THE SCBAKTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY" MURXING. JANUARY 26, 189t. ONE CENT A Word. Wantiof all itindi cost lhat muelt, ar- cpt Situat ions Wante4,wliit an iwrtrd GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Interesting Statistics Snowing the Magnitude of the Pennsylvania System, Situation Wanted Ml Yol-N'i. uring store; would linn box 2S, Mont ulTl'ATlOX WANTED I.Y 1 man with two years' experience In iowoly unl watch l oo urine storo; would lino to learn ro ire of the business: w-ag -s no object; best of references. Audrey li. rose, Pa, GOOD 5 EAT BBWEB WT-HES A few customers by tho day. Address. Dross maker, general delivery city. REACH FROM GOTHAM TO CHINA ANTED - SITUATION AS BOOK- keener bv I graurute 01 hentoUe Academy. OocJ I uteri nets furnished Ad dress Box li.'. Factory v it le.Pa. CITUATIOS WANTED -BY A VOUNO C married msu m Janitor or tend furnace Aduiess N Tribune Office. V CRSE-LAIMHS' I.IK I I s I SITUATION WANTED AS NURSE (URL or lodoUgn.noaeewore'. Addr.'-s. L li.. No. Ill N Fi Imore uvc TANTED-POSITION BY A MARRIED man ;.s uardn. r or Mori t; will take uny otiier honor. ible cmploymen'. Address, VV II., No. 313. Phelns t , scrantoii. Pa. Agents Wanted. ' ANTED A SALESMAN. 120 TO J) weekly can be male witliour goods in any locality, will prove it or lorfeit fliKi. t-alurv Of omntnlMlon as you prefer. Tlio re sults of a lew hoars' work often equals a we.k's wages, Andrea -manufactur- HRS." P, O. Box oSilii, Boston. Muss. 'ANTE.) THREE C.OOD MEN To (.'AN as for an article that will sell at sigut ; can make fla or HO per WtaB, Call at room lo. Arcade Building, second tlojr. w cf .1 For Sale. SALE - a' ok SALE A SADDLE HORSE, FOR want of us.-, can be seen ut uverystauB 0 Warnei. Green '. 1 UEOl.Oh. SANDERSON. 1 'OH SALE - bi ACRE FARM. bTOOK r and utensils. J 31. SHEFFIELD, 42o Mouroe sa e. nOR SALE - ONE NEW YOST TYPE I writer, also Ue new Abbott cheek punch, at a bargain. Addles 11. J . tare Tribune of See, VOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN 1 ton property A beariug orange grovo increasing In production and value yearly in the oranae section in Florida. Addnai F. E. NETTLETON. Lake Helen. Florida For Kent. iKRENT AFH1L1 -THE ROOMS NOW .1 ocettpied by tbe Telephone Exchange, 3U Apply at the office of Lehigh Salt Minimi Co., Third National Bank f-uller Lackawanna avenue Lehigh Salt Milium t i u Id ..: L S. and K (' I -i.iK RENT HOUSE 47 WYi 'MINO AVE .1 nue from April J. Eleven room-, all the Bluderu Improyemen s. rent So" ier month Apply to F. H. i LEMoNS. la Lackawanna avenue. TOE RENT T brick build pleosutit room TWO FLOORS OF THE 11 Apply at '.'IT Penu avenue . H'RE Fi'K KENT MORS ROOM AND basement, No. 128 Penn avenue, now oc CUp.ed bv C. S. Woohvorth as an ceDt store Inquire or B. O. HILL. 131 North Washington avenue. 'oRRENT A LARUE SloRE ROOM AM IM Spruce street Inquiie at 111 Wyoui ug avenue. PuH RENT -TWO-SToRY BRICK UWEL. J llui! house Forest court. Apply to M agent. 7il West Lackawa imi lorll AC tuna avenue. rovements. lilo ICE COLLIN'S. ri'O LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS J Part or a'.l cf three bun lred feet of yard rem along railroad. Apply at 2I Franklin a' . RENT-STORE 2Sxi OR FURNISHED hail on Cireeii Rldae street. Verv desira ble location and on reasonable terms. Appiy to F. E. NETTLETON or C S. WOODRUFF Republican building. Tut Special Notices. WWWIWVWJt . ril LACKAWANNA TRUST AND SAFE I DEPOSIT COMPANY, OP SCRANTON, PA.. Jan. la. ism. THE ANN UAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- I holders of the Company for the elsctioii of i Directors will b-; held nt their office. No. IM Lackawanna avenue, o i Monday. Feb y 5, ' between the hours of 3 and 4 p in HENRY BELIN, Jr., ecr.tary. ''PHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR,' 1 containing Frank Leslie's famous oi l war plcturee. Two volumes folio. Every pige illustrated, over Su rages. As anedu tktoT it is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly ' j uyments. both volume delivered complete ' Address P.O. Moody. 3t Franklin avenue, agent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. f EAL tickets can be had it hi. jaM eorner Sprure street and Franklin are Hue. Twenty meal tieuets for tltO, Oood ; table board. Lost. I"T S.MAI.i, HUNTIMi Doll ALL i white with noaDtlon of hind Uir and If It Wero Possible to Put All Its Mile age Into One Straight Road, There Would Be Enough to Span the Con tinent, the Pacific Ocean, and Leave a Margin for Excursion Purposes Into Interior Asia Other Bright and Timely Information Relating to In dustries. Chief EuRineer Brown of the "Pemi sy" in his annual report explains that with the nearly BOO miles of new trHik UiJ in 1898 included, the total miles of road now operated mid i'antrolld by tho PenniylVAniA ayetem is MTUIt, of Which 41H7 constitute tln 1 i lies oust of Pittsburg unit Erie und 48S5 the lines west of Pittsbur.' and BSrt, If iiii the lines coulrolloil by tho Ponusylviuiia Hailroml compauy were pluurd iu it st flight line they would extend from New York to Sun Francisco and retnra, and thoti a tingle-track road lor the lame distance could be laid to tome othnr point. Including th i sec ond, third and fourth tracks and the company's sidings, thu PtMHsTlvanU ttailroad company owns uud controls 18,1801 miles of track, which would bo long enough, if it wero feasible, to ex tend from w York to China, with a few miles left for excuraiou lines in the Colestiul kingdom. Btatenwnt of the bmineis of all lines of the Pransylf rain Railroad comp my : All lines east of Pittsburu and Krie, lor December, 1808, as compared with the sumo mouth in 180 show decrease iu gross earnings of 1888,07801, de crease in expenses of SD an 1 in crease lih net earning of $1SI -17K The twelye months of - ' compared with thosnme period of 1S9'.', show de crease m gross earnings of $2,4t!o.0i0 83, decrease iu expsnses of $1,888,844 08 and decreuso in net earnings of 3 13, T0. 01. All lines west of Pittsburg and Erie for December, 1898, U com pared with the same mouth iu lSHi. show a decrease in gross earnings of $707,808.01, a decrease in expn.ies of $181,880.98 and a decrease in net earn inirs of $899,611.78, The twero months of 16U3, as compared with tue same period of 1889, show a decrease iu gross earnings of $(,2'.'7 16 'JJ. a de ' crease in expeusss of $837, -135 49 and a j decrease in netesrniugs of $ 49.731. 50. Sys the Philsdeluhii Tirass: "Coal trade authorities report tne almost total absence of deuiaud in tide-water j markets. The shipments of the roads ; are at the minitnr.iu, aud weie it not ; for tbe fact that returns are compir.l with thosa of Jaunary last year, which was an exceediujly bad month on ac count of adverse weather conditions, they would snow heavy decreases. Prices are being cut and cash orders art placed on abont buyers' terms. The j only detnaud is for pea and buckwheat sizos. The marked curtailment of the i month has left rtocks of these lltM ex j ceadingly small." This is the language in which tho Manch L'hunU Dsily News seconds tbe ! motion: ''Up ut Wilkes-B irre and Scrantoii, tbe new railroad from Wilkes-Birre to Stroudsbur? has been dubbed the 'Panther Creek Line.' That name will answer. We were always compelled to refer the road as tus 'new road from Wilkes-B irre to Strouds burg,' becaneo half of tbe time wo did not nave the correct title at hand, and for fear of confusing it with a number of other roads, in that direction, from Munch Chunk, that are almost similar in title. "Panther 'Creek' will go, but hadn't we better drop the 'C'rtck' for the sake of brevity?" used to filled in the remainder of the time, and will keep the mills running." Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad compauy has finished its repair .shops at Pottsville All tbe coal sidings of the Jersey Cen tral railrcad are crowded with unsold an thracite. It IS the general belief m Philadelphia that, the charges ot Isaac L. Rice hgaiuat ex-Fresideui McLtod, so far aa relit" to any deliberate tQismuosgemeot.liave fallen flat Mr. VcL'od Is receiving general congratulations. A petition is in circulation in opposition to the Erie i Ian ut leorgauization. Among those who have sigued are the bnukiug linns of August Ueltuouc & Co., Kuhu, Leon & Co.. Hullgnried tt Co., VWmilyo 4; Co., E. H, lUrriuiau & Co. and Charles A. Pea body, lbe Delaware) iron works, Now Cutis, will start up next Monday, in ull dopail- mi nts. 1) Joues & Co. 'a foundry and engine works at Fremont, O., started after six mouths' Idleness. OvfT SfiO men are em ployed. Acompuny with a capital of $10,000,000 has beea organized to work anthracite coal lauds in Sonnra, Mex. A bill to appropriate jfi0,iAM),UU0 to deepen and wideu thu Eriucaaal is before the N'uw York legislature. The tires in all the furnaces ot No. works of the Pittsburg Plate Ulass o in -pony were lighted Tuesday morning. The works will resume in full, but at reduced wages. Eight hundred men will b em ployed. The Philadelphia and Roatling's colli eries will hereafter work three days in a wees'. Dyspspria nnd Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the usoof P P. P. If you are debilitated aud ruu down, or If you need a tonio to regain llt'dti Hint lost appetite, strength und vigor, take P, P, P., und you will he strong aud healthy, bw shuttered constitutions and lost mauhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Hoot aud Potaiaium) is the king of ull medicines. P. P.P. is the greatest blood punlier in thu world, lor sulo by all itmumlata ' a Cougu wiux a Weak Sys tem.Consumptlon with Weak Lungs, or Disease with Loss of Flesh. Take Scott's Tempt dot Connolly & Wallace -tea' Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver OH, for any ailment resulting from poor nourishment. Physician, tho world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! ptoprd by bcolt i towns, N, V. All lrunts. Lost Manhood ;iriil vigor qukklf ittoretlsVurlcoct-lt), i.IL'HI ly Cltlla- tout, Htnii'liy, M.v. urcty ein4 1 .y I -Ml A (Ml. the L-r.'at HlndDU ICt llii djT. W i'Ii Mr -iMrniriiHraatrplut'urt. SoJd by SlAll'HLWa U1C08., Urugit, bcroutou, f BUSLNESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AND BUttOEON RNANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds New Yoiik, Jan. Jo. Extreme dullness characterised dealing at the stock ex change dnrlps the greater part of the day. Total SOlM In, 1 18 The great bulk of tho business was in St. Paul, sugar, Hurling tou, Western L'nion and Louisville and Nashville. The bulls had the market well under control until a late hour. The dealings, however, were devoid of aui matiou aud for the most part uninterest ing. The advance iu prices was equal to al per cent. No change of importance iu the speculative temper occurred until about 1 o'clock, when tbe bears discovering indications of free realizaiious, took measures to frighten the small traders into selling. The decline from the highest hguie of the morning' was equal Eo.VtO, Among the inac tive stocks Lackawanna sold at 101. This is the first sale sine- Monday, when the stock brought 100, The market closed weak at about the lowest point. The tot In Wing coinple table showing the day's fluctuations In aeti'. e stocks is supplied ancl revised daily by Lallar & Fuller, stock brokers, 1-1 WyomiuK avenue: Ouen- Bull- Low Clos ing, est. est. i i'. .. m a; su m .. fig 7M 77'. " .. lli k-tg iuj ll4 D' site i DM., Francke Am Cot. OIL. A m sugar. . . . A. T.& S. V... Can. So t en. N. J l ine. St N . W ('.. B, y Chic. Uas 0., t'.. 0, & St. I.. Col., Hock.Val St 1 ..114)1 ,.10H tow '14' j 101 about one eye leiurning to Hriek street. 1 1 inder will be rewarded by P 'HO LAS M Al.ATKSTA, HI Reii Estate JHR SALE SIN'OLE HOL'SE, nSQUIKOY avenue; very desirable location. Ar.ply O F liEYNOI.DS. or W i I WAUUKN ft KNAFP. WILL BUT MoliERN KEWf-KOUM O honso, all Improvements: terms easy; cor DOT Madison avenue and Delewure street. Ad plv HAIiKY LEU, cL-Wi WILL BL"? VEKY DEBIRABLI LOT V corner Madiaon avenu uud Delaware street Terms easy. Apply 1IAKHY LEES. Nsw York Produce Market. New York. Jan. J.V Flock Dull, weak, freely offered. Wheat LJuiet, lower; No. U red, store nnd elevator, aSXWc; f. o. b., M ,a tifl'c.; ungraded red, 00a08c.j atloar, 'KSJic; No. 1 northeni, id!a70c. ; op tious, clo.-ed weak, Jjc. over yntflrdavy; No. 2 red January, OSJc. : Febru ary. 66c; March, Me.) May, bs',c; June, 6c.; rfnly, 7(i;t'c: August, 71.c. ; Decem ber. 1iic L'oitN Market 9rm, iuiot; No. 2, 4350.: elevator,4t4c; ungraded mixed,4:i!ji4:ic.; steamer mixed, !... . ; low mixed, s8jj nl . i.; nplious closed tlrm; Januarv, 43Jic; February, He , March, 45c; May, Uats Quiet, Urmer: options, dull.tlrm; January, Sisc; February, 84c: March, o4Hc: May, 35c; No. 1 white Febuary, :!.,;a3o3;c,: March, ilTMs.) spot prices: No. 8, 33Jic: No. 3 white, 3blc.; No. liiChicugo, MfiC: No. 3 while, 86c.; mixed western, 34)t85c.: white do ,3U)i 400.! white state, 8b);a40c. UtEV-Dull, t.ztr Bams Quiet. 'Iikrseo Hi i.i - Dull, steady. COT Miats Moderate demand, firm; pickled bellies, Sc.: do., shoulders, Ojc. ; tiaius, 914c; middles, nominal. Lakh Quiet, firmer; western steam, IS.U5; options ! January, ts.05; i Pebruory, $8.00: May, 7.; refined (juiet; I continent, f South Auericu, fS.00; compnuud, .: ,c. Pork Moderate, demand steady; mess, j IM.ouaia. lit i mi Firm, active: state dairy, lr)a28c; do. creamery, 18u22o. ; Peunsyl vania do., WfilMc, ; western dairy, 18Va 17c.; do. creamery, lSa2Uc; do. factory, l Sal He; Elgius, 2Xabc: imitation cream ery, 14Hal8c; roll, l'.'nloc. Cuessk -Fair demand, steady; state large. Valine ; fancy, II .all',,- ; do. email. 10Xal2?ic. ; part skims, 4al0c. : full skim?, 2a3c. Eoos Firmer; ice house, lKalSc. ; do. per case, 2.0a3.2J; weaiein fresh, 1CX lKt, limed, nalSHc; southern, 18 aW'iC Fatal neglect is little short of suicide. The consequences of a neglected cough are too well known to need repeating. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Hold by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. The anthracite Bales agents at a meet ing in New York yesterday, decided to make the Febrnary production of an thracite 80 per cent, of the capacity which is about 2,'ioO.OOO ton. The production in February last year was 11,128 807 tons and 8,179,081 tons In 192. They further resolved to meet on Feb. 15, when, if the weather has been mild, they will further reduce the production, nnd if cold they will increase it. Nothing was done in th way of changing prices, Fonr-fiftlw of the total coal produce of the Cuited Kingdom is consume I iu the country, aud tbe remaining oue lirth, cr rather three-fourths of it, are exported toother countries, tbe balance being nied by steamers at sea. Tons. Per cent Home consumption of coalinlsui 149,l0'.i.;.M SO.O ; Shipped to colonies iu I lbM 2.705,451 1.4 I Shipped to foreign conn- I tiles ill 1802 ,ij,7i40,',,dO 11.3 i I used by steumers at sea in I8N I). H urn, D L. Jt W Ml I) ft 0.7 i'u'i, (4. E. Co Lake Shore L. Si M Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y. & N. E N. Y. Central. N . Y 0. m W N . Y.,S. W U. S. t'. Co.... North Puc North Puc. pf. iiiiatm POO, Mull Heading Hock Islaud.... It. T ... 8t, Paul T..C. ft I Texas ft Poc... l'nion Pac 1P Wabash, pf 4s W. Union H5U V. L, E 13 W. ft L. E. pf IttM ..m ..l'-'oJ .. 44H ,m .. m 4l.u 4 W8 ' iiii m "M ruin 35Vs itiH 104 21 I.HS m 12tf4 4iD 121 W SSU tm 14ia ltd is lb Low est. :v,-4 lll'a Itjttl 7ii uW m ' 104 M ' 15 HT.'s, im 121 mt ufi HSlVh 15V. 1144, le:lv 11 ii E. DEAN. Diseases ot the Eye, Nosa I .... ; street, oppo site liouse. A J. CONN ELL, Olllre 2U1 Wnsliiugtou avenue, corner snriiee street, over drug store. Itesidenee. 722 Vina si. Office hours: lO.SU to 12 a. m. and 2 to nnd 41 HO to 7.IW p. in Sunday, to 3 n in R W K, ALLEN. Oftleo ror Liicki- w.innaaiid Washinetoii aves . : over i-oon- uid shoe store: office hours. IU to 1:1 a. m. aud DtO 4 p. m.; eveniugs at leeldeucu, 51- N tv aHinngtou ave. li. Q L FKhY Practice, llmnel to Dis eases of tlie Eve. Ear. Nose aud Throat office. 1.' Wyoming ave. Residence, 5.V street. L M. UATES. lie Washington Avenue. Oftleo hours, i to U a Iu , lUUto 3 and J to s p.m. JOHN L. WF.NTZ, M. D.. Office., 52 and II Commonwealth building: residence 711 Maillsonave: oltleo hours, LJ to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to S; Sundayu 'i.30 to 4, evenings at residenco. A spec ialty iiiinle of avaaaea of tho eye, ear, uoss und throat and gynecology. K. Q, D. .UUHKAY. specialty made on dis eases of eve aud akin.'Jl.i Wytuning Ave. Office hours: Until Ma m -to4 and 7 to Spin. Mlts. Dlt KINO, laiMCLUEK BY BTBIEC At ('arbondalo on Fndaya of each wisk. J)' Da( Vine Great Domestic Cotton Sale for a Few Days Only Prices Lower than ever before reached in the history of the bu3ines3. Iu placing our order for Cottons we have taken every advantage the markets afford, The result is we have the largest aud best bought stock iu the city. A Few Price Hints on 36-inch Muslins. BLEACHED. I UNBLEACHED. HILL 6 CENTS TX CENTS ATLANTIC P 5 CENTS ATLANTIC A j CENTS AltUYLE rX CENTS BLACK ROCK- ai CENTS LONSDALE I'KL'ir OK LOOM PRIDE OF WEST 11 CENTS Souie houses advertise Hill aud Fruit Muslins under the regular price and deceive the public by sell ing them a 7 8 Width. It is not honest competition. We keep nothing but the yaid-wide goods in slock. Sheeting and Pillow Case widths from K) inch up to 2 1-2 yards wide. All the best makes, includ ing Utic, WMUsntta, Atlantic and Lockwood. iu Bleached and Brown. Prices here same as the narrow goods have fallen down to the lowest notch. We have inaughrated this Special Sale at this time, When people generally replenish their Cotton sup plies. Housekeeper should bear this fact in mind and improve the opportunity. Bale lasts Oue Week. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Closing out the bal ance of our E. V r. I K It I N A It V h V ROEOM S. Surgeon, ol College. Office. Summer's STLTtOi: tlsti v a lario Veterinary Uvsrv, H2 Diz st 'IYic, No. II : Veterinary Don gold medalist of On near Keller s uarriagu shop Sow tv'i w 144M (JVii 13 4;iai i; KS IeU I Hi fisS 16 ielH HVa i IW MM S444 l;ii" 144 '.till ;iiv... 12Ms 44.r ltiS 101 14 IS 4a m tm 17 20 67 M ,,s 161, litiv Ills, I M ItM 4 a, I .1 Jan. May. July, fitu M tmm ;AiU 1 4 tioti M't-J IMtti 41414 ul"4 tH4 0.', M MM :'AH uW X'lit UN HK bH si, Mi Ml SHii :uj 28? mi booj u Snl MM i'sH 27tfc S0J-4 -jtk imi irsj - 1:121 IM - IM IM - J J22 13iJ - 77 757 ;;a ;no 71 li 715 - 776 TtW M 70 tou 878 Wl 1:117 HJ 171 - I. . Yl.ltri. M. C. HANuk'S 1-aw uud Collection of flee, No U17 Spruce St., opiiosltu Forest House, Bi runton, l'a,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable coricsponu ents in every county. lEssri-s & IIA.Td, Attorneys alid Counsel I Jon at ljw. Commonwealth building, Washington ave. W. H. Jtssi-p, BonAci a hamd, W, H JkHOf, J 11. ILLAKD, WAKBEN ft KN API', Attor net s and Counselors at Luw, Republlcuu building. Washington ave., Sernnton. Pa. nATTKKHON 'ft' W1LUUX, Attorneys and 1 Counsellors at Luw; offices li aud D Library bcraiiton, Pa lioswrri, H rATTinsoa, WtLtl sM A. WltUOQj A LFREDHAND. WILLIAM J, HAND. At 1y tornevs and CoQBSOllors, Couiuionweulth biPl liiiB Kooms ID. 2d mid Jl PRANK T. OKr.LL, Attorney at Law. Uot " ft, Conl Eicliange, Scrantoii, Pa. MILTON W. I.OWKY, C 11 von sToncii. Attys, I toll 11V. 227 Wushtug C. II. siiuare. IAMESW. QAXPOKD, Attorney at Law. i rnona OA Otand 60, Com moii wealth b'l'g. "JAMI'EL W. BDUaB. Attorney al Luw. Cj OAi e, ol Bprnoest., Iseranton, Pa. fi.OfsO.PJ'J 4 4 Total lS0,l4,iKI4 100 It is extremely difficult to ascertain the amount of coal constnu (! in oacli of tho great industries and for domes tienscs. A writer in the Iron ami Steel lradts' Journal makes the fol lowing approximation to the homo con sumption for 1888; Tons c.'sl. Per c't Iron amUteol industries. 4 MOaON Ml 1 11 (. I. 7 23.6 II. 1 0 y 2.0 Smelting other metals olIteriesuDU mines Hiver steauiors, etc l'actorles Hallways .. 'las and water works Pottery aud works.. Okanioa) works Sundry manufneutures Dwelling houses i,ieo,oo8 7,600.00) 2. 500, (UK) 81000,000 4,700,1100 I). If li 1. 000 3,9)11,000 a son. 000 . 2, Mil), 000 000, 000 1.7 18.S Chicago Drain and Provisions. Scrast ih. .Ian. -'I Ti e following quota tions are supplied and o irrected d iily by La Bar ft Fuller, stock brokers.121 Wyoming avenue. WHEAT Opening , Highest Lowest Cdoolnjl CORN. Opsjalng Highest Lowest dosing OATS. Opening Highest Lowest , 01 sing ,., PORK. Opening Highest l ow st Closing LAUD. Oiieumg Highest Lowest CI sing Sll UT RIBS. Opening Highest Lowest .... Closing Philadelphia Tallow Market. rnii.AiiEi.i'niA., Tallow was quiet uud unchanged. I'rlcei were: 1 mid city, in hogsheads, ." , t.'-V'. prime 'nutry, in 1 ogslieads, 5V4c. do. dark-, tn hogsheads, IJfCl cakes, ".;ic ; grease, 4)a 4iC. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of C'annjoharie, N. Y., says that ho always ktieps I r. Kings New Discovery Iu tho house, ami his family has always fuuud tbe very bust results follow Its use; that ho would not he without it if procurable. 4. A. Dykeman. druggist, Catlsklll, N. Y., says that Dr. Kiur s Now Dlscovciyis undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all lhat Ik claimed for it. Whv not tre remedy so long tried nnd tested'' Trial bottles free lit Matthews Bros', drug story. Regular size 50c. and L00. s Have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil for croup and colds, nnd derlnre it a poaitive curs. Contributed by Win. Kay, 670 Ply mouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. L P. A WATRES, Attorney ut Law. Lackawanna ane. Hcranton. Pa P. SMITH, CMUksallM at Law. Offloe rooms 54. faV fsl Commonwealth huildinir It PITCHER. Attorney at Law. Cvn J . monwea tli bollnniB. Srranton. Pa. IX COMKOYB. l Sprnce st DU KEPLOOLE, Attorney- Loans tie-o tinted on real eatnte security. 40s Spruce. K1LLA.M, Attorney at Uit, Ym v in ing avenue, Boron ton. HAVE YOL'H DEEDS AND MORTOAOES written and uckuowledg.M by J. W. BROW NINO. Attorney aud Notary Public, H Common wealth BaJIdlns?. at following prices: Russian Lyax Circular Cap is, 24 inches, J4.96 Electric Seal Circular Capes, 21 In 8.M) Astrukhau Circular Capes, 24 Iu 9-116 Wool rt ul Circular Cap -a, 21 iu H.4IJ htono Marten Circular Capua, "I In 40.00 Brown Marteu Circular Capes, -4 iu 45.00 Otter Circular Capes. 24 In 50.00 Seal Sacques Feat Saeipios, 3- inches long 1150 00 Sou! Jackets, inches 100.00 Heal Jackets. 24 inches long 61.00 Astrakhan Jacket,, Jl lncbe, louj 1)5.00 Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape. JO tncbos long, Butterfly Cape ftCOO Otter Circulur Cape. JO mches long. with butterfly Cape 105.00 Sable Circular Cape, JO Inches lung Si 00 Astrakbau Circular Cape, IU inches lung H W Electric Seal Cu jular Cape, '! in. long '.'0 00 Or-iy Criuimer Circular Cape. JO In lung JU ou 10 dooan American B.-al Mutts at. ...81 M escb 1 lot ,f children's suts at He. each 1 lot of Sleigh Robes, plush Un ci ,.,.81 each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FRIDAY, JAN SO. FIRST TIME IN SCR ANTON. HOYT'S A Temperance Town COMPLETE PRODUCTION. Direct from Boyt s Madison Syuaro Thtater, New York. Presented by Mr. Oeoige Richards and original company. PRICES-First ten l ows first Moor, l. Bal ance of house at regular prices. Seats on sale Wednesday, .Ian. 24. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL KA1LH0AD OF N, J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION siveiy, insuring ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATL'UOA Y. JAN 27. The. -Drama, 77 "SWEET SINGER' Charles A. Gardner (Karl) In His New Comed 1 X.U XI By .las It, liaroy and Dr. A. E. Wood. New and startling scenic effects by L. H. Seavey, of New York. New and catchy songs by Oustave II. Kline. A TROl'PE OF 4J r.RM AN TYROLEAN SINGERS, in roues ot their native land. Bale opens Tumaday. inner Anthracite coal ueed i cltuulluess and omfort. ll Ml: TAStB in Ml ret JA7.M4. 18W Trains leave Bcranton for Pittston. WUkss Hurre. etc . at,, 11 io a. m.. 12.80, '.'Oj. ?. do, is is i, 7 25. 1105 p u.. Knndajrt, ii.tsj n m , I 00, 2 lsJ. 7.10 p. in For Atlantic Citv, I 10 a. in. For N-w York, Newark and Elizabeth. S 1 1 lexpressi a. in.. :.M lezpress with Bufie; parlor car 3,90 (Mpreit) p. m. Sunday. 2.00 p. in. ron liAccn cih sk. aixcntowk, Btrnw in. .i EasTOM and PaiLAIIELrNlA, t.V a. in . 12.80, J.SO, o.OO i except Phiiadelpilis i p iu. Sunday. 2 00 p in. For Lum. BRAacB. OCBAD QBOVS, etc.. at S.lOn. .. 12.80 p. in. For Reudmg, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allen town, 10 a. m.. P.'.jij. 5.00, p.m. Sunday, i tO p. m. For Pottsville. S 10 a. ni . 12.80 p, in. Returning, leave New York, foot ot Libeitv street. North river, at till i express u. m., Hi', 1.80, 4.1) i express with buffet parlor car I p. m. Sunday. 4. 30 a m Leave Philadelphia. Keadlug Teiiuln..!. MO a. m , 2.0J aud 4 p in. Sunday. 0.27 a in. Through tickets to ail point! at lowest rates may be had on avpHoaiion in advance to the ticket agent at :hi Station, H V BALDWIN, Oeu Fas-J Agent. J. n. OLRAV8EK. Oen. Supl. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY. JAN. 'M. i.l appeal ante bars and only visit this season. BARN'ABEE, KARL and M..DONALD S Robin Hood Opera Go. An exceptional OOit, including F'atimub I ,u :, Jeiomu Stykes. Mary Pulmjr. K b. Wentwortb, Agnes Stone, Ross David Ethel hale tie C E. I andie, And a strong chorus. Special Scenery Elaborate Costumes Special Prices Pal Kir. Si 25: orchestra, or i iie-tra circle and I Wo nrst rows ot balcouy 81j reuiaiudur of balcony, 75c ; gallery, 25c. Bale op 'lis Friday. L EIllon VALLEY RAILROAD Tram leaves Serantoa Cor PbUadalnhla and New York via. D. ft 11 'R It at 5 a.m . 12 10, Ul and 11.86 p. n via D. L it w. R K . o 11 0 a. m.,und 1.3), s p in. Leave Scrantoii for Pittston and Wilkos Barre via D., L ft W. R, R , t OS, 11 m 1 JO. a 60. 8.07, D.JS p, in. Leave scruntou tor White Haven Iin'V: Pottsville and all points on tne Beav-r I lie idow and Pottsville branches, via D ft H. i R. R at Sam. 12 10, ttt, 4 liip.m , v a D , U. I W, R R . .(. 12 10 a in., 1 30. a&v p.m. ' Leave SWOntOB for DeUilohem. Eastou. j Reaiiing. Harrisbnrg and all lntennediat i I points ,a D. ft H. R R. I am .1: 10, 2 89 11. .' I p in .via D . L ft W. R R .s us 11 20 a ui , I HI J .50 p.m. I I Leave Bcranton for Tunkhinno-k. Tow an la. Einiira. Ithaca. Ueoetva aul all Intermediate points via D. ft H R R.. 1 25 und lM p. in., via D I., ft W R. R . Vila in.. LSOp m. Leave Scrantoii for R- hester. Buffalo. HI" agara Fullr. Detr-ii. Chicago uud ail pun's west via 1) A II It. R. ! tM 15 II 8' p. IU . via D. L. ft W. R. R. and Pittston Junction .S5i a. in for Butia.o oniy . l-UVeS p. m, t la 1. ft W. R R.. 4.10 t. m. i'or Elmlra and the west via DolOBTtnca, via n. ft H R. R all. lap. m . rlaD.. L. ft W. R. R, ii, jMO a. m aud 6.4)7 p tu. Pullman pai lor and sleeping or L. V. rbotr cars on all tiaius lietw-een L. ft B. .luuctlon or Wilkes Barre and New York. Philadelphia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H WlLlU'R, Oeu Sunt. East Div CHAS s. LKE, lien. Pass Ag t. Phila.P.i. A W NoNNF.MACHEH.A-s t O.n Pass Agt. South Bethlehem, Pa. He Total home consumption 14S,IO,0W 100 Jersey Central trainmen who had been charged with making unpleasant remarks to the non union Lehigh Val ley men employed daring the striUo have received letters from tho division superintendents, requesting thorn to cease such annoyance.-, uud to let the Lehigh Valley insn alone. It is claimed tnst tbe actions of the Central men have operated against the reinetiits- merit of many of the Leuigb Vallsv's old man, and' also against the Central, hence the request to stop further an noyances. Minor Industrial Notes. Vice President Rafferty and L L Deraor cst, general freight and passenger agout of the Wilkes Barre and Easteru railroad, have been inspecting the Wilkes-Bar re end of the line and express satisfaction with the result. With orders sufllcieut to keep it busy all winter, the New Haven Rolling mill has resumed operatioas in full, i me by one tbe great irou and steel mills of Youiigstown,0.,aiid vicinity are steadily resuming operations. A prominent mill man ssid Weduusday: "Orders that are to be used immediately will be tilled first, and those that are not so pressiug will be KCHOOIH H liOOL OF THE LACKAW ANNA. Mcr-m- s or business Catalogue at request prepares boys and girls forcolleg. tnorouguiy trains Vuuug children Rev. Tnovi vs II, C4.N. Wai-tku II. Hill I I MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN aud School. 412 Adams uvcmie. Punils received Jan nary M all times. . term will upuu III N I IsTs. (i c LAfJBACH, Burgeon Dentist, No, Hi ' ' Wyoming eve R. M. s'l'RATl'liN, oltlc, ( .ml Ev liiingo I HANS) TOP PAY1NU RENT iiW.N YOUR huino. Money to loan on easy uioiitlily lavmeuts. S. N. CALLENDER, Dime Baug Bmldtng 1 . , I wei e p t i; . , CT 11fsJ N. H. BROOKS, Supt and Lecturer. HARRY THORN E. Stage Manager. Week commencing MIIMIAV.,1 AM' AIIY DUBLIN CO. I S 4 THE GEM COUPON, THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL. A Trip Through the Colum bian Exposition. 72 leaves, printt'il ou one Bide Ottly. Showing ull the places oi i inti'iest on main gronods ami I .Midway l'laisnuee. Size, 5x7 i lunbossed paper cover or lull I cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes i rmbossj i cover. Twj Coupons nrd 40 CENTS takes c'oth cover. Add 1 cents for postage if ordered by mall The Scranton Tribune. no I M.s AND RGRTAUnANT 'HE WESTMINSTER. -17 219 Wyomuig live. Rooms tiuuted with steam: all nvnf em Improvamenta. c It, Tin man, Proiv ZIKOLKRH HOTEL. H27 Lackawanna ave nue, Scrum-hi Ratts reasonable. , P. ZlUUIR. Proprietor. EBTjUIKIsTER HOTEL W. O. SCHENCK. Mai.niSer bixlcentb street, one blook east of Broadway. at L'nion Square, New York. American pin n. :;5o per dty and upwnrd. 'oYNi; tiO BE Rnroneaa plan; ;good v w open day and filed wltn the best. I'CRANTON ROL'SE. near D., 1 y aenger dei'Ot. n.kUL Bar sup- H. COYNE. Proprietor. L ft W. mis Condiictisl ou the European plan. yicfow Koch, Proprietor, RAN-!)' CENTRAL. The laigest aud tiii S S lite in A imt.c.Cu 12 and -.' U) hotel in AllontoWu. Pa.; ratel per day. ViiToit D. liAnttrn. Propt'stOT. AKOH1TKCTB. DON'T FORGET Thai wo are headquarter lor cvei y'.hing iu the line of WATCH EB. If you have ativ Idea ot purchasing auv kind or a Watch, lady's or gent's. Qua or Silver, you will a griov OQS mistake It yinidonot give us a cull and get our prices, w hich you will find far below all otiiers. especially 111 all the high grades of Elgin, Waltham uud Haiupdeu movements If you have any doubts and at at all posted tin prices gl e use cull and we will have no trouble m convincing you. We still have a large stock 10 dispo-e of, und will offer vou won derlul Inducements Iu Jewell y. Silverware. Clocks and all othar goods which wo have In block. C. W. Freeman l'euu Ave. and Spruce St. DAN COMEDY In conjunction with Howorth's Hibernica 1 Scenery of Ireland Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, LAHRV AM) TKDOY. Thursday. Friday, Saturday. THK TWO DANS. ULBOAMT DRAMAS, KIMS l -CL ASS BPBC1 VI TU S M VON I T I C EN V PA I NT 1 N (is Mlc. tn luicl; of balcony: '40c. to front of balcony and rear parquette: JOe opera chaira. Pertorinances a; - JO and 8.15 p.m. Doors Open at 1 IV and 7 EDEN MDSEE Week Comnencina Jan. 22. (TltlO llllib. UNZIE The Aboriginal Bsauty. AGNA 37 The Man Woman. nAVIS ft HOUn Architects. Rooms 24. Ko and 20 Cmninonweiilth n'ld'g. Si-rauton. n 1. WALl'EH, Architect, Library build lit Ing. Wyoming avenue, Hcranton. F.1 BROWN, Arch B. Architect. Plica hulldlng.l'JU N aslilngton Ave .Scranton. ii M1S4 EI.I.AMfOI s ort oi D. " Wahts - VVTlisArB lumber, t- and V Dime Bank liiu'idlni Siranton. Pa. Ml'.OAHOEE BROTHERH, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 138 Washington ute, Bcrautou, Pa , iiAi i ks oikniasTRA - Musio for" ij lulls, picnics, psrtlea, ,. ... i mugs and concert work furnished. For terms sddiess H. J. Bauer, conductor. Hi receptions. Wyomluii sve., over nuinert s muslo store. nZRA F'INN ft SOcfBTbulfaers and'coiitrao l t tors lards- Corner olive st. and Adams corner Ash st. and Penn ave . Si iantou. SE1MIS. G. R CLARK ft CO.. BeeOsmcii. Florists and Nurseryman: store 140 Washington aveune; green house, IJ6J Kottb Slain avenue; store telephone TSf, TEAS. OKAND ONION TtA OTA. JOBOS BfW WIRE at III:. Ns. JOS Kt'ETTEL, 6iJ Lscknwnnna avemu bviantou, Pa , u.auuf'r ot Wire Screens. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very rensonabln. Space wiil not puruilt us to mention the good things for a Christinas din ner. Stock it complete. .Anything to be found in u tirst class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Ifsnnfacturers and Dealers t Burning, fill CJ;lJ lubricating UILO m Also Shafting and Journal Greasi OFEICtt:-72l West Lackawanna Ave. WORKS: -Meridian -.- si. N E ITU The World s Smallest Lady THE PLATYPUS The Antipodean Parado THtCATKlL MULDOON'S PICNIC Admission, 10c. DUPONT'S MINUt'U, BLASTINU AND SPoRTINU POWDER Manulac'.iired at t'us Wapwallopsn Mills, Lu zerne county Pa,, aud at NVU mlugtou, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. (leneral Agent tor Mm Wyoming District, mB Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Hank Building. AniKCtta, THOS. FORD. Pittston. Pa .lOHN II SMITH ft SON . Plymouth. Pa. E. W. Ml'LLIOAN. Wilkes fiarre. Pa Ageuts for tho Repamio I nemioal Com rany'e High Finloslvea. DELAWARE AND HOD SON RAILROAD Commencing Mav -v ish., trains will run a follows Trains leave Bridge Stiec. Smtion, Scranton. tor P:it- ton, Wilkes Ban e, et I 0, .'.'.'7. V37, 10 42 a. Bb, 12.10. 1,25. 2.33. 4.16. MS, 8.15, 0.15 and I LSI p. tn For New York and Phils dclohis. S UUx m . 12 10, 1 .'-'.',, 2:e 41fiaiid 11 30 p in For Hoiierdaleifrom Delaware. I.ackaWAnua and WOStern depot . 7.O.1. IgO, N.10 s in.. VIM m 2 17 S 10 p. ill. For Cartonuaie and tntcrinediate stations, ."..40, 7 00, S.:). a. m . 124)11 m .2 17. 3.35,1 m, 2u and s is lv iu : from Bridge street Dept.:, tU a. in-. -'.Wand 11 16 p. iu. Fast slpresB to Albany, Saratoga, '.be Ad rondack Mountain-. Boston and New England polkta.ff.IO a ui.. arrlvinr at Albany VLSil Saratoga 2 20 p. m , and leaving BemtttOB at I p. m . arriving ut Albany at W p Id, . Sara toga. 12 V a. m . aud B ,'Sto.i. 7 O.I a. in Tne only dirts-t route bel w een the coal fields nnd Ibsten "Tho l.cndlna Tourists' Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain n sorts, Lukes Lleoige and Cliaiiiidain. Montreal, Time tables showing la at and through train sett ice between stations on all div tstoofl Dela ware tnd Hudson System, may be obtained a: all Delaware and I' i take; office-. H. 0, YOI'NO. i. W. BCBDICK, Sc. end Piesidotit tie;:. MK Agt. For Delicacy, For purity, aud for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals PuIZOM's Powder. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN' RAILROAD Trains leave ScrauC n us follows- Express for New York and nil points Knst. 1 50. 2.JU, 5,11, sin and V.50 a. tn., 12 .'" und o 50 p, in, Bxpress for Eoston, Trenton, Plinadelnhia and the Bonn, .'. I", sub and '.'.j" a. in : 1145 aud 2 Mi p. tu. Washlne ton and way stations. 2 .40 r m. Tobyhannaa' eonmodatton, 0.10 p. ul Kxpr i-s for Blngnaniton. Oawofo, Eimira, Coming. Bath. DBBSVlllo, Mount Morrie ami BtitTalo. 12 10. 21". a. ui. and I 24 p. u: making i lose colli ictlons at HtuniO to all points in the West. Northwest and Southwest. BttffOl .' uevoiiiinotlatioii. '.' 00 a in. Biugiiaiutou and way stat.i.ns 12:17 p :u N..I i and wav stations. A.43 p in. t'nghamton ami Elmlra Express, iio;. p, m Express tor Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, Itlcaaud RichQtld Spiluga. -.13 a io. aud 1 214 i m. , , Ithsco. 2 IS and 0 a. tt Mid . -4 P m I ..rNorthnmberli.d.Plttst.iu.W lifts -Da re. Plyiuor.tb BlOomsbUrg and Danville, insking close connect:-ms at Noitliumborliv:.d for VViUlainsport, Harnsburg, llaltiiruie, Waoh ingtoii and the South. Northumberland and intermediate station-:, 4i.U0 uJUa in and 1 20 aud II 07 p. in- Nuutlcoke and InteniUKliate stations. Mi! and 11.20 a in Plymouth avd lutermedlatj stations. :I5i) and His'' p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches o i a.l For detailed Information, pocket tlm' tuples, etc . epplv to M. I Smith, city tlokstomoe, .128 Lsi su'wunna avenue, or depot tRSct office. NEW YORK ONTARIO AND WESTERN Railroad Scruntou Division. Timetable tut fleet Nov 10. 1SU8. Trains leave Scranton fol Carboudaie: ii ;o, s ;m. 11U5 a I-50, tf Ul p m. For Hancock .'unction stud main . innectloni li.oi.iui, aiop. m. Tralni leave ancooi Janetion for mala Hue connection m Scranton, 0.00 a.m., 2.05 Trains leave Carboudaie for Scranton .' '.'I. i 45 a.m.. 1.10, -1.D4. 0 It P in. J.C.ANDERSON', (leneral Passenger Agout, New Vork. T I'l.lTCKOFT. District Passenger Agent, Scranton. R1F. AND lit ROAD WYOMINtl VALLEY RAH. Train lanve Scranton for New York and iu tft mediate points ou the Erio and llawlev And locut olnte at ML V.45 a. tn. andetlp m. Train leaving st MI a. in. and 3.21 p. in, are through traius to and lrom Bonesdsle. Trains leave for Wilkes Ban eat 6 40 a, tu and 8 41 p. ui.