0 THE SCBANl'OJN TRIBUNE TU E S D AT MORNING. JANUARY 30, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times C B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries. WK HAVE now open and on Bale the newest and most desirable things in the wit popular Embroideries, Our stock of last season's goods had been reduced to a Very low point previous to opening our new jnd beautiful collection for the spring of 1894. The goods came direct from the makers on the other side to the wearers on this side, with only our own moderate profit as distributors. Cambridge Edgings, 1 to 13 iuches, from 1 to oO cnts. Cambric Insertions, to 3 inchw. from 10 to "0 cents. All-over Embroidery (Cambric), 20 inches wide, from 30 cents to $1. 0, Nainsook Embroideries, 1 to It) iuches, from r? to 73 cents, Nainsook Insertion?, i to 2 inches, from from 10 to j0 cents. Nainsook All ovtr,20 inches wide, from 50 cents to $1 35, Nainsook Flouncing, -to inches wide, from 20 cents to $1 30. Full line of Colored Embroideries, Col ored Grounds with White Embroid -ery and White Grounds with Colored Embroidery. All the newest things in Point de Venice. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS We have re-marked twenty lines of last season's goods in no way unfashionable at prices to satisfy the most exacting. LIVE NEWS OF JERMYN. Personal Hovemsnta of Well Known Citizens and Other Notes. Jrrmyn, Pa , Jan. 2!t. Evenintr Star Lodge No. 65, American Protestant Association will hold an iintertainment in Enterprise Hall, Feb. 24. After the nter'ainment snpper will be served. Roy Tyler, of Hazelton, Pa., made a abort call on Jermyn friends today. John F. Nicholson, the Republican candidate for burgess, is a thoroughly upright, honest and conscientious yoang man who will administer the affairs of the borough with discretion and without fear or fayor, Vote for him. The funeral of Thomas Newberry, of Providence, took plaoe yesterday afternoon. Interment in the Jermyn cemetery. The book reception of the Sunday school of the Methodist Episcopal church will take place Feb. 22. Any good books suitable for a library will bo thankfully received. The Catholic Mutual Itanevolent Association society will give an enter tainment on March 84, at which time the $50 prize will be disposed of. The members are now actively engaged in selling tickets for the event. Thomas Jones, of North Main street, is ill with qniusy. Master Normnri Batten bere is spend ing a few days with friends in Vine land, N J. Jamos K. Shepherd b is been in New York for a number af days. The Republican ticket will be headed by J. F. Nicholson for hnrgesi, in place of the nominees of the ward can ens named earlier in the week. The body of the lato Mr. Newberry, who died in Proviuenco, will be brouphtr here for interment. The AUierioan Protestant association will attend in a body. James Clark, of Como, called on Jer myn friends today. The third nnnivemary of the Home Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church is taking plaoe this evening. Mrs. Dr. Poorce, of Scran ton, will deliver the principal address. MM Guaranteed Cure. We authorize nur advertised dniKuist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon tin condition. If you are Bfllictud with a Cough, Cold, or any I.UDir, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this romedy as di rected, giving it a fair trinl.and experience no benefit, yon may roturn the boitlo and have your money refunded. Wo could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be rolled on. It oarer disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Uroii'. drug store. Large size 60c. and tl. The essontial lung healing principle of the pine treo has Hually been success! ully separated and refined Into a perfect cough medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Hold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. , TIE NEWS Of NEARBY III No ront of town correspondents of Tr l NK should sliin tliotr names In ful Mr fmn- ...II . k ."(iHiuiiiimii numi iinnina m mil n, uauu Ut.U'u li.tt.tr ..... tnr. ..!.... ..... ... ...... r, gaiuat decuptiuu.l RECTOR'S FAREWELL SERMON. Rov. Qeorge O. Hall'e Sarvloea Oease In Hon-edale. Special to the Scranton Tribune. H0NE8Di.Lt, Pa., Jn. 20 Probably no congregation ever mourned the de parture of its rector froai among them more deeply than does Graoe church, Honesdale, upon losing its beloved leader. The deep regard in which Rev. George C. Hall is held by his people whs plainly shown at his last services of yesterday. Ii the morning Mr. Hall repeated a former seiinon by request. The sub stauce of bis sermon forcibly brought out the fact that man must be pitted against man to bring out the best chat is within him, as iron sharponeth iron, Everv pew iu the church was filjed, and a large part of the congregation attended the last administration of the Lord's Supper by its rector. It was a parting that caused tears to flow, but the bitter was yet to come. The affection betweeu the Sunday school and its leader is very close. Two hundred and fifty seven scholars wore present when Rev. Mr Hall arose to leuu bis last words as their rector. Tbe scene was touching in the extreme, it was with difficulty that Mr. Hall spoke; it was no use to keep the tears back longer; even the men wept. The sweet words spoken will linger lout, the song, "'As Trustful us a Little Child," and the parting beucdictioti were from overflowing? hearts and bowed heads. The farewell sermon was preached iu the evening. Th church could not hold the people that poured iuto it. Chairs were placed eveu up to the chancel steps. The rear of the church was so crowded that it was impossible to find Beats and matiy were turned away. Graoe church never saw suoli a congregation before. "Let Every Man Take Heed How He Buildeth," was the text of the sermon. The houe built upon the sand and the one built upon the rock. Too foundation rock of a man's character and then the founding of Grace church and the building of the present uohle edi fice. A short sketoh of its life, and lastly, Mr. Hall's own rectorute was referred to. The church and Sunday school have grown wonderfully dnriug Mr. Hall's eight years' ministration. The growth of the Sunday school has been the growth ot the church. From an average attendance of 130 eight years ago it has increased to 220, an 1 the past eight weeks has shown an av erage attendance of over 230. Mr, Hall conld not and would not say farewell. He said that the only separation would be in his official rela tion. The last words were spoken in a trembling voice, and the congregation sang, "Bless Be the Tie That Binds." No rector and his congregation ever felt a parting more keenly than Mr. Hall and his dearly loved flock. FOREST CITY NEWS FLASHES. Evatgeltst Harrie, of West Fltteton, Preaohee Two Forotbl Sermons. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa., Jan. 29. Evan gelist K. N. Harris, of West Pittston, preached two very forcible and inter esting sermons iu the Vandling sohool house Sunday morning and evening In the evening the school house was crowded, many from Forest City being present. Mr. Quinn, of Providence, offered prayer, after which Mr Har ris chose for his text Acts, 15 chapter, part of 30 and 31 verses Mr. Harris made brief calls ou Forest City friends this morning. A M. O'Donnell spent two or three days last wsek in New York city. William Jones, student at Wood's business college, ticranton, spent Sun day with bis parents in this borough. A very large audience greeted Miss Rodgers in the Methodist church yes terday morning to listen to a temper ancejaddress Miss Rodgers is an enter taining speaker, and held the attention of the audience upon this important question. Her remarks were of good, sound logic Miss Rodgers spoke at a similar meeting in Carbondalu in the afternoon. The Delaware and Hudson company at Vandling are idle today. Land Agent Mr. McCormick, of the Hillside, was in towu on busiuess to day. A snow storm has been raging in this place dnring tbe day, which will make excellent sleighing. Miss Celia Lanning spent Sunday in Susquehanna with her parents. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cnts Bruises, Stores, Ulcers, Salt Hhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and ail Skin Eruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect sal isf action or money refunded. Price H5 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. PECKVILLE REPUBLICANS. They Nominate Town Offlosra on Satur day Evening- Special to the Scranton Tribune. Peckvii.lk, Pa . Jan. 29, -The Re publicans of the First ward held their caucus at the office of S. W. Arnold last Saturday evening. John I) Peck was chairm in, and Ribsrt II Barnes secretary. The following ticket was named . Conncilmen, for three years, Wind sor Foster; two years, James W.Suiilli ; school directors, three years, J. I) Peck; two years, Charles I), Keller; judge of election, 8, M Rogers; in spector, I). R. L tthrup; assistant asses sors, O. P. Taylor and Wright Brown, a MISS HELLAR ENTERTAINS. Twentv Little Ladleaof Factory vllle Are Made Happy Speeiiil to the Scrantcn Tribune. Factohyviu.e, Pa,, Jan. 21). Miss lilauche Heller, daughter of Dr. J. A Heller, entertnined about twenty "yonng ladies" last Friday afternoon, it being her sixth birthday anniversary. The deportment of the guests wer" as dignifiitd and courteous as one could wish in ladies much older. After par taking of sumptuous refreshments the guests departed at a seasonable hour, wishing the little hostess many happy returns of the day. CARBONDALE AFFAIRS IN BRIEF. Newsy Nuggete of Pereonal Intelligence and Qaneral Notee. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Cardondalb, Pa., Jan. 29 Tomor row evening will occur tbe last in the series of socials which have been en joyed by Professor McGrail's select dancing class during tbe past four months, and it will be held in the usual place Odd Fellows' hall on Salem ave nue. An attempt at robbery was mado at the home of John Copeland on Canaan street at au early hour this morning, but before the scamp had done any damage ho was frightened away. It was suppossd that on Sunday evenitig last that R v T. E Jepson, pastor of the Baptist tabernacle, had preached the last in the serius of ser mons on the oouvertious iu the new tes tament, but he announced on Suuday evening next he would close the ssries, his theme for that sermon will be ' Al most Converted." Four converts wero baptised after the sermon on Suuday evening. A cottage prayer meeting will bo held on Friday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Charles Lamraux,of Eighth avenue and Archtiald street. The regular monthly meeting of tbe Cm-bond ile board of trade, was held iu their rooms at the Munioioul building this evenitig Mrs. J. E. Lowsley, of High street, called on friends in West Pittston to day. Charles liartlian, or New iork eity, was the guest of his friend, C. A, Falka, of Salem avenue over Sunday. NEWS NOTES FROM MOSCOW. Points of Intereet In Reference to Well Known Cltlzsne. Sjecial to the Scranton Tribune. MOSCOW, Pa , Jan. 29 Mrs. and Mrs. F. Clements attended the twi light services at the Klin Parch church, Scranton, on Saturday evening. Professor John Raoe. of Wyoming seminary, preached iu the Methodist Episcopal church, Sunday evenlug. C M. Bnd W. F. Van Tasel. of New York, were the guests of their uncle, W. F. Clements, over Sunday. Mrs. William Hinds and daughter, Grace, have returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Moosic. Ed. Wardell took au involuntary hath in the reservoir at Eluihurst, Sat urday evening. Rev. L. E. Brown, of Brooklyn, N Y,, fame home tonight for a short visit with his pursu's, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, A party of young men drove from here and attended the fair at Goulds -boro Friday evening. Charles Cannon left last week for Ada, O . to attend tbe Ohio College of Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clements left this morning for Avooa to attend the wedding of Miss Mamie McK tue and W. F. Vau Tasel. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Van Brunt at tended the tuneral of Mrs. Vau Brunt's brother, Mr. Labar, at Gouldsboro Sat urday. SOME JERMYN NOMINATIONS. ExcslUnt Tiokets Named at the Becent Bapublloan Caucueee. Special tu the Scranton Tribune. Jermyn, Pa., Jau. 29. Owing to the new law not being thoroughly under stood, the Republicans were obliged to bold a number of caucused before they succeeded in properly nominating ofB cers. They now have succeeded, and tbe following excellent ticket is the re sult: Burgess. John F. Nioholson; tax col lector, E. A. Lano; justice of the peace, William Jenkius ; constable, Herbert Smith; auditor, Joseph Jay. First ward, oouncil, Joseph Morco neb; school director, A. Carter. Second ward, council, H. D. Swick; school director, Tiiomas Jay. Third ward, council, George B Geo hardt; school director, H. A. Willman. In the First and Second wards, the election of tbe above gentlemen is assured; in the Third, with 200 Dem ocrats and eleven Republicans, there doss not seem to be very much hopj. INTESTING LOCAL INSTITUTE. Teaclme of Hay&eld, Jermyn, Scott and Arcbbald to Meet. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Archbalo, P., Jan. 2(j. The teaoh ers of Mayfiold, Jermyn, Scott and Arcbbald will hold their regular monthly institute at the last named place on the forenoon of Saturday, Feb, 3. The following programme has been prepared: Music, Professor R. II. Martin; "The Ideal School," Miss Sarah O'Connor; recitation, Miss Mary Duffy; "Form and Color Lesson," MisR Mary lin nan; "Aro Monthly Examinations Ad visable?" Professor E D. Bovard; reci tation, Miss Myrtle Price; "Primary Work," Miss Katy Mullen; "Localisms and Language," Professor R, N. Davis; "Primary Geography," Miss Grace E. Sqnier, County Superintendent J. C. Taylor is expected to be present to address the teachers. All interested in educational matters are invited to attend and to participate in the discussions. -..a. WHERE BUTTONS ARE LOCATED. Improvements Made bv tht Foetal Tele graph Company at J.rmyn. Sjtecial to the Scranton Tribune. Jermyn, Pa., Jan 29. J. V. Boyle, of the Scrnnton office of the Postal Telegraph oomoany, repaired our fire alarm system last week. The buttons are now located as follows: East Side, John McDermot's ; Scott road, William H. Merritts; corner L and Main, Mr, W. Ninholsou; corner Msin and River, A. J. Gavins; corner Main and Bacon, Dr. S. D. Davis; Upper Main, Dr. M. J. Shields, Seootid street, Borough building. Cut this out it may bo useful iu cass of fire. - 0 f A T H OF MRS. TUTH ILL. An Eetlmable Feckville Lady the Vlotlm of Typh ld Fevfr Special to the Scranton Tribune. I'kckvh.i.e, Pa., Jan. 29. Mrs. James Tutbill, formerly Susie Lan caster, die I at her home on Main etrert last Sunday morning at 9 30 o'clock, of typhoid fever, aged 27 years. She leaves a husband and one child two Weeks old. Funeral service will be held at the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh Wednes day morning at 10 o'olook. Service will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. I''. I'. Doty, Interment will be made in I'rneiioc oeuiattry. Beecham's pills arc foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. AMATEUR THESPIANS. They Will Appear In Drama for a Ohuroh Ban. fit Special to the Scranton Tribune. Cakhondalg, Pa., Jan. 29 On Wed nesday evening the comedy drama entitled "Who Is to Win Him?" will be presented in the Young Men's Asso ciation hall, by local talent, under tbe auspices of Trinity guild, of Trinity Episcopal ohurch. The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to the building fuud of the church. To day workmen were employed In put ting up a temporary stage in tbe hall, which will have three entrances, With appropriate scenery, properties, etc. The play Is well writton, full of lively dialogue and a quick succession of events that hold the interest of the audience from beginning to end. The cast will be as follows: Cyril Dashwood, H. E. Foster; Prattle Prim rose, W. L, Leouard; Squire Hrush leigh, C. A. Kafka; Arabella, Amelia Penchert; Sylvia, Ida Snyder; Muce dore, Anna Barclay; Rose, Anna Moon ; Minuetta, Sarah McComb. Hessler's orchestra has been engaged to furnish music for the occasion. After the per formance supper will be served. . PICKED UP AT PECKVILLE. The Movements of Prominent Beeidents. Other Happening. Special to the Scranton IHoWSSi PBOKVILLB, Pa., Jau. 29. Wash Jermyn, who has been visiting with friends In York state for the past four weeks, returned home today. Mrs. William Babcock, of Carbon -dale, spout Sunday with frieuds iu town. William J. Broad is visiting friends in New York. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coates, last Friiiay, a son. All members of Washington Gump, 012, Patriotic Order Sons of America, are requested to meet at their hall Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock to at tend the funeral or Mrs. J. P. Tutbill. John Jayne and James Vivian, of Nanticoke, spent Sunday with friends here, Z, P, Traviss is confined to the house with grip. MR. MUHRIN IS LUCKY. He Securos the $100 Priz at the Fire men' Fair. Special to the flcranton Tribune. Camio.nuale, Pa., Jan., 20 Satur day night occurred the drawing of the $100 iu gold, it being the big prize given by the Androw Mitchell fire company at their fair. The fortunate man was P. H. Murrin, of Riverstreet. He held ticket N . 708. which cost only 50 cents. The company rented the upper floor of the Watt building this evening, when they disposed of all articles which were still in their pos sesion. No admission was charged and no attraction was had except that which was afforded by the drawing of several handsome and useful articles. When the financial m titers of the company are all settled up, their net gain will bs about one thousand dollars. FOR AN EASTER OFFERING. Ladies of an Eplecopal Church Will Make Novel Investments Siwcial to the Scranton Tribune. Jkhmyn, Pa., Jan. 2!) The ladies of the Episcopal church 1) ive each been presented with the sum of ,ri0 cents, and a requost that thoy invest it to the b"st advantage, and at the first meet ing after Lent report how much they have mado and how they did it. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. THEY'RE AFTER LOUIS. The Taylor Polios Officers Upon the Trail of a Fugitive Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylok, Pa.. Jau. 29. The police officers aro on the lookout for Louis Willmore. A warrant has been issued for his arrest by Purges Harris. Ho is wanted here on many charges, among which are for his escape Satur day from the office of the burgess. Ojjin r Eugene. Chrlstltie Of l'hlladelphla. An Officer's Battle He Might Have Lost But for Assistance Row It Wat Given, ami the Inevitable Kesult. An officer eonnecled with the Tarony Station house, Philadelphia, has had a se vere battle with a monster, or a demon, he hardly knows willed to rail it. We will let him tell the story in his own words: " I Want to Say a Word about what Hood's Rnnaparllla did for me. I was troubled the wont way with dyspepsia. Why. I could noi rni nnrlhinu at breakfast without distress, anil when 1 did msnago to eat a little It would all eoma up again. I tried almost everything 1 heard of to find relief, but still I suffered. At last I was told juel haw I frit anil what Hood's Sarsuparilla would do for me hy an Idverttinaent Iu a paper, I de cided to try the medldns, and reatllaeel nil the brnrnt promiaril. II was what Uood'sSarsa parllla actually did for ino that Convinced mo of Its Morlt I cannot praise It enough. I can oat heartily now, altlioiiHh two months ago I did not know what It was to keep anythtng on my Btomaeh. Hood's : Cures Besides being curod of dyspepsia, I have been relieved of severe pslns In the kidney. I am willing this SbOttM he Oled. to tell others how lo be oufsd of dyspepsia. M OfMom Rvajufi Chkistimk- Tacouy station House, Tacony, Plillndelphla. Hooc'8 Pills ears n-jhm, sirk itnudaebe, LuUfi'.ioc, IMIIunaueaa. Bold by all druudiUv I lee al l saeaeeiAaa i.r!uanDUTruroii DLUUU PUlaUll iuwtoud.p b. I Wlnslo Re-n- I eOy. uti.l.r Kaar.ntT, barkal ty ',,..' r.i aI. e.il.' .t. .mi loo.paa i .k trow I lltrmnipe.plmirl.r0bymall Whan Mutlprlnca I and M.rrurafail, Our Mllulo Remedy "III I poaiUvaly ' it., root KKeVni I'll.. Chkat.. III. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, "" "". wii or i i , i-1 1 i j anu ner- BUB 1 liyuiclaiib,uro uuw Lorinaliontly located Temple Court Building SI I SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON Wuuro thoy uiuy li i-oiMiltud IMILX AND MINIIAY. The Doctor In graduate ot the TTnivorsity of riaineylvaalH, formerly demonstrator of physiology and surgery at the Medloo-Chlr-nrgiesl College, of Philadelphia. He Is also an honorary n emlior of the Mt-dlno -Chirur-glcal Association, and wag physician and surgeon in chief of the moat noted American and (lermau hospitals, comes highly Indorsed hy toe leading professors of Philadelphia and New York. His many years of hosDltal experionoe on shies this nminmit physician and eurgeon to correctly diagnose mid treat all deformities and diseases with the most flattering success, and his i.i h stamina in the Ntute will uot a.l w hhu to accept any Incurable case l.llll 11 I Mlollll III -111111 II WEAKNESS l rOUStl MEN CUKED. If yon have noon given up ny your physi cian cull upon the doctor and Is) cxaniinod. Ho cures the worst caeusof Nervous liehility, Hcrofula. Old Horoa. atarrh. Piles, Female Weakness. Affoctione of tho Ear, Eye, Nona and Throat. Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cere and Crirnlca of every desoriptloo. Con ultallon In English and German Free, which hall he considered sucrod and strictly confi dential. Itffluo Roam OA.M. to O 1'. M. Daily. Suuilny, t a to S p iu. Till TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED ISM. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. BAHUEti IIIE.fPre8Mont. W. W. WATSON. Vice President A. li. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Mlirt'Tons. SAMt'Er. Hints, JAira BC" Everitart, litviM; A. Finch, PlIROI B. Finley, JoSKl'll J JhllMYM, SI h. KKMF.IIKR.. Cuas. P. UATTBBWS, John T. PulU'KB. W. W. WAieOK PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONStRVATIVEand LIBERAL This hank invitos the patronage ot business men and Urms generally. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Dec. lit, 1893, railed for by in Comptroller ot the Curl-unoy. BE80GRCE8, I.onns SI,5(!4,4T.t 40 Overdrafts 740. aa I lilted states llonils 201), 110(1. 00 Other n. u 448,197.711 llauklni; House SH, 074,46 Premlumi out', s. Bonds,... 17.443.75 Doe from l . Treasurer 10,000.00 lluelrom Hanks 31,1 111! Oil Cash nn.oim.uH 2.4113,01)8.(10 LIABILITIES. apltnl 8200.000 1)0 Vlirnlna 240.001100 Undivided I'roflts 80,933 '.'! Circulation 1 02, 000.00 Dividends I npald 881. SO Deposits,' 1,799,858 no Due to Uauks 88.(124.07 l(l:i,(l!)8.H(l WIM.iam connki.t. President, 01:0. H, cati. in. Vlee-President, WILLIAM H. PKI K, ( ashler DIBECTOB8. William Connell, Qeorere 11. Catlln, Alfred II 11,. I Henry llrlln, r., James Aichhalil, Willi, in T. - 1,, Luther Keller. This hunk olTers to deposltere every facility warranted hy their balances, bual in kk and reennnslblllty, si lal Attention given to bualnesa ac counts. Interest eiibl on lime deposits. Seeds and Fertilizers Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. ni' .n it 8U0K fo., inc'p. r-apitei, $i,imio.doo. BEST sii.no siioi: in thf would. "A dollar leetd in u itnllar earned." This Ladles' Solid French Doiiu-olnKlil niif ton Hoot duiker, si fns, iinvwln re in Hie I'.S . 011 -lie nfl'aah, Money (Inlet, or I'natAl Note for Si. l. Kilfial every way the htMili tOH In all retail atnree for B.80, We iniike tins iMsit euraclvca, therefore we joinr- nlfr the Jtt, style and irnir. ni If Aliv'tnic U net HAtlalled M will refund 111" un ncy rernd another pair. Opera lee or C01111110Q henae, widths ', Pi K. B KK, slims 1 to 8 and half Send your Mir; will fit you. iiiiiaiihii'ii Cata- mm a! LVvlOttVX a... -f r V I I V 11. nmMsz H43 FREE FEDERAL ST., I KOSTON. MASS, Special termt to Vcattit. Dexter Shoe Co. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never beeii wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity aud want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH C'OUUSU. HI sIM.ss COLItslJ. SHORTHAND COURSE! n n TT7 A AT- Tl F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. ' NEW YKAK OPENS JANUARY 1. FUR RUGS Combination Goat and Sheepskin Rugs. Fine Angora Wool, all sizes. Real Leopard, with full head. Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or Satin lining. Large line to select from. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4. SMYRNA MATS, 50c. each. These are bargains. COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c. and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, Sc. KERR 4 SIEBECKER CARPETS AND DRAPERY, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. 'No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RIGHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. VXTlilLE many manufacturers and denlor-? am making extravagant Ftata ments concerning the merits and durability of medium or low j;riJ pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine tho famou STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application. E.C.Rickerfc Co. 123 Adams Ave. NOT MANY Days left of our Odds, Ends and Remnant Sale, but still a few choice things, maybe just yoir selection, are here. We Are House Furnishers That statement will never become threadbare; anil we don't have simply a spatter ing of everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery, Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators, Lamps, Clocks, &C Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses