The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 29, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Events of tbe Upper End of Luzerne County
Briefly Narrated.
Thirteenth Birthday of the Piftfton
Association Commemorated by Suit
able References in All the Pittston
Churches Kearney and Hendricks
Each Sentenced to One Year at
Hard Labor and a Fine of $300 and
Costs Other Newsy Gleanings from
the Twin Villages.
partment is in charge of J. M. Faliy, to
whom nowu items and complaint may bo
Tlit Thirtopnth anniversary of tbe
Young Mvu'a Christian association, of
this place, was nnjironriMtoly observed
by special services to nearly all tbe
churches of this place iu coiumemora
tiou :' .!:! event lust oveniiiK. Tb
president's report was read and an ad
!r9s on the work of the nasociation de
livered The speakers who spoke at tbe
various churches are as follows: Broad
street Presbyterian church, aldreee bv
lieortfe Mhy, ifsueral aecretury of the
Scranton YoOOg Men's Christian as
sociation; reports, F V. Bush, J. C.
Manning. Broad Street Methodist
Episcopal oborob, addrcsi by J. W.
TboUM, report-i, Jam A. Lewis, Carl
Councilman. Water Street Baptist
churob. address by F V, Pearsall.
Kueral secretary of the Railroad
Yountf Meu's Christian association, of
Scrantou. L'niou nijtiii of tbe Con
i;resational and Biptist ehurcbes, o(
Li;rau(e street, a ldress by J nuies
Jones; reports, Tallie Evans. Tbe
Yoaug Men's Christian Association
Male ohorus irag several selections at
tbe Methodist cburcb.
At tbe West Pittston chnrebet the
addresses were as follow: Methodist
churob. address by Professor J. M.
Cougbliu, Wilkes-Barre; reports,
Theodore M. Johnson, M. D. ; Presby
ttrian church, address by Attorney
Tbomas H. Atnerton, of Wilkes-Barre;
report, C F. Watrous, jr. Baptist
church, address by Attorney John V.
Browuell. Wilkes Barre: reports. I. L
Be van. Congregational ehurcb, ad
dress by Rev P. J. Kain ; reports, A.
N. Wylie. Trinity Episcopal, address
by the rector, Rev. E. II. Eckel.
The; Conftsied Thir Crim and Be
celvad Th ir Punishment.
In court at Wilkes-Barre Saturday
Michael Reruny and Juum Hendricks,
formerly of Avoea, who plea led guilty
to larceny were each sentenc d to pity
a Sue of $300, costs and undergo au
iniprisouuient of on year at bard
labor iu the county j liL
Tbe prisoners, it will be remembered,
stole considerable produce from parties
in and about Willies-Barre. While
disposing of it they were arrested. The
cheapness with which they were offer
ing the goods for sale caused a suspicion
that finally resulted iu their capture).
Again rumor bus it that Pittston is
to bave a new place of amusement.
Tbe appearance here last week nf Dan
ial L. Hart, who is managing Waite's
Music Hall at Wilkes-Barre, baa given
rise to the rumor. Mr. Hart, in re
sponse to a query, stated: "Yes, Mr.
Waits it fully imbued with tbe belief
that Pittston is anexoellantshow town
and one tbat wonld prove extremely
profitable if rightly managed. To do
this It is our intention to erect, if we
can't secure Music Hall, a building for
such purposes that will be a credit to
Pittston, architecturally and oer wise, "
Many wondered what the DUsidins;
genias of the Gsz-ttte would do in the
event of a loeal Republican ticket being
nominated. Tbe delusion they cher
ished that Mr. Hart would be com
pelled to ''fall in line" has been shat
tered by the chivalry and dash with
which he defines his position on local
matters. In language plain and decis
ive he hurls defiance at what lie is
pleased to trm "the schemers," by as
serting tbat their actions at Tuesday's
convention has convinced tbe people
''more strongly than ever of the impos
sibility of bringing abont the desired
cleansing of the borough government
through either of tbe old parties, and,
accordingly, the reform movement bag
gained instead of lost strength."
During the present week theater
loving patrons will be favored with a
week of repertoire acting by Thomas
E, Shea at popular prices. Mr. Shea is
well known to Pittitoniaot, having
played here at divers tirn-is He is an
actor of rare talents and possesses a
happy faculty of knowing how to dis
play them in a man-. . that has giined
for bim a boit of admirers.
Seventy-three applicants from this
borough petitioned the court for
license. Should they be granted, whioh
is quite probable, with tbe many
"speak-easies" that ara known to sell
the vile stuff, the condition of affairs
an they are known k exist cannot
bnt be viewed with alarm. The
borongh proper has a population
of perhaps ft, 000 persons. Esti
mating an average of five
persons for every household there wonld
by 1,020 heads of families. By a little
computation we find tbat in the event
of all tbe applications being granted
there wonld be one licensed drinking
place for every fourteen families. Sup
posing this ratio of gain continues
without an increase of population the
question naturally arises what are we
umiiig to as a people. By a research
ot the records we find the applicants
number more that the combined num
ber of the boroughs of Avoca, Ashley,
Luzerne, Kingston, Miner's Mills and
Whit Haven.
In Holland, Mich.. C J. Dnesbnry pub-
lirbes the New, and It cnlnmus strongly
recommends Dr. Thomas' Kcleotrlc Oil
for coughs, colds, sore throai, catarrh and
row. The convention will take place
Thursday evening.
Rev. T. W. Swan, Charles R. An
drews, Mr. and Mrs. W. G Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes, the
Misses Gorman and Mtlligan aud
Harry Pnillips and Edward Hngbea
were among the Pittstoniaus who at
tended the organ recital given iu the
Elm Park Church, Scrnnton, Saturday
afterunou, by Prof. Carter.
George Alexander, of Wilkes-Barre,
passed yesterday with friends iu this
J. A. Tonhill and daughter, Mist
Ella, of North Main street, are at
Fishkill-on-tbe-Hudson, N. Y., iu at
teudauce upou the fuueral of a rela
tive. Not. 8, 10, Ewen and Old Forge
breaken will resume work this morn
ing. All others will be idle until fur
ther notice.
A delegation of Pittstouians com
prising members of tbe Order of Tonti,
were at Wilkes-Barro Saturday even
ing assisting iu the organization of a
new lodge.
Rev. O. H. McAnulty will address
the ministers' uieotiug in SorftntOD this
morning. His subject will be, "Chris
tian Science. "
The regular monthly social of the
Wake Robin club will be held at the
home of Miss Margaret Dorr, on Mont
gomery street, this evening.
Mrs Kev. B l) 'I bourns and Philip
K lievon.who have been spending sev
eral weeks with their mother here, left
Saturday morning for I'atersou. N. J.,
to visit their brother.
James Y. Brydon, civil engiueer for
the Pennsylvania Coal compauy, will
on Monday move to which
place tbe headquarters of the engineer
ing corps will hereafter be located
Mr. and Mrs. Bryden, both ot whom
are life-long residents of Pittston. aud
who have a wido acquaintance among
our best people, regret very much the
necessity which compels them to Lave
town and the regret is shared by their
many friends here G zette.
W. E Williams rtttlrQtd Saturday
moruiug to Berwick, after a few days'
visit here to his friend, Frederick W.
Bash. Mr. Willinius is located In
Huutington, W, Va., where he has
risen to considerable prominence, at
present holding the respousible position
of county eugiueer.
Good Natursd U i U- 't of Personal Jot
ting's and Other Note.
Social to the Scrnnton Tribune.
CaitBONDALE, Pa., Jau. 38. This
evening iu tbe Baptist Tabernacle the
pastor, Rev. O. L Jepson, preached
the last in bis series oc termous on
"The Conversions iu the Xew Testa
ment," taking for his eubject ''Con
verted on a Cross." At the close of tbe
sermon administration of baptism was
observed. The usual larze audienoe
wit in attendance and with much in
terest listened to tbe words of tbe
A very instructive lecture on tem
perance was de!ivrod this afternoon,
commencing at '1 30 o'clock, iu tbe
Presbvtorian church The speaker was
Mist Ella C. Rodgers, oue of trie most
enthusiastic temperance workers In
the country. Sne was greeted by a
large and attentive audience.
Beginning Monday the Delaware and
Hndsou Gravity railroad will work half
time. Ttnt road has been workiug
three quarter time during the past few
Mrs D Scurry. Mrs. Irving Davis
and Mrs. J. E Watt were in Pittston
on Saturday attending a dinner party
given at tbe home of Kev. O. fi McAn
nulty, a former pattor of Carbondale.
Tbe noon day prayer meetingt are
still being carried on daily from 12 to
12.30 o'clock at the ionng Men
Christian association parlors. The
Monday meeting will be conducted by
the secretary, George V. Merrill, sub
ject, "Christian Courage."
Surprise at (lie Excellent Quality of tbe Stand
ard Works Furnished.
Routine Cocurrencs of Currtnt Inlareat
Treated In Brief.
lliomas L. Shea, supported by a
ttropg company, will open a week's
engagement at Music Hall this -veiling
with the well-known drama, "Esoaped
Trom Sing Sing.
F. W. Peartall, general secretary of
tbe Scranton Railroad Young Men't
Cbrittian Association, addressed the
members in tbe Yonng Men's Christian
Association rooms, corner of Main
and Broad streets, yesterday afternoon.
The Republican delegates election
will be held on the Wett Side tomor-
An Honored Carear is Brought to a
Close by Pneumonia
Fwcinl to the Scrnnton Tribune.
CarbuSKale, Pa., Jan 28 Oq Sat
nrdav. morning at 8 o'clock death
cime to relieve the suffering of David
Dayies, sr., a resident of S utb Church
street and who, during the past two
weeks, had been an intense ttillerer
with typhoid pnonmonia.
Mr. Daviet was born in Wales sixty-
seven years ago. rl is survived hy his
wife and nine children, Mrs David
James John Davis, Mrs. David Evans,
Mrs. Grav Jones, George D. Dvis and
Daniel Davit, of this city; William
Davis, a merchant at Pontardewe,
Wales, and Rnv. T. D. Davis, a Con
gregational minitter of Sheldon, vt
The time for the funeral has not yet
been announced.
Crttclnlnir a Young Lady.
She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What s that? MltSJ I hariey.
George Her face is always covered with
parple and red blotches.
( nsrley-un, that s easily enough din
posed of. Usd to be the samo way my
self, bnt I caught on to tbe trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time.
tJeorge What waa it?
hariey Simplv blood eruptions. Took
a short c airse of P. P. P. I tll yon, it's
)he boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you could
bear him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athletic nlii gent he It
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All the drug stores soil it.
Annual Eleotloa of Offlcsr bv a
prom Water Company.
Klrial to the Sf rttnton Tribune.
Carhonuai.e, Pa., Jan. 28 At the
annual meeting of the stockholders of
Rock Cliff Water company in the
Minra' and Mechanics' bank building
on Saturday morning the following
officers were elected: President, W. A.
May; secretary and treasurer, L. A.
Patterson; directors, W A May, R,
H, Patterton, William Bowers, George
Hankins, Thomas Leviton and E. M.
Tbe company iiff ilrs are in a splen
did condition and a 0 per cent, divi
dend wat declared.
Fire Fighter Elevated to Executive Don
trot of Number Two.
Utiecint to the Xcranlon Tribune.
Montkdhk, Jan. 28 The following
will htve oharge of Montrose fire com
pany No. 2 for the coining year, and
will be, installed next Friday night.
President, A, 8 Pavne; vice presi
dent, B. W. Clark, foremau, G. W.
Bager; first assistant. F. S. Amtby;
second assistant, N. P. Ayres; secre
tary, Ned Warner; treasurer, W, H.
Warner; pipemen, Andrew Arnold, A
Hinds, b G Sheerer and T. D. Payne ;
trustees, A. 11. McCollum, W. L. Cox
and Dr. W. W. Smith.
The srller symptoms of dyspepsia, such
as distress after eating, heartburn, and
occasional headaches, should not bo ne
glected. Take Bond's tiarsaparilla and be
Hooi'e Pills are tbe bestfamily cathartic
and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable,
All Handsomely Bound and Well
Printed on Superior Paper in Large
Clear Type, with Illuminated Covers,
Resembling, the Works Contained in
the Albright Library -List of the
Titles of Books Contained in the
Oxford and Rugby Series.
Crowds of peoplo anxious to see the
books of the Oxford, Rugby and Co-
unibuR series yrsterday filled litis
i'lUUUNlc office, and their curiosity waa
soou tuiiiud to pleasure, for they ban
not expeoted to behold such an excel
lent quality of standard works, so
handsomely bound, such Una paper ami
iu such clear and large type.
It should be borne in mind that all
the books of all the series, which have
Illuminated covers, are bound iu cloth,
many ot them in ine luigusn veiiuui
cloth. As a consequence the demand
for the books exceeded all expectations.
The general remark of surprise was
that they resembled almost exactly the
fine work iu tbe Scfanton library.
They had not looked for suoh exll-
All these books in the diffoient aeries
have arrived, and as there is n raid on
seme special authors it will pay those
desiring first choice to cut coupons
and lend in their cash without delay.
Following are the titles of th books
comprised iu the Oxford aud Rugby
(25 OeuiH Each )
('liestuuts, Old aud New.
East Lynn.
Bnke'l Secret.
Children of the Abbey.
Effle Ofilvta.
Tom CnnL'le's Log.
Vicar ot Wakefield.
Arabiau Nights Entertai'imeut.
Del dee, or the Iron Hand.
Eugene Arnm.
The Countess Eve.
Too Confessions of a Woman.
Zanont) t'-l
Baled llav.
Wooed and Married.
Two Years Before the Mast.
All Sorts and Condition of Meu.
Red Kjver.
Tom Brown at Oxford.
Hod Gauulrtt.
Tom Brown's School Hays.
A Strange Story.
Oliver Twist.
Monsieur Lecoq.
Mill on the Floss.
Dick's Sweetheart.
Johu Halifax.
Kenelm Chillingly.
Last Hays of Pompeii.
Tbe Spy.
Pilgriui'l Progress.
The Foragers.
Daughters of Both.
Felix Holt.
Heart of Gold.
Kestell of Ureyston.
Fair women.
Tbe Bondman.
Chaplet of Pearls.
Frederick the Ureataud His Court,
Armorel of Lyouesse.
Slf Help.
Lime Kiln Club.
Au April Lady.
Aurora Floyd.
A Marked Man. '
Cripps. The Carrier.
The Honorable Mis3.
Lady Maude's Mania.
The Parisians.
Border Beagles.
Bride of Lammermoor.
Life of Daniel Uoonu.
Tbe Rival Princes.
Molly Hawn.
Murdered iu the Rue Morguo,
Reproach of Annersley.
Kenil Worth.
Last of the Mohicans.
Snandon Bells.
Old Myddleton's Money.
The Mysterious Island.
Mystery of Orcival.
Tbo Second Wife.
Search for Basil Lyndburst.
Rob Roy.
The Hoose of the Seven Oables.
Violet Vivan.
The Waires of Sin.
Vivan (irey.
strange Adventures of a Pheatoi
Beyond Pardon.
The Antiquary.
Birds of Prey.
The Firm of Oirdleston.
Fern Leaves.
Charles Anchester.
Foul Play.
(old Elsie,
Martin Chuzzlewit.
( lhandos.
Our Mutual Friend.
Pickwick Paper".
A Pair of Blue Eyes.
The Prairie.
The Human and Diviue.
Th Htnry of an African Farm
Cousin Pons.
Crown of Wild Olives.
Life of Kit Carson.
David Cnpperfleld,
child's History of England.
The Fairy of tho Alps.
No Name.
Mv Lotd and My Lady.
Tour of the World iu HO Days.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the
Sea. .
The Phantom Ship.
Jane Eyre.
Knickerbocker History of Now York
Lady Audley's Secret.
A Manly Horseman.
llouso im the Marsh.
The ( Iwl House.
Old Curiosity Shop.
Nick of the Woods.
Wit, Humor and Pathos
Queen Hortense.
In I he Hchillingscourt.
My BaarVi I'arling.
Life of David Crocket.
Lady Castlemalns's Hlv..rce,
The Sin of Joost Avollngh.
Half Hour with Orent Humorists.
Half Hour with Oroat Story Tellers.
HIn Warner.
Half Hour with Ureal. NoveliBts.
History of the United States.
(Southward, Oh.
Her Dearest Foe.
Great Ex licentious.
Irluim's Fairy Tales
Gilded Clique.
The Vendetta.
JHOfft Fables.
Faith and Unfalth.
The Deemster.
A False Start.
Scenes from Clerical Lifo.
Charlotte Temple.
Orlfflth (Jaunt.
Mastermsn Ready.
Master Passion.
Old Mamsello's Hecrot,
The Lerongo Case.
March in the Ranks.
Sloane Sqnnre Scandal.
The Witiwiim an I Cabin.
Guy ManueriuK.
Flying Dutchman.
Macleod of Dare.
Marry Lorrequer.
Don Quixote.
Donald Grant.
Cast Up by the Sea.
Oiher People's Mouey.
barnaby Kudge.
Dennis Duval.
Dora 'I Inane.
The Dovo in the Eagle's Nest.
The First Violin.
Madcap Violet.
Hichard Hindis. '
The Parting of tho Ways.
Forty Liars and Other Lies.
The Viconito'a Bride.
Far From the Maddouing Crowd.
Dramas of Life.
Famous or Infamous.
Mary St. John.
Shudows aud Su n beams.
Phra, the Phoenician.
Swiss Family ltobinsoy.
Itory O'More.
Ladies' Family Physlciau.
An Egyptian Princess.
Anderson' Fairy Tales.
Vanity Fair.
The Moonstone.
Brio Hirgnloyea.
'Twenty Years After.
The Scarlet Letter.
The Partisan.
The Scout.
Merle's I'nisadt
I mi, in Mum. I, ir .Ml.
Katharine W'n) m.
( 'onigiby.
The Arundel Jotto.
Is Life Worth Living.
Princess huushiue.
Willy Reilly.
Tliaddeus of Warsaw.
The Wooinir o t.
Twice Told Tales.
Itiioiin Flemmiug.
't he Young Duke.
St i auge Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
(20 Oeuta Each.)
Deep Down.
The Boyi iu the Forecastlo.
Roauok'- I-land to Mm freesboro.
Popular Natural History
Barbara's Triumph.
Stories from Auiaiicau History.
The Smugglers' Cave.
EilliiK the Bold.
Adventures Among tbe Indians.
The Kitle and the Hound.
Gilbert the Traveler.
Parents' Assistant.
Audubon the Nuturalist.
Harlle't Letters.
Banff's Fairy Tiles,
Fort Sniuter to Roanoke Island.
School Life, or Three Vuara at Wolver
tou. 0
Ocean Waifs.
The White Elephant.
My Tour in Europe.
Nature's Young Nobleman.
Frank Wildmnu's Adventurers on Laud
and WHter.
Aunt Diana.
The Golden Magnet.
Round I he World.
Btoriet About Animals.
Young Voyagers.
Oracle Uoodwin.
Herman Fairy Tales.
Famous Men.
Boys' and Girls' Story Beok.
Boy Conqueror.
Young Folks History of Greece.
Adventures of Famous Sailors.
Boys of the Bible.
The Ad ventures of Rob Roy,
Young Folks Bd.k of Birds.
The Young Foresters and Other Tales.
Suit Water.
Boy Slaves. .
Young Adventuror.'
Old Merry's Travel on the Coutiuout.
Tom Tracy.
Abbott's Stories for Children.
Stanley Grahaine.
Grey Hawk.
Fairy Tales from Bretano.
Wild Sports in the Far West.
Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South
ern India.
Cliff Climbers.
Pirate Island.
Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es.
Young Acrobat.
Dick chevelry.
Perils of the Jungle.
Through the Looking Glass.
Dick Rodney.
Our Young Soldiers.
Bush Boys.
Oriental Fairy Tales.
Young Folks' History of Rome.
Spanish Fairy Tales.
Eric Dane.
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon.
Fort Pillow to tho End.
The Fire Brigade.
Urandfather'8 Chair.
Jackanapes and Other Tale?.
Young Folks' History of Germany.
Mulfreesboro to Fort Pillow.
The Mountain Cave.
Plant Huuters.
The War Tiger.
Paul Bliike.
Baron Munchausen.
Edgeworth's (.'lassie Tnles
Jacl Wheeler.
Young Folks .'aturnl History.
x0UDg Folks History of France.
Wonders of the Great Deop.
The Wolf Boy in China.
The Magician's Show Box.
Murk Seaworth.
Luke Bennett's Hide Cut.
Adventures of Famous Travelers.
Sandford and Mertou.
In the Wilds ut New Mexico.
The Tiger Prince.
The Red Eric.
Number ill.
Tom Brown's School Days.
Tour of the World In Eighty Days.
Twenty Thousaud Leagues Under the
The Two Orphaus.
Two Years Before the Mast.
A Vagrant Wife.
The Witch's Bead.
Willie Reilly.
Won by Waiting.
A Woman's Face.
A Wlfe'a Crime.
f dam Bed.
Crooked Path.
Cardinal Sin.
Blind Love.
Hoylo's (James.
Wife iu Name Only.
Janet's Repentance.
Master of Ballantrae.
Ivan the Serf.
Lady Valsworth's Diamond?
For Faith and Freedom.
Wee Wine.
Christmas Stories.
Col. Quaritch.
A Family Affair.
A Mental Struggle.
For Another's Sin.
Mysterious Inland.
Redeemed by Love.
Priucess of Thulo.
We Two.
Ar. War with Herself.
Missing II unhand.
Between Two Sins.
Ilai on Munchausen.
Evil Genius.
Hu ttndfM 7 c;ii(j rxtm foi
thr tookt wilt at foil by mail.
(IB Cents Eaoh.)
Airy Fairy Lillian.
An Old Man's Hurling.
Allan Ojiarteruiain.
As In a Looking OUss.
Arabian Nights' Entertainment,
At the World's Mercy.
Boiuilo Dora.
Brido of the Tomb.
Child's History of England.
A Dateless Bargain.
The Deer Slaver.
The Duke's Secret.
Dedlee, or the Iron Hand.
Dick's Wanderings.
Doubly Wronged.
A Desperate Woman.
A Dreadful Temptation.
A Deathbed ilariiage.
East Lynne.
Essays of Ella.
The Prolan Pirate.
Grimms' Household Fairy Tains,
Guy Kenmere's Wife.
The BoOteOD the Marsh.
The Hon. Mrs. Vereker.
Handy Andy.
Jane Byre
John Halifax, Gentlemen.
Lady Audloy's Secret.
Last Days of Pompeii.
Tho Last of Hi- Mohicans.
Lorua I in hi.
A Life's Remorse.
Little Gulden's Daughter.
Little Nana.
Mr. Fortesipie; an Andrean Uomtnce.
Tue Master of the Mine.
Matt; a Tale of the i 'aravau.
Molly llawn.
The Nun's Curso.
Old Mam'selle'n Secret.
Oliver Twist.
The Pathtlndor.
The Pioneers.
The Prairio.
A Prince of Darkness.
yneenle's Terrible Secret.
The Reproach of Auuesloy.
Robinson CrUBoo.
Itory O' Moore.
The Rabbi's Spell.
The Rose and tbe Lily.
The Sketch Book.
The Swiss Family Robinson.
Second Thoughts.
StiangoCase of Or. Jeykyll and Mr,
Itottoije any of
Closing uut the bal
ance of our
at following prices:
Russian Ly ;. Clreular f'a a inches, $t.'.eJ
tlectrtcSeal Circular (.' .pus. 2 la H.D8
Astrakhan Circular Cane. 'H In U.V8
Wool, a Circular Cap -n. U iu ItOU
Btena Man n Circular Cape, at In ..oo
Hro.wi Marten Circuit Capes, 'H iu 4.r).O0
Utter Circular Capte, M in 60.uu
Seal Sacques
Seal Snciiuos, US inctos long $1W0U
Soul Jaekets, ) inohtfl 100.00
Seal Jackets. 'U inches long Btl.00
Astrakhan Jackuts, tH inohet ion 35 .w
Circular Capes
Seal Circular Cupe, 30 inches long, with
Butterfly Cape 185.00
Otter Circular Cape, 3'J inches loUK.wlth
Butterfly Cape 105.00
Sable Circular Cape. SO i ebus loUK K5 00
Astrakhan Circular Cupr, 30 inches long '& 00
Electric Beal Circular Cape, 30 in. long.. 20 OU
dray dimmer Circular Gape, so in. long 3o uo
Ju dozen Amurieaii B id MulTs at.,.,Jl 25 each
1 lot f chil iron's sets at 98c. each
1 lot of Sleigh KoIh.-j, plush lined fS each
Ladies' Plush and Cloth
Coats at Your Own
138 Wyoming Ave.
The only Practical Furrier in the city.
3 -
Thai we are headquarters for everything in
the line of WATCH BR, If you have any idea
of purchasing anv kind of a Wiitct, 1071 or
gnt's. Hole! or Silver, you will make a sriv
ous mistake It you do not give us a call anil
get our prices, which you will llnd far below
all otnurs, especially in all the high grades of
FJglu, Waltnan and Hampden movements
If you have any doubts and arc at all posted
on prices gi ousacidland wn will have DO
trouble in convincing vou. We still haves large
stoek to dispo e of, and will offer you won
deriul tndueemtntt In Jewelry, Mlverwre,
Clocks and all oth ir goods which we have in
C. W. Freeman
1'. nn Ave. and Spruce St.
Trices very reasonable. Space
will not permit us to mention the
good things for a ('hristmas din
ner. Slock is complete. Anything
to be found ill a lirst class market.
IS THE Bf ST. Get prices nnd
tee the furnace and bo con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello nnd Gauze Door
What is
Catstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OU.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishucss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhuea aud Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation aud flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tbe stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Cantoris Isuii HOtllMt medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have reaUnily told me of Its
good effect upou their children."
lla. O. C. Osoood,
Lowell, Jlaia.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am ucquaiuted. I hope the day is not
fur distant When mothers will consi'ler the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria In
elfod of the varlousquack nostrums Which ore
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby bending
HpHB to premature grave."
Da. J. F. KiNcnitLou,
Couwaty, Ark.
" Castoria Is so well ainptcj tochlldren thai
I recommend it ussuperiortoany prabcriptioii
known to me."
H. A. AitCKE, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St , iirookljn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
mint have spoiieu highly of their eis)ri
nice in their outside practice with Castoria.
and although wc only Lave among on
medical supplies what It known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that fb?
merits of Castoria has won us to look witn
favor ujon it."
Uiin in HosriTiL and DHnminr,
iiobtori. Man
Allen C. Smith, fret..
The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City.
10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during
sale at less than cost of material.
Every inch of counter room covered w ith the greatest bargains ever
Ladiet' Felt Hats, this Beaton's styles 108. each.
iioys' Winter Waitt 10s eash.
Muffs 30c. each.
Cloaks $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
133 Penn Avenue,
A CHANCE to buy at your own price
Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware,
Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy
and Other Goods.
Sign Red Flag.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Trices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
mi .nn. i . n.i nd Frenoh .inc.
Ture in.-.,.! Oil.
TorpanttM and Viirnllic.
RtiadjMBtMd Plntt in nil oolori.
Glider' Whiting,
Pull Wlilt.. tad KiilKomlne,
Oil' t mi. Mikrbl
Iliiit anil imlow r.laM
Lost Manhood
nnd viRor quickly
nNtorwd.Vrltutf lo,
nightly im i ',
-y vut.'d IM'AHl. ,'M ut
With MrllttiffntrHjiUtociir, Hold by
8 liKOtJ., Drag! tain, h'-Miulun, 1'B.
906 South Washington Avenue,
CotitrHcitor Anil buildor of ComTotfl FUgprlnjc,
l'iiii'rit! Hi. ekx l'otntn, Uuttur tunl (MM
Blim. WVt CMUn drii I up. Ordnrt nmy be
loft ut ThomiiBon & l'rntt, Will um & Co.,
Mulu ami Kynon Ktrootn, or at borunton
Btove Work. Alio Foiuiilation. I'lalorim
fish Win' Tmiuola and CoUiiu. KlagKiuu lor
Uarduu Wuliu,
Hotel Waverly
Eiironcnn Plnn. First olasi Hnr ttnchl.
Dpot tot BtrgllU Bngtl'l Tauiihiuustfr
I E Got. 15th and Filbert Sti., Ptiilak
lot ilmiralil" f"r roaiilent of N E. Tenr;
iylvRUia All OOnTJtPHOt lor traveler
to from Broail Si ... .,; nnd tho
Twrlflli "nil Market Street etatiou.
alrnble for iimm k Sorantoiiluiut and poo
I j in tho Anthraclto Ueviou.
For Delicacy,
For purity, ami foriiiiirovoniciitof Oia com
plexion, nothing equalti I'ozzoNi'fc Powder.