The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 29, 1894, Image 1

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    I ARItiHTNESS, good humor
K ;iud snap are the essen-
Mais of successful jour
S uulisui.
- - - 4. 4k. - "M
6 "- I"IWSB W
X PURSUANCE of this be
lief, THE TRIBUNE will
do its best to push stead-
ily ahead.
nws m
Present Status ol tbe Measure as Contrasted
with Its First Form.
There Is a Growing Belief That This
Populistic Feature of the Measure,
Although Odious t Many Demo
crats, Will Be Forced Through
Under the Crack of the Party Whip.
Some of the Modifications That
Have Been Made in the Various
Schedules Hawaiian Topics to Oc
cupy the Senate's Time.
Washington, Jan. 28.
THERE will now h a OMMtloo for
a time of tariff talk in tba housa
anil the members will addre
themselves for three days this
week to tbe mysteries and perplexities
ami pros And cons of the income tax
The McMillin bill upon this subject re
ported to the bouse from the commit
tee on ways and means last Wednes
day will be submitted tomorrow as an
amendment to the Wiliou custom
bill so as to unite in one measure all
tho schemes for raising reveuue aaide
from tbe sales of bonds.
Tho general debate on this proposi
tion will occupy Monday and Tuesday
with night sessions, and on Wednesday
the bill will be considered under the
five minute rnle for amendments. The
general debate will be opened by Mr.
McMillin, of Tennessee, the author of
the measure. Some of the leaders of
the house who have taken little or no
part in the tariff debate will doubtless
be heard on this proposition. Mr.
Pence, tbe Democratic Populist of
Colorado, will propose to .mi n I the
bill by the adoption of a graduated tax
on incomes, runnir.g from 8 to 10 per
cent and which he believes will pro
duce over a hundred millions iustead of
thirty millions, tbe estmuto of tbe
pending bill.
After the vote shall have been taken
in committee of the whole on Wednes
day afternoon on making the income
md whiskey tax scheme a part of the
Wilson bill the lnttor will bo ready to
report on Thursday to the house for
ratification. Before tbe final vote is
taken, however, Mr. Reed, Mr. Wilson
and Mr. Crisp will address tba bouieoa
",he general subject of tariff and rev
inue, their text being the perfected
bill. It is likely that a vote will not be
reached until lato on Thursday, and
possibly not before Friday.
The Wilson bill has considerably
changed since it was reported to the
house several weeks ago and not alw.iyi
in accordance with the desires of the
committee on ways and nutans, Two
or three of tbe defeats the committee
have sustained have been notable, but
they retrieved one of them yesterday
in re-establishing the time when the
free wool and manufactured wool
schedules should go into effect. The
house in committee, of the whole have
decided Jin favor of Representative
Tom L. Johnson's motion to h ive both
go into operation on the day of the ap
proval of tbe bill. Yesterday the wars
und means committee got the dates re
stored as proposed by them free wool
Aug, 1, 1894, and manufactured wool
Dec. 1, 1894.
Another defeat from which the
committee did not recover re
sulted in placing all sugars, raw
and refined, on the free list
Hnd abolishing the bounty at once.
This was the most important incident
In the consideration of the bill. All at
tempts to take iron ore, coal and lum
ber from tbe free list were unsuccess
ful. Among the more important changes
effected in the text of the bill as re
ported were the following: Reducing
the duty on pig iron and manufactured
iron in sixteen paragraphs 5 per caut.
generally, and increasing the duty on
naile and screws 5 per cent. ; putting
plows, rakes, disc and tooth harrows,
threshers, cotton gins aaB (arresters on
the free list (over the committee's ob
jection), and striking out the recipro
city clause from the petroleum para
The senate will probably wind up
the election law debate this week as far
as the Republicans are roncerned.
Hawaiian relations are still an open
question in the senate. The resolution
reported from the committee on for
eign relations declaratory of the sense
of the congress in the matter is still
pending. Notwithstanding the fact
that the report was almost unani
mous, it appears that some of
the Republican senators follow
ing in the lead of Mr. Allison,
find the first section, declaring against
annexation at the present time, objeo
tionable to them. So it may be that
the resolution, which at first promised
o pass speedily, will continue to occupy
the attention of the senate for some
time, and particularly is tnis probable
if an issue is raised by tbe moving of
the Dolph amendment, requesting the
recall of Mr. Willis, or by Mr. Vest's
insistence upon hi amendment materi
ally Humifying the language of the
section touching annexation.
More Hawaiian Correspondence May Be
Sent to Cong-rssa.
Washington, Jan. 28 The mail
from Honolulu, by the Monowai, which
arrived in Han Francisco a week ago
Thuraday, was received in the city yes
day. It was confidently expected that
this mail would bring President Dole's
letter to Minister Willis containing
the specifications of charges made by
Dole against Willis in the "extraordi
nary letter" which President Cleveland
transmitted to congress.
Nothing was transmitted to congress
on the subject today. . It it believed,
however, that the above mentioned let
ter of President Dole u in the
handi of the secretary of state. It
is likely to go to congress on Monday.
This letter is said to contain a detailed
specification of the acts of Minister
Willi, which President Dole de
mandtd an explanation of in his "ex
traordinary letter." The specification
W said to be elaborate and on the same
lines as bin original assertion regard
log Minister Willis' acts.
Plan to Build One of the Largest Milla in
the World.
HaZLETON, Jan. 28 - -Negotiations are
now leiug made to loeate a ai Ik mill
here, which of its Kind will be one of
the largest in the world. The projec
tors of the concern are Reed and Lovett,
the present operators of the Weath
erly mills. The new mill, it is pro
posed, will contain :W,0U0 spiudles and
employ liUO hands.
The Lehigh Valley railroad company
has off-red a site south of the city.
Arrangements for the construction of
buildings costing $25,000 are being
made. These are to be fitted with ma
chinery costing $10,000. For the first
time In six months the Weatherly silk
mill went into full blast yesterday.
i The Drama ol Reconciliation to Have Another
Interesting Chapter.
The Beautiful City of Kuchan,
Persia, Is Completely Annihilated
by an Earthquake.
San FuANCISCo, Jan. 28 Additional
advices by the steamer H-lgio from
China, announce the complete anni
hilation bv earthquake of the town of
Kuchan, Persia. Ten thousaud corpses
had been recovered to date
The once important and beautiful
city of 20,000 people is now only a
scene of death, desolation and terror.
Fifty thousand cattle were destroyed
at the same time.
- -
Protest of the American Protective
Tariff League to Congrees.
New TORI. Jan. 28 The Protective
Tariff leagu- has prepared a protest
against the Wilson tariff bill, which is
addressed to congress and will be sent
to that body at once. Tne league sets
forth its several objections to the bill
as follows:
tiecause it will reduce wnges: because it
will give employment to foreigners: be
cause it violently strikes at the protective
system; because it is folly to suppose we
can buy from foreigu countries and still
give our own people more employment
and better wages: becanse it will be time
enough to capture the markets of the
world wheu we are assured of our own.
The passage of the bill, the ieague
protest declares, will increase ami
make more permanent the present evil,
will lower the standard of living, and
will rob the American producer of the
American markets.
Lively Little Railroad War Now Rasing
in Utah Mountains.
Denver, Jan. 28. A peculiar rail
road war between the San Pete Valley
railroad and the Rio Grand Western is
reported from Manti, Utah. The
former line is 44 miles long and runs
down the valley from Nepui, where it
connects with the Union Pacific to
Manti. For over half this distance it
parallels the Western, and to compel
this line to come to terms on a local
rate the Sin Pete is carrying passen
gers aud freight free.
The manager declares he is able to
keep this up for seven years, unless the
Western eomes to time. The San Pete
railroad is owned by an English com
pany and is a narrow gauge.
Ui-or Measure Introduced Into the
Ohio State Senate.
Columbus, o , Jau. 28. a bill which
claimed a great deal of atteution was
presented in the Ohio senate vesterday
and provides that a person makiug a
will or distributing his or her property
shall not disinherit any of the children
and shall only have the disposition of
two-thirds of the estate, the balance
going as directed by law.
The idea is to do away with favorit
ism in the making of wills aud prevent
the tendency to entail riches upon the
few which, it is olaimed.statittici show
has grown to an storming extent.
Knighte Make the Ann- Bond Case Very
Much Stronger.
Washington, Jan. 18, -Very ma
terial ino litications will be made in
the Knights of Labor petition for an
injunction against the issue of bonds by
Secretary Carlisle before it is pre
sented in court tomorrow.
The petition ha been broadened in
many respects particularly on technical
points, which, as the council antici
pate will make the petitioners right to
a standing in court clearer and more
The last registry discloses 37, 18,r voters
in Berks county. lt'vllOof tbein in Read
Allentown has $J11 left from its Liberty
Bell receptlou fund of November to give
to tho needy poor.
City licenses have just been enforcod in
four test cases iigainst owuers of coal aud
beer delivery wagons atLebanon.
Many bogus checks are charged up
against W. A. Snyder, a 1'ittsbuig
bucket shop" broker who lias failod.
Carnegie's right-handed man. H. C.
Frick, has given $7,50(1 to the Braddock
school board, which Las a deficit to meet.
Two 10-ycar-nld burglars, Willie tmith
and Harry Meyer, broke into Ksterly's
hajdwaie store, hi l'ittsville, and are in
Pittsburgers and Alleghnnians proposes
to make such improvements that they
can use the Allegheny river boats as a
belt line for all local railroads,
A Lancaster jury awarded 11,275 dam
ages to Harry Kaull'uold. 12 yoars old, for
the loss of part of his hand iu the Coues
toga Cork company's elevator.
A kerosene oil dealer, of Shamokin,
Thomas Uibbons, was fatally burned by
striking a match for his pipe and sotting
his clothing afire while out driviug.
Fcul play is feared in the case of Harry
Daub and William Stohr, young men who
Mysteriously disappeared from their
homes in Fredericksburg, near Lebanou.
In Return for the Courtesy of the
Man of Iron's Journey to Berlin
the Younc, Monarch Will Conde
scend to Return the Call by a Spe
cial Itinerary to Friedrichsruhe.
Count Herbert Bismarck to Get a
Fat Diplomatic Position.
London, Jan. 28
S rJlIE Hamburg correspondent of
tho Central News says that Em
U peror William intends to visit
Prince Hismarck at Friedrichsruhe this
week. The. visit, however, may be de
ferred until the prince's birthday, in
BERLIN, Jan. 28 - As more details of
Prince Bismarck's short sojourn in
Berlin are ascertained, it becomes
plainer that the reconciliation was di
vested carefully of political import
Certain newspapers persist in enlarg
ing on the probable political results of
his reported conferences with Emperor
William aud Chancellor Von I'anriyi.
but such a course is not warranted by
the lacts.
It Is kuown positively that Bis
marck s private conversation with the
emperor lasted but ten minutes and
that l iprivi did not talk with bun at
all. The report that the old and new
chancellor had a conference arose from
a caso of mistaken identity. Adjutant
tieneral t ount on Lehndortf, who
resembles the chancellor, called npon
the prince and was supposed by several
newspaper men to be tho chancellor
hiuisslf. The prince did not desire to
talk politics with either tne emperor or
tue chancellor and refrained carefully
dnriDg bis reception at the royal pal
ace irom an allusions to public ntiaus
Bismarck's visit in Berlin gave him
unmixed pleasure. Nothing occurred
to jar his feeling. Dr. Schweninger
savs that the -visit had tho best eff ct
o:i the health of the prince who on tho
night ot bis return to rreldriohsrhne
enjoyed an exceptionally long and pro-
round sleep. Uiunt Herbert Bismarck
who went back to r reidrichsruhe with
bis father, returned to Berlin the same
night as the emperor had expressed a
wish to see him at the birthday recep
tion on Saturday. Yesterday he was
at court. In the diplomatic circle it is
now accepted as probable that count
Herbert will be appointed ambassador
to Austria-Hungary in the room of
Prince Reuss, who has resigned.
Austria-Hungarian politicians would
hail his coining as a happy outcome of
the reconciliation, signifying the ces
sation of Prince Biamark's efforts to
discredit Austria-Hungary as an
efficient ally of Germany.
Judge Endlich Decides Against the Aud
itor Oeneral'a Instructions.
Reading, Jan. 28. William Calder,
manager of "The Span of Life" com
pany, playing an engagement at the
Academy of Music, wus arreted for
refusing to pay a license of $"0 under
the act of 1H1.T At a habeas corpus
bearing before Judge Endlich ho was
discharged, il having been shown that
the performances aregiveu by Johu D.
Mishler, the lessee of the house.
In his opiniou Judge Endlich said
Mr. Mishler was t he proprietor or les
see of the Academy, had paid v,i
license for his theatr, and is, in point
of fact, the person who gives the exhi
bition. When a theater is under the
control or a person who pays certain
performers for thoir servicrs. the. eihi
Uitiau is his and not that of the troupe.
- -
Several Lively Collegians of Rutgers
May Be ExpU d
New Brunswick, Jan. 28 Nine
Rutgers collegs students were sum
moned before President Austin Scott
here yesterday morning for participat
ing in tl:e green paint episodes ou
Wednesday and Thursday evening). It
is expected that several will be expelled
from college.
The "senate." the controlling body
of Winant's dormitory, where two
freshmen worn drilled from thoir beila
on Wednesday night and painted green
win see mat tne onenuors are punished
to avenge the indignity.
Schema Involving Bcgaa Pre-Bmptlon
Claimants Unearthed at Duluth.
Duluth, Jan. '& Special Land Of
fice Inspector Swineford has unearthed
what appear to be extensive frauds in
connection with 17 pre-emption ulaiim
on valuable limber lands.
It is alleged that men were picked
up on the streets of Duluth and Super
ior and induced for $2.' each to go be.
fore the land office and file pre-emption
claims, making affidavit! that they had
settled upon the lands covered by the
filing prior to March 8, 1891. The
charges and affidavits have been sent
to Washington.
Virginia Solona Oun for Railroad and
Steamship Companies,
Richmond, Va , Jan. 28,--The Vir
giuiu Legislature seems determine.)
that the railroads shall give them f res
passes. Mr. Cooke, of Norfolk, iu th
house had offered a bill requiring rail
road, steamship and steauiboat com
panies which shall be horeafter char
tered or accept amendment to their
charters heretofore granted, to trans
port free of charge within the Statu
members of the general assembly.
lhe Cooke bill, if pissed, will cause
a contract to be made between the
State aud such transportation com
ptnies as ask for new charters or to
iiave their old charters amended for the
free transportation of members of the
After Losing Monay in Bank He Is Slain
for Hie II ml
CrBBTON, la., Jan 28. R. G. Good
ale, an aged farmer living alone in a
little house near Alton, bus been found
butchered in his hoiiss By the failure
of a bank at Tingley he lost $400. and
has since kept considerable xuuis iu his
There were sixteen wounds on Good-
ale's head and neck, any one of which
would havo caused death. The old
man had, apparently, been knocked
senseless and then subsequent blows
and stabs were given to insure death.
Two pocket hooks carried by him are
missing. Considerable money secreted
iu the house was overlooked by the
. ,
Three Notorious Safe Burglars Brought
to Book in Toledo.
TOLEDO, Jan. 28 John Flavel, alias
Johnny the Rat ; Charles Proctor and
Henry Jackson, three of the most
notorious safe blowers in the United
States, were nrrested Imra on a Mich
igan Central train at 11.80 last night.
A full kit of tools, including nitro
glycerine aud revolve, were found in
Havel's satchels. The trio are wanted
in Cleveland, D-troit and other cities.
They Are Not, Strictly Speaking, Out
on Strike, Neither Locked
Out, but Are Idle.
Trenton, N. J Jan. 28 -The gen
eral ware potters of this city are still
standing out against the proposed re
duction in their wages, and, as they
are thoroughly organized, they say
they will remain out all winter rather
than accept the new scale of wages
posted in the general Ware potteries
last week.
A peculiar feature of the pottery
situation is the fact that the men insist
that they are not on strike, and the
manufacturers say the men are not
locked out. The potteries have not
boen working steadily for some weeks.
The trouble affects at least 5.000 men,
women and boys. No matter by what
name it may be called. 5,000 pottery
employes are out of employment be
cause of the reduction iu the scale of
wages proposed by the manufacturers,
and though business may be in such a
state at this time that the full comple
ment of employes are not i -quired, yet
the meu would not return to work
under the present scale of wages even
if the shop wera busy.
there are twenty-seven potteries in
Trenton, and seven decorating shops.
Of these, twelve potteries are affected
by the rrductiou, aud all except one of
tne decorating shops have posted the
notice of reduction. The sanitary
ware department of none of the pot
teries is in any way affected, there be
ing no reduction propose! iu these departments.
Buckeye Doctors Puzzled Over the Uuear
Case of a Bucyrua Boy.
Bi'CYiti s, O., Jan. 28 A caae that
is attracting considerably mtorest is
that of young Harvey Renvoi), of
Waldo, south of Bucyrns, in Marion
county, lhe boy is mummified below
the knets, a condition that succeeded
a recent lit of vomiting.
1 he physicians say that the feet firat
turned yellow and black, and the mus-
cies resembled dried cartilage, similar
in color and general appearance todark
colored glue. The doctors are unable
to assign a cause for the conditiou,
which has existed for weeks. The boy
seems to be very plucky and cheerful.
Hopo is entertained for his recovery.
Oiirantic Sohime Involving tha Loaa of
$200,000 Unearthed.
Kansas On, Jan 2H - A gigantic
swindle involving f.'uo n has been
unearthed here. It appeirs that the
lumber firms of George W. Howell fc
Co., of Atchison, Kan, and J, H.
ISemis, of Jefferson, Tex , nave beeu
telrauding banks from one end of the
country to the other by meausof fraud
uleut exchange drafts.
One hrm would mage a draft and se
cure the indorsement of the other and
vice versa. Banks in Nebraska, Texas,
Connecticut, Omaha. Chicago, St Louis
and KausaB City are involved.
Clube Will Now Off.r Their Blda for
Next Via- Fight.
PITTSBURG. Jan. 28.- Another offer
of a big purse for the Corbett-Jackson
contest has beon received.
I). Levy, secretary of the Tacoma.
Wash., Athletic club lias wired Jack
son, offering a purso of $40,000 for the
Candidate for Governor of South Caro
lina Standi for Protection.
Columbia. S. C. Jan. 28 Dr. Samp
son Pope, a candidate for governor and
onn of the leaders of the reform Demo
crats of the state, lias come out against
the Wilson bill.
He announces himself In favor of pro
tection to American manufacturers.
Injured In a Stront Car Accident.
San KliANclsio, Jan. lis. -A heavily-
laden electric car overturned at the corner
of Cherry Mid Thirtieth street" last night,
injuring twenty-one outof ninety people
e .
The Barings madn 1517,801 profit last
Mnnv parsons have been frozen to death
at Koorvak, Russia.
Two accomplices of Itamon Morull, the
anarchist, who tried to shoot Barcelona's
governor, are under arrest.
Auarchist societies in and about Carrara,
Italy, are being broken up as the result of
Crispi's summiiry treatment.
Sent to prisou In 1S82 for shooting a Ual
way (Ireland), constable, Michael Walsh
was released ou account of poor health.
Ordered to Be in Readiness to Quell Riot ol
Striking Miners.
The Belief Crows That Instead of Be
ing Shot by the Company IVIen, He
Was Assassinated by His Comrades
in the Conflict at Stean's Bitumi
nous Mines - Great Excitement
Manifested in the Quiet Little Bor
ougb of Mansfield, the Peaceful In
habitants of Which Find Their Usual
Sunday Calm Rudely Shattered.
Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 28.
f ALF the member of Company K
L-, Fourteenth regiment, have just
J J been sworn In as deputies and
also a force of twenty five Mansfield
citizens. The militia will be ready to
move ut a moment's notice, and if nec
essary tomorrow will be increased by a
company from Pittsburg.
MANSFIELD, Pa., Jan 28 Never be
fore did the streets of Mansfield pro
sent such a scene of excitement as tbev
do this evening. News has just arrived
that a buttle is in progress at W. J
Stean's mines, on Tom's Kuu, between
a band of rioters and a force of deputies
Several hundred people throng the
street in front of the squire's office to
hear the verdict, and a largo crowd nas
gathered about the station to learn the
latest from the skirmish.
the report of this last fray was
brought by W. J. Steen, operator of
the mines which bear his name. He
came to Mansfield to secure more depu
ties. It is said an engagement took
place in which a number of shots were
fired. What the result is has not been
learned. Mr. Steen reported that a
number of the rioters had been cHp
tured and are being locked up iu empty
freight cars as a temporary jail, Sheriff
Richards has gone to the scene.
Franz Josef Stepig, the rioter who
was shot during the battle at the Bead
ling mines yesterday, is dead. He died
about noon in the Slavic tenement
house where he was carried and left by
bis comrades. His sufferings were ter
rible until a few minutes before his
death. For some reason or other he
hnd no medical attendance. It is said
unsuccessful attempts were made to
secure the services of doctors at Mans
field. Woodvillo and BriJueville. be
canse, it is alleged, the physicians were
afraid to visit the terrorized district.
Before he expired be made a confes
sion to Gsorge Martenfck, a fellow
countryman, who was present. He
s lid he bad been intimidated into join
ing the ranks of the rioters. He had
been visited by some of the lawless
leaders, aud uot only pursuaded but
oommauded to join them. Terrible
threats were made. Finally through
fear of his life he con
sented to their wishes. He
was among the number who undertook
the Beadliug assault, and was In the
front of the line pushing forward when
shot down. During his last hours he
spoke repeatedly of his family, consist
ing of a wife and child. Ihey live at
Tom's Hun, on property owned by
them. Stepig was an Austrian by
birth and was a naturalized citizen,
having resided iu this cou utry for six
There is a startling rumor regarding
Stepig'e death. It is disputed by Boine
that he was the victim of a bullet from
one of the Beadliug rifles. The course
of the bullet, which passed sideways
through his body, is the basis for
this theory. It is alleged that the bullet
could not have taken this course had
it come from the mine protectors who
wore stationed directly in front of the
This fact has -given rise to the su
Bplcion that the bullet was fired from
the ranks of tbe rioters. Two motives
are assigned for the deed. One, that
he fell a victim to the jealousy of a fel
low Austrian, the other, that he was
branded as a traitor orubout to become
one on account of his eagerness to be in
tho front of the line The testimony
of Matornick, who lives at tSisen, near
the scene of the tragedy, and who
watched over Stepig until he died, is
proof that tho man entered the ranks
of the horde contrary to his own
wishes, acd on account of which he
aroused a spirit of hatred ou the part
of his riotous comrades. All doubts
concerning the alleged suspicions of
foul play will be settled at the inquest
next Thursday.
Champion Skater of Amiica Lowera
MUe Record to in.. 5.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 2S John S. John
son, champion ieo skater of America,
broke the world s mile record of 1 Sg
by skating a mile here iu 1 10 11 5 with
a flying start.
Hsrrv llulse, o! loronto, with a set
start, skated a quarter of a mile iu 36
seconds, beating the best previous rec
ord, which was 117 i! 5.
One Hundred Men Get Employment from
Disavow Iron Company.
PoTTSTOWN, Pa , Jan. 28. The pud
dle mill of the Hlasgow Iron company,
whirl) lias been idle home months,
will resume operations tomorrow, giv
ing employment to about 100 men.
lhe plate mill will also be continued
in operation.
and let himself down to the roof of an
adjoining out-kifohsn. He swung
himself clear of the roof of this
building and clutched the limb of a
He then slid to the ground and scaled
tenee, entering the premises of a
neighbor. Ho rapped loudly on tbe
door awakening the family. He was
sound asleep and almost frozen to death
when taken in the house and it took
quite a while to thaw him out.
-e -
Facytory ville'a Famous Epiok Turns
Out to Be Flash and Mood.
Sfn'i-iaf in thf Srumtoit Tribune.
FaOTORYVILLB, Jan. 28 The Fac
toryville spook uiysteryhas at last been
solved. A village man went to the
scono where tbe spook personage was
wont to appear, taking with him a double-barrelled
shotgun. He waited a few
minutes in a dark passageway of the
barn, and soon bis patience was re
warded as he saw the object of bis
Raising bis gun to his shoulder be
wus about to discharge the firearm
when the person of ghost like pursuits
cried out, "Don't shoot, its me." The
identity of "me" was not revealed, but
tho ghost has not bteu seen since.
Probable End of the West Verginia
Lawlessness of Which Doc Tay
lor was the Ringleader.
Lancaster Youth F und at a Neighbor'
House Nearly Froaen.
LakcasTKK, Pa., Jan. 28. -A remark
able cas" of souilmmlmlism occurred
here early vesterday morning when
the lii-year-old son ot Robert J. Evans
left his bed in his night dress, oponed
door, climbed upon the balcony rail t warmer nmth ttXnds
New Your, Jan. 88. A special to
the Sun from Big Stone U ip, Va , says i
Three Virginia officers tracked ttie two
Fleming brothers from tnis county to
West Virginia, aud found thum on
Thursday in a store in Bjggs, a lonely
little rsltroad town more than fifty
miles from a railroad. Cal Fleming
was shot instantly through the brain.
Heenari. his brother, shot each of the
three officers. He was shot iu his chin
and had the fingers of bis right baud
shot away.
He shot Ed Hall through the back of
the head, Doc Swindell through the
neck, and John Branham through the
right lung. Than he gave up. Cal
Fleming lived long enough to ask to
be brought back home, but was buried
where he was killed. Heenan is iu jail
at Nicholasville, and will probably re
cover. Branham is dead and buried
near Cal Fleming. Hall and Swindell,
who are badly wounded, oame home
yesterdey. The Flemings were the ac
complices of old Doc Taylor, who was
hanged in this county last November
for the murder of the Mullina family
nearly two years ago. Taylor aud the
Flemings built a blind and waited for
their victims a week in ambusa.
They killed old Ira Mnllins, his wife,
his son, an idiot driver and a hired
boy. They shot the two horses and
riddled the wagon. For a long time
Odor and the Flemings evaded the
officers. Even after Taylor was caught
aud convicted the Flemings boasted
openly of tbe murder and detied arrest.
Train Robbr Cauaht Trying to Fire Out
of One of Its Eyes.
DSADWOOD, S. D., Jan. 28 A train
gobber named John Dalton, was cap
tured by oue of the Northwestern Ex
press messengers yesterday. Dalton
had himself expressnd on the inside of
a stuffed buffalo, but this Greek game
was spoiled by his removing oue of tho
animal's glaBs eyes, through the socket
of which he stuck a six-shooter, cover -
enng the messsnger.
lhe latter, howeyer, got out of range
and leaped on the back of the stuffed
animal. The back caved in and ho
dropped on the robber inside, and sat
on bun until tho next station was
reached, when Dalton was turned over
to the authorities. The safe contained
But the Margin of Vitality la Not Verv
Piiii.Aur.i.i'iiiA, Jan. 28 -At 4 o'clock
this afternoon Mr. Childs fell asleep
and up to 6 o'clock he had not awnk
oned. His sleep was quiet and natural
and no change was uotiueable iu his
Up to 9 UO tonight there had been no
change in .Mr. Childs' coudition aud his
physicians believe he will live through
the night.
Manager Hanlon, of the Orioles, Offers
Him Princdv Mnn to Flay.
BALTIMORE, Jan. 2K Manager Han
lon, of the Baltimoro Base Ball clnh,
has drawn upacoutract ottering ( ham-
pion Jim Corbett $10,000 to play with
the Orioles the coming season.
( orbett is a tine ball plaverand made
juite a reputation on the Pacific slope.
' -
A big snowstorm preails throughout
New Knglaud.
The birthday of Kinperor William was
celebrated with much brilliancy.
Champion Corbett has refused an offer
of 10, nun a seasou to play with the Balti
more Base Hall tiiam.
.lames .1. Corbett sparred three rounds
at Madison Souare garden Saturday night
and was welcomed by ti.OOU people.
Tho steamer Ktliehvald from Port An
tonio, was struck by a gale on Jan. 13, aud
three of the crew were badly Injured.
i'he value of the proposed site for a now
mint at Philadelphia has boen fixed at
1400, S&0. Tho entire cost of tho mint will
be 11,900,000,
The National Saengerfest will take place
at Madison Spuire Harden, New York
fune 38-0& Seventy thousand persons are
Jt pec ted to attend.
The streetcar company at Bridgeport,
'nun., lias stopped trying to run cars as
the strikers have prevailed upon the peo
ple not to patronise the company,
The rioting Hum, Slavs mid Poles at
Biidgeville, Pa., near Pittsburg, have dis
appeared, after creating sad havoc among
the inhabitants. A baud of twenty citl-
lis pursued the rioUis nnd captured
sixteen of them.
WsranrotOS, dan. ?S.
for 'luvstlati: Fat eo.vam IVnn.
-i nffainia, Wr tn (As morning,
i (Mm! mm in euirniMi wrmnrr
ami probably nun during (Ac night,
510 AND 512
LACKA. avenue.
Extraordinary Value.
We have opened a line of
Figured Louisienne
For Waists and Dresses.
95c. a Yd.
The former price, $1 .35.
(They cannot be duplicated)
Also a new line of Solid
lilack Brocaded
India Silks and Satins
In newest designs.
Our Plain Black Satin
Duchesse at 89 cents.
Former price, $1.25.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tminod Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa,
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of ev-fry description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
Will dkm fvorv t-veoing t 0.80 p.m.
UCOSpt Saturday.
We Examine Ejes
Free of oharge, fa doctor
needed you are promptly told
so. We also guarantee a per
fect lit.
AT COS T for one week only.
W, J. f BEL,