TIIE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE TUESDAY JVfOBNING. JANUARY 23. 1894. Ml WEBER SHAW IN QRB&T VARIETY. No Fake Sale in Ours TVe nnvr-tvtter oartratns everT rlsv lj Up year than so-ciilled "bnrtriiin dnv, " 'clearing MlMiM ami snch woll-knowi, nern.ont, jil.iyeil-out schemes will alTonl. For real baruuiua m VIBbTOLA88 NEW PIAKOS AND ORGANS SEE US. EMSRSON PIAN03 l'opular, reliable ami within your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS linvetakmi over 100 first ftmlMtf liit- past ;.;; year. Other matt" of Pisnne. fcem -ii of Organs in beautiful uow designs. See our Muck betore buyinc- We bete the goixlv Cur prices are n"t. EveiyuuueS " Ui IkUblC hU STELLE & SEELEY IS4 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton, Pa. NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Happening or a Day That Will Interest Hydo Park Rcata. THE NEW LODGE OF IV0R1TBS Much Enthusiasm Is Being Manifested in Its Organization Social Last Evening in Beer's Hall Meeting of the Hyde Park Literary and Debat ing Society Rev. Dr. Parke to Lec ture Nows Notes. EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.( B. St Co , tff-nriitp'l pn Eaojj Cgar Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. itiiiii' MOtalS kOUAMIfc DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE. EAK. NOSE AJSU T1IROAT. VTO U.KA.H. SIJOTo 5.30 .m OFFICE HOURS : 135 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL, Mis Mams McConnsll, of Factoryville, who spent Bandar as. the gnttt of her cou sin, Miss Clara Titus, lias returned home. George A. Lindsay, formerly a resident of I.athmrje but now of LaCrosse, Wiscon sin, is the fneat of his winter, Mrs. A. E. Decker, of tie Moses Taylor hospital. Twenty-nine years ngo Mr. Lindsay left Lnthropc for the war and since that time has not been home. Mr. Lmdsay is now a trusted engineer on the Chicngo. St. l'aul and Minnesota railrond, and was very much surprised to notice IKa growth of this city since he was here last. Great anxiety is felt throughout the val ley owing to the critical condition of Frank Collins, a popular young man of Girbondale who is pur-uingn course of study at the State Normal school at HtTOBdebOfg. Mr. Collins his been suffer inc for the past week with a severe attuck of pneumonia and on Sunday Dr. R. H. Gibbous, oT this city, was called to attend hita, but owing to exacting professional engagements he was unable to leave the city ontil yesterday. Dr. (iibbons left on the New York express at noon yesterday, when he met the attending physicians in consultation, and he avs that while the yum.,' man is considered seriously ill tijtre are hopes for his recovery. COURT HOUSE NOTES. Commissioners John C. Milier, V. R. Lai and A. B Dunning yesterday re ported to the curt ia favor of dividing the borough of Taylor iutj Ave wards. Alderman DeLong of the Eighth ward, wan directed yesterday by the court to give his boadaiBM, A. J. Casey, security in the sum of 11,000 to insure him from los on the bond. Thomas B. QroaTatlOf was yesterdav ap p anted jU'lg.i of election of Scott town ship by the court to fill the vacancy ra.isod by the removal from ths district of Theodore A. Taylor. A rule to show cause why a new trial should not be granted wa allowed yester day in tho treeMeM cano of Mrs. Lois Morss against the Scranton and Forest City Railroad company. Patrick Oib'on and .iulin Hibson, of the South Side, charged with uron, yesterday entered bail in the sain of 13,000 for their Bppeeretioe at court. J. S. Miller and .Tonn P. Gibson bMMM thir boadsmou, la the m'v of Matthew Shields and wife against Nicholas Durkin anil others the application of Attorney James Mahon to open the decree ns to Mary Alice Durkin and revoke tho discharge, of the master was refused. The report of Viewers I'eter Davidson. F. A. Bates and J. L Lawrence, who laid ont a road In Scott and H mth Ahinyton town -hips, was confirmed nisi by the court yesterday. The only damages allowed for land taken is to F. O. Johnson. James Owetta, of Olrphant. yesterday petitioned tho ronrt, to allow him to adopt uMTftt, John, Albert and Mary Morgans, minor children of John and Mary Ann Morgans, both of whom are now dead. The matter will come up at argument court. Mrs. E. Lizzie Dippre, of this city, has tied for a divorce from her husband, Wil liam Dippre. The libel in the case was filed yesterday by Attorney O. B. f'art rhlge. The unhuppy conple were married by Rev. David Spencer, pastor .f the Penn Avenne Baptist church, on July 17, 18MI. On Aug. 8, 18!2, in consequence of the cruel and brutal manner in which her husband treated her, Mrs. Dippre was compelled to withdraw from his home. Marriage licenses were granted by Clark of the Courts Thomas yeatorday to Will iam Mauley, of Oiyphant, and f'nthaiine Langan, of Ocean, Md.: A. A. Nenry and Mary A. Pftdden, of Scranton; Charles Jeffrey, of Dunmore, ami Unit Wood honse, of Scranton,; Thomas Gilbert, of Scranton, and Sikie James, of Lacka wanna; William Race and Mary Daily, of Archbuld; George H. Simons, of San An tonio, Tex., and Nina Myrtle Gaige, of Moscow; William Shaughiiossy, of Mi noukn, and Bridget Gerrity, of Scranton. The Rushbrook Water company yoster day filed an indemnifying bond In tho sum ot $1,000 in favor of Edward Mulhollatid. J. D. Blocker and J. J. Williams were the sureties on the bond. Mr. Mulhollninl owns land on tho borders of Heart lake, in bcott township, from which the water company receives its supply. It Is desired to raise the water in t he lake three feet to secure an additional supply. This raising of the lake will injure Mr. Mulholland's property nuil the bond Is to secure to him whatever damage he may sustain. Court appointed John Kelly, Nathaniel Hall stead, J. B. Snyder, Peter Donovan and E. C. Dimmick to ascertain the damage done the laud. Now Bicycle. A new bicycle worth $75 will be aold for f36. The machine Is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the Tribune office. ' . Onu dozen of Grifflfi's lvoryette photos will mak twelve Christmas preeents. What can you present your friends that will be more acceptable? I'l'lie West Side oRlce of the SnnvNT W TiuiHNK is located at UN Smith Miiu aV.i hut, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attention. The promoters of the proposed Rob ert Morris lodge of Ani"rieaii loritns, will m"ot this evening at tlio literary rooms on South M iiu avenue, to fur ther the workings of the new lodge. It lsextiect. il that Henjaiuin Hughes. D. P. Xiiomna, Henry P Davies. ami Thomas D Divies will l) present to expound the principles of Ivoritenm. Much nthtuiaim is btlnt nanlfwted among the young Cauibro-Amsricana of tliis side In the pr.j tel. and there is no doubt but that the lodge will be success. Literary and Debiting s i tv The weekly uie ding of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society oe curred lust evening. The attendance was the largest since its OMfMllttiou, and by far the must IntarMUng. Wal ter Kvans an I Evan Kvaus were ac cepted as members. Wallaos Moeer and George (Iriilitlis were proposed as member to be voted on ut the next lu-etuur, an I Dvi l OwentTead an es say entitled, "Self Reliance." Next Monday awning Professor GreOrgt Howell will favor the society with one of nil popular talks. He will take a9 Ins subject, "Should Young Men Go to College." The public ure invited to utteud. Coming Euttrtainmsnt. An entertainment and sooial will be given by .Simpson adapter, Epworth leanne, of the Simpsou Methodist Episcopal church on Thursday, Feb 9 One of the important features of the evening will be a debate, resolvst, "That the works of nature are more pleating to the ova thau art." The nf. lirmattve side will be taken by W. G Moser aud Frauk Gibbs. Those on the negative side are Professor II. L. M r gan and Will Crawford. An uiterosting literary and musical programme will be rendered and a World's fair art gal lery is to be ou exhibition. Social Last Eusnina. A very pleasing evening was held last evening in Users Hall, on North Main avenue, for the beueSt of Mrs. HoHalo, a widow, who resides on La fayette street. The ball was neatly decorated, and those present onjofod themselves for many hours in dancing to music furnished by Mrs. Mary Sheeran. About thirty couple were present. Personal ar.d Otherwise. Miss Lizzie McMurty of M 1031c, has returned noma after visiting Mi99 Mat tie Williams, of Garfield aveMM, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ilouser, of Chestnut street, have returned from a visit with friends in Coal Dale, Schuyl kill county. Miss Margaret L I wards.of Plymoutn, is the guest of friends on Jackson street. S M. Reese, of Xorth Hyde Park avenue, is making extensive improve ments on his property. Rev. J. A Jenkins, of Kingston, is calling ou West Side friends. Mrs. Maria Kroinar, of Traverly, is visiting at the home of her son, M. G. Kroraer, on Nnr'h Hvde Park avenuo iTbcm. s R. Williams, of Thirteenth street, mine foreman at tha Manville shaft, is on the sick list. Moses D, Evans lias boon engagsd as inside foreman of one of the mines at Forest City of the Hillside Coal and Iron company. He will begin his duties Fob. 1, but will not take his family up until some time later. Mr Kvsni filled a similar position soms time ago under the Keystone Coal company. ReT, Dr. Parke, of Pittston, will de liver a lecture in the Washburn Street Presbyterian churcli next Friday even ing. His subject will be "The World's Fair.'' W. G. Carr. of Rochester, N. Y . who has been visiting at the home of S. M. Foster for the past week, left yesterday for Fleetville. N. Z. Wood, of Los Angnlep, Cat, visited at the home of his brother-in-law, H. F. Ferber, chief of the fire de partment, yesterday. Frank Shaffer, of North street, is convalescing after a two weeks' iiluess witu ervsipelas. The West Side Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs. Roberts, 212 North Sum ner avenne, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. John Lewis, who formerly conducted the barber shop at t he Hserman House, is now with W. F. 0'Brian,andor Dime bank. ST. PAUL'S SOCGTV OF GREEN RIDGE Officers of the Onrnilzitlon Elsotsd at Sunday's Masting. St. Pauls Total AliH'inenca and Benevolent socistv, of Green Ridg", met Sunday aftsrno;n and elected offi cers as follows: President, T. J. Mahon; vice-president, H. G Hsrt; reordlng secretary, T W. Earley; financial secretary, M J. Mellody; corresponding secretary, P. J. Lynn, 1025 Capouse avtnue, city, treasurer. Martin Ferguson; sergeant- at-aruis, James Dsmpsey; marshal, James Dempsey; trustees, P. J. Lynn. I'. D. Mabou and T. J. Mahon. A REMINDER FOR REPUBLICANS. Hold Your Not Later Than January 31, D. W. Powell, chairman of the Ra put llcan county com tint tee, desires to remind Republicans living in boroughs and townships that this year the year the county commissioners will print the tickets for these mutilcipil divisions. Ail certificates of nomination must be filed with the county commissioners at least eighteen days before election, which uiHkes it imperative that cau cuses be held not later thau Jan. 81, advance money by the Wilkes Barre club and subseiiuently refused to ful fill their contracts. This is the ground upon which President Powers bases his objections. Patty Powers is quite a hustler, and has n good deal of influence with him self, but so far us being able to have President Vick Young, of the National leagna, pay any attention to his pro tost, he will fail. The State league will play under the protection of the National agreement, not withstanding protests from all the Powers ou earth. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. Niuht Fchool ry R 11 Approved and Roiiilue Buaiiuas Transacted. The board of control held a moating last night, and In the absence of Presi dent Langataff, T. J. Jennings was called to the oliair. Til pay roll for the night schools was approved as fol lows; Teachers. H,,H20; substitutes, $22 HO; janitors, PJ til); oflbcrs, 14891 total, 1,456 00. A petition from the parents of fifty of the pupils in Miss Mac key's prepar atory Bbool was presented asking for one session of school It was referred to tho teachers' committee with power to act. The building committee was empowered to spend an additional $800 for a heating apparatus for now No. 12; Something better than that fust adopt ml having been discovered by tue com mittee. S. M. Stoat was appointed janitor 0( No. 27 annex at a Hilary of ifU pH m intn. Architect Williams oertlfled that Contractor Schroeder was entitle 1 to $4,500 for wark done ou No. 12 building and the board directed an order for thai amount to be drawn In bis favor. Controller Watrous called the atten tion of tlie board to the fact that Con tractor Hughes had not paid his half of the wages of the watchman em ployed during the erection of No. B0. The chairman of the building commit tee was directed to Interview him re garding the m itter. The building committee: was directed to improve the ventilation of No. 10 and make improvements In the yard and the basenniit of No. 18. The ex oneration list of Nathaniel Hullstead, collector in the Sixteenth ward for 1802, amounting to s2."ii) 22, was referred to tho finance counuitt-e. An order of $108,98 was ordered draw in favor of tne Unite 1 States Fur niture company of OuioagO, An order for the amount of th bill was waned to the company on Nov. 15, 18U2, but never reached tho concern, aud has never been paid. AMUSEMENT NOTES. 'Dr. Dill" will be presented at tho Academy tonight for the benefit of the Scranton commercial travelers. C1IAKI.ES T. ELLIS. "Count Casper,'' in its new form, will be presented by the German come dian and sweat singer Cnarles T. Ellis ut the Aoadtmy of Muio on Thursday evening. It is to ail purposes a uew play since it was seen hore last season. A TEMPERANCE TOWS. Thos who go to the Academv of afnaio on Friday evening. Jan. 26. in tho hope of seeing in "A Temperance Town" a farcial entertaininsnt similar to "A Trip to Chinatown," or '.'A Hole in tho Ground, will be grievously dis appointed, for Mr. Hoyt's new play is meant to be a play written to satirize the prohibitory laws of certain part of the country. It is said that the author was prompted to do this by learning that a Vermont rumsoller had been sontencd to state prison for a term aggregating sixty years. PLUMBERS' ANNUAL BALL. DUMBLE ODthe Rails. PAT POWERS WILL PROTEST. to Ho Does Not Want Protection Qivn State League Club. President Powers, of the Eastern league, has telegraphed to the presi dent of the Wilkes Birre olub that ho will protest against the National league giving protection to the Pennsylvania state league. It is alleged that Inst year several players of the State league were paid It Will Be Hl l at Turns.- Hll Next Friday Evunlna-. Tho Plumbers' Local Uaion, No 9J, of Scranton, will hold its second an nnal ball at Turner hall next Friday evening William Kerrigan will be master of ceremonies and ho will ha assisted by J. F. Kearney and William Puester. R. J. Finnerty will be conductor of lances. The various eammittei'S wi'l be as follows; Floor committee, . I. F. Cush, chairman: J. P Gavin, F. HoDonoufb, Larkin, T. F. Moran, A. Notz, M NcNaily, W. Sullivan, J. Roche, M Nualou, D. W. Murray. Reception Committee T. Connor. ehatrmani Henry Wolilfer, W. Olaanr. E Kelley, R. Sliridau, P. Hnggertv, if. May, T. O'Malley. E May. W. Krhardt, T. Langan, E Clark, T. Nolan. . DEAR OLO EMEKALO ISLE. Bean Shown at Wonderland by How- arth'a Hlbsmlca. 1 lie uiiDlin Dan Comity company opened at Wonderland theater yester day before two large audiences, and nil were much pleased wit li the pres'Uita tion of the comedy, "Lirry ami Teddy.' Howartta s nibernioa, comprising 10 - 0o0 square fett of beautiful paintings ot in r.meraiu lsie, was uxtn luted in connection with th show. Tho Dublin Dan company is com dosed of n ilozsn or more psrformsrs who are ciever emier in legitimate or Comedy work. Nearly every member of the oompiny introduces a singing or dancing specialty or does monologue work Of the Hibnrnica, too much cannot be - Hi. and the scones of Ireland are very fine. The paintings are all excel lent and true to nature. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Tin Two Dans' will be presented FIGHTING HUNGARIANS FINED. Law Do Not Dal LinUntly with Sunday Brawler. Peter Vorgan, of Lloyd street, com pi in nod to the police at a late hour Sunday night that he mid his wife hud been assaulted in their homo by four tiipn. Sergeant Spellinati and n squad of iiIUot went to liloyd street and on tli in formation given nrrestetl Joe Lai viska, William Monaski, Mike Zd- ilomdai and Joseph Mod: At the hearing in police court yesterday morn lug Mock and Laviska were discharged and' William Momki and Michael . ! douidas wero lined $25 each. n mi RAFFERTV DREW A KNIFE. Assaulted 6vil Persons but Wa Placsd Uiidsr A i rest. Michaol Rallerty, a well known in dividual, who bails from the South Side, was drunk and disorderly on Pittston avenue Sunday night. While in this condition Rafferty as saulted several person with a knife but luckily injured noue of them. Hi wan arrested by Sergeant .ang and confined In the station house. At the hearing yesterday Rattsrty was lined if 1 0 and in default wai committed to the county jail for thirty days, ij Music Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play auy desired number of tunes, (htutschl & Sous., mnnufactuiern Ki.'IO Chestnut street, f hilndelphia. Won rtorful orohestrial orgaus, only $5 and $10, Sm-cittliy : UIU mu-ic Boxes careful v re piured and imprpved with uew tupes. The trolley is king. Long live the trolley. There's no use disputing it. Electricity in railroading has come to stay. The steam horso is already an anachronism. The subtle element which science can harness but not de fine ha clutched the busiutss of quid; locomotion and daily adds to the tight ness of its grasp. The trolley is this in rut reaching out from Baltimore to Washington i from Wilmington to Philadelphia: from Philadelphia to Lancaster and from Lancaster to liar lisburg, In our own bail wick, trolley poles dot tho earth from Carhoudale to Nanticoke; aud springtime will see them moving on from Nanticoke to Northumberland and possibly from Northumberland to Harrisbnrg, while on the north only a minor legal Motion prevents an iiliimato terminus from being established at Forest City Men now alive jnay live, will livetowma day when the entire stretch from Ring bamton to Washington will be busy With the movement of an almost con tinuous series of elect no strnt curs. "From Carbondalo to Gotham while you wait" may soon become a Delaware and Hudson motto, it is al ready "on dit" that the Hudson people will make a quick passenger traffic agreement with the new Wilkos-Barr and Biatern, whereby through coaches on their road will bo whisked oil' at Wllkes-Bsrre to the new Panther Creek rout and land 1 in the metropo lis Deforo you know you're there. This, If it materialise!, will naturally inspire brisk rivaly. and better time and accommodation! will result on all the roads, e e e Tho fun has begun. Monday marked the first shipment of freight on tho Wilkes-Barre and Biatern road. The road liu been carotully inspected and is believed t ba in spick-and-span con dition. To be sure, there is a bad rem iniscence in its o instruction. Iguorau t and brutal labor was imported from the south to do its construction work, and to this day their conduct while at this task lingers in the recollection as horrid nightm ire. I lie owneri of the road are not resp msible, in one seuse, since the employment of this grade of labor was decided upon by contractors and sub-contractors. But the record of a death by accident for almost osoh mile of laid track is a significant one. and one which disappears slowly. In very other respect the road begins oic'raTions nusiiiciously. Gallons are models of neatness and taste; cars and equipment are of the pest, ami in new owuership.hiiving no share in the early mistakes, naturally deserves aud re ceives the best wishes of all. e e e Is tho railroad business overcrowded? Not ut all. There were only 15'J ap plicants for the position of local ugent and general solicitor at Wilkes-Barre, on the new Panther Creek line G. M M-tzgar, formerly with the Valley at D.Uliis, was chosen. tea "They say" how convenient and how kind "they" always are that the Jersey Central people will abandon Munch Cnunk as passenger terminal point, in favor of Alleiitown, which is tho central point batween Jersey City and Scranton. Thus there would b only two, instead of tiiree divisions The rumor is not confirmed, but if true would necessitate ;uiaoy changes of residence on the part of conductors, cugiuoers and traitimun generally. DltlllLETS FKOM TIIE SAND BOX: Krie trackmen have had daily wages cut from SI. 21 to fl.l'.i. New Jersey Central engines aro equipped with t Iio steamb iat whistles. One of the neatest locomotives overbuilt has just boon finished at the Lackawanna's shop i. She Is known as No. 217, and is lit erally and emphatically up to date in over particular. To compete with tho trolley line, the Jersey Central charges only a 5-ceut faro between Wilkes-liarre and Ashley. The Reading railroad is cutting Pilila delpliia suburban fares, to keep even with the traction lines. The Outario and Western company pro nose to pat in hath tuB-i and start n read IDS room in one of the buiidiugs at May- Held yard. Conductor A. Day, of the Ontario and western, has moved into John HUnol land's house, at Jei myu. ACQUIRING HABITS. All Mind Are Not Constituted Alike. Parent should make every effort to plate within the reach of their children the greatest variety of reading. All minds are not constituted nlike. Fach child has its peculiar dislik is, What will interest, amuse and inalruct one will prove wearisome to another. The boy or girl who bus every object placed before him. in other words who has u complete library, is almost certain to be entertained thereby and early acquires habits of Industry and a love of nooks and home. I Such a library is providod in tho Encyclopedia Britamnca offered by the I mi. i -.1. Do yon realize that this is reprint page lor page of the great Oiliuhurg edition sold by Charles Scrib- ner's sous at $o a vol lime besides having nearly 2.000 pages of supplemental mut ter added to it and an entirely new lino of limps- IK'JO istueV You have always wanted this great wurk but the prion wns and is, though Sorihuor's, $190 It is now within your means and on easy term of payment. Tue oiler must soon be withdrawn. Give yuur order now and do not wait till the closing lay. . NEW ROAD IN SCOTT TOWNSHIP Damavao They Allow to Peraons Who Land Will He Injurad. Viewers A. B. Dunning, ir.. John 0. Miller and W. II Norlliut) yesterday filed their tport with regard to the new road in Seott township. The road begin at the head ot the dam of the Providence Gas and Water company, and runs a distance of two miles to a point nt Wetlierly's on the road from Chiueliilla to Carbondalo. The road follow a ravine furnishing an easy grade. Damages are allowed to the follow ing whose land is injured by the road: W. Wetherly, $100) M. C. Miller, $100; E. Holgate, $50) Tbomaeand II. M. Emerson, 2d; S. D. Miller, $110. A. L. Clark, $000: S. O Johnson, 25; P. Ciark, $30: Silas Stanton, $100 The report of the viewers was confirmed nisi. Important to Butl.iess Men. THB ThIBUNK will soon publish a care fully com piled and classified list of tho leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing ana professional interests of scpanton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our public build- iiip, business blocks,streuts,etc. The circu lation is on a pluu tint "imnol. tail or eood results to those concerned ns well as the city in larce. aepresenianves or inn TWBoin will celt upon rnoai whom vamm aro l)iisilii:ii lu t.'iie i-iotion and exiilain its nature more fully. We trust ouri.ivu lUVtintM men will give it their hearty support. 1 hose desiring views of their resiliences' in this edition will please leave notice at the olfice. - Fifty Gems for Ten Cent. Remember that fifty beautiful pictures aud not simply sixieeu and they all representing the most notable buiidiugs mid exhibits at the late World's fair can now be obtained at Tim TniButti offloe for 10 ce nts and three coupons. Part 1 of the World's Kuir Portfolio contains these ar tistic gems and souvouirs. uut your cou pons and get the pictures. OFFICERS Of KEYSTONE COUNCIL. W.U Be Installed by Illustrious Com mander in-Chisf H. N. Dunnsll. K"yalnne council, A, A. S. R., will install officers this evening ut 8 30 o'clock. The installation services will be con ducted by Illustrious C.mmauder-iii Chief Ilenrv N. Bunnell, who will ho assisted by Illustrious First Lieutenant ('oiniiiaudei' Richard B. Brockway Frederick S. Godfrey, T. Cramer Von Storch. William Msylin, Dr. George E. Hill, Isaac H. Allabanh, Frederick F, Scuoan, Jacob Lotz, James G Bailey, Gjorge B. Jermyii, William ,1 Wi Ish. Music will lis famished by tho Scot isli Rite quartette donn Morris, Fred crick J, WidniHyor, Louis J. Siebocker and Mosuh .Morgan. After the installation n banqn t wifl be held, at which the following toasts will be responded to: "To the Prosidcut of the United States," Frank M. Vandling 10 mo nuprpuin e ouncu, Dr. II. N. Dunnell To the Sovereign Comuiauiler. Ilenrv U Palmer" William J. Welsh "To the dovernor of I'cnnsvl vania.'' buries Kobinsou "To the 1 1 rand Lodge and General Mus ter of Masons of Pennsylvania," Charles W. Roosler "To the Oriind Chapter and Oiaud Oomtnandery, and other tirand bodies of Pennsylvania," Richard It. Urockway -jo inn iiiemory oi me iretiiren ot Thesn Degrees, Whose Labors Here llelow Have Ceased During the 1'rea- ent Year" John Morris "To the Uaauty or backa wanna," Samuel W, Roberts lo the t Ity of Scranton, Its l-iituie." William L, Conneil "To tho Prospective Hn Iges of the Same. James Moir "To the Industries of the Same,'' John m. Kemmern "lothe Hoard of Trade, . . D. II. Athertoli 'To All Masoiisnud Musonic II idles of All Rites aud Degrees Over the Sur face of the Earth. Honors and Lau rels to the Worthy. Health to (lie Sick. Comfort to the Needy, and Succor to thu Oppressed Lvcry where" I'. F. I'euman UtMixiiTDN Typewriters and Kdlsoti Phonograph for sale and rent. Copying work executed. Phonograph! rented for an evening's entertainment. Telephone 2U4J. lidw. Uunsler, Jr., 4il& Spruce street. The pictnrps which have excited the ad miration of sj many people may be hud at hie lnuirxK omce today. Tho demand was so great that the supply was ex hausted, hut a thousand are uow ready for distribution. Anheuser Busch Beer. Loui Lohman', Spruce ou 0 i ii Books ! Books ! Book 1 During the comiug week wn shall offer to the subscribers of The Triuuxe rore bnrgnlus lu books. e have a huge line of bright and pop ular volumes, eleguntly bound, thnt we intend to give to the patrons of the paper at about one-fourth ot the usuul price. The billowing list will give you an idua of the inducements aud the unusual op portunities to secure valuable additions to your library. Regular Tribune! Moo. l'rice. The World's Fair (Now) 2.50 $ ,oi Pictorial History of the Oroat Civil War S no .80 Pilgrims' Progress illlust'edl 2.50 .no Eurth, Sea and Say 2 7." .Tfi Marvelous Wonder a.75 Life and Works of Spurgeou l.fiO Pictorial History of tho Bible Museum of Wonders 2.75 From Pole to Pole 2.75 Pictorial Hisiorv of the Uni ted States Scicuco of Life. . . . Lifeof Barnnm. . . Indian Horrors. . . J sephus MOO 2.75 1.80 '1.50 8.00 SLepp's Photographs 8.50 .!" LOO ,80 .so 1.00 1.25 (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) Ou presentation of two of the-e Coupons, Subscribers of TUB TRIB I'NE may purchase any book iu the 1 above list. O BUSINESS NOTICES. Rclnhart'a Market, 3.1 and 88 Lackawanna avenue. F.verv dny from a. m. to 10 a. m. liouinl teak, lie. sirloin steak, 14c; standing rib roast, 10c.; chuck roust, Ba: boiling meat, 4c; fresh pork, IBJO.) pork snusugo, ISJajc. YOU but it PROBABLY doulknow it, is a fact. We have the largest line of medium priced iu no II VOV WANT A Photograph taken of Tear Wile or Children, Horses, Dons, House, su RETHBART Or Yrursulf, you cannot do better than CALL AND 8KX SPKClMJtNl At Van Uorder's Gallery, U2S Spruce street. Special attention irivou to developing aud tin o; ,, for aiuntuura Miiiimimii(i'! iiiiiittiiiiiiHiltaiiiii!! isi.miL' OOK at the mark-down 1 prices in our windows. This season's goods. 1 S No chestnuts exhibited. i MARTIN & DELANY 1 WYOMING AVENUE. CLOTHIERS AND CUSTOM TAILORS. jc nuiiiiiiii.u.iiiiiiiigiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic in DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS the city. We sell ffOQffQ but what we gu&rantee. IE COLUMBUS II HOUSE Is tlio most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvania. The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and tho most libera! terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the . leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos, Everett Pianos, Vose & Sons ' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED Esley Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Collage Organs, Palace Organs, Aud all kinds of Musical Meriibandls) constantly ou hand. 11m Holidays aro hero, and this is the place to buy Pianos for a Christinas 1 resent. Prioee are lower than auy other music store in Scranton. Special Attention - Remember always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or gan tliut Christopher Columbus points with bis right hand to the exact place you want to go. Now here it is: OPPOSITE coLtrxBOa monument, 2CRAMT0N, PA. 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Guernsey, Prop. Do You Need an Ulster? Do You Need an Overcoat? F YOU do, now is the time to buy one, and our store is the place to get it 1 Because we are going to sell every one which we have in our store this winter. Brice is no object, profits have now disap peared, and you can buy one very cheap. Try it. THE CLOTHIERS FOR TIIE PEOPLE, 220 Lackawanna Ave. P. S. Look for our name before the door before en tering. Make no mistake. Anything Cheap Is usually looked upon as Inferior in quality. This is not the 0886 With our stock ofMen'i and Women's Shoes which we are offering at cheap prioes - - -cheaper, in fact, than such a grade of goods has ever before been sold in Scranton, These cheap prioes will only pre vail until Fob. 1. SCHANK'S Arcado Shoe Store. WYOM1NU AVli SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC, CHINA! HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Scientific Eye Testing" Free G.W. Owens & Co. Ladies' Tailors and Furriers, KfQ SPRUOE T., UUO COl'KT HOUS12 BOUARB DON'T By Dr. Shimberg, Tlin Sporiiilist on the Eye. Ilemlaehcs nml NorvmiMiiMx relieve 1. l.utcst iiml Improved Stylo of Eyn (llnm- nml Si,:taoli' nt tlio l.owiwl l'rlcos. Host Artlllci.il Eyes llinertinl for J5. 30s SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. Think that because you hare not bought your WINTER FURS OR CLOAK, FUR CAPES, JACKET, AY RAP OR MACKINTOSH That yon can get along without it tbil winter. We have three mouths of cold weather abead of us. To dress warm is to have UOOD HEALTH You will fnitl onr stock large with NEW IDEAS If you think of buying or not, visit us. We may have just what you were looking for. You know that a garment that fite perfectly is what you will buy. The Price Will Please You. lllllllltllll!llll.lllllllllllllflllllllllU CtJT THIS OUT, a ... 2 "TRIP ARQUNO THE WORLD" I SH I Portfolio of Photographs I j coupon. 1 5 January 23,1894 S - B S Send or bring ln2Conpons 5 of different dates, together S with .j cisit, and receive Hits a s Album of rare Photographs, a s THE TRIBUNE, Cor Piuiii At.', nml Pirueo St. S 53 Cl IT TH OUT. l is SllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIUIIIIlt.1