THE SCRANTON TRIBITNE-AY KDXESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 124. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Hants o all fci'ndi cost that much, r eept Situations Wanied,u fiich are inserted FREE. Situations Wanted. 1 I'ANTKD SITl'ATIoN AS NOOK hnnr bv ik crulcate of Kc; Academy. Ooid rof. r.-nees furnished. Ad drum Box 162. Factoryville, la. CITCATION WANTED-11 V A YOUNO O married msn as jmdtor or tend f urnncea. Address X. Tribune Office. Vt-'RSU-LADIES' NURSE WOrLD LIK2 l a f.,w engagements. Address MRS CHARLOTTE LEDCE. Dunmorc, Pa. SITI. ATION WANTED AS NURSE OIKL or to do light housework' Addr.'fs. L. E.. No. 115 N. Fi lmorv eve. UfANTBD-POMTION BV A MaRRIKD man as gardn.'r or rtori t will take any other honor. ble i mployui -u . Addreaa, W H., No. 313, Phelps UtcrBlon, l a. Agents Wanted. U 'ANTED-A SALESMAN, S-li TO S-VJ weekly can be mad With out goods In any locality, will prove It or lorfcit 1100. Salary or commission as you prefer. The re suits '.f u few boor1 work often equals a week's wages. Address "MaNI'I'AiJTI'II KRaV' P. O. Box 53' is, Boston, Mass. GENERAL NEWS Of INDUSTRIES Facts and Fancies of One Day Toucbed'Up in Rea'dable Paragraphs, ENGLISH INVESTORS ARE SHY Ued as the preceding weeks of January, amounting to only ;i,0iiN tons, or a total for the year of 22, 725 tons. Lehr & Co. 'a Uastou Uriiaii works, which lave beeu making but five dtys a week, will now ruu full tun?. U,' ANTED-THREU UOol) MEN To CAN vas for an article that will sell at sight; can make 51,1 or 180 per week, fall at room 10, Arcade Building, ascend door, Help Wanted Male. U-ANTED - a"" COMPETENT KTENtHi rapher and Bookkeeper, OUB who uu- derstandt both thoroughly, who is quiok and accurate in tlguros. Siute salary. Address P. O. Box ant U' ANTED- aOOO HOY TO WOUK AT M.icksmithing: one that lias workel at It preferred. BILHOOL'S CAKBLAGE Wi jtgg For Sale. I 'Ok' SALE A LAl.t'lk UK K Or FINK V new buggies of every stylo; also sc. otul baud huggit-s and Berlin coaches, cheap, at It. T. K-iier s Lackawanna Carriage works, tis Adams ave. 1OK SALE - A SADDLE HORSE, FOR .1 want of use: can be seen at livery stable of J. C. Warner, Oreen Ridge. QEOROki SANDERSON. ACRE FARM. STOCK .1. It SHEFFIELD, 420 l? IB SALE - iv I and utensils. Monroe ave. COB BALK -ONE J NEW VOST TYPE writer, also one now Abbott cheek punch. a, a bargain. Address II. J., care Tribune of fice. COB SALE OR EXCHANOE FOR sc'RAN JT ton property- A bearing orange grove increasing In production and value yearly in the orunce section in Florida. Addres 1-'. E. NETTLETON. LaksEelsn, Florida For Kent. LMK RENT APRIL i THB BOOMS NOW I occupied by the Telephone Exchange, 303 Lackawanna avenue. Apply at the uftico of Lehi.-h Salt alining Co.. Third National Hank building. L. S. and E. C. Fuller. L'uR RENT-HOUSE 407 WYOMINU AVE V nue from April 1. Eleven rooms, all the nw4i Imwmhhu. I f ll ,,,- miHifh Apply to P. H. CLEMON8. 4Xi Lackawanna ! contractors and railroad reporters b Tliey Have Been Taken in by Ameri can Securities So Often That They Are Beginning to Exercise Unconv mon Caution Better Outlook at Steelton The Pennsy Will Not Make Many Extensions or Deals Until Times Brighten Other Notes Culled in tsie Course of a Careful Inquiry. Rtctlftr Paxaon, of the Radinff, lias returned from bin European trip. The ju I go was in Europe n little over three weeka, spending one week in Paris and nearly all tha rest of the time in Lon don. His trip Mi solely for plonsure, although ha saw a number of persons largely interested in the Readiug. To these lie explained the condition of the property and the steps that were taken hy the receivers, with wbiob. they seemed satisfied. Judge Piixson said he found E iiflish invostera vsry dia trnsttnlof American securities. Tha disclosures alf .'ctiui; certain properties now in the hands of the receivers hal created a very unfavorable feeling in regard lo American investments. This MDtimtDt, however, did not extend to the proposed issu of bands by the treasury, the opinion being general that the issue would be successfully Boated. Twenty-fivo hnnired men wars at work in the Pennsylvania Steel com pany's mills, at Steelton yesterday COMrqntDt on the restarting of one Bessemer, one rail, the Meruhaut and two bloom mills, which will emply an aggregate force of 1,. 1(10 people. Since the lUspfDlioO, which went into effect over a month ago.only about 1,000 men have been employed at the extensive works. When all the works owned by the company are in full operation near ly 4,000 persons are required to per form the necessary labor. As tu de mand for material of various kinds made by tho company haanot justified the resumption of work in them, three of the four furnaces attached to the steel plant are idle, and any pig iron needed outside of mat piled up in the yards is being received from other points. Low Clos est, est. 1 . m swk am ;nvs ft Xm IL' li . 11'. 51 61 01 , M losuj loi" li'w" 'Mi ffU 1M 7ii MU M2 tH fifiaj at4 BIm JtJi 3t;i lit" lii" lis" w" im iH ,.ivoi4 law IwU .. 14)1 nij 4:;h " ;! ITM wU . li id iaw laiS ,.loou lonB lnmj wr, ,. i64 ujf, irH us, iM ii iiji .. m h, 4H. ,. K IBM UN .. Hm KM n u.ji i''a4 iiii ii'ivi iv4 .. U7M W 7i 72 UU mii, mi K .. UM 1M 10 10 .. Kli ll M 1j .. 1WS 1M H 1M .. M H'a II UU Kit MM l:i IMS 111 t)H im ifii Siys the Philadelphia correspondent of the Haz'eton Sentinel: The Penn sylvania railroad is to issue anew map These maps are eagerly looked for by s I.'OR RENT -TWO FLOORS OF THE -T brick bnildinir No, 211 Spruce street; 1 pleasunt rooms. Apply at -17 Peuu avenue. 2'1'OBE FOR RENT-STORKS BOOM AND li;e-e!in-nu No. l'-M i'eiiu :i enue, now oc cupied by C. b. Woolworth as a 6-osnt stors. Jmi-.ilreof B. O. HILL. 181 North Washinytou avenue. I 'OR RENT A LARUE STORE BOOM AT 4tW Spruce street. Impure at 111 Wyom ing avenue. T,(.)R RENT-TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL J ling house; modern improvements. BIS Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent. 721 West Lackawanna avenue. LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad. Apply at 'M Franklin avenue. 0 RENT-STORE USxim OR FURNISHED 'Pi 'I i le location and on reasonable terms. to r. E. NETTLETON Republican building. Annlf or c. s. Woodruff, Special Notices. ing supposed to be an indication of tho intentions of tho company for the year to come A comparison of the drawing i allows that while last the imp showed a proposed line from Tomhick en to New Boston passing two and five tenths tnilee from Hazleton, this year there is no line From Wiilces-Barrr, however, the Sanbury, Hazleton an 1 Wilkes-Birie is extended to near Scranton. and tne line from Strouds burg to Wilkes-Barra is marked pretty broad and black, whereas it was for nierly a faint line. The company offi cials claim that no extensions will he made until times brighten. The Pennsylvania railroad is already making surveys from Puiladelphia to Doylestowu. to which point the Le high Valley has surveyed its proposed independent entrance route. There maybe no significance in th is fact; fresident Roberts says tnere isn't. Bat it naturally occasions talk. It is ffmiT annual meT.xTNuVf'YiTb P,"? wft1,1 Y.odwstood in railway cir 1 stockholders of Tub Boies Steel Wheel Company will bo held at their office in tho city of Scranton, Pa., on Thursday, January 25, 1st' I. at 1'.' o'clock noon, for tho purpo-o of electing directors for the ensuing year and tiansacting such other business as may come before them. No transfer of stock will be made for ten days next preceding the day of election. JOHN D. SHE ,R, Secretary. 'PHE LACK WANNA TRUST AND SAFE I DEPOSIT I Oil PAN Y, OF SCRANTON, PA., .lau. 10. lSt'l. Til E AN .N U AL MEETINO OF THESTt ICK bolitnrs of the Company for tno ebction of Directors will be held at their office. No. 401 Lackawanna avenue, on Monday, Feb y 5, 18W4, between the hours of a and 4 p.m. HENRY BELIN, Jr., secretary. "THE SOLDIER IN OCR CIVIL WAR,' L containing Frank Leslie's tamotu old Wat pictures. Two volumes folio. Every ii in illustrated. Over Ml pages. As an edu cator it Is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly i Mivments. both Volumes dtllvercd coninlete. 1 Address P. 0. Moody. oii KrankUs avenue, agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvania. A I UAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD K1 111. XtJ c-nrner Bprnce street and Franklin ave line Twenty meal ticKets for JS.AU. Oood table hoard. Legal INSTATE I if 'WILLIAM W BtANNESB' X j lata of the city ot Scranton, Oonnty of Lackawanna, and State ceased. Letters testaniciitary upon th" above named State having liefii granted to the undersigned all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those ledebtedj thoreto w ill please make Immediate payment to the executors heroin after named, or any of them. ISAAC S. CASE. Tobvhunna. Pa. MARY T. MANN ESS. HENRY A. KNAPP, Scranton, Pa. WltlARD, WAnitEN KNAPP, Attorneys. "TESTATE OF ELVIRA MANNESS. LATE J j of tho city of Seranton, County of Lacka wanna and State of Pennsylvania, deossaed Letters . f adm nistration upon tho above laiued estate having be.-u granted to the on lersigned, all persons having claluiH or de cnands againsi the said estate will present wain :or payment, and those Indebted thereto will please make immediate puyment to MAKY T. MANNESS, Administratrix, Seranton, Pa. Wn lard, WAMUUUI le Knapp, Attorneys. Charter Application. lCEmTnin'uT a aoplicatioii will be mails tn tho Uovernor of Pcninylvanlajsn Ttiursday, Feb'y 8th, lsl, by Clan hco D. Simpson, Thomas H. Watklns, James I.. Crawford, Harry P. Simpion and A. F. Law. under the act of aiwinlily, entitled "An act to provide for the Incorporation and legulat'on or certaiu corporations,1' npprovi-d April h. 1874, and the supplements tlioreto. for the i barter of an intended corporation to be oalled the Forty Fort Coal Couipn y, the character and object of whlih is mining, pre purine for market and selling coal producd from lands of t e company held In fee or un der lease or otherwise, and for these pnrpo. t have, Hostess and enjoy all tho right, ben efits and privileges of Bald act of assembly and supplemeuUj thereto. THOMAS H. ATHERTON. Solicitor. Real Estate. JX1R SALE B1NULE HOUSE, (KfttiUINOV avenue; very desirable location. Anply O. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. qW.OSOWILL BUY MODERN NT.W BROOM J house, all Improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madiaou avenue and Deleware atrvet. Ap ply HARRY LEES 01,400 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT 'IP corner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Have used Dr, Thomas' Ecleotrie Oil for .-roup and colds, and declare it n positive cure. Contributed by Win. Kay, 670 Ply mouth Ave., buffalo. N. Y. cles that the Pennsy is not spending a very Urge amount of ready cash on new railroads just now. The present survey may, therefore, be merely a tentative move, which will be devel oped when business brightens. The fonndation for the now coal wnshery near Ni. 1 Audenried, is now complete and the lumbar ll expected to arrive in a few days. A similar struc ture at No. 5 Honey Brook, is well un der way. The lir-'t shimnents from this plant will bo made by April 1. The Audenried washery will be oiuplute.1 in liny. General Superintendent Olbausen, of the Jeisey Central) has been in Alleu town, the past day or two, figuring on a removal of the Muuch Chunk term Inal to the City of Peanuts. It looks now us if the reimval would be d cided upon, in which event there will be much "moving" among tiie affected trainmen, many of whom at present live in Scranton or at placas between hero and Mauch Chunk. Between sixty and seventy persons are now employed at the Franklin Ooal company's Cirbondnle breaker, for merly called the Frisbie. Many labor saving devices have been introduced in and about the break t, and it is the company's intention to put out -100 tous o! coal a tiny as soon as tne plant can lo gotten down to a solid running baMa, 1 he proJuct will be shipped via the Erie. Contractor McDmald and Siyre have begun the work of double track ing the L"high Valley' mountain cut off. They have started in at Avoc i and are working toward White Haven, They have also completed the grading for tracks to the new Lawrenoe breaker on the Austin breaker branch. The Lobigh Valley is introducing the block system betwoen List Miuch Chunk end I'enn Haven ,i unction. Four or five new telegraph offices, lo cated equal distances apart, will be opened this week, At Penn Haven nil the trains unite coming off the Wyo ming, Beaver and Mahanoy divisions, therefore they follow each other very closely to Munch Chunk. Collision's aro of frequent occurrence. It is thought the new arrangement will lessen the liability. Various Topics Condensed; President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania, when aslteil what basis there was for re ports of a deal between the Pennsylvania and the l.thigh Valley, said there was "none whatever." Shipments of Pocahontas coal over the Norlolk and Western railroad for the week ended Jun. la increased 'JV.ido toua. The hearing before Judge Colt, at Bos ton, for u receiver for the New York und New Englaud baa beeu postponed until Friday. Austin Corbln is again buyiug Reading. Piesldeut Wilbur and family aru enjoy ing n vuoation in the south. The entile plant of Sternberg's Bolt and Nnts works at Heading, which has boon only partly in operation for some months, has started up full hauded. The hosiery mill of I. C. Hunsicker at Reading is putting on sixty new bauds and is running at night to keep up with ordera. A further increase wis made in the ship ments of conl over the Huntingdon and Urosd Top last week, though not so niar-V A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that be always geeps Dr. Kings New Discovery in the house, and bis family has always foui:d the very best reaults follow its use; that bo would not be without it if procurable. G. A. Dyketoau. druggist, Catiskill, N. Y.. aav-s that Dr. King's New Disrovety is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that ho has Med it in his family (or eight years, and it has never failed lo do all that Is cluimed for it. Whv not tie a remedy so long tried and tested: Trial bottles Ire at Maithews Bros', drug story. Regular sue Doc. and S LOO. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds. Nw Yultic, Jan. Tlio sonsatiou of the dav ut the Stock exchange was the phenouienul trading in American Sugar aud the big break In the price. Itttely. if I ever, hve such crowds been witne-ned at the board, and the excitement at thoopoti ing ran high. It was impossible to get the tlrst sale of the stock, the onlcial list making it 77Ti), fully 8,000 shares being sold nt this range. In the tlrst thirty minutes of business over 00,000 shares of the stock were traded in. Later on there was some covering and a rally to 79),. The stocks were on an enormous scale, footitig up 153,200 shares iu a graud total of 2?2, -CGI! shares. The following complete t.ihlo showing tho day's fluctuations in uc.tlve stocka Is supplied and revised dally by LaRar & Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue; Open- Hi.h lug. Am. Cot. Oil UN Am Sugar. ?' a. t. a; s. r Can. So Cen. N. J chic. AN, W c. B. & y Chic. Ctas C. v.. C.&St. L... col. Hock.Val. & T. D. A li lul D L. & W 1). & C. F MM Erie B, E. Co Lake Shore L. A N Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y. & N. E N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W ... n. jr., s. & w.... U. S. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf Omaha Pac. Mail Reading Rock Island R. T St. Paul T..C. A I Texas & Pac Union Pac Wabash, pf W. Union 86 W. & L. E 124 W. & L. E. pf 4'.ifs Chicaio Qrin and Provitions. RcitANToB. Jan. 2a. The following Quota tions aru supplied and correct1.! daily by La Mar .E 1 uller, stock brokers, 1. 1 Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening H lamest Lowest Closing OATS. Opening Highest Lowest .'., Closing PORK Opening Highest i lowest Closing LAUD. Opening Highest Lowest CI sing SH UT BIBB. Opening Highest Lowest Closing New York Produce Market. New York. Jan. Flour Weak. light demand. W heat Dull, weak, Me. lower; No. 2 red, etore and elevator, otisfiSc. ; f. . b., BOMaOOHo-: ungraded red, OOaUic; nlloat, tl7atl7!c.; No. 1 northern, Tiic. ; options dec ined c. on weaker cables, foreign pelliug, local liquidation, rallied l)fc. on covering, closed weak. uudr yes terday; No 2 red January, Ojc ; Fobru- nry, DWiCj March, b0.'.,c; liny, B9c. June, i()o ; July, 70M&S August, flftO.; Decem ber, 7."ic. cokn Less active, firmer; No. 2, 43a 1c. elevator, 4:5V,a4J;,a; uugrnded mixed OWktHKo.: No. S white, 42jc. low mixed, UVa Options '-fac. higher, dim nnd qalet ; January, 48H0, '. February, laXc: March, 44 tfc: May. 4D4C UaTS-Qnlat, steady; options, dnll, firm; January, WkjjB.1 February, tSW& March, ;j4C: May,84Jt'c: No. 2 white January, 86C.S February, BBValJdJi'C,! March, WKa BT&i spot prices: No. 2, SH'c. ; No. 2 white, Me. No, 2 Chicago, .34.VO.; No. 8, 82c; No. 3 white, Nv&j mixed western, 34a35c.; white do. i4lic. ; white state, 3oa40c. Beef Dull, lirm; family, tllal3; extra mos, tSso.SO. Cdt Meats-Firm, active-, pickled bel lies, 7;ic ; do. shoulders, O'c. ; do. hams, O.'a'eOc. ; middles, nominal. Laud Unlet, ensier; western steam, 18,16 aaktni city, TKe.; options, January, iS.12i; February. S.O0; May, $7.05; con tinent, $5.00; South America, fti.00; com pound, (iVie. ' PORK Qalet, toady; aales, 20(i barrels II UTTER Fair demand: fancy state dniry InatiSc: do. creamery, 18atta Pennsylvania do., '.'."iXc-; western dairy, ia!al7c.; do. creamery, lSaBilfet do. fuc tory, 18nl(ic; Elgins, 26KOi imitation creamery, Hale'c; rolls, 12nlilo. ('rkksk Steady, fairdemand llrmjstate, large, !iaUic. ; small, lOVal'.'c. : faticy, lls;allfc; part sktm, 4ul0c. ;' full skims, Base, Eoos Stradier; ice bouse, llall'c; in cases. IBaStOO) western fresh, lD-aJalSc. . limed, llallJic: southern, lH'.alSc. Jan. May. .Tdly. m BUM a ill, 14 0:4 sou mt wl ov?ft 05 84M 87'4 BBM nil a-Vi 3"'j MM 37 8.SH ::i;s BM KM 2 NM iMl ;fi 2vt4 as 2,si4 ah -v MM 1327 MM 1BH9 1840 nu Vjgt VII 1127 - 77 787 7(i TH . 777 7(5 - 780 705 1140 672 lJ 072 tjo urn ow tiro Tempt Not a Cough with a Weak Sys tem, Consumption with Weak Lungs, or Disease with Loss of Flesh. Take Scott's (fkiinniiailfalkaBBii 4 mm the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, lor any aliment resulting from poor nourishment. Physicians, tlie world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Scott 6 houu,N. Y. a.ih iw.-.s. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In compliance with law nnd the ordinance of the vity of Scranton, I, W. L. CounelLiuayor of said city, do hereby give notice that an elec tiou will be held at the places of holding the municipal elections in Maid city on Tuesday, the twentieth dav of Potiruary. being the third Tuesday of February, 18111, fl)r the pur pose of obtaining the assent of the doctors of said city to an Increase of indebtedness thereof by the issue of bonds iu the amount of .-.' d for the purpose of buildiug bridges over the Lackawanna river nt Linden Street and over Roaring brook from Spruco street to Front street, as provided in ordinance of said city, file of common cuu.icil No. 12, 1800, entitled, "An ordinance providing for Increasing the city debt for the purpose of building bridges nud submitting the question of such Increase to a vote of the electors thereof,'' approved January tj UM. As reonired by law. the fo'lowing Infonna tlon is given to electors: First The amount of tho last assessed valuation or tuxanlo property In said city, is IK.WLeM. ' Second-The amount of the existing" debt of said city Is S.ViO,834.7B. Third -The amount of the proposed in crease of debt Is $2jJ,UOU Fourth -The proposed increasj of debt is 1 and BLtt65-10.0jU per cent, of the city's valua tion 18U:1, exclusive of occupations. Fifth -The purposes for wnlOU the indebted Hess is to b.' incurred are heieinbefore stated. Annexed hereto ia th.' city controller's oftl Dial statement of Indebtedness mid resources oft lie city, also copy of city ordinance. W ituess my hau l and the real of the city Of Seranton, this 17th day of January, A. D, IMl. W. I, CON NELL, jiayor. SCRARTOa, Pa., Dec 80, 1SU4. 01 rick or the ciik txraraoLLaR. Statement of the iudebtelness and resour ces of the city of Seranton ut the closu of unsinsi uecemDw aj, una: BOXOl D DEBT, Consolidated loan (eeoond series 1 due Dec I. P.kitl, il pur cent $inn,00J Qfj CUT IHPROTSMIMI LOAM, IBM, 4 tEH CENT. Due July 1, $9i and annually to year IMN at rate of $1.500 $4,50 1 00 fueuuiy 1, iniN, anu anuuaiiv to ear H., at rate of 82,iM 211,000 IS) uue.iuiy I, rju,. and annually lo year lUlti at rate of SJ,oU.l 05,0)0 Ul rUROIKa LOAN, ls;lj, 1 pElt CENT Due July 1. 181W $15,000 00 Due July 1. IV01 15.UaJ tm Hue July 1, IWEj 15,000 U) MVKICXPAt UUll.bINO LOAN, lSlSJ, -4 I'Ell EXT. Due Feb. I, 8t)5, No. 1 to 15 inclu- Etvn. $ 16,000 00 Due 1 , b, 1, UW. No. 10 to BS liic lu- slve Due Feb. 1, 106, No. ua to 90 ineln. slye Due Fob. 1, miu, Jj0, ,;i to gg inaiu. slye HCKICIrAL IMIMtOVKMEXT PEIl ( EM. Due Dec. 1. 1(111 Due Dec. 1, nil,; Due Dec. 1 1UU Due Dee. 1, 1UKJ ConnoHyWallace Great Domestic Cotton Sale tor a Few Days Out; Prices Lower than ever before reached in the history of the business. In placing our order for Cottons we bave taken everv ridvantarfo the markets nfYord. TIip rnanlf ia w have the largest and best bought stock in the city. A Few Price Hints on 36-inch Muslins. BLEACHED. UNBLEACHED, O CENTS j ATLANTIC P 3 CENTS ...TH CENTS I ATLANTIC A 0 j CENTS ..7'4 CENTS I ARQYLE rj'tf CENTS ...11 CENTS BLACK ROCK BW CENTS Home houses advertise Hill aud Froit Muslins tinder tlie regular prlee autl deceive tin- public by sell ing them a 7-S width. It is not honest competition. We keep nothing Inn th.- yard-wide floods in slock. 8hetlng and PUlow Case widtbsfr id inch up to 2 1-2 yards wide. All the best makes, Includ ing Utiea, Wauisutta, Atlantic and LookWOOdr. in Bleached and Brown. I'ricts here same as tho narrow goods have fallen down lo the lowesl notch. We liave inauguialed tliis Bpecial Sale at this time, when people generally replenish their Cotton sup plies. Housekeepers should bear this fact in mind aud improve the opportunity. Sale lasts One V eek. HILL LONSDALE FRUIT OK LOOM, PRIDE OK WEST. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THLKSDAY, JAN. 25. The Sweet -Singing; German Comedian, CHAS. T. ELLIS, In His N.'W Version of Hit Pitturesquo Comedy, Count Casper. IIF.AU ELLIS' NEW SON OS. BY j "A BUTTONHOLE BOUQUET" REQUEST i and "SANTA (.'LAI'S.' Sslu of ttt . , vi. i Tuesday. J LOAN. 20,'IUU CO j,00) 00 011,000 00 isni. Vi 1, .,.,118,030 00 24.010 00 .... '.".'.Oil III .... 20,000 to IMB, 1H, PEE IlEllEMI'TION HAS SKBIKS . t: T. Due June 1. VM, No. 1 to N inclu Hive Due June 1, ls. No. X, to Us, iu lu sive Due Juno 1, 191.1. No. til to Q( inclu sive Due June 1. IBM. Nu in; m til lniA'. duiive 3H,0UW0ii .84,0M fto :u,ouu oti :.'8,ooo no Russian Lynx Circular Csn's 21 lnchen, Electric Seal Circular Capes. 21 in l.l Astrakhan Circular Capua, 2i iu U.03 Wool .i-ai Circular Cap-a, 21 in W.IW Stone Marten Circular Capos. 21 in 40.(111 Brown Marten tlrctila- Capes, 21 in '.45.00 Otter Circular Capes, 21 in SO.00 Seal Sacques Peal Sacques, OH ine'es long 9100.00 Seal Jackets, 30 inches 100.00 SoalJackeU. 24 inches long tKI.OO Astrakhan Jackot-. U inchc-i loni 85 .00 Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, 30 Inches long, w.tli DUiwruj t. ape ;o uu Otter Circular Capo, 0 1 inches long.wlth llutterlly Cap I05.1KI Sable Circular Cape, 00 leches long t'i 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, iKl inches lung 22 (. i Electric Seal Circular Cape, 20 in. long. . 20 f)0 Gray Crirniuer Circular Cape, 30 in. long 30 U0 40 dozen Alnet ican S'al Muffs Rt....fUk1 each 1 lot tclnl iren a sets at usst eech 1 lofof Kltlgh Holies, plnsn lin;l $J web Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, JAN. 86. FIRST TIME IN SCRANTON, HOYT'S A TemxDerancB Town COMPLETE PRODUCTION, Direct from Hoyt s Madison Square Thrater, New York. Presented bv Mr. Oeorge Richards aud original company. PRICKS-First ton rows first floor, Jl Hal am e of house at regular prices. Seats on sale Wednesday, Jan. 24. .11188,600 00 Philadelphia Tallow Mnrkst. I'Mii.vMiiiiu, Jan. 23. Tnllow was In fair demuud nnd linn. I'nco ver: Prime city, In hoifsheutle, fXajc: prloie country, in hogsheads, Se. do. dark, in hogsheads, 4'ic; cakes, fiJu'c. ; grease, 4a 4Kc Fatal neglect is little Hhnrt of suicide, The consequences of a neglected cough are too well known to need repauting. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Sold by all dealer on a guar antee of satisfaction. THE GEM COUPON, THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, s.vrt 'rtDAV. JAN 27. "SWEET SINGER'' Charles A. Gardner (Karl) lu His Now Comedy-Drama, -! I YYTI nernze winner By .las. R. tlarey and Dr. A. E. Wood. New and utartliui: scenic effects by L. H. Seavey, of Now York. Now and catchy songs by Uustavu H. Kline. A TROUPE OF HERMAN" TYROLEAN SINGERS, In souus of their native land. Sale opens Thursday. Ti A Trip Through the Colum bian Exposition. 72 leaves, printed on one side only. Showing all the plaens of interest on main grounds ami Midway Plalsanoe. Size, 0x7. Ehnboned paper cover or full Cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes emboe89 oover. Two Coupons ar.d 40 CENTS takes o oth oover. Add 4 cents for postage If ordered hy mall The Scranton Tribune. Total .-.I'm I I..M.MS. I npnid warrants Dec 30, 1! $ o.ooti so Contract and other ac counts subject to nd iustineuts 1118,811 40 $im,21tl 8., Total Indebtedness of city, wi.:i tj RMQOBcn OF CITV. Cash in general city fund $117,173 71 Cash lu interest and (inking fund 24,730 j-j Delinquent taiLes and other items estimated collectible 3.000 no im,81I 07 Net indebtedness of city,- Mft sei 71 In nd.litlun to the above stated uteta the city pnrohased hniids of its tinun of ms iu per cent to the anio .lit of fULON for' th" benotit ot its singing fund. Statement of the amount of last proceeditnr tMMN valuation f the taxable property otthe.ityof Scranton, Pennsylvania. Lelni the assessment for year lSlrj Occnpat ons. $ LMMIO Heal eatatoand personal IT.KM,869 SEsSf il,i5.j mSHtS'y'i '"'''easeor Uebt RnotUtiltO S.OO. Hi, ir the purpase of building bridges as per onhnaiico attached, ami is MUAl to ;e..Btj.i 111,000 per c-ont. of thei ltv valuation ls'.M exclusive ot occupations FRED J. WIDMAYER. City Controller. CoMMoSwgALTIl OF I'ENKsVLVA NI , , CO! st ni LAI v.v.s a. CITY Of Si llASTON. On the llitoenth uay of.lanuarv. A D, l-'.il personally appeared betoremo.tlie subscriber, the May r of the City of Scranton, Fred .1. wu.i.1 , .uu .uwuim uuiv sworn, notn oe pose inifi ri . that he M tne Controller of tho I 'ilV 1 f KiM'Jtli t till iinil .1.,,. ,.. ii... I .... ... I. , .. kllnWIiile,. 1 lnl ii.fl h.. ...... . .1 u a V UNWVIwgfMMIimi. of the lluaiiciaof tho City ot Scranton Is just, correct and tin I .ami that the other foregoing atatcmont is alio correct. Sworn and subscribed before mo the fif teenth day of January. ISO;). W. L. CON'NELL, Mayor. FILE OF COMMON COUNCIL NO. 12, UBS, AN ORDINANCE Providing for Inrraasing the city debt for the purpwei.f building bridges and submit ting the question of such Incioase to a vote of the electors thereof. Ski tiom I. - He it ordained bv tho Select and Com i on Onunoill of the t'lty of Scran -ton and it is In rehy orda bed by the authority of the same, That for the purpoe of con" structlng a bridge over the Lackawanna river at Linden street, and n brldgeovvr Hoar, ing brook from Spruce street to Front street, together with the pureUaiie of such right of way as may be necessary for tho best ap priaches to ss'd bridges, an increase of the city debt by the issuo of eltv bonds Inthe amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby authorized, subject, never initios, tothocuusont of the electors of the City of Scriinton, as herein provided. 8 IC 2. -The question of assenting to the above propoied increase of the i lly debt shall be submitted to a vote of tl:e electora of the City of Seranton, at the next ensuing general election occurring not loss than forty daya alter the parage of this oidluatice. -1 3. - After the nassime of thu ,o,l n. and at 1 ast thirty davs before said election the Mayor shall publish a notloe of the elec tion hereby authorized. In three daily news papers or the city and the statement required to bo published In such notice shall be tu -Id Shed by the City Controller. Sec. 4 If the electors shall agree to In crease the Indebtedness of the city tor the pur noses of building nidi said bridges and procur ing the right of way, there shall be appropri ated and sot apart for the Linden street bridge and purchasing the right of wav i In ret , the sum of one hundred and twenty -five thousand dollars, and for the Spruce street bridge the equal sum of one hundred and twenty Ave tbousaud dollars. Approved January 4. MM, W. L CORNELL, Mayor. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. V. H. BROOES. Supt. and Lecturer. HARRY THORNE. St.iee Manager. Week commencing MONUAY.JANUABV 88 DUBLIN DAN COMEDY CO. Iu conjunction with Howorth's Hibernica (Scenery of Ireland I RAILROAD TIME TABLES. (JENTRAL KAMOAD OF N J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIKI TADI.K H grVICX JAN. II, IStll. Trains leave Seranton for Pittaton, wiikes- llarre. etc . at 8,10, 0.13, II 80 a. in.. 12.3H. 2uj, 8J0, 8.8B, 7.2'.. 11.08 p m. Sundays. H 0U a. m , 1 W, S.Wi i .10 p. HI. For Ailantic city, h.IU .. ni. For Now York. Newark and Elizabeth. 8.10 fexnreae) a.m.. 18.30 (express with Bullet parlor cari, 3.30 (expreta) p. m, Sunday, 8.00 i. in. Inn MAl'i n ClIt'NK. ALt-GHTOWN, BfeTHLC HBai, BASTOM and PuiLAOKl.l'KiA, s.10 a. In.. 12.30. 8.80, "..DO (except Pbiladelpnia; p. iu. Suudsy, 2 (Si p. in. ForLoM; BRAIC8, Ocean QBOVBi etc., at 8.10a. m 18.80 p. m. For leading. Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentowu, 8,10a in., IS.30, 8.00, p.m. Sundav, 8.00 p, m. For Pottsvllle. s lua m . 13 :;o p in. Heturnlng. leave New York, tout of Libert v street. North river, at b.i'. i express, a. m.', LP1,, 4.3d (express with Buffet parlor cur . I', in- .-Tumulty. , a. in. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. MO j a. m., 2.0Jaud 4 3,' n in. Sundav, ti.27 a. m. Through tickets to all pointaat lowest rate-; 1 may be had on anplica:ion iu advance to tho ! ticket agent at thi (tatiru. 11. P. BALDWIN, Qen, Fais Agent. I. II OLHAU8RN, Qen. Supt. J F.HI0:i VALLEY RAILROAD. Train leaves Seranton for Philadelphia ami New York via. D J. II I: H. ut i a.m. 12.10. i 2.38 and 113., p. m via D.. L A W. R. R , aoj. 11 0 a. m.,and 1.88, 8JWP, in. I Leave Scranton tor Pittston and Wilkjs Bane in D.. L m W. R. R 8 0s. 11 2Ja. in . I.W, 3.50. d.'i7. 0LS8 p. m Leave Scranton ror Whste Haven. Hazleton. , Pottsviilo aud all pjinu on the Beaver i Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via D, 8H, I R. R. at 8 a.m.. 18.10, 188, 4.W p.m . via D , L. I & w. R. R ,8.08, 18.10a.m., 1.30. 880p.m. Leave Scranton for Botlil.lietn, Easton. Reading, BaiTiabnri and all intermedia;" points via D. i- H. R. R.. 8 a. in ,12 10, 2.3S. ILS3 mi .via U . L A- w. K. H.. 08. 11 20 a. m., Ufel .50 p.m. I iLesve Seranton for Tunkhannock. TowanJa, Elmira. Ithaca. Oeneva and all . points via D. A- H R R.. 1 23 and 11.3.'. p. m., via D L. A: W R. R.. tJU a in.. 1JH p. in. Leave Scranton for Bocheater, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D e: H. R. It. 1 23. ,18,11 8i p, m. vhi D. L. & W. R. It. and Pittaton Junction (881 a. in. for Buffalo only I, 1 30 0 34 p. in , via E W. R. R 4.1o p. m. Fur Elmira and the west via Salamanca. Tin D. & H. R. R atli.i.'ip. m.. v.aD . L. 4t W. R. K. 0, O.ob a. m. and tl.tC p. iu. Pullman parlor nid sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. it B. Junction or Wilkes Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridce. ROLL1N H WILBUR, Oen. Supt. Eaft Div CHAS S. Lh.E. Oen. Pass. Ag t. Phils ,P.i. A W NONNEMACHER.Ass t Q.-u Pass Ag t. South Bethlehem, Pu. Holiday, Tuesday, Wednesday, LiAHRX AND TKDDY. Thursday. I'rldsy. Saturday, THE TWO DANS. ELEGANT DRAMAS, FIKST-CLASS SPECIALTIES. MAGNIFICENT PAINTINGS, U)e. to lack of balcony; 20r. to front of balcony and rear parquette; 30c. opera chairs. Performancos at 2.30 and 8.13 p.m. Poors open at LSD and 7 Frank P. Brown & Co. Wholesale Dealers In WoodWare, Cordage and Oil Cloth 720 West t ackawanna Ave. Manufacturers' Agonts for LAMPS and 0 LASS WAKE CROCKER 1. DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything in tin- line of WATCHES. If you have anv Idea of purchasing ativ kind of a Watch, lade's or gent's. Hold or Sliver, you will make a griev ous mistake it you do not give us a call und But our nrices. which you will Und far below nil olners. especially in all the high grades of gin, Walt nam and Hampden Movements. If roll have anv doubts and are ut all Dotted on prices il s ua a call aud w.. will have no trouble iii convincing yofL Wo still have a largo stock to dispo o of, and will offer vou won derful Inducement a In Jewelry, Silverware. Clocks and all other guode which wo have in stock. C. W. Freeman lnn Are. and Spruco St. EDEN WEE Week Com-nencing Inn. 22. (TKIO HALL. UNIE The Aboriginal Beauty. nat.iwiei ivn nrtn fj4 JL , SON RAILROAD. hl I ova, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scranton. for Pitti- VV-111... . v i.i wm a ,at1s8J.'.c.7. ho;. 1042a.m., B 0 Mm'.. 0.15. 0.13 hfr and 11.88 p. ni. ft" For New York and Phila- ' delphla. sOUa. hi, 1210, ; 238. 4.10 and 11 30 p m. For Honesduleurom Delaware. Lackawanna and western depot , 7.0J, S.3U. 10. ID a.m , 12.1X1 m.. 2.17. 3.10 p. m. For Carlondale and intermediate stations, 5.40. 7 OH. 8.30, 10.10 a. m . 18.00 m.,2 17, 3.23,5 .10, 0.80 and ;.' p. m : from Bridge Mtreet Depot, i 2 03 a. iu.. . : 'i.'! 11 88 r. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England points, .' a. m.. arriving ut Alkauy 18,48 Surstogn 8.88 p. m., and leaving Scrauton at 3 p. in . arriving at Albany at I 50 p. m, Sara toga. ISaWa. in . and B ston. 1.00 a. m The ouly direct route between the coal fields .Hid Boston "The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes Ueerge and Chaiiiplnln. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on nil divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may fee obtained at nil Delaware aud Hudson ticket offices. 11 O YOI'NO. J. W. B1KD1CK, Second Vice President. lien. Pass. Agt. AGNA The Man Woman. NELTHThe World' Smnlleat Lady TiiErlAnpus The Antipodean Paradox. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reasonable. Space will not permit ua to mention the good tliiugH for h Cbribtnias din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a fust-class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers nnd Dealeri t Burning, All AanJ lubricating U I LO c,y, Also Shafting and Journal Greasi OFFICE:-721 Weat Lackawanna Avs. WOKES: -Meridian Strait THEATER, MULDOON'S PICNIC Admission, 10c. (JON CERT Mr. Tbeo. Heiubsrger, Violinist, Late Pupil of JOACHIM. Berlin, Assisted by MISS EMMA CONRAD, --AT Y. M.C. A. Halljuursday Evening I JANUARY 25, Programme will be published later j Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Court BOOII IQVAMV Alt kinds of Laundry work guaranteed t he beat. I Sea AAA AAIHAU MnUHntaUr curfcl I WSBioateTi- I Odv. undtr KuKrtDty, t-i lsrulic&i..4l. I eis.liv. i.r v.t .a.l Kill riii leoi. lll-jitrited tram I USlfraiii 'slf cHrd.frw by mill. whtaflotBprlnf. I l tad .Kutiraii, our Manic atemeay iui tiu.lll.tly ru. COOS SJiallUV (St., Cklr.. III. DELAWARE, LACK AW ANN A AND w ESTERS RAII.BOAD Trains leave Scranton as follows- Express for New York and all points Kast, 1,80, 2.80, 3. It, 8.00 and 8.90 a. in.: 18 01 and 8.80 p, m Express for Kaston. 'Ireutoii. Philadelphia and the South, 3 13, 8.00 and 8.50 a. in : I8ati and 3.30 p in. Washington and way stations. 8.48 p in. Tobyhanna accommodation. S.10 p. DL Expr ss for Bingbaiiiton. Oswego rimlr.-t, Corning, Bath. DauaVllle, Mount Morris aud Buffalo, 12.10. - 13 a. in. and I 21 jc in., making connections at Buffalo to all points iu thu West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation. 0 on a. m Itingbamtou and way stations. 18.81 p. UL Nicholson and wav stations, 3 43 p ie Bmghniiiton ami Elmira Kxpress, ii 03 p, in. Kipreas for Cortland, Syracuse. OeWego, Ctica nnd UlclKlcli Su iugs, .13 a in. and 1.21 p, m. Ithaca. 8)8 and 8j 8 a m and 1 '-'I p, m. Por Northumberland. Plttstou. wlikealUl re. Plymouth. Bloomsbuig and Danville, inaklug close connections at Northumberland for Willlamsport. Harrlsbnr.-, Baltimore, VSusb ingtou and the South. Northumberland nnd intermediate stations, 0.00, 11.30 a. iu. and 1 3 and ti 07 p. m. Nnntlcoko and Intermediate stations. 80S and 11.20 a m Plvmeuth and inturinedlate tiitioiis. 3.3'Jand 8.S8 p. iu. Pullman parlor and sleoping coaches on all evpess trains. Por detailed infortnatiou. pocket tim-Malne-.. etc . applv to M. L Smith, city ticket ..nice. 888 Lai savanna avenue, ..r depot ticket otn.v. NEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN Railroad. Scratitou Division. Time table In effect Nov If. 1S03 Trains leave Scranton for t arlsindale: 050. 8.3'.. 11.05a. m., 4.SU. Old P ni. Por Hancwk J unction and inaiu connections II Ouii.m . 010 p. m. Trains leave Hancock Junction for mam line connection for Scratitou, 0 00 a.m., 8.08 Trains leave Carbondale for Scrantou7 2l, 0 18 a.m., 1.10, 8JU, 8,18 p in. J. C. ANDERSON. Oeneral Passenger Agent, New York. T. I'LITCROKT. District Passenger Agent, Scrauton T74RIB AND WYOMINCl V ALLEY BAIL l'j ROAD. Train leave Scranton for New York and in teriuedlate poluta on the Erie and llawley and loal points at O.W. 9.43 a. m. and 3.21 p. tn. Train leaving at 0 45 u. in and 3 24 p. m are through trains to and from lioiiesdale. Trains leave tor Wilkes Barreut S. 1.1 a. in. and 3.H v- "