6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27. 1694. LIVE NEWS OF TWO Events of the Upper End of Luzerne County Briefly Narrated. MEETING OF CITIZENS' COMMITTEE Names of Nominees for Ward Officers Are Presented and Ratified Tallie Evans Resigns the Nomination for Borough Auditor and the Vacancy Is Filled by the Nomination of John P. Green Impressive Funeral Ser vices Over the Remains of Thomas Lynsky Other Pittston Topics. Tin Scrantun TRIBUHt'l Pittston de partment Is iu chargo of J. M. Fahy, to whom pews items and complaints may bo referred. The citizeus' nominating committee met in the town hall lust evening. The meeting was oalled to order soon after s o'clock by Chairman Bioholtier, who in a brief speeuli alluded to the impor tance ot the meeting. William Drury made a motion, which was seconded, that the meeting, beginning with the ?rst ward and continuing down, ratify the nomination of the several catnli ibites nude at the ward caucuses. Thomas Cody submitte I the following list from the UraC ward: School direc tor, Thomas McK-an; constable, John L. D.ake; Judge of elec tion, Thomas Cody; inspector of election Thomai Mctiarry; justice of the Peace, John J. Jordan, Scott Wagon of the Second ward, presented the following list of persons: Cvuuoil man, Thorn is Ryan; school director, l'liomae J. O'Brien; ju Ige of election, Thomas W. O'Brien : inspectors, W. C. Walburn. Jo'.in Connell of the Third ward, ptes-uted the following list of names: Councilman, M. J. Lvuott, school director, M. J. Langau. Joseph H Morns of the Fourth ward: Coun cilman, Joseph Snowden ;ward assessor, William Thomas; judge of election, Matthias Kemas; inspector of election, John A. Tonhill. Joiiu McDouahl pres ented the following nuiues: School direc tor, Joltn Gordou; councilman, Francis Tracey ; judge of election, Joseph Kar Dyj inspector of election, Daniel O'Donuell; constable, Johu Prouder gastj William Abbott presented the following name from th Second dis trict of the Sixth ward: Robert Suiclet. Joseph Loftua, of the Seventh ward, presented the following names: Coun cilman, George B. Reap; school direc tor, Alexander Brydeu; assessor, George Hagadorn; jude of election, A. B. Brown; inspector of election, George Buss. The committeemen from the Eishth ward stated that there was nothing lint a board of election to be elected. It was therefore decided to endorse the Democratic ward caucus nominees. William Drnry presented the followinz list of names from the Ninth ward: Councilman M. N. Donnelly; school director John McNamara, judge of election, William Foster; inspector of election; Thomas Craig; constable; John Glynn; jus tice of the peace, Michael Lyons. There being no committeeman pres ent from the TenthWnrd.it was de cided to allow the list to remain un filled. George B. Dendle, of the Eleventh Ward, presented the follow ing names: Councilman, Goorgo Lov 11; School Director, Anthonv Eirley; Judire of Election, Edward McDonnell ; Inspector, Thomas Jordan: Roister Assessor, Georgn B. D-ndle. Mr. Gill, of the second ward, ob jected to the ratification of the names presented from the First and S'cml wards on the ground that the caucuses were hold without the knowledge of the v. it thermit, and therefore were not Citizens' nominees as the meeting might be led to believ. No attention, however, was pud to Mr. Gill's re marks, the chairman olaiming the meeting was not the pluci to settle any dispute, but the ward whereiu the alleged trouble existed, Tallin Evshs having declined the nomination for borough auditor, John P. Green's name was lUbstituted. FUNERAL OF THOMAS LYNSKY. It Takes Flaot at St. John's Church and I. WU Attended. The remains of the late Thomas Lynsicy were borne to their last resting place yesterday morning. The body, followed by a larire concourse of people was conveyed at 0 o'clock to St John's church, where a requiem uihss was celebrated. At the close of the mass Very Rev. Father Finuen preached an eloquent sermon in which he feelingly alluded to the Christian impulses of the deceased The rem ins were interred in Market Street cemetery. The pallbearers were: Edward Delauey, Patrick Bums, Michael Daley, Patrick Corcorun, John Kenuedy and Martin Murphy. PITHY PITTSTON LOCALS. News of the Day Put Into Bright Little Paragraphs. There was no meeting of the school board Inst evening. There are 7lf applicants for licanae in the borough this year John Burns, of Avoo.i, has, through his atthrney.J. M. Hsrris, of Scran ton, entered suit against t.i Scrantou Trac tion company. On Doc. 30 his dangh ter, Sadie, was run down by a car on Lackawanna aveune, and was perma nently injured. Ho claims damages to the amount of $'.'30. The Ctiri t "i Endeavor society of t ie First Baitst church held a very enjoyable sod tl at the residence of Rotiert Smiles, on William street, Thursday evening, at which there was a large attendance. The Fitzpatrick family moved into their new home on Wiliiain street, the residence formerly owued by ex-Sheritl William O Malley. The Young Men's Christian associa tion basket ball team vanquished the Scranton team by a score of 123 to (I at the former's rooms Thursday evening. The Luzerne Knitting mills resumed operations yesterday after about six weeks' idleness. Rozelle Boos., who built the breaker for the Grand Rapids Coal company bought the personal Drop-rty and the lease for the coal laud for $1,010 Thurs day. The one hundred and thirty-fifth an niversary of the birth of the Scottish poet, Robert Bnrns, was m st appro priately celebrated by the members of the Caledonian club, at their rooms on South Main street, Thursday evening. Oiorge H. Mitch-dl, James A Brydeu, A. J. Colborn, of Scranton, and several others delighted those present wita en tertaining speeches and witty remsrks. One of the grievances that caused the recent Lehigh Valley strike was remedied Thursday, when an order went into effect all over tho system re quiring the car inspectors and car cleaners to couple and uncouple all steam and air brake hose between pas tenger cars. Braketnen formerly did this at the risk of soiling their uni forms which they were paying for themselves, and which had to be kept bright and new. JOYCE STILL HANGS ON. The Euerfstlo Piiuclpul of the Conti nental Is a Slaysr. flittial to the fibre at Oa Tribune TAYLOR, Pa., Jan. 80. Will Martin Joyce please step down from tho prin cipalship of the Continental eohopl, or will he insist upon holding the ground he has held for weeks against the wishes of the people? Tho school board met on Thursday night to take action. U was a special session. Major Ever ett Warren, the directors' counsel, was present and gave legal advice, Mr. Joyce's attorneys were not present. The following directors voted for his removal: Morgan, Timlin, Gibbous, Evans, Dtvis and Burleigh. The board means tight, and Coustabln Morris Davis will assist the board in demand ing the keys. If Mr Joyce will not uo cede to this request, it is probable that other steps will be taken. The secre tary will make out the pay roll and leave Juyuo minus of Ids pay. If he wishes to take steps for legal action the board will be iu readiness to tight it. He was yet at the school this morn ing. Residents of Aiohbald are be coming disgusted with the shape of affairs,- and, with other taxpayers, hope the board will attend to their busiuess and give Joyce the bounce. VARIOUS MOOSIC ITEMS. Facts and Fancies Treated in a Pleasant and Lively Manner. Svteial to the Scmnton Tribune. MOOSIO, Pa., Jan. 'JO. Miss Carrie Vandeuburg, of Maiu street, gave a dance to some of her friends on We lues lay evening. Those! present were: Miss Mau l E Isell. Grace F, Isell, Klsie Wescott, William Kelly, William Mnir, John Bums, Archie Young. An elegant lunch was served at a late hour by the hostess. Rev. L. A. Lindemutb, pastor of tl e Presbyterian Church, on Maiu street expects to leave Monday to visit I is pirents in Wheeling, Ohio. Arthur Wiisou spent Thursday even in:,' with friends in town. Mrs Thomas Hailstone, of Son h Main street, called on friends in PitU ton Thursday afteruoou. Mrs. J. H. Davey, of South Main street, is ill at her home. Miss Minnie Green, of Main steet, gave a euchre party at her home o a large number of her friends Wedtiee day evening. A meeting of the Moosic Co-Operative association was held on Friday night at their store. Mrs. Vandenburg, of Main street.has returned after visiting friends in Green Ridge the past few days. Oaa New Form of Prosperity. Piiladelphm Record. Even the "mills' of the pugilists have resumed. The tortures of dyspepsia, the sufferings of scrofula, the ngouizing itch and pain of salt rheum, the disagreeable symptoms of catarrh, are removed by Hood's Sarsap rilla. Hool's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa All CLEARING SALE A Suggestion to Mothers ! 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan, 18, at 10 A.H. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during salt' at less than cost of material. Every iueh of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles Ilk. each. Hoys' Winter Waists lOo enoh. Mulls 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COMB, IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. MATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic I fail uml Fremiti Kino, l'uio Unseed oil. TiupenUiio anil Varnishes. Heady-mixed Paints In all colors, (Hitlers' Whltlug, I'm i White mill Kiilsomlne, Oil Vitrei, Murblo lu.t ami Window Glass Hotel Waveriy European Plan. Firt-class liar attuched. lfIol fur BciKuoi & Lngi 1 u Tannhuniser Beer. t Cor, 15th and Filbert Philadi Most di'siraliln for residents of N.K. Bonn" tylvanla. All conveniences It travelers to ami Ironi Broad Street station and the Twelfth ami Market Street station. De iirublo for visiting Borantonlani and ueo tie iu tho Anthracite llegiou. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Conoreto Flaggl ng. Concrete Block. Potato, Butter and Coal Bin, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may be left at Thompson AS I'rait, Will aius ft Co, Main und Eynon Streets, or at Bcranton Stove Works. Al.o Foundations, Outturns. Fish Wire Tunnels and Collins. Flagging lor Garden Walks. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and lee the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAK'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. The bravest battle that was ever fought, Shall I tell you where and when? On the map3 of the world you'll find it not It was fought by the mothers of men. MOTHERS, REMEMBER THI3 FACT : "It is not what you do for your c'uill which helps him, bat what you en courage him to do for himself." R'nd this formidable arrjy: Washington, Greoley, Goethe, Schiller, Carlyle, Emerson, RuBkin, John Wesley, Victor Huso, George Hirbert, Cowper, St. Augustine, Cowley, Cur ran aud Xspoleon. These sons admit that to the training and equipment re ceived from their mothers they owed their wonderful auccss. Each one of these great men (and the list mk'ht bo indeQnitely lengthened) has left in evi dence the fact that the MOTHER INFLUENCE was strongest ia the forma tion of tho individual who afterward stood forth pre-eminent hum,' his fel lows. No idle dreamers they not men noted merely as well bred snd polished, but names that have shaken empires andatimulated the thought of tb best men of the times in which they lived. They represent the glorious achieve ments ot MOTHERS. But, say some, how can a Mother give attention to the edueution of her children amid her multitude of household carts and duties?" John Wesley's Mother is a sunning rebuke to men as make this excuse. Mrs. Wesley was the mother of 111 children, and yet even after her sons had left heme and entered college she continued to guide tbem by juiicious and thoughtful adviea No bequeathal of fortune, however princely, can compensate for the ne glect of education. Education will prove the crowning glory of your child's life. By means of it be brings money to his purse, happiness to his loved ones and honor to him self. In this connection it is that The TBIBUXE suggests to MOTHERS, and strongly urges the importance of the Encyclopedia in the hom. The e lucatiou which this great work supplies is needed in thi home life, that parents may learn how to wisely care for, intelligently train aud inspire their children to become noble men and women. The 2o vo!ums of this great work constitute a library so ecmplete that by its use no Mother can fail to supplement tha teachiug her children receive at school with that greater and nobler educati on that every child should receive-THE EDUCATION OF THE HOME CIRCLE. This happy chanee to provide yourself with a library on easy payments and at the wholesale price will soon pass away the opportunity of a lifetime. ART science: POETRY FICTIOK. Popular THE By SCRAHTOH Teibuhe We offer these Books for less than the paper and binding cost the Publishers. It will pay you to read every word of this advertisement carefully. COLUMBUS SERIES. Airy Fnlry Milan. )y "The Duchess.' An "Id XUu's Darling, by .Mrs. Al. x. Mc Vel h Miliar. Allan (imr ermaln, by H. Ulder Hnitffard. Ah In a Looking OIssh. by F. (I Phillip. Arabian Niifht' Kntertnlnmnnt. At tho World's Mercy. A novel by Floronco Warden. Bnnnfa Dora, by Mrs. Alex. Mi'.Vol(h Mil ler. Itrldoof tho Tomb, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller. OamfUe, by Alexander Duma', Bit, Child's Hlatury of KiikIsucI, by (harlefl Dii-kenH. Dateloai Baritain, A. A novel, by ('. L. Per kins. lH "r Slayer, The, by ,1ns. Fenimore Cooper. Dnkn'H Hccrot, i he, by Charlotte M.llraeme. lloldoo; or, tbo Iron Hand, by Florence War len. Dick's WanderincH. A novel, by Julian BtargWi D lUblj Wronged, by Adah M Howard. Desperate Woman, A, by Adam M. Howard. Dreadful Temptation, A, by Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller. Death Hod Marriage, A, by Charlotto M. Htanley. Fast I.ynne, by Mrs. Henry Wood. Essayaof Ella, by Charles l.nmb. Frozen Pirate, The, by W. Clarke Russell.' I in until.'.' Household Fairy Tales, by the Brothers QrtaiiB. (luy Kimmoro's Wife, by Mrs. Alex. Mc Veigh Miller. boom on tho Marsh, The. A noyel, by Flor ence Warden. non. Mrs. Vereker.Tho, by "The Duohosi." Handy Andy, by Hamuel l.ovor. van)ue, liy Hir W alter Scott, Jacquelina, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller. Jane Evre. by Charlotte Bronte John Halifax, (iuntlemou, by Miss Mnlock. Lady Audley's becret, by Miss M. E. Brad don. Last Days of Pompnli, by Bulwer. Last of the Mohicans, The, by J. Fenimore Cooper. l.ormvDoono, by It. D. Blackmoro. Llfe'B Remorse, A, by "The Duchess." Little Golden's Daughter, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller. Little Nana, by Adah M. Howard. Mr. Fortcsque ; an Aud roan Romance, by William Westall. Master of tho Mine, The, by Robert Buchanan. Matt: a Taloofthe Caravan, by Robert Bu chanan. Molly Pawn, by "The Duchess." Nun s Curse, The, by Mrs. ,1. II. Rid.'ull. I ild M i i - lie's Secret. From the Herman of & Marlitt. Oliver Twist, hy Charles Dickens. Pathfinder, The, by Jas. Fenimore Cooper. Pioneers, The. by Jas Fenimore Cooper. Prairie, The, by Jas. Fenimoro Cooper. Prince of Darkness, A. A novel, by Flor ence Warden. QdMM errlblo Secret, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh .Miller. Reproach of Annesley, The, by S. Maxwell Gray. Robinaoe Crusoe, by Daniel Dafoo, Romula, by George Eliot. Bury tl'Mnor', by Samuel Lover. liabbi'H Spell, The, by Stuart Cumberland. Rose and tho Lily, The, by Mrs. Alex. Mc Veigh Miller. She, by H Rider Haggard. t ketch Book, The, by V ashlngton Irving. Swiss Family Rjhiuson. The. Boeond Thoughts. A novel. Two volumes In one, by Rho la Brouguton. Strange Caso of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Stevenson. Tom Brown's School Days, by Thomas lluu-hes. lour of tho World In Eighty Days, by Jules Verne. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne. The Two Orphnns, by P.. D'F.nnery. Two Years Before tho Mast, hy It. II. Dana, Jr. ITnder-Cnrronts, by "The Duchess." Vagraut Wife, A. A novel, by Floronce Warden. Witch's Head, The, by R Rider Haggard. Willie Reilly. by William Carletoo. Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall. Woman's Face. A. by Florenco Warden. Wife's Crime, A, by MM (ti 'are Halpiuo. Adam Beile, by Georgo Eliot. Cro iked Path, by Mrs. Alexander. Cardinal Sin. by Hugh Conway. Blind Love, by Wilkie Collins. Iloyle's Games. Wife in Name Only ( by Bertha M, day. Janet's Ueiientatn c. by George Eliot. Mastr of Btillantiae. by R. L Stevenson. Ivan the Surf, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. T- T Lady Valsworth's Diamonds, by "The mictions. For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Besant. Won Willo, by R. N. Carey. Christmas Stories, by Charles Dickens, Col. Quarltch. by H. Kider Haggard. A Family Affair, by Hugh Conway. AGENTLF.MAN linving t-omo pretension to literary culture nppronrbed suakeppenre one morning bearing with him the manu script of a book which he hnd written confessing Hint he not at a loss to give it a suitable name aud requosting that Shakespcnre read the book and BUggest a becoming title. The great poet consented, and on tl.e followiug day returned the manuscript to its author, recommending that it bo styled "Loosened Leaves from Literary Lnurels." The caustic irony of the poet has an immediate application to our large collection of books, embracing tho celebrated works of tLe greatest authors, including those of the Immortal Hani himself. Head the largo list of books In our catnlogue. We hnve purchased them in lurgo quantities at extremely low prices. See if there is not something which you n.tcd for your library or for gifts to your frieuds. Tl price at which we ero offering theso books is a pleasant burprise to every oue who sees thorn. They are now displayed at TIIL TRIBUNE OFFICE. A COMPLETE LIST cnunot appear in these columns because wo have more than THREE THOUSAND DIFFERENT TITLES. We art enabled to sell these books at low prices; Hist, because, we have purchased an immense quantity, and secondly, because through them we expect to interest our renders without wiHhiug to nap any profit In selling them. Remember, therefore, that you cannot procure them unless von nre one of these readers. In order to secure this advantage ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO PRESENT the coupous.and price of the book or set desired cut from TH I TRIMWE. THE COUPON IS PRINTED ON PAOE 5. A Mental Struggle, by "The Duchess." For Another's Sin, by II. M. CIny. Mysterious Island, by Jules Verno. Redeemed by Love, by II M. Clay. Prince sol Thulo, by William Black. Wo Two, by E lna Lyall. At War with Herself, by B. M. Clay. Missing Husband, by t-eorge It. Simnii. Betwo n Two Sins, by B. M. Clay. Barotr Munchausen, by Randolph Etio Rsspe. Evil Genius, by Wilkie Collins. We will give any one of the above books for four coupons and 15 cents. A COMPLETE SET OF Dickens' Works TEN VOLUMES IN A BOX. Six thonsand five hundred (6500) pnges. Eight hundred aud twelve (813) illustra tions. Author's latest revised edition, with in doles. Handsome cloth binding, gilt bucks. Illustrated by l' Barnard Bnd J. Mnhoney: VOL. , C Bleak House, and Child's History of En land. II. David Copperfleld, aud Christmas Books. III. Dombey nnd Son, nnd Uncommercial Traveller. IV. Pickwick Papers, and Sketches byBof. V. Mystery of I. jwin Drood, and Christmas Stories, Reprinted Pieces VI. Nicholas Nlckleby, and old Curiosity Shop. VII Little Dorritt. and Oliver Twist. VIII. Martin Chiuzlewlt, and American Notes. IX. Our Mutual Friend, nnd Great Expocta tons. X. Barnaby Hodge, Tale of Two Cities, aud Hard Times. We will give this for four coupons and $2.75. THE RUGBY SERIES. This teriei contain the boat works which havo been written for boys and girls. Read the list aud see if yon do not recognize the names of authors you havo heard repeated ever since your ohildhood. Want of spauo prevents the publication ot the entire list. The ser ies is published at 76 cents, bnt you can have them for 20 cents and four couponB each. Abbott's Stories for Children. Rv Jacob Ab bott. Adventures Among the Indians, By Kings ton. Adventures, Forest and Frontier. Adventures of Famous Travellers. Adventures of Famous Sailors. Tho Adventures of Hob Roy. By JiimesGrant. Audubon, tho Naturalist, hy Mia. Horace St. John. Aunt Diana. By Pi N. Carey, l'atbara's Triumph, by Mary A. Denlson. Ih.y Conqneror. Boy Crusoes; or, Tho Young Islanders. By Jefferya Taylor. Boys' and Girls' Story Book. The Boys In tho Forooastlo. By George H. Co nucr. Boys of the Bible. By John W. Orr. Boy Slaves. Bv Oantatn M.iyne R"ld. Boy Tar By Captnln Mavne Held. Brain, ByCaotatn Miyne Held. Bush Boys, Bv Captain Mavne Reid. Cliff 01 ruber. B Captain Mayne Reid. Deep 1 own, Bv ft. Hi Bsllantyno. D'teri Home. Bv Captain Mav ie Reid. Dick Cheveley. By W. II . G. Kingston. Dick Rodney. By J. Grant. I' astern Fairy Legends, Current in Southern led a. By M. Frorc Edgeworth's Parents' Assistant. Edg worth's V oral Tides. Bdeeworth's Pptnlar Ta'es. i b i ih ( lass o Tales. Elthl Yesrs' W iindi riug in Coylon. By Sir Samuel Baker. Eric Dane. Bv M. White. Jr Filing, the BoM By. B, M. Ballaatyne. Esther By Rosa N. Carey. I'limons Boys Fane ma Mi n. The Fire Brigade. Bv. R. M Bsllantyno. Flag of Distress. Bv Captain Mayne Reid. A Flat In n for n Farthinv. By Mrs. Ewlng. Fi rust Exiles. By Captain Mayne Reid. Fort Pillow to tbo End. By William M. Thaver. l oit Sumt -r to Boanoke Island. By William M. Thayer. Frank Wildmau's Adventures on Lani enl I Wat r By Frederick Qerateckcr. II 11. 1 l D..II .......... Gentian Fairy Tales. Translated by C harles A. 1 aia. Gillcrt, tin Trappor. By Captain Q M. Ashley, Utraffo Hnnters. By Captain Mavne Keid. The Golden Magnet. By M Fenn. Or icie Goodwin. A story for tirls Grandfather's Chair. By Nathaniel Haw borne. Gu y Haw';, Bv James Maeaulny. Fairy Tides from Pientano. HaruVi Lettera By Jaooh Abbott. Hauf's Fairy I ab-s. In the Wild, of No v Mox'e . By.G. M. Fenn, Jackanapes and Other Tales. Bv Mrs. Ew ing. jack Wheel OT By Captain Da i I Sotithwick. Life at be. By, Gordon Stables. Ln'te Bennett's Hid Oat By Captain 0. B. Aabley. The Magician's Show-Box. an 1 other Stones. Mark Beawo th. Hy W. H. G. Kingston. The Midshipman. BjrW. h G , Kingston The Bonntatn Cave. Bv George H. Centner. Mnrfrtasboro to Fort Pillow. By William M. Thayor. Mv Tour in Europe. By Oi-o Greenwood, Nature's Voting Nobleman. By Bivoks Mc Cormick. Number 9v Ry Arthur Lee Putnam. Ocean's Walls. Bv Captain Mayne Reid. ( idd Pei pie. By Captain M no Keid. Old Merry's Trav is on the Continent Oriental Fairy Tales. Our Young Soldiers. Bv Lieutenant Vt . Ii. Hamilton. Paul Blake. Adventures of a Boy In the Inland of Corsica. Ac. By Elmer. Perils of the JungU By Lieutenant R. H. Jnyne. i ep r the Whaler. By V. H G. Kingston. Pirate Island. By Harry Colli tlgwood, Plant I unters. By Captain Mune Held. Popular Natural Historv. Bv Wood. Pole to Pole. By Gordon Stables. Ban Awny to Sea. Bv Captain Mayne Held. Red Eric, The. By H kt. Ilallantyne. Rltlo and Mound In Ceylon. By Mr Samuel Baker. Roanoke Island to Murfroosbor.). Ty Will in in M. Thayer. Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters. By P. re-. Round the World. By W. H. G Kingston. Silt Wntr. Bv Wi H. fl. Kingston. Samlford and Merlon. School Life; or Three Years at Wolverton. Smugglers' Cave. The. By Anitlo Ashtnore. Spanlsli Fairy Tales. By Csberello. StoiloH About Animals. Hy Captain Mayne Reid. Stories from American History. By Henry Moiion. Tiger Pr nee. The. By William Dalton. Tom Tracv. By Arthur l.ee Putnam. War Tiger, The. By William Da ton. White Elephant. The. William Dalton. Wild Snorts In the Far West, by Frederick Gerstaecker. Wolf Boy In China, The. By William Dal ton. Wonders of the Great Deep, By P. 11. Goaso. Young Acrobats. By Horatio Alger. Young Foresters. Tho. and Giber Tales. Young Folk' Book of Birds. Bv T. Bilby. Young Folks' History of Franc . By Q M. Y'onge. Y'onng Folks' History of Germany. By. C. M Yonge. Young Folks' History of Rome. By 0, M. Y'onge. We will give any book of the above series for four coupons and 20 cents. Oxford Edition OF 12M0S. TM t4itiO0 is printed on fine paper, well bound with b.t cloth, httdtumdi ....1 oi 11 tsl 1K.a.. m jflrnr A-.-.tl PiMltliiUI nun nun iiuuiu uini nv.t all the Itandnrd hooka. Yon may ob tain any volunn of this stut.d.ir 1 series for 25 cents aud funi coupons. JICso ; ,Y f aides. Alice, a Sequel to Earnest Maltravors. By Lyttou. Andersen's Fairy Tales. An Ap II Lady. B the Duchess. An Rfxnttsn PrinOMS. By Geor-e Ebor. Aurelisti By William Ware. Aurora Fiovd. By Miss M. F,. Braddon. Arabian Nights' Entertainment Arundel Motto. The. By Marv I ocll Hay. Bin aV.y Radge By Charles Dickens. Baron Sun hanaen, , Be-oud l'ardan. By Bertha M. Clay. Birds of Prw, Bv Misi M E. Braddon. Bondman, The. By Hall Csine Bride ot 1 aui tiermoor. B, Sir Va alter Scott 'ail l'r. h the Sea. By Sir Kamuel Bakor. UathcriaA. B, W. M Thackeray. Chauiet of Pearls. By Charlotte M Yonge. Qhauaoa By OuWa. Charles Am fiester- By E. Bcrger. Charlotte 'IVmple. By Mrs. bowson. Children Of the Abbey. By Retina Maria Conlngsby. Bv Lord Boaeonsfleld. Cousin POCJ, Hv Honore de BauMO, frown of Wild Olive. By Johu Kuskln. De!ilee. or the Iron Hand. By Florence Warden. ETC, We will give any book in the above edition for four coupons and 25 conts. OTHER SERIES AND LISTS OF BOOKS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN SUB SEQUENT ISSUES OF THE TRIBUNE.