tracks aud ran iuto the
adjoining fields. Theiiaggnge car was
turned upside down, and the smoking
car lauded on one of its sides. Tbe pas
senger coach careened badly, frighten
ing the ocenpauts. The uir brakes and
the steam heating apparatus between
the cars became separated.
The passengers were conveyed on tbe
engine to Hswley. This accident is the
first iu tbe history of the Erie branch,
and no blame at all can be attached
either to Conductor Hardenburg or
Engineer Benjamin Gardner, who are
two of the Erie's most trusted, faithful
aud careful employes.
Meret L. Baterlee, the first wholesale
grocer in Clucugo, aged SO.
Pierre Jules Cuvelier, the noted French
sculptor, at Puns, aged 79.
In Ssxoiiy, Frederick A. Loerve, the
noted Alaskan explorer, aged OS.
Dr. William B. Baker, wuo was a lieu
tenant in the seventeen 10 regiment, at
Bri-tol, Pa.
Morgan 11. Mott, 6! years old, a vfell
known citizen of Trenton, N. J., found
dead lu bed.
Henry Vanderford, one of the oldest
newspaper men 111 Maryland, at West
minster, aged hi.
At Now Orleans, La , .lames D. Hueston,
for uiauy veers a Louisiana Democratic
lender end offlcc holder.
At Berlin, Germany, Dr. August Hirsch,
privy medical counselor and a professor in
the UDiVareity Of Berlin.
Rev. Alexander Uilmore, 9J years old,
for many years chaplain at Fort Whipple,
Arizona, nt Ancora, N. J.
At Warren, Pa., Mrs. C. C. Thompson,
wife of Speaker Thompson, of the Penn
sylvania bouse of representatives.
At Blkton, Md., William J. Jones, aged
64, a prominent lawyer and 1'nited States
district Attorney under Lincoln.
At Lafayette, lud , Mrs. Caroline Fall
nestock, aged 00, a native of Maryland
sr.d descendant of James Wilson, who
sigucd tho Declaration of Independence.
We have opened a line of
Figured Louisienne
For Waists and Dresses.
95c. a Yd.
The former price, $1 .80.
CI hey cannot be duplicated)
Also a new line of Solid
Black Brocaded
India Silks aid Satins
In newest designs.
Our Plain Black Satin
Duchesse at 89 cents.
Former price, $1.25.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tunned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
SI 3 Sprues- St., Scranton, Pa.
Tho most severe snowstorm of the sea
son liss prevailed at l'Uttsburgh last
nuiht. The wind is uow blowiug a gale,
and a repetition of the blizzard of ltsW is
At Highland Light, Mass., a terriblo gale
with rain continued all night, slutting to
northeast wind with snow yesterdny.
Telegraph and telephone communication
hilt- Mien interrupted.
A tarrilic storm swept over llazloton
last night and for tittcttn hours raged
furiously, doing much damage. A Penn
sylvania train became snew-bouud near
Lofty aud lay there eight hours. All
traina arrived front one to all boms nt. .
Street car 1 1 utile had not been restored at
midnight. Telephone aud telegraph wires
are doivu for miles.
M hp. nnsurisl reform bill has
launched In the relohstaR,
Btnpreea Frederick of Germany
visit her mother, yiitfou lctorla,
France will raise !the import duty on
wheat to $1 40, aud that on Hour proport
ionately. Twenty two niches of snow fell at Ot
tawa during the pat twenty-four hours,
the IiciivuirV of which there Is .my autheu.
lie record.
A heavy easterly gale prevailed along the
How Bngland coast yesterday, hut so far
in. set ions disaster have been reported, al
though tho damage will bu ooniidsrahle.
The ( V.ur's test was more disturbed last
night than it was the night before, but he
bud less fever yesterday. The physicians
who are in attendance upon him say he is
inskiug good progress towards recovery.
Washington, dsn. .1(1. Portrait
or HVdiiesrfni; Fui instern I'rnn-
pfritiiM, air loealeer, tpstl to
suuth ii'iimv. '' western ftnn-
sylvania, fair ereeyi io7if local SHOHM on
the lasMeV ii'iHif.infiin lOSOefA,
Lewis.Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
5 Mil
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
Will UQtl ovory ovoninx at 6.8Q P.M.
except Saturday.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge, fa doctor is
needed j ou are promptly told
so. We also guarantee a per
Act tit.
AT cos t for one week only.
I J. wm,