THE SCB-AKTON TKIBUNETHL' USDA Y MORNING. JAM1ARV Jo, 1894. Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli fPipe f Valves I Fittings I I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, a HillllllllilllllllllllllllllEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna I YOUNG PEOPLE UNITED DECAN 1 THE STAND TO IMPROVE THE CITY Nuptials of Miss Eva Goldsmii.b and Lcou Lc?y Solenuiiz:. ill toelsiw Hdll. THI m8 Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAN. Big Cut in Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's All-wool Hose See Them in our Bargain Window. HEARS ' & HAGEN, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mailings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave CITY NOTES. immon council will bold a regular meeting ttlia timing. The Caledonians will banquet at the Wyoming this evening Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Jermvn entertained a number of fri-nds last eve-iutf at their Jefferson avenue home. Lieutenant Governor TCatrei. C. D. Bianaon M T. H Watkins were in Phila delphia long enough Tuesday to get their names in the papers. The Young Men '(christian Association second basket ball team will go to Pittston, this evening and plkylo the Young i"n' (hnstian Association at that place. General Manager H. A. Archer, of tb hcrantoo Traction company, loii rented tht Mannesa homestead on Jefferson ave nue and will take possession In about a month A musical and literary entertMnment u ill be given at the Park Place Methodist hptscopal church uext Tuesday evening A programme ot much interest has been prepared. The ladies' f the F.ini Park church are a fertile company. This evening they serve supper to the hungry multitude from ti to 13. and then they spread before those who have enjoyed the repast an intellectual least. Levin irvlu Handy, the king of platform speakers, will deliver bis lecture, 'The Hoad to Victory." The young Indies of the Firsf I'resrjyter iau church wi'l givea "pink tea ' this even ing in the lecture room of the church. Dr. and Mrs. McLeod will receive and M is. Prank B, I'ratt. .Mrs. It. M. Scranton. Mr. Pout and other young ladies ut the (hurch will assist, there will be also a unique mtertainmcnt in connection with the tea which might well be called the "Mystic String. " V open in our new store this inomlug. The BmuMtoa Cash Hiokk. . THEIR CLAIMS HAVE BEEN SETTLED. John Burns and H , Daughter Bring Suit as a Mattsr of Form. Papers in the trespass suits of John liuroa, of Avoca, and bis daughter, Sadie Barns, Hgainst the Surantou Traction comjuny, were filoil witlj I'rothonotary Pryor yesterday by At torney John M. Harris. On Deo. 30, Lto, Mr. linrni' little daughter was struck by an electric car on Lackawanna avenna and severely injured. Tbe claims of fatner anil daughter ware settled by the company for JtOO. The suits have been brought a n matter of form so that the records of the court will show io the future that i settlement of tbe claims was affected. v.. open in our new store this morning. The SCHANTON (.'ASH S'lOKK. MR. GOLDEN IS TURNED DOWN. Polling- Plao of First District of Sixth Ward Bemovsd from His House. Court has made an order changing '.he polling place of the First district of the Sixth ward from the house of Se lect CouncllmaniPstrick Ooldon to the vacant lot of Mrs. Alary Cusick. The change was made in accordance with tbe wishes of many petitioner , They alleged that the present polling place is unsanitary and union too close to the place where Mr. (iolden dis penses his stimulants. The movement to have the polling place changed was led by Mr. (iohjen's political opponents. We open in our new store this morning. The fc'ciuNxuN Uauu Stork. ROOMS ELABORATELY DECORATED The Wedding Attended by a Large Number of Cuests Both from This and Olhor Cities Elegant Costumes Worn by the Ladies of the Bridal Party Scene of Beauty and Enjoy ment. The marriageof Miss Era GoMainitb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gold smith, of Wyoming avonue, to Leon Levy, of Wilkt-s-H.irro. was solemni-ed lust evening ut 0 o'clock in the hand fmue parlors of the Excelsior club on Wyoming Hveiiue Kev. Fuerlight performed the coremouy. The nuptitil service was performed iu the large parlor on tho third floor. The room was moat tnstefully decorated. The pili'.irs supporting the ceiling were gracefully festoon, with eergreeu and the chandelier wen draped with UJlllaX Tbo western end of the room was one lurue bank ot palms and it was here that the ceremony was performed. The couple stood under a largo mar riage brll of white carnations with a tongue of pink carnations. LLKilAST COSTUME- WOUS. The bridal party consisted of tbo bride and groom and two maids of honor, Miss Minnie (iallsiuitti, sister of the bride aud Miss Nina Ssemtus, of Greenville, N. J . aud the two bridesmaids, Miss Pauline Goldsmith, sister of the bride, mid Miss Flora Levy, sister of the groom. The bride wore an esq. mite costume of white moire silk an 1 c irried lilies of the val ley. Tho maids of honor wore white brocade satiu )and carried piuk roses. The bridesmaids wore blue brocade satin aud also carried piuk ross. The wedding supper was served In the Excelsiors' large hall. Th hall was a picture of entrancing lovelinesi. Four arc electric lights she I a mellow blue light over the scene and each table was furnished with a halt dozen uiagnitiwiit banquet lamps which gave forth subdued light of various hues. Festoons of evergreen and smilax with large banks ot palms gave the lull the appearance of a wonllanl bower, During the supper Biusr orchestra truibsd music. Ol'T OK TOWN OOfST The goests from out of the city were: Mr. and Mrs. George Gallaud, Mr. aud Mrs. S. J. Strauss, Miss Bsrtha Strauss, Miss Celia Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. S. Langftld, F. Laig'elJ. Charles Long, Lou Long, Bernhard Long. Mrs. Paul ine Long. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lowenstein, Kev. L Josephs, Mrs Matilda Wise man, Mr, aud Mrs. I. R. Biatner, Miss Carrie Weiss, Max Grail and, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bnrgunder, Mr. and Mrs. A. Babney, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Coonf. Mr. and Mrs. I S. Long, Miss Hofflieinier, Sam Falk.Misi Tillie Fnlk. Dr. Charles Ling, Miss Constine, Charles Constine, Miss n tunah Rubin, Leo W. Lous. Miss S. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blumentlial.Mr. and Mrs Isaac Long, Miss Flora Lvy, F. S Levy, Maurice Levy, L30 Levy, Miss Lazarus, Mr. snd Mrs. Isaac Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Moso Marks, of Wilkes Barre, Mr. aud Mrs. H. M. Wiseman, Miss Maud Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. George Cohen, of Pittstoo; Mr. and Mr J. C. Greenwald, Mr and Mrs. Dan Greenwald, Mr and Mrs. Mose Cohen. Miss Jennie Siunns, Isaac Simons. Mrs. Dora Marks, Mose Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cohen, Isaac Cohen, of Bradford , Herman Jona. Miss Bessie Livewright, Myer Frank, .Mr. and Mrs. H idelbeig, Henry Wertheimer, Joseph Wertlieimsr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wertheituer, Mr. aud Mrs. Jacob Frank, Mr. and Mrs Mor rii Livewright, Mr. and Mrs. Morris K.tutinan. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Greenwald, " Aaron Greenwald, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Vander veer, Mr. and Mrs A. Levy, I Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Stern I. Kaufman, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Eva Smith, of tfilWaOKw, Wis. , hugene ialland, Mr and Mrs. Saul Friends, Miss Addie Friends, Mr. and Mrs Eu gene Stall. William Simons, Benjamin Cohen, of N'ew York; Mrs. Fraudent hal, Mi9s Ray Frandentbal, of Balti more. Miss Nina Sesman. of Green ville, N J. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kline, A. Sahm.Miss Mlilie Sahm.of Carbon dale. Mr and Mrs. Alex Meyer, of Riobmond Va. V l open in our new store this morning. The BCATOS C'-saSTuKK. ... ,- CASES FOR THE SUPREME COURT. Causei in Which Appsais Have Bsen Taken From tin Dtdslon of Our CurU. Among the important Lackawanna county cases that will be argued before tbe supreme court next month are tbe appeals in the matter of the creation of the borough of Taylor aud annexing a portion of Lackawanua township to the city of Scranton other coses that will be argued are the appeal of James Daw, burgess of Dickson City borough, In the equity suit against the Eoterpl . Powder Manufacturing Company; Patrick 'ii. appellant, against County of Lackawanna, Joseph A. Deaole, appsl Innt, against Arthur and William G. Dencle; U. G. Stockwell, appellant, M. O. Webster; M. and J. S. Pernne against John Jermvn, appellant; F. L. Brown against Dr. A E Burr, ap pellant; Henry B. Granley against John Jermyn, appellant; Joseph Chil ton aud others against ths city of Car bondale; appellant; John Dtvies, np pellunt. against Emma J. Clark and others; Michnol L irk in against the city of Scranton. nppellant ;Emm a A. Plum mer, appellant, against Hillside Coal and Iron company and the Lsck twan 11a Cool company limited, city of Scran ton, appellant, against Nicnolas Bush. Wk open In our new store this morning. Tbe Sckanton Cash Stohx . -iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiii! I TRIBUNE BOOR COUPON, Ue.Says a- Shot io tic Air to Drive SIudq sod 02 His Firm VERDICT IN THE DEVANNEY CASE Court Directs That It Be One of Not Guilty Costs Placed on the Prose cutor by the Jury -Thomas Camp bell Conducted His Own Case Jury Found Him Guilty of Larceny The Cther Cases Passed Upon. William D.gsn was arraigned before Judge VA wards in the main court room yesterday morning on a charge of hav ing on Aug. '.'1 last attempted to kill A. E Simouson 011 Degan's farm in Roaring Brook township. Maior Ever ett Warren is assisting District Attor ney Kelley to prosecute the case and Attorney John F. Scragg aud Attorney Agih Hlcketts, of Wilkes lisrre, de fended Degan, who is a man M years of age. He owns a farm iu Roaring Brrnk township, a portiou of which tin G.s and Water company took andef the powers of eminent domain. Viewsrs ware appointed by the court and awarded Deg.iu damages. From their award that gentleman nppaslod. In the meantime the company put a force of m .n at work cie it iu ; up the land. These workmen wers iu charge of E A. Simouson. Degau then obtained an injunction and whoti, on Aug. 01. Sim onson and his men wo.', to work, DegM attacked them with his gun and tirad two shots ut Simonsou with theevkbut intention of iuflicting severe injury, so that gentleman testitisd. U.OAN'iS VKRSlOS OK Ttl AKl' UK. Degau was c tiled to the stand iu de fense and admitted having tired two shots He said he fired in the air aud had no intention of injuring Simon son but wished to drive, him from his land. He said that when Simonsou and his workmen entered ou his land on the morning of Aug. 91 he sin this son to tell them to deptrt. They refused and Dsgan taking lite son's gun which was loaded only with powder when out to where S.monson was, "Did Bob Reoves not tell you to stopP ' he asked Simouson. "No he did not," was the reply. "I'll stop you then''' shouted Dig in, and he tired. After the first shot Siui otison ran Several witnesses were ctllnd to prove Degan's good character. Other testified that Simouson tol l them that If Degan't gun was londe 1 with any thing he would have been killed. In rebuttal Djputy Sheriff C'cai.'J and War den Gritnei testified thst after th) shooting Djgau went to tbe shsriif office and gave himself up, laying he had shot a m 111. When court adjourned yesterday afternoon Attorney, Rickett had concluded his arzument to the jury for the defense. This morning the closing argument for the prosecution will be made. DEVANNEY NOT GUILTY, Teiterday morning Julg ElwarJj directed that a verdict of not gailty b taken in tiie case of malicious mischief against Martin Davanney bnt sent the jury out to dispose of the question of costs, suggesting that it might be proper to place them on the county. The jury thought otherwise and di rected that Ji8 prosecutor, C. R Smith, pav them. In tho case of Michael tabling, ver dict of not gnilty was returned but he was directed to pay the costs. Polander Rush wasarraigned charged with the larceny of $'J7 from Giorgo Lock, of Sport hill. The charg? could not be sustained and a verdict of not gailty was taken. Thomas Campbell, of the West Side, pleaded not guilty to a charge of hav ing robbed an Arabian pod llor mm -d Thomas Micho. H-j had no attorney and conducted his own defense With much vigor. Micho said that on July 3 Campbell accosted him on Grant av nuj 011 the West Side, snatched the box contain ing tbe articles be had for sale and run away. Attorney Josep 1 O'lirion con ducted the prosecution and ssver.'ly ero's-sxamined the defendant, who said the box was stolen by two young men with whom be was not acquainted. The jury found Campbell gnilty of larceny. IIICHAKI. UODFREY ON TRIAL. Just before court adjourned for the day iu Xo. 2, Michael G idfrey of Oly phaut was arranged charge! with sel ling liqnor 011 Sunday nnd without a lissnse. Martin s Molsta is the pr -cntor. Attorneys Hulslander and Fred Stark, represent tii prosecution and Attorney Joseph O'Brien, the de fense. James Brock pleaded guilty to hav ing attempted to mak an indecent as sault on Annie Wiseullu, the 7 year old daughter of An lrew Wisenflue of the West Side The assault wjs at tmpted one afternoon about three months ago in a Hell near tno Hyde Park Catholic cemetory. Brock, who is about 110 yr'ars of age, wis remtnd jd until Saturday for sentence. Felix Hanlon pleaded guilty to a charge of having stolen n snit of clot lies from the room of one of the boarders at the St. Charles hotel. He wis sen -tenced to pay a fine of $10, coits, re store the stolen goods ami spend thirty days iu tho county jail Hanlon said in extenuation of bis offense that he was iutoxicated at the tiiu HID NOT APPSAR FOR TRIAL 1 Peter MoDermott, charged with rob bery by Anthotiy Murphy, did not ap pear for trial, and a capiat was issued for him. Steve Sewen was called to stand trial for having ran a mine drill through n mule in the mine of Jones, Simpson iV Co., at A rc.h bald. He failed to respond and bis bail wai forfeited aud a capiat issued for him. Wk open io our new store this morning. The Scranton CasuStous. Meeting ol Citiztus Interested in Building the STATEMENT OF THE CITY'S DEBT It Is Compared willi Other Cities in the State Compiled from the Cen sus of I09O - Names ol Committee men Who Attended Permanent Of ficers Chosen Colonel Ripple In troduces the Question of Park Pur chase. Notwithstanding tho inclemency of last evening, there was n goodly nt tend nice, at the central board of trade rooms, of citizens who are interested iu the success of the movement in tended to improve the city building bridges that will unite ths city iu all its parts Those present were Colonel E. H. Ripple. T. H. Dale, Representative John R. Farr, William Biumo, C. J. Boland. Patrick Rush, T. J Moore, 0. W. Westpfahl, E. K. Rohathan, J. M. Kemmorer, P. W. Gallagher, Dr. Wil liams, George Frable, John E. Roche, D. D. Atherton, John Schwuer, jr., V. H. Liuer, and fj, I' Dsuiels. The fol lowing pernunent ofHoori were ohoiin: President, Captain May secretary, D.H Atherton treasurer, Dr. Burnett. The following committee on litera ture and statistics was appointed: J E. Roche, John M Kiutimrer, T. H. Dtle, Joseph P. Phillips uud P. W. Gallagher, It was decided that circu lars containing all necessary iaforma tion for the enlightenment of voters should be printed uud distributed lib erul'y, A9 TO THE CITY'S DEBT, Prior to the meeting Captain May read a list of many cities iu this state, showing population, bonded indebted ness and the per capita iudebtn luess as compiled troiu the census of 1890, It is as follows Debt Net bond- Popula- per Cities ed debt. tion. capita Allegheny City i5'j:,487 LO&BIT 114.51 Pittsburg IO.OJtl.Sm; m HI7 4U.IW Reading S'.",J,liSO ft,til 14.14 Altooua 510,0110 80,857 li.Hl oarrwoarg i.cot.asi Erie l.u.v'MH Scrautou 351,735 Allontowu 80,041 Lebnnnon 218, loo Wilkes-Barre... 7i;,0'i W.llltamsport ... 1701,858 Bradford 7i,no.i Norristown 113,19a I.aston (W.i55U S rot it or tiieo coiroNs. pri- S senlnil at The Tribune 'Office, our S tier i'eim avenue nnd Spruce sued. S entitle! the bolder to ull the prli IS lieges of Die unparalleled oflVrs 2 for (llstrllintlnR- populnr hunks J -lining our readers. 'I he offers mail o liv The Tribune management are Hi lol I" i. S 15 CUNTS and Four Coupons for mi) volume i the Columbus ! 8 rles. Over 100 titles totelevt from. 3 H and Four Coupons for 10 vollliuu net Of Ulckelin' complete S works. JB -'" CKNTS nml Four Coupon for any book Iu tho Itugby Series, SSOBXTOanO Four Coupons for I any book in the Oxford Merles. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR For Bale at a Bargain. Two 80-foot quartered onk coonters, one KS-foot quartered oak wall case, one 12 foot show onse, Uve onk tables nnd chairs, nnd all other furniture in tbe store at Wyoming avenue, Y. M. C. A. building. Inipilro at Prank Moyer's ofUce. ej - Wx open in our tiew store this morning. The SciiANTON Cash Stork. Card ot Thank. I desire to thank the friends ot my late liushnnd. and especially bis associates lu the Dickson works, and the officials of tbe company for the sympathy aud kindnesB shown In my recent groat bnronvemont. Mrs. L. S, Fkloky. S24 Wyoming Avenu. Guernsey Bros, have leased the store at 'JI Wyoming avenue, where they will Io- rule mi April 1st ami will continue their wholesale nnd retail business of selllug planus ana organs ol the best makes. The Women's guild will serve dinner and tea today at their rooms, Wash ington avenue, Dinner from 12 to 2, tea from H to 8. Dinner ftUc,, to. 25c. 4i),ii:4 25.28 75,815 4,81 85,828 17.43 14,61 14.74 87,718 4.6S 27, 183 25 j 10,514 7.114 lii,79l 5.72 144HI 1S.29 Philadelphia. . . .'i US 1,040,941 28 90 York 116,018 20,793 5 HI I)18ClSSINa THE PARK. After the bridge question had been discussed in all bi-ariags Colonel Kip pie nitro luced the qu stion of parks. He stated that it was necessary for tho purpose of pate baling the same that an iifliniintive vote bi cist at the ap proaching election Thd matter was dlicaiied very favorably by nearly all present and the committee on Ittorn ture was instructed to prepar I a sop i rate tract in relation to tno proposed park puichass. It wis the coucnsus of opiou that the park question would act as a stimulus to that of the build lag of the bridges. Mr. Mooro stated that the board of associate 1 charities was contemplating the advisability of given worn to the unemployed and if parks could be pro cured this organization would do much to improve them 1 he meeting wai most satisfactory. A liberal discussion of the proposed improvements took place nud the meet ing adjourned to couveue again next Monday evening. We open in our new store this moruiug. The BCRAHTOa Cash Siohk. FATHER PROTECTE0 HIS SON. Would Not a . on tha Stand and Cbarg Him with Theft. James Dinner, a young man who is considered a very competent plasterer. was arranged before Julge Archbald yesterday afternoon charged with the larceny 'f an overcoat from bis fathor, Joseph Dinner. It is slated that the young man Is addicted to the use of strong drink and on six occasions pawned the overcoat to get the wherewith to crook his elbow. After tile seventh pawning Banner crooked his elbow too often, becamo helplessly drunk and was arrested. A pawn ticket found ou his person by the police led to the dis covery that he had ptwnil his father's cont. Danner's relatives wanted him prosecutsd and on Dec 20 he was sent to jail to await trial on a charge of larceny and receiving and Policaman diaries W. Ridgway's name entered us prosecutor. I ne father, Joseph Dinner, was put on the stand yesterday anil knocked th prosecution into a comatose condition by declaring that he did not want to prosecute his ion fiu- stealing the coat, us he bad allowed him to tak it. He further stated that they had used the coat in common for threo years "I hers seems to be some mistake here," remarked Julge Archbald, "and 1 wiil oidsr a verdict of not guilty." "Your honor, 1 think this matter should bs investigated," s ltd Attorney K, J. lisiimish, who was defending Banner. "It seems the police have bono pets 'en I ing tins man.' Sergeant John Davis and Police Of licsr David Roche were called, but wore unable to off r anything tending to sustain tho charge. "I see uo use in punning this mat ter," remarked the judge. "I do not desire to,1' replied Mr. Beamish, "further than to show the public on what llimsy pretexts inno cent men are often dragged before the bar of justice." "Well we will take tbe precaution of entering a verdict of not guilty," smil ingly replied tbe judge, aud it was don. Dinner promptly made his exit. ' W f. opeu in our new store this morning. The Scranton Cash Htohk. Bredleiton ft Woera' and Bnllmtlne'i Ales are tho best. E. J. VY aliu, igeut, II Leckawaiiua avenue. JANUARY 25, 1894. TRIBONElOOPON Your choice of threo beautiful pictures, "Telephono I iii I," "De liveiing t'lnistinn Presents" and "Maidens Swinging." Send by mall or messenger or bring OOttpona like thisof three differ etit dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIEUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. fv a! OUR 9 P : PROP- ,S0R JOYCE IN COMMAND. Chlmiuls Connors Spiak About tbe Lackawanna School Principal. "Say, we'res de snortiu' editor uv de Thybl'sk, by:"lnqnlred a youthful son of America and Btllevue of Tilt: TBI BUNE's office boy yesterday. "Aw, wot fell duz yer want of him'.' He's busy uu' cunt see yer," responded the o b, 'Well ye can tell him dat a wery particular f ren' ' his'n, wat is called Cblmmla Cnuuers by all de blokes wot know blm, wants ter see him.'' When young Mr. Conner w s Dlher ed into the editorial rooms of the Thin ONE he familiarly greeted each member ot tho stall', and then sinking into a chair placed his fvet upon the desk of the sporting editor, and r.-mnrked: "All of youse uoospoiper ducks is lookiu' out o' site wid yer long bair an' wi'ts nn' black bateau' dose dizv blonde shoes. Soi. on de dead, ef 1 wuz tor wear togs lika dole de gang wud shako ma lure. But dut's all ir rev'lent, as Professur Joyce wud soi. Youse felleys tau't I'd siiakea youse, didn't youse ! Well, date all right only as how it isn'. Ye se 'twnsdisway. Oive meorcig'rette will yer?" The society editor shoved over one of the ''Sexton. Hopo" brand, and youug Connors continued i "I'm goln' ter school. Were ' Well, now'ero now, cause how de Professur Joyce is get tin' too giy, an' wants ter scrap. I'd go him ter er twenty loaudi mess'lf, only he's out o' me class. Me busiuesi wuz gettin' rotten an' erbout free mom's ago me fadder sez dat I'd better be goin' ter school dan loeln' all me dust I'rowin' craps with Muggsv Boike an' de reit uv de gang. 1 wuzu't 'ticularly stuck on shiniu' dood's shoes in dis dizzy weddir un' I tole de ole man dat his umiturments wuz my setitsrmentr. An' dat'l w'y I've given de crowd de shake. Professur Joyco is er star, yer can bet. We baiut goin' tsr have eny more school fur t'ree er four inonl's, er ez long ez he can get de long grien widdout workln', Di school burd tried de lallygug act wid him but be didn't see de same way t-z dey did. De pro fessur is Htarviu' I t'ink, cauee his eloee don't bang ou ter his shaps like dey ust He ustler bev wiud teasers but dey is all gone too an' de winds don t play d'ere annymore. D'ere wuz only seven kids in de school dis moruiu' an' de professor sed dat wo cud go home till h sends fer us Here's a pitchoor 1 drawod do odder day. an' jre can print It IndeTkTBUXB an give it away fer free coupons an' ten csnts ef yez want ter. Well, 'along, funks fer de pasi," said Cbimmle as he folded up a com plimentary pass for the Eden Mus?e. Mr. Couiiors's pen and ink sketch is herewith reprouueed. Aro worth going a long distance to see. No such collection can be found nearer than New York or jg Pbllsdelpbia, and then it is notsnr- passed in tbe matter of uulquoaud 5 ezclnilv designs, or ricbnes, I daiutiousi aud delicacy of mate- 5 rial. Iu a word, our Curtain stock I thin fall r aches our highest ideal S 'I w hat is hhould be, snd cannot S tail to mfet the approval ol the most refined and artistic taste. S Vet all this does not mean Ligh & priew, (jii the contrary.tbe'values S we now offer are submitted for S your Inspection. Of course, we' ve S every make, nud among them will m be luund the very choicest crea S lious in Brussels. Irish Point, Swiss, S .Nottingham nud 1. ther Luce (ioods: slso the New !?nowftake Kwiss, with S-ilk hlripe iu contrasting colurs. Alo full lines of Mlk htripes, Tapestries, etc., mii!e to crder. siiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinei I HILL & CONNELL I s S SCRANTON, PA. siiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinr WILL GO TO HOUSE OF REFUGE. Young Lawrence Loughlin Convicted of Having Stolen a Bag of Rags. Acquitted of Other Charge. Young Liwrence LougbUn was yes terday 00-vloted of huviiiir stolen a big of rags from Moses Cohen, but recommended to tue extrems mercy of the court. The boy went on the stand and swore tnnt the rags exhibited in court by Moses Cohen were not tne ones lie sold to Harris Cohen. He said that on July 8 liis mother gave hiin a bag of rags to sell as a reward for picking coal. Thil was done to enable him to get m iney for to celebrate July 4 Evidently the jury did not believe linn. After the case was given to the j iry Lougblau was immediately arraigned on auother charge of Jaroeny and ro-c-iving before Judge Archbald. It was alleged that on July 10, last, about '-.' 3d in the afternoon he entered the store of Thomas Cavanangb, at Cirbondale, while Mr. aud Mrs. Cavanaugh were at their home across the street eating lunch. It is said that young Lovgblan forced opeu the door of a small room in the rear or the store and stole u box con taining $10. Mrs. Caviinanirh sw Loughlin leav ing tho store and cried after him, but he pretended not to hear her After the testimony for the prosecution had been beard Attorney B-amish asked the judge to return a verdict of not guilty, for the reason that the com tnon wealth did not disclose the length of absence from tho storo of the Cuv uianghs or that the b y was een en tering the store; that he was only seiii leaving it and that some other p?rs n might have committed the theft, as no portion of the mo.iey was traced to the possession of the boy. Judge Archbald ruled that Mr. Besmisb's position wns correct and dl rected a verdict ot not guilty. It is probable that oti Saturday the court will direct that the boy be sent to tho House of Refuge. He is charged with the larceuy of a muff aud sum of money from a store iu Carbondale a short time ago, but tho case has not yet been presented to the grand jury nnd it is thought nd visablo to place him beyond the pale ol' temptation. Wl open in our new store this morning. The r-cn anton I'asa Stork. REf ERRED TO ATTORNEY GENERAL. County Treasurer Powll'i QasrU Will Be Pasaed upon Officially. On Monday Couuty Treasurer Powoll wrote Auditor Ueneral (tregg, request ing information with regard to thea trical licenses, H wanted to ktuw if the payment of 50 warranted him in giving a licenue good for iierformances iu the county for one year, or simply an exhibition. He also requested to be informed as to wlint means he should adopt to enforce the payment of the llcinie, and just what the law is re garding museums that give theatrical performances. The auditor general replied yester day that he had referred th nutter to Attorney Gineral Honsel for an opin ion. Ah soon as it is given he will transmit it to Mr. Powell County Treasurer Martin, of Lan caster colintr, asked the auditor gen eral for uu official interpretatiou of the hazy noi tion of the uct of 1S43 with re gard to the $50 license fee, and accord ing tothe Allenlown Chronicle received a reply to tbe effect that he should col lect oi for each performance, uulesi the company could show a license granted by some other county treasurer in the itate, aud dated within a year. The auditor ireueral stated that a li cense fee of r0 paid to tbe treasurer of any county gives the theatricil troupe a license for one year, good to play in any place in the itate except Phaladel pbla and Pittsburg. Wi open in our new slore this morning . The ycRANToN Cash Stohi:. Lr. (' C. Lal'bach, dentist, Gas nnd Water compauy building, Wyoiniug ave nue. Latest Improti meats. Eight years in bcranton. THE LAST TWILIGHT EC I a.. Will Bi Oiva by Professor Gecrg B Carter on Saturday Aftarnoon. Professor George B Cirter, organist, will give tbe last twilight recital ot the season at the Elm Park chnrob ut 4. UO Saturday afternoon, lie will be assisted by Mrs. Alfred Conaell, con tralto, and Mr Wooler, tenor. Pro fessor C irter will give 11 verbal de enption of the selections from Tann nauser and of Cnopin'l "Funeral March," which he will render. The doors will opeu at 4 p. 111. and close promptly at i.'i). This recital is free to nil and the prognnim ar ranged ia exquisite and appropriate. It follows : ' Let Their Celestial Voices" Handel Theme and vnristions Uesse Vocal duet, "ily faith Looks L'p to Thee'' Bubford anaujoni on nn American Air r iogier 1 Overture, "111 Trnvatore" Air bv Carter . ' Shepherds Say aud First Pilgrims j Choi us" TaLnhaoser "Eliaabeth Prayer" 'Evening Star'' Contralto, "Oood Bye" Tost I ! "Funeral March" Chopin ' -. Wk open in rur new -tore this morning Tho Scranton. Cash MoP.k. . AflNG HOUSE KEEPERS MUST PAY . Will Have to Obtain a License from tha County Treasurer. According to the instructions recently transmitted to the county treasurers of thestite by Auditor General Gregg, the county mercantile appraisers are directed to assess all owners of eating bouses, restaurants, oyster saloons, etc , not selling sptrttous liquors, ac cording to the amonnt of business transacted. The owners of these estab lishments are then directed to secure a license from the county treasurer as provided in tue act of April 10, IS 19. Tho assessment is fixed us follows: On sales nf $500 to $1,000, $5; $1 000 to $2 000, (jilO; $9,000 to (9.000, $12: $3,000 11 $5 000, $80; $5,000 to $10,000 $30 $10 000 to $15,000, $75; $13 000 to 20 000, $125; $80,000 una over $200. 5!n Jottra Lowknbeho has bought Mr. Thomas Franckc'l drug store, at the cor ner of Washington avenue and Spruce street. Mr. Loweuberg is a graduate of tho Philadelphia College ot Pharaiarv of ten years' experience. The store will be kept well st cited with pure drugs, medi cines, perfumery, toih-t and faucy arti cles Physicians' prescriptions aud taaiily reciu;aiefully compoaud d. , . Afttv Swemlnc Off Mow nani have taken vows of absti uciico with tne birth of the new year i perhaps haul to estimate, but vie now know that such ellorts are futile ngsiest inveterate habit, a habit which has become a dleraie. There was n time when it wtuld have been ensy to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit contiuued un til by tbe coustant or fr, quent use of the pi ioii there was forced a change in the nervous system which made it cot only r posMine 10 uriiiK, out necessary, men ! you could drink a good deal and not seem to get drunk, bat you also found it ueces ! snry, to keep you feeling good ami yuu , '"craved liquor" because you had become diseased. Now that sweanngjoff does no ; good and the pledge can't be kept, go aud ; make your resolution good for all tune by I taking treatment nt the Keelev Institute, 7"H Madison avenue. Srautou, Pa. THEY FILL THE BILL. Wo Lave the mosi complete sMrtment Men's Furnishiun Unoda that ever sppealed to tbe eye ur to the taste. Soma uf our new shades and desiuiis in Ties re especlsdy n" tractlve. They are kelhug at fltturet whic . tve yo.i U0 excuse for being without all sorts ol HIM uud stylet. c 1 III ill lOUlCtll, HATTER 205 Lackawanna Avenu. THE Dr. Hill Son Albany DENTISTS frt teeth. S5..W; best set. : for gold caps and teeth without plates, calle I erown and bndjte work, call foe prices and refereroe TONALtilA. for extracting teeth without pain. No ether. Xo gas. oi;i; misr n 1 ion vi. bank. Storage tfor Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have yon ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed' or oysten fried? At Lackawanua avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have seen. Open Until Midnight. NO FAKE SALE AT M, BROWN S BEE HIVE. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Including (he painless extracting of teeth by au entirely uew pro cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. las WYOMING AVfci 25 Per Cent. Discount W e will allow 25 per cent, discount on all sales in our Cloak, Fur and Millinerv De- if partmeut before taking inventory. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. -On our stock of Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Underwear, etc. (slightly imper fect), we will allow a discount of 15 per cent. The above are bona fide offers and our patrons should not fail to take advantage of them. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.