THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23. 1S94. LIVE NEWS OF II PITTSTONS Erents of the Upper End of Luzerne County Briefly Narrated. PROVED A TREACHEROUS GUIDE Young Woman, Unfamiliar with the Place, Entrusts Herself to the Es cort of a Man Who, Instead of Tak ing Her Where She Sought to Go, Endeavored to Assault Her and Was Only Prevented by the Prompt Ar rival of Spectators Who Had Been Alarmed -Other Newsy Gleanings. Thk Scit.wTox Tbihixe's Pittston lift partraent b in charge of J. si. Eahy, to whom news items mid coiuulmuts uiiiy be referred. J UiN Lorme, of Hudson. N. Y., a pre possessing yoniu lady, bad an exciting experience on her arrival hore Suiid'iy evening, Slio bad been visiting friend in Meehoppen and started for ber liotut Sunday evtuing on the Lehigh Valley train which reaches her at 8.10 o'clock. Failing to nitke-proper con nections at th Junction with tbe Del aware, Licltawunna au'l Western tram, bIid concluded to remain here over night 10 as to be able to take an early tr;iiu yestonlay morning, The conductor recommended that she go to the hottl opposite Mm Janction depot, known as the Valley Home, and slie accordingly left the train at the Juuctiou. Going to the botol in ques tion she was itiforund by the proprie tress that all the rooms were Ukou for the night She directed Miss Lorme to n hotel a considerable distance down the road. A youug man witnessing theaffiir offered to pilot her to the place. It ap pears that the fellow, instead of taking ber to the hotel, conducted her dow i Main street, and turned down th old road leading to the Lehigh Valley tracks at tbe Ferry bridge. They fol lowed along the tracks until they reached the rear of Sutherland ft Mc Millan's warehouse. At this point, the fellow made improper rem trks to Miss Lorme. The latter sereamed for help, and William Hepler, cabman, who w is at Pierce's livery, and sereral others about the burn ran to her assistance. When the feilow saw thein coming, however, he ran away, taking with him tne lady's gripsack Miss Lorme, now thoroughly alarmed, ran to the Water strest depot, where she took a cab and was driven to the Eagle hotel. Here she related the story of hir terri ble experience. She remained over night at the Eiglr, and started for home in the morning. It is said the rascal is a barber hail ing from the upper end of town, and that legal measures will be commenced against him within a few days, Miss Lorm having employed a lawyer to look after the case. BAO COMPUTATION, THIS. Two Glaring Errors Revealed in the Borough Statement. In the financial statement of tbe borough as published in tbe Gazette of, last evening, appear two glaring errors. They appear in the light and water ac count as may be seen from the follow ing: LKtHT AND WATER ACCOUNT. To receipts from all sources $G,lS4 39 By disbursements i 3,d6 02 By bal. in hands of treas 8,728 05 W,lH4 :l9 10,184 N BOROUGH ACCOUNT. To receipts from all sources ll'J.TOij 77 By disbursements (15,980 72 By handsof treas. 5,728 37 110,708 77 $19,703 77 In tho light and water account the receipt from all sonrces is $8,184.89, yet the accountant who figures up the statement wonld make it appear that the total of ijr,, 6)0.02 for disbursements and $3,728.0!) balance, is $6,194.39, when it really is $9,384.07, or a differ ence of $3,199.08. Tne borough account is equally incorrect. Tre Importance of keeping the liver and kidnevs in good condition cannot be overestimated. Hood's Sarsnparilla is a grtat remedy for regulatiug and invigora ting these organs. Hood's Pillt act easily, yet promptly and effectively, on the liver and bowels. PITHY PITTSTON POINTERS. Sllnor Events of One Day Chronicled in Terse Fashion. The following gentlem-n haye been by the oourt appointed to examine ap plicants for the position of mine in sp"ctor: Elmer EL Lawall, engineer, Wilkes-Barre; J. W. Berry, Pittston; Anthony Reilly, Hazleton; William R. Jones, Wilkes-Barre; Allen Moffat, Pittston. The Republican primaries were held yesterday afternoon in tbe several wards throughout the borough. The delegates elected will meet in conven tion in the town hall tnis morning to place in nomination a straight Repnb lican ticket. At a canons of the Republican voters of the Fourth ward held last evening, Joseph Snowden was nominated for counotman nnd Charles Morrow for school director. No. 7 and Hoyt shafts of the Penn svlnania Coal company resumed work this morning. Boys hailing from Duryea and Avoca engaged in a stoning match Sunday afternoon, with the result that one of the lads who resides in Duryea, is lying sick with a bad scalp wonud. Tbe entertainment held in the Entis' roome Sunday evening was n groat success. The pro rraium-, ns hereto fore published in TBI TitinuNE. was carried oat and gave universal satis faction. Simpson & Watkins are having a 10,000 horse power boiler placed in po sition at their new works in Wyoming. It is one of the hirgestin this valley. At the Citizens' cauens of Hughes town borough, held in the school house on Saturday eveuing, the following ticket was nominated: Burgess, George Watkins; councilman, William Fair clough, jr., three years; Richard Hnrry, three years; J. F. Gruver, two years; school directors, three years, E J. Hughes, John Flynn; tax collector, William Rammer; auditor, W. H Gil lespie; jndgo of election, J. F. Schmaltz, inspectors, Grant Carichner aud Den nis Gwens The new Presbyterian church at Ink erman, will be formally dedicated this evening at 7 30 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Parke will preach the sermon, the First Presbyterian ohnrch choir will furnish vhe music and several.other Presbyte rian pastors are expected to participate in tbe services. Mrs. Louise Naugle died on Sunday afternoon at the residence of her son, Frederick Naugle, on Luzerne avenue. Her death was the result of an attack of grip. She was 88 years of age. The funeral will take plaoe on Sunday af ternoon at 1 o'clock. Tbe services will be held in the brick church, Lacka wanna at 2.30. Interment will be in the Biick church cemetery. John Hart, of Chapel street, Upper Pittston, died yestordir from general debility. The funeral will tike plaeo Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. m BerVlOM at St. John's church. Interment in Market Street cemetery. Meetings at tbe Slocuin Street chapel will continue during this week, com mencing with a praise service at 7.15, and preaching at 7.30. Rev T. W. Swan will occupy the uulpit this even ing. The Misses Kathryne McDonald and Kitty Mitchell, of Scranton, were guests of West Side friends yesterday. Misses Nauu and Blauchu Lsvan are visiting their graudmother in Carbon dale. Ex County Treasurer John T. Grif fith, of Wilkos-Barre, was in town yesterday. Mrs, George Smith, of Main street, is very ill. Miss Sara Goodman, of William street, leavea Thursday for E iston to visit relatives, Miss Mary Emory, teacher in the Weft Pittston High school, is unable to teach on account of sickness. Miss Lucy Casper entertained a party of friends at her homeou Linden street on Saturday night in honor of her cousin, George Carroll, of North ampton county. Mrs. Abeduego Reese was called to Mansfield, Pa., to attend her daughter Elizabeth, who was suddenly ill, George B. Reap, who has been so ill. is reported a little better. ituv. D. Deforest, of Csnnan county, is visiting the Rev. Mr. Holden on Broad street, and is helping in the re viral services at the lattrr's church. J. M. Lewis, of Hazleton, was a Till tor here yesterday. Miss Hattie Geddis died yesterday at her home on Boston avenue, West Pittston, of pneumonia. She was 55 years of age. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 3 30, Iuterment in the West Pittston ceme tery. BREEZY CAR BO N DALE BUDGET. Hkppaninge of the Pioneer City Por trayed in Short Notes. Special tu the Scranti n Tribune. Cauuondale, Jen. 22. Tomorrow afternoon at i o'clock will occur the funeral of the late Mrs. Harriot Tavlor, who died at her home on South Wyo ming street on Saturday morning, at the age of 49 years. The remains will be interred in Maplewoodc-metery. At a meeting of the Germania Sing ing club in G.riuania hall on Sunday afternoon the following ofiioers were elected to serve during tne ensuing year: President, Michael Neison; vice president, August Gerhart; secretary, August Neisou; financial secretary. Louis Bruner; treasurer, Johu Von Beck. Mrs. Burt Bennett, of Penn avenn- Scranton, is the gu-st of her sister, Mrs. Johu Harvoy, of Canaan street. William Henderson who has been a faithful employe at tbe store of E & H. S. Bolton, has resigned his posi tion and has accepted one with the Carbondale cash store. On account of the dull business the Northwest Coal company have been obliged to lay off tnree of their store clerks, two of whom were employed at their store north of this city uud one in the Msvfield store. W. D. Frank, of Scranton. spint the Sabbath with Carbondale friends. Robinson's R-spertory company will appear at the Academy of Music to night; also every eveuing during the week. James Whitfield left yesterday for New Haven Conn., where he will be engaged during the next few wesks on an ice machine in the interest of the Hendrick Manufacturing company of this place. Miss Mabel Lnddington, who hns been Miss Lucie Vannau's guest during the past two weeks, will returned to her homo iu Rochester, N. Y. , tomor row morning. Mrs. J. S. Basaett is visiting friends in Wilke-Barre. The Electric Literary association will hold a social and entertainment in their new building on Brooklyn street on Friday evening of this week. The atfair will be iu honor of the young 1 idies who assisted the association in their recent fair. A pleasing pro gramme has been arranged and an en joyable tim is anticipated. A LOAD of misery is taken from wo men, by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. Weaknesses that distress your womanhood can be relieved and cured by it, safely and certainly. It has done this for thousands of suf fering women and the makors am willing to fTuaranter, If it doesn't benefit or ruro you, they'll return the money. Boaring-doe-u pains, internal inflammation .md ulceration, organic displacement, weak back, and all kindred ailments are cured by the "Favorito Prescription." A'lc, Putnam Co., W. Va. Dr. It. V. Pinter.: Dear Sir Mine Is a case, of eleven years' standing, which huflled the -kill of the best medlcar aid procurable. I obtained no good effect, until 1 began the use of the " Favorito Prescription," which lifted the burden which was seeking my life. Mv trratltude I owe to tho "Prescription." I hope that all snfferinir humanity ( as In my oase) may profit by tbo result of my oxpericnoe. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infauts aud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach aud bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tbe Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria la on excellent, medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upou their children." Db. 0. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is tho hest remedy for children of which 1 um acquainted, I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers wlllconsldor the rent Interest of their children, anil use Castoria In stead of the variousquack nostrumswhich ore destroying their loved ones, by forclngoplutn, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KlNCHELOK, Conway, Ark. Castoria " Castoria is bo well adapted to children thai I recommend It us superior to any prescription known to me." IT. A. AncnKR, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians iu tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their export euce In their oulside practice with Costutla, and although wu only havo among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, ytt wo are free to confess thut the merits of Castoria has won us to look with fuvor upon it." United Hospital and Dispeksarv, Boston, Moss Ai.utN C. Suitb, Pres., ill 1 Si j j iO Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 JLH. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AND St'ltCll ONae- Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during sale at less than cost of material. Every iuch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's stylos I On. each. Boys' Winter Waists lOo euoli. Muffs 30o. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT (QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. gD i H Pimples, Blotches u 1 0 I and Old Sores y-zS DRIfk-! V AQU PfWF BfiHT I hiu-m-i null) i uiu muui o I and potassium Catarrh, malaria 2 Wakes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Zz Rheumatism jand Scrofula P. P. P. purfflea the blood, builds np fpl- - tho vtalc ami tieblUuwxl, Kivea strnitli fniFM-ilrunu,! n..i-,., u lleuoa,KiYlhthe patient health and hnpnlnuss whore slekatw, gloomy fueling And lausltade llrst prevailed. For primary. secondary and tortlftiy syphilis, fur blood poiaunlng:, mercu rial poison, lnal.irlH, dynpepsln, and In all blood nnd skin diseases, like blotches, plmplen( old chronic ulcorB. ti'tter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, eczema- we may say, without four of entrndtctlontthat p, p. p. in the best blood purifier In tho world, and makes positive, Mpoedy aud permanent euros In all cases. Lad In whoso systems aro poisoned and whose blOOQU In an Impure condi tion, duo to menstrual Irregularities, aro peculiarly benefited by tho won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Puke Koot nnd Potassium. Bprinopielp, Mo., Aug. 11th, I can speak In the highest terms of your medicino from my own personal Knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleuriuy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very besc physicians ana 4pcnt hundreds of dor lor, tried every known remedy with out llndlng relief. I have ouly tnkua one 1 ttlo of your P. P. P., and cau cheerfully say It ha done me more good than anything I havo ever takon. 1 cau recommend your medicine to all suHorera of the above diseases. MR. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.P.l. - Prickly Ash, Poku Koot nnd Potas- slum, the grcateht hluud uurlflor on 99 earth. Jf5 AnEnrtFKV, O. . July 21 , 1891. ejjl MsfHiia. LlPPKAM Buns., Savunuh, Oa. : DeakSiiis I txmirtit abof.louf your P. 1. P. at Hot Springs. Ark.. and . tjy It has liana m mere i;nuil than threo months' troatmentai th HotHprings. - ,JMr Head throe bottles 0. (. D. . Respectfully yours, . JAS. M. NEWTON. Aberdeen, Brown County, O.. ('apt. J. D. Johnston. To all vhom it may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for aeveral years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but In Tain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Slgnod by) J. D. .I011NRTON. Savannuh, Oa. Shin Cancer Cured. Testimony from tne Mayor of Sequin, Tex. Heqiiin, Tm., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lipfmah Buos.. Savannah, Gs. : (itntUmcn 1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the akin, usually known as akin cnnccr.of thirty years' standing, and found grent roller: It purities the blood and removes all Iff" rltaiion from tho seat of tho disease and prevents nny spreading of tho sores. I bave taken flvsor six bottles and feel contldent that another course will effect a euro. It has also reltuvud me from Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly. CA1T. W. M. RUST. Attornoy at Law. f Book on Blood Diseases mm Free. ALL DP.UOUIST8 SELL IT. & UPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Mppmnn's lilock.Msn niinau, Gs ' uuuuuuuuwuuuuuuu; AUCTION, AOGTOI AT $ mum vvKwniiiv Bargain seas w 133 Penn Avenue, COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. JAN. 15 A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Red Flag. E noon nun t tmc Hiohht Mcoicjit Autmoritih 4 AaVJtB,aBM.A. CATARRH HEADACHEEhKS lNiisixit will euro you. A wonderful boon to .uffernn from Cold., MoreThront, lbflnenr.1, ItronchttU. orllAK FRVEK. Afm;i immnUaterrlitf. An .Ofcletil reiiu'dv ivinviitilaiil In n.rrv In porket. renily to nss on first ImllratloD of cold. Cntitlnned Cm J lie.-u J'ermnnent Tnre. 8 ntiifactlon guaranteed or money refunded Price, O eta. Trial free nt Dmi-glsta. Itct:l.tereil mall. (0 couts. 1. D. CDSBH1K, Mfr., Thro. Rivrn, Micb , U S. t. ClTBHMATfS MPNTHni Th" "rcst nnd aafest remedy for men I nuL aiisklnmnesses, Keienia, Iteh.Salt IthetimLOid Seres, Hiirnn. i nis. endrritil rem eilr forPII.KS. I'M. i . k-:. . (.. i i linn o ; um gins or b mail prepaid. AddreeSMsbttye, PnLrvl 55 For sale by Matthews Uroa., Morgan Lros.antl Morgan A Co. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion mustnso Porzonl's Pow der. It produces a nnft nnd beautiful akin. Every Womai Sometimes needs a nil able monthly regulating lo. - i n ' i ii.. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, safe nod certsln In resale Tbe genu an i)t. Pcal'si never disappoint. SanlanywUoix II.00. i'uul Uedlclue Co.. Cleveland, U. Sold by JOHN H. PHKLPS Pharmaolsl corner Wlonitng uvenue and Bpruce atroet Bormiton, Pu. AHTOHEHARTHAS 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor anil builder of Coneroto Flaggl hr, Concrete Hlooka, PoUto, Butter and Coa Hins. Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may be left at Thompson St Pratt, Will ams A Co., Main and F.ynon 8lrets, or at Scranton move nam Also roiiudatlous. t.'iatorus. Kiah Wire TuuuoU aud Coftlua. Klng-ging I'or Uaiueu wins j j " " " MwjfiMm mil JVom the X V. Tribune, Kov. 1, iHhS. The Flour Awards "CHICAGO, Oct 31. Fhe first ofllcial Htinouucement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair jndgei to the flour mauu factured by the Washbnrn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, , Minneapolis. Tbe committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL DK. . E. DEAN, Diseases of the Bye, Nose Throat and Eur, Ovt bpruce street, oppo Bltecourt Jiouse. DK. A. J. collNELU Office m'WaahingtVn avenuo. corner SSpruce street, ovur I'rancko'8 drug store. Heaidonce, "it Viue at. Oftlce hours: 1U.8U to 12 a. m. and 8 to and 0.30 to 7.a0 p. m. Huuduy, t to B p. m. TU. W. V. ALLEN. Oftlce cor. Lucks-X-f vanuaund Wasblnetou uves. ; over Leon urd ehou store; ofHco hours, 10 to ft a m and Jto t p. in.; eveuiuifs ut reaUanoa, 112 .V. Waahlafrtop sve. DK, C L. J KEY, PraoUoe llml'tod to ol eases of the Ear. Noae anil Throat- office, 122 Wyoming aro. Residence, 52S Viue street. I H L M. OATES, Ho WushiiiRtaii Avenue. XJ Office hours, 8 to B a.m., l.Jto 8 and I totji.m. JOHN L. WENTZ, Ji. p.. Offices &3 and Jl I Common wealth bnildlne; rnsldonce 711 Madison avo; office hours, iff to 12, 2 to i, 7 to ; (Sundays 2 80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty mado of direases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. Dlt. u U. MCliHAY.speclultjrmudeou die ases of ey and kln,2!2 Wyoming Ave. wim-e Hours: i inn in H m ;i to i ami . to t i tn. HS. UK.KINti, ItUJML'LllEHRY HTKEEi". At i.urlioiidalo on Fridays of each week. M M i BBIMABY BDBOBOMt J bTLItOE, Veterinary Burgeon, Don--J. tustry a specialty; gold medalist of On tario etorinary Collega. Office, bummer's livery. :) Dix St.. near Keller's carriage shop. Telephone No. 4i:i. la i, Etta. I M C. HANCK h Law aud Collection of. tj . flee. No 817 Bnruco St., upposite Forest House, Bcranton, Pa,; colh ctloiis a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; tellable correspond enta in every county. JEKHL't'S oi liAMJ, Attorneys and Counsel lors st Law, Commonwealth building Wuahiugtou avo. W. H.Jessup, Hoiiack I Hand. W. H JesHirp. Ja. WILI.AKD, WAHKEN & KNAPP, Att.r neys aud Omnsclors at Law, Iti-publluun Imildlnu. Waahlngtun sve-. Scranton. Pa. UATfltWN & W1LCUX, Attorneys and X Counsi-Uors at Law; offices o and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. Bpnrau H. PAT-nnsoB. William a. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM 17 HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 19. 10 and 21. MILTON W. LOWBY, I Atfys, 227 Washing- C. H. VON BTORCH, f ton ay., C. H sciuara. IA11E8 W OAKI'DUD, Attorney at Law, J rooms 88, tA and W, Commonwealth b'l'g. CAMUSIi W. BDOAH, Attorney at Lan i i i ."HANK T. ''KM. Attorney at Law. Hoom 0. t.oal r.xcnuiig'-. eranton. ra. 1 Office, 317 Sorucest , Scranton, Pa LA WAT REM," Attornoy at Law, til . Lackawanna aue.. STanton. Pa P P. SMITH. CouiiH-llor at Law. Office, 1 . rooms 54. oj. V) Cnuiiuonwealtb bnlldlug. (' K. PITCHEU, Attorney at Law, Com monwealth builaini:. Scranton. Pa. WHOLESALE AGENT- SUPERLATIYE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of tbe following merchants. who will nccent The Tribune floup. coupon of '.25 on each on hundred couuds of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Bcranton -F. P. Price, Washington avenue, Uold Modal Brnnd. Hyde Park Carson & Duvls, Washburn St. Hold Medal llraud; Joseph A. Muars.Maiu avenue. Superlative Brand. Green Ridge-A.L.Sponcor.OoU Medal Brand. Dunmore-P. P Price, Oold Medal Bruud. Olyphant-Jsmes Jordan. Superlative Brand. uunmore-r. u. mauley, hupeiiative Brand. Providence Fennor & Chappell N- Main nve nue, Superlative l'raud;C. J Gillespie, V. atanei street, uoia jiieuai uraua. Peckvillo Shaffer & Kelsor, 8uperlativ. Brand. Jermyn-C. D. Wlntors & Co. Buperalativ-i Brand. Carbondale B. S. Clark, Oold Medal Brand. Uotieedulo-J. N. Foster & Co. (join Mid 1'. Brand. Honesdale W.P. Sehenck, Superlative Brnn 1 Lalton-S. E. Finn ie Sou, Uold Modal trail I Gouldshoro-B A Adams. Oold Medal Brttlld Tobyhanna Tobyhsuna & Lehigh Luuib--Co., Gold Medal Brand. PUZZLE. C. COMEUYB, 1121 Spruce st. DB. REPLOOLE. Attorney-Loans ui;o- tinted on real ehtst-" stKfOrtty.W Spruce. Bl KILLAM, Attoinev at-Law, IX wy . oming avenue. Si-rant in. H-AVE YOUR ItELDb AND MORTGAGES written and acknowledged by 3 W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public, 29 Ci uqmouwealtu BaUdlng. M III). I . CCHotJL OF- THE LACKAWANNA, Scran- J ton. 1 a . piepnres uoys and giris forcolleg. or UUStnesa: tiioro-.igii. t.-uin. young children. v.uiaiouo aw iCkiue.L. Rev Thomas m. Oar at Waltks h. Bctix. mis- wokckbteb'b kindergarten sill Hclioot, 41.' Adams arenas. Pupils r c red at a.1 tildes. Next term will open Ji.nn irv '-D 1.: M lT.-. C LAOBAOH, Surgeon Dentist, No, 11S otninii ave. C c. 1 ): M. e fltATTON "tfi -e i oal Eichsngo l.OANB. TOP PAYING" RENT. OWN"-YOUR home. Money to loan on easy monthly luvments. S. N. C ALLEN DER, Dime Bank Building nOTKU AND !lTACi:ANT M'UE WLSTMINTEK, 217-219 Wyoming i ave. Rooms huuted with eaui: all mod' i-rn !inproinetjn c M I ut mah. Prop. 'lEGLER'S 110 I'LL. S.7 Lackawauua v j nue, bciuniou. Rates nasonsble, P. r.iECLEii. Proprietor. 1-Esi' Lit 1-u. EL. VV W. G. SCHENCK, Manager Sixteenth street, one Moot cast of Broadway. at Union Square, New York. American plan, JS W) per davand upu-nrd. C'OYNE ROUSE. European plan; 'good ' rooina tipon day uud night liar sup plied with th. best P, H. COYNE. Proprietor. QCBAMTON HOUSK near D.. L. & W. pa O teuger depot Conducted on the European plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. CIRAMD CENTRAL ihe largest and "b-n: I equlppe-1 hotel in Allentown, Pa. ; rates 2 and J2.0U per day. VirTuii P. Rahm-b. Proprietor. AKCHITKCTS. VAV1S ITOUPT, Architects"" Rooms 21.' J 2S and 2 Common wenl th n'ld'g. Scranton. 7 L. WALTETrAKbitMtTLihrary bui :d Jt ing. Wyoming avenu. Scranton. 1 L. BROWN. Ar-h It. Architect, Price building. 126 V-usMngton Ave., Scranton. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as Souvenir of tbe Fair. QL'ITK EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW S300 IN PR1ZKH Wlliti BR DISTIllIUITBi) TO THOSE DOING THK I i ..i.t. t?i xnu .ravu "" FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES, STATIONERS AM AT TOY STORES) ORSENT TO ANY ADDRESS H'ON ItECEIFT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AND ill SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MB. RESTORED MANHOOD fTKn ,.,-., i r. . fnr nnrvnni nrnailriltlnn nnii all nflfVOlifl lllHM of tho frtiioratiTo ortfRim of oitlior vx. Buch nd Nnrvou rrovtratlOA. Fail tiiKor liOntManhoo,, Impotnry. Ntyhtly Ktnlsr-ldim.YouUifui Krrors, ij HtnfAl WORTaWOIHITvBVO UI J t 'Oni i o or i 1 ' i ii in t ii ivii iriiu v . vip ' miiitiit tin mirl liiH'iti It. DR. MOTH MtKTIURI PILLS MI1CBLLAKKOOT, ORTON D. 8WAKTS- WHOLESALE lumlH?r, b and U Uimo Bank building, Scranton. Pa. 1 EttARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' 1VI supplies, envelope, paper bags, tniue. Warehouse. I'M Washington ave, Scranton. Pa. TJAUKR'fl ORCHESTRA - MUSIC KO 1) balls, pie.nioa. partlea, receptiona wed dings and oonceit work furnished. For terms nddres. It J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming nve., over Hulbert'a music store. 1;.KA FINN & SONS, builders and -otitrn j tors Yards: Corner Olive at. and Adams sve. ; corner Ash st. and Penn ave., Scranton. IEKD& Ci R. CLARK CO.. End ran. Florists T. and Nunwymen; store Itt! Washington nvenue; greoa hoiiae, 1350 North Main avenue; tUire telephone Tfr.' TEAS. tiKANl" UNION TEA CO.. Jones llros WIRE RCRBI NS. I OS. KUF.TTEU Si5 Lackawanna sveuus, t) Scranton, Pa., inanul r of Wire Screens. THE usanlty. BEFUHK AM) ARUI UU1NO, I or Bale by sutee to cure or refund the pone. 1th every 5 order wo give a MM guar- -oiii ut pel . C I l HS (or Si.oo. UK, MO1T'HVU:ilICAljCW.,C'lcveiuuu.uai0. ill. HABRla, UrugvUt, i ;7 I'euu Av.aue. MATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic i , n,i Mini rraaob Inc. i n. i- Linaead Oil, Turpentltie anil Varnlslioa Hoady-mlxait I'alntu In all colors, Ulldera' W lilting, Paris White nnd KuUoiuIno, oil' Vitrei, Marblo bail aud Window Glass Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Illuminating and ' Lubricating OILS Mnseod Oil, Naptlias and Gaso lines of nil grados. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound; aleo, a largo line o( Par rnflluo Wax Candles. We also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offlco: Coal Kxohange, Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine Brook. Thatcher IS THE BEST, (let prices and tto the lurnnco aud be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. Hotel Waverly Fnropean Plan. First-class Rar attached. Depot for Berguer A Lugsl's Tanuhmusor Beer. N, i Cor, 15th and Filbert Ms,, hhk Most desirable for residents of N.E. PonnJ sylvanla. All conveniences for travelers to aud from Broad Street station aud the Twelfth and Market Street station. De sirable for visiting SorantonlaiiM and peo lie in the Anthracite Regiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR.