The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Events of the Upper Bad of Luzerne County
Briefly Narrated.
Passes Away Peacefully Tuesday
Evening at His Mill Hill Home The
Evening Gazette Draws the Deadly
Parallel on Borough Republican
Chairman Charles B. Smith Other
Gleanings of News and Gossip ot
Interest to Tribune Readers.
iTuk Scranton Tribi'nk's Pittston de
partment is iu charge of J. Jl. Fahy, to
whom news item aud complaints may bo
Thomas Lioskjr, of Mill hill, after a
brief illness passed peacefully away
Tuesday evening. About two months
auo he underwent an operatiou for kill
ney trouble. Ho recovered from tbe
attack, however, and was so improve !
that on Friday of last week he at
tended a funeral of a f nun i in Jermyn.
On his return home he contracted grip,
which rapidly developed into pneu
monia from which he died last even
in jr.
Mr. Linskey is survived by his wife
Biid three children, Michael, Martin
and Margaret. His funeral will Uk i
place on Friday morning. A high
mass of reqnUtn will be celebrated in
St. John' church, after whioh inter
ment will b made in Market street
cemetery. The friends of the deceased
wish to announce that no carriages will
be used at the funeral.
Ih Gazstt Shows Chairman Smith's
Incousis'.ency by Comparing Notss.
It is highly iutetestiug to compare
the actions of Ripublicin Bjrough
Chairman Smith, at th convention last
year, when he permitted the author
:. 1 party reprsseutatives to exercise
their undoubted right to choose wtiotn
eoever they wished as candidates, with
those at last evening's convention,
when he acted under orders from the
colouel No comment is required to
give force to the following. It tells its
own story.
"Chairman Smith "Mr. Henry
here announced that Knowles arose and
nominations for can-oioved that the con
didates for borough vetition endorse the
offices were in order. Citizens' ticket. The
the first to be named motion was seconded,
being for burgess, but Mr. Smith de-
C out inn in?, Air. .dined to entertain
Smith said, "if the
delegates do not
think it advisable torcandidates, he said
full party
it. 'We are hero to
nominate Republican
Extract from re-
ticket iu the : ! ' y .1
they can endorse ihekuni-ention.
Cltzens' ticket, as
there is a strong
sentiment in favor of
doing so. It shall,
though, remain for
the delegates to de
cide." Extract from
report of last year's
Buroutjh Republican
Advertise in The Tribune
Local Jottings of a Gtoeral Nature and
Several Personals.
Trie report of the commissioners ap
pointed to re district the borough into
additional wards has been referred
back to them, to morn clearly define
the boundaries of the Fourth and Fifth
The poultry exhibition now on at
Armory hall is one. of the finest exhitits
neld under the auspices of the club in
some time. The Haslam company, of
Scranton, have a large display of fancv
rabbits and pigeons. In all over 1.000
ire ou exhibition. The show will con
tinue for four days. The officers of
ttie association are: President, A, 0.
Farnham; vice president, J. J. Bryden,
jr., who has one of the largest, exhib
its; secretary, E W.Stark; Militant
secretary, W. R. Allen; treasurer, F.
P. Cosper.
Tnouias Ford, an employe of Gil
lagher & Fay, the Water street mer
chants, will resign his present position
shortly to accept a more lucrative one
in the Alpine Knitting mill as head
Invitations have been issu"d for a
reception to be held at the residence
of J. B. Shiffer this evening, nnder the
auspices of the Iu-us much Circle of the
King's Daughters, the proceeds to go
to the hospital.
Mrs. Jennie Waddell, of Tunkhan
uock, was a visitor here vesterday.
Miss Aggie Brydeu.of West Pittston,
visited among Scrauton frieuds yester
day. About twenty persons enjoyed a re
ception tendered the Loving Service
circle of the King's Daughters held at
the home of Miss 1. am- on Wyoming
avenue Tuesday evening. The pro
ceeds will be presented to the Hospital
Mrs. Benjamin Evans was a visitor
in Scran ton yesterday.
Tallie Evans, of the (iizette, was a
visitor at Scrauton yesterday on busi
Lively and Readable Budgit of Personal
Notes and Comment.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Clark's Green, Pa.. Jan. i!4. D. L.
Patrick, of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sun
day with his son, H. N. Patrick
J. W. Sneller wus summoned to the
bedside of a very sick mother a few
days ago.
G. F. Spencer, of Thompson, is now
placing the steam heater iu school
building No. 1. 0
Mrs. U. N. Patrick ii reported upon
the sickJist.
M. H. Coon is serving a week upon
the jury.
Toe donation given at J. B Austin's
to our pastor, Rev. F. H. Parsous, on
Tuesday evening last, was a decided
success in all respects.
A. A. Davis has boeti secured to teach
a singing school at Clark's Summit, and
will begin on Friday evening of this
Miss Alice Northup called on friends
here Tuesday.
Your Clark's Summit correspondent
seems to be ignorant of the true con
ditions of tbe subject of heating school
No 1, as tbe contract for heating the
same was made on Jan. 2, to be com
pleted in thirty days, to Mr. Spencer,
of Thomas. And as regards tbe ten
who are compelled to attend school
in Scrauton, if as many there be, they
are simply taking up studies which are
not taught iu our public schools, aud
would do tbe same if school (No. 1 was
in session.
An interesting programme offered
by tbe Epwortb league tomorrow evu-
ing (Thursday), will consist of n, solo
by Mrs. F. H. Parsons ; solo by Miss
May Benedict; solo by Miss Jessie Pol
hanins; solo by Miss Bartha Beatty;
select readings by Miss Emma Coon
and Mrs. Ella Chapman; recitations
by Horace Davis, Miss Edna Sudlow ;
Miss Fannie C. Shermau of Waverly
aud Miss Bessie Mullein , also instru
mental music and chorus by the league
Doings of a Pioiurei qu Borough Chron
icled in Clover Notss.
Special to the Scrauton Tribune.
MoNTuosB, Pa . Jan. 24 Eli K. Tar
bell and wife, of Winona, Minn,, have
been visiting friends here.
M. E Comefod and Fred Mnller, of
Scrauton, were registered at the Tar
bell House on Tuesday.
H. C. Jossup and A. H, McCollum
are candidates for mayor at tbe comiug
Professor Hawk, instructor of the
Montrose band, is visiting iu O lio.
The Epwortb League of the Method
ist Episcopal church, are fortunate in
having secured the Pomeroy family to
give a concert in the chinch on Friday
eveniug, February 'I
The "Two Old Cronies'' appeared to
a large uudience in the Armory Opera
house tonight. They made everybody
laugh that could laugh.
A social was held at the residence of
E P. Munger, on Lake avenue, last
evening under the auspices of the
young people of St. Paul's Episcopal
church. A largo number were present
and a pleasant time was had.
Captain H. F. Brardilee, our post
master, is at home again after a long
visit with friends iu Brooklyn, New
York aud other places.
District Attorney W. D. B Ainey
andJohuKdly now occupy the uew
offices in theSiyer buildiug, the fiuust
u town.
Entertaining Oonsignmsnt of Crisp Notes
and Personal Mention.
Sveeial to the Siian ton Tribune.
Arciiuald, Pa., Jan. 24. Misses
Jennie Jones aud Liura Nealou, of
Hyde Park, visited Miss Jennie Mo
Andrew of Salem street last evening.
Mrs. Patrick McAunnk, of Spruce
street, is recovering from a severe ill
ness. Miss M. E. Curran and her guest,
Miss Agnes Callahan, of Scrauton,
called ou Carboudale friends last Sun
day. Misses Mamie and Katie Judge, of
South Scrauton, visited friends in
town duting the early part ot the
Miss Lillie Keenan, of Scranton. vis
ited ArchDald friends last Mondav,
Rev. Alvin R Pennel, of Auburn
Theological seminary, will preach at
the Presbyterian church Sunday morn
ing and eveniug. Tnere will doubtless
be a large attendance at both services,
as Mr, Peunel, is a candidate for the
pastorate here.
The Young Peoplo's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor will hold its regular
monthly meeting Sunday evening.
Subject, "God's Promises and Their
Proofs." All are invited to attend.
Miss Theresa Sweeney, of Green
Ri Ige, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Will
iam Blake, of Maiu street.
No other snrsapanlln has the merit to
hold the contidence of entire communities
year alter year, as Hood's Snrsapnriila. It
possesses curative powers peculiar to itself.
H iod's P lis are purely vegetable, care
fully prepared trom the best ingredients.
ANNUAL CLEARING SALE A Suggestion to Mothers
10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 Al
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Rcinnaiils of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during
sale al It'ss than cost of material.
Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles I On. each.
Boys' Winter Waists 10c each.
Muffs. . . , 30c. each.
Cloaks $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
Atlantic 1 1 n,i mill Preneb Zinc,
l'uru Linseed oil,
Turpentine and Varnishes.
Kendy-nilxed Paints 1" all colors,
Gliders' Whiting,
l'urls White and Kulsomlne,
oil1 Vitro!, Marble
H i-1 ami Utudow Glass
Hotel Wayerly
European Plan. First-class liar attached.
Depot for Berguer A Lngel'a Taunhiuuaer
i I Cor, 15th and Filtot Fhilada,
Most desirable fur residents of N.E. Ponn
tylvanla All conveniences lor travelers
tu and trom Broad Street station aud th
Twelfth and Market Stre-t station. De
mm for visiting Serantoulaua and peo
I le iu tlio Aiituraclto Region.
906 South Washington Avenue,
Contmrtor and builder of Concrete Flagging,
Concrete Blocks. Potato, butter aud Coal
bills. Wet Cellars dried up. Orders niuy be
left nt Thompson & Pratt, Will ains & Co.
Main ami F.ynnn Street-, or at Scranton
Stovo Woric-i. Also Foundations. Cisternal
Fish Wire Tunnels aud Culms. Plugging- tor
Uardeu Walks.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
IS THE BEST. Get prices and
see the furnace and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Gauze Door
The bravest battle that was ever fought,
Shall I tell you where and when?
On the maps of the world you'll find it not
It was fought by the mothers of men.
"It is not what you do for your ciiild which helps him, hit whtt yon en
courage him to do for himself." R nd this formidable array I
Washington, Greeley, Goethe, Schiller, Carlyle, Etnersou, Ruskin, John
Wesley, Victor Hugo, George Herbert, Oowper, 8t Augustine, Cowley, Cur
ran and Nspoleon. These sons admit that to the training aud equipment re
ceived from their mothers they owod their wonderful suocs, ICacb one ot
these rrent men (and the list might be indefinitely lengthened) has left ia ev.
denco the fnct that the MOTHER INFLUENCE was strongest ia the forma
tion of tlio individual who afterward stood forth pre-eminent amon,' his fel
lows. No idle dreamers they not men noted merely as well bred and polished,
but names that have shaken empireB and stimulated the thought of thu best
men of tbe times in which they lived. They represent the glorious achieve
ments of MOTHERS. But, say Borne, how can a Mother give attention to the
education of her children amid her multitude of household cares and duties?"
John Wesley's Mother is a standing rebuke to such as make tins excuse.
Mrs. Wesley was tbe mother of 19 children, and yet even after her sons had
left home and entered college she continned to guide them by ju iicious and
thoughtful advice.
No bequeathal of fortune, however princely, can compensate for the ne
glect of education.
Education will prove the crowning glory of your child's life. By mains of
it he brings money to his purse, happiness to his loved ones and honor to him
self. In this conneetion it is that The Tribune suggests to MOTHERS, and
strongly urges the importance of the Encyclopedia in the hom. The e lucatior.
which this groat work supplies is needed in the home life, that parents may
learn how to wisely care fur, intelligently train and inspire their children to
become noble men and women. The 23 volumes of this great work constitut-i
a library so complete that by its use no Mother can fail to supplement the
teaching her children receive at school with that greater and nobler tdaotti on
that every child should receive-THE EDUCATION' OF THE HOME CIRCLE.
This happy chance to provide yourself with a library on easy payments and
at the wholesale pric.1 will soon pass away the opportunity of a lifetime.
We offer these Books for less than the paper and binding cost the Publishers. It will pay you
to read every word of this advertisement carefully.
Airy Fairy Lilian, hy "The Dticheiw "
An (,ld .Mun'a Darling, by Mri. Al, x Mc
Vel h Miller.
Allan Quiir rmain, by H Rider Hazard.
As in n Looking (JjkwiH.hy F. c Phillina.
Arabian NlyhtP Rnt-rtaintn -h-
At tbu World's Murcy. A novel by Florenco
Bonnie Dora, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Mil
ler. Bride of the Tomb, by Mrs AIox. McVeiirh
0,'amllle, hy Alexander Dnmas, (lis.
Child's History of KOf land, by Charles
Iiatelens Bargain. A. A novel, by C. L Per
kins. Doer Slayer, Tie. by Jas. Funlinoro Cooper.
Duke's Hocret, 1 he, by OMrlpK M.Bi aemo.
Deldoe; or, the Iron Hand, by Florence
Dink's Wanderings. A novel, by dullan
Doubly Wronged, by Adnli M. Howard.
Desperate Woman, A,by Adam M. Howard.
Dreadful Temptation, A, by Mrs. Alex.
McVeigh Miller. -
Di'sth Bed Marriage, A, by Charlotto M.
Fast Lynns, by Mrs. Henry Wood.
Essays of Elia, by Charles I amb.
Frozen Pirate, 'I he, by W. Clarke Russell.' I
Orimms' Household Fairy Titles, by the
Brothers (Irlmm.
Guy Keiimoro's Wlfo, by Mrs. Alex. Mc-Veiiflijliller.
Home on the Marsh, Tho. A novel by Flor
ence Warden.
Hon. Mrs. Vereker.The, by "Tho Dnchesi."
Handy Andy, by Hamuel Lover.
Ivanhoe, by Kir waiter H, "tt.
Jacuuellna, by Mrs Alex. McVeigh Miller.
Jane Evre. by Charlotte Bronte
John Halifax, Ooutlemen, by Miss Mill, if It.
Lady Audloy's becrot, by Mist M E. Brad
don. Last Days of Pompeii, by Bnlwer.
Last of the Mohtoani, Tuo, by J. Fouimoro
l.orna Dunne, by R. D. Blaajtmore.
Life's Remorse, A, by "The Duchess "
Little Onlden'a Daughter, by Jlrs. Alex.
McVeigh Miller. .
Little Nana, bylAdah M. Howard.
Mr. Fortesque ;1 an Andrean Romance, by
William Weitsll.
Master of the Mine, The, by Robert Buchanan.
Matt: a Tale of the Caravan, by Robert Bu
Molly Pawn, by "The Ditches?."
Nun s Curse. The, by Mrs. J. H. Rid 'ell.
old Mnm'S'dle's Secret. From tho German
of B. Marlitt.
Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens.
Pathfinder, The, by Jas. Feninmro Cooper.
Pioneers, The. by Jas Fenimore ( SoODST,
Prairie, The. by Jas. Fenimnro Cooper.
Prince of Darkness, A. A novel, by Flor
enco W nrdou.
Queenie's errible Secret, by Mrs. Alex.
McVeigh Miller.
Reproach of Annesley, The, by S. Maxwell
Robinsoe Ofntoe, by Daniel Defoe,
Romnls, bv George Eliot.
Rory O'M. or-, by Samuel Lover.
Kabpl'S Spell, Tho, by Stuart Cnmberland.
Rose and the Lily, The, by Mrs. Alex. Mo
Veigh Miller.
Mi", by a Rider Haggard.
f ketch Hook, 'Die, by V ashlngton Irving.
Swiss Family R ihinson. The.
Second Thoughts. A novel. Two volumes In
one, by Rho la Broughloti.
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
by Stevenson.
Tom Brown's School Days, by Thomas
lour of the World iu Eighty Days, by
Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,
by Jules Verne.
The Two Orphans, by I'.. D'Ennery.
Two Years Borore the Mast, hy It. H. Dana,
Under Currents, by "The Dichess "
Vagrant Wlfo, A. A novel, by Florence
Witch's Head, The, by IT Hirlor Haggard.
Willie Reilly. by William CarletOBi
Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall.
Woman's Face, A, by Florence Warden.
Wife's Crime, A, by Mi-s Grace Hnlpino.
Adam Bcde, by Georgo Eliot
Crooked Path, by Mrs. Alexander.
Cardinal Bin. by Hugh Conway.
Hlind Love, by Wilkio Collins.
Hoyle's Games.
Wife iu Name Only, by Bertha M Clay.
Janet's Repentance, by George Bitot.
Mastur of Itallantrae bv R I, Stevenson.
Ivan tho Serf, by Syivuulis Cobb, Jr.
Lady Valsworth's Diamonds, by "The
For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Besant
Wee Wifle, by R. N. Carey.
Christmas Stories, by Charles Dickons.
Col. Quaritch, by H Rider Haggard.
A Family Affair, by Hujh Couway.
AGENT LBVAM hhving fon.e pretension to literary culture npproncbed Khako6'enro one morning bearing with him the manu
script of a book which ho hnd written confessing that -o nut at a loss to give it a suitable MUM and requesting that
Shakes penre rend the book and suggest a becoming title.
The great poet consented, I and on the follow ing dny returned the manuscript to Its author, recommending that it be styled
"Loosened Lenves from Literary Lentils." The caustic irony of the poet has nu immediate application to our large collection of
books, embracing the relebrnted works of 1 lie greatest nutliore, including those of the Immortal Hard himself.
Head the largo list tf books in our catalogue. We have put chased them in largo quantities at extremely low prices. See if
there Is not sometl ing which you naed for your library or for gifts to your friends.
H e price at wliich we sro offering these books is a plensnnt mi prise t eve,ry one who sees them. They are now displayed
A OOMPL3XI LIST cannot appear hi theso columns because welmve more than TBBBB THOUSAND DIFFERENT TITLES.
We are enabled to sell these books al low prices; first, because we bnvc purchased uu Immense quantity, aud secondly, because
through them we expect to interest our readers without wishing lo reap suy profit in selling them. Remember, therefore, thnt
jnu ennnot procure them unless von are one of these readers. Iu order to secure this advantage ALL YOU 11 AVE TO DO IS TO
PRESENT the coupons.ntid price of the book or set desired cut from THE TKIHUNE. THE COUPON IS PRINTED ON PAGE 5.
A Mental Struggle, by "The Duchess."
For Another's .-sin, by B. M ( lav.
Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne.
Redeemed by l.ove, by H M. Clay.
Prlnee-sof Thule, by William Black.
We Two, by Erlna Lyall.
At War with Herself, by H. M. Clay.
Missing Husband, by ( eorgo H. Slmmi.
Bet wo n Two Sins, by H. M. Clay.
Baron Munchausen, by Randolph Eiio
Evil Genius, by Wilkio ( 'olllns.
We will give any one of
the above books for four
coupons and 15 cents.
Dickens' Works
Six thousand live hnndred (flSOO) pager.
Eight huudred and twelve (812) illustra
tions. Author's latest revised edition, with in
dexes. Handsome cloth binding, gilt
barks. Illustrated by V. Barnard aud J.
Bleak House, and Child's Ulsb.ry of En
David Copporflcld, and Christmas
Dora bey aial Son, aud Uncommercial
. Pickwick Pnncri. ai d KkelckoH bv Bor..
V. Mystery of i-,win Urooil, unit Christmas
Stories, Reprinted Pieces
VI. Hleholas Nlckli bv. and old Curiosity
VII Little Dorritt. and Oliver Twist.
VIII Martin Chuz.lewlt, and American
IX. Our Mutual Friend, aud Great Expecta
Inns. X. Burnaliy Kudgc, Tale of Two Cities, aud
Hard Times.
We will give this for four
coupons and $2.75.
This series contains the best works
which have been written for boys and
girls. Read the list and sen if you do
not recognize the names of authors you
have heard repented ever since your
childhood. Want of space prevents tbe
publication ot the entire list. The ser
ies Is published at 75 cents, but yon can
have theiu for 20 cents and four coupons
Abbott's Stories for Children. By Jacob Ab
lsitt. Adventures Among tho Indians. By Kings
Adventures. Forest ni.d Frontier.
Adventuresof Famous Travellers.
Adventures of Famous Salli",.
The Adventures of itob Buy. By JaiiusGrant.
Audubon, tho Naturalist, by Mrs. Horace
St, John.
Aunt Diana. By P. N. Carey,
l'aibara'a Triumph. By Mary A. Denlson.
B. y ( 'onqueror.
R.iy Orosoeai or, Tho Young Islunders. By
Jefferys Taylor.
Boys' and Girls' Story Book.
Tlie Boys iu the Forecastle. By George H.
Boys of the Biblu. By John W. Orr.
Hov Slaves. Bv Captain Mavn.' 1MJ.
Boy Tar By Captal i Darns Raid.
Hriil a. Bv Canta n Reld.
Bush Bon, Bv Captain Mnvne Hold.
CI ff ITmhcis. Bv Ok) .tain Miiyue Reld.
Deeii Ddwn, Bv ft. M. Ballantyno.
D'io t Home. Bv Captain Mav Held.
Hick Cbs velejr. By W. II G. KlBfttoO,
Dick Kc daoy. By J. Grant.
I'ratem Fairy Legends, Current In Southern
liit a By M. Frore.
MgewOfthi I stents Assistant
Krlg worth's N'oralTsles
Edge worth's I'o uilar Tn'os.
E lgeworth's I las:o Tales.
tight Years' W un liTiug in Ceylon . By Sir
Samuel Baker.
Eric Dane. Bv M White. Jr
Fi ling, the Bold By. R. M. Ballantyue.
Esther. By Rosa N. Caroy.
Fi.m ,s Boys
Famous Mm.
The Fire Brigade. Bv. K. M. Ballantyno.
Flsg of Distress. Bv Captain Mavnn Reld
A Flat In n for a Farthing. By Mrs. Ewlng.
Fi rjst Exiles. By caplaui Mayne Reld.
Fort Pillow to the hind. By William M.
Fort Sumtjr to Bonnoko laliud. By William
M. Thayer.
Frank Wildman's Adv. ntures on Land :,n.l
Water, By Frederick Qerstackcr.
Uaicjviie. Bv l , M. Bsllsntnne.
Genuau I'airy Tales Transla ad by t hsrles
A. 1 ana
Gilbert. Ihi Trapper. By t npta n C. M.
Giraffe Hunters Bv Captain Mavnn Reld.
The Golden Magnet. By . M Fonn.
Grids Goodwin. A irv for girls
Grandfather's Chair. By Nathaniel Haw-
Grey Haw!,, By .lames Macanlay.
Fairy Ttles from Brentano.
Hnrl'io's Letters By Jacjb Abbott.
Hunt's I airv I al s.
In the Wlldsof New Mix'e ' By.O. H. Fenn
Jnokauapcs and Other Tales. By Mrs. Ew
Jack Wheeler, Bs Captain David Soathwlok.
Life at s.-ii. Bv. Horueti Main
1 n IS Bennett !, Hide Out. B) Captain C. B. i
The Magicinn's show-Box. aud OtborStornM.
Mark SeaWO tb. Bv W H. 8. Kingston.
The Ml.Munman. Bv W. II. G Kingston
Tbe Moan tain Cave, By QoorfsH. Coomer to Fort Pillow. By William
M. Tliayer.
My Tour In Europe. By Gra-e llreenwood
Nature's Young Nobleman By Brooks Mc
Number HI. Ry Arthur Lee Putnam.
Ocean's Waifs By Captain Maym- Keid.
Odd Pe. ple By Captain Mayne Reld.
Old Merry's Travels uu the Continent.
Oriental Fairy Tales.
Our lining Soldiers. Bv Lieutenant W. R.
Paul Blake. Adventuresof a Boy iu the
Island of Corsica. Ac. Bv Elmer.
Perils ot the Hi Lieutenant It. H
i eter the Whaler. B W. 11 G. Kiiigstoii.
Pirate Island. By Harry Oolllngwood,
Plant 1 outers. Bj CaplalO Mayue Reld.
Popular Natural History. Bj Wood.
Pole to Pole Bv Gordon Stables.
Han Away s a Bv Captain Mayne Reld
Red Brie. The. By R M. Halluntyne.
Rifle and Hound lu Ceylon. By Sir Samuel
Roanoke Island to Murfreesbero. I'y 111
iam M. Thayor.
Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters. By
P. 1VV
Round the World Bv W. 11 G Kingston.
Salt Water. Bv W. H. G. Kingstou.
Sandford and fit tr ton.
School Life; or Three Years at Wolrerton.
Smugglers' Cave. The. By Annie Aslnnore.
Spanish Fairv Tales. By Ciberello.
Stories About Animals. By Captain Mayne
Stories from Ainctlcan History. By Henry
Tiger Prince, The. Bv William Dalton.
Tom Tracy. By Arthur Lee Putnam.
Win-Tiger, The. Bv William Da ton.
White Elephant. The. William 1 alt, in.
Wihl Snorts in the I ar West. By Frederick
Wolf Boy In China. The. By William Dal
tou. "Wonders of the Groat Deep, By P. H Goaso.
Young Acrobats. By Horatio Alger.
. Youug Foresters, The aud Other Tales.
Young Folk' Btsik of Birds. By T. Bilby.
Young Folks' History of Franc . By Q M.
Young Folks' History of Germany. By. C.
M Ytiugu.
Young Folks' History of Rome. By C. M .
We will give any book
of the above series for four
coupons and 20 cents.
Oxford Edition
OF 12 MOS.
This edition is printed on fine paper,
well bonnd with best cloth. headhnnJs
and silk ribbon murker, and contains
all the standard books. Yon may ob
tain any volume of this stand irJ teries
for 25 cents and four coupons
JKmh1! fables
Ali e. aSoquel to Earnest Ms It ravers. By
Andersen's Fairy Tales
An April Lady By the Duchess.
An F.uyptian Princess By George Ebero.
Aurelian By William Ware.
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Arabian Nights' Entertainment
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