The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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In great variety
at price?
Suit the Tftnes.
c. B. PRATT.
Will be Important to buyers of
Dry Goods and exceedingly profit
able, especially to purchasers of
Dress Goods. Wo have just fin
ished our annual inventory, and
pre ions to opening our new spring
stock, have several lines that must
be disposed of.
Buyers will find tempting in
ducements mid rare opportunities.
In Silks and Dress Goods.
In Ladies' and Misses' Jack
ets, In Printed Cottons,
In Housek'pi' g Linen Goods
In Hosiery and Underwear
In Dress Trimmings,
In Lace Curtains.
We note below a few of the re
ductions in
N",c. All Wool Dress Gools Roducoii
to 48c.
7.-c. All-wool Dre. Goods Reduced
to :?tc.
Ma All-wool Dress Goods Reduced
to :!."ic.
50c, All-wool Dress Goods Reduced
to JO.-.
"We oiler all odd Jackets and
Newmarkets and all the accumu
lation in Cloak Department at leu
than one half, and many instances
at less than one-quarter of the
cost. TO CLOSE AT ONCE, that
we may have no old styles to carry
over, and that our entire spring
stock may le new and bright.
rnt of town corroapon.lonts or This Tutu
DllSihoald sign tbulr UBH in fuU to uuoli
iiewn lotUT, not for publication uut to guard
against Uuooption.l
Brevities of New and Gossip That Will
Rpsy Pni.ial.
Syirial to the Scranton Tribune.
Fokkst City, Ph.. Jan. 22. At the
Prfsbyti'rian fair Saturday night the
followinar the winners of prizes:
John E 1 1 11 a handsome silk bed
quilt : David IIarrij, a beautiful Christ
mas card j Mrs. W L. Bates, a fancy
table; Winnie Lott, afoot stool; door
priz" by (j-nrge llorton. Some othor
fancy articles were sold at auction dur
ing the evening.
Georgp S. Dunn, the gonial Ontario
and Western station agtnt at Jermyn,
and friend, C W. Dyer,J;"'l B'orest
City friends and relatives a visit .Sun
day. Charles D. Burdick, clerk in the
Hillside iron and Coal company's office
at Scrauton. spent Sunday at his home
on Hudson street.
A slight error was made in today's
Tkihlnk ir. the report of the Demo
cratic caflMis. M. J. Collins, present
justice ofTne peace, and H. K Vaughn
were unanimously nominated for that
office. Mr. Collins from First ward,
and H. K. Vaughn. Second ward. H.
K. Vaugun, in a brief speed), nomina
ted Woodbury Coyle for high consta
ble. John Cotter dMllntd Mr. Coyle
was then nominateil by a unanimous
Daniel McMnllen. of Carbondale,
spent Sunday witn bis friend, Ueuj.tmin
Galgenast, of this place.
liev. J. ('. Hogan preached an elo
qunt sermon to a large congregation
Sunday vening.
Miss Celia Lunnin? spent Saturday
and Sunday at her horns in Susque
hanna. C. S Alexander has removed to the
Bndd building.
Rev. J. C. A. Bonjamin, of Hones
dale, will leotnre tomorrow night at
the Methodist Episcopal charch in the
interest of the Epworth league. Ad
mission free.
Thk Tribune was the first paper to
come to Fonat City today containing
an account of the Democratic caucus
Subscribe for TUl THIBDNI for Forest
City newe.
Club Msets Tonig-ht and Carious Will Be
Held Wadnnitday Nik M.
Svecial to thr. Scrauton Tribune.
Forest City, Pa., Jan. 22. The Rs
publicau club will meet in Davies'hall
tomorrow night. The following night
will occur the Republican caucus at
the same place for the purpose of nomi
nating borough officers for the coming
political fight, which promises to be
the greatest one ever held in the bor
The Democrats have a good ticket in
the held, but undoubtedly, the Krpnri
licans will try and place juit as good a
Somk Rkmahkabmc Curbs of deafness are
recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
Kcver fails to cure earache.
There la Dissension iu Bhter Chunks
Among- Dunmore Democrats.
Special to the Scrauton Tribune.
Dunmokk, Pa., Jan. 22. Alter many
moons of unparallelleil harmony aud
peace, after enfolding all borough af
fairs iu its enumerable tenacles, the
Patrick Henry club, which hides itself
under the cloak of Democracy, has sue
climbed to that fatal disease, internal
dissension. The overt sellishuess of
one taction, which has ruled it for
years and has dictated to nil connected,
has aroused the ire of the neglected
portion and now the whole association
is in chaos, aud the candidates who
nominated themselves are in fear that
at tho Democratic convention, where
the fixed primaries usutlly ratify the
club's wishes, they will be snowdd un
der. In other words the Boland-Duggan
faction and the McCormack-Gibbons
faction are at war. Both factions are
about equal in strength, but the for
mer one has administrated with a high
hand for a long time, making the lat
ter one dance to their music. At times
this music bas not been writteu in the
best of time and on this occasion the
tune has been entirely neglected, tho
McCormuck Gibbons section being
left in the cold without a nomination.
The fight has been declared aud now
the Democratic adherents do not know
where they are at. If the oue party is
cut at the primaries the other one will
bo coushUred antagonist aud vice
versa. In the mean time the Republi
cans are saying little and thinking a
god deal.
Another cause of dissatisfaction in
the Henry ranks Is caused by a letter
that lias been issued to every nominee
requesting him to discountenance any
alliance with the Republican party and
refuse any indorsement or considera
tion at their hands. The disgruntled
ones tire seeking satisfaction in the Re
publican ranl;.J, and as the latter party
expects to nominate a ticket that will
in reality be a People's ticket it is
thought they will obtain what they
Grounds Upon Which ths Plaintiff Re
covered $3,000 Damagns.
Special to the scranton Tribune.
Fouest City, Pa., Jan. 22 The law
suit which took place at Montrose last
week between Carl Neilson, of this
place and Hillside Coal an I Iron com
pany came to an end Saturday after
noon, when the jury returned its ver
dict. The facts in the case are these:
In the spring of 1890 Judson Neilson, a
son of Carl's, was employed by the de
fendants on the "nead" of the Forest
City breaker. When about his work
he had his knee caught between tho
bumpers of two empty coal cars, hav
ing his leg broken iu three places It
was claimed that he was not 'carried
home as promptly as ho should have
been, but taken to a shanty on the
"head" of the breaker and left there
ahont twenty minutes bofore he was
carried home, and then on a board by
two men. No one was at his home to
send for a doctor, so a space of tira
intervened before the doctor was sent
The injured limb was attended to.
but after the boy recovered, his leg
was crooked at the knee, mkin? him
lame for life. A suit for $25,000 dam
ages was begun ag.nnst tue compiny
last week, occupying nearly the whole
Those who attended from this place
were ur. uranier, J. u. uaryi, jonn
Gallagher and son Joe, Peter Gilles
pie, Honiara u n ira aim otnurs. u
P. Wedeinnn, of this plaot, and U JN.
Smith, of Scranton, were attorneys for
the pliintilL- while Major Evrett
Warren, of Scranton, and A. B. Smith,
ir.. or Montrose, toon oara or tuo ne-
fendnnt's side, The jury, iw has been
previously announced, returned a ver
diet Saturday, awarding the plaintiff
Dy9pP"ia and Indigestion
In their worst forms ar - cured by the
use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and
run down, or ir you need a tonic to regain
Heshami lost nppetite, strong! b and vigor,
take P. P. P.. and you will be strong and
healthy. lor shattered constitutions and
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Knot and Potassium) is the king of all
medicines. P. P. P. is tbe greatest blood
purifier in the world. For sale by all
Gcme Exeellent Skating Has Been Ea-
Joyed at the B- eervoir.
Sjii'iial to the Scranton Tribune.
Ei.MuiRiT, Pa , Jau. 22. A larger
crowd of skaters was never seen around
here than was on the large reservoir
last Saturday afternoon and evening.
A large number cams from Scranton,
some from Moscow and other places.
Tho ice was in excellent eouditlOU, the
weather favorable) and eve:' oue had a
very enjoyable time. inose rrom
Scranton left on the 0 la tram tor that
A bouse near the Erie and Wyoming
and Valley railroad tank owned by J,
S. Miller, arid occupied by Elmer Sae
ley, entirely dostroyod by fire early
Friday morning.
Barber Atkins, of Scranton, has
opened a shop in the Elm hotel build
ing. The Misses Agnes and Honora Mc
Carty passe 1 Sunday with friends in
in business at Washington, la., was
married last Tuesday evening at 5
o'clock to Miss Margaret Johnson, an
accomplished young ludy of Washing
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Pentecost arrived
in this boroutfh Friday and will spend
a week or two visiting with relatives
in this community. They are at pres
ent the guests of Mr. John Maxey,
Mr. Pentecost s sister.
Mr. Pentecost has a host of friends
in this place who extend to him con
Bright and N.w.y Items from That
Thriving Town.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Class's Summit, Jan. 22. Ta first
natural death to occur in a period of
over two years, occurred Weiiuesiiay
last at noon, in the person of Herbert
Pelbam, a young married man, 21 years
old. Services were held at Factory
ville Sunday at 11 o'clock.
No. 1 scho d has been closed now
nearly a month pending the decision
if the board of directors as to now it
shall be heated. It n time we had a
new school board. No less than ten of
mr young people have been compelled
to attend school at Scranton and other
Immediate points in order to pursue
their studies.
Mr. Griffin has his new house en
William Smith, of Clark's Green,
has the oontraot to complete the cellar
wall for Contractor Frank Mayer's new
Inuse and is hard at work, notwith
standing the Inclement weather.
Miss Hattie MeKinsey, lady principal
at Taylor, was tue guest of th Misses
Atherton Saturday and Sunday list.
Dr. Partens and Willanl Atherton,
of Taylor, were rilling on friends bore
last week.
C. P. Matthews rooeived a car load
of ice from Mount POOODO to be used
at his country homo next summor.-
The concert under the direction of
Profes'or Thayer, of Nicholson, was a
ilecl'lea success.
"Unci" Tom's Cabin" paid us a visit
last week and played to a very good
house, proving that our new town is
recognized as a place of some import
Penciling! of Personal Notea and Mis
cellaneous Events of In'erest.
Special to the Scran'nn Tribune.
Dunmore, Pa., Jan. 22. St. Luke's
guild will hold asocul at the lioun of
Mrs. Van Wormar on Wednesday eve
ning. Coffee and crullers will be
served, and aprons will be on sale dur
ing the evening. A cordial welcome
is extended to all.
The total receipts of the St. Mary's
fair will amount to about $5, 000. On
the closing night $005 was taken in.
The funeral of Mrs. P. J. Clark oc
curred this morning from her late
home on Chestnut street. Solemn high
mass of requiem was read at St. Mary's
church. The) remains were laid to rest
in St. Mary's cemetery.
John Moffatt is spending a few days
in New York city.
Abram Ackhorn, of Pittston, called
on George W. Frost today. Mr. Ack
horn contemplates residing iu this
Two children of John F.iux were
buried Sunday afternoon.
G. W. Potter is fitting the rooms
over his butcher shop for a dwelling.
G. J. Kirwin and M. J. Mcllde, of
Olyphant, attdnded the funeral of Mrs.
John Johnson, of No C, is recover
ing from a severe attack of pneumonia.
Jacob Smith, of the Exchange hotel,
has been disposed during the past
Rov. Dr. Prnrce.of Elm Park church,
preaches at tho Methodist church to
morrow evening.
Quintette of Personal Items from an Alert
S)ecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Moosic, Pb.. Jan. 18, Miss Mattie
Hinds 'visited tbe Electric City today.
Mrs. William Hinds has returned
home after spending a few days with
relatives In town.
John Maiigau and Ray Hamilton
were callers here this evening.
Mrs. Frank Frost is on the sick list.
John Alexander, of Plains, has re
turned home after visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander.
Bucklen'e Arnloa Salve.
The best solve in the world for Cuts
Hruines, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aud posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by .Matthews Huh.
Pleasant Eastern Visit of Mr. end Mrs.
Llnooln W. P.nteoost.
Special to the .Veanfm 7Vi6rie.
Forest CifT, Pa., Jan. 28 Lincoln
W. Pentecost, formerly a leading
merchant of this place, but at present
A Million Friends
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not less than one million people have
found just such a friend iu Ur. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, Uongbj and
Colds, If you have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that it hss wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throa-, C'best und Lungs.
Each bottle in guaranteed to do nil that is
claimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottles fre at Mathews liroB'. drug store.
Large bottle ooc. nud ILOOC
Ounranr Companies Select Nominees
for Chjsf of Fire Dpartmsnt.
Sircial to the Scranton Tribune.
Di nmore, Pa., Jan. 22 The annual
convention of the Dinmore Fire de
partment was lield in the parlors of
the Independent Fire company this
evening, Tho representatives of the
companies comprising the tiro depart-
partment in n tendance were as fol
lows: Independent Hosa company, No.
1. II B. Cole, E. D Mains and E. H.
ffraUMi Nepiun, No. 1, W. S. Patter,
F. K. Spencer any P F O'lloro; John
B. Smith Hose. No .'t. T. J. Hughes,
j. E. Cooney and V. L. O'Horo; Elsc
tric Hose, No. 1. George Richter, T. J.
McDonald and John Eagan.
The selections of ui.ininees for the
office of chief engineer Were the pres
ent incumbent, Chief Victor Bnrsclud,
and ex-Chief J. E. D.iinty, The elec
tion will be held at the borough hmld
ing on Monday evening, Feb. 20, be
tween the hours of 7 and 0. The
election board will be as follow.-:
Judge, W. S. Potter; inspectors, Philip
Wnguer and A. T. Irwin ; clerks, H. B.
Cole and P. F. O'Horo.
He Will Be a Candidate for Burgees of
Taylor Boroug'.l.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Taylor, Pa., Jan 88. The political
surprise of today is the offlltal an
nouncement of the candidacy of Wil
liam P. Griffiths for burgess. He had
not sought tho office, but be consented
to enter upon the solicitation of friends.
Eddie Harris is for tax collector, aud
Joseph Connolly for assessor.
For council in the second ward, as
will be seen by an announcement else
where, John Koehlor is it candidate.
Mr. Koahler is a progressive going Re
publican, a business man, a life-long
resident of the ward, and would make
a strong representative.
When You Have Head Thsm You Have
the News' Gist.
HiiBfol to Ms Scranton Tribune.
Pkckville. Pa., Jan. 22. -Collins,
the 11 -year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Cheney, received a severe injury
last Saturday afternoon, by ooming in
contact with one of the moving trains
on tho Ontario and Western road at
this place. One of his legs were badly
hurt and ir feared will have to be am
putated. Miss Myers, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday as the guest of Mr. und Mrs.
Thomas Pope.
Mrs. George Dando, of Winton, is
suffering with catarrh and rheuma
tism. The Mount Jessup slope, which has
been idle for the p ist week for neces
sary repairs, will resume work again
on We Ineaday morning.
Richard Clarkson, of Archbald, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E H. Hit
ter. Homer Carey, of Scranton, was a
caller in town on Sunday
Mrs. R. J. Taylor is lying quite ill
at her home on Hickory etreet.
Mr. and Mrs. A, L. D 'mming spent
Sunday with relatives at Wilkes-Barro.
Attorney Maxwell, of Wilkes-Barre,
was a visitor In town today.
Miss Mary J, Lss, who "has been in
disposed with la grippe, is slowly im
A. C. Nettleton, of Scranton, was a
cal lor in town to lay.
J, D Peck is very ill at his home on
Main street.
Willie Pyna, of Dunmore, called on
his mother, Mrs. P. Suodicor, last Sat
urday. OiOar Demming was called to Forest
City Saturday on account of the serious
illness of his mother.
BtaTKD by 11. 11 Cochran, druggist, Lan-ca-ter,
Pa. Have guaranteed over 8uu
bottlea of Burdock Blood Hitlers for dys
pepsia, sour stomaon, bilious attacks, liver
aud kidney trouble.
Result of the Democratio Cauous Other
Events in Brief.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
JSRMTM, P4.,Jan. 22 "The World's
fair," illustrated with stereoptlcon
views, at the opera house Feb 20.
Rev. G.-A. Benjamin, of Honesdale,
spolio to a large audience In the ALetu-
odist church this eveninz.
The infant sou of Mr. and Mrs II.
D. Swick was buried iu Rose Hill
cemetery today.
Theodore Rhod i left today for a visit
with friends in New Jersey.
At a caucus of Democratio voters in
the Third ward Saturday evening the
following ticket was nominated: Bur
g'tss, John Longbney; for council, Mike
Mcilale: school director, Thomas Gil
bool ; tax collector. John Merrick ; jus
tics of the peace, William F. Sullivan;
auditor, Jonn Farrel
James J. Walsh, of O'yphant, and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Taylor, of
Tompkinsville, called on friends here
tod ay,
Sunday, Peter Simmers was arrested
for breaking furniture and threatening
bis wife's life. Monday, being unable
to obtain bail, he was taken to the
county jail.
Charles Maynard, who has been very
ill with the fever, is recovering.
The many frieqds of Robert West
lake, formerly of this place, now of
Wilkes B irre. will regrot to hear that
he is suffering with tue scarlet fever.
Major Warren Employed to Look After
the Board's Interests.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Taylor, Pa., Jan. 22. Martin Joyce
is still in possession of the Continental
school. The school board meets to
morrow night and if they will listen to
the taxpayers' demands Joyce Will be
removed if the Thirteenth regiment
has to be called out to do it. The board
has employod Major Everett Warren
to look aflor their interests. Although
Mr. Joyce's attorneys. Scragg, Taylor
and Lewis, have advised htm to vacate
the building he still holds on to the
fort. Principal Joyce still scoffs at the
board's charges.
His average attendance is six schol
an, and m my children are not permit
ted to attend owing to his abusiveness.
The question is, snail he control, or
will the directors have the backbone to
insist upon his immediate removal?
Enjoyable Comrcenicratlon Reo-pllon
Glvsnby Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Svecial to the Scianttm Tribune.
Taylor, Pa., Jan. 22. Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Jones, of Storrs street, celebrated
the twentieth milestono of their mar
riage tonight. There was over 100
guests present. An elaborate supper
wse served.
Tbe affair was a brilliant oue. The
presents were many and costly.
Wlien Baby was sick, we gave Iht rostorfa.
When she was a Child, she cried for t'uslorlo.
When she became Miss, she clung to I 'ur.torla.
Wbeu she had Children, the gavetaciu Caslorla,
He Fell from the Second Story to the
Floor B'-low.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
HONK8DALB, Jin. 22 While at work
in the Rief-Spettlgua block this morn
ing Jonn Bauman, sr.. a mason, fell
head foremost from the second story
through a well hole to the floor beneath
and was bally injured. He was taken
to the office of Dr. Dusinbene, where
it was found the two bones of his right
wrist were broken, and bruises about
the body were sustained.
Mr. Hamnan is well along in years,
but it is hoped that no serious injuries
were received.
Dr. ED. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And bi aesoelated itaff of English and Oor
man 1'hyBicittns.aro now tiormanoutly located
Temple Court Boildin
.11 I BPItUCE ST.,
Whets tlioy may bo eocsultod DAILY AND
The Doctor Is a graduate or tho Unlvorsity
ef Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of
physiology and surgery at the Medico Chlr
urglciil College, of Philadelphia. Ho is also
Stl honorary member of the Medico Chirur
gical Association, and was physician and
Itirgeon-ln-ebUf or the WON noted American
and Hi iman hosiiitiiU comes highly Indorsed
by tho h ailing prolossors of Philadelphia and
New York.
His many years of bosuital experienoe en
ables this 'eminent physician anil surgeon to
correetly diagnose end treat all deformities
and disuses with the most flattering auccess,
and his hlth standing in tbe stato will not
all w him to FtOCODt any Incurable case
I Ds i Ai.t.MiOOl) UKsTOUK.D.
Ifyouioivo neon given up ny your physi
cian cull upon the doctor and he examined.
He cures the worst casesof Nervone Debility,
Scrofula, Old Horos. ( atnrrh. Piles. Foinale
Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eyo, Nose
nnd Throat. Asthma. Deafness, Tumors, Can
cels and Ciiimles of every description. Con
sultation in BnaUsb and Gorman Free, which
Shall he considered sacred ami utrtctly couu-
Offloe Mollis: n A. 1)1. to 0 I'. M. Daily.
Sunday, ! ll.lll. to 2 p III.
James Heber Dorman
of Shy Baa VST, Ps.
Cured of Scrofula
Tho People will have Hood's
Mr. Dorman'.? Experience
"My hoy, now 9 years old, had Scrofula In
one eye hum the time ho wus a baby; dlscharg
lug all the time. (If late wo have been giving
lil Hood's Kursaparllla, ami It lias done all
that medicine can do. The Scrofula has disap
peared, and his eyo Is healed up and well. 1
Hood's Cures
fully behove Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the best
medicine Iu the market. I keep a general store,
ami It is not a trick to sell lluod's Sarsaparllla
fur the people will huvo it. 1 sell more ol
Hood's Sarsaparllla than all other mudlclm s
together and tho store would not be complete
Hood's x Cures
without It. My wife has also been entirely
cured of Scrofula bv Hood's Sarsajiarllla, and I
am heartily thankful for what it lias done for
us." John DoMUX, Shy Beaver, nk
HOOD'8 PlLLS are the belt after dinner rills,
uilst litgoitlon, curs headochs. Try a box. iUe.
Third I
Bank of Scranton.
Statement Dec. 19, 1898, called for by
the Comptroller ol thu Currency.
Leans H1.2S4.4T.T40
Overdrafts 740.23
Hi llcil Stales Hoods 200,000.00
Other llmiils 44H,127.7."
llanhlng House 28,074.46
rreiiiiiiins on U. S. Bonds.,., 17,443.75
Dun from C. 8. Treasurer 10,000.00
Hue from UiiiikM 321.130.01
Cash 173.000.98
Capital 8200,00000
Surplus 240.000 00
VndlTlilcil 1'ioilts riO.oan 29
t I re o 1 at to 102. 0011.00
Dividends Unpaid 1,882 i0
Deposits.' 1,798,806 80
Due to liuuks 86,024.07
OfcO. 11. CATLIN, Vlce-l'resldent.
WILLIAM H. l'UCK, Cashier.
William Counell, ficurgo IT. Catlln,
Alfred tlnuil. Henry Itellu, Jr., James
Arclilmld, William T. Smith, Luther
Tills hnnk oilers tn depositors every
facility warranted by tholr bnlituces, busi
ness ami responsibility.
Special attention given to business ac
counts. Interest onlil on time deposits.
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
BAMUKI, HINKS.tPresident.
W.W. WATSON. Vice President.
A. 13. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Savi'Ki, HnnM, jamss M' F.vF.nnAnr,
inviKo a. Fixcn. Punum B. Fixi.ur,
Jobkpii J. ,Ii:hmvn, M. s. EsaiRia,
C'uas, P. ilAiTiiKws, Jons T. Puktkk,
W. W. Watson.
This bank invites the patronage of business
men auu tlruis iccueruiiy.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
There are hundreds of young meu and young women in this
country who have splendid ability, but they have never been,
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon
are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible,
come to the College.
DFITKB SHOE CO., Inep. Capital,
"A dollar nund It a dollar carnca.
ThlsI,u,lles'Soll,l I'ronchlloiiKola Kid But
ton llout delivered tree snywheta iu the U.S., on
tra receipt ol I usll. money uraer,
jstnl Nolo lor IIM
. ivery v?sy the hoots
u nil retiill stores lor
We inuki) this bunt
res, therefore wo guar-
io Jit. tiU and irnr.
nuy one is noi snusueu
III refund the money
adanotner pair, opera
I i iinilli'il M ime,
i iii - a l). B. & L i..
sizes J to 8 slid hnlf
sixes. Send i'ntrvtt;
v ice ino fit you.
Spiciat Krt'il le to i -..
Hi ; '
tmttidiitr 3 ouisel
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Dexter Shoe Go,,
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
WE have culled from our stock a large line of patterns that will nob
marked down to such prices as will insure a quick removal of the en
entire lot.
Odd lots of Lace Curtains, Chenille Portieres and
Table Covers, Bric-a-Brac, &c, at actual cost,
Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs,
$2.50; reduced from $3.50.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
"VTHILE many manufacturers and dealers are making extravagant ptata
ments concerning the merits and durability of medium or low gradi
pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famous
Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application."
123 Adams
These are Center Tables.
Last week we interested the men
with OHice Chairs, which they ap
preciated, as we judge by their pur
chases. This week we will try and
interest the Ladies with Center
Tables at One-third less than former
prices. They will be displayed in
our large show window with prices
on each. A Table of this descrip
tion can be used in numbers, as
every room in the house should
possess one. They are as handy as
a shelf or mantel, and decidedly
more ornamental. Look up your
spaces and come THIS WEEK
and select a Table.
Remnants of Carpets
And Odd Pairs of Lace and Chenille
Curtains at "Way Down Prices."