The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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rsTo Fake Sale in Ours
We hnve hettor Imrtjalns pvirv ("or In
Up year than no-cnllml "bargain day
"clsariiiR tsliw,'' and such well-known,
worn-out, jilnyeil-out schemes will afford,
lor real Imrgiuu:) m I'lli&'l'-CLAbb NEW
Popular, reliable ami witbiu your
,llYtak.n owr 101 fint premiums In
lit putt fifty your.
4fe t makes of Piano. Four msk.w of
Organ! in benuttf ut uew Assigns, Bi onr
tuck baton buying, Wa ! Itaa nood.
iui pnoM tui right. KwjtuUm iu ui
luusic iui
1S4 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Punch Cigars
G.. B. & Co ,
ImnHntml on En'n CUpr
Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
ot K i Ion k! ..-i At
fiimm annua
v i a iVU UV WWW I
n. M. Brwell, oi Avuca, wag a visitor ia
the city yesterday.
.Mt-s Minnie Caulev, of Scranton. spent
Sunday witb Aluj Luie Dixon, of Avoca.
Kit J. Twson Jones, of Pittsburg, is
spending a few days anions friends in this
Miss Emma Cure, of Scranton, Dent
Sunday witb lier sister. Miss Annie Care,
of Jermyn.
Misses Annie ana Jennie Stratton, of
Scranton, were the guests of their mother
at Moscow over Sunday.
Rev. G. A. Cure, of Scrancon.wiU lecture
in the Moscow Methodist Episcopal church
Thursday evening, Feb. I,
Dr. E. D. Gardner, of Scranton, spent
last Friday with lu parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ashel Gardner, of Factory ville.i
Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Scott, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with Mi". Scott's parents,
Mr. acd Mrs. B. J. Cannon, of Moscow.
Word of Alv.ce to Prati Whi:b Thoy
Would do WU a H.d.
' Every good mm and every good
woman lives again in their children.
If they have suffered from diaadvaa
tagts in early life and have missed
much pleasure and profit from Uclc of
earlv education an 1 cnl tare, can they
not in a measure recompense them
selves 07 seeing that their children en
ioy '.h very advantages they have
misseu? K not sufficiently well-to-do
to give thnir son or daughter a college
coarse, they can see to it that he or
he obtains an equally good education
at home.
The t'.onr when the parent succeeds
in interesting his child is ruefal home
study so rich in after rssuits is the
hoar when the child has reached the
fateful turaing point In its life. Proper
direction then u sure to bring a rich
harvest in future happiness and suc
cess The wise parent, therefo'. will study
carefully the generous off-r raide by
The tmw.'.ne, an offer whicn places the
moans to a full and finished education
within eaav reach of the humblest
Figure out tne lea U which lose for
fouseveral 10 c-nt pieces every twenty
four hours Stop on of th -se leaks.
Take a dime a day and put it in the sav
ings bank nftsantsjd to everyone woo
savs "I will" to the offer, and own that
which every intelligent, progressive
thinking man wanrs -to Encyclope
dia Britannic. The study of that which
is contained in this wunierfni work is
a 'iberal tdflMtioo in itself.
For the greater convenience of onr
patrons, the Encyclopedia offlV.a at 117
Spruce street will be open Tueiday.
Thursday and SUnr lay evenings of
eacji week.
Third IiMrict Republicans.
(Xfioant to a resolution of the standing
oonjBiCtaa of ths Rspnblioans of the
Third legislative ili-trirt, ronventKm
will be held in the arbitration room in the
court lio'n-, city of Scnii.ton, on Tneslay,
Feb. B, ISOt, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of olectlng one delegate to repro
MDt said district at the state c invention
to be held In tlarri-burg on Wednesday
May A 18lM.
Vigilance committee will hold primaries
on Saturday, Feb. .1, 1804, betwoou the
hours of 4 arid 7 p. in.
E. J. .NoHTiH t, John KoCrirdli,
Secretary. Pres. i'r" Tein.
fccranton, Pa., Jan. 27, I KM,
Important to Baii.-inns Mn.
TiiKTKiBf.vKV.ill soon publish ncsre.
fully compiled and clasnilieil list of the
leailinK wholesale, banking, nianufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
In book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings,buslnnsH blockH,streets,etc. Tbe circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those conrerned as well as the city
atlarse. BapraMuUllTsa Of Tm Thihunr
will call upon tiiosk whohk mk
are iucsikkm In this edition and explain
Its nature more fully. We trust oui livk
Buhinkhs men will givo it their hearty
Those desiring viows of their residences '
In this edition will please lenvo notice at
tbo office.
New Bicycle.
A now bicycle worth to will be sold for
185. The machine is guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine muy be seen at the
Tribune office.
Relnhab-t'a Market,
88 and 88 Lackawanna avenue. Every
day from fi a. m. to 10 a. m. Round steak,
lie: sirloin steak, 14c. ; standing rib must,
10c.; chuck roast, 8c. ; boiling meat, 4c.;
fresh pork, lSc; Irk sausage, 123,0.
Happenings or a Day That Will Interest Hyde
Fark Readarj.
Robert Morris Lodge, No. 58, Insti
tuted Last Evening at Co-operative
Hall Officers Elected and Installed.
Funeral of Mrs John O'Malley.
Hyde Park Fattier M.itliew Society
Elects Officers- Interesting Bits ot
The West Side offlo of the SoiuLNTOM
TlliBUNK Is located t 19 S.itit li Main nve.
line, where snbsOriptiOQS, advertisements
and communications will receive prompt
Robtrt Morris Lodgt, No, 68 Order
of American Ivontes was instituted
lust evening In Co operative hall on
North Main avenue Temporary ehair
Ulan John 11. Phillips presided an I
Professor V. G or;c Powell ofiiciatod
is temporary secretary l P, Thomas
of the Provideno otdw oalled the roll
of nwnbm The institution was
made bv 1 P. Thomas assisted by R,
11 Williams. Tuoinas Watkins, Hen
jamin Hnghet, Tbajntu Bluii and
Henry P Mavies and the initiatory
moniM were ooadnotad, Ptst Worthy
Qrand Master Benjamin Hugh s was
called upon to Institute the lodge. The
following officer! were then elected
President, John 11. Phillips; vice pres
ident, John Courier Morns; recording
secretary. VV, (ie,irg Powell , treasurer,
John J. Da viae; financial secretary,
Qwllyni A VVillUuu; itewerd. T Ells
worth Daviei; ooudnotor, BdwardD,
.loues; inside gnar liad, K .'er Evans;
outside guardian, Even VV. Williams;
trustee for three years, VV. (.1 Uanisls ,
two years, John K. Farr and W liy
lord Thomas; ouo year. Hr. J. J. Uoo
ert. The tellers were E E Hobathati
end William & Williams- TheofBoen
were then installed. The supporters of
President John H, Phillips were Even
J. Williams and V. Haydn Evans
The right and left baud supporters of
Vice-President J. din Courier Morris
were William 0 Jones aud Devid
Prlteherd, The meeting was trans
ferred to President John 11 Phillips,
who made a neat speech thanking the
member for their km luess aud hoping
that the order would prospsr. Re
marks wsre also made by B.'iijamiti
Hughes and others.
Tue following committee was ap
pointed to draft by-law: B. (1. Bod
doe, W. Gaylord Tuomis, Elias E
Evans, Charles E Denieli and E E
Robathau. After a few remarks by
Attorney V. Qeylord Thomas th
meeting adjourned. The regular
meeting night will be the (eoond and
lourth Wednesday evenings of the
mouth in Clark' ball on South Main
Tht Father Msthew Society.
The Hyde Park Father Mathew So
ciety met Sunday afternoon in Co
operative Hall and elected the follow
ing officers: Prsilent, J U. McXulty ;
vice-president, John McTieruan: re
cording secretary, James II Brown:
fiinancial secretary, Michael Jennings;
corresponding secietary, Thoma
Fleming; teller, John
augh, John Crowley and Ed
ward Kenney; directors, Edward
Kenny, John Crowley and John Dona
hoe; gsrgeant-at-arms, Patrick Cole
man. J. C Gallagher, El ward Kenny,
T. P. McHale, M. F. Wales, Joun D.
t'ronin, J. B. McCoaon and James Mc
N'amarn, who represented the society
at the quarterly convention held in St.
John's hall, Pine Brook, a fortnight
ago. ma le a Nport and praised the
good work that is resultiag from the
holding of these conventions,
Mrs O'MaUsy Furled.
The funeral of Mrs. John O'.Mallef.
of 2211 Jackaon (tr-tet, took place yes
terday morning and was attended by a
large number of friends. The remains
wre conveyed to St. Patrick's church
where Rev. Father McN'ally celebrated
a solemn requiem high mass. A beau
tiful pillow and a baskst of lilies
adorned the casket. The pall bearers
were: Michael Dilaney, Tnomas Hart,
Michael Hnghes, James Gannon,
Patrick Kerrigan and 0 Kelley. In
terment was made at the Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery,
Short News Notes.
The funeral of the late Miss Viola
Johnson, of Hampton street, occurred
yesterday afternoon at .'i o'clock. Rev.
A, W. Cooper, psator of the Hampton
street Metholist Episcopal church,
conducted the aerv Interment wns
made at 'h Washburn Strait ceme
tery. T.J. Reynolds, of Ifamnton street,
will leave today for an extended tour
through (few York and Vermont.
John N'eat and family, of Fuirvinw
avenue, spent Sunday with friends at
James Mawnon, of North Main Ve
nue, aged .17, died at hi home on Sun
day evening, The fnnral will occ
tomorrow afternoon at ' o'clock.
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, of Wilk
Bam, called on West Sido friends ye
terday. Tbe funeral of the young child of
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore llryden, of
North Lincoln avenue, that died on
S.nndav, will occur this afternoon at
'i 30 o'clock
Fred Bteokel, of MahaoOV City, la
visiting his parents on Washburn
ii 0
Kebecoa Avsnui Vi.wers File Thnir Im
port in Court
Th" report, of Attorney John M Har
ris, Peter Davidson and I). J Cainti
bell.the viewers appointed to nsenrtain
the diiniHU dona to Rebecaa avenue
property by the grading of that street
was Hied in court yeterday and con
firmed nisi.
iJamuKfs aggregating $1,798 wero i
lowed. The amount aw irdtd to eneh
property owner was: John Joyce, ;10();
Frank Zimmerman. $100; Martin Ken
nedy, 800; Frank Nicht-r, 1300 1 Mary
N'eulnn. H00; John B. Kellow, IISS)
Ann Evans, tt00 Tlioinns P. Phillips,
200; John A. rJonee. )1"0;.S A. Hart'
man, 10; W. W Hopkins, (JllOO
These amount the city i directod to
New File Cases for City Hall Have No
Suspension Attachment.
The Office Specialty company, uf
Rochester, N. Y., is putting in it por
tion of the contract for vault fittings
in the municipal building. The atrent
of the company wag disagreeably sur
prised yesterday by a visit from Archi
tect E L. Walter, who told hlin thu
work was not done according to speci
fication. Mr. Walter lay that when Mr. San
born, the agent of the company, was
here he exhibited a sample oa' with
an extension so that a file might be
taken out and permitted to suspend
from the case for the purpose of inspec
tion. Mr. Walter dsolarti that the
work was to be aoenrding to plans
and specifications as shown in tbe sam
pie exhibited, bnt th agent of the
company here now says that the firm
does not make the suspension files, and
Mr. Sanborn will ho asked to explain.
Among other vaults to be fitted up
is that iu the police officers' room on
the ground floor. This at present
holds thu city ballot boxes. Chief
Simpson waited on Select Councilman
0 W. Weatpfuhl, chairman of the
building committee, yesterday and
that gentleman will suggest the erec
tion of a special vault for the ballot
boxes, It will bo made of brick, ce
ment and steel, to 1m placed in the
room thut lies hotwoou th mayor's
point and the jail proper.
Alderman D-Ljok Held Him in $2,000
Hull for Contempt of Court.
There was an exciting scene in Aid
ermaii Hcl.nug'e office lust evening
during the hearing In the case of John
Flita, charged with malioiaui miaobief
by Tony Manetlo. T he prosecutor lives
in Scranton and he claims that Flita
smashed in ins door and committed
other depredations on his premise.
During the hearing Andy Martiuo, a
friend of the accused, got up to make
a statement and becoming excited,
quote 1 the law lor the alderman aud
then made statements that the uuigia
trato considered a direct insult. He
was promptly reminded that hu must
address the court with dignity and re
spect and requested to furnish sj.i.ddi)
bail to appear at court on a charge of
Later his brother iu law, Joseph ('.is
seise, Interceded for him, and the btil
was reduced to $8,500. Casssss became
his surety.
Flita was asked to furnish $2,.ri00
bail and in default was committed.
Robin Hooil Pt-autiil at the Academy
Before a I i. .. Au.ttencs,
The audience at the Academy of
Music last night, when Robin Hood
was presented, was one of the largest
and most thoroughly pleased of the
season. The tinkers' song and the
solo were enthusiastically applauded,
All of the solos were iu fact well re ceived.
Mr. Bmitb, the librettist, has oare
fully preserved the romantic flavor at
taching to the amiable robbers of Sher
wood Forest, has given them the
brightest of character painting, and
has coherently put together eo many of
the lively Incidents connected with
them that the book stands a self-es-t
ibliahed classic. Mr. DK iveu's mu
sic contains more of genuine melody,
mora of harmonious orchestration and
more of humorous whimsicality than
have beu expressed lu a composer s
score since oo.mlo opera writing was
first undertaken in America.
The Maid Marian of Miss Fatimau
Diard was a charming characterizt
tion. She sung and act- I admirably
and put plenty of spirit into her work.
The Alliin-n-Dale of Miss Mary Palmer
was given much prominence by rouson
of the splendid voice of that young
lady. When she sung "U, Promise
Me," the audience was tnrilled and an
eucore was vigorously called for.
Jerome Skyes proved himself a com
edian of more than ordinary ability.
He never descended to coarseness and
throughout bis interpretation of the
part of the Sheriff of Nottingham he
of the wonderful brain und oagle eye
waa of a very high order of pure, legit
mate comedy, unsullied by horse play
or any of those methods a comic
op?ra comedian so frequently be
lieves he is called upon
to employ in order that
ho may canso hi andience to laugh.
El win Ishain sung the roll of Little
John most acceptably. His rendition
of the "Song of the Brown October
Ale" was o excellnnt that th audionce
demanded its repetition. E S. VVent
worth made a capital Robin Hood, aud
snng in good sty, Ricardo Rinci and
James Nichol is were also good iu their
rcspeotiva roles.
Uappeuings ot a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribuue Readers.
This Will Make the Second District lo
Bo Carved Out The Peoplo Tired
Oi Waiting for Their Neighbors to
Think as Tiioy Do Regarding Its
Benefits Death of Mrs. Michael
Moriarity - Shorter Paragraphs,
Th Good Od Fashiontd On Ring
Show Sesn Axain.
Owing to an unavoidable delay in tho
arrival of pt-rformers George E Divis'
grand mid-wititr circus did not open
at Wonderland theatre yesterday after
noon as was announced. In tbeeven
Jng, however, there was a large attend
ance and the feats of the acrobats,
tnmhUrs, strong nimi, wire walkers
and the remainder of the aggregation
were dessrvedly applauded.
The show ia a novelty, and although
many faces appear that have been soon
in Wonderland boforn. so nicolv is th
work put together in tho shape of the
old fashioned one act circus that all are
pleased with it.
Mr Davis has mado a new departure
in Wonderland and now seats can be
reserved during the afternoon for tha
evening performance without extra
. -
It, .... .... (.-v.
Any person ordering ten or more books
at one time may have them sent by ex
press pu p oil
Bonks 1 Books 1 Books 1
During the coming week we simii offer
to the subscribers of Tuk Tribuni rare
bargains in books.
We have a largo linn of hi ght and pop
uhir volumes, elegantly bound, that wo
intend to give to the pntrons of the paper
nt abotlt one-fonrth of the usual price.
The following list will give yon an idea
of t he inducements and the imtlMial op
pot i unities to secure valuable additions to
your library.
Regular Tribune's
Price, Prtoe,
The World's Fair (New) 2.5U I .85
PlCtOI ial History of the ( treat
Civil War a flO ,80
Pilgrims' Progress (IllUSt'ed) H.80 ,H0
Earth, Bee and Buy 2 75 .75
Marvelous Wonders 2.78 .88
Life and Works of Bourgeon 1.50 .60
Pictorial llln.iry of the llible i!.7."p .N.
Museum of Wonders 2. 75 .85
Prom Pole to pole 2.75 .80
Pictorial History of the Uni
ted States noo .00
Science of Life L',75 L0Q
i.ifnof Barnaul 1,511 ,60
Indian Horrors 1.60 .60
Joseph tut 8.00 l.oii
Khnpii's Phologr iphs 3.60 1.25
Columbus, the Nnvigntor,.. ,50
Hear Column (Stanley's
Travels) ,80
Webster Dictionary in one
half HusHia ,85
on presentation of two of ttinn
Coupons, Subscribers of the tuiii-
L'NE may purchase any book iu the
above list.
Fifty Onm for Ten Cnt.
Remember that fifty beautiful pictures
mid not simiily sixieen and they all
representing thu most Datable buildings
and exhibits at. the late World's fair can
now he obtained at The Taiscn ofBct for
10 cents and throe coupons. Part. 1 of tho
World's Pair Portfolla ooataiol these nr
tlstio gems and souvenirs, cut your cou
pon aud get tho pictures.
City Engineer Phelps is at work on a
map of a new sewer district. The
people of a portion of the Eleventh
ward have tired waiting for their
brethren of tho Twelfth and Nine
teenth ward to proceed lu the prem
ises, and propose to establish a sower
of t heir own.
This demonstrates the folly of tho
people Comprising the upper portion of
1 Ins very natural district lu their sense
less opposition to the project when it
wai lust under discussion in councils,
If the present plans are realized, and
there seems to be no doubt of their con
summation, tho people being very anx
ious, it will have the elToct of increasing
in a remarkable degree, the cost of a
sewer for tho uupor district, if one be
over built. This will be due to the
large amount of dead territory ma le
by thy erection of two separat dis
1 1 ids taken from what was intended
by nature to be one separate and undi
vided district.
The line of th i new district is a
follows: Beginning at the Lackawanna
tbe ssu. 1 will come up through the
Meadow brook to Remington avenue,
thence to Elm street, to Cedar avenue,
to Birch street, to Klral court. The
boundaries are the Stafford Meadow
brook. Kirst court to Birch street, to
PlttstOO avenue, to Alder street, to
Rosen court, to Rosar place, to Kirst
court, to Willow street, along the latter
120 feet to Koch place, thence along tbo
latter to Cedar avenue. This latter dis
trict will lie the second to be carved
out of the South ward, the first being
sewer district sixteen, being that por
tlou betwsen the Lackawanna aud the
Delaware and Hudson trade. The
new district will contain 210 lots.
8horter Paragraphs.
Mrs. Michael Moriarity, of Orchard
street, died yostorday afternoon. She
is survived by her husband and ten
The funeral of John Orr took place
yesterday morning. Services were
held iu St. John's church, where a
high mass of requiem was celebrated.
Interment was in Hyde Park cemetery.
It was reported last eveuing that
Peter Connors, the young mau who
was injured at tbe South work Satur
day, died at the Moses Taylor hospital
yesterday. Such i not the case. The
young man is in splendid condition,
considering his injuries.
The funeral ot Hubert Sossoug will
take place this morning.
Mrs Ferdinand Schmidt and her
family will leuva Siuionson's tomor
row and they will reside at their home
on Cedat avenue. Peter Weichel will
take p 1. session of the hotel.
An 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Reideuuacb, of Stone avenue, died
John J. Schneider stated last evening
that much opposition in tho Eleventh
ward to the bridges was duo to a fail
ure to open Mattes street. He was as
sured that he would speedily witness
the completion of the much needed im
. 1
"The Escape From Libby" will be
given at the Academy of Music this
evening for the benefit of the Board of
Associated Chanties. The advanoo
sale of soatsindioates one of the largest
audiences of the season. There are
still a numbsr of first-class seats in the
balcony. The play will also be pre
letited at the Academy tomorrow attor-
110011 und evening.
"Mrs Grundy, Jr.," to be given
hero Thursday evening, by Charles
I'l-ohman s coni-Mians, is a faroe com
edy of the genuine order. It is neces
sary to ao describe it, because the term
"farce comedy," has of late vaars been
given an elasticity that the great farce
maknrs never lie mi - d of. Tho genu
ine French furoe comedy has plot -the
great majority of its imitators dis
dain such a thing. The plot of 'Mr.
Grundv, Jr. is so mtricate as to be al
most bewildering, aud until the final
inevitable hug and m ike-up no one c an
tell bow it is going to turn out,
Last October the Maunla Mason com
pany, an Organisation new to this city,
made its tirst appearance at the Acad
etny of Music, presenting "Friend
Frit 7. " The verdict, of those who saw
the performance was that it w is nno
of the sweetest and most deligntliil
evenings that, they had ever spent at
a theater. I he company will ha hsre
again Friday evening, and it is safe to
say that t he attdlonoe will be a big one,
as a good performance is always an
advertisement tot B crowded hotlso on
a return engagement.
The bills of the viewers in the matter of
the road In Old forge township were ap
proved by the court yesterday. A. 11. Dun
ning, jr., receives 1111,80) Nathaniel Hah
I lead, $4. HO; mid t, A. Hates. fl.SO.
Court yesterday transferred the license
of J. II. Solomon, a hotel keeper of the
Second ward oT Jeruiyn, toO. B, Ifclnet,
Bverett Walter yestordav asked permls
hIoii of the court to adopt It diert K. Wal
ter, minor child of , i. it Waiter, deceased ,
The boy tk 8 years Of age, Court directed
that testimony he taken.
Attorney M. 1'. BaUdO applied to the
court yesterday fur 11 charter for the Man
flllS Colliery Benevolent association
Those Who subscribe to the articles of in
corporation ere Ed ward Bar rett, Benjamin
HaviH, John C. Thomas, James liatchford
ami Patrick llciincgnti.
Attorney I). W. Connolly was appointed
by tim court, yesterday to diitrlnate the
fund arising from the suit of K. A. Knight
agniiist, J. II. Knight.
Testimony was heard by the court, yes
terday concerning the advisability of
changing the polling place iu the Kirst dis
trict of thu Sixth ward.
- i
Bonks by Hail.
Add 7 cents to the price of any hook
found mi page U and wo shnll mail it to
your address.
Aiiheioi.u Hutch Beer.
Lotii '-oilman's, 'JJi Hvruce "L
Dyspepsia and Indigestion
Iii their worsl forms nr cured by tbe
use of P. P. I'. If you are debilitated and
run down, or If you need a tonic to regain
llesh ami lost appetite, strength and vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will be strong and
healthy, I'or shattered constitutions aud
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poko
Hoot and Potassium) is the king of all
medicines. P. 1. P. is the groateet blood
purifier In the world. For sale by all
Wonderful Han-Beast Using Exhibited
at Kduu Hum.
Kiiam A-Sama, the man monkey.
and without doubt tbe greateit curios
ity now before the American public,
drew crowded houses to the E len
musae all day yesterday.
Khum-A-Sama Is indeed a wonderful
curiosity. In shape it resembles a hu
man being and an observer who would
casually glance at it would almost
swear that it wa a man with a pecu
liar growth or hair on thu body, but
such la not the case. R iam A Sama
possesses thirteen pairs of ribs and
thirteen dorsal vertebrae the same us
the monkey race, while u human being
can boast of but twelve. It has all tho
organ of speech, but they have never
bsou developed and conseiiuoiitly it
cannot talk. It la ouo of nature's great
t myrterius.
James Morris, the wonderful elastic
kin man mi l the original Loudon
Punch and Judv also ulortain iu the
curio halls The nhow in the theater
is one of first class variety and pleaies
RnrjHoron Typewriters and Edison
Phonographs for sale ami rent. Copying
work executed. Phonographs muted for
an evening's entertainment. Telephone
Ui& Kdw. Uuiialur. Jr., slid Spruce
Are YOU going to
MOVE or start
Do You
Do You
Do You
Do You
Do You
Do You
Do You
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
Want Clothes
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
for Almost Nothing?
pRlCKS on brand-new Suits and Over
coats in our windows will convince
you that we are about giving them away.
Martin 6c Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
If so, save time, worry
and money by
calling at
Dinner, Tea or
Toilet Set, Carving
Sets, Silverware,
Glass Globes .
Lamps, ccc.
Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn.
sylvania. The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The
lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal
terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the
leading inducements. Look at the list
Weichel Millar
116 Wyoming Avenue.
i AvT- '
We have the most complete aseortnwet of
Hen's Furnishing Qoods that ever appealed
to we eye or to the taste Borne of our new
shades and designs in Ties ure espei'lallv at
tractive. They are -. nt Inures which
give yon no excuse for being without all norH
of aizes and styles.
205 Lackawanna Avcnu?.
The Great Marvel of Deutcl Science
A recent discover and the n1
property t'
I 1 -M VJ I
III A I isi s.
31G Lackawanna Ave.
llv the use of Ihi-i reinnrkalilx discovery
teeth are actually removed without pent iu
tbe most ageravatod oases Looal In its ap
plication, vegetable in its oompotiUon nnd
nheotutoly harmless and efftoleul in every
bbso AN.158THBNE has tha unuaUflod sn
dorsetnent ol tbenosl rebutable physiolana,
as well as thousands who have been relieved
by its wosderfel power,
iis Kenwood and Wardell are the saolu
live owners or this Invaluable dlsaover; and
are using it In their practice with heretofore
unlinti il ot results.
All the higher grades of nteahanjoal und CP'
eratlvo dentistry practiced In this offlae, In
Platen made miivi 'hCuI'v from nil kinds or
Corbett or Mitchell
It makes no difference to us.
We are selling an A-No. i
$1.50 Per Set
Solimer Pianos,
Everett Pianos,
Vose & Sons' Pianos,
Mehin Pianos,
Popular Pease Pianos,
Estey Organs,
Story & Clark Organs,
Chicago Cottage Organs,
raiace Organs,
minis mi Musical Merehsndiai
coiuituntly un band.
And i
W.s. 7 x y" ftr0 ,her"' a,,d this iH ,,le Pace t0 W PIUOS for a Cbristmat
At ,"n tinn !I? V'r ,h;'" "th"T n,nic "tow ' ratiton. Bpeclal
Sfi? 7&SS"&yn!l. Wl1"" ytu "tart out ,0 Keurch for a Piano or Or
vo t i hr,"t0";r 5tombM potntl with Lis right hand to the exact place
you want to go. Nowhere it is:
zzp.,::zz:i, pa.
J. W. Guernsey, Prop.
Do You Need an Ulster?
Do You Need an Overcoat?
F YOU do, now is the time to buy one,
and our store is the place to get it.
Because we are going to sell every one
which we have in our store this winter.
IVice is no object, profits have now disap
peared, and you can buy one very cheap.
Trv it.
Florey Holt
408 Spruce Street.
220 Lackawanna Ave.
P. S. Look for our name before the door before en
tering. Make no mistake
An Immense stock of
Boots, Shot's, Slippers
and Rabbet Goods that
we liuisi soil before our
Spring Goods arrive, in
about tlmv weeks. We
simply must jcl rid of
The or ivst ggade of
Of Fool wear lo bo found
in the entire city at ex
tremely cheap prices,
We have the goods and
you have the money,
111 give you full value
for your money.
Skirt, Hal loon
Sleeve, navy ,black
and tan. Cost to
make, syiii. Now
We will giro you
the choice of 40
Jackets, all this
season's make.
Not one in tho
lot that cost less
than (TL2 to 120.
Arcade Shoe Store.
ill pay you to
sec this offering
of Tailor made
We need room for new Spring
Stock, Yisil us,
& Co.
LsiIIoh' Tailor . Cloak M ,.
sinl Kunlors,
W B1 'R1 tOH ST.,
sgiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiii iiminiiu
s I
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Thn Bptotnttlt QO tbo Eya TTo.idncliO'i ami
Nt,rvinisnt,,w rollvo . LatoNt nntl Improvod
Htylo of Eyo (Iiiwhoh und KjHvtaelt-H ut tho
LowmI Prtotfc HtfHt aiHttoUl Byti Imifttfl
for y.
305 SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office
I Portfolio of Photographs
January 30, 1894
S Send or bring in 'J Coupons
S of different dates, together
E with 5 cents, and receive this
S Album of rare Photographs.
Cor. Ponn Ato. and Sprues St.
cm this i i t.