THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JAN EAR V '24 1S9L liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!imiiiiiiimiiiiu Pipe I Va.ves 1 5 a f Fittings I I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. g riHiiiiiBiiiiiiitieaiiBiJiiiiiiiaHUiiiiiR Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE i20 Wyoming Avenue SCOTTISH RUE ISIS Now Officers of Sixteeiitb -Degree Coimcll In stalled villi Impressive Ceremouies. Lackawanna THE ?C8 Fenn Ave. Laundry A. C. WARMAM. Big Cut in Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's All-wool Hose See Them in our Bargain Window. HEARS & HAGEN, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, I Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. The cambro American ohoir will re hearse at the Young Men's Christian As eociation hall tonight at B o'clock. The ordinance granting a franchise to the Economy Light, Heat and I'nwer 0. nipauy has been approved by the mayor. The Ladies' Aid society of .the Kim Park Methodist Episcopal church, will (jive n book entTtaiuuii ut and social tomorrow evening. There was to have been a ruoetiog of the j'.int committee of couneils on the bridge question last evening, but only half the committee atteuded. The mayor yesterday approved of the resolution providing for an election to de termine whether council-, shall have power to purchase lauds for public parks. The ladies of lira. W. R Uall.stead Lodge, Division 8J, of the (i. I, A. to IS. of Li E. will have a pound party for a worthy lady at their hall on ij afternoon. The light on Hollister street near the Homo of the flood Shepherd, erected through the instrumentality of A. T. (Jon nell, is much appreciated by North End residents. There will be no organizad opposition to the bridge project this year. Those who pposed it most three years ago or, at l'-ast, a great many of them, have since altered their positions. Tickets for the ehirity heueut perform Mice, "'flhe Escape from Moby," at the Academy .ln. UU and M, are on sale at William Conneli i; Co, s Men-low BfOOk store and T. J. I.uce i Sons, North Mam venue. The Central Republican dob will bold a meeting lit its rooms on Washington ave nue next Tuesday night at which arrange ments will Iw made for furthering the campaign of liulusha A. Urow as cougress-nmn-nt large. A meeting of tho ladies' committee of "The Escape from I.ibby" entertain tin.? t. will be held this afternoon at l o'clock at the rooms of the Voong Women' (Juris tian association. I!u-dnes of importance will be transacted and a full attendance is recreated. I.evin Irving Handy g popular lecture, "The Road to Victory," which will be given at tbelElm Pari: church tomorrow t vening Is well worth healing, All who bad the pleasure of listening to Mr. Han dy at tho last Tencher's institute Were thoroughly delighted. The funeral of Mrs. f). A. Fuller, whoss death occured on Monday evening, will take place at the family residence, corner Lackawanna and JAdarus avenues tomor row afternoon at 'J o'clock. Interment will be private, and only relative and im mediate friends are invited. Foote & Shear, the well known hard ware men, like to see harmony existing 1. etween the llrin and Its employes, and annually do soiuethiug to en com ago the spirit of good will. Last year their em ployes were given n banquot. Tin year it took the nature of a theator party. The event transpired last evening. This is the way the Carbon l ale Herald notices one of Koranton's well known musicians: "There is no more popular or talented music teacher in i-crnnton than Mrs. Kate E. Wilcox, who has her studio at 30li Spruce street. A diligent worker, thoroughly educated nlniiff tin, linns of her profession, and n successful exponent of 1. ,v ft. , . . . . . . in minims mara nesl iuhluo-i it is no WAS FOLLOWED BY A BANQUET Illustrious Commander in - Chief He iiry N. Dunne!! Was the Installing Officer- The Men Who Assisted Him Thoso Who Were Present at the Banquet A Number of Toasts Responded to in an Eloquent Man- Tim new (.fibers of Sixteenth degree council. Ancient and Accepted Scot tish Kite Masons, were installed last night ;it Scottish Kite hall, on Wyom ing avenue. Following the installa tion ceremonies R banquet was served. illustrious Commander In - Chief Henry X. Diuinell conducted the cere monies, assisted by Illustrious First Lieutenant Commander diehard lisck. er Brookway, Frederick Bnragne God frey, Theodore Cramer Von Storch. Dr. tleorgo K Hill, Frelerick F. Schoen and William Jenkins Welsh. The oflloera installed were Thomas Franklin Penman, most equitable sovereign prince grand master; Utin tave Adolph Miller, most enlightened senior grand warden: Charles William Koeslpr, valorous grand treasurer; John Morns, valorous grand secretary. Anthems of t lie installation services Were sung by the Scottish Kite Quar tette, consisting of Louis ,1. Siebncker, tirst tenor; John Morris, secoud tenor; Frederick J. Widmayer, baritone; Moses Morgan, basso. After the im pressive ceremonies of installation wore completed the members of the couueil retired to the banquet hall, where an elaborate feast was spread. the 8PiICfl.MA.KlNp. After the luxuries with which the board was laden has been discussed, the party was called to order and Dr. Henry N. Duunell introduced us toast master. He delivered u short ad drees about the eupreme council nud then culled upon William J. Walsh to respond to the toast, "Tho Sovereign Commander, Henrv L. Palmer." Other toats refunded lo were "The Governor of Pennsylva nia," Joseph Gillespie; ''The Grand Lodge and Grand Master of Masons of Pennsylvania,'' Charles W. Kuesler; "The Grand Chapter, Grant CotnnMUV lery and Other Graud llodiea of Penn sylvania," Ricbarl B Brock way; "The Memory of the Brethren of Thee 1)) grei'S, Whose Labor Here Below Have Ceased During the Present Year," John Morris; "The County of Lackawanua, " Lieorge M. Watson: "The City of Scran ton, Its Future, " Controller Fred J. Widiuayer; "The Prop3ctive Bridges of the City," T.C. Von Storch ; "All Masons and Masonic Bodie of Ali Rites andDsgreesOvrthe Surfaco of the Earth," T. F. Penman. Those who were .present nt tho ban quet were: Dr. Henry N. Dunuell, Cbvirles It. Kinsley, Joseph Dannor, Moses Morgan, C W. Rosier, John I'.negel, Dr. Martin E. Hermann, Con rad Schroeder, Richard B. Brockway. George Broome, John Morris, W. J. Welsh, L. J, Siebe-dcer, T. R. Cohen, Fred J. Wld Moyer, James G. Bailey., George M Watson, Gostavo A. Miller, T. F. Pen man. Fred F. Schoen, Peter Ziegler, Robert J, Williams. Dr. Charles H. HIM. T. C Vbn Storch, F. S. Godfrey. A. K. Gould, Joseph Gillespie NORTH END HEPTflSOPHS Providano Ccuclave 195 Holds a Public Installation of Officer. Providence Conclave 193, Order of Haptatopbl, publicly installed officers for the ensuing year at Fanner cV Chap pell's hall Inst night. The ceremony connected with installing the officers was elaborate and impressive. The hall was well filled with the members and their friend, and the audience was repres3ntative of the best element of the North Lid, The order appeaist to be fast gruwiug In popu larity. The following are the officers in stalled: II. N'. Ilandrick, archon ; pro volt, Louis Hntf; prelate, C. E Potter; secretary, A. B Mnnn; treasurer, George Griffin; inspector, F.rviti Gear heart, warder. William F. Maye . sont Inal, Thomas Kennedy; correspon lent, G. W. Benedict: trustees, S. 1! Rob inson, George Griffin, T. S. Morgan. I. A. Reichardt was past archon. After the installation ceremonies the members and their invited enests were treated to a supper by the order. ECHART COMMITTED SUICIDE. Decision Rescind by tba Coronr'a Jar; nt Last Night's Hsarln? The jury summoned in tho death of August Hubert met last evening in the court home and beard testimony of the persons living ut 308 Franklin avenno. After lUtetiing to the evidence the jury returned the following verdict: ' Tne jury rtnpannolrd in the afore said c ie, find that August Echart died Jan. 81. lH'Jl, from the effects of hem orraga in t:ie plural oavity, the result of the perforation of the lung by a bullet from A pistol, discharged by himself with suicidal intent. " . THE ESCAPE FROM LIBBY. Th Providence Journal Says the Play I .Admirarbly Conatruc'ed. Tli Provt ience, R. L, Journal has the following to siy regarding "The Escapo from Libliy," which will be presented by local amateurs for the benefit of the Associated Charities nt the Academy on next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings: "The Escape from Libby" is the title of a tive-act comedy-military play pro duced by local talent at theopera house Inst night before n large and apprecia tive andieiiee. The play is admirably constructed and contains numerous ex cellent features, while the plot is well carried out. There ara many thrilling (lilllSIHIIIIIHIIIieiliillllillllllll.lll I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 Wonder that she numbers among her pet rous many of the best rmullie of Scraa ton. She has a very large class of pupils. Borne of whom give promise of future suc cess fer beyond the ordinary. While sbo has never made it a rule to give concerts , yet there is a prospoot that some of her pupils may be hoard in public during the next few wieks, and if 10 Carbondale will be one of the favored points. It would be a great musical treat, too, for anioug lb? pupils .if Mr. Wilcox are several most charming voices." Stoiuoi for you in a new building at llll Franklin aveuue. POI it of Ikaaa COUPONS, pre- Mnted at Tim Tribune (Mllce, cor ner JViiii nvonnt! iiml Spruce 4lrrt, entitle the koMatta u the priv ilege i,f I lip ., ..paralleled nAVr lb ,I1n( r, Jullhp, popular book itiiton oiii- reader. The offers maUe by Tli Trllinnn iiiiiiiaxeniunt are a follows: I.". CENT! and I our Coupon for any foltome in the f'olniiiltas Ke flex. Over 100 titles tusclert from. tUiVIA ami Tour Coupon for n 10 volume set ol Illekens complete w orks. scenes and incidents which are particu larly true to life in the days of the rebel -Hon and which stir np the enthusiasm of the audience to a high pitch, chief among which is the scene where the hero nuke his escape troin Libby pri- I0D, DR. BILL AT THE ACADEMY. Amusiua reil'orntauo f i the Banetlt of L eal Cammsrclal Traveler. The local branch of the Commercial Travelers association had a ben lit at the AttademT of Music last evening when "Dr Bill" ws presented before a good siz d audience. It was an en joyable perform nice and tho spectators were kept In a continual ro ir. Tho company wis not remarkably strong. Miss Lansing Rowan as the ex-queen of the bal lot did orae splen did noting mid was by far the most oa nnble member of the company. Miss Sidie Peters did not have a very im portant role, but sh sung a couple of longl quite acceptably and danced with much grace Will Miller Jnrnum was first class as Dr. Bill. ' One of the weakest bits of the per formance was a character presumably mvaiit to represent a young man of good social position conversant with the m tuners of decent society. The part us played by George R icbling was silly and weaiisnme in the extreme. His manner, talk, walk, and general behavior wer.i impossible creation. If Mr. Roebllng dared to appear in real life in anything resembling the out landish oatloatnra of his stage per formance ho would undoubtedly be giren a hou id spmiting by his parent or guardiun and sent to bed, ACQUIRING HABITS. All Minds Ar Not Constituted Alike. Parents should make every effort to place within tho reach of their children the greatest variety of reading. All minifl are uot constituted nlikc. Each child has Its peculiar dislikes.' What will interest, umuse and instruct one will prove wearisome to another. The boy or girl who has every object placed before him. in other words who has a complete library, is almost certain to be entertained thereby and early acquirrs habits of industry anil a love of books and home. Such a library is provided iu the Encyclopedia Britannica offered by the TkiuI'NG. Do you realize that this is a reprint page for page of the great Ediuburg edition sold by Charles Scrib ner's eons at $o a vol time besides having nearly '.',000 pages of supplemental mat ter added to it and an entirely new Hue of maps 1110 istne'.' You have always wanted this grett work but the prio was and is, though Scnbner's, 125 It is now within your means and on easy terms of payment. The offer must soon be withdrawn. Give your order now and do uot wait till the closing MAKE THEM SAW WOOD. Colonel Boiis' Plan for Applicant to Earn Rlif Given Tham. The Associated Charities held its regular weekly meeting last evening, There were present Colonel Ripple, Colonel Boie. Luther Keller. W. T. Smith, E. J. Lynett. John H. Fellows, T. J. Moore, T. J. Kelly, and Phillip Kirsr. Mr. Kirst stated that cases where the men were willing to work were be ing constantly 'referred to him. He had no work to give them and wanted instructions. The matter was referred to the committee on work. Mre. Duggan reported that she had investigated thirty-five cases since the List meeting, eighteen of which were worthy and soventeon unworthy. Colonel H. M. Boies suggested that a quantity of lumber fit for kindling wood and a number of buck saws be purchased, and that the men who want relief be made to earn what was given tliem, by sawing woo 1. The split wood could be done up in pirkage and sold for kindling wood. No action was takn on the suggestion. A motion empowering the president to employ a clerk in the office to attend to tho books, etc., was carried. MELINAIRO WANTED TO LEAVE. Deputy Sheriff Cm it Interfered with His Plans. Frank Melinairo, of Cirbondale, was convicted in court yesterday of a felonious attempt to kill, but when the jury had made its report and Melinairo was called up for sentence, he could not be found. A capias was issued for him Rnd placed in the hands of D-ptltv Shoriff William Craig who arrested Melinairo as he was leaving the city on the o 10 Delaware and Hudson train last even ing. Mr. Craig took his prisoner to the county jail where he sp-int the night. - YOUNG LAOIES'WILL SERVE TEA. Interasttnif Event at ths First Presbyte rian Church Tomorrow Evening. The young ladie of the First Pres byterian church will give a "pink tea" tomorrow evening iu the lectnre room of the church. Dr. nnd Mrs McLeod will receive and Mrs. Frank E. Pratt, Mrs, R. M. Scrantou, Mrs. Post and other young ladies of the church will assist. There will bo alio a nnitHM entertainment in connection with tne tea, which might well be called the "Mystic String. " QUIET HOME WADDING. Charts Jiffrov and Miss L zzle Wood houss Uuitsi In Marrlag. Miss Lizzie Woodhonse and Charles Jeffrey were married by Rev. Warren G. Partridge at the home of the bride's father, on Ash street, yesterday morning. A pretty wedding breakfast followed the ceromony. Owing to the family's recent sorrow there was no large we l iug, only relatives and a few intimate friends being present. CASES HEARD 111 COURT rVdui kdlMlN Found Guilty but Recom mended to the Mercy o the Court. MARTIN DEVANNEY ON TRIAL Charged with Tearing Down the Fence About an Elmhurst School House -Verdict of Not Guilty Or dered in the Case of John Capinski. Coal Stealers Escape by Paying for the Coal and Assuming Costs. CKNTtaiMi I'oor C-oiipnii for -g nny book In the Itugby gene. S 17 OHMTt and 1-Noir Coupon for gj Hiij ihiuh ill nip ,r,,ir(l IftCI'lFB. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiliiii" ENTERTAINCD BY VIEWS. Young Lidi Erjoy an Ezallnt Star - optloon Exhibition. Tho younger members of the Yonug Women s C'hriitian association were agreeably entertained last evening by a stereopticou exhibition at the associa tion rooms on Washington avenue. The exhibition was given by Klward Chamberlin and consisted of views of famous places as well as a number of cimic scenes. It pleased the large nud ienco very much. CAPTAIN ROCKWELL RE. ELECTED. He Rseelvtd ths Uuantiu u Vol of Hi Command. Company II last evening held an elec tion to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the trtn of service of Captain W B. Rockwell, (Juptaiu Rockwell wt unnnimonsly ro olectod. He is an efficiout officer and has been in the National guard over 15 years and is deservedly popular with his command. Beadleeton ft Woeri' and Ballantine'e Ales are the best. E. J, Walsh, agent, W Laokawauna avenue. " After court opened yesterday morn ing the trial of Frank Melinairo, the Carbondale Italian charged with felon ious attoinpt to kill and carrying con cealed weapon, was resumed The defendant, wheu called to the stand, said that a crowd of young men had thrown stones at htm and he bred a hot from his revolver to scare tbein The judge said that there was no evi dence to convict of carrying concealed weapons and at 1 1 110 the liirv retired to consider the question of felouinu attempts. He was found guilty, but recommended to the mercy of the court. In the caae of concealed weapons tho jury directed tho county to pay the costs. Martin Devanney, of E'ralinrst, wa9 next put on trial tbargel with malici ous mischief. The prosecutor was C. it. hmith, or the himhur.n hohool board. District Attorney Kelly nnd Attorney (.'. Comegys nppearod for the commonwealth, and Attorney E. C. Newcotnb for th defendant. TOltE DOWN A KEN'tlE. It is alleged that Mr. Devanney tore down a fence about the school of the Elmhurst school district. Tho defendant admits having torn down the fence, but aid that it was erected by the district on land owned by his wile. It had uo business there and he removed it. The case is the outgrowth of a dispute over a email strip ut laud close to the Llm- hurst school liouso. Mrs. 1 vanney anys she is the owner, but the Elmhurst; dis trict says it received it from the Dun ning school district out of which the Elmhurst diitrict was erected. The defense was being hoard when court adjourned. Yesterday morning in court room No. 'J the trial of John Capinski, charged by Rueben Brown with false pretenses was resumed. On motion of Attorney Dawson Judgo Archbald in structed the jury to return a ver dict of not guilty. The judge told tae jnrora to pass upon the question of cotits. They directed the prosecutor and defendant each to pay half KESl'LT OF A P.OW AT JBRMYN. Max Slewiskey and Anthony Orban were directed to plead to a charge of assault and battery preferred ;by Johu F. Hennessey. They answered not guilty It appeared from the evidence that on July '21 the three men had a fight in Jermyn which was brought on by an overindulgence in strong drink The prosecutor declares that the de fendants hit him on the head witli a stone, rendering him unconscious for some time. On their part thu defendants say that Htnnessey wan the instigator of tho trouble and inflicted serious injury on them. The jury thought all parties equally to blame for the trouble and returned a verdict of not guilty, with directions for defendants to pay ooe half the coats and the prosecutor the other balf. Michael Robbing was on trial before Judge Archbald in No. 2 In theater noou charged with obtaining mine tools and mine supplies from the Lick awanua Iron and Steel cjmpauv by false pretenses. George W. Uiell acted as prosecutor in the case. As sistant District Attorney O'Neill and Major Everett Warren developed the esse before the jury for the common wealth and Attorney Jauus M ihon fur the defense. NATURE OF HIS OFFENSE. On Sept 15, 1890, Robbing went to the Pine Bruok shaft of the Lacka wanna Iron nnd Steel company where he had been employed up to a few days prior to that date. By pretending that he was abuut to resume work in the mine he succeeded in getting supplies and mine tools valued at ijto 15. The defense was that there was no inten tion to dofraud, that Robbing was an employe of the company when he ob tained the goods and thought he had sufficient money due him to pay for Mfiam. Attorney James Mahon made a nlea for his client In which he described the la with regard to false pretense and incidentally the kind of caps worn by the students nt Oxford in England. Major Warren m a te "the closing argu ment for the defense unl at 4 o'clock the jury retired to make up its verdict. It did not return to report while court was in session. THEY WILL PAY FOU THE COAL. Patrick Gibbons. Henry Vansellor, Dennis Buckley, Henry Howelta and MrB Bridget Joyce were arranged be fore Judge Archbald charged witii lar ceny nnd receiving. L I). Kemtnerer, tletective for the D ilaware, tYieka wanna and Western Railroad company, was the proocntor. Major Everett Warren was the prosecuting attorney and Attorney C. Comegys defended tlm accused. 1 1 1 (let. 7 thoro was a wreck on the Keyser Valley branch of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company nnd several car were smashed and a large quantity of coal spilled. Bjfore tho wreck conl 1 be cleared up. it is al leged that the defendants stole about forty tons of coals, some of tbem U9ing horses and wagons to draw the coal to their homes. They agreed to pay for the coal, and the company not being anxious to push the c ise, Ju ige Arcnbald directed a ver lict of not guilty to be taken iu each case upon payment of the cojts by the defendants TRAMPS REFUSE TO WORK. Kirst' Chain Oang- Wilt Not DUgrac Itself by Labor. During the pint few days five va grunt have been arreated and aeu- t'ticed to various periods uf timo In the chain gaug. V ester lay morning each man wni supplied with a chain at tachd to a tw. lvepound ball and sent to the stoue crusher ou South Wash ington avenue. There they were placed In pbarge of Special Officer Caspar, who was in structtd to muku tho mea work nine hours a day. The tramps refused to work", and Weary W igglui, tile ap I ru :u of theVjirty, inform d the that they dia not intend lo do a bit of work during the entire day. They pos itlvely refused to us the hamiunrs.and tlie iijlicer was compelled to return tue men to the station house. JANUARY 24, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your ohoioe of thtes toantifu pictures, "Telephone Girl," "De iltvoiiiig Christmas Presents" unil "Miiiili'tis Swinoino." ,s,.ud by iiint I or liit'ssriioci nt bring coupons like tlnsol tlnw (tiller- nil dates, Willi ill cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Perm Ave. and Spruce St. 3 i AMUSEMENT NOTES. There is no aotor more popular with our theater goers than diaries T El lis, the sweet singing German come dian, who will be the attraction at the Ac idemy of Music tomorrow evening. He grows mtore popular year by year nnd can count on being a greater fa voiite with the ladies and children than nuy uf the singing eotuedians. His pretty comedy drams, "Count Cas p'T," iu which ho will he seen, has been entirely re-wtitteu since be was last seen here. HOYT'S TEMPEIIANCE TOWN. "A Temperance Town" aotually has a plot, and a very good one. It attacks hypocrites who make use uf a queer Vermont prohibition law, under whioh one can suffer cumulative sentence for aelliog liquor, which may amount to a life time, and indeed has done so. The play is based on an actual circumstance, and the particular case Mr Hoyt had in mind when he wrote "A Tomperance Town" was that of a man who was convicted of letting 7uQ glassos of liqnor,and was sentenced tooyer 21,000 daya or about sixty years in j til, The Academy on Friday evening. THE HttZi WINNER. A new comedy drama iu the German dialect, entitled "The Prizt Wmusr," will be produced for the first time in this city Tnursday eveniu', ut the Academy of Music by Charles A, Gard ner, tho famous 'comedian and sweet singer, and a company of first class actors. New scenery and etage effect and now coatnmes have been providol, including a startly realistic avalanche that presumably buries all the princi pals out of sight. MRS. BROMAGE WANTS HER GIRL. She Was Taken from the Floreaoe Mil lion by Usr Uncles. Mr". Catharine Brrett-Broma?e, of Providence, yesterday invoked the aid of the court to obtain posseasion of her 10 year-old daughter, Mamie Barrett, who is in the custody of her uncles, John and Thomas Clark. Last week Mrs Bromage had her daughter arrested for running away Irotn home, made her spend a night iu a cell at the station house witu uu at tempted mnrderar nnd a number of dissipated and worthless young men for neighbors The nest day had her sent to the Florence mission by request of Mrs. Bromago. Tho girl was taken from the mission by her uncles, who nre Mrs. Bromage'e brothers. They ay thnt tho girl is not. incorrigible, na the mother asserts, 'and declare that she has not received proper treatment nt home. Mrs. Bromage says she is the proper guardian for the girl and is willing and anxious to provide a comfortable home for her daughter if she will return and demean herself n become u young woman of her years. Un motiou of Attorneys Hulelander it Vosburg, who represent Mrs. B:om ate, courtggranted a writ of habeas corpus commanding the Uncles Clark to produce the girl in court tbis morn iug at 'J o'clock. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S CONCERT. Programme That Will Ba Rsndsrsd at Excoliior Hall. An entertainment and social undr the auspice of the Pine Brook branch of the St. Vincent de Paul BO'-ity will be given at Excelsior ball, Wyoming avenue next Wednesday evoning. Tl.e programme will b us follows: Plnuo duet. Misses Nellie Currau and Maggie Har rington. Solo Miss Allen Recitation Miss Jemima Jones Minuet Miss Aunie McLean Solo Mie Oernidiue Blewitt Kecitation Mis- Agues Callahan Morse Mandolin Club. Solo Miss Dougherty Recitation Edward Vail Solo Miss Angela Blewitt Orpheus tuaitotte. ttugallou, White, Foote and Eaton Duet Misaes Harrington aud Mclialu Leybourne Family. Solo Ed Wnlsh COURT HOUSE NOTES. Court made an order yesterday allowing depositions to be taken in the ejectm it suit of Mrs. Annie ttetvlu and o.hers aguinst ex-Jude Johu Htndley and others. There are two colored men sorvinj on this week's panel of jurors. Tatrirk F. (iibb ms, through hi a't -r noy, M. A. Mettinley, yester lay filed hi nuswer to tho equity suit brourht agalnit hi in as tho guardian of the children of his deceased brother, John T, Hibbons, by their mother, Mrs. Theresa Qlbboae, vho Is dis-mtintied with the disposition her husband made of his estate. ,. A marriatjo license was granted by Clerk of the Court TuotttM yesterday to Will iam Hoar and Ann Sample, of Elmhurst. Fifty 0ma for Tan Cnnta. Kemember that fifty benntiful pictures and not simply sixteen--and they all representing the most notable buildings and exhibit! of the late World's fair cau now be obtained at Tin: TrIBDRK oftlco for HI cents end three conpous. Part lot tin World's Fair Portfolio contains these nr tistic gems and souvenir". Cut your cou pons anu get tuo pictures. Mit Joseph LVOWMUM has llought Mr. Thouias Francke's drug store, at the Cor nor of Washington avenue and Spruce street. Mr. I.owenherg is a graduate of tho Philadelphia College of Pharmacy of ton years' experience. The store will be kept well stacked with pure drugs, medi cines, perfumery, toilet and fancy arti cles Physician' prescriptions and latnily recipes carefully compounded. , The grent people of this country who accomplish so much In the affairs of life have the peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to them iu the Tine of action on the spot. Thero is thnt pile of Harpr's, Frank Leslie's, ilcClure's, Ke view of Reviews, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They aro a joy forever, but uot a thing of beauty Our Mr. Scliwencker can transform them so that they will become the brightest and handsomest volumes in your library As soon ns you read this will yon not get ell tho numbers together, before they are lost or soiled, and bring them to TR TRtlPKl binders! A few conts will give you some beautiful books that will take the place of thoio rough and nigged magazines. HE IS A BOLD. BAD BOY Lawrence LougMiu, of Carbondale, Has a YarieJ Experience for a Bey. Had NOW BEING TRIED FOR THEFT Ragman Mose3 Cohen Says H3 Stole a Bag of Rags Lawrence Was Con victed of Theft Some Time Ago But Had Sentence Suspended on Ac count of His Youth Another Case on List Against Him. giiiiitiiiiiimmi9iiu.iiiiiiiiiuiiiiii,siii OUR CURTAINS A diminutive sp -unman of humanity was seated at the defendant's table in court room No. 'J yesterday afternoon. He was Lawrtnoa Longhlan, of Car bondale, aged 1:1. His clothe were saveral sizes too large for him, and well ventilated shoes made a vain effort to cover his leet. Lawrence was charged with larceny and receiving aud seems to be h very bad hoy indeed. Attorney R. J. Beam ish is defending him and Attorney James Muhon conduct tho prosecu tion. it is alleged by the prosecutor, Moae Cohan, that on July 8 last the boy stole from iiim a bag of rags nud sold it to another rag gatherer namd Har ris Cohen. Tho bag of rags was brought into court and ideutilied as the identi cal bag and r.ig that young l,ougblau bad relieved Coiien of. BUM IN COtlHl bKKuUE. The boy seemed not tho leot concerned ns he at tut the defendant a table and ktiooke T his heels against the legs of the cnalr he was sitting ou whilrf the witnenea for the prosecntiou were relating their storios. Hi) is a shrewd, cunning looking youth, and although young in yeurs is old in mis deeds He was convicted of theft in court several months ago, but in considera tion of his extrem j youtii sentence was suspended. Sine then he has been ar rBted leveral times for theft and there is another case of larceny au 1 receiv ing on the list ugaitist him at the pres ent term. He is a brother of Jams Loughlan, who was", convicted of rob-b.-ry at the last term of court and sen tenced to spend three years in the Eastern penitentiary. Several mouths ago young Liwrence hud his left foot tfttn ovr by cars on th Delaware and Hudson gravity road at Carbondale aud badly smashed. He was taken to to the CarboudaU hospital for treatment. ESCAPED FROM THE HOSPITAL. After being in the hospital for a short time he began to chafe over hi inactivity and the restrictions placed on him, and one night he m ule his es cape from the institution before bis foot was entirely healed. He departed without shoes anl with very little clothing on, After being Oaptnred he was taken to the county jail, bi bondsman antrenderins him Since thon he has be ta oue of Warden Grimes' boarder. In consequence of the injuries he received his fuot it d f or med. When court adjourned yoiterday nfternoon tue protaontiOD hal rested. This morning Mr. Hsamish will en lighten the court and the jury a; to the theory of the defens". - THEODORE HEMBERGER'S RECITAL He Will Be AaaUted by 21: Emma Conrad, Soprano and Pianiat. Theodora Hemberger, assiitsd by Mist Emma Conrad, will give a con cert at the Young M-ti C.iristian Association hsll tomorrow evening. Tue following programme will be rendered. "Sonata for Piano aud Violin in fl Minor," (tneg "Cnvntiua ", from Wl Trovatore'' Verdi "Violin Concert'' Molique I "Etude Migonue'' Schuttt j c: "Snce?" I Piano S!ol- .Bamberger i "Ballade," for Piano audViuliu,Moskowski "Arabian Song" tioilurd i. "Thou Art Miuo All," 1 c. bio Rose,, Blueben." Hemberger ! d. "Nymphs aud Fauus," Walts Song, Bemberg n. - rantasie Btneea, d. "Czardas, RHniUlUII!!!!in83uHnigiHIISIHHn: Are worth going a long distance 1 0 see. No such collection enn be found DeRrer than New York tr Philadelphia, and theu it is uot sur passed in the matter of unique er.d exclotove designs, or richness dalntiiie-s nnd delicacy of mate rial. Iu a word, our Curtain stock this fall reaChe our highest idenl ofwhutis should be, ,nd cannot fall to meet the approval of the most refined and ai tistic tastes. Yet nil this does not mean high prices. On tho contrarr.the vulues we uow offer are submitted for your inspection. Of course, we' ve every make, and among them will be found the very choicest crea tions iu Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham end other Lena coods; also the New Suowflnke Hwis?, wtth t-illr Stripe in tout rutting cobra. Also nil lines of t-ijk Strips, Tapestries, etc., mace to order. Bioeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfiisii I HILL 4 CGI ELL i SCRANTON, PA. (rdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiitiiiiiiiieiHiHiKsi Best Sets of Teeth, JS .oo Including Hie painless extracting ef teeth by an entirely uew pro cess, S. C. Snyder, D.D.s. ltttt WYOMINO AVE. kg S THEY FILL THE BILL. Vn bare the mot complete aaortmont 0 Men's Furnishing OooiIh that ever app.-l-l to thu eye or to the taste, home of our nen shades and di-ttgns in Ties arc estierlally :il trartlrc They arc selling at figures wnicl give yuii no gxcnie for beiiiR wittiout all sort ol bxn nud styles, c III THE 111 lw Jia., nATTSt, Lsckawanna Avenu:. Dr. Hill Son Albany nCUTICTv f-'f t teeth. 55..7I; ben sot, $J: for cel t and teeth without jlates. callatl emeu m bridge work, cull for prices unit refere o . TOKAWHA, for extracting n-eta w.tUou iiain. Koetner. Nogaa OYEB riBaT KATIOXAt BANK Violin Solo..Hubay For Sale at a Bargain. Two .'in-foot quartered oak counters, one 25-foot quartered oak wall ens ', one 12 foot show case, five i nk tables aud chairs, anil nil othe furniture in the store at 222 Wyoming avenue. V. II, C. A. building. Inquire at Frank Moyer's office. For Furniture, Etc. 1 19 FRANKLIN A VENUB Aftfr ?worlng Off How many have taken vow of absti nence with tlie birth of the uew year is perhaps hard to estimate, but we uow know that such etforts are futile against inveterate habit, a habit which has become J a disease. There was a time when it j wtuld have benn easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the liebit continued un- I til by the constant or friquent use of the ' poison there was forced a chauge in the nervous system which made it not lily possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and uot eeein to get drunk, b-jt you also fouud it neces sary, to keep yon feeling good and you "craved liquor" because you had become diseased, Now that swearing off does no good aud the pledge can't be kept, go and nuilro your resolution good for all time by takiug treatineut at the Keeley institute, 7'0 Madison avenue. Srn jton, Fa. - 1)1 ID BOIKS-In Midaletown, N. V., Jan. 17' Matthew I,. Itoies, brother of H. M. Uniee, of thlacitv. Interment at Ssuger- ties, N. V., Jan 19. EUVBNBURUH-At tM Sanderson ave- line. Jan. n-2, ism. Edward Rivenburgh, aired til years. Funeral from the hnuso Widnesdav, Jan. 24. at .' p. m. Rela tives and friends invited. Have yon ever Hnntington tried For oysters stewed or oysters fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 Yoo'll find the nicest yen liavt seen. Open Until Midnight. NO FiLKE SALE AT Ms BROWN S BKB HIVE. Ppr P.ont We wil1 allow 2s ijer L3 I Ul UGIII. cent, discount on all nioPfHinf sales in our Cloak, 0 lObUUHL Fur and Millinery De partment before taking inventory. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. -On our stock oi Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Underwear, etc. (slightly imper fect), we will allow a discount of 15 percent. The above are bona fide offers and our patrons should not fail to take advantage of them. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.