The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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1 S94.
B 5
nnn nnn r nnunn nnnnin mini nn nnon unnniun m tup nm tiwu nnnnnn simnnu mumm unmnn nmi
Bti ma h . m . u ri m 11 a n m w m mm m n mm lava u
unr. .n iiw mi. in run n .ri.iin i n u . r ur nrtt . m nr i nr r pt .n t ran i ah k
nnu unu ii iiiwjii i hi vii uuuuiiu niinu ui unuu iiuiiiunu m uiu uni iiiui UllwIO u UIUiHIIll nilliiinll Hinuilull Unllll
I Pipe
I Valves I
I Fittings f
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
J08 Fenn Ave.
( irand Display
Laces and
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
"The Kscape from Libby " will be pre
feuted lit the Academy of -Music tbia even,
log for the benefit of the board uf Asso
ciated Charities.
John Baltes an 1 Matthias Hamra, who
collided with tho carriage containing John
P Cainuau and Daniel Dougherty, settled
the cane last evening by paying damages.
The Trip Through the Columbian Ex
poKitlon, in four part, proves the beet
seller of them all. A large Invoice of Part
II came yesteiduy. Fifty beautiful views
for 10 cents.
Members of .Mrs. W, V HalUtead lodge,
division Slo, of the 8. I A. to B. of L. E.,
will bold a special meeting at Kailroad
Young Men s Christian :isociatioo rooms
Wednesday at i p. m sharp.
Kocco, the Italian who was arrested in
this city Sunday as the kidnapper of little
Eddie Brothertou, of Ashley, and taken to
Wilkea-harre to answer that charge, con
tinued yesterday to deny ail knowledge of
the boy.
The seventh annual ball of the Scranton
Hook and Ladder compauy No. 1 will be
held in Turner Hall .Monday evening, Feb.
12. First-class music will be furnished for
dancing, and a pleasaut time is assured to
ill wbo attend.
The present of the Women's Christian
Temperauce union, of Providence, desires
all members to be present at the meeting
this afternoon at : In, at their rooms on
West Market street, as sho desires espec
ia'ly to see them.
This evening at the performance of "The
Escape from Libby" the SOOBrOttO, Miss
Van Vslkeiihurg, will sing N'ettio Scrib
lier's beautiful new moiik. "Vni U"atch
the Moon and I Will, Dear ' This will be
the first professional rendition of the
(t Will Be Glvan by fit Viooant da Paul
The eharity entertainment And social
under the auspices ( f Pine Brook
liranch St. Vincent de Paul society will
ha held at Kxcelsior hall, Wyoming
avenue, Wednesday evening The
Piano Ituet,
Nellie Curran and Margaret Harrington
Solo Miss Allen
Recitation Mhs Jemima Jones
Minuet Miss Annie Mcl.ann
Art Mor e and Mandolin Club
Solo (ieraldine Blewitt
Recitation Miss A ROM Callahan
Solo Miss Dougherty
Recitation... Ed Vail
Solo Angela lllowitt
Orpheus 0,uurtette,
QflgailoB, White, Koote and Eaton
Solo Duet.
Misses Harrington and Mary A. Mcllale
Seybourne Family.
Holo Edward Walsh
Solo Pat N'ouue
For Charity's Saka.
Suburban lodge. No, 8'A Knights of
Phythlns, ofUriou Kidgc, are prepuring
for au entertaiument to take place m their
lodge rooms at the corner of Sanderson
avenue and Market street, the proceeds to
be given to the poor of the city. The pro-
trainme will couaist of a three-act drama
y well kuowu actors mid sctTOSIBI end
a local skit of tun by "Hilly" liolburt and
songs by Lawrence Ketrick. The admis
sion is but 15 cents, with show und ban
quet "thrown iu." There Is room for 600
15-ceut pieces and stiiuding room for 900
more. If you want to help the poor of tbe
city this Is the chance. Friday Feb. i.'
Electric car accommodations to all parts
of the olty.
The Flat Singers.
Ttik Okkjinai. Company Oomir This
Tina. Loruiit with Thi; vi. It is won
derful music. Wild, weird, soul attrriug.
Tickets are 50 cents at V. M. C. A.
New Accessions to the Campaign or Public
Prominent Men Express Their Views
on the Bridge Question The Cause
Growing in Popularity Many As
sociate Members Appointed on the
Committee - Finance Committee Ap
pointedTo Meet Again Friday.
The question of boudiot; the city for
the purpose of building public and per
manent improvements is growing in
favor daily Most people realize that
now is a propitious time for carryiug
on such work and they are being gov
erned in their actions accordingly. Tn
ranks of progltll are being tilled dully
t'ypeople wliojliave boon erstwhile num
bered with the opposition, and from
present indication the question, shall
the city be bonded for the purpose of
building I rtdges, will tie decided in
the iitlinuutivo by a votu of three to
A rousing ineetiug was hold in the
BorratOD board of trade room last
eyeping, and much enthusiasm was
manifested. True, there were argu
ments advanced in opposition to the
prpjsot, but they were speedily met
tndtllenced Tne following gentle
men attended: Captain W. A May,
J. E Roobe, V H Lauer. Joseph P,
PbitUpt, Dr Williams, T. J. -Moore,
Ucorge Krable, 0. W. Westpfahl, 0,
M. Trumau, J. M. Keiumerer, J. li.
Strell. Dr. liuruett, Wiliatu litoom. T
li Dale, J J. Schneider and
JamrsJ. drier. The following persons
were uiiuied as associate members
Niutb ward, John Ward, Siuiou liice:
Eighth wrd. W. S. Millar. J M.
Row; Twelfth ward, Joseph J Mc
Nallv, C, C Donovan, Tweuty-ttrst
ward. John Ward, und BVd W.
Bergs). It was decided to meet
agaiu Fridny evening, aud the
four members of the commit
tee who have not yet appeared, will be
superseded if not present at this meet
ing. It is expected also thai at this
meeting the name of the associate
members will be banded to the secre
Captain May announced the follow
ing as h committee on finance; Dr.
John Burnett, .lohu Gibbout, 0 M
Truman, William Chappell and Wil
liam Bloom. The question of an ex
ecutive committee was discussed aud it
was decided that one should be ap
pointed. Captain May was elected
churman and he was given till next
meeting to appoint the other members
Oi the committee.
There were several good spiecbea.
John J. Schneider, of tin Eleventh
ward, laid: "Many of our people are
opposed to a bridge above Cedar ave
nue, although their uutives seem to
b purely selfish They fear that if
constructed, the effect will bs felt in a
depreciation of their property values
I do not think such will be the case,
although fully aware that much uf the
traffic will be taken from Cedar ave
nue. It was freely remarked that the
construction of the municipal building
ou Wasbinghtoa avenue would have a
similar effect ou l.ackawauua avenue,
but the prophecy has not been fulfilled,
and while Washington avenue may
some day become a business thorough
fare, we of this generation will not
live to see it.''
George Frable, of the Twelfth ward,
said: T have heard much oppisition
from the Eleventh ward. People in
that district argue that it would be
folly to build bridges over wbica
franchises have already been grantel
to street car companies They hold
that if a bridge be built it should be
for the nse of the public and not for
any corporation."
John E Roche and Victor Lauer re
plied to Mr Frable. The former said.
"The people err when they suppose
that franchises have been granted over
either of the bridges. Councils are
powerless in the matter for the reason
that th"! approaches to the South Side
bridge and the westerly approach to
Linden street do not as yet belong to
the city. The former is the property
of the Piatt estate and the Iron com
pany, while Svvetland street, for two
blocks has not been opened at all."
Mr. Lauer stated that no franchise had
been granted, and, when they would
be, he felt that the company obtaining
thm would pay handsomely for the
Mr. Bloom made a strong speech
He argued that the question of the
viaduct on Lackawanna avenue was a
very important factor and he felt that
the people of the West Side should be
given to nnderstand that If they were
hostile to the project that meant so
mnch to the entire city, their condnct
should not be forgotten by the estim
ates committee.
Dr. Williams took exceptions lo Mr
Bloom's statements He felt that the
entire district should not be made to
suffer for the antagonism of a few per
sons, and he predicted that Hyde Park
proper would do its whole duty in the
Addresses were made by the other
gentlemen present and a very satisfac
tory condition of things was found to
4 - .
Thay Will R;udv Final Instruction!
About Nw Hich School.
Little aud O'Connor, the nrchitects
who were awarJed the contract for de
signing the new high school, arrived
lo tMl olty last availing, nd will to
day confer with the high school com
mittee as to changes that my be sug
gested. The architects will at once begin
preparing the working drawings and
in theuieantimethosecuringof the foun
dation will h" completed by the Lacka
wanna Iron & Steel company. No de
lay in reariug the building is anticipated.
l Ol it of thru" COUPONS, !
nlMl m 'I Im 1 1 1 1 . i m m ' 1 1 1 1 1 i i ii
iii-t I it it iiwiiiif inn! sprue' ulrei-l,
i.iiM. . iii. holder in nil i in priv
ilege pi of Mm Ufipiki-illlcletl ofllltl
fur d lift rib lt lnt popular bOOltl
RttlOtlg our leittlern. '1 lie ott'em uifule
by The Tribune iimunuwlliuut f
it follows
Thomas E. Reynolds Is Agaiu Arraigned oa a
Charge of Embracery.
He Talkod to Five ol Them About the
Jennings Case The Defendant
Goes on the Stand and Tells His
Story He Did Not Approach Any
of Them for the Purpose of Influ
encing Them.
I.". CICNT8 aii'd VocTi - Conpnns fr
tiny volnniai in th ClttMaboa
!'. OVCI loot itlva tuM'leul from
n 1 1 1 1.
ami Pour Coupons for a 10
i I wl I li-. cuiujiluln
JO ( l:TSninl Knur ( oiipona for
m mi) buok In Hi,- Hunt.) BOrifSi
S V5 ci'Nis mid poor Cooponi lor
B any lunik ill tin. 0.f,nl lories
Thomas E. UeynoM's was put on
trial before Judge Guuster iu the main
court room yestrrday morning clinrited
with unlawfully atteiODting to influ
ence jurors summoned for the April
term of common pleas court of lust
year. On the trial list for that term was
the case of James Jennings against the
Lehigh Vallev Railroad ooniptny, It
is with regard to that case K yiiold s is
charged with trying to influence jurors.
He was tried Ht the llecniuber term for
the offense but the jury disagreed.
Judge Edwards was K-ynolds' attor
ney on the last trial of the uise and
yesterday Major Everett Warran took
his place. Attorneys George S. H im
aud E C Newcoiub also appsared for
the defendant District Attorney
Kelly ably conducts the prosecution.
William Blake was the first witness
called after Mr Kelly had made his
opeuing address to the jury.
ilt lil.AKbl's sTOKY.
tie said that about March 13
last tteyuolds called on him at Jones,
Simpson aud company's store at Aroli
bald whero he is employed in H buyer.
After discussing saveral topics Rsy
nolds said he DOtlOSd that witness lisd
been drawn us a juror aulaikedhim
if he had heard of the Jennings case
Reynolds then said tint ho did not
think Jeuuiugs hud a good case as it
had beeu shown that he was pigeon
breasted He referred to the testlmouy
of Dr. Kelly for Jeuuiugs at a former
trial in a somewhat slightiug manner.
The conversation turned on Burgesi
Burke of Archbild, who had tmn
drawn us a juror for the sum week as
witness. R-ynolds wanted to know
what kiud of a muu he was aud witness
told him he was a gooj, honest man,
he thought Rsyuolds asked witness
to ascertain from Burke his feelings
with regard to the Jeuuiugs case. Wit
ness said he did not like to do that, but
Reynolds told him it would bj no harm.
Attorney 1. H. Burns, who was one
of the counsel for the LshigU Valley
company iu the Jenuiugs' case, was
sworn and said that Rsyuolds was em
ployed by the company to look after
evidence, subpeo 1 1 witursiss and nsjsr
tain if any of the jurors for the week
the case was to bs tried had any rela
tions with Jennings or any person In
land in the Mud Run disaster.
P. A. Walker, another juror of the
April term, with whom Reynold
talked about the Jennings case, was
the thirJ witness Hs met Rsyiiohls
twice at Carbomlal and incidentally
that geiillemau spoke about the Jen
nings case. At the first meeting he
said the doctors werd five to one in
favor of the company and at th second
he referred to a pigeon breast he said
Jenning had, and wanted to know
whether wituess would bMieve the tes
timony of au old doctor or a young
Monies Carpenter, of Blakely, en
gineer at the Eddy ('reek mine, wai
sworn. After he had been drawn ns a
juror Reynold's called on him and after
a conversation with regard to the elec
tion of a county superintendent of
schools, the Jennings case (fame up.
Reynolds said that Jennings claimed
that his braast was injured in the Mul
Run accident but that the ovidence
would show that he was not injured
aud that it was a put up job
Reynolds did not tell him anything
that be had before gleaned from tbo
public prints. Witness was of the im
pression that something was said about
bis being a juror but was not sure.
George L. Preston, of this city,
swore tbht be had been drawn ns a
juror he met Roynolds on Washington
avenue one day. Reynolds asked him
if he was the Preston drawn us a juror
for the April term. Witness replied
that be was.
The defendant asks 1 him if he knew
anything about the Jennings case and
if in liis opinion with the testimony of
such doctors as X. Y. Lset against him
Jennings' case amounted to much
Roynolds also made some remark to
the effect that if the jury hold together
it would be all right. Gn cross exam
ination be ssld he did not knew what
idea Reynolds meant to convey by that
P. A. Philbin said that he was a
juror at the April term of last year.
On the day the Jennings case was
called for trial be was standing in the
corridor talking to John H. Jordan
and Patrick Jordan Reynolds cume
along, stopped and shook Ininds with
him nnd suid something about the
doctor upon whose testimony Jen ildgl
relied having suddenly recovered from
his illness Witness turned aside and
did not hear the remarks that fol
lowed. reimirteh Jordan's testimony.
Reporter John H. Jordan, of the
Scran tou Truth was standing in tho
corridor with Juror Philbin when
Reynolds came along He laid : "I see
Con's doctor got well suddenly. This
is a rotten esse," he continued. Jor
don disputed the statement and
Reynolds said : "Ifynuknew as much
about this case as I do you'd say it was
rotten. "
Files of tho Jennings Lohigh Valley
case nnd some records were offered in
evidence and I hen the commonwealth
rested Attorney E C. Newcomb
opened the case for the defense.
Thomas K. Reynolds, the dtfeudait,
was then sworn, and explainnd his
meetings with th different jnrors,
what brought them about and thu con
versations lie had with each. He de
clared that his intentions were entirely
honest and that be did not speak to any
of them with the intention of being
dishonest. In nearly every case the
jurors had themselves In 1 tlw conversa
tion towards the discassiou of court
cases und the Jennings case was only
refmed to casually.
To the best ol' his recollections ho
had only met P. A. Walker once and
that was in the Harrison Car
bo n dale. Walker wanted to eo him
there to ascertaiu if he could not bs
excused from jury duty as he was
about to get murried.
Tho examination in chief of Rey
nolds had not been completed when
court adjourned. This afternoon the
case will probably be given to the jury.
Ii"'1 ' i " I
-a .. ' n of (irlfhVs lvoryette photos
will make twelve in. presents.
What can you present yuur friends that
will be more ncceptubler
Headquarters as Collector Wilt Be in
New Federal Building.
Mr. Herring Arrived in the City Early
Yesterday Morning and Remained
the Entire Day What His Plans Are
and When He Will Assume the
Office Dined by the Big Guns of
Democracy A Coincidence.
Senator Grant Herring, the new col
lector of Internal revonue for this dis
trict, arrived in the oltV at tt.'M o'clock
yesterday morniug from Philadelphia,
accompanied by ex-Sheriff Charles Rob
inson Both gentlemen atteuded a
ineetiug of prominent Democrats held
there on Saturday night
During tbo morning Mr. Herring
was the gusst or ex Slieriff Robinson
aud refreshed himself after his jour
ney. Dinnar was served at the Scruu
ton house to a few who had been oalled
together to meet Mr. Herring. Those
present were: ex-Sheriff Robin
son, Sheriff Pahey, William Craig,
Frank Robling, Frank Fitzsiinmons.T.
F. Penman, tho present incumbent of
the collector's oftic, und Senator Her
After the discussion of the meal, the
new Federal building, where Mr. Her
ring's principal offloa will be located,
was visited and thoroughly inspected,
the suite of offices especially prepired
and fitted up for the internal revonue
collector being looked over carefully.
Mr Herring expressed himself as being
very much pleased with iiis iiuarteis
Helms been ordered by Secretary of
the Treasury Carlisle lo take po (session
ol the office ou Saturday next, but it
will probably be three or four duys
later bsfore lie will actively take
ObargO. This will give the present in
cumbent time to make all necessary
arrangements for turuiug over tho of
fice. NO APPOINTMENTS announced,
Mr, Herring wortld make no an
nouncement of his intended appoint
ments. Daring the afternoon Ssnator Herring
visited Senator McDonald at his resi
dence on Adams, avenue. One inter
esting fact connected with the visit
was discovered, when the two gentle
men compared the weight of thoir
babios. The children were boru on th
satue day, but Smutor McDonald's
child weighs four more pounds than
Mr. Herring's Mr. Herring returned
to his home at Bloomsburg ou the G 07
Citizens of Duuuiure Nominate a Vary
Strong Ticket.
The citizsns of Dumuore held a con
vention at tho Od l Fellows' hall last
night and nominated the strongest
ticket that they have ever plaoed in
the liild. The large hall was taxsd to
its utmost capacity, suowiug the great
interest manifest. Many old-tim
Democratic campaigners ware promi
nent figures in the convention, f ap
pearances count for anything, the
ticket will surely be olocted.
The first order of business was the
election of a chairman and a secretary.
John G. McAskie and C. P. Savage
were chosen, tiie former as chair
man aud the latter -as secretary. The
first nouiiuHtioa was for the office of
burgsss. Timothy Burke and George
B Allen were nominated Mr. Allen
declined in Mr Burke's favor and Mr.
Burke was nominated by acclamation.
Martin Gibbons was nominated for
the office of tax collector without op
position. P. D. Manley was nominated for the
borough treasurer and the nominees
for the office of councilmen were
Michael Taylor and Usury Webber.
Two school directors w-re nominated
as follows, John Marshall and Patrick
C. Laugan.
Michael Ctiuuion, who did such ex
cellent work as street commissioner
before the term of the preseut incum
bent, will agaiu run for the office.
Philip Carroll was nominated for jus
tice of the peace The olfioe of audi
tor will be sought after by Orin Cor
rell, who made such u good run last
tt is conceded even by the Democrats
that this is the strongest ticket they
have over been called upon to tight.
The Republicans have given the psople
just what they promised A ticket de
void of all partisaniui and one that
can be called representative, it was
first oonsidtred advisable to call it the
People's party but owing to tho large
number of votes lost last year flue to
intricacies of the bullot it was decided
to run a Republican ticket. This is
fully unde.'stond by the Independent
Democrats and they will feel no com
punction in voting the ticket under the
name of Republican.
The Flak Jubilee Concart at tha Y M . C
A. Tomorrow Night.
In an open letter concerning the 1'isk
Jubilee singers, the secretary of the Buf
falo Y. M. C. A. writes; "(if rix attrac
tions in one course,, lUdiin'e original Kisk
Jubilee Singers drew the largest audience.
The tine pi run of jubilee choruses,
solos and part songs was most entliuxius
ticslly received. To say that all wero do
lighted Willi tho sweet melodies and per
feet harmony is putting it very mildly."
Hy request ol a prominent Scrauton
business man, who has been for tnany
yeurs un admirer of the jubilee singers,
they will open the programme with tho
famous selection, "Sleal Away to Jesus."
Mualu Boxan Excluaivaly.
Rest innde. I'lav any desired number of
I (hiutsobl & Sous., manufacturers,
HiHU Cliestuut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only 15 aud $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
. -
ROBINSON -Jau. B8, MM. at 11 p.m.,
Edna, daughter uf Mrs. William Robin
sun, at the roeideuce of her mother on
Sixth street. The funenil. which will
be private, will occur Wednesday. In
lOont at Forost Hill cemetery.
JANUARY 30, 1894.
Yniir choice of three beautifal
plotures, "Telephone Girl," ''!
llverinj,' Christinas I'lcscnts"
and "Maidens Swinging. " Send
by mail oi messenger or bring
coupons like this of three dlfftr
enl dates, with 10 cents; BUunpa
or coin, to
Cor. Ponn Ave. nnd Spruco St.
Joseph and Jobu Woelkers Sentenced by
Judge Arcbbald to Pay Hues,
All Classes Of the Community Will
Receive Full Protection from the
Court Not Proper to Kill a Man to
Affect an Arrest Lons; Petition Pre
sented to Court in Behalf of the
Woelkers Cases Tried Yestt'day.
Constable Joseph Woelkers and his
brother, Special Officer John Woelkers,
who were convicted at the last term of
court of having brutally assaulted and
seriously injured John Schalasny of the
South Side, for wbMi arrest they had
a warrant, were called up for sentence
before Judge Archbald yesterday.
Attorney M. V. Lowry made a plea
for mtrcy ami presented a long petition
from citizens of the Eleventh ward
asking for clemency. There was also a
petition from seven of the jurors who
convicted the men, asking that a light
sentenced be Imposed. In passing sen
tence Judge Archbald administered
tha following rebuke to over-zealous
The petition for clemency in this case is
a strong oue. und is Higued by many well
kuowu ami renutabln residents of the
Eleventh ward. In addition to the general
character of the citizens who have signed
the petitioiiH praying for clAiuency we liav I
the Hlguatui'o of Alartin Woythner, tht
prosecutor in tint case ami that of Father
Auet, pastor of the church of which the in
i in 'i man Uametubsr. Idosirulllo be dis
tinctly underiitood that ull classes iu this
community shall receive full protection
from this court.
I thus gone sbruud that a certain class
of poopfe is subject to oppressiou br cur
tain ollicers of the law. Notice lias come
through the courts and through the pub
lic press that officers have used their of
ficial positions to extort money froniothers
who have DOOM over here more recently
than themselves and ure less acquainted
with the manners uud customs uf the peo
ple of this country. When the cuse now
under consideration was tried 1 charged
tbe jury to take as fuvorublua view us pos
sible of the defendants, one of whom was
au officer of the luw uud the uucond of
whom was called to assist iu making the
arrest Indeed 1 wauld not louk with dis
approval ou a verdict of acquittal of both
Yet hero was a mau who was very near
ly killed and for n time it wai doubted
that he could live. It is dillkult to con
viuce the average citizen of th necessity
uf killing a man iu order to urrust him.
Tha jury viewed the matter in this way
aud I think their judgment was right,
though ray charge was favorable to the
defendants. The jury finds that Joseph
Woelkers, tho coustab'e, 1s guilty of
aggravated assault aud buttery aud John
Woelkers f simple asiault and battery.
The punishment for aggravated u-sauit
aud battery involves u uneaul imprison
ment, but I can hardly dispense with
both. But the defendant is an officer uf
the luw, and there is a strong petition here
from friends aud neighbors of Mr.
Woelkers. It is signed by MIDt of the fellow-countrymen
of the injured man, aud
by Father Aust, tho pastor of his church,
and by the prosecutor iu the case. 1 have
laid ail before my colleagues ou the bench
and the sentence 1 am to impoie has met
with their approval.
There is uuuther fact that would tend to
mitigate the sentence. 1 have here u peti
tiou signed by seven of the jurors who
tried the case.aud h letter from Mr. Wood
ward, nnother juror, fend ull say thut u
modified sentence would be satisfactory to
them. The conviction is a sufficient warn
lug to officers nut to step beyoud their
power in maliiug arrests aud that persons
subject to uriMst mast hi dealt with more
Judge Archbald then sentenced Jo
seph Voelk rs to pay a fine of $50 and
costs, nnd John Woelkers to psy a fine
of $25 an costs
Judge Edwards is presiding iu court
room No. '3 this week, nmi before him
yesterday uioruiug the first defendants
called were J, Japichick and J. Spul
rick, ohtrged witn aisault and battery
by Frank Peruk ank Andrew Sorota.
The trouble occurred at Olyphant at
the defendant's-boarding house. After
all the tcstimmy was in, Judge El
wards said he was unable to discover
that any person had been assaulted and
sent the jury ont to dispjss of tbe
costs. They divided them equally.
John Gerski, Adam MokloiUi and T.
Kranick were then arraigned, charged
with assaulting a boy naius.l A. Shut
koski. Es Ju Ige Stanton appsared for
the prosecutor and Attorneys Joseph
O'Brien and M F Sunlo for the d
TROl'Ul.K at a WBOMNO.
The case is the outgrowtu of trouble
at a wedding ou South Washington
avenue seversl months ago The bov
and a number of companions were
"Horning" ths bride and groom and
the defendants dispersed them. It is
Hllegsd by the prosecution that they
severely injured the boy, but tbe de
fendants maintain that they used only
sufficient forca to compel the boya to
The case was on trial when conrt
One of tha Seaaon'.i Pleaaant Social
Mrs. Burnett and Mis Kathryn
Hart received their many friends at
the residence of Dr. Burnett, on Lin
den street last evening, preparatory to
Mies Hart's departure for Now York.
Mrs. Bamett nnd Miss Hsrt received
in the western parlor, which was teste
fully decorated with magniti.-eiit palms
and ferns, and presented a very pretty
appearance. Following the reception,
dancing was enjoyed by those present.
Several musical numbers were also
rendered. It was one of the most
pleasaut social events of the ssason.
--4t -al
tiamsa to B e Flayad by tlin YoungMeu'a
Chrlatlan Auoctatlon Taam.
The Scrunlou Young Men's Christian
association basket ball team aud the
Nanticoko team, the ohninpions of the
state, will play a game in the Young
Men's Christian association gyuiuasi um
ou Friday evening next.
On Thursday evening the seoond
team of this city and tho second team
of PittBtou will play an Interesting
To Creditors nf C E Tropp & Co.
All book accounts ami dubls owing tn
the firm of C. K. Tropp Co. have been
ussignod to Charles Tropp. All parties
owing said III ui will please tiiano imme
diate pm in. "i i to the undersigned.
CtuMJM Tropp,
Scrauton Licderkranz Twenty-Fifth Annual
an Enjoyable Affair.
Miss Marguerite Wcichcl, Queen of
the Carnival, and Henry Dirnler the
Prince Characters Assumed by
Some of the Maskers Committees
That Were in Charge of the Ball.
Persons to Whom Prizes Were
Twenty-five years ago last night the
Scranton Liederkrartz held its first mas
querade ball aud every year since that
ball has been one uf the marked uud
anxiously anticipated social events.
The mutked ball by the Liederkranz
last night was u worthycommemorutor
of the quarter century. It drew hun
dreds of persons to Music Hall aud en
joyment and fuu, of a character to
please but nut to offend, reigned su
preme until au early hour this morn
ing. At 9.30 tbe ball opened. The curtain
was rung up and on the stage appeared
the representation of a full rigged ship,
on the deck of which were Ilvury Dim
ler, tbe prince of tbe Carnival, aud
Miss Marguerite Weichel, the queen,
both of whom were richly costumed iu
robes befitting their high offices.
The prince uud queen were received
by F. C. Dirnler. E Siebecker. Frank
Drobjr, T. H. Pittack, Louis Drieseu
and F. G. Waldner, attired as cour
tiers who escorted the prinos aud
queen to the Itoor of tho hall.
THI! OltANli march
Then the grand march began, it
was led by Prompter George Conner.
Following him came tbe committee of
airangeniefiti, who received the prince
and queen Next iu Hue were these
high dignitaries of the carnivul, with
their devoted subjects bringing up the
These subjects comprise a motley
crowd. Elegantly attired courtiers
jostled the tough young man with loud
trousers and short coat, aud German
peasants, Mexican greasers, Chinamen,
bewhiskered professional men, firemsu,
bicycle riders, Russian officers,
clowns, harlequins, devils, foot
ball players, and anarchists
dudes, Spaulsb girls, Greek girls, and
girls in white, blue, blaok aud yellow
dominoes, seemed to spring up every
where. After the grand mareh the maskers
amused the hundred of spectators in
the balcouy with their autics At
midnight came the unmasking and tbe
awarding of prizes to tbe wearers of
the prettiest, most original and most
comic costumes.
Louis Driesen was iu charge of the
general committee iu charge of tbe
ball. The reception committee in
charge was Edward Siebecker, Theo
dore H. Pittack, Louis Driesen, floor
committee, Paul Keller, Theodore
Kiesel, Fred Waldner: committee ol
arrangements , V. C Dnnler, L Sie
becker, Fred Dreher, T. H Pittack,
Louis Driesen, F. G. Waldner. At
midnight u supptr was ssrved in the
diuiog room of the ball.
There were twenty four numbers on
the dsnce programma. the music being
furnished by Bauer's orchestra.
Tbe prizes were awarded as follows
Finest costume, Miss Green, feather
fan; most original costume, Miss Zette
Z.nkie, pair of nickel skates, most
comic costume, Harry Hopewell, box
of cigars.
Knighta of Labor Command His Action
at Phi ladelphia
District assembly. No. Pi, Knights
of Labor, convened at Wilkes-Harre
verterday and passed resolutions com
mendir.g Mr. Powderly for bis manly
action at the recent convention in Phil
. , .. 1 v. : . i 1 - . - ..,: ... . . i .
uueipiu.t una aisu icgiuttuig tuat iua
oroer nau lost tue guidance oi nis
masterly advice.
Other resolutions adopted advocated
muuicipal control of gas and water
companies and also of street railway
transportation, the establishui nt of
postiil savings banks was urged and
Sscretary Carlisle's bond issua was
New officers were chosen as follows .
District Master Workman, Timothy
Hayes. lVkville. district secretary -treasurer,
T. F. Walsh, Winton; dis
trict worthy foremau, John Hundon.
Scranton . district executive board,
John J. Collins, Scranton, John A.
Lennon, Ovlphaut, and John A. Gray,
Wilkes Barre.
Tbe next convention will be In this
city ou the third Monday in April.
Aftn Sweatlna Off
How many have lakeuvowsof absti
nonce with tiie birth of the new year Is
perhaps bard to estimate, but we now
know that such efforts Bre futile agaiust
inveterate habit, a 1.1. which has become
a rtllHH There was a time when it
urn Id have beeu easy to quit, but having
neglected to do - the habit i :. tinned un
til by the constant or fn quent use of the
poison there was forced a change iu the
nervous system which made it not only
possible to drink, but iiecesary. Then
you could dunk a good deal aud uot seem
to get drunk, but you also found It neces
sary, to keep you feeling good and you
"craved liquor' becuuiif you had DMOBM,
diseased. Now that sweariug off does no
good and the pledge can't be kept, go ami
make your resolution good for all tune by
taking treatment St tho Keeley Institute,
T'Jtl Madison aveuue. Srnutou, Pa.
Best Sets of Teeth, $S,oo
Including the painless extracting
uf teeth by an entirely new pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.13.S.
"Tbe best laid schemes ol mice ao
men gang att aglee."
Jt was our intention to retain our old
store iu the Purr building long enough
to close out several lines of goods that
wo are not going to handle in future.
But as it has beeu leased to Mr. Proth
eroe from the first of February we will
be compelled to put prices ou tbe goods
that will sell them quick. Wo will
bring them over to our new store as
fast as needed uud there sell them for
what they will bring. For instance,
we offer Shoe, worth $1, at i'Jj ;
Shoes Worth $l.0O,ttt&Hc , Wood Pipes,
worth 15a , at , Hiir Brushes, worth
10o . at So. ; 0-potmd pails Preserve.-!,
worth Wft, at 10c ; 5-pound palls
Apple Butter, worth i'lc, at 10c. ; sev
eral brands of Baking Powder, t pound
tins, worth Via., at i:. , j-pouud tint,
wortu 10o , at Ua.&a., dc. If you want
a bargain, come to us. We can give it
to you iu almost any line
The Scranton Cash Store
126 and 128 Washington Ave.
Dr. Hill Son
Pet teeth, IU0; bestet, $!: for gold cap
nnd teeth without plates, cIled crown and
hridjte wor., call tir prlcae and refereroef
TONALpUL tor extractins- teeth without
pain. No ether. Nu gas.
For Furniture, Etc.
Have you ever Huntington tried
For oysters stewed or oysten
At Lackawanna avenue 413
You'll find the nicest you have
seen. -
Open Until Midnight.
This Week Special Bargains
I ID1R8' Mil U( I, un IKIMMI.ll
IAIXOBI, lAo. each.
4.". DOZJEM i.aiiks' COBIftTt our rag
NfOlarMt, article One we BOVe built n
reputation on Ou Monday ueaell theui tor
50 DOZKM WOOLEN MITTt, jual the
thins for srhool children -all WOOL Muu
dny He. u pair.
well made, Poulard cloth. Worth Ho, Mou
LADIES' REAL PL! n I c Ql i -
Full length. st I n lined. Begular priec, JIT.
Wo don't want tolcarry thoin over this
sawn. Munilay we) offer them for! I BO
only, WKI.50.
II AN CAPS -Full hand, satin lined. The
regular price la .Wo. On Monday thuy no
for lie,
!!tu. ach
MK CAPS. Price fl aud JI.K. On Mouday
only TTO
QLOI RS, 10 dOSM Men's Cull er Front
Oloves, wool wrist, lliiwi throughout A
llrst class Working uluve. Wero SO and Uc
On Monday :iHc.
1)1! JAFOtiK UNDERWEAB (.Slightly
imperfect, at a reduction of lj per cent. from
catalogue price.
SB PER CENT. DISCO NT allowed la
Cloak, Fur and Mllliuery Department.