G THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24, 1S94. LIVE NEWS OP 11 PITTS T Events of the Upper End of Lnzeme County Briefly Narrated. REPUBLICANS PUT UP A TICKET By a Voto of Six to Five, It Is Decided to Run a Straight Party Ticket Against the Citizens' Ticket Headed by Burgess Maloney Louis Seibel Is Placed in the Position of Honor. Young Lady Sues Meyer Schlosser for $25,000 Damages for Breach of Promise Other Pittston Affairs. The Sckaxton Titit'.t'NK's PitNton de partment is in chare;,, of J. M. Fahy, to Whom news items aud ootupluiuta uiay bo referred. The Republican borouxh convention assembled iu the town h ill last oveni Dg in pursuance of a regular call for the purpose of nominating a Republican ticket. Wbeu Chairman Ouarles 13 Smith culled the conven tion to order, the following delegates presented their credentials: First ward, II Knnwles; Second ward, Oscar W alburn; Third ward, Thomas Huntlv; Fourth ward, Theodore Davenport; Fi fth ward, Jacob Shorer; Sixth ward. Jame s Richmond, Stanley Crooks; Soventh ward, C. K Campbell; Eighth ward. William Wil eon; Niuth ward, E, G. tiase; Tenth ward, Thomas Davo Jenkius; Eleventh Ward, Alex McMillan. After considerable disonssion con cerning the seating of two delegates from tho Tenth ward, which w.is sub sequently disposed of by one of the delegates withdrawing, the chairman announced nominations for burgoss were in order. Mr. Kuowies, of the First ward, made a motion that the convention indorse Thomas Maloney, of the Citizeus' tioket. To this C. K. Campbell offered an objection, stating that auoordiug to the rulos of the party they had not the power to in dorse any candidate other than a It publican, and as Mr. Maloney was a Democrat it would De entirely out of order and exceedingly bid form. Mr. Campbell was sustained in his remarks by the chairman. Erastns Cage nominated Lonis Sei bel. Some of the delegates contended at this point of the proceedings that they had the privilege of voting against Mr. Saibol, since the other portion re fused to entertain n motion to indorse Mr Maloney. The ballot for burgess resulted iu favor of Mr. Seibel by a vote of l) tor and 5 against. The nomination for a tax receiver was next taken up The nam 'i of William Drury, the Citizen's candidate' aud W. li. Young, the present incum bent, were placed in nomination. Oa the first ballot Mr Young was elected by a vote of 7 to 5. Edward Divis was nominated by acclamation for high conns table. The nomination for an auditor was next declared in order, but the conven tion was unable to find a candidate who was willing to accept the honor. It "was finally decided to nomi nate William Campbell, of the Fifth ward, subject to his aceeptaucs. The nomination for ward officers was next taken up Mr. Knowles, of the First ward, presented the name) of John J. Jordan for justice of the peace, John John B. Drake, conetable, and Thomas McKune for school director, These names were the same as nominated at the Citizens' convention and met with mueh opposition. C. K. Campbell arose aud stated ho was in favor of ex punging the names of all Democrats coming before the convention for suc cor. The nomination of the remainder of the ward officers was still iu progress at the closing of this letter. Tim seleotiouof p-rmanent chairman and secretary for the ensuing year re spited in the election of Mr Smith and Mr. Huntley, the present incumbents SUED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE. diss Hattle Welter Brings litigation Against Meyer Schlosser. A decided sensation was aroused here yesterday when it became known that Miss Hattie K Welter.of Ilughestown, had through Attorney W. H. MoCart ney begun suit against Meyer Schlosser, of this place, claiming damages to the extent of $25,000 for an alleged bench of promise of marriage. The plaintiff claims that for over a year Mr. Schlos ser had been paying attentions to her, frequently calling upon her aud in many other ways manifesting bis mat rimouial intentions, which he finally made clear and unmistakeable by ask ing her hand in marriage. Sue gave her consent and began pre p irations for the wedding. All her ex pectations were, however, rudely shat tered just prior to New Years by the publication of the news of Mr. Schlos r's approaching marriage to a New York lady. This wedding occured iu New York on New Year's day, and now that the couple have arrived at home after a delightful weddiug tour, Mr. Schlosser is confronted with this $25,000 breach of promise case , PITT3T0N BRIEFLY PORTRAYED. to Minor Matters of General Interest Luzerne County'Readers. Mrs. J. Keongh and daughter, Miss Constance, of New Haven, Conn., and Mrs. James Gihnartin, of Long Branch, re visiting Joseph Fahy's, on William street, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weismann are in Scranton, where they will attoud the wed ling of a relative this eveuing. The Juvonis club will hold au in formal hop at the rooms on South Main street tomorrow evening. Miss Ella Touhill is in Scranton, vis iting her sister, Mrs. E. D. Hoffman. Miss Mattie Lance entertained the Circle of King's Daughters last even ing. She was assisted by MisB Nellie Knight. Miss Sophia Newman, of Scranton, visited the family of her uncle, S. G, Goodman, yesterday on William street. Mrs. R. J. Beamish and daughter, of Scranton, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Thomas, on Church street Rev. W. J. Hill and son, of Bing hamton, are visiting friends hero. Chief Keating aud Officers Kelly and Gaughan yesterday arrested two Fo unders on a charge of stealing a gold watch from a fellow countryman. They were given a hearing before 'Squire Gibbons, who bound them over lor trial, but a settlement of the case was afterward effected. "01 1 Oleson," supported by an excel lent company, will he the attraction at Music hall this evening. The show i8 a good one and should be greeted by a large audience. Iu explanation for the error in the financial statement as appearing in the Gazette, that journal in its issue of last evening says: "Inexcusable care lessness on the part of a compositor, first in the setting np of the type and again in the correction of the properly marked proof, made Borough Secre tary Joyce's statement, printed iu last evening's Gazette, appear ridiculously inaccurate. The transposition of two lines of fignres oansed all the trouble. This statement is made in justice to Mr. Joyce, in whose manuscript re port the calculations were urfect." In common pleas court the applica tion for n charter by the Star of East commandery, No. 7N, Knights of Malta, of this place, has buen continued to Monday, Jan. 21), for hearing. The funeral of John Hart, of Chapel street, who died Monday morning, will take place from his late residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. After services in St. John's church interment will be made in Market street cemetery. The Musio ball orchestra under the the leadership of Professor Ackerman, after a short existence has disbanded. The following musicians will hereafter furnish the music at the hall Thomas Gill, first vio lin; George Worp. second violin; John Turn, trombone; Fred and Ed, Adrian, first and secoud cornets ; base viol, W. J. Gillespie; clarionet, John A. Gilles pie; flute, Walter Oatraud; drums. John Moffat. THE BURT JURY DISCHARGED. Being Out Nearly a Weak, one of Them Beoomes 111. Doylestown, Jan. 23 At 8.35 this afternoon the jury in the case of Wal lace Burt, on trial for the murder of the aged Rightley couple, was dis charged by Judge Yorkes on account of the serious illness of Charles Allen, one of the jurors, ine jury nas oeen out since n.-lo o'clock last Wednesday night. Burt was taken back to jail and will be given a new trial. -1 -m GREATEST IN THE WORLD ! Why Thousands of Families Owe Their Health to Paine' s Celery Compound. ASHAMED. Simpkins Here are two cents. I should think a strong, hearty man like yon would be ashamed to tak it Nothin InniK 'Taint uothin' to th' shame I feel going inter a saloon wid oney two cents in me pocket, If TOB have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsapnrilla, do not be persuaded to take any other. Be sure to get Hood's Snrsnparilla, which possesses peculiar curative power. Hood's Pili.s cure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigestiou, siik headache. Thousands of persons ar suffering from no definite disease, but are tired, worn out, weak aud nervous. . To moet the ueods of just such over worked, over-anxious men and womun whose nerves nro shattered aud their blood growu thin and impure, Paine's celery compound is prescribed. It is the greatest remedy the world has ever known for fatigue of mind an I body, for sleeplessness, debility and all complaints arising from depressed vitality. It restores the functions of the diges tive organs, strengthens the mental and physical powers, relieves the dull ness aud drowsiness of nervous weak ness. "Ten nights are rmjuired to repair on 3 night's loss of eleep," says an ud age. But nothing so calms and soother tne nerves as Paine's celerv compound or eo surely brings sound, dreamless sleep during which the d illy loss of enormous energy is replnoed and the oxhausted tissues replaced. For men and women subjected to the einrmous strain of social life, or spend thrifts of vitality through any form of dissipation, nothing will save them from complete breakdown like Paine's celery compound. Paine's celery compound is the out come of a long life devoted to iuces sant scientific study of disease of the important organs of the body and their dependance upon the nervous system. No leas an eminent scientist than Ed ward E. Phelpe, M. D., L. L. D. pro fessor in the Dartmouth college medi cal school, first prepared Paine's celery compound, the groat remedy that has cured eo many thousands sick, nervous aud enfeebled men and women throughout the country, Paine's celery compound supplies the tired system of all its needs in the way of food for nerves and blood. Rheumatism is relieved wheu every other means fail. In all wasting disease rocovery be comes a simple, easy matter when the strength is kept up by Paines celery compound and the nerves and vital or gans receive iu abundanuo the food they demand. The foundation of recovery from diseases which attack special organs is laid by the utmost attention to the nutrition of the wnole body. No nutri tive agent was ever discovered that will feed aching nervos and brain, and re store the natural function of the vital organs, like Paine's celery compound. Well nourished bodies, well fed brains, sound sleep, health aud strength have come to tbousaudi from Paine's celery compound. Mr. J. H. Engle Is a prominent mer chant in the beautiful town of Ham burg, Iowa. His reputation Is too high to parmit of his recommending a pre paration unless it has superior merit. Read what he says of the great good Paine's celery compound has done him aud bis family: "I feel it my duty," he writes, "to say a good word for Paine's celery com pound. I have suff -red for years from neuralgia, and tried many different medicin 8 without relief. Finally I was persuaded to try Paine's celery compound. After using nine bottles I am. in better health than I have been for many years. 'My wife and children have a'si bsen using the compound wun marked bene fit to all of them." The Picture above is of Mr. Engle and his family. They have had the same experience as thousauds of others. All CLE11II SA 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan, 18, at 10 LI, A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. lib Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during sale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles I 0k. each. Boys' Winter Waists kjc each. Muffs 3flf Bank Cloaks $ so each. HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. LOME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. For Delicacy, Forpurity, and for Improvement of the com pletion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder. Lost Manhood i iitroiihv, etc.. surclv curnl Iv IMMI'O, thm irrriit l!lndui)K iiH(lv. WHh written ifiurutrotocart. Sold by MAl'IULWS I - - . 1 i ( i : - rautou.PsV anil vigor qoirkly lento red. Varicocele, MtAPO. t! A. 6. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. ATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic Lead and French Zlne, Pure Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnished Heady-mixed Pnluta in all color, Gilders' wiiiting, Purls White and Kulnomiue, Oil- Vitrol, Marble Host and Window Glass Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Mar attached. 1 1. put for Berguer & Eugel'8 Tannhtousur Beer. 1 1 Cor, 15th and Filbert Sts,, Ptiiladi Most desirable for residents of N.E. Ponn' eylvHiiia. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Btroet station and the Twelfth and Market Street btatiou. De sirable fur visiting Sorantoniaiu and peo ple in tho Anthracite Region. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. AHMEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Concrete Flagging, Concrete Blocks, Potato, Butter and Coal Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may be loft at Thompson & Pratt, Will ains & Co., Main and Eynnn Btroots, or at Scrunton Btovo Works. Also Foundations. Cisterns, Fish Win- Tunnels and Collins. Flagging tor Uardon Walks. THE Thatcher IS THE BtST. Get prices and see the iurnace and bo con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. (MUX'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. ART science: POETRY FICTIOK. Popular Books iLlmost Given Away By The CRAHTOH Teibuhe We offer these Books for less than the paper and binding cost the Publishers. It will pay you to read every word of this advertisement carefully. COLUMBUS SERIES. Airy Fairy Lilian, by "The Duchess." An ( 'lil Man's Darling, bf Mrs. Alex. Mc Vei.h Miller. Allan Qtur'ermaln, l y it. Rider -Haggard. As in a Looking OUsh. by F. (' Phillips. Arabian Nights' Kntertuiument. At the World's Mercy. A novel by Floronce Wardon. Bottnle DOIU, by Mrs. Alex. McVoigh Mil lor Bride of the Tomb, by Mrs. Alox. McVeigh Miller Camilla, by Aloxandor Dumas, Ills. Child's History of England, by Charles I'll Ken S. Dateless Bargain, A. A novol, by (!. L. Per kins. Deer Slayer, The, by .Ins. Fonimore Cooper. Duke s . Secret, llio.by Charlotte M.Bro'.ni. i,oiaco; or, tne iron Hand, by jronco war ion. Dick's Wandorlngs. A BOTeli by Julian Sterne, Doubly Wronged, by Adah M. Howard. Desperate Woman, A, by Adam M. Howard. Droadful Temptation, A, by Mrs. Alex. McVoigh Miller. Death Bed Marriage, A, by Charlotte M. Stanley. East Lynno by Mrs. Henry Wood. F.asays oj Elia, by Charles l.amb. Prose 0 Pirate. 'I he, by W. Clarke Uussell.' I Qrimms' Household Fairy Talus, by the Brothers Orinrn. (luy Kenmoro's Wlfo, by Mrs. Alox. Mc Veigh Miller. Houvoon tho Marsh, The. A novel, by Flor ence Warden. Hon. Mrs. Voreker.Tho, by "Tho Dachesi." Handy Andy, by Samuel Lover. Ivanhoe, by Kir Walter Heott. e Jacqueline, by Mrs Alex. McVeigh Miller. Jane Evre. by Charlotte Bronte ' John Hullfax. Uentlemen, by Miss Mulock. Lady Audley's Socrot, by Miss M. E. Brad don. Last Days Of Pompeii, by Bulwer. Last of the Mohicans, The, by J. Fonlraoro Cooper. I orna Doono, by R. D. Bleckmore. Life's Kemorse, A, by "Tho Duchess." Littlo Unlden'e Daughter, by Mrs. Alox. McVeigh Miller. Little Nana, by Adnh M. Honnrd. Mr. Fortesque;) nn Androan Komanco, by Wlllinm Weetull. Master of the Mino, The, by Kobcrt Buchanan. Matt; n Tale of tho Caravan, by Robert Bu chanan. Molly Bswn, by "The Duchess. Nun's Curse. The, by Mrs. J. II. liidi'ell. old Mam's'lle's Secret. From the Gorman of F. Marlitt. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. PathHnder. The. by .Ins. Fenimore Cooper. Pioneers, The, by .Ins Fenimore Cooper. Prairie, The, by .Ins Fonimore Cooper. Prince of Darkness, A A novol, liy Flor enco Wnrden. Qaeenle'S nrrible Sooret, by Mrs. Alex. .McVeigh Miller. Reproach of Anncsley, Tho, by S. Maxwell Urny. RoMtaeoe Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe, Koint.U, by Ueorgo Eliot. Korv O'Moore, by Samnel Lover. Rabbi'l Spell. The, by .Stuart. Cumberland. Roso and the Lily, The, by Mrs. Alex. Mc Veigh Miller. Shi', by .11 Rider Haggard. 1 ; keteh Book. The, l,y V nshlmiton lrvl. Swiss Family R iblnson, Th . Second Thoughts. A novel. Two volumes in 0110, by Rho-ln Broughton. Strange Case of Dr Jukyll and Mr. Hyde, by Stevenson. Tom Brown's School Days, by Thomas Hughes. Tour of tho World In Eighty Days, by Jules Vcrno. Twenty Thousand Lengues Under tho Hoa, by Jules Verne. The Two Orphans, by B. D'Ennery. Two Years Before tho Mast, hy R. II. Dunn, Jr. Undor-Currents, by "The Duchess. " Vugrant Wife, A. A novel, by Floronco Warden. Witch's Head, The, by ft lilder Haggard. Willie Hcilly. by William I'nrletoii. Won by Waiting, by V'.dn.i I.ynll. Woman's Face, A, by Florence Wardon. Wifo e Crime, A. by Ml.s Ornce H.ilpiuo. Adam Bede, by Oeorgo Flint. Crooked Path, by Mrs. Alexandor. Cardinal Sin. by Hugh Conway, rilind Love, by Wllkio Collins. Hoyln's (lames. Wife In Name Only, by Bertha M. Chy. Janet's Repentance, by Oeorgo Eliot. Master of Ballanti ne, by R. 1, St -venson. Ivan tho berf, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. i" i :nfP it mi Ledy Valsworth's Diamonds, by "The Duchess." For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Bosaut, Woe Wide, by H. N. Carey. Christmas Stories, by Charles Dickens, Col. Qnaritch, by 11 Rider Haggard. A Family Affair, by Hagh Conway. A GENTLEMAN having tome pretension to literary culture approached Shakes-are oho morning bearing with him the manu script of a book which ho bad written confessing that ho not at a loss to give it a suitable name and requesting that Shakespeare read the book and suggest a becoming title. . The great poet consented, and on the following day returned the manuscript to its author, recommending that it be Btyled "Loosened Leaves from Literary Laurels." Tho caustic irony of the poet has an immediate application to our large collection of books, embracing the-colebrnted works of the greatest authors, including those of the Immortal Hard himself. Rend the largo list of books in'our catalogue. We have purchast d them in large quantities at extremely low prices. See if thei' "I something which you nocd for your library or for gifts to your frionds. 1 1 e pri"e at which we nro offering these books is a pleasant surprise to every ouo who sees them. Thoy are now displayed at TEE T.U8UNH OFFICE. A COMPLETE LIST cannot appenr iu these columns because wo have more than THREE THOUSAND DIFFERENT TITLES. We are enabled to sell these hooka at low prices; Hist, heeauso we havo purchased an immense quantity, and secondly, because through thtm we expect to interest our readers without wishing to reap any profit lu selling them. Remember, therefore, that you cannot procure them unless vouaro one of those readers. In order to securn this advantage ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO PRESENT the coupous,and price of the book or, set desired cut from THE TRIBUNE THE COUPON IS PRINTED ON PAUE 5. A Mental Struggle, by "Tho DuchosR." For Another's Bin, by B. M. Clay. Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. Redeemed by Love, by B. M. Clay. Prlnoeae of I hole, by William Black. We Two, by E Ilia Lyall. At War with Herself, by B. M. Clay. Missing Husband, by I eorgo K. Siinm. Bntwoi u Two Sins, by 11. M. Clay. Baron Munchausen, by Randolph Eiio Baspe, Evil QtDloa, by Wllkie Collins. Wo will give any one of the above books for four coupons and 15 cents. mvs j-.. . A COMPLETE PET OF Dickens' Works TEN VOLUMES IN A BOX. Six thousand five hundred (6500) pages. Eight hundrod and twelve (812) illustra tions. Author's latest revised edition, with in dexes. Handsome cloth binding, gilt backs. Illustrated by F. Barnard and J. Mahouey. VOL. 1. Bleak HoTisr, and Child's History of En bind. II. David Coppoi-fleld, and Christmas Books. III. Donibey and Sou, and Uncommercial Traveller. IV. Pickwick Papers, and Skotches by Boz. V. Mystery of I .win Drood, and Christmas Stories, Reprinted Pieces VI. Nicholas Nickleby, and Old Curiosity Shop, VII. Little Dorritt, and Oliver Twist. VIII. Martin Chusalswiti nnd American Notes. IX. Our Mutual Friend, aud Oreat Expoota Ions X. Hamaby Rudgo, Tale of Two Cities, and Hard Minus. We will give this for four coupons and $2.75. THE RUGBY SERIES. This series contains the best works which havo been written for boye und girls. Head the list and see if you do not recoguize tho names of authors you have heard repeated evor since your childhood. Want of space prevents the publieation of tho entire list. The ser ies is published at 75 cents, but you can have them for 20 cents und four coupons each. Abbott's Stories for Chlldron. By Jacob Ab bott. Adveutures Among the Indians. By Kings ton, Adventures, Forest and Frontlor. Advonturesof Famous Travellers. Adventures of Famous Sailors. The Adventures of Hob Rov. Hi- James! 1 rant. Audubon, the Naturalist. By Mia. Horace ni. ,ionn. Aunt Diana. By P. N. Carey. Fai baro's Triumi h. By Mary A. Denlson w y Conuucror. Boy Crusoos; or, Tho Y'oung Islanders. By Jtfforys Taylor, Boys' nnd tllrls' Story Book. The Hoys in the Forecastle. By Oeorgo H. Cooiner. Boys of the Bible. By John W. Orr. Frank Wlldman's Adventures on Land :.nd Water. By Frederick Qareteekcr. Uatooyne, By I , M. BaUantnue. Herman Fulrv Tales. Tranala:eil bv Charles A. 1 aia. Qilbert, thi Trapper. By Captain C. M. Ashley. Olraffs Hunters By Captain Vayne Reid. The (toldon Magnet. By . M. Form. Or icie Goodwin A st uy for girls Grandfather's Chair. By Nathaniel Haw borne. Orey Hawk, By James Macaulay. Fairy Tales from Brontano. Harile'a better. By Jaob Abbott. Haul's f-airy I ilea In the Wildsof New Mex c i. By.O. M. Fenn. Jackanapes and Other Tales. By Mrs. Ew ing. Jack Wheeler. By Captain David Southwick. Life at ttekV By, QonlOB Stables. Luke Bennett's Hide Out. By Captain C. B. Ashley. The Magician's Show Box. an 1 Other Stories. Mark S.-awo th. By W. H. O. Kingston. Tho Midshipman. By W. H. (t. Kingston. The Mountain Cave. By Oeorgo H.Cuonter. Murtreesooro to Fort Pillow. By William M. Thajer. My Tour in Europe. By l J race (ii-eonwood. Nature's y ouug Nobleman. By Brooks Mc Cormick. Number HI. By Arthur Leo Putnam. Ocean's Waifs. By Captain Mayue Uold. Odd Pi plo. Hy Captain Mayno Held. Old Merrv's Travels on the Continent. Oriental Fairy Tale. Our Young Soldiers. By Lieutenant W. R. Hamilton. Paul Ulake. Adventures of a Boy in the Ialand of Corsica, fto. Bv F.lmor. Perils of the Jungl . By Lieutenant K. 11. Javue. Teter theWhalor. By W. B, O. Kingston. I irai e isiauo. iv nnuj i(ni..i. Plant I enter. By Captain Mayno Reid. Popular Natural Historv. Hy Wood. Pole to Pole. Hy Oonlon Stables. Kan Away to Sea Bv Captain Mayue Hold. I?.l I.V,.. 'Th.. IK- k M llallnlitvnn. Rifle nd' Hound in Ceylon. By Sir Samuel Boy Slaves. By Captain Mnyn" Reid. Boy Tar By Cuptoltl Mayno Reid. Bruin. ByCaota nM J u Reid. Bush Hoys. By Captuin Mnyne Reid. Qllfl Climb!. Bv Captain Mayno Held. Deep Down. Bv R. M, Ballantyn. D.ve-t Home. Bv Captain Mavne Reid. Dick Cheveley. By V. 11.(1. Kingston. Dick Kidney. By J. OrnnL l 'i stein Fairy Logends, Current in Southorn Ind a. Hy M. Frero. Edgeworth's Parents' Assistant. Edg worth's A'oral Tales. Edgoworth'a Poim'ar Tu rn. Eilgewot th'R ( lass o TaloS. Eight Years' Wandering In Coylou. By Sir Ham oel Baker. F.rto Dano. By M White, Jr. Ei ling, the Bo'd. Hy. K. M. Ballantyn. Kither. By Rosa N. Caroy. Fi mots Bovr Famous M, n. The Fire Brigade. Hy. It. M Bnllnntyno . Flag of Distress. By 'Captain Mnyne Reid. A Flat Iron for a Farthing. By Mrs. Kwing. Forest Exiles. By Captain Mnyne Held. Fort Pillow to the End. Bv William M. Thayer, Foit Sumt.T to Boanoko Island. By William M. Thayer. Roanoke Island to Murfrcesboro. lam M. I buyer. Robin Hood and His Morry Foresters, py Will- By Round the World. By W. H. U. Kingston. Suit Water. By W. H. U. Kingston. Simdfnrd and Morton. School Life: or Three Years at Wolverton. Smugglers' Cave. The. By Annie Ashmore. Spanish Fnirv Tales. By Caberello. Mui les About Animals. By Captain Mayno Reid. Stories from American History. By Honry Morton. Tiger Prince, The. By William Dalton. Tom Tracy. Hy Arthur Lee Putnam. War Tiger, The. By William Da ton. White Elephant. The. William Dalton. Wild Snorts in tho Far West. By Frederick Qeretiicckcr, Wolf Boy in China, Tho. By William Dal ton. Wonders of the Oreat Deep, By P. II. Oosso. Y'oung Acrobats. By Horatio Alger. Young Foresters, The- and Other Tales. Young Folk' Book of Birds. By T. Hllby. Young Folks' History of Franc. By C. M. Y'onge. Young Folks' History of Oermany. By. C. M Y'onge. - Young Folks' History of Roiuo. By C. M. Yonge. We will give any book of the above series for four coupons and 20 cents. Italic fla.it I'Ut Wtstn .'. '.! Oxford Edition OF 12 MOS. This edition is printed on fine paper, we'l bonnd with best cloth, headbaud and silk ribbon marker, and contains all the standard books. You may ob tain any volume of this standard eries for 25 cents and four coupons. iKso p s fables. AHoe, a Sequel to Earnest Maltravers. By Lytton. Andersen's Fairy Tales. An April Lady. Bv tho Duchess. An Egyptian Princess. By Ooorge Ebors. Aurollan. Bv William Ware. Aurora Fiovd. By Miss M. E. Braddon. Arabian Nights' Entertainmout. Arundel Motto. The. By Mary Cecil Hay. Barnauy Bodge. By Charles Dickens. Baron Mini chanson. Beyond Pardon. By Berths M. Clay. Birds of Prev. Bv Miss M. E. Braddon. Bondman, The. Bv Hall Calno. Bride of Laminormoor. By Sir Walter Scott. Cast I'p by tho Sea. Bv Sir Samuel Baker. Catherine. Bv W. M Thackeray. Chaplet of Pearls. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Chaudos. Bv Oulda. Charles Auchoster. By E- Berger. Chariot to Temple. Bv Mrs. howaon. Cllildreu of the Abbey. By Begin Maria Roche. Coningsby. By Lord Beaconsflold. Cousin Pons By Honore de Balzac Crown of Wild Olive. Bv John Buskin. Deldeo, or tho Iron Hand. By Floronce Warden. ETC. We will give any book in the above edition for four coupons and 25 cents. OTHER SERIES AND LISTS OF BOOKS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN SUB SEQUENT ISSUES OF THE TRIBUNE.