THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY .10. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Hunno nil kind cost that much, r. ct)it Situation WaKttd,whieh are inserted PRES. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED as LISi'H i? counter man m tawtender I rjers parteBCe. good reference .1. w. 8., this offtoe. OlTL'A'FlON WANTED- Tl' l.KAhN Till'. t3 La bfr trade or work In a a tore. Address I. H STONE. PrL'hard. Lawns coUBty. Pa. HEADER WISHES SITL'ATIi.'N To READ two hours evcrv tvenina t ) :.u. u. i. or lady. DAVIDBHIRRA, '.'UU Pittatuu are. SITUATION WANT KB - BY OlNG miLTi with two veara . Jluji 1 ljl- ill lovvelv uixt watcb ! p in in tore; would liko to Mara mora of the business. Wsges bo object; best of relelebces. Address H.. bos Mont lost', Pa, A' oooo neat skwih wiiaii a fan customers by tho dev. Address Urw maker, gaaeral delivery, city. Agents Wanted. UrANTF.l THREE OOOO MEN TO CAN vas tor an areola that will nil at tight; can make US or i.n par week. Call at room U. Arcane Building, second Boor. For Sale. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES ICE FOR SALE DELIVERED IN SCRAN 1 ton ut Ota, par Ion Inquire of W II SMITH or M. II. lll'FFuRD. Clark's Sum mlt Pa. noB sai.E HICKORY BICYCLE, sec r end baud god coiiditu n i all at Repub lkan pfBoe, A H EDOhTT. T'lili Sill' it' Vi'HK I'AKM stock f and utenslia J M. SHEFFIELD, 4So Monroe uv a, 1MK SALE ONE NEW YOHT TYPE 1 writer, also one now Ablott cheek punch, ut a bargain, Addicss H. J., cam Tribune of flea. V'OK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN X ton property A bearing oraaga grove increasing In production and value yearly in the oransa leotiofl in Florida Addree w. E. NET TLETON". Lake Helen. Florida For Rem. VVnt Cent 'flat, i'penn v m e r 1st, 3rd. 4th floara building, No. 814, :tl i Center street Apply to FRANKLIN HOW ELL Mc-r. hints Mid Mechanics Bank. sJioKE FOB RENT STORK ROOM AND 17 liaseuieiit. No. IS3 PoBfl avenue, uow oc- cuptad by C, s. WoolworthasaO-coBtstore. Inquire ol B, o. HILL. 131 North Washington I ayeiiua. TOK RENT A LARQBi STOKE ROOM -T 4iii Spruee street. Inquire e HI Wyoui-I lug avenue. IXR P.ENT-TWO-STOKY BRICK D W EL- P Una hous.-: niodera Improvements. 31.1 1 Fi-rest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent '-l West Lackawanna avenue. rpo LET FOB A TEP..M OF YEARS X Part or all of three huulred fee of yurd room along railroad. Apply at SIS Franklin Coiiiiiiellt 111 Pi also ot the LlllktffUDl'l He cut Annual Statement SAKS IT IS THE BEST YET MADE The Philadelphia Stockholder Com pares It with tho Statements of Other Railroads and Draws Some Very Favorable Conclusions Read able Reminiscence ot the Three CyllnJOr Switch Engine Used iii the trie and Wyoming Valley's Dunmore Yards Other Industrial Notes ot Current Interest. it in the opinion of tha Philadelphia Stockholder, which oanool be Boonied of bins in favor of t he Laokawanns company, that the "Lackawanna etate uient for the year 1803 is probably the best one cTev issued by the company, In rouml H.ures grow earnlnga increaaeed $9,800,000, while operation oxpetises in oreaavd t9, 780,000, so that the net net nally allows a decreB of nearly (j-iUU,- ooo. Thle was canted by following out tlie L ike Shore policy of oliarnlnjj bf termente of every kind, iuclinlitig new eqntptnente, to operating expenses, l'lit' statement show 11 J per cent, earned on the stock, jnit as Like Siiore shows a fraction over li tier cent. ; but if the Liokawanua followed the custom of other rallroada In it bookkaepinit it could easily have shown IS per cent, earned on the stork. Its surplus of a trill' ovar $1H,000,000 ia not a book account, but is largely made up of the bet g'CUflttee in the ooontry, which oonld. readily be sold or capita lized. The amount of coil on hand shows a small Increase, an I liabilities are considerably less tuati they wer in IBM Lackawanna stock at present prices doa not yield much to the in vestor, but it is the accrued profits lor the stock which tu ike it sell high, Th remarkable good ihowiug made by th company is due largely to the fact thai it continued to enj iy the ben -fit of the "Reading 'leal." The Lickawanna tveut into the uttural markets of ne irly all the large coal companies, and by loading pricea and other mtbodt, secured a larije and profitable buM ness. It rimiatt-S to be seen, now that its policy will he dictated by the Vm derbik jersey Central pirty, whether its returns will bo as favorahle for the rPO RENT STOKE :'6xtti OK FURNISHED present year. X ball on Oreen Ridif" sereet. Very desira- tor" E. NETTLETON or C S. WOODRUFF, Republican building. Ipeclal hiotices. "THE SOLDIER IN" i'l.'R..'U'IL WAR containing Frank Leslie's hUaotM old war pictures. Two volumes fulio. Every paga illustrated. Over HoU nages As an edd caior it is unexcelled. Sola on easy monthly juriiients. both volumes delivered complete. ) Aadraea P O. Moody, Jul Franalln avenue, i Agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvani a AfEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT HI. .'1 corner Spruce street and Franklin ave Due. Twenty mal ti -nets for t&SO. Oood i table board Rei. Estate. yOK SALE SINULE Hol.'SE. tt QUINCY P afenuej very deeirabla lo.ation An;! G F LEY N'uLDS. r WlLLARu. WARREN & E N A PP. c-:.uj will buy Modern news-boom j O house, all improvements: terms eaay; cor fcir Madiauu aveitua and Delwar atraat An- I p.v HAkKY I.I.ES A) K WILL BUT VERY DESIRABLE LOT ! C comer Madison arsuiia and Delaware ! street I'ernis eaay. Apply IIAKP.Y LEES. fcranton Wbolasa'a Markata. ecaArroK Jan. Fauirs ia Pro EL'.lt Lined apples, per lb., 8a7c. : evap orated apples. Malic, per lb.; Turkish prunes, 4SaJe.; English cQrraiits, J'.4u J;,c. ; layer raisins, U.?5aL80; muscatels, fl.Jlla 1.3U par box; uaw Valencia, I'.aTe. per lb. Picas Qreen, t. - ;-- ph, : f.S0a3,60; leutnls. saloc. per pound. PoTatokb i- iai.5c. per bushel. BtiTTKK itmaSc. per lb. Lucxea loaUc. per lb. Eooe Fresh. 1 7al in.: pickled, loalQe.; ' coolers, Ual4e MtATs nauis, 11a.: larga. M-c: skinned hams, I0ke. California hams, h' .c.i Ibouldars, Sc: dry salted bellies, VfiO.I smoked breakfast bacon. 190.1 fresh pork loins. Inc.; "Wyoming" purK ausage, lie; Wyoming home madesau. ; Bilge, S-pound pail, larded. 11c; butch ers' sausage, Mc, our own make, fresh purlt shoul'lars, he: fresh pis' feet, 8c.; fresh pitfs beads, 5c; fresh spare ribs, Sc ; freju leaf lard. He: fresh; kt tneye, be. dux.: rough sausage Dieat, t(9.t tongue, sio. ; plucks, oc.eacb; j whole bogs, ?)jc. foRK Ales ut 117; abort cut, lis Lard Leaf in tierass at k'jc; in tubs. 10e in lu-pound puils, IOMc.1 in 5-pound pails, 10-'c; i-pijund paila. 10; ;c. par pound. BlV Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Flour Minnesota patent, per barril. t4.:tua4.Ho; Ohio and Indiana ambar, at P-.7B; Urabam at t . .. rye Hour, at ft, Blckwiikat Flour -gS.SS per cwt. Fxkh Mlxod. par cwt., at SI .(10. Grai.- itye, fiSe.; corn, 4Uto5sa.; oata, ISf4.'e. per bushel. ItTt rcfRAW--Per ton, Slsalil. IlAT- Per ton. Sl19. -- Chicago Grain and Frovtilons. BcRANTolt. Jan. R, - The following qaota tiom an auppUad and a irreston dally by L Bar Si Fuller, stock brokers.!:! Wyoming avo- nuo. WHEAT. Jan. May July. Opening MM Ha tiiW Hlgbeat m G.VH Loweat oti)4 Ka IS Closing On (i KAi CORN. Opening 1H 11-14 "I Hlgbeat VH :.V JUI4 Lowest IS Mi Closing f.514 bsOg ittti OATB. Opmlng Mi Mi Ulgbest ' Win JlsH Loweat !W '.'!i4 SgW Closing. Sot iw front Opening laii 18IJ - HlxheBt. 1817 IM - Loweat 1111 MIS - Closlna. 181 MM - LARD. Opening 7U 71 HiKhoat. "U 7Sii - Loweat 77S ill Closing 77: 513 - SHoRT RIBS. Opening ) e7u - Highest M 1)70 - Lowest M 8M: Closing U6S WIS - Cure for Hendaohe. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to bo tlio very best. It effects a permanent euro and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle nud give this remedy a fair trial. Incases of habitual constipation Electric bitters cures by giv. iug the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Trv It once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store. For Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swelled Neck, and the results of colds and inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Eclsctric Oil the great pain destroyer. Writing entertalniogly with refer ence to the little tbreecylinder switch ngine us-d in the E'ie & Wyoming Valley's Duiimore yards, the Crrejii Uidge Item man recalls tbia Interesting circumstance. ''A few years ago when the first passenger train was b niv'lit by the company and received at LiiCki wanua and Bloomsbnrg juuctiou one of these remarkable little locomotives wai used to haul tile train an 1 11 sin ill officials' car from that piaco here. Toe train consisted of coich and baggijj'' car, and when taking into considera tion the weight of the engine, which li twelve tone, and the slse of the cylin ders, 8x18, and the heavy grade, where a lurue pass.'iieer engine can only haul a few cirs, it was a wonder ful performance, Before the start was m ide the safety valves uere si re Wed down until a steam pres sure of 160 pounds was obtained, nod with Superintendent George B Smith at the throttle tin tiaiu was taken tiirougb to U'.inm ire to the surprise of the old veteran railroaders WOO wit tusied the performano . Thess loco motives were built for us on the old uravity road and on the patent of the company's president. John B Smith, They have sinus boon engaged for us on standard goaice, and today remain to awaken memories of the halcyon day of the old gravity when the whirl of the plane pulley wheals as tue steel rope gilded over them, and the metal lie rumble of the long lines of coal cars raverherated through the rec;sses of the Mooaic mountain'' The following railway bills an pend ing at Albany: Kiising the death lia bility from 5,000 to $10,000; compell ing steam railroads to equip all freight cur roof with an iron guard; forcing railroads to coustruct the roofs 0' freight cars so that they will extend over the ends of the cars, and prohibit j n l; street railways from taking more than ten hours' work a day from eui plojvs. These two facts of local Interest, are gleaned by "Arasps," the Carbondala Herald's energetic gatherer of railway newt, dots and dashes: All cirs of the Mow York, Ontario and Western ays tern rending "Ontario, Uarboadalo and Scrantoo," the name under winch the Scranton division of that road whs chartered, are to be re-mirked and stamped to read tho same as do nil other cars owned by that coin piny All side trucks on the Ontario and Western between Carbondale nn 1 Thro p are filled with coal for which a market has yet to be found A anmmnns in ejectment was issued Saturday by Trothonotsry U ran to Sheriff VVoll, of BohnylKlll county, to adze on F.liaha P, Wilbur, Charles Uartihorae, the Lehigh Valley com pany and (.'alvin ParaM, to dispossess tbem of the York Farm tract, upon which the Lehigh Valley company have erected a breaker known as York Farm colliery and have made improvfirionts costing upwards of 11,000.000. The tract contains Ml acres and 1 III perches and Is situated at the suburbs of I'otts ville, and has proved to be a very vul noble conl product. Thesuit is brought by the heirs of Elizabeth Burke, for whom the property was held in trust by one Mr Hichsrla. It Is . 'aim d that defendants have a defective title. The aggregate earnings of railroads reporting for ianuary to date is $1 1 -847,188, a decrees) compared with last year of 1 1. 1 per rut. A Hligbt improve ment from earlier reports are to be noticed. Whether It Is due to an en largement of business, more stnble rates or the fact that the Open wliiter haa not Interrupted traffic as Stormi and blockade about a year ago did, cannot be determined. All car shops on the Bbamokta and CatawiasR division of tho Molding closed for several days on account of tin-shutting down of the collxrlus, in obedience to ordre of restriction, will resume on short time this morning. On Feb. 1 the New Jersey Central railroad, which lias lately made impor tant improvements In Its train service, will innmrurato faster time on several trains The principal changes will be made between Easton end New York. A dispatch from Hazletou says: "One hundred men, employed by con tractors on the LBttimer strippings. have Leeu indefinitely suspeudeL These nre tho laigest operators of the kiud in 1 Im Lehigh region, and it is said a further reduction in the force of laborers will bo made. The extreme dullness of the coal trnde is the cause. Other contractors, it is said, contem plate a similar movement" UlflCllXANIOOS JOTTINOB: It is said in Media that the otllces of the Central division of the Penusylvuiita rail mad will he ui ved from that town to Philadelphia when the Broad Street sta tion shall have been completed. Thomas 0, Piatt and M. J. Perry have been appointed permanent receivers of the Now England railroad for Rhode Island. The Njiuerville Woolen mills gave out a contract to build su 80-foot addition to the null The mill have worked ou full time during the recent tluauclal crisis and some tuuu ago declared a dividend of 17 per cent. The work of P. J. Conroy & Co , near arbv. have started op on full time, with an extra force of meu. At the Petteboue mine, Kingston, the gas that coines out of the earth in large qUaUtitles along the West Side Hats is lined 111 tbi boilers instead of Coal. The boilers ale supplied by a I) Inch bore holo from the mine, let iu by a S-taob pipe. Coal shipments by eigbteeu reporting collieries in Loierue county, including those of I he Lehigh and Wilkes Bane Conl company, aggregated 98,079,08 tons. For i he rear, to dale, shipments aggregate 9U4SU.0I tous. Baltimore and Ohio otiiciais expect to have their passeuger trains all equipped for Steam heat by next fall. a(' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds Nkw York, Jan 98,--The week opened with a comparatively quiet condition of affairs today. The Miles at the stock ex change were only I84,191ebares, The mar ket was in the mala unsettlo.1, owning to advices from Waluui;tou that the house Would probably piss the Wilson bill, In Come tak and all thus keeping sugar on the free Hit. In the morning the general Hat i d up well, despite a decline of 131 Is siiL'sr and New Unglaiid, 1 iu Chlvagi Mas and iu geueral electric Oilier stocks alter leCOrdiUg fractional lots Improved ,V to 1 per cent. Subsequently the rise was checked by a break lo sugar uud Chi cago. Tho former at tho lowest point showed a loss of Chicago gas dropped 4 to Hi. The stock was In busk borrowing demand. Lackawanna, which' opened SI roug nud sold up to ltW, later fell to !0tiV The other leaping shares yielded St to 1 '-, per cent, iu sympathy aud left off Without iuv important recovery. The toll wiug complete table sbowmg the day's AttotttatiouS iu active Blocks is supplied and revised daily by LaUar & Fuller, stock brokers, i:i Wyoming avenue: Opeu- Hub- Low Clos ing, est est. lug. Am. Cot. Oil 2SM 2M 2s M Am Sugar. firt, 7Ss 7ll! 7H A. T. o! S. F. !!! It UU Hts Can. So ,ViU mi SUVk fiu'l4 Con. N. J HS US IIS llo Chic. A N. W IU:!H K';)m 1W1s 10 A4 C. B A li 7)4 77l 70) 7ilh, Chic. Uns (iJ U) 62 tr: C, C. C. A St. L. . . MM M 8.'ili liUVa Col. Hoek.Val. AT d. a H ism u;h laiM IWl D. , L. AW lfcdj WW likilj ieSM D a 0. F -Mh vtftt, eij Erie ISl: 15U .;l 15ln M IJUtj imi U'S! mi :i.;j. U. E. Co Lane Shore L. A N 47 47W 4i,i4 lULj ManluittHii l-lits I.mi, HfU l.'o Miss. Pea -JB4 Ml -114 'JJM Nat. Lead UM VStj mft -'SI N. Y. AN. B IU Hit Uli Ills N. Y Central luH4 1UH4 101 U1B4 N.Y..O. AV 14 IU 1SVj I3I4 H, IB. W U. S. C. Co North Paa 4ia tti 4i4 IIS North Pac. pf 1714 171 l.u, I7M l!iuhu Puc. Mail I7l 17H, i:t 17ls ReudiiiL' Mj UN 1HH, h'H, Rock Island U7'l4 U74 b7l fl7l4 ut. Paai'.y.v.v.v. v.v.'tKt sV'V au au l. C. A 1 llJVi liiij 1U ItM Texas A Pac si, 54J Union t'ac Ivtj inw l7 Wabash, pf 4ij 1 jl. nil Uli W. Union. aSH S4M UH W AL E I-S IU ISts, IS W. ALE pf 411I4 4 14 'J'.4 ayi ' New Yoik Produue Market. New Yore, Jan. -u Flour-Doll, weak. Winter wheat, low irralei. fc:.0da'J.4i; do., fair to fancy, j.'.45a'.' 7S; do patouts, 18,80 s8.63; Muiu'.-soiu clsar, 3.90s9.(K)l do, straights, t3.35a8.78i do, patents, ),80a 4.88; city mills, t8.88a8.8B; do. patents, M.1IM4.85. ugaT Market dull; No. 2 red, store aud elevator, MlifSGS)Je.t ulloat, 07 fa87Ko f. 0, b., 67a07J4C: uugruded red, 0:a07c; No. 1 northern, 7lu71't'c.; op tious were moderately active, ;tc. up May most active; No red January, 05k 0. ; IV-hruaty. tMf.c ; .March, 67)40.: iVay. 0Hc; juue, 711,0; July, 71;,'c; Decem bor. 75,'e v oH.N Firm, quiet; No. 2. 48LjC.I ele vator, 44!c. kfioatl . ungi ailed mixed, l&faC. 1 Steatter mixed, 4'J;a43c. : No. t! wuite, 48a48kc, optloas closed firm: Jan. uary.UMc; K'bruarv,4blic; March, 44ic. : May, ISfco. Oats-(jolet, (Inner; opt ions dull, st longer. January, Sic; February, "4,V,C; March, !4 ,c; .May, :j4-4c.i No. 'J white March, ST't'C; spot prices: No. 9, 88l(a84o,l No. a white, BOlta SifC: No. 'i Chicago, 35c; No. 8, ttW&l No. t white, Bajsja.) mixed western.KlHuSSc. i white do , 80e40c. 1 white state. t8a40C BlEf Qui t, firm' family, llalll, extra mo, IS.iS.50, IlKtr H A.ny Doll, firm at IO,80sl7, IIIRCtO IlKKr -liulet; city extra India iin-s. tlOaSO, CUT MKATs --CJuiet, about steady pickled bullies, 7 vs.; do., shoulders, 0)e. ; Bo, bams, BWo.t middles, nominal. LaRD QniOt, easier; western steam, closed at (S 10; city, tf.figVjc; Jatiuarv, .0o; 7ebraary,t7.0ii refined quiet, easier; contineiit,; outn America,; compound. O di jc. POM Dull, steady; inosfl. S14 RllalS. BCTTBH Moderete demand, steadier; state dairy, luaBto.; creamery, lSa'Jilt(c. j do. factory, I'iKatOO. Elgin, '.'ti!ve. ; lllli- trtion creamery, UalBoT; rolls, Iwleo, t'nr.KSK Moderate demand, steady) state large, liull"4c : fancy, HWallX.i do. small, lu'-tuijc: psrt skims, 4al0e. full Hk i iii, '4aHc. Kims' --(Juiet, Steady: icehouse, 18c. do. net case, t9.50a8.7ti western fresh, 17c. i limed, llaltJCe,) southern, lOultu. Phlladnlphla Tallow Marktt. PBItaORtPHIA Jau. .Tallow was dull and weak. Price, were: Prime city, In hogsheads, 5,c.t prime country. In bogs heads, 5c do. dark, iu hugs heads, 4ta45,c; cakes, 5o. ; grease, IXa4ta. AOOLS LALLOt, carriage manufacturer, 1 1 Cnrioll street, Buffalo, N. V., states I was troubled with tutuscu ol the toiiiaoh, sick headache and general debility, bur dock Blood Bitters cared me, !( A Trip Through the Colom bian Exposition, THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL, T2 leaves, printed on one side only. ShOWiBg ull the places of Interest on main grounds uml Midway Plailftnee, Size, 5x7. Embossed paper cover or lull cloth. Two (Imports and 25 CENTS takes emboase I cover. Tw i Coupons mil 40 CENTS takes oloth oover, Add 4 conts for postage If ordered by mall. The Scranton Tribune. To Investors. TIIK BCRANTON Axle Works have issued 75,00O of li per Sent, Coupon Bonds, interest payable semi annually .These bonds are to run for ten years, trow Nov. l, 1893. only a limited amount are offered for sale to investors. These bonds are Qrst mortgage on the entire plant i the company, and are issued for the of enlarging the works. The limuls are of the denominations of 11,000, isjoti and ioo each. For further particulars address JNO. M KEMERER, Pres. Or I H. RIPPLE, Treasurer, SCRANTON, PA. L Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY lOO.OUO Bbls. Per Annum, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Hani.!.. r . and Dealer! I Burning lTIBI J lubricating nus UIIIIIUW Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE: -721 Wed Lackawanna Ave. W ollhH -Meridian strJi'. Hotel Waverly European Plan Flrsvolasa Bar att iehed Hi loi tor I . : 41 . Taunlueuasr He,r. li Cof, 15th End Filbert Ms, Philadi lloat dettreOita fr retJdtnti of N h. peun) tlvniiia. All fui. riiiohcet I Of tiAvtlerfi tu ai.u trom BruHtl Btroet station uad tha ' uiul Uarket htret tlntiun I)t kimLlu for . -1 1 ; j.' Sorttiitonlnuts ud pti lie Iii i! Atiliiiactto K . i T. J VICTORY, PfiOFRItTOR. Dueber- Hampden I7-Jcwel Adjusted Watches. It Is marvelous how these famous Watches arc taking the place ol all others where accu rate time Is recWred. Railroad men Will llSVC .lOthii. !;. Watch rVorks, C.n.:on, Ol ' .T 17 -3fr RUBY JEWELED O ADJUSTED t,j v uawiiea t TMI .MB WANT A S. Insetted in TIIK TRIBUNE at tho ruto of ONE CENT A Wi.'RD. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL PHYSK I l M si iKiidNs. hit H B, DKAN, Ulaeaaaaof the Ky-. n. , 'I'll i oat and Kur, uUI Kuiucu atliot. oupo- site court iiou. Iju a J. cuNNlil,!,. (itii.e ail WasTlnltofl It avenue, comer Sprii'-a sticvt. over I'rnii'ku'H driitf Ktore. ReatdeBoe, tU viae St, OOce bouri! lO.SUtolta St and .' tol and S.80 to T.HU p. m, Sunday, t to 8 p m rB W i. ALLEN, Oftlca cor liaeka U wanua and Waahlnfton arse : ovr Lcnn aid lOOS store; oOos bouri, HI to M a. in. and Dtp 4 p. in; realagS at usldeiiee, 51- N. Waftdniiton ve. DH. C. I, I-KEY. Praetlei, limited to IHn i'iiim- of the Kye. Ear, Nose and Throat! oflee, US Wyomliiii ara Kaaldenoa, 'n Vine Ktrvet. hit L M UATS8, 141) Wuhlngton Arauus. Mlli o I ..ui i Mo U a iu . 1 SO to II and I 10 " D in OHN I WENT,, M b., UtBoei and jl f Cnminoiitvi'ititii buUdlnti raetuanoa til Madison are t offloe hours, leto li, - to 4, T to f: Suudaya '2 IIJ to 4, cvPiiltiits at riHideiic. A r-peclalty made uf diruiiHon uf tbti eye. ear, nuaa and throat and tfyiifcolokv. I y Q D MUHRAY, ebaolaltj mad" on die Lf I'twa of eyp and Skln.lll WyotUlnS Ave utile., boura: t'ntil Main l to 4 and 7 to I p in. MHS. UR kino, iuu UULBCRRY BTRBKX At Carbonilnle on Friday of uaeb weak v i i I hi s , lev URaKOMa 1,' STI'ltOE. Veieilnaiv Surgeon, Hen JTi. tiatry a apeeialty. 0U inodaliat of On tarlo Veterlnan Colletfi). OltaVu. Huunncr'a livery, leal Hix id., uaar Keller 'a carrhttfe abou, T' leplloll" No. 111! I.AM V IlltS. I M C. HANl.'K H Haw and Colleetlon of J . flea. No. SI? Ouruoa at., opposltu Fnrivit House, Hi unit on, pa, ; cullectloua a apeolalty thiotiithnut IViiieiylvaiiia, reliable corrvaponu ruts In evei y i .unity IKSSL'I'S A II A.N 6. Attorney, and Counsal tl lors at Law, Coniuirniwoiiltb building WaahiuKtou ava v Jirhi p, lloiacn E Hand, W H Jxaaup, J it. UriLLARD. WAltltEN S KM AFP, Attor neyaiiud Coutiavlors at Law. Koiiubllcau l.uildlinr, TVaahlnet .n nve. Semntiui. l'a. UATTKHSON ft Wll.i uX, AttortieVs and 1 Cuuiisellora at Law; utUcetU and Library bulldlnif, ticrantou. Pa. ItoSWEM, H. PATTSUSOS. WU.UAM A. Wn.' ox ALFRED HANI), WILLIAM I HAND, AST tornsya and Couiiaellom. Cummouwualtb biilldlng. Roomt is, ao and ill. L'KANK T. OKi.LL, Attorney l Law Koulli r 6, Coal WahaniSi Scranton, Pa. Connolly & Wallace Jj!jM BROIDERIES and 1. aces claim our special atten tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Scranton. To substantiate our statement' we only ask your in spection of our line. The newest effects in Embroideries are the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. We have an endless variety of ex clusive styles. Colored Embroideries are also good for the coming season, especially for trim ming wash dresses, See our line oi wide-margin goods. ill SI S ! LACES 5! Lace Department Is replete with everything new and desirable. AND GAL00NS. The latest thing out. CONNOLLY & WALLACE The POINT DE VENISE LACES 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. MILTON W LOWRV, i Att'yr, BR WaNliuijf c.ll VON 8TOBCH, I tpnaY.. O. H. aquars 1A.MESW. OAKFORD, Atioruny at Law. I rooms tt, 64 and IS Cnniinonwaalth VPs Oamcll W. UUOaR, Attorney at Law. IJ Offlce, lilt Bpruuast Scranton, l'a. I A. WA'I'HEs, Attoriuv at Law, 4JJ I J Lackawanna sue. fc. Tallinn. Pit ) P. SMITH, i oun-ellor at Law ofnra, rooms .M. ;V,, Th! Coiuuiunwnalth buildiuv ACADEMY OF MUSIC. railroad time tables. I I i K. PITCH Lit. Attorney at Law, Colu v '. inoiiwea tli I'liiluuo; Seruntou. Pu. i . COMKOY8, :a Spruos it. b. RBPLOOLE, Attornay Loani noijo tiated on real estate aeeurity. 4Ue Spruce. I) li t KILLAM, Attorney at Law. lau NVy I . omliiir avenue. Scranton. HAVE YOl'H DBBDl ARB Mi iUToAOhS written ami aukuowledyed by J W. P.ROWNINO. Attorney and Notary Public, JJ '.million wealth Miilldlntr. SCHOOLS VjCHOOL'oF THE LACK A WANNA, Scran toll, Pa . pmpares boya and villa foi collem or hUHUiutui: tiiorouk' trains youn chlldraa Catalogue at rmiuest. Rkv. Thomas M can., W'ALTKIl II BDBbL. MIS WORCESTER'S K1NUEHUAKTEN and Scbool, 41 Adatna avenue Pupils received at all tiuiss. Nextterui will opeu .Ianuary W Chat: THURSDAY, JAN. t. FIRST 11ME HKIlE I rolimans Cumedians The only erlalnal cotspaay ol the easts, in tbelr latest success. JR. i CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LIRS. GRUNDY Adapted by author ol "beau biunuusl, " Mr. Hyde Pitch, fioin tbe PaiHian sacesis, "Curnigau . Coniaan." Twenty one Capable Aetore i H eat Olvorce Trial Scene. Sale opsns Tusaday ACADEMY OP MUSIC. t IUU IV I 1 11 X. HI K riSTK ' C I.AUBACH, auiiieou Dentist, No, 11J V ' Wyoimnir ave. It 11. eTKATTON, otftae Coal laehanaa lows UTOP Paying hunt, own Your! i bouie. Money to r,n eav nioiittily layinents. S -N. I 'AI.LEN'DEk, bltue bank Belidini Return of the distinguished artists, MAN0LA-MAS0N And a strong vocal and dramatic com pany presenting tbe operatic comedv, FRIEND FRITZ The same delightful music. 'Ibe same i-uiupaiiy of artists, 'l ike same perfect entei laliiment. i !" -note beautiful stage pictures An entertainment for tbe best class cf theatre goers. Hegular prices. Seats on sale Wednesday. "J. B " . 1 1 .J. I i LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal uied SXCluSlTSly, ... .1.1., clcaLlinuea and oluf -it. T1MI. 1ABI.I. is tllf.i T J AX 14. :St Trains leave Scraatoh for Pittstoo. Wiikts- Haire, etc . at 8. in. il 15, i) :I0 a. m.. li 30, 1.00, iuu. I.SS, 11 00 p ru Sundaya. Hub a il , i M, It uu, 7.10 b, in. Fur Atlantic City, 6 10 a. in. For NVw York, Newark and Elizubett, 1,10 .expressi u. m . UJO ,'expicse with Buffer parlor ear;, 8.99 texpiess; p. m. Sunday, V p. m. Foit Mali li Cat tilt Si Allimow.n Biuls- HtM EAsloN atid 1'lllLALit.l.PHIA, ) Iij Hi . lt-'.au, 3.8u. 6.IAI (except Pblladalpblaj p. m. Sunday, ion p ua. For Long IIkahch, OCIAS Orovs, etc., at 1 ,10a m . IJ.SU u ut. i For Reauing. Lebanon and Harrisburg. via I Allentown, 6.10 b. ui., 1 30. i.Otl. p.m. Sunday, 2.00 p. DL For Pottsviile. lUa. m., lt.SOp ni. Iteturning leave New York, foot of Liberty Biresi North liver, at lexpress; a. in., 1 10. 1.U0. 4.3U (express with Buffet parlor car' p. m. Sunday. 4.HU a in. Leave Philadelphia, Beauing Terminal, 8.43 a. ui . io. aud 4 3 1 p in. Sunday, c- a. m. Through tlcketaUiall points at lowest rates may be had on application in advance to tbe ticket agent at toe elation. II P. BALDWIN, .1. H OLHAUSEK, P'" Uen. Supt. HOTELS AM) KENTA1 RANTS rpUi WESTMINSTER, 219 Wyomlej 1 ave. Hoonis heated with steam: ad Died era Improvements c m tbumak. Prop 7 lEQLER'S HOTEL, BR Lackawanna ay fj nue, Scranton. Kates recallable. P ZiaoLaa, Proprlstar. UrESTatLMaTER HOTEL. W. O. SCUENCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one bloek eaat of Broadway, at I'll iuu Square. New York. American plsn, iii 31 per day and upward COYNE HOCSE. European plan; K'jod looina Open day and mgbi. bar sup. plied With the Lest. P K COYNE. PropristoT TtANToN HOUSE, near 11, L Jk W. pa i" irnger depot. Coudui led on tbe Kuropsan plan, VlCTOB Koch. Proprietor. i HAND CENTKAL. The largest and bait t I equipped hotul In Allcutuwn. Pa ; ratal J- and list) per day. V i CTj ni IV PAnNtn. Prrqirletor. AKCH1TKCTS. A VI8 4 BOUPT, Arcblteoti Rooms Jt. and -'i Coinmoiiwealth t Id'e. Serautou. I n L. WALTER, Architect, Library build Jt me. W'vi.iiiiuff avenue. Scranton, L. BROWN, Arch b. Architect, Piice building, 193 w anldngton ave.,Scraotou. 1 il Nll-I HI.I. Wi lli's ohtoW i). xw arts' WUoLesalb lumber, b and V Dime Bank buildiu. Scranton. ra iEOAROEl BROTHERS, PRINTERS' .! supplies, envelopes, paper l.aLcs. twine. Warehouse, wo Washington ave. Scranton, Pa nRANK I'. BROWN m. WHOLE 1 sale dialers iu Woodvara, Cordage and mi Cloth, fto W. Lackawanna avenue OAl'KRS ' ORCHESTRA V.l'SIC "pOR I) ball, picnics, parties, receptions, wed iluiiia iiudcoti.Mt Uoik furnished Fur terms address It j, Bauer, coaduotor, IU Wyoiumg ave . over lliilbert's inusi.- store '1.SZHA FINN a sons, builders and contrac J j tors Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams see.; corner Ash st and Penu ave., Scranton N. H. BHOOKS. Supt and Lecturer. HARRY THORN E. Stage Manager. Week commencing WOW PA) JAXCAB1 Wonderland's : Winter : Circus, THE NOVELTY OF iVKL'llES A Thtn.raj Tiunafuiint'd lntu ftlCltCUl lu Mid- wlutwr. 1 Iuu nit, At ritb.iu. Hix p i n it i f. BtcyOll UltltTtl, I UUt Jutxttlet MiODix Men WIH Wnlktsj raonon HhII sltglni, tunny Uuukoyt, iuu; LMEMter, Hctl i i. .ut. Mint InwdiMfl In fact, the whole buoiDh!s. SPECIAL N tTiCaC -Ht.restrtt r.Oij4jrHChii.ri4 CM lio reHerred, by Dtllnbrii afteiuuoiio only, for the evniutf perfurni-Ui!A without etr eharie boure your Meat-. .11 MUvhiice. IOOs tu back sit bialc'imy, lOOs tu Croat of Ijh1 ouy Hi.d rear parcjuette; AOe .Optra chttir. lVrforraaiKvs at -.tJ and lU p in. Duur cpcU at 1 and I. EH1U3 VALLEY RAILROAD. EDEN MUSEE 1 Work Comrencino Jan. 29. CCKIO HALU SEE Da (i R CLARK & in . Beedtmea, Ftoriats J aud Nurasrymen; store lis WaahlagP avanuet green houssJBW North Main avenue. ti ii. telephone 7SJ Tl: IS. OHANli UNION TE LXX. Jonea Bros rl WIKK HKl Nv OS KI ETTEL, (ill Laeknvvaiina menu Hei an ton. Pa.. mawuFr of W'h .. Screens HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, 01 K LACK AM v AVRNU1 dJ ICKANTON, PA, T in S)4b4fei AV1NQ MADE a contract ultli a trains tartory to tin u out LOOM Irani s letiveeii now anil Clirst lUaSi l wlsli toaunoun.'e to tli.- nub In-that I will make a GENUINE CRAYON PORTRAIT cooled Irom any amall olio ABSOLUTELY FREE OF I'll A ROE. i iliM STYLES OF FRAMES FROM '! oil i v a It H. W'oi kuiAiiihip i;uaiatiteed. I ranss U0 per . cut. lost than regular price i; DUTHBIL, Artist. DUPONT'S M1N1NO, BLAST1NU AND IPORTIKO POWDER Manufactured at the W'apwallopnn Mills, Lu leruu county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oeliwrul Agent fur the Wyoming Uiatrtct, n8 Wyoming. Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. Train leaves SoraatMi for Pbiladtlpbta ami New York via. D A H IP. R at 5 i.m li 10 via 0., Lit W. R. it , 5.0s, ILtOS. ui.. and l.Jo. 1.(0 p.m. I Leave ajermptoa for Pittston and WUkeS' i Bane v ia D L V. R. R a OS, 11 So.. U . I 1 ao. S(0a ft irr. p. m Leave Be ran ton for White Haven. Haciatuii. ! Pottsviile and ull points uu tbe beavsr Meadow and p.-ttsville brancbei. via D i H. K R. atfa in . l: IU, .' IS, 4 li p.m . :a D., L i w . K H.j 08. l.' 10 a.m., 1 3o. iljj p.m ! Leave BoraotOU toi betbiebein. F.astoti. Readlnf. Barrisburg and all Interawntiate point" via o ill R. - I a m ,1': ,0. X. 11 phi .via D,U W, ' R..6 US, IUU a. a., 1 30 (JO p D i .Leave Berantas for Tunkbantwck, Towanda, Eluiira. Itbava. Oeneva aud all lnteroidiat-) 1'olnts via D. It H. R It. 1 and 1! $ p. m.. via J i LAW R R.. y SO a in . 1.3o p m Leave Scranton for Rochester, Bntfud i NI ugaia Falls. Detrnt Chicago and all points west via li 3; H H. B. 1 Sj.s 16.11 3. p. m . via l I. 4! W R R and Pittston Junction '.'3i a. ui for Bufialo unh l, 1.30 Si p. m . via E A W.'R R.. 4.1o p. m. For Elluira and the west via Saiatue.ica. via U. 4) H R R ate lip m . via D . Lt W R K. tl. IbM a. ni and 8.01 p m. Pullman parlor slid sleeping or L. V. ohair car on ull trains between LjiB Jur.. ti-in r Wilkes Barre and New York Philadelphia, Buffalo am) Scapenion Bridge ROI.I.IN 11 WILBUR. Hen Sunt. East Div "'HAS S. LKE, lien Pas- Ag t Pbila Pa. A W' NONNEMACHEK Ass't Ota Paes A t, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE AND HOD SON RAlLRuAD i einmeiicing Ha tS trains will run as folloivi. Trains leave Bi idge Street Station. Scrantuu. for Pitts t..n Wilkes Rarra ,.le N ill f9 ' ua;. 10 4iu. Hi i -. BH j la a 11 . u u e l.fcO. fc.C. t .U . U II, if.,.. and 11. H p. m. Fur New Yulk and Pbila delphia a oo a. iii . II 10. 1 iV gig, 4 IU and II 1 Par Ronaadale and western depot ui.. :. 1. . JO p. lu. For Carl ondale and inteiuo-dlate stations. .',.40. T 00. JO. 10. le a. ni . 1100 BL,! IT. B.B,( 1'. 8.S) end 0 85 p, m . front Bridge surest Depot, 108 a in.. '.'.Land lltp, m Fast et.ii. to Albany, Saratoga, the Ad. roadsck Mountains, Boston and New England points ."no a n... grrtviai at Albany 1141 Suratoca - '-'.i p in . and leaving Scranton ate p, m . arriving ,t Albany at IK p. m. . Sais toga. II SI a. in . and Boelen, 7 "W a. m Tne only dire, t route between the coal fields and Boston ' The Leadim: Tourists' Route of America" to th a Adirondack Mountain re oits. Lakes Qfeorge and Chanrplatn, Montreal. etc Time tables sliowinc local and through tram irvlce between stations on all divisions Dele waie and Hudson system, niav be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket ortl. es. H I. YOl'NU. J. W BUBDICK, Second Vice President lieu. Pass. Agb rn f r (Op if I in Delaware. Lackawanna 7.0.1, 19), 10.10 n.m . l'.'.OO 1 . 1W IRE 1 W KSTEI! AosKoiae. THOS. roHD, Pittaton. Pa. JuHN B SMI'I H SON; Plymouth, l'a. E. W M i I 1 ti , A ' Wilkes Barre. Pa Agiuita for tho Itupauno Chetulual Cum Vnny'a High i .. ..elves Connecting Link AT LAST FOUND JAMES MORRIS, The Wonderful Elastic Skill Mku. The Original London Punch and Judy. THKATKR, HARRY (4 EATON'S Afro-American Vaudeville Company.. A strictly moral entertainment Tho only le gitimate Colored Vaudeville Company lief ore th.1 public UP 10 MTj. EVERY TH IMG NEW, Admission, 10c. A Handsome Comploxion la one of the greatest charms a woman can possess Poiio.n'a C'oarLBXiuN Pownaa gives It. THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune LACKAWANNA AND RAILROAD Trains leive Scrat. ton as follow Exniesi tor Ne York .not all jH-iids East. l.f'J. 100, 118, 90 and 0 W a. in .12 II and 8 (0 p, m. Lviueas for Bastoti, 'Trenton. PhUadalphla aauwe South, H loii ana 1.80 a m ISM aadl.aip m. 'Vaahii ,jton and way itattOhS, t 40 p Ut 'Tubyatvs.a .accommodation. 0 Lo p. in. Eapr to Bfnghamten Oiwago, Elmtrs, Corning Hath, Paiivrilla Mount Morris and nnS.'in. 13 16, ? is a. in ai-1 I .St i. n naklng cms-' cettne '.!oM a. Buffalo lo all jioiuts in tbe West Kerthwestaad SeUtivvrMt. rttifTaio sej -c naAati'in, l.fll a, m Bligl.amt" td vay statlona, U.lir p m. Nn Soleon and war Uttona J 4j p ro. Blnghantnn and rslmlra Express SOS p.m Kxcrpss for Cortland, Byraense. owego, V ties and Richfleld Spring-, tl l 'i a in. and IJN p. in. Ithaca, 2 II and 9K a in ami IJMh m. For Korthnmberlabd,! ittston, Wilkes Ban e. PiTT.nath. Bloomsnorg ami Danville, making c'toae vionnectl. as at Northumberland tor wiKhMtuaert, ilarrishurg,, wean tagMii i n." ens Bettthi Ncrtkuin'.,' . 1 and intei inediate sUtlous, eOO. iK. ui a.-.c '.A-and so: u m. NautrOiika ..i Intermediate stations, s.os and ll.fl a S Pirmoiith env int irmedlate statlona 8 (Viand SlVp. ni. Pullman pa lor and sleeping coacbea uu all express trains Fov detailed infoi matloit. pockattlm'tablua. etc . apply lo M. I. Smith, city ticket olnce, :o Lacfawannaaveaue, or depot ttoketomce, VEW VoKK ONTARIO AMD WESTERN ; uad Scranton Divlslou, Time table iu eftVct Nov IK. ISN 'Train have S TUUtoB tor Carboudale: 180, MO, 11.08 a iu.. 4.60. fl lo p. in l or Hancock Junction and main connections H OA a ui . 0 lo p. iu 'Traiua leave Hancock Junction for main line connection for Scranton, n 00 a 111 , 10 n, in. TrSlas leave Carl.oiidiile for Scrauton7U4, 0.4lam, 1.10, .l.l't, Hip in. J, c ANDERSON, lieii' ial Passenger Agent, New York. T. FLITCROFT, District Passenger Agent, Scranton fNHlF. AND WYOM1NH VALLEY RAIL l'j ROAD. Tiain leave Seiautoli lor New York and In. term, .Hate points on the Erie and Hawlev and lo al points at 191 V.4& a. in. SB4) 8J4p, UV Train leaving at 0.45 a. in and 3-4 p ui. are through trains to and from BOOSedalsj Trains leave lor Wilkes Barre at 8 40 a. m. and 3 11 p m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers