THE SCBAKTON THIBDNE-FltlUAY MORNING. JAM'AKY J, 1S94. lllllli(llllillllllllllllllllllllHIIIIII I . - ripe Valves I ROBERT BURNS' NIGHT Caledonians Coumieuurate ite Aanlvenarj of Distinguished Poets Birch. Fsttinss itTH8 mm flT m mm s THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, S riiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiifBiiiiii: Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna V Colonel Filzsimmons' Eloquent Trib ute to the Memory of Robert Burns. Other Toasts Responded to by Rev. Dr. McLeod, dudpe Edwards, W. T. Smith, Professor Phillips, Captain Morris and John Peacock Inspir ing Music. .08 Penn Avo. Laundry A. B. WARMAN, Big Cut in Ladies', Misses and Chil dren's All-wool Hose See Them in our Bargain Window. HEARS & HA6EN, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. The bartenders will hold their annual ball iu Turner hall on February 6. TUe sals of geaU for "kobin Hood'' will open a: the Academy box otilce tkisiuorn tug. Mrs. K. J. Beamish and daughter, "or" otby, returned yesterday from a visit to Pittston friends. Theyoupg ladles of the first Presbyte rian church nerved tea to their many friends last evening. The officers of Ieuteunnt Bin S. (jrif Cu pott, No. 139, Grand Army of the Ke. public, will be installed tomorrow uight r. J. Amsdeu will be the installing of tl :er. Hon. 3. C. Harvey, of Luzerne county: Boo. William K. lick, of Moscow; Hon. John Kuhlbach, of Honesdale; Senator James Koouey, of Susquehanua county, and (i. H. Seaman, of iiouesdale, were lu the city yesterday. All ladies Interested and those who wish to join are requested to attend a meeting of the Ladiee' Auxiliary of the Kailroad department Young Men's t'hristinu asso (iatiou at 66 Lackawanna avenue this afternoon at 3 o'clock. A meeting of the ladies' committee of "The Escape from Libby ' entertainment will bu held at the Voting Women's Chris tian association rooms at X o'clock tomor row afternoon, instead of 4 o'clock, as previously announced. It isoecessary that every member be present. Dr. I.evin Irving Handy delivered his Interesting lecture, "The Road to Vic tory," at the Elm Park church last even ing. Prior to the lecture MW ladies of the church served supper, which was enjoyed by a large number or persons. Dr. Handy lecture was reported at. consider able length In Tm TjuBBKI When he de Jivred it duriug the teachers' institute last fall. Thomas Langan died at bis home at Hunker Hill yesterday morning at o'clock. He is survived by I'. '. Langan, Dunmore: T, J, Langan, of Tobyhaiina; Andrew Laogan, M. L. I.iingan, of Knn (as City; Mrs. Michael McDonnell, Dun more; Mrs. Neil O'Hoyle. of Olyphant; Airs. A. J. Barrett, of the South Side, Mrs. P. .1. Mcllnle. Misses Hannah and Eliza Langan, of Banker Hill. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 3 p. in. Intermout in Dunmore Catholic cemetery. A PARDON FOR JOHN SHERIDAN. State Board of Pardons Recommends That On Be Inusd to Him A letter wan received yesterday by Attorney R. J.Bearniah from the secre tary of thi state botrd of pardons in forming him that John Sheridan had been recommended for a pardon. Sheridan whs a member of the fam ous dead line gang of Dllevu and about six years ago wiu convicted, with a companion named Fitzpatrick. of bavins committed a highway robbery on the person of Patrick Winn. Both were sentenced to ten years Imprison ment by Judge Hand. For more than a year Attorney Beamish has baeu working for a pardon for Slierid m and the matter to tin board of pardons several time. Mr. Beamish alio received ltiforma tion to the effect that the matter of a pardon for Wallace Snow, whom be re presented, had been held under indorse ment by the board. Snow was con victed of complicity in the robbery of Spencer's pay office at Dunmore and ou May U, 1892 wis sentenced to three years imprisonment in the eastern peni tentiary. The Fisk Sings. The Umuinal. Company Comes This Time. Loudin is with Tiikh. It is won derful music Wild, weird, soul stirring. Tickets are 50 cents at V. M. C, A. " The name of Burin. There is none more dear or more inspiring to the true son of Scotia than that of the gifted bard of Ayr, who first saw the light of day amid the tugged Ayrshire hill 188 years ago. Last night the sturdy sons of Scotland of this city, who are bound together as the Scratiton Caledonian club, gathered at the Wyoming to cel ebrate the birth of "r u greatest poet that ever sprang fiotu le bosom of the paoplt, and lived an t died iu an linin ble oondition." Tno Caledonians invited n numborof their friend to participate in the fes tivites, and by all the name of Robert Bums, the inspired "poet of humanity'' was fitly toasted and honored. Burns is the triiusc-nde;it literary genius of Scotland. He possessed the highest literary tiuailitie, combining the easiest negligence of stylo and the highest finish. Exquisite tenderness and humor that is ut once broad, re filled ami delicate permoate his writ ings He had a tine preception of natural beaut and an exalted ideal of patriotism, as is manifested in some of the bursts of patriotism iu bis poel&l of a heroic strain. BN)I ET LAST EVENI.NU The bat. que t with wltichfjthe Cale donian club commemorated the antii- I verssry of bis birth loot night was rr red in the main dining hall of the j Wyoiuiug. Many of the members of the club were attired in full 'highland costume, gtviug the gathering a pio tnreique appearauce. At 9 4 the bau- -qneters filed into the dlnmg room and seated themselves at prettily decorated tables. James B. Skeocb formerly opened the banquet and requested liev. Jiituel McL-o t, D. D , pastor of the First Prebytariau church, to say grace. Mr, Skeoch then called upon John Pirle to recite Bums' nddres. "Tae the Ung uis." as a prelude to the banquet. Ha did so with dramatic etf-ct. The splendid menu provided by Landlord White was immediately afterward at tacked and dl t with vigor. Those who surrounded the tables were : Kev. Dr. .lames McLeod, Seuutor and .Mrs. M. E, McDjuald. Judge and Mrs. II M. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. lieorge W, Phillips, i aptaiu and Mrs. James Molr, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McMilllan, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Tnrnbnll. Mr. and Mrs. David McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Johu Nelson, Mr and Mrs. Kobt. Cranston, Mr. and Mrs.Robt. McKetiua, Mr. and Mrs. William McMil lan. Mr and Mrs. V. J. Peacock, Mr. aud Mr. Thomas GremmllL Mr. and M.-a. vr. Dole, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Koss, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bank ... Mr. aud Mrs. Wal lace Kennedy. Mr. aud Mrs. McMillan, Colonel F.J. Pltieimmona, W. T. smith, Prothonotary C'.E Pryor.James B Skeoch, Thduiiis Henderson, CaDtain B. E. Morris, Frank Baiter. Dr Murrnv. Dr. Fultou. I Napoleon Nothacker, James Callahan, I Ale Dunn, jr., John Simpson, Joseph Denning, J. S. luglij, Armeau Motas, ' James Skeoch, sr., Thomas Barrow I man, J. J. Alexander, Mr. Rus sell, Robert Wilson. W. liaydeu I F.vaus, Robsrt Molr, John Molr. Robert f Bushuell. D. Duliigg, Thomas Hazleton. John MrMillian. Joseph Denning, Thomas Jeffrey, Robert Stuarr, William Picket, A. Brvdeu, A.Ramsey, J. McMillian. Mrs. Albert Chausves, Misses Helen Moir. Julia Allen, Peacock Harvey, Mc Crarken. Maggie Henderson, Jessie Sgeoth, Nellie Marttel. TBE SPEECH MAKING Before the speech making began Mis Julia Allen rendered a medley of Scotch airs on the piano. Brief but eloquent introductory remarks were made by the chief of the club, James B. Skeoch, following which the Cale dor.ian Oiee party sung Barns' song "There Was a Lad Was Born in Kyle," with splendid effect. Captain James Moir was introduced as toss' muster of the evening by Mr skeosli and was given a hearty wel- corns, in accepting tne duties or nis oftice the toast master paid a tribute to i the genius of Mr. Burns, aud then called upon Colonel F. J. Fttzstmmons to respond to the toast "Tho Memory of Burns." The. eloquent colonel evoked i a storm of applause. He spoke as fol lows ; Mr. Chairman, Ladiasand Gentlemen The custom of annually assembling in so cial ommunion and by song and speech commemorate the memory of some en nubiing .ndividual whose life made man kind happier, is Indeed b"autlful and com mendable. Every nation has its hero which it delights to honor. Tonight we meet to pay tribute to one who touched the heart strings of the human family by putting in undvitig verse the choicest and sweetest sentiments that the mind of mnu has ever conceived. Iu undertaking to add a (lower to the wreuth which humanity has woven around the inspiring name of Bobby Burns. I will be brief. I will not attempt to analyze his poetic productions, nor consider his place In the world of lit erature. Timo has placed the seal of Im mortality upan his mitclile-s stanzas and assigned him a distinguished place among the children of the Muse. He was greater than bnrd and mose than poet. His fame does not alone resiupon being the great est lyric writer of any age or clime. True he won his sudden popularity and musical distinction as the author of the most soul stirring lines that gonitis has given to an appreciative universe. Yet his most ex quisite song hut feebly reflected tho mug namity or his noble nature. The bard of Avon and the hard of Ayr belonged to what was trrinod the common people-the peasantry and neither ever denied his an cestry or fell victims to the emiles of royalty. The one glorified him who would not "bend the pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift might follow fawning," and the other re-rchoea the seotimeut when he said "a man's a mau for n that." H was endowed with comprehensive and liberal views. Probably In advance of his environments. He loved his fellow man and all of Clou's creatures, even to a lowly mottse. He cultivated an apprecia tion of what he found true and etneere. fie extended the same consideration to the man of intelligence and honesty, wheu he found him clothed in homespun, as to him wno was bedecked with the Bneriesof roy alty. He was proof against education. His nudden fame and the regal recep ious tendered him wheu b-- first visited EUn. bnrgn did not disturb him or vanity. Tho great mastersof thought and celebreties of education, who then dorned the famous and historic university met him only to be charm nl by his wealth of knowledge and edifl td by his marvelous conversation. What a i;rand tribute to gemusf Robertson, the dl-tiuguished his. loiitnt Biair, the finished rhetoricians Stewart, the f am. us author of Moral Philosophy; Dr. Adam Sunt!', the re Downed political economist; Erskin, the U eaiest advocate ot his generation, and others scarcely less eminent, nil doing h. iiigo to tho son of a bumble farmer, himself a ploughmau. With all these attentions ha remained plain Bobhy Burns He sympathized with the oppressed of every laud and nbhored a government that circumscribed the rights of the In dividual. We tlad him approving those who rebelled agaiust imperial rule is France, and again proposlug a toast to Washington when the sentiment offered was William Pitt. FULL OF AFFECTIONS. No one ever had a more nfl'nctionate heart. It was enduring aud comtant. The annals of courtship; the history of affec tion; or the archives of sentiment do not record a more touohing incident than his sad parting with the stucere hearted Argylelas- -Highland Mary. His tribute to the memory of Lord Qleucalrn the onlv member of the Scottish peerage whoever befriended bim is unsurpassed in beauty of thought and tenderness of expression. His kneeling and kissing the sod over the grave pi his charming predecessor in song Fwigusson is t quailed only in venera tion for gretnes- by Cicero's visit to tho lust resting place of Archiuoda in u Syr aouseau cemetery. What was good iu Scotia's favorite son bus made the World better. His sons bave brought cheer to the people of every clime. They have been by the children of the Nile; they have been warbled aloug the beautiful blue Danube; they have been heard iu the huts of the majestic St. Law rence. Everywhere under the broad dome of heaven where the beacon light ot civilization shines, tho melodies of Burns have driven away sorrow. May they con tiuue to be sung until the dnrk clouds of sectarianism breaks the buuilgbt of liber ality pourmg through mage the people of the whole earth "Shall bo brothers for a' that." A TOAST TO UHOVEK. Mis Wallace Kennedy sang "Caller On" in tine voice, and Senator M. 12 McDjnald was asked to respond to the toast, "The President of the United Stales." He said that when wo honor the president we hut honor ourselves, for it is the people In the exercise of their sovereign power who make and uu make presidents, Robert U inkin sang "The Star Spangled Banner," and then John Poacocl; spoke about "Scotland, the L ml of Our Birth." There is no sentiment that uppeals so strongly to Scotchmen, he said,, as patriotism, .and when a Scotchman says he is proud of his noble country, everybody must admit that he has something to be proud of. It is not everyone who can boast of having a couutry that was never conquered. "Scots' wha Hs,e," the national song of Scotland, was sung by the Ciledonian Clue party. The next speaker intro duced by the toastnuster was William T. Smith, who was aske 1 to siy soms thing about "Americi aud Hsr Scot tish Citizsns." He said that if be is not eligible at a member of the Culedoaiau club he could at least join paying tribute to that sweet singer, the post of the com mon people Robert Burns. Taming to a consideration of this conntry Mr. Smith said It is possible that God might crate abetter country than the United States, but he was thoroughly eon vinced he never did. The government is the best that tho hum iu mind has devised. Locally, the sons of Scotland have done a wonderful work and havi made their impresr on public affrirs In closing the speaker p it I n tributo to the worth of James Archbald, sr., who was born in the village where Burns first saw the light of the day; Thomas Dickson, George Dickson,- James Dick son, William Connll, Alexan ler Turnbull, Robert McRenna aud James Moir. THE OTHER SPEAKERS. "The Scottish Pulpit" drew forth a response from Rsv. Dr. McLeod. "Le gal Lore" was dwelt upm by Judge H. M. Edwards, and "Education and Our Educators" by Profetsor G. W. Phillips. "The Press" was the last toast on the list, Captain B. E. Morris responding. Musical numbers rendered were "Annie Laurie," Miss C. Peacock; "Within a Mile o' Endlnboro Toon," Mrs. James Cranston; "Battle of Ster ling," Lindsay MoMJlllsO; "The High land Fest," John McMillian; "Hail to the C ief," Caledonian Glee party. M is Julia Allen recited "," and the banquet closel with the sing ing "Auld Lang Syne." THE BRIDE OF A MONTH. illlllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllWIIIIII I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. rot II of them COUPONS, pr II td at Hie Tribunn 'OfBuc. oor-im'f- iVrui aveiiui' HUtl feprucu street, (tiilitlei the huliler to till the prlv )l'.'UCfi of thu iinpui'iillcled offer for iUt i Uniting popular book niufiiig our reader. 1 he oflVrft inudu by The Tribune Qinuugeuieut are iid follow: NO 1 19 POLES Consideratioo of the license O.'diuauce Inde finite; Postponed. EQUIVALENT TO A DISSOLUTION According to the Rulas of Council No Similar Ordinance Can Be Intro duced at This Session Mr. Davits Introduces Transient McDonnell Light War. an Ordinance Taxing Retail Merchants Mr. Revives the Electric Their was a qnietus put on the ordi nance for taxing Pol-s at last night's meeting of common council When the name of the license committe was read and that committee failed to re port Mr. Duhigg moved that the ordi nance for taxing poles bu takeu from tho committee, and this was done and a motion that further consideration be indeliiiitely postponed prevailed. The street railway ordinances that had been amended in select council, compelling tho company to build Its lines inside of two years were read, and the action of select council con curred in. Mr. Thomas, of the streets an I bridges committee, reported favor ably on the ordinance for grading Qreon Ridge nnd Marion streets. They came up in regular order mid passed two reudings. Mr. McDonnell presented an ordi nance for the re-removal of the electric light In the Third ward, It was re ferred to the committee with instruc tions to visit tho loculity. Mr, Duhigg presented a resolution granting the council chambers to the civil service commission on forthe pur pose of holding an examination. Mr. Davis introduced an ordinance taxing transit retail merchants iu the city of Scratiton. The urdiuanc providing forthe in crease of rent in Lumberlaud Hose house passed first and second reading. TH1BB 1'ASSEU FINALLY. These ordinances passed on third reading: Transferring $25 from appro prialion for Carbou street bridge to Seventh ward street repairs; making it a misdemeanor to erect sharp pointed picket fences iu the city of Scranton, the line being ifHiO. Mr. Duhigg iu discussing the ordinance eaid that it should be followed by another ordin anca making all picket I -nee a unit auces, lie stated that during the re cent cold snap he knew of several people who had been injured, and some day the city would wake up and flud a large suit for damages on its hands. On the passage of the ordin ance Mr. McDonnell refused to vote and Mr. Howe was the member who voted negative. The ordinance transferring money from appropriation for paving inter section of Ltckawanna and Washing ton avenues to maintenance of electric light in the N'inth ward and the ordiu ance passed finally. Mr. Nealis caliod up the ordinance providing for a lateral sewer in the rourteenin warj. lie moved to go Into committee of the whole for the purpose of amendment. Mr. Davies who was in the chair. Captuia Moir having gone to the Burns banquet, called Mr. Robathan to preside. Mr. N'ealis' amendments were adopted and the ordinance was referred for print ing. The ordinance providing for o in struction of lateral sewers on Siltx, Mineral, Carbon and Gordon streets, passed third reading, as did Mr. Gold en's ordinance for grading William street. Mr. Williams called up an or dinance for lateral sewers in the Seven teenth ward. The ordinance moving for construction of main sewer in the Fourteenth sewer district also passed finally. IN SELECT COUNCIL of 1.5 F.NTS ami Four Coupnna for i iinjr Volume 111 the Celuiuhnt Se I fin. Over lOUtltlns tosnUct from. 8-.T." nntl Fuur Coupons for n 10 i velunie set of Olt-kfeut' cuuiylute i nuikn. i tit CENTS nnd Four Coupons for any book iu tlis ltugby aeries. '.'5 CI NTS nnil Feur Coupons for nny book lu the Oxford Series. ii9miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9iiiaiiiiiiiaisii9i( Nsllls JcuiQR, of Koitt Township Wauls a Olvorct) Testimony was taken before Judge Archbuld in chambers last evening iu the divorce cane of Mrs. Nellie Jacques against Winlield Jicques. Mrs. Jacques is a prepossessing young woman who resides In Scott township. In February, 18U1, at the earnest re quest of Wlufield Jncqn?s she con sented to change her name from Nellie Scott to Mrs. Jacques, On April 1 following their marriage Jaflqnel deserted his wife aud his pres ent whereabouts ere unknown Mrs. Jacques desires to again assume the name oi Scott. GOOD SKATING AT LAKE ARIEL. Many Ccrantonlans Visit tbe Lake Dally and Bijoy ths Fin Ios. The emootne ice which now covers Lake Ariel attracts many persons from this vicinity and every day tne glassy surface is covered with stetars aud ios botts Although the placid lake, stir rounded by its innumerable cool and sequestered nooks, presents a delight ful summer scene, there is not ttie fascination about it that characterize its Winter garb, and lovers of outdoor winter sports cannot find a more con genial place to spend an afternoon or evening than by gliding along it frozen bosom, nor more pleasant music can be heard than the ring of the steel runners as one glides along, ore a thi tig the bracing winter air. Any person wishing to spend an afternoon and evening at Ariel can do so by taking tbe afternoon train on tho Erie He Wyoming Vullev railroad whirh lenves scranton ut 8:80, and re turning leave the laka at about 8 30 o'clock. 234 Wyoming Avenue. (.luenuev Bros, have leased the store at 224 Wyoming avenue, where they will lo rute on April 1st and will coutiutie their wholesale and retail business of selling plauos aud orgaus uf the best makes. clerk aud clerk to the chief of police, and providing for '.their appointment and fixing their salaries, passed first second readings. An ordinance provid ing for purchase of a horse for Nay Aug Hose company passed third read ing. ENDEAV0REHS ENTERTAIN WUL. Peno Avenue Church the Scene of a Flsasact Evsntrg. The Young fteoplt'i Society Chris tian E ideiivor of the Puu avenue Baptist cnnrcQ gave au iulertaiuiueut iu the lecture room of the cburcu last evening. The programme opened with a piano duet by Misses Bartholomew und Smith The next number was a solo, "The Dream of M-morv," by Miss Josie Riehards, who rendered it in a very pi -using manner. The Second Presbyterian church orch-'Stra rend ered a very pleasing number, after which Misses Grace and Anna Rose sang a duet entitled "Laud of the Swallow" in their usual excellent mau uer. Edwin Williams. Fred. Koehler and Frank Filmoro gave a composite dscla mation, responding to uu encore. Two members of the orchestra, Mls Clara Long, violin, Mis Smith, piano, ren dered a fine selection. A fifteen niiuuto social followed a few remarks by the president, Mr. Lacey. The second part of the programme was opened by the orsbeatra, after which Watson Browning gave a numer ous recitation, entitled "A Spelling School," which created much laughter. After a telection by the orchestra brought the entertainment to a close. THEODORE HEMBEGER'S RECITAL. A Large Bind Auiie ,oa D lighted by ArtUtlo Violin Playing. List Evening Theodora Hetnberger, assisted by Alls Emma Conrad gave a most delightful instrumental and vocal concert in the Young Mens uhristiHu association hall. Mr. Hemherger is, comparatively, a stranger to Scrantouians and It must have been very gratifying to him to have been greeted, on his initial nu pearanee by such a lurge audience. Be sides being an artistic ptrforuier Mr. Hemberger i u composer of much ex cellence, as was shown in his noclune aue caprice, for piano aud "Them art mine all" "Die Roen Bluehen" for the voice. Miss Conrad sung in must excellent style a number of selections among which was Cavatina, from "II Trova tore. Probably the violin solo, Czirdas, by Htibay was the most appreciated of the violin rendition. Mr. Hemberger's bowing is extremely artistic, and his playing last evening pleased bit hear ers and stamped him us u violinist of remarkable ability and finish. THE TRIBUNE'S BOOK OF SCRANTON It Will E Handsomely Illustrated by Photogravures and Half Tone Cuts. A number of busi ess men of the city are under the impression that tbe book of Stranton which The is about to issue is au individual enter prise. This is not so. the management of the ThiiiUNk: desires to announce that it is responsible for the book, which will be by far the most elaborate pic torial work ever published in Scranton. The principal public and private build ings will be illustrated by photograv ures. The book will also coutain half tone copper etchings of the leading professional and business mm of the city, together with brief sketches of their lives. It will give strangers a good idea of the resources aud business iuttrests of Scranton, and will be an admirable advertisement to &3tid to manufacturing concerns that contem plate cjmtug hsre. CITIZEN E, C. Fuller Passes Away Peicefully at Bis Monroe Avenue Hoar. DEATH DUE TO HEART DISEASE Matters That Attracted the Attention Higher Branch Members, A special meeting of select council was held lust eveuing The following communication was read- I most respectfully return withont my approval file or select council, No. 59, pro viding for the grading of Tenth street be tween Fellows aud Hampton streets. First Because there is no release given to the city by the property gvwners ownlug property abutting on the str et named; and secondly, because 1 believe that it is unjust that the city should bear the ex peuse of grading this street when in all previous similar cases tbe cost has been borne by the properties abutting on the streets so benefitted. Yours Very Hespoclfully, W. L. Con.nsll, Mayor. The second communication was read as follows: lu conaidaration of the fact that the property owners owing property abnttiug on Tenth street have signed a releuse ex empting the city from any damage which might accrue to their properties by the opening Of Tenth street, I desire to with draw my communication of tho liOih inst., disapproving of tile of select council, No. 50, I8INS, and to approve of the said or dinance. Yours very respectfully, Yt. L. CoRXtLL, Mayor. The foregoing communications were ordered filed and the ordiuanco ordered returned to the mayor. A couimuni cation from the oitv solicitor was read suggi sting to councils that the street commissioner be directed to sever all newer connections on Leo alley sower made by peraons who have failed or refused to pity their sewor assessments. The matter was referred to the judic iary committee. A resolution was approved directing that no Im movements of any nature be made nor money expended on any street net properly accented by the city. . Action was indefinitely postponed by advice of City Solicitor J H. Tory oh the ordinance providing for a reassess meut ot cost ot paving Madison avenue from Linden to Gibson ttreets. An ordinance providing for the va cating of the Drinker turnpike be tween the north line of John T. Por ter's property and Washington avenue passed first and second readings. An otdiuance creating the offices of mayor, secretary, two clerks to the city con troller, two clerks to the city treasurer, a N'Maot city dilator, assistant city Tho pictures which have excited tho ad miration ot so many people may bo had ut Tub Tumi t. office tnilay. The demand was so great that the supply was ex hausted, but a tbousnud ure BOW ready for distribution. JANUARY 26, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of throe beautiful pioturea, "Telephone Giri," "De tirerihg Christmas Presents'' aud "Maidens Swiuging." Send by mail or nicsseuger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 eeuls, statup9 or coiu, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Peun Ave. and Spruce St. He Was One of the Foremost of Poli ticians and Business Men of the City and Had Been Identified with the Interests of Scranton and the Wyoming Valloy All His Life-Sketch of His Life. E. C. Fuller, one of the veteran bdsi neas men of theciiy of Scranton, and the Wyoming Valley, died at S 10 o clock hint evening, at his homo on Monroe avenue, after a protruded III ue Mr. Puller had been ailing for some time past, but for the past seven weeks his condition was much worse, and duriug the latt threw weeks he was confiusd to his bud. The lust twenty four hours of his life were spent in un conciousness. Death wu due to heart trouble. In November last Mr. Fuller went to Philadelphia aud entered a hospital where he was treated by Dr. Pepper. After returning home he felt much better and considered hi health much Improved. He is survived by three sous, Charles R, Elwurd L., aud James A Fuller. His wife, Mrs. Ful ler, preceded him In death by one year, SKETCH Of UIS t'AKEKH. Edward Cuarlos Fuller was born nt Wyoming, Luz-rne couity, Juue 8, lb!!Q He was e luo ite I in the Wyom lug seminary und when he had com pleted his education he learned the rope malting irade with his father, and afterward acted as saleimun for his father's wares throughout this section of the state. After acting as salesman for u couple of years, Mr, Fuller went to Baltimore, Md , where for two years he ws clerk at Bar urn's hotel. theu one of the leading hostt-lrietof the south. K;turu - ing home he stalled pharmacv undtr Dr. Throop und was later associated with the doctor, as partner iu the drug biumess. J he partnership w dis solved and Mr. r ull-r opened a drug store in Hawley in 1831 In 18o'.' he removed to Scranton again and has since resided here. In the stme year he embarked in the drug business at 303 Lsckawanua avenue under tbe firm name of L S and E. C.Euller, continuing at the same stand until four years ago. In I860 be was elected school controller, which position he occupied a nil in bri ef years, beiag treasurer of the board for some time. ENTEBBE THE POSTOFFK E. On May 16, 1381. Mr, Fuller took charge of the Scranton p.ntofhce, be ing President Garfielu's appoin tee. He continued in lus official poal tion under President Arthur, und was eucceeded by D. W. Connolly, lu 1390 he was elected city usi-sor, retiring in 1893, but remaining in the office as clerk to the present board. Mr Fuller was u director aud treasurer of the LscIm wauaa hospital since its organiz ition, nnd was president of the Dunmore Cemetery association since it was or ganized. He was also one of the char ter member of the First Presayteriau church. Mr. Fuller wai a man who always had a kind word for his fallow men and was of a jovial and compmionable nature, lie always took an active in terest in politits and was amoug the foremost leaders of the Republican party. Mr. Fuller ws united iu marriage to Miss Helen Rtiihven, of Wyoming, on Jan. , 1849. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu s I OUR i curtain: inmniiimiiiiiiiiifiiiimniiiiHima a t Are worth going a long distnncet o see. No such collection can be I m found nearer than New York tr g I Philadelphia, and then H Is not sur- g i passed in the matter of unique and 1 exclusivo designs, or richness, g daiutinei-s aud delicacy of mate- g Sria). In a word, our Curtain stock g , this fall reaches our highest ideal g g ot what is should be, end cannot g S fail to rmet the spproval of the g 2 moat refined aud artistic tastes, g S ei nil this iloev not mean high S S puces, (.in the contrary.the values & 8 we now offer are submitted for & S your inspection. Of course, we' ve S m every make, aud among tbem will S m he found the veiy choicest crea- S S lions in Urussels. Irish Poiut, Swiss, S m Nottingham and othei Lace Hoods: S slso the New Unowflake Hwlss. with Mlk Stripe iu contrasting colors. Also full lines of Silk i-tnpis. Tapestries, etc., mace to crder. SCHULTZ'S WON DcRFUL MEMORY. In a List cf Five Thousanl Poatomcej H- Falls to Locate Oaly Faurtssu. Q orge Schultz, jr , returned yester day from Harrisburg. where on Tues day he took the annual examination required of railway postal employes. The examination was conducted by Chief Clerk Frederick Gore. Mr. Schultz passed 11 brilliant exam ination, failing to locate but fourteen postotUces in a list ot 0,000 on which he was examlued. This examination usu ally requires six hours time, but Mr. Schultz completed it iu four nours and forty minutes. He has been a postal clerk on lbs Delaware, Lackawauna and Western railroad between this city and North umberland for the post four years. His home is in the Tenth ward of this city. THE ESCAPE FROM LIBBY. Detroit Erse Pre Says It Has tfuoh In genuity of Plot. Tickets are selling very rapidly for the niuatuer production of "The Escape from Libhy," which will be produced at tho Academy of Music next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for the benefit of the Board of Associ ated Charities. Regarding the plav. the Detroit Free Press says: " 'The Eicape from Libby' is a drama of much ingenuity of plot, intense iu its heart, interest and thril ling in it climaxes. Koscoi Whit man's Harry Estes is virile, rxUDly, in tense, winning in triumphs without un worthy device aud holding steadily to the highest plan of artistic ends ivor. ' " CHARLES ELLIS AS COUNT CASPAR. EllHlllllllMllllllllllillKBlIlliaillllllllS I HILL k CONNELL I I s SCRANTON. PA. i 5 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ) THEY FILL THE BILL. We have the most complete assortment of Ien' Furnishing Hoods that ever appeal:. J to the eye or to the taste, borne of our new Hiudei and designs iu Tien aie etpeda&V at tractive. They are selling st figures which give you no ueuse for being without all so: ;i of Hie and styles, c KViint'inri 205 Lackawanna Avenuj THE HATTER Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Ths Popular Qtrman Comsdian De lights a Uood S d Houis. There was a good sized nudience at the Academy of Music last evening whon Charles T. Ellis presented "Count Caspar. " Mr. Ellis' singing was admir able, and hi numerous solos were en thusiastically enc red The supporting coinpauy was first class. Miss Florie O'Brien and little Mai tie Qrier captured the audience by their remarkably clever aud intelligent acting. The production was first class lu every respect. For Sal at a Bargain. Two 80-foot quartered oak counters, one 25-foot quartered oak wall case, one 12 foot show case, live oak tables and chairs, and all other furuiture in the store at 'i'ii Wyoming avenue, Y. M. C. A. buildiug. Inquire at Frank Muyer's office. DIED. FULLER Edward C. Fuller. Jan. 23,1694. I-'tiueral Saturday, Jan. HTJat 2 o'clock p. ui. lroin his late residence, S4j Monroe avenue. Relatives aud friends luvited. Interment private. Best Sets of Teeth, $8. OO Including the painless extracting ot teeth by au entirely uew pi j- ses, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 186 WYOMINO AVIi FISK JUBILEE SINGERS. Motofthe Oricmal Company Will Be Here Tuefdty. A good m my people think they have heard the Fisk singers whonev r heard them nt all, us one or two former mem bers of the organization have started up "jubilee singers'' of their own. The company which will be here next Tuesday evening, however, has in it six of the members who made the famous tour of the world, aud the reports of their concert work in neighboring cities are full of praisi. Tbe Young Men's Christian association committee are encouraged at the interest already manifested by the demand for seats. Beudleston ft Woera's and Ba'.lantlne'i Alee are the best. K. J. VVaLsb, agent, 81 Lackawauna avenn. Mn Joseph LoWMfttlO has bought Mr. Thomas fiancke's drug store, at the cor ner of Wa-hington avenue nud Spruce: street. Mr. Lowenherg is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy of I ten years' experience. The store will be kept well stocked with pure drug, niedi dnejt, perfumery, toilet and fsucy rti- olei Physician prescription and family recipes carefully compouudd. , i Mter Swearing Off How man v have taken vows of absti nence with the birth of the new year is perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts are futile against Inveterate habit, a habit which has become a disease. There was a time when it wi uld hnve been easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit continued un -ill DJ the constant or fnqnent use of the poison there was forced a change in the nervous system which made it uot only possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and uot seem to get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to keep yon feeling gnod and you "craved liquor'' because you had become diseased. Now that swoanug off doe no good and the pledge enn't be kept, go and make your resolution good for all tune by taking treatment at the Keeley institute, T2H Madison avenue. Sranton, Pa. Set terth. JJ..W; best set, 9s: for po'.J caps aiut teeth Witliuut rlates. called crown an-1 bridge wot k, call lor prices snJ refereaoa. TON ALlllA, for extracting teeth without pain. No ether. 2fogSS. OVtn VIBST RATIONAL BANK Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have you ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oysters fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have seen, Open Until Midnight. NO FiLKE SALE AT M. BROWN S BEE HIVE, ' Por Pont We wil1 allow 2s Per LU lUl Uulll. cent, discount on all nicpnimt saes n our dak' UIOUUUIII Fur and Millinery De partment before taking inventory. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. -On our stocjc of Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Underwear, etc. (slightly imper fect), we will allow a discount of 15 per cent. The above are bona fide offers and our patrons should not fail to take advantage of them. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.