s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. c. b. p-ratt. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THE NEXT WEEK OR TEN DAYS Will be Important to buyers of Dry Goods and exceedingly profit able, especially to purchasers of Dress (iooils. We have jusl liu ished our annual inventory, and previous to opening our newspring Btock, have several lines that must be disposed f. Buyers will find tempting in ducementa and rare opportunities. In Silks and Dress Goods. In Ladies' and Misses' Jack ets, In Printed Cottons, In Housek'pi'g Linen Goods In Hosiery and Underwear In Dress Trimmings, In Lace Curtains. We note below a lew of the re ductions in DRESS GOODS BSo. All Wool Dreis Ooois Reduced to 48a 76a All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to :)7c. Ooc. All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to B9a 60c. All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to 3c. BARGAINS IN CLOAKS. We oiler all odd Jackets and Newmarkets and all the accumu lation in Cloak Department at less than one-half, and many instances at less than one-quarter of the cost, TO CLOSE AT ONCE, that we may have no old styles to carry over, and that our entire spring stock may be new and bright. C. RBONDALE NEWS DIGEST. Crisp and Chirpy Condensations of Par sons! and Other Notes. Fpecial to the Scranton TWfttme. Caruondale, Pa , Jan. 23. Miss Cora YVhi!nry,of SusiinMianna, arrived in this place this afternoon to make a visit with her cousin, Miss Lizzie Am merman, of Canaan street. Miss lonii Tyler, of Forest City, is on a brief visit witli lriends in this city. Miss Minnie Bingham, who has been visiting her cousin, Mis Lizze Amraer man, of Canaan street, returned to her borne in Scrnnton today. Airs Dr. Van Doran. of Archbald, was a caller in Carboudale this after noon. Among the many improvements wor thy of note which are beinif made in this city is this, that the Delaware and Hudson company are having their larae culm bnk which is locator! along the Gravity hign works just across S ilem avenue bridge, covered with earth, and next Rummer this spot will bo greatly beautified. At a meeting held on Monday even ing, the Republican city committee organized for the coming spring cam paign, by the election of E. E. Hen drick, chairman, and Louis Gramer, secretary. Committees on rules and finances were appointed and the details of the canvass discussed. L I. Bunnell, health officer of the Fifth ward, will leav on Tnursday for Harrisburg where be will be a relegate to the annual convention of the boards of health of the state over which Governor Pattison will preside. At 1 o'clock this afternoon death came to relieve Miss Kate Mannion of her snfTsrings. She was a resident of 15 Pow'erly road, and was 19 years of age. Funeral notice will be made later. On Friday evening of this week the ladies ot the Presbyterian church will bold a turkey supper in the lecture room of the church. The Knights of Father Mathewwill give their annual social tomorrow evening in Keystone hall. Admission will be by card only and to the mem bers and their friends. H. 8. Lncus, of Scranton, made a business trip to this city today. Mr. and Mrs. Hamuel Lingfelter, of Birkett street, are visitiug friendi in New York city. A Million Friends A friend in need is n friend indeed, and not lees than one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, If yon linvuWvcr used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all disease of Throat, Chest and Limps. EacIi bottle is guaranteed to do all that is olaimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles tren at Mathews Bros', drug Btore. Large bottlus roc. and tl 00. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS OF " NEARBY TOWNS font or own oor respondents of Tm mm- I'NK should sii;u their n.imoi ui full to eacU Uows luttt'r, not for publication ut to KuarJ Kuiuat deoeptlonj Somk Ki mm.i, mil i. (Junius of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomae' Eclectrlo Oil. Never fails to cure earache. FIRE IN A BUSINESS BLOCK. Dropping; of a Lig-htad Match Is Probably lbs Cause. Special to the flbftiaioa Tribune. IIoxksdai.k. Jan. S3 For the First time in a number of months, Protec tion Eugiue company, No. 3, was called out by an uLirm of fire. When the alarm was sounded duuse volumes of black suioko were pouring out of the basement of Ferber Bros' Cigar store. Tha cigar store, with manufactory in the rear, is situated on Main street in the center of one of the principal busi ness blocks of Honesdale. To the by stander it seemed an age before the fire departmont arrived, while in real ity it was but it few momenta The smoke from burning wood and tobacco continued to nour out of the building, A water plug opposite was attached, but was frozen up. However, it was but an instant before the stroatn was on. It was several moments after be fore tiie water was turned on from the endue. The cellar was flooded and the fUtnes quenched. The libit floor and basement are used as a cigar manufactory and store. The second floor is occupied by Robert Ferber and sisters and the third by William Ferber and wife. Mrs. William Ferber is just recovering from throat trouble. The suffocating smoke filling her rooms before she was aware of the tire proved almost too much for her strength and she had to be helped from the house by a fireman. About 9 a. m. one of tin boys em ployed in making cigars took a match and went into the cellar to look for a spring that he had lost from his re volver. Robert Ferber rapped for him to come up to work. It was scarcely five minutes later that the fire was discovered. A barrel nearly full of kerosene was standing in the corner. Although the barrel was burned on all sides the oil did not ignite. About 5. 000 pounds of tobacco was spoiled by the water. The under part of the floor is badly burned, and one show window gutted. Smoke pene trated all parts of the house, blacking woodwork, soiling curtains, etc., and tarnishing silver, Although the in surance carried was small it will cover damage. The fire again forcibly brought be fore the people of Honesdale a prouii uent fact; that a water plug a is surer and quicker means of getting water on a fire than by pumping water from the canal or river by means of the steamer. A steady stream was pouring on the fire from the bose attached to the ping some time before the steamer got into action. The hose attached to the steamer bursted twice, necessita ting delay, while, the hydrant fur nished a steady, effective stream. Let us have a reservoir that can furnish a heavy preasure, and there will be less delays at all fires. Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms ar- cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if yon need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor take P. P. P., and you will be stroug and healthy, t or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) 'is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the grentost blood purifier in the world. Fur sale by all druggists. THE MAPLE CITY REVIEW. Events of Imp rtanos to Honesdale Roftd-rs 1 1 1 11 .- Noted. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honksdale, Jan. S3 The name of John Baiiman, sr., in yesterday's Titm i.'.ne, should have been Leonard B in man. James Donnelly, whose death was announced iu yesterday's TlttBUNli, was a victim of pneumonia. 88 years old The funeral will bo held at St. John's church at 10 a. in. Thursday. Paymaster Snyder is making his monthly trip among the Delaware and Hudson Canal company's employes. Rev. C. A, Benjamin preacned at Jermyn yesterday and this (Tuesday) evening he will deliver an address to the Epwortli League al Forest City, Mi's Lizzie Hanger will act as bridesmaid at the m irriage of her friend, Miss Clara M. Hull, of Carbon dale. Dr. and Mrs. Peterson are entertain tug Mr. Peterson's sister, Miss Mary, of Waterloo, N. Y., at their home on Park street. A, Dunlop returned home yesterday after a short visit among Paterson friends. Miss Lillis Hawkey, of Seeloyville. 4s visiting her uncle, Henry Hawkey, at Providence, Pa. $i Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 145 ceuU per box. For Bale by Matthews Bros. TAYLOR TOPICS IN BRIEF. Little Notts of a Day's Aotlvity Penciled with Oare. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tayloh, Pa., Jan. S3 John B Daniels will be a candidate for school director, subject to the Republican ward caucus. The Price library boys will soon or ganize a glee clnb, which will be made np of well knowu singers, Price library entertainment Thurs day night. TAYLOR BOROUGH POLITICS. Situation on the Eve of Tonight's Deci sive Caucus. Sjtciat to the Scranton Tribune. TAYLOR, Pa.. Jan. S3 The Republi can political situation remains un changed. Every candidate feels sure of being nominated at tomorrow night 's caucus. Tonight candidates are bust ling and among the leaders it is pre dicted that Reese W. Reese will be no- colleotor. The last gives him much minated for tax thirty-six hours strength. The fight for burgess is betwean Da vid J. Harris and W. P. (iriffltlm. Giorge Nanstee), who was looked upon as being a very strong candidate, will not likely be nominated. Mr. Nan steel denies, however, that he has withdrawn, aud says he is confident of winning, INTERESTING AVOCA AFFAIRS. Little Gleanings of News and Oosslp Brightly Served Up Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. Avoca, Pa., Jan. S8 Miss Mary Mc Calley, of Carbondalo, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Nellie Curran. Post Master Fitzsimmous was a vis itor to Scranton today. Mrs. William Webber and son Rob bie, spent the day in Dnninoro. George Decker and wife, of Moshop pen. spent Sunday here. M, Wlialen is on the sick list. Miss Lizzie Dixon baS accepted a po sition in the new store of the L ing oliffa Coal company. Mr. and Mrs James Gilmartin, of Dunmore, were visitors here yesterday T. J. Dunn returned today from Al lentown after a four days' absence. Miss Nellie McAndrew, of Olyphant, spent Sunday in town. Miss Annie Graham has issued invi tations to a number of her friends to a card party at her home Thursday, Jan. 35. Alexandor Glencross, of Dunmore, visited W. W. Morton Sunday. Con Usborn is erne tin,' a handsome dwelling on McAlpiue street, Misses Katie Cannon and Lizzie Mitchell attended u social at Dunmore this evening. Mrs. Thomas Walker, of Carboudale, spent Sunday iu town. B. E Curran spent Sunday at bis home here. Misses Cassie Moran and Maggie Mc Cormick havj returned from a visit to Lost Creek, Pa. James Barker, of Carboudale, was a visitor here on Sunday. William Brown, sr., is rapidly recov ering from his reeent illness. Mr. aud Mrs. D. W. Brown, of Peck ville, spent Sunday in town. Among the visitors at the fair on Saturday night were M. Walsh and Riohard Burk, of Scranton. The Heptasophs held their rogul ar meeting this evening. Mr. An lerson will roturn tomorrow to West Brighton, Staten Island, after spending a month at his home h ere Mrs. O. D. Hollitter is recovering from her recent illness. Rev. W. E Thomas, of Richmond, Va., occupied the pulpit of the Primi tive Methodist church yestorday iu the absence of Mr. Harvey, who is sully ing from an attack of the trip The quarterly conference was held in the Methodist Episcopal churoh this evening. Rev. John G Eckman, the presiding elder, preside). The Women's Christian Temperance union meet in the olasi room of the Methodist Episcopil church Thursday afternoon at 3.3). All members are cordially invited to attend St. Mary's fair will continue this week with anew attraction each even ing. FUNERAL OF MISS GILMARTIN. It Was Very Largely Attended by Her Sorrowing Friends. Special to the Se-anton Tribune. Avoca, Pa., Jan. 33 The remains of Miss Annie Gilmartin, of West Bad, N. J., arrived on the 3.50 p m. train Saturday from her home. Undertaker O'Malley took them in charge and re moved them to the home of Patrick Henley, of Church street, ap uncle of or the decsaseil. The funeral took place yesterday morning at 0.30 with a high m iss of r- quiera at St. Mary's chnrch; It was largely attended. The floral offerings were v -ry beautiful and numerous. In terment was male iu St. Mury's ceme tery. PASSENGER TRAFFIC BEGUN. First Train, a Epecia , Reaches Wilkss Burre from StrouoVburg. Wii.kes Bauiik, Jan. S3 The first passenger train, a special over trie VVilkos-Barre and Ksstern railroad ar rived at their station here ou the West Side this afternoon. On board of this train were C. D, McKelvey, general superintendent, of Jersey City; George Bartle, superin tendent of bridges, of Strondsburg; C. H. Corcoran, road master; Frank Zjl ler, despatclier and a number of friends. When rtaliy was sick, we (rave her Csstorla, When she was n Child, she rrl.-cl for Custoria. When she became Miss, she c-hinir to C.astoria. When she had Children, she gave them Custoria. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. Brandt Clay Product Co. OFFICE: Biirghamton. N.Y. FACTORY ; Brandt, Pa. Sir-' JV The papers is full of lungs an' hearts An' spinal columns an' kindred parts; Some warped or butted, or overgrown, With stories ot haow the thing was done, Au' when I see 'em b'gosh d'ye know 1 wonder if aiine ain't bunged np so. Yowsmi'e, perhaps it is ninusin' You've seen old "before and after usin' Hut me. why its got tewsich a pass I go aud hunt fer a tookin' glass An' llud n place behind some door Tew see if 1 look like old "Uafore." m IF I v 1 lltf SwSy ' va i ts- i i ( 111 , 1 " ! iS.' as An' when they describn somo dnrtiu' pain Iu the northeast lobe of luug or brain, Or queer sensation nbout your toes Or sort of twitoblnl about your nose, Or chill in the stummlck, buck or kueo, I groan au' whisper: b'gosh that's uiu." f If the papers crowd these views in siijht, Banyan or Edwards, Maxtor or Dwight, We'll read fer fuu tew make us feel gay, Kliuuning these horrid cuts of the day, Prom Pandora's box conio take yer pick, Ah, it makes you tired, it uiakts me sick. BtaTKD by H. U Coehran.druggist, Lan caster, I'a. Have guaranteed over 800 bottleo ot liurdo.'k Bloml Hitters for dys pepsia, sour stomach, bilious attacks, liver nnd kidney trouble, Mrs. J. S. Aughmbaugh Of Etters, fa. Blood Poisoning Intense Suffering II Years. Hood's llealed the Sore In Seven Weeks A Perfect Cure. "I will recommend Hood's Sarsaparlla as first-class. It has proved Its merits to us. Twelve years ao my wife was picking rasp berries when she scratched herself on a brier, tlio wound from which soon developed Into a terrlhlo sore, between her knee and ankle. Not willKtamliim all we did for it. it cimlliiued dls- eliarcinciur eleven long years. We tried medi cal skill on every side, with no effect. About a year ago she read of Mend's Sarsaparllla anil roiieiuuen ki irv u nerseii, ami wniin taking tlio first bottle she felt better and continued with It Hood's x Cures until today she Is entirely well and better than ever. The soro was healed up In seven weeks. H Bmb Is perfectly sound. We attribute her euro entlrelv to Heed's s-anaimrllla. ' Jacob N. At (ihk.mui on, Utters, York Co., PSi Hood's Pills ours nil liver Ills, bilious ness Jaundice, Indigestion, sick Headache. MOOSIC POWDER Rooms 1 and 1 Commonwealth Bld'g, 8CIIANTON, PA. MINING and! LASTING POWDER Made at tlio MOOSIC and KU8U UA1.E WOUKS. Lnfilln & Rand Powder Co.'g ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrio Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, safuty Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosive mti Suffering; ffjf Tortures K Eczema And yet lives in ignorance of the fact that a single applica tion of the CUTICURA REME DIES, will, in the majority of cases, afford instant relief, per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure, when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders, and its cures of tor turing, disfiguring, and humil iating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. Roi.i throughout the world. Poms Prt-o am Oik ... ( MRP., sols props., Boston, 4W"AU Abuui Iho liliud sad Hkln, uuilt-d true. Facial Blemishes, filling hair and Blm-pit- taby rashes prevented by Cutti-uru soap. NcrvOUS Instantly relieved by a Cml ciira riasler, because It vi MllSCUIar tali.-s Uiu nerve toroei and Wnkm; "ry'm! I'aius, tuMifcsa weakness and uuuihuess. Dr. B. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist. And his SMMlated itafl of EnaUsll and Oer man I hyi,li.ianH.uro now permanently located Temple Court Building 31 I SlMtlirF ST., SCRANTON Where ihuy may bo con-lilted DAILY AND kVNDAY. The Doctor is a graduate ot tho University or I cnnsylvanla, formerly demonstrator of pbysioloirv and surgery at the lledico-Chlr-Ergicnl College, of Philadelphia. He Is also an honorary n emhur of tho Medico-C'hirur-gical Assiiciatlon, nnd was physician snd siirgeon-in chlof of the most noted American snd Herman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by tbo leading (.nitessora of Philadelphia aud rew iork. His many years of hnsDit.il rxperlenoa en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all duformit iss and diseases with tho most flattering succoss, and his I ; h standing in the state will not all W him to accept anv Incurable casa LOS I MiMiniiil RKsTOKKD. WEAKNESS OK fOVNO MKN CtlltKD It you have DMO Riven up ny your physi cian call npon the doctor nnd bo examined. He cures the worst cosesof Nervous Dobility, Fcrofuln, Old Horos. i starrh. Piles, Ksmala Weakness. AfTuctious of the Ear, Kye. Nose and Threat. Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cers aud Crit'plos of every description. Con snltstlon in Kiillsh and Oerman Free, which ball ho considered sacred aud striotly confi dential. nice Hours: 0 A. M. to O V. M. Dally. Siitxl.it . t a. in. to & in. T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, QIC LACUA WANNA AVKNtM tJltl SCKANTON, VA, 4 TT dAVINO MADE a contract with a U frame factory to turn out 1.9)0 4 n Irani a between now and Carat $ mas, 1 wish toiiniiounco to the pub s0J.s li.-tluit I will make u 11 KN Cl N K CKAYON PORTHAtr cooled from any small onu ABSOLUTELY FllEE OF CHARGE. LATKbT STVI.1-:s OF FltAMKS FKUM S'S.fiO CPWAUD. Wiiikmnnship guaranteed. Franius !W per cent, loss than regular price E. DUTHBUj, Artist. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choioe Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HONT & CONNELL CO. ntUTKR NHOK ft)., wfo. Capital, l .000,000. BEST Sl.no RBOB IN THE WORLD. A dollar IffSSd it a dollar earned." Thlsl.aillPH'Siill.l French DoiiKolaKId Hut ton Hoot delivered free snrwbsr In the U.S., on receipt of Cash, Money Order, or resist Note fur tl.M). Kqusls every wav tho boots sold In all retail stores for .Ml. We make tills laiul iiirtolves, therefore wo guar antee tho Jit, tttile and wear, ind If any nno is not s.nlancd e will rcimel ino nieiicy or scud snot her pal r. ( ipers Toe or ( enuuon rvnsc, illhs C, D, K, Si KK, to S and unit i. Send iour ette; will fit you. llliistiuted Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe Co., KHLS' WL' 1 -I 7SjUu.A..4i:-' HOW TO MAKE MONEY Hiere are hundreds of young men and young women In this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business aud Shorthand ITas been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COUItsK. BUSINESS OOCRSE. BHOUTIIAND COUKSE. n ... n . , F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. NEW YEAR OPENS JANUAHV 1. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. REMNANT SALE CARPETS! TI7K have culled from our stock a large Hue of patterns thai will not " be made again in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, M0QUETTES, VEL VETS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIrS AND INGRAINS wiiici. wehaya marked down to such jn-iees as will insure a quick removal of the en entire lot. REMNANTS Suitable for Kugs, in length from out; to three yards, at HALF PRICE Odd lots of Lace Curtains, Chenille Portiere3 and Table Covers, Bric-a-Brac, &c, at actual cost HI IRQ Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, KUDO $2. so; reduced from $2.0. STORE CLOSES 6 P.M. "No star was ever lost we onca have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A H APPY PATRON OF THE MGHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. A7"HILE many manufacturers nnd dealeri nre making extravagant stats merits concerning the merits and durability of medium or low t'f' pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated hook containing valuable information on pianos on application. E.C.Ricker&Co. 123 Adanu Ave. 1 HHT L laSV m IF YOU Are ou Lackawanna, Penn or Wash ington avenuea make an effort to get on Wyoming avenue. II may pay you well. We refer to the Odd Prices of PUMlTtJBB displayed in our window at profitless prices. BOOK CASES, HALL RACKS and SIDE BOARDS. Are the victims of this week's slaughter. Then .there are sotno STOVES displayed in tho other window they're heaters at sum mer prices. Our general stock is reduced in price prior to our new spring Hue. 1