The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Concluded from paga 1.
The Two Fighters, wheu Arreatad, Trade
Perfunctory Oompliinent.
Jacksonville, Fla. , Jan. Ho, Soon
after the return of Mitohell to the Ev
erett house, ami of Corbett to the St.
James hotel,' both were arrested on
warrants charging them with having
cooiuitted the offense of lighting by
atfreeuient. The men were both taken
to the court house, where their bail
was fixed nt 7,S00 each. Bonds for
their appearance were furnished.
The charge against Mitchell, it is
understood, will he tried in the morn
ing, but Corbett's case will be post
poned to ullew him to go to New York
to keep his engagement at the Madison
fcuUHre garden on Siturduy night. In
the event of Mitchell's trial resulting
in a dismissal of the charge, as receut
precedents indicate will b the case,
Corbett's case will he dismissed on mo
tion of his attorney without the neces
sity of his returning.
The two men met iu the court room,
Mitchell sending a frieud to Corbett to
ask him if he would not shake hands.
CVrbett complied with the request and
the two pugilists exchanged the stereo
typed compliments about each being
tue best nun the other ever met. Cor
bett has been pleased to say that ho in
tended to let Mitchell tight for live or
is tcunds, but could not resist the
temptation to knock him out iu tho
Mitchell, After Refliotln-,Concluds That
Hi Wasn't In It.
Jacksonville. Fla., Jan.
the tight Corbett laid: "1 really did
expect the tight to last six or seven
rounds, and went into the contest will
ing that it should. But I guess the
righting instinct got the better of me,
for I could not hold back my rjejnt.
Mitchell is a game man. No coward
would have come back for his punish
ment as be did."
Mitchell was seen at the Everett
house. He had laid aside his chaffing
spirit. It may have received a severe
shock in the ring. Any way he said
seriously: "I met a man who is my
superior in weight and height and I
n-'W freely acknowledge that he is also
my superior iu solenoe. Ho stopped
me iu three rounds. Does not that tell
the story?"
Creditable Selections Mid In Etch Por
tion of the Borough.
Special to thf Seranlon ZWhtM.
PoRKST CtTY, Pa., Jan. M. The Re
publicans of tuis place met iu Davies'
hail tonight for the purpose of nomin
ating the officer fur the separate
wards. The voters of the First ward
met at 7 o'clock. VV. H Leek presided
"luring the caucus of the First ward;
Dr. Taylor and V. E Wildenberger,
The councilman nominated were
Tuonans Brown, sr.. and John Me
L.ugblin, by acclamation ; term three
years. John N. Jones w is nominated
by acclamation' for constable, tor two
years. Robert Booth's nomination for
assessor was male unanimous For
judge of election J. N. Bivins' nomi
nation was mad by acclamation.
Frank Hollenbeck's nomination for
the office of inspector of eleotion was
also made by acclamation.
F. J. Osgood was chosen as chairman
of the Second ward caucus, with W. H.
Wildeuberger and C. S. Alexander,
tellers. For assistant assessor, Cliuton
Rose declined and the nomination was
then conferred upon W. H. Wilden
berger by acclamation. The following
wore suggested for judge of election:
David J. Jones, Dr. Knapp and F. W.
Westgate. Mr. Jones received the ma
jority of the votes cast and was de
glared the nominee. Glynn Morgan
declined the nomination for inspector
of election and F. VV. Westgate was
nominated by acclamation for that
Robert Dunn who was nominated
the previous evening for overseer of
the poor iu the Sscoud ward for one
year, instead of twenty-three years as
stated in today's Tltllil'Nit, resigned.
Possibly ho thought THI TStBONH term
was too long. W. H. Bates was nomi
nated by acclamation to fill the va
During the two evenings in which
the caucuses have been held great
interest has beeu shown and the desire
has been to nominate u winning ticket
iu the coming tight.
Peraoaale and Other Naw Put Into
Readable Paragraph!.
Special to the Scrantuit Tribune.
Fokust City, Pa., Jan. 25. John E
Hughes was iu Scrauton on business
vesterday aud A. Horney and L. P.
Wedeman today.
As the cold weather is again with us
a number of people may bo eg wend
ing their way up tho Duudaft street
hill nnlil they reach Leek's pond, aud
theu placing their skates in position,
they proceed to eujoy a fow hanpv
hours at the exhilartiug sport on the
"hard water."
A ball was given last night In Cun
ningham's hall, over the postoftiue, for
the benefit of Johnnie.
About three or four month's ago a
young man living in Forest City, came
to the conclusion that he would sell a
watch by chance. A large number of
tickets were sold, but the drawing for
the watch has never taken place.
Those holding tickets would like to
have tho drawing take plucu or money
The Dnndafl Pioneer rink will be re
opened next Thursday with a three
mile race betweon Hsrry Skeels and
ami Johu Morrison, of Carbondale.
John L. Westlake inteuds moving
in his new house soon.
Miss Adah Tucker spent the evening
in this plsce with her friends. Miss
L-ma Reynolds aud Miss Louise West
gate. e)
They Will Be DUcuaatd at the Tomp
klnsville Institute Today.
Special to tlie Scrantuii jV6mi.
Jekmvn, Pa., Jan Tue pro
gramme for the Farmer's insti
tute at Tompkinsville Friday and
Saturday includes the following speak
ers: County Superintendent J. C. Tay
lor, subject, "Why Firman Should lie
Elucated;" Professor W. R Graves,
of Scranton, subject, "The Preserva
tion of the Forest;" (Mark Sisson, sub
ject. "The State of Washington;" Z. T.
Cure, subject, "The World's Fair;" E
A. White, subject, "Carp Culture;"
John Cure, subject, "How to Rid the
Farm of Noxious Weeds." Other sub
jects tube discussed are: Fruit Cul
tuje, Tne Potato, Bee Culture, The
Dairy Cow, Poultry and E;g Produc
tion, Onion and Cabbage Culture.
Meals will he furnished near by to
thnHe coming from a distance. A large
attendance is anticipated.
All Minds Are Not Constituted Alike.
Parents should make every effort to
place within tne reach of their children
the greatest variety of reading. All
minds are not constituted alike. Each
child has its peculiar dislikes. What
will interest, amuse and instruct one
will prove wearisome to another. The
hoy or girl who baa every object placed
before him, iu other words who has a
complete library, is almost certain to
be entertained thereby and early
ac(iuirs habits of industry and a love
of i ooks and home.
Such a library is provided iu the
Encyclopedia Britanmoa offered by the
TltlliUNK. Do you realize that this is
a reprint page lor page of the great
Ediuburg edition sold by Charlea Scrih
uer's sons at $5 a vol MOO besides, having
nearly 'J, 000 paga of supplemental mat
ter added to it and an entirely new line
of mane 1800 issue'.' You have always
wanted this great work but the price
was and is, though Scribner's, $135. It
is now within your means and on easy
terms of payment. The offer must
soon be withdrawn. Give your order
now and do uot wait till the closing
Interesting and Able Adireeee Made at
I lu National Conference.
Philadelphia, Jan. 25. The two
days session of the national conference
for good city government began this
Jaiiu-8 C. Carter, president of the
City club, of New York, presided, aud
interesting aud ablo addresses upon the
subject of good municipal government
were uisde by Moorefield Stories, of
Boston; William G. Low, of Brooklyu;
Franklin MacVeagh, of Chicago,
brother of Wayne MacVeagh; Charles
J. Bonaparte, of Baltimore; George C.
Mercer, of Philadelphia, aud Elmund
Kelly, of New York.
Burglars Who Thought to Get Wealth
Were Neatly Fooled.
Lewlsbuku. Jan. 25 Lust evening
shortly alter dark two maskod robbers
entered the house of Isaac Hubler, a
wealthy fanner residing a few miles
from town, aud terrorized Mr. Hubler
aud wife aud wife into revealing the
place where they kept their money.
The robbera nourished revolvers and
searched the house from garret to col
lar without interference, but they
were able to find only a few dollars.
Mrs. Hubler bad only a few days ago
deposited a large sum of inonty in one
of the town banks.
Flfiy Gams for Ten Cents.
Heinember that fl f ty beautiful picturos
aud uot simply sixteen and they all
representing the most notable buildiug
and exhibits at the late World's fair can
now be obtained at The THtBUM office for
Id cents and three coupons. I'art I of the
World's Fair Portfolia coutaius these ar
tistic gems aud souvenirs, cut your cou
pons and get the pictures.
Do nrt put off taking medicine. Numer
ous little ailments, If neglected, will soon
break up the system. Take Hood's Sursa
parilla now, to expel disease, giving
strength aud appetite.
Hood's Pi'ls cures constipation by restor
ing tho peristaltic action of the aliineutary
. canal.
Si J.J
10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18. at 10 Al
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Bemnants of Dry floods. Clonks and Fur Capes daring
sitlc ;ii less than cost oi material,
Every inch of OOUnter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladle' Felt Bate, this season's styles 103. each.
floys' Winter Waists Oo each.
Muffs , 30c. each.
Clonks $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
A. B
Atlantic Lead end ETrenoli zinc.
Pure Unseed oil.
Xurpsnciue, and Varnishes.
Ituady-nilied I'uInU iu all color,
Gliders' Whiting,
1'uriK U till.- mill K ill ill'.
Oil- Vitro), Marble
Dust ix.. I Window (iluss
Hotel Waverly
European Plan. First-class liar att'ichad.
Depot fur Borguer tb Bagel's Tuunh.ousor
i Cor, 15th and Filbert to, Philada.
Most desirable for resident! of H.B, Penn
Eylvania All OoaveBienoSI lor travelers
to ami from Broad Street station and tho
Twelfth unit Market Street station. Or
alrable for visiting Seraiitontaus and peo
tie iu tiie, Anthracite Region.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
906 South Washinijton Avenue,
Contractor and builder of Concrete Flawing,
Concrete Blocks. Potato, Butter and Dow
Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Ordors may be
left at Thompson St Pfatt, Will ains & Co.
Main aud Eyuoii Streets, or at Scruntou
Stove Workn. Also Foundations, Cisterns.
Fish Wire Tunnels and Collins. Flagging for
Garden Walks,
IS THE BEST. Get prices and
ceo the furnace and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appollo and Gauze Door
A Suggestion to Mothers !
The bravest battle that was ever fought,
Shall I tell you where and when?
On the map3 of the world you'll find it not
It was fought by the mothers of men.
"It is not what you do for your child which helps him. bat whit yoa en
courage him to do for himself." Rnd this forruilable array:
Washington, Greeley, Goethe, Sihiller, Curlyle, Emerson, Ruskin, John
Wesley, Victor Hugo, George Herbert, Cowper, St. Augustine, Cowley, Cur
ran and Nspoleon. These sons admit that to the training and equipment re
ceived from their mothers they owed their wonderful laooest, Each one of
these (treat men (and the list might be indefinitely lengthened) has left in evi
dence the fact that the MOTHER INFLUENCE wai strongest in the forma
tion of tho individual who afterward stood forth pre-eminent anion,- his fel
lows. No idle dreamers they not men noted merely as well bred and polished,
but names that have shaken empires and stimulated the thought of the bost
men of the times in which they lived. They repressnt the glorious achieve
ments of MOTHERS. But, ssy some, how a Uothei give attention to the
edueation of ber children amid tier multitude of household cares and duties?"
Johu Wesley's Mother is a standing rebuke to such as mako this excuse.
Mrs. Wesley was the mother of 19 children, and yet even after ber sous bad
left hem? and entered college she continued to guide them by juiicious and
thoughtful advice.
No bequeathal of fortune, however princely, can compensate for the ne
glect of education.
Edncation will prove the crowning glory of your child's life. By means of
it be briugs money to his purse, happiuess to bis loved ones and honor to him
self. In this conuettion it is that TflE TRIBUNE suggests to Mf tTHERS, and
strongly urges the importance of the Encyclopedia in the bom. Tne e lucation
which this great work supplies is needad in th home life, that parents m.iy
learn how to wisely care for, intelligently train aud inspire their children to
become noble men and women. The 'Z volumes of this great work constitute
u library bo eomplete that by its use no Mother can fail to supplement the
teaching her children receive ut school with that great-r and nobler educati on
that every chila should receive-THE EDUCATION OF THE HOME CIRCLE.
This happy chance to provide yourself with a library on easy payments and
at the wholesale price will scon pass away the opportunity of a lifetime.
Popular Books Almost Given Away By
The Sceahtoh Tsibxjmk
We offer these Books for less than the paper and binding cost the Publishers. It will pay you
to read every word of this advertisement carefully.
Airy Fairy Lilian, by "Tho Ducliesn."
An Old Man's Darling," by Mrs. Al.-x. Mc
Vfi h Millnr.
Allan (jnar-ormaln, by B. Rider Haggard.
As in a Looking ( ilase. by F. 0 1'hlllipg.
Arabian Night' Entertainment.
At the World's Mercy. A novul by Floronce
Bonnie Dors, by Mrs. Alox. McVeigh Mil
Bride of the Tomb, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh
Cnmlllo, by Alexander Duma', (lis.
(ihlld'a History of England, by Charles
Dateless Bargain, A. A novol, by 0, L. Per
kins. Deer Slayer. Tho. by .Tub. Feninmre Cooper.
Duke'B Secret, 'ltie,hy Charlotte M.Braeme.
Deldoe; or, tho Iron Hand, by Florenco
Dick's Wandorings. A novo', by Julian
Doubly Wronged, by Adah M. Howard.
Desperate Woman. A,by Adam M. Howard.
Dreadful Toiuiitation, A, by Mrj. Alex.
McVeigh Miller.
Dentil Bed Marriage, A, by Charlotte M.
East Lynne, by Mrs. Honry Wood.
EiiHays of Ella, bv Charles Lamb.
Frozen Pirate, The. by W. Clnrko Husaell.M
Orlmms' Household Fairy Tales, by tho
Brothers Orimui.
Guy Keiimore's Wife, by Mrs. Alox. Mc
Veigh Miller.
Home on tho Marsh. The. A novel, by Flor
ence Warden.
Hon. Mrs. Vereker.The, by "Tho DuAes)."
Handy Andy, by Samuel Lover.
Ivanlioo, by Sr Walter Scott.
Jacqueline by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Mlllor.
Jane Eyre, by Churlotto Lroute
John Halifax. Ountlemen, by Mlas Mulock.
Lady Audley's hecrot, by Misa M E. Brad
don. Last Days of Pomunli, by Bulwor
Last of tho Mohicans, The, by J. Fenlraoro
Lorna Doono, by It. D. Blackmoro.
Lifo'a Remorse, A, by "Tho Duchess."
Little Onldeft's Daughter, by Mrs. Alex.
McVeigh Miller.
Little Kanu. by Adah M. Hownrd.
Mr. Fortosquo y un Andrean homance, by
William Weetsll.
Master of the Mino, The, by Kobert Bu-)hauan.
Mutt: a Tale of tho Caravan, by Robert Bu
chanan. Molly liawn, by "The Duchess'
Nun's Curse, The, by Mrs. J. H. Ridi'oll.
Old Mam'sello's Secret. From tho Uurman
of B .M.irlitt.
Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens.
1'athflnder, The, by ,Ta. Fenimore Cooper.
Pioneern, The. by .las Fenimore Coojrfr.
Prairie, The. by Jas. Feuimoro Cooper.
PrlnCe of Darkness, A. A novel, by Flor
enco Warden.
Oueenie'a lerrlble Socret, by Mrs, Alox.
McVeigh Miller.
Reproach of Aunesloy, The, by S. Maxwell
Roblnsoe Crusoe, by Daniel Dafoo,
Horn ula, by QeorgS Eliot.
Hon O Moore, by Samuel Lover.
llubbi's Spoil, The, by Stuart Cumberland.
Hose and the Lily, Tne, by Mra. Alex. Mc
Veigh Miller.
She, by ,8 Rider Haggard.
ketch Hook, The, by V Hshlugton Irving.
SwIkb Family Robinson, The.
Second Thoughts. A novol. Two volumes in
one, by Bho.Ja Brougbtou.
Strange Cuao of Dr. Jokyll aud Mr. Hydo,
by Stevenson.
Tom Brown's School Days, by Thomas
Tour of tho World in Eighty Days, by
Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under tho Boa,
by Jules Vornu.
The Two Orphans, by P.. D'Ennery.
Two Years Before tho Mast, hy R. II. Dana,
ITiidor Currents, by "The Duchess"
Vagrant Wife, A. A novel, by Florence
Witch's Head. The, by H Itider Haggard.
Willie Reilly. by William Ourlotoh.
Won by Wulting, by Edna Lynll.
Woman's Face, A, bv Florence Warden.
Wlfe'a Crime, A, liy Mi.s Or ace Hulpluo.
Adam Bede, by (ieorgo F.lh.t.
Crooked Path, by Mrs. Alexander.
Cardinal Bin. by Hugh Conway,
tillnd Love, by Wllkio Collins.
Hoyle's Games.
Wife in Name Only, by norths M Clsy.
Janet's ReiMintanee. by George Eliot.
Master of Ballautrae, by R. L Stevenson.
Ivan tho Serf, by Byivanus Cobb, Jr.
Lady Valaworlh'a Diamonds, by "The
For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Beauut.
Weo Wlfle, by R. N. Carey.
Christmas Stories, by Charles Dickons.
Col. Quaritch, by H. Itider Haggard.
A r Affair, by Hugh Conway.
A GENTLEMAN hnvine; tome pretcoHlon to literury culture upproncheil Shakespeare one moruioe; beariug with him the mauu
siript of a book which he had written confossiug tbut ho not at a loss to dive it a suitable uauio and rccmestiug that
.Shakespeare read the book ami suKgest a becoming title.
The (treat poet consented, and on tbe following day returned the manuscript to its author, recommoudiuR that it be styled
"Loostntd Leaves from Literary Laurels." The caustic irony of the poet bus nu Immediate application to otirlurgo cullectiou of
bookr, embracing the celebrated works of the grtutest authorp, Including those of the Immortal Bard himtolf.
Kind the largo list of books iuour catalogue. Wo bnve purchased thetn in largo quuutities at extremely low prices. Soe if
there is not something which you noed for your library or for gifts to your Meade,
Tl e price at. which we are offering tboso booka is a plousaut surprise to every ouo who sees them. Thoy aro now displayed
A COMPLETE LIST cannot appear In theso columns because we have more than THKEK THOUSAND DIFFERENT TITLES.
We ate enubltd to sell theso books at low prices; Hist, because wo have purchased an num.- quantity, and sccoudly, because
through thuu we expect to interest our renders without wishing lo reap any profit in selling them, Remember, therefore, that
you cuutiot procure them unless vou are one of these readers. Iu order to ieflUre this advautage ALL YOU II AVE TO DO Is TO
PRESENT the coupons.aud price of the book or set desired cut from THE TRIBUNE. THE COUPON Id PBINTBO ON PAUE 3.
A Mental Struggle, by "The Ditchoss."
For Another's Sin, by II. M. Clay.
Mysterious Isluud.'by Jules Verne.
Redeemed by Love, by B. M. Clay.
Prlnee-sof Tbnle. by William Black.
We Two, by Edna Lynll.
At War wiUi tlorholf. by B. M. Clay.
Missing Husband, by I eorge it. Simmi,
Botwe.-n Two Sins, by B M. Clay.
Baton Munchausen, by Randolph Eiio
Evil Gonlua, by Wilkle Collins.
We will give any one of
the above book3 for four
coupons and 15 cents.
Dickens' Works
Six thousand live hundred itVMKI) page?.
Eight, huudred nnd twelve (SIS) illuatra
tious. Author's latest revised odition, with in
dexes. Hendswue cloth bludlug, gilt
hacks. Illustrated by F. Barnard aud J.
L Uleuli House, and Child's History of En
biud. 11. David CoppOiliold, and Christmas
HI. Doml'cy and Son, and Uncommercial
IV. Pickwick Papers, and Skotclies by Bob.
V. Mystery of Edwnl Drood, and Christmas
Slerles, lieprlnted Piei es
VI. Nicholas Niekleby, and Old Curiosity
a'll Little Dorrilt. and Oliver Twist.
VIII. Martin Cuuzzlewtt, uud American
IX. Our Mutual Fi le. id, and Great Expocta
tons. X. Burnaby Rudge, Talu of Two Citloj, and
Hard Times.
We will give this for four
coupons and $2.75.
This series contains the best works
which have been written for boys and
girls. Read the Iim and see if you ilo
not recoguiz the names of authors you
have heard repeated evor since your
childhood. Want of spice prevents the
publication of the entire list. Tito ser
ifs is publish -d at 75 cents, but you oati
have them fur 20ceiitsnml four coupous
Abbott's Stories for Children Bv Jacob Ab
bott. Adventures Among the Indians. By Kings
ton. Adventures, Forest and Frontier.
AdvonturAsof Famous Travellers,
Advonturesof Fumnus Sullo" .
The Adventures of Hub Hoy. B." Ji.m"sGrant.
Audubon, tbe Nuturallat. by Mis. Horace
St. Johu,
Ariit Diana. By1'. N. Carey.
I a' bars'! Trluuih. By Mary A. DenDon.
B y Conqueror.
I'.,y Crutoos; or, The Youn;; Islaiidurr. By
Jeffery.i Taylor.
Boys' uud Girls' Story Book,
The Boys in the PorOOeiUO, By George H,
Boys of tho Bible. By John W. Orr.
Boy Staviw. Bv Cimtalu Muyne R-ld.
Boy Tar Bv Captflij tlayne Keid.
Bruin BvCantanM yne Held.
Boajl Boys, My ( apluin Marti Reid.
CI if oi mboia Bv cai tain May no Belda
Do. 11 1 own. Bv R. M. Ballanlyno.
D-tO' t Heme. BV Captain Mavne R"ld.
Dick Cheveley. By W. II G Kingstou.
Dink Hi dney. By J. Grsnt.
I 'atom Fairy l.euends, Current iu Southern
ltd a By m. Frera
KdRi'Worth's Pareatl' Assistant.
Bng worth's S oral Tale,
F.iigoworth's lo tu'arTa os.
lvilewrth' I lass o Tales.
Blftht Years' WkUdtrlug iu Ceylon. By Sir
Samuel Bukcr.
Erie Dane llv If, White. .lr
Erlinx, the Hold By. ft. M. Ballantyne
Esther By Rosa N. ( arey.
ramons Roys
Famous Mi n.
The Brigade. Bv. R. M Ballantyne.
Flag of Distress. By Captain MayneReid.
A Flat h i n for n Farthing. By Mrs. Ewlng.
Forest Esllea. By ciptnin Mayne Reld.
Fort Pillow to Hsu Bud. By William M.
Tl aver.
Fort Smut ;r to Boanoko bland. By William
M Thayer.
Frank Wildmnn's Adventures en Lund i nd
Water. By Frederick Qersteekcr.
Gatovuo. bv L. It. Bjttanenne.
Genuau Fairy Tales. Tiuuaiate.l by Charles
A. I a"a.
Qflbart, tho Trapper. By Captain C M.
Giraffe Hunters. By Captain Mavue Reid.
The Golden Magnet. By , M. Fonn.
dricio ii mdw n A . rj foi girl
Qrandfather'a Chair, By Nathaniel Haw
Orey Hawk. Bv Janus Macau'.ay.
Fairy Tales from Bieatano,
Ilarl'io's Letters By Jucob Abbott.
Hanf's Fairy i r.lis.
In tie W.ldsof New Mo:: c). By (i. i'. Fenn.
Jackanapes and Utl.or rales. By ftfrs, Ew
lng. Jac'i Wheeler, liy Captain David Bouthwlok.
Life .it sea. By. Oor.lor. Btablsa,
I u ie Bennett's Hide Out. By Oaptala C, B.
The Magician's Sbow-B.ix. and vVhcri-loi ics.
Mark Rrawo th. Bv W. li. G. KthSton.
The Midshipman. By W. 1. O. Kingston.
The Lounulii Gave, ByQoorgell.Coomer.
Mnrfreesboro to Fort Pillow. By William
M. Tluijor.
My Ton in Baron. By Gra-e Greenwood.
Nature's Young Noblenian. By Brooks Mc-
N'niuber 'M. Hy Arthur Loo Putnam.
Ocean's Wilis. By Captain Maynu itoid.
Odd Pec pie. liy Captain Mayne Held.
Old Mefrv's Travel on In continent.
Orleutal Fairy Tel.
tlur Young Soldiers. Bv Lieutenant W. K.
Paul Blake, Adventures of a Boy in the
Island of Corsica, Ac B v Elmor.
Perils uf thoJuugl -. liy Lieutenant R. B
I eter the Whaler. By W. II (. Mngston.
Pirate Island. By Harry CollliiRwood.
Plant I miter. By Captain Mayne ItVid.
Popular Natural History. By Wood,
Pule to Pole. By Gordon Stables.
Kan Away to Sea. n- Captain Mayne Held.
Bed Erlc'Thc. By li. M. Ballnntyno.
Ride and Hound in Ceylon. By Sir Samuel
Boanoko Island to Murfreesboio. Fy Will
iam SI. Thayer.
Robin Hood and His Merry Foroators. By
Round the World. By W. It. G. Kingaton.
Halt Water. Bv W. H. O. Kingstou.
Sandford and Mem n.
Hghool Life; or Three Y'enrs at Wolverton.
Smugglers' Cave. The. By Annie Ashmoro.
Spanish Fairy Tides. By Caberello.
efoVie About Animal. By Captain Muyno
Slories 1 1 miii American History. Hy Honry
Tuior Prlne, The. By William Dalton.
Tom Tracy. Bv Arthur Lee Putnam.
War Tiger, The. Bv William Da ton.
While Elephant. The. N lllium Dalton.
Wild Spurts iu the Fur West Hy l r. dirlck
Wolf Boy in China, The, By Wilttau Dai-
Wonders of the Great Deep, By P. H. Gosao.
Young Acrobats. By Uoratio Alger.
Young Foresters. The. uud Oilier Tales.
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