6 THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-TUESDAY JIORXTNG. JANUARY 93. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES VTanttof all fctiid cent that much, j ng &tuaiionxrntei,Kirar,inritd Pennsylvania System Said to Covet a Situations Wanted. ClTL'ATION WANTED -BY A YOUNG mnrri'd nun us janitor or tend furnaces. Address IT. Tribune 'ni. a. VLBSE-Ladies' NURSE WOULD UK2 i-i u few umrsueiu.-nts. Address illiJj. CHARLOTTE LKDL'E, Punmore, Pj. ITUATIOa WANTED AS NL'RSE OIRL or to do li.h b .t.-w .. AddrM. 1.. , Mo. lib N Fi lmor ave. Ur ANTE D POBITIO N BY A MARRIED man ii gaiduci or rlori t. will t.ike any other buu ir. hie . mployiii -U'. Address. W H., No. 313, Phelps I , .-ciaiitoii, I I Agents Wanted. U'AN TED-THRCE lUOOD MEN To CAN vastoran article 'tut wilt Mil at sirlit : can pwktllfiot $80 per week. Call at room ij. Arcade Building, second flour. Help Wanted females. U 7aKB u ' - - a! i io i j "i no t i k ' a n i i , a i n dress. Apply to MRS E. P. KINDS Bl'RY, '.ml Olive st root. Wanted To Rent. U ANTED TO HEN !'. l'Alt iiV STORE on LackeWann avenue at unca, Ad dress JEWELER. Poetofttoe. UFaNTED-ONE OR TWO FCHNIHHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Address, stating tonus, E. ,1, Trilmuu office. For Sale. 1 OR SALE A " SADDLE HORSE, FOR 1 want of usi': can In1 seen at livery stable of J. C. Waruor, Or. on ltidgc.f OEOROb SANDERSON. L'OB s vi.E- it: acke l' ARM, STOCK r au.1 utensils J at. SHEFFIELD, 42ti Monroe ave. ndk SALE -ONE NEW YOST TYPE r writer, kioo -me new Abbott cheek punch, at a bargain. Address II. J car Tribune of Be. lOB SALE or EXCHANGE FOB IsCRAN av ton property A bearing orange grove, lhcrea.ing in production and vnjuo yearly iti the orauve section in Florida. Addres E. K. N ETTLETON, Lake Helen. Florida For Kent. QTOBE FOB SE5 i -ro'ltE' BOOM AND 1 basement, No. I'il Pouti avenue, now oc- cupied by 0, s. Woolworth aa a scent store luq'iire of B. O. HILL, 131 north Washington avenue. POR RENT A LARUE STORK BOO m" AT I 408 Spruce street. Inquire at 111 Wyom ing avenue. Lehigh Yalky Least? ELEMENTS OF IMPROBABILITY OFt KENT TWO-STOB BKK'K DWEL- Lll). iiUliai', all1 li llliUJ IM '1 . !. I Forest court. Apply to MAL'ftH'E COLLIN'S, agent, 7:21 West Lackawanna avenue. 'TO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS -J Part or all of three hundred feet of yard loom along railroad. Apply ,. 241! Franklin avenue. Tu BENT STORE EnzflOOR FURNISHED J hall on Green Ridgo street. Vary deslra iJe location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F E. N ETTLETON or C. S. WOOUREFF, Republican buildiug. Special Notices. rrHE ' 'axUVm. MrETlX I'of" 'THE A stockholders of I ho Moosiu Powder C'oiu pany will be held at their office in the city of HnrantOBi Pa., on Wtdneedav. January Ul. is'.'!, at eighr 0 clock n. m.. for the nnmn of electing directors for the ensuing year and I tran-uctiiig such other bnilnaw as may come bafora them. No transfer of -tock will be I made for ton days next preceding the day of ! lection. JOHN D. SliERER, Secretary. -"pUK SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR,' a containing r ranic Liasuai lamons old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every I'ige illustrated. Over VM pages As anodu cator it is unezcslled. Solu on easy monthly pnytnenu. botli volumea delivered complete. Address P; 0. Moodv. :ktS Franklin avenue, agent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT HI, I corner r'pruce street and Franklin ave one, Twenty meal ticgets for :j.jy. Uood i table board. Rea, Estate. 6i?1saXes1ncu? i I avenue; very desirable location. Anulv 1 O. F. REYNOLDS, or WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. yj,a0 WILL EL'Y MODERN NEWS ROOM S bouse, all Improvements: terms easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Dclowaru street- Ap ply HARRY LEES. O1.40U WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT corner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEF.P. I v Dt Ecranton Wbolaaala Markets. ScnaNios. Jan. 32 FnniTa Ann Pan. Dtioi urled apples, per lb., 6a7c.: erap ptucu appies, loai iu. per jo,; lurgisn runes. 4Ua5a. .Enehsh enrranto oi ,. n ';. aver raisiua, fl.75al.su; muscatels'. SI -0a l.HU per box; new Vnlenciaa, 0a7e. per 1U Hkans Marrowfats, 12. oOa'ioo per buahel; uieditiuis, f l.WJal.UO. 1'iCAS-Oreen, 1.25al.30 per bushel jiplit, Sv50b9.S0i lentels, salOc. pnr pnanO. Potatok8 (Via 70c. per busheL Osiors 88700. per bushel. lloiTBR WaSSa, per lb. t:HFE8 loal2ic. per lb. fuss I''reb. ItelSs. pickled, ltial7c; coolers, 16e. AIiaTH nam. He.: larfre. IOWa skinned bains, lU'e.; California bams, shoulders, Vie.; dry salted bellies, VjfOt smoked breakfast bacon. 1'Jo.; fresh pork loinp, inc.; "Wyoming" porg sausage, llo.; Wymnliijf home inade sau sage, 8-pound pail, larded, lie.; butch ers' sausage, 8,0., our own make; fresh pork shoulders, c: fresh pigs' feet, uc: fresh pigs'- heads, 5o.; fresh spare ribs, He; fresh leaf lard, 11a; fresh kidneys, 8c. doz.; rough sausage meat, Klt'c: tongue. K-;plncks, Sceacn; wholo hogs, 7Jic r-OBK Mess at T7; short ont, $18. Laun Leaf In tiereas nt H 'iC.; in tubs, 10c; In 10-pound pails, lOUo.1 in 6-pound pailf, 10,',c; a-pound pails, 10"4e. per pound. Bkk Choice sugar curod, smoked beef, 14c. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel. 4.4n4.fl0; Ohio and Indiana amber, at tS.76; Urabam at $8,50; rye Hour, at Bdckwurat Flour 12.90 per owt. FD-Mlxet per cwt., at tl ,00. Oraim Kye, 05a. j corn, 4b to 52a. ; oats, Il)s4)c. per bushel. Htii Hthaw Per ton, IWalfl. HaT-Per ton, tlOalS. Have used Dr. ThoOkM' Eclectrlc Oil for croup and colds, and derlai it a positive cure. Contributed by Wrn. K'y, 670 Ply mouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadkli'Iiia. Jan. SSL fallow wa In fair demand and tlrm. Price were: Prime city, In hogsheads, 5n5c; prima country. In hogsheads, iV-c do. dark, in hogsheads, p .; cakes, BttO.) grease, 4'.u hc. A Household Treasure. D. W. Poller, of C'nnajobarie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. Kings New Discovery in tho house, und his family has always found the very best rosults follow its use; thnt he would not be without it if procurable. O, A. Dykeman. druggist, Catlskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's NeW Discovery is pndoubtedly the best oougb remedy; that he has nsed it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that Is claimed for it. Why not tre a remedy so long tried nnd tested? Trial bottles free at Matthews Bros', drug story. Regular sizo 50a and 11.00. Fatal neglect is little short of snicide, the consequences of a neglected cough are too well known to heed repeating. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Mold by all dealers on a guar ntoe of satisfaction. The Gossip Originated In Philadelphia and Is Apparently Idle in Its Charac terAdditional Particulars Con cerning the Jersey Central's New Traffic Deal Railway and Industrial News and Comment Chronicled in Crisp Notes. Amonir the things that tho quid liuncs in Philadelphia are discussing just now is little rumor thnt the Pennsylvania people want to lsnse or buy n controlling interest in the Lehigh Valley. The point is elaborated with sotuecnre, by ihoso who have nothing more important to do, that the alUge.l constitutional objections to inotl at) al liance cotild easily be overcount by law vers clever otiongh for that purpose. It is also intimated tliat ertob u union, while of betielit to tiio Valley stock holders, would, ut the same time, give the prsseut Valley m magement au op portunity to rotiro gracsfuily and wilh glory. This theory would be interest ing if it had facts to support it. The luck of such support is its chief weak ness. It 1ms to be proved first, tiiat the Wilburs want to retire and then that the PtnntT wants to SOCOIsd to the control of the Lehigh Valley. Neither proposition It ytt established. Neither, we believe, is seriuiiily entertained by any considerable proportion of wall-Informed financiers. Last week the eighteen reporting col lieries of Lnzsrne conntv. iucluding ten of the Lehigh and Wilkss-Burre Coal company's workings, shipped a total of '9.:0Uo tons, or iust a little more than half the usual shipment. The total of the new year is 71,430 10 tons. In spite of President Maxwell's de nial that the new traffic deal with the Consolidated involves no act of hostil ity toward the New York and New England, they have a diff-irent opinion in Philadelphia, The fiuaucial editor of tho Press writes apropos: "It ia not likely that this deal will close up the Ponglikeepsie Bridge route which is evidently Mr. Maxwell's notion. The Reading company and other parties to the contract will ship coal nnd other traffic via the Ponghkeepsie Bridge as usual when it is proper that it should go that way. This route out of New England is certain to be a great high way forever and it cannot be closed up by Mr. Maxwell or Mr. Vauderbilt. At this moment there is an attack on tne Poughkeepsie Bridge system by the Vauderbllt-liaading interests in order to injurs the New York aud New Eng land road and to facilitate the Reading reorganization. The real battle has not yet come off, but there is active sparring for position which is as inter esting to spectator as the more seri ous contest." Contractor McFadden, of Philadel phia, who is building the Eoensbarg and Black Lick branch for the Penn ylvania, since he resumed work in December, has gradually increased its force, and now has about TOO men em ployed beyond Ebensburg. The road will bo built from Ebensburg to Black Lick station on the Indiana branch of the Pennsylvania, a distance of some thing like ten miles. Of this distance the grading on five miles, beginning ni Ebensburg, is now finished, An admirable innovation has been started by the Pennsylvania system, which had put in the hands of each or the forty physicians now employed as "medical 3sarninra" in connection with the Employes Rollef department, a handbag thorongly furnished with such instruments and appliances ns a medical man may nued when called on to relieve suffering. These "emergency satchels," as they are called, are in tended to he carried on the trains by those having them in charge when traveling, so that they can nt one re spond to any sudden call for profes sional aid io passengers or employes. Tho Westmoreland Coal company, by a syatem of underground tauueis, has connected its South Side mine at Lari msr station, on the Pennsylvania rail road, with the workings of James W Shields' in : no ut Osujola, on the Balti more and ( liiio railroad. The tunnel is live and one-half miles in length, run ning through parts of North Washing ton and Versailles township', West moreland and Allegheny counties. Ao curding to tho Philadelphia Tim s it is the longest tunuul everdriveu n one continuous tangent line in the United States, During November the net earnings of the New York, Ontario and Western railroad were $90,007, again, despite the business depression, of :J27,084 over the net earning of November, 1892. The net earnings of this prosperous road for the llvo months ended No vember o0, loOii, ns compared with the same period in 180',', show a gain of $124.01)3. It is claimed by many rail way managers that this record is one of the best made by any company Inst year. Various Minor Pickings. A representative of the C'arneeis mills declares that the iron trade Is becoming more active. A special meeting of tho general freight committee of the Central Truffle associa tion will bo held ou Wednesday to revise rates. Seven miles of empty coal cars block the Philadelphia and Iteadmg railroad tracks between Uoan Junction and Lofty. Jersey Central ofllciuls declare that their new trnftlo arrangement with the New York, New Haven aud Hartford will not appreciably nlfect tho New York and New England, and Is not intended as a hostile movement. The Centre County refused an Inlnnc tlon asked for by the Pennsylvania Hall road company to restrain the Valentine Iron compauy from shipping freight over the new Csntral Railroad of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Railroad company is preparing to lay a largo amount of new steel rails of sixty-foot length. A small amount of snoh rails has been In use for some time and ha proved In every respect satisfactory. The detuand for coal and coke in the Fairmont aud other West Virginia coal fields Is poor. There is little production, but it Is not half the capacity of tho mines and ovens. Tho mines along the West Virginia Central nnd Norrolk and Western rallronds are practloally doing nothiug. About 90,000 is being paid to employes of the Philadelphia aud Reading ruilroad at Reading, a decroase of nearly 130,000 from some former months. The Baltimore and Ohio will hereafter enforce rigidly its rule that no employe uisciiargvu ior uruugeuness snail oe re-employed. The contract has been let for the build iug or a larga shovel, nut aud bolv works at Pbilipsburg. A paper mill to cist $31,000 will be built at Watervliet, Mich., by capitalists of Holyoke, .'-.a Nearly all the carpet and weaving mill in the noitheast section of Philadelphia are resumiug operations by putting on all their old hands as fast us they apply for work at the manufacturer' schedule of prices. '1 he Pennsylvania system will soon let a contract lor the con6truetiou of a large number of new coal cars of 8:),000 pounds capacity. Before drawing the poms for the builder several coal breakers in the L-high region bad to bo visited by sur veyors Li (;et the proper measurements. wing to the suspension of the Read ing's Schuylkill collieries, the transporta tion force at Palo Alto, St. Clair and Crcssona on the Reading railroad will be reduced and the car shops at Palo Alto are to be shut down lndellnitely, thus throwing 1 SO men out of work. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL 8tocks and Kondi New YORK, Jan. J3. The course of the market at the opening of the Stock Ex change toduy was a disappointment to tno hulls who were looking for higher prices on taoueavy tnucripuoo to tne now gov eminent loan and last week s enormous gain in the bank reserve. When I he pres sure against sugar was lifted und the Lon don selling abated the wholo list started up and a sharp rise ensued. Net. changes for the day show gaius 0t-K to 1 percent, except for Louisville and Nashville, Mis souri Pacific, Reading aud Union Pacific which lost k lo per cent. Sugar iv down i and tbo preferred i."4' er cent. Total sales wore 217,870 shares. The following complete table snowing tho day's fluctuations hi active stocks is supplied and revised daily In Lallar & Fuller, stock brokers, 1'all Wyoming avenue: Open- llL-h- Ing. Am. Cot. Oil Am Sugar SI A. T. ft S. F UM Can. So 5teW Cen. N. J 115 Chic. & N. W l(ii'li It. ft 0 75)14 ei-L 2H ntt it4 01 lia KMM r.l leu! c L'hlc. Oas (.'.. 0., 0, ft St. L... UN Hi t ut , hock. vai. i I), e) B IM D 1.. ,v- W UDU p. 40. t 2slS Erie 1'H (i. E. Oo 3D Lake Shore 1 ''& L. & N 44 Manhattan l'JIU Miss. Puc '.-Is Nat, Lead N. Y.&N. E 13 N. Y. Central I0OM N. Y..O. A W 1541 N. Y S. 4 W lWj U. 9. C. Co 19 North Pac 4U North Pac. pf It Omuha Kfi rao. aian i Reading . Rock Island.... R. T St. Paul J..O. A 1 Texas ft Pac. . . Union Pac Wabssl), pf.... W. Union W. ft L. E W. AL. E. pf. '-it'll 07H, . MM ! m 'i tl i. i ijr2 ii 4M, ill U9 18 UM WM 108 ivi Low est. -"'(! Nil 11U (r wot B6t W 1&" US'J m la's UN m ii ii igtw m 154 111 i'i in m M m itM f.i" it M5 m 4v Clos l'g. iiu UM ,n UOM illti B'.M VJi KV '-".is PM ao MU IB m Htl 4s l Km 10 m 87' ieii m it. pa n Chicago Orain and PrcvUions. Scuantor, Jan. L The following quota tions are supplied aud corrected daily by La Bar ft Fuller, stock brokers.UI Wyoming avo- uue. WHEAT. Jan. May. July. opening HlgheBt Lowest , Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowost Closing , OATS. Opening Highost , Lowest Cl'elng , PORK. Opening Highest Low-si , Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowost Cli sing. SH RT RIBS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing MH tat; Biiu 'rtN 114 IH 5b's 4u Wi, SU 8l)Vi in", it""ii n't, ml ml U4?s Uj "?4 mt 30! MM Hli Kid 7s?l hk am u2 9M xxij IM m mi isu 1X11 ! ' in "7 770 - 7ll 7V." 77 787 - "SO "7tl 671 f,77 87u fJH " 8M itl 870 M New York Produce Market. New York, Jan. '.'2. Flour Dull, weak, offered freelv- wlnfpr whnut I,.,,- grades, 2.0Un2.4.V de fair to fancy.' f2.45 a2.75; do., patents, 140u3.6o; Minnesota clear. S''.50s2 1HI- ilo. atrsi'-lits " i:i 91ta!l 5 .. do. patents, MSOaCSOj low ex'tras, KLOSa j.s.; cny nuns, SAOOj uo. patents, f4.'.' It 4.50; rye mixtures, $2.t)0a20, superfine, Il.7oa8.10; flue, gl.73s'.'. WntAT Quiet, easier; No. 2 red, store and elevator, fiasOflc; allout. ti7n07c.; f. o. b., i)651afl7Ji'p. : ungraded red, C0a07c. ; no. i nortuern, .lao'a; optious opened firm at M advance ou firm cables, de crease on passage; May most active; No. 'J red closed, .lannsrv Raft - i '.. i. 86KC! March, 670. 1 Mar. 6VMe, June, ma; uiy. ri.'4c; oerember, 0c lohn Fairly active, firmer early, clos ing weaker; No. 2, 4SKa4254c. elevator, 41i".n4lc. nlloat: uugraaed mixed, 43a44c; steninur mixed, ansa.! No .Irsllnw hl nl jC . No. 2 white; 4Sc, strnmer white. SKMawc. options advanced c. on better ciiblos and following wheat, fell ''i'ajj'c. on increased stocks and visible and weager west. ciosInL' weak at aik nndae Mi. day; trading fair; May Most active; Jkiiu- ary. !.;..: reurnarv, jtc; March, 4;t.4c.: May. 44ic. ots- Firmer, fairly active; options, dull, steady: .lanuary, &J,Ve.; Februarv, Itl'-ja; Mny, 84sc; No. 2 wmte February, HO 'jr.; March, .'7c. ; spot prices No. 2 Wia; No. 2 white, StlaMe.! No. 2 Chi cago, i14.',;c.; No. :i, HMO,) No. .' white, 114c. ; mixed Western, H4sB5a; WlittS do. 8o400. white state, 8540c. BKKK-yuiet, Him; fllalJ; extra me s. 188.50, 11KKF IUliH-Firm at fl :.0al7. TlIRCiB Bi:kk Dull, steady: city extra India mess $1090, Cut Mkatr-Htter, demand Dim; pickled ham. BifaOKc.i mkMlet, nominal. Latin Better demand, stronger; west orn Bteam closed at $8.00; city at THO. ; option sales 500 tierces; January, f8. 10; closing, $6, 15 asked; February closed S. (IS nomloal; May, $8; closing is, noniaali refined, dull; continent, fS.fO; South Ameth'B, 19.00; compound, flaCfc. PoRK-(juiet. flrmer; sales, 175 barrels; mees, $14.50nl5. . Butter In moderate demand; fancy creamery firm; state dairy Waltf: do. creamery, lSaSSoi Pennsylvania do., 'loMv.. . westein dairy, 13Mal7c; do. creamery, IS n2.iic; do. factory, lSalSc; Elgin, 25a 88WC; Imitation creamery, UMaiWl rolls, 12a 1 tic. Chkksi Fair, demand firm; state, large, 9all4'c; fancy, 11.81140.; do. smell, llal24c.; purt kituf, 4aloc. full skiuis, 2h.Sc. Eoos Steady; moderate demand, ice house, lie; do., per case, $la2.50: west ern frosh, ElaMc. . southern, LlaWtfc. 10 To Investors. THE SCR ANTON Axle Works have issued 7.r.,(Mi) (Jf t; per cent. (,'oupon Jionils, intciist payable semi aimiuilly. These bonds in to ran tor ten years, from Nov. L, ls9;. Only a limited amount arc offered for sale to investors. These bonds ure first mortuaire ou the entire plant of the oompany, and are issui'd for tho nurpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the di'iioniiimtions of l,000. 1500 and $100 eaoh, For further particulars address JNO. M. KEMERER, Pres. Or E. U. RIPPLE, Tr. asuier, SCKANTON, WEBSTER tR'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY rf tor an J fw on SuffeMrrif Out 'Vntbtiagei." il Ten ear cpear. il to revising, loo ed i!; itorinployednd .'1 mnrA than .SLIftn iVU CApcil'iCU. Everybody should own tliis Oil tlonary. It un swers all questions concerr.lr.g the his tory, spelling, pro nunciation, and A Library ia Itself, it aisogivci the often llesfroa n.f i ... : . i i i.ncernliu eminent persons; facts concerning the eoUlltl'tlU. ,-itl.. an, I n.,,,r.n 0mm. tore of the v,lobe; particulars concerning 5 uoieu iiciu ions persons nnu places . irans- ......... ... iwiuipi ipiuiaiiou,, vtoins, auu 5 proverbs; etc., etc., etc. J Tin's Work is luvaluahle la the i hou ieliold, and to the teacher, seholat, prw regional man, and sclf-nlucator. Sold buAUJiooJcu th r. S O. .1- ('. Mvrtiam Co PuMUhert, 5 SprlnafUld,iiiUi, WEBSTKffS INH'IWATION'AI, DICTIONARY' S tirimnot bnyoheantlhoto. 5 urmilh. it-pifauul aiH leia J MlfkHSt 2 r fr'.sniiiU,t'rri.i.i-n...in0 -THE- MOOSIG POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid's BCRANTON, P.. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at the MOOSIfJ and KU8H DALE -WUKKS. LaftUn ft Hand Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuset for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co.'sHigh Explosives THE DUTHEIL STUDIO, 01 K LACKAWANNA AVENUE, 91V SCKAMOX, PA. TT OAVING HA OR a contract with a tUI frame factory to turn out 1,000 511 " 'rani' a between now and Chr st 4 mas, 1 wish toannounce tothe nub 3QJ,$ He thnt I will make a UENCINE CRAYON' l'OHTHAir copied from any small one ABSOLUTELY FREE OF OH A HOE. LATitaX SIYI.KS K FRAMES FKOM s.5o icw auu. Workmanship guaranteed. Frames M per cent. less than regular price. E. DUTHEIL, ArtUL Frank P. Brown & Co. W holt-sale Dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth 720 West Inckawanna Ave. Manufacturers' Agonts for CKOCKERy, LAMPS and GLASSWARE. Dueber Hampden 17JeveI Adjusted Watches. RUBY JEWELED (J, AUJUSTED ui KTS "Ha It ii marvelous how these famous Watches are taking the place of all others where nccu- rate time is required, Railroad men will have nothing else. tetter Watch Works, Canton, Ohio SB rtiaae a weii Man of INDAPO Dili nut. u HINDOO REMPDY laoniam nil nova i; i.si l is i. uo ii vva. i a Norvcun Plseases. f-'alllnp M. morr l'arrti, ftlesleneee, Slently Kmia- lions, etc.. ca li-.cn ly pa,t sbu-.Pi, ulves vlgiu- nflUii7i. tu Hhi inleiiuii-iran. nml aslekly nut silrelv rmtOrOf I. est Manhomj la o.J oi iini;. Easily oanrMdia rest pocket I'li.-s i.no i(kte. Mi for MnM with wrltli-nusuisiitee tenure nr isonrt ri-ruadeil. Hea l let loiv Basrlaelpled dranfal seu you uss ki.j ui ImilaUnn. ln.UtoiihiivlriciMUPrf noneother it Lr ins ii,. I (rut Ii. will , run It bv mall upon ri crlpl or in l. r. Pioiililet InnLiiled , iic. U.itH free. Adure.- M ' I--.....IK.-.... III., r... .-...,.. SOLD by Matibrwi Bios.. Wholesale and Retail piusm-di. SCKANTON, PA., and otbvt Lead itlK Ut insists. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VRLA GBEAH Removes Frecklei, Pimples Liver IMolen Bltosheids, Sunburn aud Ten, aud m mores xno ssiu 10 lis ortjj, r.al freshness, produclhR t citar nun ueuiihv com nlcxlon. Superior to all preparations and perfectly harmless. At all nniBgliita.ormalled for SOcfs, Send for Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AP It dimply IncomiMistils u Ikla purltylng bump, aaiqvalrS rr tie tolas, rj4 ullbout s ii.-! fur U14 silrsory. AbKlutely jsir,i an dtUuttdly aMll t"" i. AJruli, Prioe ib Cents. G. C. BITTNER os CO., Toi.euo, O. For taloby Matthews Bros . Morgan llros.ai.d Morgan ? Co. THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL. A Trip Through lire Colom bian Exposition. 72 leaves, printed on one sitle only. Showing; all tlio places of interest on main grounds and Midway Pl&iMUMM, Size, fixT. Embosstd paper cover or full cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes c mbossa i cover. Twj Coupons and 40 CENTS takes o'oth cover. Add 4 cents for postage If ordered by mail. The Scranton Tribune. Connolly & Wallace Great Domestic Cotton Sale for a Few Days Only Prices Lower than ever before reached in the history of the business. In placing our order for Cottons we have taken every advantage the markets afford. The result is wo nave tne largest and best bought stock in the city. A Few Price Hints on 36-inch Muslins. BLEACHED. UNBLEACHED. HILL o CENTS I ATLAVTIO P 5 CENTS LoNSDALK 1 CENTS ATLANTIC A ...'.OX CKNTS FRUIT OF LOOM TH CENTS j AitQYLE ,, ...... "Ity CENTS PRIDE OF WhST 11 OENTSblICK HOCK ......5J CENTS Rome houses advertise Hill and Fruit Muslins under the regular price and deceive the public by soil lag them a . -8 width It is not honest competition. We keep nothing but the yard-wide goods in stock. Sbeetlpg and Pillow Case widths from lO i.ich up to 2 1-2 yards wide. All 'the best makes, inciud lug Mica, A amsuita, Atlantic and Lockwood. iu Bleached and Brown. Prices here same as the narrow goods have fallen down to the lowest notch. We have inaugurated this Special Rale at this time, when people generally replenish their Cotton sup plus. Housekeepers should bear this fact in mind and improve the opportunity. Rah; lasts One Week. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Russian Lynx Circular Cape, iuches, $La Electric Heal Circular Cajjos, XI In 8.98 Astrakhan Circular Capes, il la 11.98 Wool s. fti Circular Cap, il In H.0J Stono Marten Circular Capes, In 40.(Ki Brown Marten Circular capes, it in 45.0U Otter Circular Capes, il in 60.01) Seal Sacques Seal Sacques, 1)8 Inches long $110.00 Seal Jackets, id inches 100.00 Seal Jackets, il inches long tSO.OO Astrakhan .Jackets, :il iuchei loui aS.OU Circular Capes Soal Circular Capo, JO Inches long, w.th liutterlly Cajw S6SO0 Otter Circular Cape, Jj inches long.wlth Butterfly Cape 105.0(1 Sable Circular Cape, JOL.chea long ri (X Astrakhan Circular Cape, 30 inches long ii 00 Eloctrlo Seal Circular Cane, JU In. long. . N Ui Oray Crlminer Circular Cape. 30 In. long 3u UO 40 dozen American S.-al Muffs at....l each 1 lot . f children's sets at SSc. each ! lot of bleigh Robes, plush lliud 5J each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TONIGHT. Fourth Season of the Merry Comedy, DR. BILL I'romtho Garden Theater, New York, where It was veiy successfully pioduced for a long run. a competent company win present it here. ALL LAUGHTER, MKIOHT AND W ITTV DlALOOl'K HANDs'OME t.'OSTUMBS. COMPLKTK STAOE.KJIBELI.ISHMEVJ'S lieunflt Hi ranton Branch o.' the Commercial Travelers' Association. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAN. ar,. The Sweet-Singing Oeriuan Comedian, CHAS. T. ELLIS, In Uls New Version of HI Plcturesquo Comedy. Count Casper. HEAR ELLIS' NEW SONUS. ! FY 1 "A BUTTONHOLE BOUQUET" 1 BEQUEST 1 and "SANTA CLAL'S." Hale of feats opens Tuesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FBI DAT, JAN. .'u. FIRST TIME IN' SCRANTON. HOYT'S jA Temperance Tor: COMPLETE PRODUCTION. Direct from Hoy: 's Madison Squar Theater, -New Ycrk. Presented by Mr. George, Kiclurda aud original compauy. PRICES-First ten rows firs, floor, L Ba! auce 01 nouao at regular 1 : . Heat on sale Wednesday, Jan. il. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH ANO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal u sol ettclusi .ely, insurmg 1 -leanlint-ss and couifoi t. TIML XAULt IN intOV ii M .1, 1SD4. Trains leave Hcranton tor Pittstou. Wilkes. Barre, etc., ate.lw. s.ii. 11.30 a. m., r.'ao. 2.00. Mp.i.00, T.HL 11. uo p. 10 Saaoay,0.O0 a.m. 1 00, 1.00, r.iop. ui lor Ailautl. ( it y. 9 10 a. U. For New York, Newark and Ellisbsth. 8.19 (express) n. m., UL30 osprest with Baffv. parlor car 3 HO (express t p. m. Sunday, 2.00 p. in. Fob MAi'rn Cbqmk, ALLkatows,BiniLa HtM. EABrci and -. . .. ,, t lo a. in.. U.ao, S.iio. 6.U0 (except Philadeipnlai p. in. Hunday. i Oo v m. For Lom; BlUMCB. Oi;lan QttOVS, etc., at SklOa. n . Ii.80 p ia. For Heading. Lebanon and Ilnrrlsburg. via AUeatown, 8.10 a. iu.. lEtv, 5 oo. n.m. Bundar. iI.Wp.IB. For PottsTille, 8.10 a. m . Ii 30 p. m. Heturning. leave New York, foot of Liberty street. North river, nt s.4." ;exprssi a. in , 1 10, 1.30. 4.30 (express with Biiltei parlor carl p. ui. Sunday. 4.80 a. in Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, 8.40 a. m , i.00 and 4 3J p. ra. Sunday. 0.27 a. m. Through tickets to all iK-ints at lowejt rates may be had on application iu advance to tb ticket agent at Iba staticn. H f BALDWIN, . ti rr . Oeu. Pais Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Oen. supt. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. -4 MgJB. N. H. HHOOKS, Supt. snd Lecturer. HARRY THORN E. SUge Manager. Wee oommnclng Monday. jam arv M DUBLIN DAN COMEDY CO. In conjunction with Howorth's Hibernica (Scenery of Ireland. i Monday, Tuesday, lednesday, LAKKY AND TEDDY. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, THH TWO DAN'S. i;li;(;, r imMAS. FIRST-CLASS BPECIALTIRS. M AiiMI K l .M PAINTINGS, IOo. to back of balcony: 'JOc. to front of balcony and rear panjuetiu: JOr.opera chaira PerformaflOB at 2.3J and 1,11 p.m. Doors open at 1 3d and " ,.CVIlt 9 - DON'T FORGET That wo aro hendqnartcrs for everything in the line of WA'K. HKS. Il yon have any idea of purchasing auv Wind of a Watch, ladv or gout's. Uold or Silver, you will make a griev ous mistake It you do not give us a Ball and get our prices, which you will llnd far below nil others, especially i:i all the high grades of Klgiu, W nit hum and Hampden luoveineuts. If you have any donbt and are at all posted on prices gi e OS a call and we will liavo no trouom menuvlui'liig you. Westlll haven largo EDEN MUSEE Work Com-nencing Jan. 22. . 01 RIO MALI.. The Aburizinal lleautr. GNA The Man Woman. T EH103 valley railroad Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. A BjB K at 8 a.iu . 1110, -'.38 and ) 135 p. m via D , L A- W. R. R, so il. 0a. m., and 1.3U, 3 50p in. Leave Scranton for Pittston and WilkSB ?i'r?.via - L W. R. R., 8 08. 11 iu a . Lit), 8.60, ti.uT. o.:i.H p. pj. Leave (Scranton for Whlto Haven Hailet..:i Pottsvillu and all points on the Beavsr Meadow and Pot tsville blanches, via D AH. R. H. nt 8 a.m.. ii !u. i:i8. 4.18 p.m . via D , L A W. R. R .8 0S. 12 III a.m.. Lfi 3..10p.m Ltavo Scranton for Bethlehem Eatou. Reading, Harristurg and all tatermsdiate points via D. ft H. R R.. 8 a.m., 12.10, 2.8, IMS p.m.. via D . L ft W. R. R..U3. 1130 a. m I JO 8.90 p.m. I Leave Scranton furTunkhannuuk. Towanda, Elniira. Ithaca. Oeneva and all intermediate, points via I). H R. R.. MS and 11.33 p. in., via D. L. A- V. R. R.. V ') a in.. 1.30 p. m leave Scrantou for lt.)cheswr. Buflalo. Ni agara Falls. Detrnlt. Chicugo and all points west vial) A H. B. R. I 2.S 1M1 8') p. m . via D. L. ft W. R. R. and Pittston Junction .!.' a. in. for Buffalo only ), MO l.JS p. m , via E. ft W. R. K.. 4.16 p.m. For Elmira and tho west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R. ate 15 p. m., via D . L. ft W. R. R. . 8. O.jh a. ni and U.uT p. m. Pullman parlor ..nd sleeping or L. V. chiir oars on all trains between L. ft B Juticrioti or ilkes-Barre and New Y'ork. Philadelphia. Buffalo and Suspeiuoun Bridge. ROLLIN H WlLBI'R. Oen. Supt. East Div CHAR. S. LKE. Oen. Pass. Ag t. Phila .Pa. A. W NONNF.MACHER.Ass't Oon Pass Ag t. South Bethlehem, Pa. IIPI.AVVIDC AVn UITI. 6 L SON RAILROAD i ommencing ,uay .v, isil-. trains will run as follows Trains leave Bridge 8trs Station, Scranton. for Pltts- m riEm . ' ,rl- " iines-oari c. eic, ft o1, Af A 149 ' ";- W, W.4S a. n... 12.10, f M I.2,, 8.38, 4.18, 6.15, 8.1.1. 9M ftr " 11.85 p. m, At' For New York and Phila ' delphia. 8.00 a. m , 1210, MS, 888, 116 and il "Op. m. For Houesdalei.trom Delaware. Lnekawanna and western depot', TOO, 8,30, 10.10 a.m. 12.00 m.. 2. IT. V10 p. m. For ('nrbondftle and intermediate stations, 5.4(1, 7 00. 8.30, 10.10 a. m . 12.00 iu.,2 17, S.85,5 Y t "0 and It 35 p. m. : from Bridge Mtreet Depot, 2.ii3 a. in., 2. Land 11 fp. m. Fsst express to Albany, Saratoga, the Ad. roadnck Mountains. Boston and New England point. 6.40 a. m., arriving at Albany 124.V Saratoga 2.20 p. ui , nnd leaving Scranton ut 3 n. m, arriving at Albany at '5" p. in. .Sara toga, 12.55 a. m . and B.tou, 1.00 a. m. The only dlreitt route bet ween tho eoa! tioLis ap.it Boston. "The Loading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adimndaok Mountain re sorts, Lakes Ueorge aud Chauiplalu, Mon'.reaL etc. Ttsae t.iWcs sh.iwinir local and through tra'.u .service DftweeB stations on all divisions Dela ware aud Hudson sstem, may be obtained a. all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. (- yOCNli, J. W. Bl'RDICK, Second viae President. Oen. Puss. Agt. sttK'k to dlspo o of, and will offer derlul ludu'-euinuts iu Jeweliv, t .ocks and all other goods which wo liavo in von won Silverware, stock. C. W. Freeman Penn Ave. and Spruce Mt. HOLLY WREATHS. BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reasonable. Space will not permit in to mention the good things for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a first-class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer, and Dealers k Burning, All QanJ lubricating U LO m Also Stalling and Joaroal Greasa. OmCKt-721 West Lackawanna Ave. WuKKS: Meridian Street NElTJlTheWo.il s Smallest Lady THE PLATYJPDS The Antipodean Puradox. THRATRIL MULDOON'S PICNIC Admission, 10c. j rtELAWARE, LACKAWANNA j nissiann KAn nuau AN; (JONCERT n - I Mr. Tbeo. Heiubsrger, Violinist, Lnte Pupil of JOAC'JIM, Berlin, Asslated by MISS EMMA CONRAD, JANUARY 20. Programme will bo published later. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. COTM HoL'SE Sgi'AKU. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best. iri nnn prison w"ww".MaaloReTi-l I Qdy. ni'lr' lu.l.nty, BtcKt'I u) I -f 1-1 .... 1 I Mmsi proohond Hw t,... hBB. itl-jilntw from I lir.froiD'.l. eurM.fr. y Mil M.- ii Hot Spnn.. I n a.rturyf.ii, Our Miiglo Remedy lhl lour, naanui .i... o'-U". m. Train leave Beranton as follow.-1: Exrres-i for New Y ol k and nil points East, 1 SO, 1.60, j 15, 8,00 ami '.'.,VJ u. in. ; 12 63 and $.60 ti, ill. Express lor Kasioii, Trenton, Phliadelphia and the South, 5 15, .00 and 0.90 a. m ; 121 51 and 1,60 p. iu. waanlugton and way stations, 2.40 p. in. Tobybaniia aecoiuuiodatloi:, 0 10 p. ni. Expr ss for Binghaiiiton, Oswego, Elniira, Corning, Bath. 1 Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. in. and 1 24 p. m., uitikiug close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West. Northwest and Southwest. Bnflalo aooonuwMatloa. 0.06 a. n Bingliamt OB and way stations. 12.37 p. Ill NlOoOUOn sad war stations. 0 15 p. in. Binghaiiiton and F.lmira Fxpieas, (ju5 p, 1 1 Express lor Cortland, Syracnsi'. Oswego, I ties and Rlchfleld Spiings. 2.15 a. m. aud 1.2. p. m. thlca. 2 15 and lliX) a. in. and 1 :'t p. in. For Northumberland. Plttst on, Vt'iikea-Bnri ,). Plymonth. BlOOBUMrg and Danville, making .lose OOBSei lions at Noithum'oerlaud for WlUlatMporl, Harrlsbargi Baltlmare, Wash iugtoli and the South. NortlnunlierUnd and intermediate stations. uoo. v.50a in. and I HI and Oh', p. in. Nanticoke and tuteiineitiate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. iu PlviuoUth and intermediate stations, M0 and 6,68 p, in. Pnllmaii pailor and llnplng ooache on all oxreas iraiha. l or detailed information, pookattlm tables, etc . apply to M. L Sinith. city ticket ottlc.i. 32s Laxcaawanaaaveane, or depot ticket office. 'F.W YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN 1 Railroad. Scranton Division. Time tablo in effect Nov IK. I8H3. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale: L6& 8.30. 1 L06 a. ui., 4.,".0. tiO p m. For Hancock Junction and main conuertious II 05 a in . 0 10 p. m. Trains leave liancock Junction for main line connection tor Scranton, 0 03 a in , 2.W ic m Trains leave Carlmndalo for Scranton 7 21, y 45 a. in.. 1,10, 5 34, 8,16 p iu. J. 0. ANDERSON. BMOraJ Pa'senger Agent, New York. T. FI.1TCROFT, District Passenger Agent, Scranton. 1 ,'' " . I H 11" AND WYOMING VALLEY BAIL' Ii ROAD Train loavo Scranton for New York and in termediate points on the Erie and Mawlev and local iHiiuts at 035. K45 a. m nnd 824 p. BL Train leaving at 045 a. ui. and 8 24 p. in. are through trains to ami from lloueedalo. Trains Uayu fur W'lkes Barreat 9 10 a. in aud 3 II p. m.