The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 29, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY 29. 1894. ONE CENT A Word Haul of all kinds cos( "'a' much, ex tvof Situation! Vanted,uhrh ave insetted FREE. Situations Wanted. READER WISHES BtTUATIO . TiiK 'AD two hours everv evonin-t) rtniasmaa or lady. DAVID wtuBBA, 8423 t'itig on ave. QITUATION WANTED BY YOL'NU man with two years' expert BO In jewely ami watch repairing store; would Iiko to learn m rc of the business: wages no object; best of referenctii. AddrussH.. box 2i4s, Mont rose, Pa, GOOD NEAT SEWEK WI-1IES A fow customers by the ity. Address Dresv u.aker, MMt il delivery, city. WantcJ. GENERAL NEWS Of INDUSTRIES Somo of the latest S!g"s of BoslBess RVy val Briefly Nj ed. .MOT MILL FIB BRIGHT This Will Be a Merry Monday Morn ing in Many a Manufacturing Center as Suspended Machinery Is Re dedicated to Purposes of Trade. Current Phases of the Industrial Situation as Revealed in Lively Paragraphs. I 'ANTED- STORE ROOM ON LACK A Vl waunu avenue. Address X W. Z., P O , City. Agents Wanted. lr ANTED A SALESMAN, $20 TO $50 weekly can bo ma lo with our goods in IB locality, will provo it or torfult $101. Salary or commission M you prefer, The it sultx of a few nonr,-' work of ton equals a wotk's watte. Address, JlANL'FACTL'lt EH8." P. O. Box im, Bostoti. Mm "1 ' ANTED THREE GOOD MEN TO CAN V ? van tot an article that will soil at sight; can niako5l5 or J20 per Week, fall at room 14, Arcade Building, second floor. For Sale. ICE Kelt SALE- DELIVER' D IN si'RAN J ton at Ne. ntr f- ii- Inquire of V. H. SMITH or M 11 HUPFORD, Clark's Sum mit. I-u. I'OR BALE CHBAP-A OOOD WORK 1' nortti weight, l. oi pounds; eo.or, black I years i 1J. run lie seen at .1. V. ARNOLDS, .M i st.. MooOlc, I'a l,"OK SALE - A SADDLE HORSE, FOR J want of use; ran u seen at livery stable of J. C. Warner, iiueu Rids .1 UEoi.Uh SANDERSON. I'dH SALE (B-AORB FARM, STOCK jT and utensils. J M. SHEFFIELD, 42ii Monroe ave. V'uR SALE -ONE NEW YOST TYPE J writer, also me new Abbot! cheek punch, at a bargain. Address II. J., euro Tribune ol flee. L'OR SALE OR E.YCHANOE FOR SCRAN X Ion property-A beariug orange grove Ittcranntng In production und value yearly in the orauun section in Horida. Addres F. E. NETTLE TON. Lake Helen, Florida For Rem. ICdTRli'NT'AlW J oerup.ed by the. Telephone Exchange. 303 Lackawanna avenue. Apply at the oitice of Lthlvh Salt Milling Co.. Third National Bank bsjldlng. L. S. and E. c. Fuller. POB RENT- HOUSE pit WYOMING AVE J nue from April I. Eleven rooms, all the modern improveine.ii a, rent $"i0 per mouth Apply to F. H. CI.EMoNS. 422 Lackawanna avenue. pOR BALE HICKORY BICYCLE, BBC .r oud hand good condition Call at Repub le ,ui offldO, A. R. EDtlETT. Q TOR E POB RENT STOBB BOOM AND 0 basement, No. llSPenn avenue, now oc eupied by C. s. Wool worth as a A. cent store. Inquire of b. 0. hill. Ml North Washington avenue, K BENT A LARGE BTOBB ROOM AT -T ills Spruce street. Inquire at U4 Wyom ing avenue. L'OR RENT -TWO-STORY BRICK D W EL X l i ti wr house: modern improvement. 316 Forest court Apply to macrict. collIN's, i agent, 721 West Lackawanna avenue. fPO LET FOB A TERM OF YEARS J. Pnrt or all of three hundred fee: of yard room along railroad Apply at 248 Franklin avenue. . rpo BENT BTOBB 2fiKiKioil FURNISHED X hall on Green Ridge street. Very deslra Lie location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F. E N LTTLETON or C S. WOODRFFF. Republican l.udd g Special Notices. M'HE LACK V WANNA TRl'ST A ND SAFE 1 DEPOSIT COM PAN Y, OF SCRAN TON, PA., .luu. K ISM THE AN A I'AL MEETING OF THE STOCK bolder, of the Company for tne eUotion of pinetors w ill b held at their onire. No. 404 Lackawannu aveaue, on Monday. Feb y jt l-.'t between the hours of ! and 4 p.m. HENRY BELIN, Jr.. secretary. '"'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR,' X contaluiijg Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every p ine Illustrated. Over 950 panes As an odu caior it is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly payment, both volumes delivered complete Address P. o Aluody. JIW Fianklm uenue, egent lor Northeitstern Pennsylvunla. f EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, Ivl corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue Twenty meal tlrKeU lor Sil jO. ilood table bourd . Legal. 1 'STATE OF WILLIAM MATTHEWS j late of the city of Srrantou. county of Lackawanna, und State of Peuusylvumu, da ceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned all persons having claims or demands RgaJntt the said estate will proMIlt tliem (or payment and all those indebted thereto will please make iiniuedmte payment t M RY II MATTHEWS, RICHARD .1. MATTHEWS CHARLES M MATTHEWB, Executors Scranton. Pa. WILLARD, WARREN KNAPi', Attorneys. I ... Orphans' Court Sale. ORPHANS COURT SALE' ESTATE OF Anthony Hcckman. deceased By virtue of an order of the Orphans' OOQrt of Luc ku wanua county, there w ill bo exposed to public sale on the promises on Cedar uvenue. In tin city of Scranton, in said county, on Tuesday, too 20th dar of Pebraxry, ism, at o'clock p. in., the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain lot mid piece of land situate in the said to nship of Providence, now the JOtb ward of the city of Sorauton. in the county of Luzerne mow Lackawanna i, an 1 state of Pennsylvunla. on the westorley side of Cedar street ( now avenue j, heing lot number thirty-nine fJUi In square or block number Ave la i upon the town plot of the town (now city) of Scranton. made by D. Coghlun, intended to be duly registered and recorded etc. Said lot Is rectangular and is twenty-six feet eight inches 2)feet H Ipeboe) In width und one hundred and forty feet In depth. Coal and udnoruls reserved with the right to mine und rmiove the same as e mies'd In deed for said land from .lames Armstrong and wife to th: said Anthony Heekuiau, dated the liith day of March, A. D. 1S7S, and recorded n the county of Luzerne in deed book No. X2. page.V eU. All improved witbaH iigiu two story frame dwelling house and outbai dings thereon. Terms of sale: Twenty Hvo Oil per cent, of bid on day of sale and balance on contlrmi Hon of sale JOHN FERBER. Administrator, M F. SANDO. Attorney. Re i, state. FOR SALE-SINGLE HOL'SE, 803 yUINCV avenue: very desirable location. Anply t F. REYNOLDS, or W II, LARD, WARREN SKNAPP. dhSdOSO WILL BUY MODERN NEWSROOM ' liouae, all Improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madisi,n avenue and Deleware street. An ply HARRY LEES. C.1,40) WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madisou avenue und Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Cure for Headache. As ii remedy for ull forms of Hendnche Electric Bitters hoe proved to be the very best. It effects n permanent cure and the most dreaded habitunl sick beudaclien yield to )t influence. We urge all who aro afflicted to procure a bottle aiul jrivo this remedy n fair trial. Incases of habitual constipation Electric Hitter cures by Hiv ing the needed tone to the bowuln,and fev i uses long i osiM. the use of thin medicine Try It once. Large bottle only Fifty cents at Uattbuws Broa'. drug (tore. For Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swelled Neck, and the results of colds and inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil the great pain destroyer. Among the industries expected to resume, orenliirge tb.w week th follow ing nro noted: The Sterling White Lead company, at New Kensington, will build an ndditioa to the wurlcs al ready erected. The plsnt, when com pleted, "ill give employment to 500 men. The resumption of work in fac tory P of the United States Glass com pany, Pittsburg, is scheduled to take place during the early part of the vvoek. There is reus. in to believe that Moorehead'ii Shnrpsburg mill will soon Btnrt up. The mills of llellvllla Gam brilie & 0ft, at Baldwin Danku, Cecil county. Md., which ha been close I own f r the past six mouths, will start on full time today. By the starl ing up of this mill over sixty bands will be giveu employment. The L -mokiu Oar works have received u con tract for forty electric cars for the Philadelphia Traction company. They also have contracts for other loads that will keen them in operation all summer. The 150 weavers of Hoyle, Harrison & Kay's carpet mill. Poartb and Lehign uvenue. Philadelphia, who were thrown out of employment about two weeks ago by the reduction of the force of workmen of the mill, were notified to report for work this morn ing. The works of the Standard Silk company, at Tobyhannn, has resumed work. The mill has btMO undergoing repairs. l. bus been reported that the Missouri iron lurnuce in Caroudolet, which supplies the Belleville concern with pig iron, will resume. The Mis sjuri furtiact, when in operation, gives employment to about 'MO men The (.'iiesapeake Nail works, at Harris Lurg. which have bean idle several mouths, will resume operations to lay. A large number of men will be given employment. The Hollandfllls Woolen mills iu Limerick, Me., which have been closed for three months put, will start on full time on Feb. 1. It cost the coal syndicate, hea led by T. II. and J. N. Jones, tfOli. 500 to get possession of the llonaldson coal tract near Pottsville. The deal was closed Friday, The tract comprises 12"! acres. Extensive improvements will be made at onc.--The Alder Rm.Cot companv, n Clearfield county enterprise, capital ized at $30,000. has iust been grunted i charter. Keystone and Erie collieries, Carbnndale, will not resume until Feb. I No work was done in Powderly mine, Carbondale, last week, bfcius of an accident to the machinery, Six Delaware and Hudson crews have been idle on the Pennsylvania division the past week, owing to slackness in trans portation. Erie employ-s, too, share in the depression. The M.uich Chunk Daily Nws dubs Boranton the "Iron City. '' It is complained by an Blthet icul neighboring press that Him names of the stations on the new Panther Creek route are lacking in euphony an appropriateness. Whero, they ask, is the poetry in ' Hiiikr's Switch," ' 'Staii if r's" "Tannersville," and the like'. Erie shojis will not, until fur ther orders, exceed the eight-hom limit. The magnificent New York Central, world bea'ing "999" locomo tive will pull a gpeci il Wagner vesti bule train out to the California mid winter exposition at 'Frisco, It will interest Scrantoninns to kuovy that despite the shrinkage in business circles during the past few months i shrinkage which has borne especially hard upon steam and electric transpor tation companies of alt kinds-the Scranton Traction company, under the management of H. II. Arcner, has been enabled to report an increase in gross earnings for 1803 averaging 88 per cent. Toe expenses iiave naturally been heavy, on account of the new iinea opened up aud new connections planned; but tuo showing made at the anuual meeting of the stockholders was H very unusual one, iu comparison with the declines that have h en so general In traction circles in other cities. It is expected this year's business, swelled by a vastly increased suburbau patron age, will place the company in the very front rank of traction investments. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad on Feb 10 the names of Frank Work, H. McKTwom bley and H. C Fulineetock will be pre sented to the stockholders for election us managers in the places of W. II Appleton, Bobert F. B.illantyne and A. II McClintock Samuel Sloan will, of course, be re elected president. ii tbe opinion of the I'hilnd itpbtst Times "the beueficial (ffeota of th- Anthracite Coal Operators' association are already being felt in the coal trade. It allows each producing interest to take as n basis its maximum produc tion of anyone month within a certain time. It seems that this organlzition was instrumental in establishing a standard of production on whion all interests were to bis th-ir restrictive policy, and this has always been a weak point and the cause of much dis senaion." Asa matter of tut si -neBS in the country exhibits better managerial tact und skill than does the anthracite coal trade at this moment. If some of tbe debt burdened, re ceivership railroads bad equally care ful management, the business situation wonld quickly brighten. Talking of cuts, the Boston and Maine railroad holds tbe record. It hue just slashed oft' (100 miles of passen ger tr.ttic aud 401) miles of freight.sav ing the road $2,8U8 daily. Engineers have been reduced to firemen, and fifry firemen huvo been discharged Dela ware and Hudson Engineer T. E Aus tin, of Uneonta, bus just been granted a patent on his combined epark ar restor and injector. It is said the man agement of the road contain plate put ting his invention upon all the loco motives of the road. Fifteen firemen on tbe Delaware division of the Erie have been laid off as a tribute to gen eral depression. A report has been current for the past day or two to the effect that nego tiations have been nendiug for aome time between the Lehigh Valley and the New York Central, looking to an alliance of some kind. It was stated further that arrangements bad been so far completed that preparations were being made to remove tbe Bethlehem offices to New York, Officials of both companies prououuee the report without foundation, and say no nego tiations have been carried on between the companies since the Lehigh Vdley securod Hack righ s from tbe New Y rk Cei.tral e.ive n Batuviu and S isp usiou tin lift. T iis was over a v-ar ugo. Iiob Industrial Gl MPCSB: T e Luckunnuua in ih v i eod d Dec. 3 1 8113 eeroed on the stork II 4 r re it., egni B9t) ierce.1. in leOJ .ndOJl per cent, in mm. No r t-resideut Sloan feel sen. re. Tin re are about 188.600 street cars in operation in the United states. Piacod in r row they would fo' m a continuous line reaching from New York to Buffalo. Receiver Piatt, oi the New England, says he propo es to administer the affairs of the road iu the interest of shareholders, liich means, that ho will oppose any fore closure. Pocahontas coal shipments over the Norfolk and Western railroad for the week ended Jau. 'JO aggregated U3.901 tons, or a decreabo over the same week last year of 11,867 tous. It is urged that the Erie's present plan of reorganization should be so modified as to bring the requirements lor fixed charges well within tho present earning capacity of tho system. Heading und Lehigh Valley railroad em ployes aro now studying the operutiug rules as adopted by the American Railway association preparatory to their udoptiou on Feb. 1, All the executive officers of tho Lebigh Valley railroad, with the excoptiou of First Vice President llartshorne, aro out of the state at present. The bondholders of the Ljuarry ville rail road have decided to sell it aud n commit tee of seven has boon appointed o repres ent tlitt boudholders at tne sale, which is to take place iu Plulude'phia. The ilorris and Eisex branch of tho Delaware Lackawanna and Western is to be equipped at once with the block signal. rlNANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SCcks and 1'onds Nrw Yoitx, .Tun. '.'7. The total sales of slocks today footed up M,b00 shures. At times tbe market was almost at a stand still, and had it not been for the little slump in New Bngluud from l.' to speculation would have been utterly de void ol feature. It was again rumored that the holders ot tho second mortgage bonds would start proceedings at once to forcclosetheproporty. (htneral market was iu the main stroug. At the opeuiug prices rose X to , Louisville aud Nashville leading. Subsequently Lake Shore, St. Paul, Ualon Pacific aud New England sold off, but there was no special pressure to aell. except iu the case of Now Lugland. Lackawanna opeued nt lti2 bid. and InT asked, Then the stock moved up to 1CJ, a net gain for tbe day of The marnet closed strong, except for New Euglund, which was heavy. The ton wing complete table snowing the day's fluctuations in active stocks Is supplied anil revised dally hv LaBer Is Puller, stock brokers, Ml y n ; avenue: Open- HI h- Low Clos ing, est est. ing. Am. Cot. Oil 'JS 2TW Am Sugar 714 7; "S,S Wl A. T.S. P IDs 11' U li't. Can. So Cen. N. J chic. & N. W Ht4 I0BM liel'-i lW C. H. & v 7l)I, 7Uis 78H 7 Chic. Oas S4 W VM MM On C, 0, & St. L... 'Jfih 35jj 8V4 3$3! col , Hock. Val. is T D. & H D.,L. &W ins Hiss Ills )m D & C. P 'Mi '-h 26W Erie i 15 1& UM 15 (i. B. Co : !!5 3W4 o4'i, Lake Sboru I'M 12i U'U K'U L. N 4nv 40K, 4W(, 411 .Manhattan 1-O4 1-IV4 1:14 i-Oi Miss. Pac iUM tii 8 Nut. Lead '-'tl'a lUiti M IM N. Y. ftN.E , 18U liilj Urti lU't N. Y. Central S.10IM 10lyf, I1HJH4 lnu N. Y.. O. & W N. Y..S. & W U. B, C. Co North l'ac North Puc. pt loss ,, ltl Oniuha Pan. Mail IIM in, 17?s ?Uj Beading bWs iw ISM nUtj Rock lIaud ti7 UTh, b7lH 7( R. T .... St. Paul 6 t!' 6S4i W T..C. A I Texas Pac .-U sU sU Union l'ac lvU w Il IHI Wabash, pf 4', IU, I4H Ufi W. Union M Wli ml fS'a w. i l. b ism iss m m W. B L. E. pf ivj 4 i 4U!4 ltfVsi Cblcavo Gr. Scranton. Jan. Hons are supplied a Rar & Fuller, stock line. WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. Opening Ulghost Lowest Closing PORK. Opening Highest I off st Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowest CT sing SH RT RIBS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing and PmvDiona. 17. The following quota n l c Treated daily by La brokers. 1-1 Wyomin 1 uvo- Jan. m mi 5ie, 31'm m i 4U K SUk saw Mi m mi am ini IU15 7S-5 777 7tU IICiO mo ijti May. July. 05 6MI Bl'v MM m 3S4 ii MM mi m tat, be 8ta4 30 l Mi -fi 187 Ills 7&; :) - 7.'0 "IKI iWJ - 7l) MB B7U - Philadelphia Tallow Markst. Pnil.ADkLiiiiA. Jan. 27. Tallow was dull and wdak. Pricet were: Prime city, in hogsheads, S.c; prime country. In hogsheads, ftc. do. dark, in hogs heads, 4J4C; cakes, 5ic.; grease, sKs?ic. A DOLT I. a 1.1.1 iz, carrlago manufacturer, 1 1J Carroll street, Buffalo, N. Y., states: I whs troubled with nausea of the -toiuuch, sick headache and geueial debility. Bur dock Blood Bitters cured me. When Iinby was sir'.-, we gave her Castorla, When she n us a Child, she cried for Castorls. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she hud Children, she guvethem Custurla. THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL, A Trip Through the Colom bian Exposition, 72 leaves, printed on one side only. Showino- all the places of interest on main ground) and Midwwy 1'laisanee. Size, ,x7. Embossed paper cover or full cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes tmbossa cover. Tw i Coupons and 40 CENTS takss c oth cover. Add 4 cents lor postage If ordered by muil The Scranton Tribune. A GRAND DISCOVERY Latest News from Europe Upon a Subject of Wicbspread Interest. LONG LIFE AND HAPPINESS A Deelar tin , Made by the Great Doctor fotherglll fortlie Itenellt .if the Peo ple ot the Win Id Has Aroused Much Attention. London, Eng , Jan. 18 The follow ing statement made by the late Dr. J. Milner Fothergill, the eminent scien tist, who was physician for tbe London hospital for diteases of the chest, has made quite a sensation. After denounc ing oils and similar tuaiiaacus when used as food, he says i "Futty, oily foods cannot bo taken by those whose stomachs are weak or whose digestive organs are out of ordr. What food Bhould such people have? I say they need food which acts as attrengthener and sustainer, us fuel to feed the lamp of life, nnd that is starch food, A sol uble starch food which will be readily assimilated by the dirHtive organs is ......11 KO'l'm.. the food for people whose digestive or gatih are weak." It was only natural that such a state ment coming from so high au author ity should have made a profound im pression among the leading physicians and scientists of Europe, and it brings into special prominence the recent dis covery of pre-digesled starch food known to doctors, to scientists and the world as Paskolu. Comp ir.itively few people outside the highest medicd cir cles know of this woudorfnl discovery, but It is known to possess the qualities of 11 sh-forming, etreugth-impartiug. life-giving power which has never been known before In the history of the world. Tests which have been malo showing ti weak, pale, run-down Condition, ac companied Willi indigestion aud gen ral losi of energy, have shown most re markable resulis, and it is n t improb able that the discov ry o:' Pa-kola will bo accepted as the ll-sn-rormiog food of the nineteenth century by the high est authorities in both Europe and America. Certainly, it is superseding cod liver oils, beef tea. nn I the fatty preparations which have been use I so extensively in the past, and the results so far achioved amply warrant the wisdom of th ss who have tiiku such action. A pamphlet giving full particulars respecting Pakola will lie sent onjap Dlioatlon to tho I're-Digested Food Co , lCsDuaneSt , N. Y. City. NewYoik l'roduoe Market. New York. Jan.26. Flock-Dull, weak. Whkaj' Doll, steady. No. a rod, store and elevator, VJ11;a64),,iC. : f. o. b., OliaGOc: ungraded red, tUaOfc.) alioat, b7c; Ho. 1 northern, "Olt'aTOHc. options dull, steady; No V. red duuuary, tti;c; February, tii , .; ilarch, bis4.; A.ay, MSJoc; June, t'.'Jo , July, 'iUKc; Decem ber. 7;iC. Corn Dull, oa-ior; No. 2. 4'J"c; ele vator, 44c; options, dull, uuchangwl; Jau nar) ,-l,.'c. ; February. 43J ,c; .ttarch, II . .; May. 4. i-. Uats--DuI1, easier: options dull, steady: January. 'Mi:: tebruary, 88:,i-.: March, 84Jc.; May, S4Vc.: No. awhile February, 8t)iC.; spot juices: No. 2, BaWc; No. a white, UeV&i No, B Chicago, MKc; No. :i, ;t'j!4e. : No. a white, ;lftc; mixed west eru,a4aS5c.; while do., Ddu4Di:.; white state, Son 4rc. Beef Dull, llrm. liBi.K Ham Qol t. ' iritcKD Bn Dull, ( ut MtAis--ciuiet, firm; pickled bellies, T)4jsSe.l do., shnulders, 0Jc.; do. bams, HHc ; middles. uominH). Laud Cuiot, llrm; western ateam, s 10; city. IT.MWc.; January. $8.10; February, May, $7.90; refined quiel; comment. J8.50; South Americu, ts.30; compouud. rJHi.eXo. roKg-yuiet.stendy; mess, f 14 5(sl5. BuTTEn Fair demand, nnchanged. CiiKKSK Qoltt, steady; unchanged. Euus yuiet, freely offered: ice house, lanlSc. ; do., per cu-e, S,&0s8.95 western fresh, lCaUc: limited, llMalSci southern, !0al7c. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHVSK IAWS AM) RUHOKONSt Dll U, B, ULAN. Diseases ol the Kye, .Nose Tin oat and Ear, ,n Spruce street, oppo site court house. DB A J, lOMNBlL Offloe am Waablngtoa avenue, corner Sprme street over Franeke'l drug store. Krsideuce. 7IW Vine st. Otllee hours: lii. J.) to K a. m. and '.' to I and t; 30 to 7.:i0 p. m. Sunday. to :l p. m. DR. VV L AI.l.KN'. Office coi Lacki wanna aud Washlnstoii uvea.: over Leon ai d IDoa store; olllco hours, 10 to U a. m. aud U to 4 p. in ; eveuings at residence. Ml! .V Wiishmgton sve. DB.U U h KEY. 1'iactlce UlOited to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose aud 'I'hioat; office, lii Wyouiiuguvo. Residence, jJi Vine street. DH. L.M. OA'l'ES, H i Washington Aeuu. Office hours, to '. i, in I . a und .' to 1 p.ta ioiin i,. went::, m d.'uiii,,., ss rt,,u ii ii Commonwoalth huilding: resldenna 711 XIadiBonave: office hours, l3 to U, :J to 4, 7 tj !; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at resldouoo. A specialty made of dboases of the eye, ear, note and throat and Kyneoolouy. Dlt. 0, 0 ML UK AY, specialty made ou dis cuses of eye aud skin. 212 Wyoming Ave. Office hours: t'ntll 111 a m 2 to 4 aud 7 to S p m. 118. Dlt KINO. 8211 MCLHEKUY BTBBB I' At Carhondale en Fridays nl each week. M M. .EHINAUY lUBUBUMt 1p STUltOE, Veterinary Surgeon, Den j. list' y a specialty; gold uiedaliit of On tario etcrinary Collee. Office. Summer's livery, Dli at., near Keller's carrlugu shop. Telephone No. 411 LAW VMBB. M. U RANLiC i Law and CollMttM Of fl . Bee, No. 817 Bvruco st., upiaatite Forest House, Bcrantuii, I'a. ; collections a specialty tbroiiKhont Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents lo every county. j ESSL'l'S UAiS U. Attoraeyi and CounaaT J lors at Law, Cominonwcalth building, Washiugton av W.ll.JssHttr, iimi m i E. i: i -ii. W II. Jnssui', Jr. W" iLl.AKD WAKKKN t K.SA1T, Attir neyaauil Counselors at Law, Republican building, Washington ave.. Scranton. Vs. I" ) aWkRSON TT VvTLcbxC" Atioriieys" and Counsellurs at Law; offices (I aud s Library building, tivrenton, I'a. Koswr.M, II. TATTlnSOE Vfll.l.lAM A. WlM'OX ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Comniouweulth bnllnlng. Rooms ID. 20 and 21 pRANK T. OK..LL, Attorney at Uw. Kuuin F b, Coal Exchange Scranton, Pa. Connolly& Wallace gMBROIDERIES and Laces claim our special atten tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Scranton. To substantiate our,statement we only ask your in spection of our line. The newest effects in Embroideries are the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. We have an endless variety of ex clusive styles. Colored Embroideries are also good for the coming season, especially for trim ming wash dresses. See our line of wide-margin goods. II0IDER1 II LACES BSE S Lace Department Is replete with everything new and desirable. AND GALOONS. The latest thing out. The POINT DE VENISE LACES CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp, Court House. MILTON W. i.OWRY, I Att'ys, 227 Washing C. H VON STORCll, i ton uv . C. H square. 1 AMES W. OAKFOHO, Attorney at Law, dth b'l'g rooina w, m ami u;, uoiiimonwoaitli nig QAMUBL W. EDO Alt, Attorney at Law. M Office. .'117 Sprucnst . Scranton, I'a. I A WATRES, Attorney nt Law, 42J I J. Lackawanna aue., Seranton. I'a FV. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. office? . rooms M. fin. fil Commonwealth bulliilng R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law. Com monwealth bullalng. Scianlon, Pa. CJLOM EOY8. 821 Spruce st. c. OB REPLOole. Attorney-Loans nogo- tiatod on roal estate security. 40 Hpruoe. Br-KII.LAM, Attornov at Law. 13U Wy- omlng avenue, Scranton. HAVE YOl'R DEEDS AND MORTfJAOES written und ucknowledgnd by J W. BROWNINO, Attorney aud Notary Public, JV Commonwealth Hulldihg'. BCHOO I.S. QCHOOL OF THE LACkAVANNA7sron yJ ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collegj or business: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue ut Rrv. Thomas M. Can.x, Walter H. Bcei.l. MISS WORCKSTER'H K1NDF.ROARTEN and School, 412 Adams uvenue. Pupil, r.ceived at all times. Next term will open Janusrv 29 111 M ISTS. c LAtJBACH, Unrgeon Dentist, -No. ill v ' . Wyonilnr ave. B. M. hTBATTQW, office Coal Bxetui niie. I.HANS. OTOP PAYING KENT. OWN YOUb O Dome, Money to loan on easy inontlilj symenta S. N. CALLENDER, Dime Bam, Bulldmg HOI Kl.s AND RKsTADRANT. t PHB W EST V I NSTBB, T72i"ointm; 1 nve Rooms heated with stuam: ull mod era improvamenta C. M. Thcuan, I'rop ZiKOLF.RS HOTEL, 827 Lackawanna ave nue, Scranton. Rotes reasonable. P BllOMtn, Proprietor lIkUXAilWaTER HOTEL, W. O. SCHENCK, Manager Sixteenth street, one block cast of Hroadway at Union Square. New York. American plan, Sa Wper day and upward tOYMB HOL'SE. European plan: good " loom, Open day und night. Bar sup plied n ltn the best P. n. rovyR. Proprietor OCRANTON HOL'SE near D., L, B W, pas aenger depot. Conducted on the Kuropeat. plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor J RAND CENTRAL. The largest and u.,s VI oquiupe I hotel in Allentowu, Pa. J ratej F- and (200 per day. VICTOR D. B.ARNFit. Proprietor. A MCU ITKCTH AVls i lloUPT, Arcnite:ts. Rooms 21. 2ft and 2i'i Commonwealth b'ld'R. Scranton I,' L WALTER, Architect Library liuii.i j inif, Wvomlng avenue. Scranton. D V L. HKOWN. Arch B Architect, Price I bnlkllng.lM ushlngton Ave.,Scrauton. MISCBI I A N Lot's. nit I ON D. SWAitTS- WHoLESa'LE i I 1 1 lumber. 8 aud U Scranton. Pa. Dime Bank building. EOAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' lUDDilea, enveionea, mikv bags. twm. Vturehouja, 180 Wasbingtou ave, Scranton. Pa. TPRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE I sale dealers iu Wood ware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. BAUBB'S l tRCllESTRA - MCsYo "koT balls picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and conceit work furnished. For terms nddreaa R. J. Hnuer. conductor, 117 Wyoiuiug nve , over llulbert's music store. ,V.UA FiNN i SONS, builders and contracT j tors. Vurds: Corner Olive st. und Adams uve ; corner Ash st. and Penn nve , Scranton SF.KIIS. C'V rTcLARK ft CO., Seolsmen. FforlsM Tt and Kurserrmenj stora us Washington avenue; green boiise, I8S.I North Main uvenue; -lore telephone 7s:.' I IAS. UIIANdT'NIoN TEA CO., Jones Bro-i. " 1KB s, iti: ns. OS KUBTTBU all Lackawanna nvomu. ft Scianton. Pu . ma:uil"r of Wire Sereens fFHE DUTHE1L STUDIO, OIK LACKAWANNA AVENUE, A Old SCRANTON, I'A. sV m y uiiau isaoi-, a roniraer wun a S 11 frame factory to turn out 1,090 d fT Irani s between now and Chr st $ v mas, 1 lsh to announce to the nub lie that I will make a ULNUINE CRAYON PORT It A I V copied I rom any small one ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. LATKBT siM I s OB FRAMES 1 ROM 91 .50 I r w A it u Workmanship guaranteed. Frames o0 per cent, less than regular price E. DCTHB1L, Artist. DUPONT'S MININU, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Mauufncturodat the Wapwallopen Mills. Lu cerne county Pa., audatWIl iniugton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oeneral Agent for the Wyoiulug District, uB Wyoming Ave, Scranton Pa. Ihird National Bank Buildiug. AOMOtta. TIIOS. FORD, Plttaton. Pa. JOHN SMITH SON: Plymouth Pa. E. W. Ml'LLlGAN, Wllkes-Barro. Pa. Agents lor the Rcpunuo Chuuitoal Com pany's Hlgb Explosives A Handsome Complexion Is one of tho greatest charms a woman can lmsscsa PotsoNi's Complexion Powdeb gives It. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY. JAX. 29. ,d appearance here and only Visit till season. BARN A BEE, KARL and McDoNALD S Robin Hood Opera Go. An exceptional cast, Including Fatimah Diard, JeiOtM Stvkes. Mary Palmer. K, S. Wentwoi th, Agues Stone. R. ss David, Ethel Balcbe. C. E. I.andie, And a stroug chorus. Special Scenery. Elab rate Costumes. Special Pr.ees Parbir, $1.24; orchestra, or chestra circle and two first rows ot balcony Si ; remainder of balcony, 74a; gallery, 2ftc. Sale opens Krlday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAN. 1. FIRST TIME HERE. Chas. Frohmans Comedians The only original company of the name, In their latest aucceas. MRS. GRUHDY, JR. Adapted by author of "Beau It, annuel," Mr. Clyde Fitch, trom the Parlslau success, "Coruigun VaX Cornigan." , Twenty one Capable Actors, (.treat Divorce riul Scene. Sale opens Tuesday N. H. P.ROOKS, Supt. nnd Lecturer. HARRY THORN E. Stage Manager. Veek .-ommeneiiur MONDAY..! ANL'AllV 'Ja Wonderland's : Winter : Circus, THE NO KLTV OF0'l'i;riF.S A Theatre Transformed Into uiCircus Iu Mid winter, lowna, AcFoBaiia, Bat eplnnon, Blocle Kl,;ers, loot Jogglei-s. nsrons Men. lie Walkci. Cannon Unit .fugglers. l-unny Donkeys, King Master. Red Lemonade and Sawdust. In fact, the whole business. SpkclALNOTICE-Heiealtur.OperaChttira can be reservod, by numbers, afternoons inly, for the evening performance without extra charge. Secure your seats iu advance. lOc. to back of balcony: 20c. to front of balcony and rear parquette; aoe.opera cbalra. Performances at I JJ and b. 16 p.m. Doors open at 1.00 and 7. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. 1 LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal umed exclusively, insuring cleauliness and omfort. TIME 1'AULL IX IU'EI.'T JAN 14, 1S9I Trains leave Scraulou for Pittstou. Wilkes Barre, etc.. at BM .IJ, 11.30 a. m.. 12.00. 2 0 t. ir, o.isi, ,.so, ii.vs p. m. Sunuays OUO a. in , 1.00, 2.00, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, b 10 a. m. For New York. Newark and Elisabeth. 8.10 express; a.m.. 12.3U . express with Buffet parlor car I, 0 ::o (express I p. m. Sunday. 2.tO p. m. Fob Maitii chi nk, ai.i .imtowx, Bethlc iiem, Easton and PmiAiiKi.eiiiA. - in a. in.. 5.U0 (except Philadelphia i p in. Sunday, 2 00 p. m For Loxo Bhahi b, Ocean Obove. etc., st K10a. m., lli.80 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Hurrijburg. via Allentowu, H.lOa. m.. 1S.S0, .".00. p.m. Sunduy. 1MB p. m. For Pottsville. 1.10s, in . 13 30 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot o: Libertv slrest. North river, at M", n-xpreasi u. in.'. LIU, 1.30, 4.3U (express with Buffet parlor can p. m. Sunday. 4.91 a. in Leave Philadelphia. Keudiug Terminal. 8.4 a. m , 2.00 and 4 Kl p m. Suudav. 0 27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rate may be had on application nmdvauceto the ticket agent at Ihistathu. 11 f BALDWIN. Otti Pass Aaelit. J. H OLHADBEK, Oeu. Supt. J EH10H VALLEY RAILROAD Train leave Seranton for Philadelphia and New Wk via. D A H 'R R at s )j jy. 2.35 and 11 3Ap. m via D.. L. A . P.. K . mi-, 11. 0 a.m.. and 1.80, S.50 p. in. Leave Scranton for Pittstou and Wfffc' Barre via D., L ft W. It. R., 8 0s. II 2J a. in . 1.30, 860, Ii.ij7, j). m. Leave Seranton for White Haven, llailetoti. Pottsville and all points on tne Beaw-r Meadow aud Pottsville branches, via D. ft li. R R. at sa.m .. 12 lo, 8.38, 1 10 p.m . via D . I. ft v . K. H . us. 12 lo urn.. I. 840 pjn Leave scrunton for Betnlehem. Baston. Reading. Harrisburg and all intermediate points via D. ft H. R R.. s u.m ,12.10, 188, II. 15 p.m., via D.. L ft W. R R...o. 11.20 a. m . I M 3.40 p.m. i Leave Scranto i lor Tunkhaiiiiojk. To.v utds, Elmlra. Itoaea, Geneva and all intcrui jdiati points via D. ft H R R.. 1 25 and 11.8". p. m., via D. L. ft W R. K . V !W a in.. 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for R s.hester. Budalo. a: agara Falls, Detroit Chicago and all poiuts west TiaD. ft H R. Ii. 1 23.tU5.ll X, p. m.. vu D. L ft W. p.. Ii. and Pittstou Junctkm tj 41 a. in. for Bulta.o only I, 1 30 0 3i p. m , via E ft W. R .R.. l.lo p. in. For Elmlra and th west via Salamanca, via T), ft H. K. R. at U. lip. m.. via D . L. ft W R. By ii, O.aC a. m. and u.u7 p. m. Pullman parlor ml sleeping or L. V. chair ears on all trains between L. ft R Junction or Wilkes-Barre aud New York. Philadelphia, Bnflalo and Ssbpeiisiou Bridge. HOLL1N II W1LBFR. Won Supt. East Div CHAS. S. Ll E lien. Pas,. Ag t. Phila .Pa. AW.KONNBMa0BBR.Asi t Qju Pass g t. South Bothleheiu, Pa. EDEN MUSEE Week Cotnnencing Jan. 29. OUMIO HALL. f r - ,. i-, . -a-' a I.Vai Ji'.---"t'..W ajw. ConnectingLink AT LAST FOUND. JAMES MORRIS, The Wonderful Elastic Skin Man. The Original London Punch and Judy. DELAWARE AND IIL'D SON RAILROAD. Commencing May SO, 180ft trains will run as follows Trains leave Bridge Street BUtJon, Scranton. for Pitts t,m. Wilkes Barre. etc.. h.00. 1.07. 8.87, 10 42 a. m . 12.10. 1.24. 2.3s 4.10. 4,14, 6.15. V. 15 and ll.u p. in. For New ork and Phlla delohia. sou a. m. 1210. U8. 4.10 and II 30 p. in For Honesdale , (rom Delaware. Lackawanna and western depot , 7.IW, 5.30. 10.10 .m . 12.00 in.. 2. 17. 4.10 p. m. For Carl o-idale and Intermediate stations. "..40. 7 00, ,s.;n. 10.10 a. m . 12.00 m ,i 17, 3.2'.,j In. 0.2.1 and ti :I5 p. iu ; trom Plidge bireet Depot. 2.01 a. m., 2.l7uud ',1 C4 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl rcudsck leoantalu". Lost m nnd New England points. .V40 a. in., at n vint at Albany 12.45 Barataga 2.20 p. , snd leavinr Boranton at j p. m . arriving ut Alhanv at 4.80 p. in. . Sara toga. 12.44a. 111 . and I: -'o ;.il a. m. Tne only direct route between the coal Held and Boston ' The Leading Tourists' Rout of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re sorts. Lakes Oeorge and Champlaiii. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and tht'.ugh train service between stations ou ull divisions Dela ware und Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket office j. B. . YOUNU. J, W. BUBDICK, Second Vice President. Oeu. Pass. Agt, Dil.AW.iRF. LACKAWANNA AND u EBTERN rai road Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and all js.lnts East. 1..VI, 8.40, 4.14, 8.00 aud 840 a. ui. ; 12 J afld 3 50 p. in Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 51. . s oO and BIM a in : IBM and 3 50 p. in. Washington and way stations. 2 .40 p, 111. Tohyhanna accommodation, it 10 p. m. Expr ss for Blngbuniton. Oswego. Elmirn. Curnlng. Bath. Dausvilie, Mount Morris aud Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. m. and I 24 , m.. making 1 lose connections at Buffalo to all points In the West. Northwest and Southwe'. Buffalo accommodation, v ,08 a. in Binghauitou uud way stations. 12.17 p. m. Nicholson nnd wac stations. 5 4ft p. iu. Bingbamton and Elmira Express, 0 06 p, in. Express tor Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego, UUOaaaa BtohfleU Springs, 2.15 a. m. and l.'.'l in. ltliica."l.',aiid H'O a. 111 and 1 SI P. ni. lor Northumberland. Pittstou, Wnkes Barre. Plvinouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllllanuport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland I intermediate stations, ti.00. 850 a. m. and 190 and 6.07 n. m. Nanttcoke and Intermediate station. SiW and U.!U a. m Plyinuutb aud luieruiedlutj stations. O.iOand 0.8s p. 111. Pullnuin parlor und sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Inforinuliou. pocket Urn tables, etc , apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket otttui. 32s Laekawaunaavenu'.'. or depot UOaet ofxtos, tHKATBIt lfAnRY S. EATON 3 Afro-American Vaudeville Company. A stricriy moraleiiteitainmeut. Tho onlyle gltlmate Colored Vaudeville Company before the public. UP 10 MTE, EVERYTHING NEW, Admission, 10c. THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune V'KW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN 1 Railroad. Scranton Division. Tim table In effect Nov 10. IBB. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondalc: 0.40, 183, 11.05 a. in., 4.5U, 8.10 p. m For Hancock Junction and main connections 11.05 a m . 8 10 u. m. Trains leuve HiincocV Junction for main line connection for Scranton, 0 00 u.m .'i.U'i n. iu. Trains leave Cut bondalo for Scrnutou 7.21, 8 15 a.m., 1.10, 3.34, 0.16 p iu. J. C. ANDERSON, Oeneral Passenger Agent, New York. T. FL1TCROFT, Dlitrict Passeugor Auent, Boranton 1 RIE AND WYOM1NO VALLEY RA1L Vj ROAD. Train leave Scranton for New York and in termedlate points on the Erie and Hawlev and local point at 8 35, v.", a. m. aud 824 p m. Train leaving at 0 45 a. m. and 3 24 p. ui. are through trains to and from l onesdale. Trains leavo for Wllk-Barreat4.40a. m. and 3 11 p. m.