The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1894, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE -TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30. 1894. AVOCA IN IN MINIATURE. Happenings of a Borough That la Clio. a Full of Vim. Special to the Scranton Tribune. AVoc, Pa., Jan. 29 L. J. Bsxtar Spent today in Wilkes-Barre. Miasm Lydla Connor. Kate Cum mingg, Kats Dnnn, Nellie Curran, Bess Webber and Mame O'Brien viaitad Mrs. Rowan at Plains, Pa. A large number of Avoca citizen attended the Marry township Demo caratic caucas at Dnryea on Saturday evening. Geurge J. Dixon haB returned from St. Mary's seminary, Baltimore, Md , to spend a two weeks' vacation at hia home here. Joe Aslilebrand. of Plttston, called On friends here yesterday. J. J. Haelou wus in Parsons, Sun day. John Mitchell is convalescing from bis recent illness. Mrs. Martin Outlay is seriously ill. Mr A. Best, of Minooka, was a caller liare on Sunday. lira. John McQueen, ot tbe Wast Side, is dangerously ill. A vary large number of people at tended tlie dedication of the Primitive Methodist church.. Suuday afternoon. The Uev. James Moore, of Plymouth, presided at the morning services; Uev W. T. Price, of the Methodist Kpisco pal church, at the afternoon, and Kev 11. Q, Russil, of Wilkes-Barre, at the evening. A convention of the Son of Colum bia was held at O'Mally's hall on Sat urday. The delegates were feasted at the houi of M. whalao. Misses Annie and Jennie Cranston will give a party to their friends at their home in the North Eud, ou Wadnaaday evening. A number of Avoca people attended the funeral of Thomas Kowau at Plains today, Mrs Sevan, the wife of the deceased, was formerly Miss Mary DilOD, of this plaoe. Mrs X H HoUiatat will entertain the members of the Ladies' Aid so ciety of the M-'thodist Episcopal church at her home Wednesdav eveuiug. R. K Daily, of Franklin Forks, spent Sunday hore. E. L. Snyder is recovering from his recent illness. FACTORYVILLE FLASHES and Bright Bujgtt of Personal Mention Gsnsral Intell gnc. .V(.-oiul tv the fibraaloa Tribune. Faitokyville, Pa., Jan. 2lJ Miss Leah Pardee attended the Walters Dolph wedding at Lake Wiuola last week. Mrs. Llewellyn Cap wall i apending a few weeks at Wilkes-Barre with her husband, who is a conductor on tbe Lehigh Valley railroad at that place. Mrs. George Shupp. of Shupp Hill, called on friends here thd latter part of last week. Mrs. Shupp will bs bet ter known as Miss Tressa Da Witt. Fred Baldwin, who has been spend ing several months with relatives and friends in this vicinity, will start for his home in LoMars, la., tomorrow. Polo is the latest "fal" that has truck this town. A game may be wit -neased almost any afternoon on Lake Nororais. We haTe some expert play ers as some of the near by towns have found out. Our club has not lost a game this winter. .Walter Carpenter and MissElith Boss were united in marriage last Thursday morning by Rev. Dr. O. L Severson, of Say re, Pa., at the pleasant home of A. J. Gilmore. W. L. Follet is building a large ad dition to his furniture store and dwell ing on Main street. His present quar ters are too small to meet tbe require ments of bis business. Dr. A. B. Fitch is confined to his house by an abscess. Special meetings are in progress at the Baptist church this week, and Wednesday evening has been set apart as a special evening of prayer for the Sunday school. Misses Bertha Reynolds and Jennie Gardner spent Sunday with Miss Gard ner's sister, Mrs. Hiram Worden, of Binghamton, N. Y. Prof. William C, Whitford. of Al ford Center, N, Y. , spent several days last week with hia twin brother, Prof. E. E. Whitford, at the Keystone aca demy. Rev. M, J. Watkins was oalled to Walls Corners Sunday afternoon to of ficiate at the funeral services of Mrs. Brock. registrar or vo William Cck Second district, OLD FORGE BREVITIES. Panellings That Tell the Activities of One Day. 4ecuil in the Scrnnton Tribune. Old Forof, Pa., Jan. 29 Mr. and Mrs. H. Vicken, of Nanticok, have re turned home from avisit to Mr. and Mrs J. G. Williams, of the Temper ance honse, Rendham. The engagement of M. Middleman and Mis Fanny Kline, of Old Forge, is announced. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. V Krelidzky, was christened on Sunday. Anyone having a good horse, harness and wagon and cow for sale ean apply to John Bnrgess, Tribi nk local office, Eagle hotel, Barbertown, Old Forge. Henry A. Thomas, of the Eagls hotel, lias returned from a viait to friends at Glenlion. John Ricoby, tho famed ball player, has taken tbe well-known Ace hotel at the Sihley. He will build one of tbe finest alley ball places in tbe state, and also have snperior quoit grounds, as well as make other impovements. Te ImporUnre of Keeping the liver and kidneys in good condition cannot be ovtirestimated. Hood's Haranparilla is a gr-at remedy for regulating and invigora ting these organs. Hood's PIUj net easily, yet promptly and effectively, ou tbe liver and bowels. o .'HE CHURCH FAIR'S CLOSE. It Will Be Beaehsd Tomorrow Evening at Avoca. Special to the Hcranton Tribune. AVOCA, Pa . Jan. 21). The contest for a barrel of candv between the girls and boys of St. Mary's Sunday school was decided at the fair tonlghte To morrow night the great contest between Misses Cassie' Moran, Alice Morahan and Nellie Curran will close. A very large attendance is expected aa the friends of' each young lady are working very hard. The fair will close on Wednesday evening. In Holland, Mich., 0. J. Doesbury pub lirhen the New, and lt columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh nnd asthma. SPIRITED TOWNSHIP CAUCUS. Old Forge Republicans Nominate a Liva and Promising Ticket. , Special to the Scranton Tribune. OldFouoe, Pa., Jan. 29 The Re publican caucus for Old Forge town ship was held on Saturday night at Sheridan s Hall, and it was very fully attended, under the utile chairmanship of 'Squire Rees. The officers were: Secretaries, William Reap, George Draw, and tellers, Peter Ablanalp, James Sslmon. The nominees were as follows: Jus tice of the peace, Samuel Broadhead, jr. ; tax collector, George Kehr; super visors, Silas Randall and Abram Seal; school dlreotor, one year, William Humphries; sohool director, three years, John Cook and H. J. Russell; town auditor, T. J. Stewart; constable, John E. Reynolds; township treasurer, C C. Jones; township olerk, Jamos Salmon; assistant assessors, P. J. Judge and Lewis T. Williams; inspector of election, First district, Morgan B. Morgau; ters, Second distnat, rell ; judge of election. James A. Salmon : inspector of elec tion, Sscond district, John Purdy;reg istrar of voters, Fourth district, Will iam Davenall; judge of election, Fourth district, Eugene Reap; inspec tor of election, Fourth district, Frank a Wood, More interest was attached to the supervisorships and constables than to any other nominations, and the compe tition was very spirited. OUR NEIGHBORS IN OUNMORE. What They Are D.ilngaud All the Latest News. Sjircial to the Si-rantun Tribune. Dt'NMoitK, Pa.; Jau 88. Russ-dl Bill Well, the aged father of Fred Bidwell, of Smith street, is confined to the home of his sou as the result of injuries re ceived from a fall on Smtd ly. The in juries sustained are in the region of the hips, but no bones are brokeu and the contusions are not considered serious. March '.'7 is the due ou which G. M Wallace lodgo, Brotherhood of Rail road Trainman will hold their annual ball. All persons holding a ticket will be entitled to a chance of winning 50 iu gold. This inducement is given In place of the expensive souvenirs that the boys always distribute. A grand hop is being talked of among the elite of Danmore society. Ahout the middle of February is the time most favor ibly mentioned. James J. Bryden, of tbe Pennsyl vania Coal Company's Engineering corps, lately located at PittttOO, Will remove to Dutimore this week. He will occupy a handsome residence on Dudley street. Miss Lucetta Miller will at an early date, leave for Brooklyn. N. Y., where she will euter hospital work. U s.i,. Shepherd has returned from visiting friends at Avoca. 'lh excellent sermon preached by Rev. J. W. Williams at the Presby terian church Sunday evening has re ceived warranted praise and comment from all who beard it. A. D. Blackiutou has returned from visiting relatives at Roekland, Me. Howard Hone anil llnxuas Ware spent Saturday skating at Elmhurst. 1 he Presbyterian Sunday school has sent several boxes and barrels of cloth ing to the destitute which are in the far south and west. Ex-Cbief of Police John Brogan is erecting a large hotel building at the corner of Shoemaker avenue and Chest nut street MISCELLANEOUS MOOSIC ITEMS. Soma of tha Nawsy Happenings in Thia Liva H.-r ugh. Special to the Zicranton Tribune. MoosiC, Pa., Jn. 29. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Gammell, of South Main street, held their twenty-fifth anniversary at their home Monday evening. MissDinke Greene spent Sunday with friends in Avoca. Mrs. Eugene Sutton, formerly of this place, died at her home in Plttston ou Snnday. The funeral will be held Wedndsday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late residence. Miss Maggie Parfrey is visiting at tbe home of ber sister, Mrs. William Cole, of Dunmore. Mister Byiard Hand is suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. Rv. G. X. Makely will occupy the pulpit of tbe Presbyterian churoh on Min street, next Sun lav, Feb 4 Mrs. S. J. Corby is suffering with an attaclt of the dropsy. Thomas Ellis has moved from the house of Archie McDonald, to the Davis block on the Moosic flits. Miss Bessie Hinds is visiting Miss Kittie Johnson, of Penobsaot. The Moosie Powder company have given the married men work for a few days. J. A. Hand is recovering from ti severe attack of la gripps. Mrs. A. C Storm, of North Main street, is ronT alescing. David Dick has moved Into his new residence on Millie Hill. No dance was held at the home of Miss Carrie Yandenburg, on Main street, as recently reported. THE CITIZEN'S CAUCUS. It Will Nominate a Ticket at Taylor Be gardlsaa of Politics Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor, Pa, Jan. 20. The Citizens' caucus will meet tomorrow night. It will endeavor to come Into prominence by nominating a strong ticicet regard less of politics, and many of those nom inated on the Republican ticket will be endowd. The cltiz'ns' plea is that when a busi ness man came up for office at the late Republican caucus and nnd a laboring man agninst him he was defeated The citizens who assemble could do no bet ter thau Indorse the whole Republican ticket, as overy man is fit to occupy his position. THE PRICE LIBRARY GLEE CLUB. A Musical Organization to be EfT-iotad In the Near Fti'nra. S)ierial to the Scranton Tribune. Tayix)k, Pa.. Jan. 29 The Price Libraiy Glee club soon to be organized will consist of Prof. T. J. Williams, Harry Bonne, Dan Davis, O. M. Wil II mm. D. A. Williams, Thomas E1 ward.s, Hsrry Evans, John Price, Have Jones, Charles Dibble, J. F. Tubhs, John Edwards, Will Moran of Tiik Tkihcnk and many others. Those who wish to join can apply of M. C Judge or H. J. Daniels for membership. CROWDS AFTER BOOKS Surprise at The Excellent Quality of tbe Stand ard Works Furnished. TERSE TAYLOR TOPICS. Heating of the Prloa Library Association Ths Arraatof Martin I von. Special to the Si ronton 'Tribune. Taylmk, Pa, Jau. 2U The Price Library association will meet Thurs day Dlght for business. Tboso who wIbIi to join or pay duos nre Invited to be present. The organization of a glee clnb will also probably he effected. The Tkiiiunk correspondent erred in sending the speolal that Morris Davis made the arrest upon Martin Joyce. It should have been Constable Edmund Carter. When Bnhy wan slcl", we gurc. her Castorla. When she was a Guild, she cried for Castorla, When she brearnn Miss, she clung to Castorla. When slio had Children, she gave thuui Castorla, REMARKABLE DEMAND FOR THEM All Handsomely Bound and Well Printed on Superior Paper in Large Clear Type, with Illuminated Covers, Resembling the Works Contained in tbe Albrignt Library List of the Titles of Books Contained in the Oxford and Rugby Series. Crowds of people auxioss to see the books of the Oxford, Rugby and Co luuibns series yesterday filled Tine TRIBUNE office, and their curiosity w is soon turned to pleasure, for they !:ad not expeoted to behold such an excel lent quality of standard works, ho handsomely bound, euch fine paper and in such clear and large type. It should be boruu iu mind that all the books of all tho series, which have illuminated covers, are bound iu oloth, many of them in the hnglish vellum cloth. As a consequence the demand for the books exceeded all expectations. The geueral remark of surprise was that they resembled almost exactly the fino works in the Scrauton library. They had not looked for such exell ence. All these books in the different series have arrived, and as there is a raid on some spuria! authors it win pay mose desiring first choice to out coupons and send iu their cash without delay. Following are the titles of th books comprised in the Oxford aud Rugby series: OXFORD EDITION. (26 Cents Each.) Chestnuts, Old and New. East l.ytiuo. Duke's Secret. Children of tho Abbey. Kflle Ogllvle. Tom Cringle's Log. Vicar of Wakefield. Arabian Nighls Kntertaiumcut. Deldeu, or the Iiou Hand. Eugene Arum. The Countess Eve. Tdo Confessions of a Woman. Kanonl, u!l Eutaw. Baled llav. Wooed nnd Married. Two Vears Before the Mast. Zeuobia. All Sorts and Condition of Men. Bed Rover. Tom Brown at Oxford. Red Ctuuulett. Tom Brown's School Days Shirley. A Strange stery. Odver Twist. Monsieur Lecoq. Mill on the Floss. Dick's Sweetheart. John Halifax. Kenclm Chillingly. Last Days of Pompeii. The Spy. Pilgrim's Progress. The Foragers. Daughters of Ueth. Felix Holt. Heart of Oold. Kestell of Greyston. Fair women. The Bondman. Cbaplct of Pearls. Frederick the Ureatand His Court, Armorel of Lyouesse. Charlemout. Self Help. Blanchbampo Lime Kiln Clnb. An April Lady. Aurora Fhyd. A Marked Man. ("rinps, The Carrier. Rufflno. The Honorable Miss. Lady Maude's Mania, laarda. The Parisians. Border Beagles. Bride of Laminermoor Life of Daniel Booue. Tbe Rival Princes. Molly Bawn. Murdered in the Rue Morguo. Reproach of Annersley. Keuilworlh. Last of tbe Mohicans. Shandon Bells. Old Myddletou's Money. . Horaola. The Mysterious Island. Mystery of OrcivaL The Second Wife. Monastery. Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Rob Roy. Tho House of the Seven Uablei. Violet Vlvan. The Waces of Sin. Vivan Orey. Strange Adventures of a Pheaton, Beyond Pardon. The Antiquary. Birds of Prey. The Firm of Uirdleatou. Fern Leaves. Charles Anchester. Foul Play. Gold Elsie, Martin Chuzzlewit. Chandos. Catherine. Pathfinder. Our Mutual Friend Pickwick Paper". A Pair of Blue Eye Tne Prairie. The Humau and Divine. Yoncnaso. Th story of an African Farm. (,'onslu Pons. Crown of Wild Olives. Life of Kit Carson. David Copperlleld. Child's History of England. Tbe Fairy of the Alps. No Name. Mv Lot d and My Lady. Tour of the World in 80 Days. Twouty Thousaud Leagues Under tho Sea. Tho Phantom Ship, .lane Eyre. June. Knickerbocker History of Now York. Lady Audley's Secret. a llaidv Horseman. House on the Marsh. The Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. Nick of the Woods. Wit, Humor aud Pathos. Queen Hortense. In the Schillingscourt. Pioneers. My Heart's Darling. Life of David ('rocket. Lady 'astlemains's Divorce, The Sin of .loost Avohugh, Woodcraft. Half Hour with Ornat Humoriata. Half Hour with Oruat Story Tellers Silas Warner. Half Hour with (treat Novelists. History of the Unltud States. Southward, Oh. Her Dearest Foe. Orent Expectations. Qrtmm'S Fniry Tales. 1. 1 lit - 'l Clique. The Vendetta. iE-mp'e Fables. Waverloy. Vlxon. Faith and Unfaitlu The Deemster. A False Start. Sreiios from Clerical Lilt, Charlotte Temple. Oilhith (Intuit. Vrsconselos. Mastermsn Heady. Master Passion. Old Mnmsclle's Sncrot. uuug Nubleman. Macleod of Daro. Marry Lorrequer. Qullderoy. Don Quixote. Donald Grant. Cast Up by tho Sea. Other People's Mouey. Ithnmar. Uarnuby Rudgo. Dennis Duval. Dora Thome. Tho Dove In the Eagle's Nest. The First Viollu. Madcap Violet. Mi'llichampu. Hichanl llurdis. The Parting of the Ways. Forty Liars and Oilier Lies. The Vicomte's Bride. Eutaw. Far From the Maddening Crowd. Aurellan, Dramas of Lifo. Famous or lufnmous. Alary St. John. Alice. Shadows and Suubeums. Alas I Phra, the Phoenician. Swis- Family Robinson. Rory O'More. Ladies' Family Physician. An Egyptian Princess. Anderson' Fniry Tales Vanity Pair. The Moonstone. Brio Birghteyes. Twenty jean After. The Scarlet letter. The Partisan, no- scout. Merle's Crusade. Karon Muiicliunseu. Katharine Walton. Conigsby. The Arundel Motto. Is Lifo Worth Living. Princess Sunshine. Uarda. Willy RetUy. TbaddeUS ot Warsaw. The Wooing O't. Syrlin. Twice Told Tales. K in o in ("lemming, The Young Dukn. strange C.iso of Dr. Joltyll and Mr. Hyde. RUGBY StRIES. (20 Cants Eaoh.) Deep Down. The Boys in the Forecastle. Roanoke l-laml to .Miufruenboro. Popular Naturul History Barbara's Triumph. Stories from American History. The Smugglers' Cave. Erllug the Bold. Adventures Anions the Indians. The Rifle aud the llouud. Rilbert the Traveler. Parents' Assistant. Audubon the Naturalist. Harlic's Letters. HnulT's Fairy Talus, Fort Sumter to Roanoke Islnnd. SoUquI Life, or Three Years at Wolvor ton. Ocean Waifs. The WbltC Elephant. My lour in burope. Nature's Young Nut Qasoovne Frank Wlldman's Advonturora on Land and Water. Aunt Diana. The Qolden Maguot. Round the World. Stories About Animals. Yonng Voyagers. Oracle Uoodwin. German Fairy Tales. Famous Men. Boys' aud Uirls' Story Book. Boy Conqueror. Young Folks History of Oreoco. Adventures of Famous Sailors. Boys of the Bible. The Adventures of Rob Roy. Young Folks Bo ikof Birds. The Young Foresters aud Other Taloa. Salt Water. llov Slaves. Vonng Adventurer. old Merry's Travel on the Continent. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Orahame. Orey Hawk. Fairy Tales from Brett. . Wild Sports in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South ern India. Cliff Climbers. Plrato Island. Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es. Yi ting Acrobat. Dick Chevelry. Perils of tho Jungle. Through the Looking Glass. Dick Rodney. Our Young Soldiers. Bush Boys. Oriental Fniry Tales. Young Folks' History of Rome. Spanish Fairy Tales. Eric Dane. Eight Years' Wanderings in Coylon. Fort Pillow to the Eud. Tho Fire Brigade. Grandfather's Chnir. .lackauapes and I hher Tales. Young Folks' History of Germany. Mulfreesboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. Plant Huutern. The War Tiger. Paul Blske. Baron Mnnchnu-ien. Edgeworth's Classic Talos. .lack W hooter. Young Folks Natural History. Young Folks History of France. Wonders of the (treat Deep. The Wolf Boy in China. The Magician's Show Box. Aliirk Seaworth. Luke Bennett's Hide Cut. Adventures of Fatuous Trnvolers. Saudford and Merton. Iu the Wilds ut New Mexico. The Tiger Prince. Tho Red Eric. Number BL COLUMBUS SERIES. (15 Cents Eaoh.) Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Man's Darling. Allan Qnnrtermalu. Ah In a Looking OIish. Arabian Nights' Eiitnrtaiumont. At the World's Mercy. Bonnie Dora. Bride of tho Tomb. ('simile. Child's History of England. A Dateless Bargain. The Deer Slaver. The Duke's Secret. Dedlee. or the Iron Hand. Dick's Wanderings. Doubly Wronged. A Desperaio Woman. A Dreadful Temptation. A Deathbed Marriage. East Lynno. Essavs of Ella. Tho Frozen Pirate. Grimms' Household Fairy Tales, Guy Kentnere's Wife. The House ou the Marsh. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker. 1 1 unity Andy. Ivanhoe, Jacqueline, .lane Eyre. John Halifax, (ientlemon. Lady Audley's Secret, lit Days of Potnpuil. The Last of the Mohicans, Lorna Doone. A Life's Remorse. Little Gulden's Daughter. Little Nana. Mr. Foitesqtio; nn Andrean Romance. Tun Master of the Mine. Matt; a Tale of tbe Curavau. Mollv Bawn. The Nun's Curse. Old Mum'selle's Secrot. Oliver Twist. The Pathllndor. Tho Pioneers. The Prnirie. A Priiico of Darkness. The Leronve lue. March In the Ranks. BloanS Square Scandal. The Wigwam an 1 Cabin, Ouy Maunering. Fly lug Dutchman. Quiienio's Terrible Secret 'I he Reproach of Anuusloy Tom Brown's School Days. Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Two orphans. Two Y'ears Before the Most. Undercurrents. A Vajjraut Wife. The Witch's Head. Willio Reilly. Won by Waiting. A Woman's Face. A Wife's Urine, dam Bede, Crooked Path. Cardinal Siu. Blind Love. Hoyle's Games. Wife iu Name Only. Janet's Repentance. Master of BaLantrae. Ivan the Serf. Lady Valsworth's Diamonds. For Fail h and Freedom. Weo Wine. Christmas Stories. Col. Quaritch. A Family Affair. A .Menial StrtiKglo. For Another's siu. Mysterious Island. Redeemed by Love. Prlneees of Thuio. We Two. At War with Herself. Missing Husband. Between Two Sins. Union AlunchnuBOU. Evil Genius. Uu si ndfaa r cents ettoa far peslagi any of the hooks trill be sent by mail. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Russian Lynx Circular Caps 'J4 inches, 3-1.1)8 Btaotric Seal Circular Capes. 24 Id 8.118 Astrakhan Circular Capes. 114 in 9.M Wool -U' Circular Cup s, 1!4 in 14.00 Stoiiu Marten Circular Capos, 24 in 40.1X1 Broun Marten l iroula- l upus, 24 iu 45.IW Otter Circular Cupes, 21 iu OU.UO Seal Sacques infill 1 Siii 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Eemnanta of TJry Goods. Cloaks and Par Capes during Kale ut less than cusi of material. Every iuch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever hIiowu. Ladies' Pelt Hats, this season's styles 10c. e.ich. Bovh' Winter Waists 1 0o each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 ench. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT yUARTEU OF VALUE COME. IT WILL PAY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. Hoal Sacipics, .Is inches long 1180.00 Ken! Jackets, 2i Inches 100.00 Xual Jackets. 24 inches long 8tW Astrakhun Jitckoti, Ji iuchuj loo 3i.HU Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, U0 inches long, with Butterfly Cape J85.00 Otter Circular Cape, 11 inches lout,-, with Butterfly Cape 105.01) Sable drooler Gape, uu limbos long 85 oo Astrakhan Circular Cape, 111 inches long 22 Oil Electric heal Circular Capo, 80 in. long.. 20 00 Oruy Grimmer Circular Cape, 30 In. long 30 00 40 ilozen American 8-al Muffs at.,..$l .25 each 1 let f children's sots at ftsc. each 1 lot of Sleigh Hohus, plush lined fJ each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ It ibinson Crusuu Knianta. Rory O' Moore. The Hanoi's Spell. The Hobo ami tho Lily. She. The Sketch Hook. The Swlsa Kiiuily Kubinson. Becond Thoughts. Strange Caso of Dr. Joykyll and Mr Hyde. 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. - g DON'T FORGET That we arc headquarters for everything In the line of tVATCHBS If you have any Idea of purchasing unv kind of a Watch, hnlv's or gent's, (loll' or silver, vuu will nuiken griev ous mistake it vuu ilnUiit give us n call ani! g"t nur uriccs. which vu will tlinl far lielnw alintners, especially in all the high grades of Minn. waltliHtn ami iisiupuon mnvemenrs IT yuu have any iloulils uinl are at alt rusted on prices gi o use call aad are will have no trouble in convincing vuu. We still haves largo stock to dispo C.of, slid will oHer you won iieriul Inducements in Jewelry, silverware, Clocks and all nthor goods which wu have in stock. C. W. Freeman lVnn Ave nnd Spruce St. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. l'ricos very rensonnblo. Space will not permit us to mention tho good thiiiKB fur a Christmas diu nor Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a lirst-class uinrket. W. H. PIERCE, PBNN AVE Thatcher IS THE BEST, (lot prices ami tee the furnace nnd be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ER8, Appello and Uauzo Door Ranges. CONUN'S HARDWARE IMTTSTON, l'A. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Col ht IIolsu Bviuaul All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best, A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Es Catarrh, Malaria 3 and Kidney Troubles Pi EP. P. p PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM 2 Makes gr Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison rE Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. porifle tbt Mood bulMnnp tho weak un1 dublPUtted, ns tstrungtb. to wuiike Dud nerves, expels ' dtsettseu.KivlrtK the patient health und liiipiiliiMSri whure ilokDMl, K"l kidj I;eliDgH and la attitude tirst prevailed. mp For primary. Hecjiiitry tnd tertiary ByphlfiB, forulood polttnnlni;, mercu rial polaon, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and akin dlheaneH, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, teiur, Bcftld heau, boils, erytdpelas. eczema we may ear, without fear of " contradiction, tbat P. P. P. Is the best - blood purlilur in the world, and makes tiOHltlvo, fpoedy und permanent curc-a ' In all cases. Ladles whose system ar poisoned and whose blood in In an Impure oondl W tloo. due to menstrual Irregularities, TTT ar peculiarly beneilted by the won-s-' dorful tonic andbloo.i cloannujr prop jji ortlesof P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poko 1 Root and Potassium. , I I I " ' ' I ' -V. , IVU., IU. i rl . l"J.i. I can speak in the hlnlii-st termn of your medicine from my own personal Knowledge. I wanaffectud with luart KiiuwiedKe. i wuHiiitci'ifii wnii ujurt disease, pleurisy aud rheumaticm for 3"j vears. was treated by the very best ,.k.'..laa. r...t,t htmrlrudu r.f 1,U 1 ii -. iii muu nyi-iiL . . 'ireus m um- ars, tried every known remedy with jut nndlng relief. I have only taken t one Dottlo ot ynur P. P. P., ami can cheerfully say it has dune nie mi-re good than anything I hare ever taken. I can recommend your mei'.lclne to all euflcrers or the above dldeiices. MRS. M. M. YEARY. h, r. . Greun County, Mo. Are eiillrelj removed by F.I'.P. Prlcklv Ash, Poko Hoot and Potas sium, the greatest blood purlilur on earta, Ahfudeek, O.. Jnly21,l91. Mi - Lm-MAN Ruos., Havuunsh. Ga. : !kak Sirs I bought a buttle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark. ,and It Iiiih doimma more Sooa than throe znonthi' tr'-atment at the Hot Bprlngs. Hund In bottles (.'. O, D. Respectfully yours, JAS. at. NI'WTON. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. t'apl. J. U. Jobuston. To nil vhinn it may ritnrern: I here by testify to tbe wondarrej properties of P. P. P. lor eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly and dlaagruiiabli- eruption on niy face. I tried every knuivu reme dy but in Taln.uiitil P. p. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (SlKtied byj J. b. JOHNSTON. Bavauuub, Oa. Wkln 4'anrer Cured. TttHmmy rum the Mayor u SeQVin.Tcx. SugriN, Tex., Janaary 11, 193. Missus. Lii-FMAN Bros.. Savannah, Ga. : iit ntlemenl hftve tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin eancer.of thirty years' standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and remove nil Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the aores. I have taken flvorli bottles and feel oonfident that another course will effeot a eure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RC9T. Attorney at Law. book on Blood Diseases lolled free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, I.lpprnnu Block, Savannah, Ga ruuuuuuuuumuuuuuut; 1 PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valnablt as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE I'ASY WHKN VOI KNOW HOW loo IN Pit 17.1 :s WILL BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THE PUZZLE IX THE BHORTI SX SPACE OF TIME ion s VLB MY ILL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STOKES, OH SENT T A X Y ADDRESS UPON KECEIPT OF PRICE, 'JR CEN rs, BV COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., lta AND lie SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD, Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, arc what will recommend them to our patrons. GLM WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. HJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists ANH DEALERS m BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlniitii- lenil ami PrSBOh Zlno, Tui-e I. in-.- . .1 Oil, Tiirpeiitlno anil Vurnlshea Keail.T-mlsdl l'nlnls In all colors Olldera' Whiting, 1'arU M liite and Kitlsoinlue, ml Vitrei, Mnrblo Dust anil Indow r.las ANTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor tad bnUdM of QQBOMtS Fluasll n(t, DMSNta BtoskSi l'otato. Ilutter anJ foul Hins, Wet tVllars ilrieil up. Onlers may ba left at Tboprpaon a iratt, win aati & Co.. Main anil Kynon StrtHits, or at Scrnnton Stove Works. Also Foundations, Cisterns. Fish Wiro Tunnels aud Collins. Flatig-iu' lor Uaideu Wulks.