THE SCRA-NTON TUTB TINTS MONDAY MOTlNTTTGh JANUARY 22. 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C. B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THE NEXT WEEK OR TEN DAYS Will be Important to buyers of Dry (ioods and exceedingly profit able, especially to purchasers of Dress (ioods. We have just fin ished our annual inventory, and previous to opening our-newspring stock, have several lines that must be disposed of. layers will find tempting in ducements and rare opportunities. In Silks and Dress Goods. In Ladies' and Misses' Jack ets, In Printed Cottons, In Housek'pi'g Linen Goods In Hosiery and Underwear In Dress Trimmings, In Lace Curtains. We note below a few of the re luctions in DRESS GOODS K"ic. All Wool Dross Uooils Reduced to 48a 76a All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to :;:jc. 65c All-wool Dress Good Reduced to :rc. 50c. All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to 96c. BARGAINS IN CLOAKS. We oiler all odd Jackets and Hewmarkets and all the accumu lation in t'loak Department at less than one-half, and many instances at less than one-quarter of the cost, TO CLOSE AT ONCE, that we may have no old styles to carry over, and that our entire spring stock may be new and bright. RECtPTION AT cPISCOPAL CHURCH. A Host of Friends Attend the Farewsll Reception Thar. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HONiiSUAi.K. Jan. 21. Under the skillful band of tho ladies, the Episco pul rectory wan Friday evening con verted into ,. beantlCal floral paradis Palms, ferns and laurel were used in banking one side of each of the two parlors. The reception was in charge of Mrs. E. O. Hamlin. Mr and Mrs. R. W. Ham and Mr. and Mrs H. T. Mentier, assisted Rev. and Mrs. George C. Hall ia receiving. Refreshments were served in the dining room by the young ladies of the church. During the evening music was fur nished by Miss Ella Doherty. Mrs. H. Z. Uuisell and Mis Louise Heft, vocal solos; Miss Louise ILirdenbergh, piano olo; Mrs. H. T. Dnlmetch unci Ed. Reed, piano and flute duet All re sponded to hearty encores. The guests present from out of town were Rev. and Mrs. V. H. Ballentown, Green Ridge; Rev. and Mrs. M. EL Mill, Hyde Park; Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Bal ley, Oarbondale; Mrs. H. G. Reefer, Mrs. G J. Gillisoie, North End, torau ton. Mr. Hall was presented with a gold headed eane by his Honeodale friends and a cane from R. W. Gloessen, made by himself. Mrs. Hall was pre sented with a gold watch, set with dia monds, by her friends. About 400 persons attended this fare well reception given by Rey. Mr. nnd Mrs.Hall.and the large number of r sons present outside of their parish showed the high manner in which they are esteemed by the community at largo. DEATH OF MRS. MILLER. Lady Widely Esteemed for Her Charita ble Work Passes Away. Special to the Soranton TW&vtu, fcTKouDsBi.'mi. Pa., Jan. 21 Mrs. Rouben Miller died at her residence Saturday ovening after an illness of only a few days. She was much thought of in the community for her charitable works, doing much good during her time Binong the poor of the town. She always took a great iuterest in the eol. ored peoplo an I was an active and in fluential member of the Friends' soci ety of this place. A large circle of friends monrn her los. She leaves a husband aud three children. A Million Friends A friend in need Ib a frioud indeed, and not less than DOC million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consumption, Coughs nuil Colds, If von have never used this Ureat Ooagh Medirine, one trial will convince you (bat it Iihs wonderful curative powers In all diseases of Throat, Chest and Luuirs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is olamied or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Mathews Bros', drug Store. arue bottlos floe, and IL 00. THE NEWS OF 1 TOWNS REARS fOnfof toxm rorrespmilants of Tits Trib- cn k should sU'ii VMr names in feU to sash news luttur, not for publication uut toKiiitrd Sk'uiust deception.) HVELV DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. for Ralph E. Randall is Nominated Burg-ess of Forest City. fjiesjnl to the ycranton Tribune, Fohkst C'rrv, Jan. 21. A caucus was held by the Demooratto voters of this place iu Cunningham's hall last night. The meeting was called to order by U C. Dunmore, chairman pro tern. Jam -s W, White was unanimously elected permanent chairman, and James J. Walker and Thomas McCorinic wen elected as secretaries. It'ilpb E. Rindall and Johu McDonald were nominated for the ofllce of burgess Mr. McDonald declined. Mr Randall was then by a unanimous vote nomi nated for burgess. Those nominated for school director were Joe T. H.iynes, James J. Walker, James Whits and George Westgate The obalrmin appointed H. K. Vaughn and Jon ii McDonald tellers. Walker and White receiving the lirgest num ber of votes cast were declared nomi nated for school directors for three years, Haynes receiving nest highest was declared nominated for the term of one year. Auditors were nominated as fellows: Dr. Dwyer. James McAndrow, John Conmy. Dr. Dwyer declined. The term was for a period of one year and three years. Mr. McAndrew accepted the short term and the nomination was made unanimous. For poor directors W. Park and M. G. Grenuell were named. (Irennoll accepted the short-r term. El C Dimmer, the present tax collector, was unanimously re-nominated for a term of three years. For justice of the peace for a term of rive years, the following wero nominated: M. J. Collins, present justice of the peace, and H. K. Vaughn. H. K. Vaughn in a brief speeeh, nominated Woodbury (,'oele. Johu Cotter wa9 nominated and declined. The nomina tion of Mr. Doyle was made unani mous. A committee of three was ap pointed by the chairman, consisting of F. Hood. J. McDonald and George Wrestgate to fill vacancies which may occur between now and election. At the caucus held in the First ward belore the general caucus, Fred Well brook and John McDonald were nomi nated for three years for connrilmen. In the Second ward caucus before the general caucus, P. Gillespie, judge of election; Pat Roach, inspector; and M. J. Fallon, assistant assessor, wei'o nominated, The preliminary caucus was held iD J. Cunningham's hall fur ths First ward, after which both wards met In F. Cunningham's hall at S.lji) p. m. for joint session. Before closiiu.ii motion was made and carried to support the officers nominated, in the coming elec tion. Everything went smoothly and the caucus adjourned at 8.80 p. m. MONTROSE DOINGS IN BRIEF. Homk Rrhaakabi.b Oonsol doafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil Never fails to cure earache. Short. Sharp and Decisive Pencllings of the La'est News. Fpeeial to the Scranton Tribune. HOMTBOBB, Pa., Jan. 21. Presiding Elder Harroun preached in the Meth odist Episcopal chnrcli today. Judge George S. Pnrdy, of Wayne county, presided at court here last week. He had some important cases and gave satisfaction to the members of the Susquihanna County bar. The following well known Scranton people were registered at the T.irbell House last week: Everett Warren, R. H. Patterson, E. G. Harris, William Pohl, J. W. Bunnell. Jones' lake is the busiest pines in the county. Every day and evening the ice is covered with skaters. Special meetiugs will be held in the Baptist church this wek. Interest in the meetings is increasing and good work is being done. Just 215 votes w?re cast at the R-) publican CRU0UI oa Friday evening Inst. The tight wh for tax collector. H. Bbanklin came out the winner by 100 majority. Miss net Blessing, a graduate of the Montrose high school, is now assisting there as a teacher. Rev. Jacob Best, of Brooklyn, Pa., wsa in Montrose the latter part of last week. Rev. O. F. Flippo, of Philadelphia, who recently spent several days in Montrose, made snms complimentary remarks in regard to Montrose, for all of which the citiz ms rsturn thanks Montrose Fire company No. 2 gave an exhibition run on Sitnrday evening, using the fire hydrants for the first time. Professor James Little's daughter, Vida, is recovering from her recent illness. Dyspepsia and Inrliestton In their worst forms ar cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonic to regain IKsh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take I'. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy, lor shattered constitutions and lust manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier iu the world. For sale by all druggists. ARTISTIC HAN3 PAINTED POSTER. Peg- Wofflng-ton and a Bex of Monklos nt Opra House. Special to the Sci'antou Tribune, I1oni;slaI,E, Jan. 21 Tne large hand piinted poster displayed iu a window of the new Rief-Spettigue block Is the work of T. J. Ham, and line been the cause of the heaping of many words of praise upon that gen tleman's bead for the fine and artistio manner in which it is gotten up. li-sides being a work of art, this poster states that Friday evening, Jan. 20, local talent will present in the Opera house "Peg Wollington" and "A Box of Monkies." Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Halt Rheum, Kovar Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 1!5 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. ALFRED CHANDELER'S TOURS. Unique Pursuit of a Qviear Character Who Colbote OaUndtrs. fljiecial to the Srrantm Tribune. Fouebt City. Ph., Jan. 21. -That nnique personage whose presence has been seen at different plaees lately an 1 noted in Tim Tkiwine's Pittstou de partment last Friday as being seen at PittBtou gathering almanacs and cal endars, lives at a place about sixteen miles from here on Kennedy hill with Cibson as its post office. For nearly 300 yards before you reach his homo, the observer will no tice a narrow path about two feet from Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE uev the left hand side of the road. This path ho has inado thsre by constant travel and ho calls it his "tow pith." When w alking away from home on his annual trips he always walks in the middle of the road. He always wears his Biispenders crossed in front, and car lies with him a number of rolling pins which he talks to when louesomo. In his house he has a large collection of old almanacs, calendars, coins, etc. Every yeur he takes a trip, walking every step, to Philadelphia, New York and other cities; never taking anv money with him for such a trip. His proper name is Alfred Chandeler and he lives with an . I mother. FOREST CITY FLASHES. Interesting Budget of Personal Com ment and Other Intelligence. Sliecia to the Scranton Tribune, FOBEST OlTY, Pa , Jan. 21. .The Pres byterian fair was reopened during last week. Thursday evening the Forest City band attended and rendered some choice music Mrs. William X Rese won a handsome lamp by chance. The door prize, a toilet set, wsa won by Mrs. Hannstein. Mrs. Ed Morgan, of Clifford, was present during the even in g, Siinnel J. Jennings was visting friends in Scranton Siturdiy. The Hillside Coal and Iron company will resume work at their collieries la this place Monday, after having been idle since Monday, working only two and one-half days this woak. Mrs Benjamin Maxej has been quit' ill at her homo on Main street for the psst few days. Miss Celia Clark, of Pleasant Mount, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. It. Flem ing. H. G. Likely, of Carbondale. was visiting friends in the borough Friday evening. "The Two Old Cronies," which was given at the opera house Friday even ing, pleased a largo audience. The Specialty work was very good, espc lally that of the Crawford brothers Frank Wills in the role of the Academy Professor with his Dutch dialect, did not fail to amuse all. The songs and dances were all new, and as a farce comedy it is one of the best. Brt Howard spent the day with his sister, Mrs. Will Conrad, in Scranton. Howard Johhs and 0 S Alexander, of this place, joined a merry party ol Carbondale skaters Friday evening and enjoyed skating on the "hard water" of Lewis lake at Uniondale, Among the Forest Citians who were in Carbondale Saturday wero noticed the following: Mrs. II. A. Purple, Mrs. H. F. Aldrich. Mrs. L. H May, Miss Bits Fuller, Miss Jennie Alarm, Mrs. Pollard, James Waters and Pro lessor J. L. Morgan. Joseph Warm, one of the unfortun ates who was Injured at the Forest City breaker Wo lnesday of last week, died Tuesday evening. Interment was in St Rose cemetery. Carbond ile. He is survived by a wife and eight chil dren. Dennis Sweeney was a Scranton vis itor. Friday. Rey. C. A. Benjamin, of Hones 1 iK president of the Etoaeidals District E;i worth league, will 1 1 lre'9 tue Metho dist Episcopal Bpworth letgue of this place, Tuesday evening. Tu lecture is free and will lie a good one, Mr Benjamin having the reputation of Ow ing an eloquent speaker. N. J. Maxey was renewing acquiint ancee in Scranton. Saturday. CARBONDALE CRISPLY TREATED. Succinet Story of Two Days Condensed Into Short Notes. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Pa., Jan. 91. Thrs hangs iu the barber shop of .-j. in4e & QpOgao on Church street a pair of c skates which are tho property of Mr. Spanle, who save the skates are thirty years old. They are of a very ancient style and for that reason tinny com ments are made upon them by the pa trons of the shop. Monday evening the Fiek Jubilee singers will appear at the Academy of Music under the auspices of the Con gregational church, and will render one of their pleasing entertainments. Benjamin F. Maxie, of Forest City, in le a brief call on friends in this city on Saturday. Mr. Maxie is THB Tribune's alert correspondent at the city In the forest. Miss Flora Allen, of Forest City, was M'ss Lottie Giles' guest on Satur lay. Mrs Jane Phillips is visiting friends In West Pittston. Miss Ella Long, of Honesdale, is the guest of Miss L 'lia Bolton. Mrs A. F. Law, of Scranton, called on Carbondale friends on .Saturday. MINOR MOSCOW MENTION. Short Paragraphs Chronicling the Move ments of Prominent Persons Siictiul to the Scranton Tribune. MOSCOW, Pa., Jan 21 Mrs. A. Havenstrite, of Carbondale, is visit ing friends in this place. Mr. Stratton died Friday afternoon of erysip'las. Be leaves a widow ami large family of children, all grown. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B M War dell, Jan. 1(1, a son. A great many Moscow residents are sick with the grip. Mrs. 11 E Jliller wai In Sjranton last Thursday. Mrs William and Mrs. A. Decker were called to Spring Brook Friday to attend tho funeral of Mrs. M Scott. STROUDSBURG NEWS GRIST. Facts and Fanclea Culled and Served Freeh ae tho Dew. Special to the Scranton Tribune, BTB0UD8BUB0, Ph., Jan, 81. At a meeting of the directors of the Mon roo County Agriculture society all of the old officers were re-elected, in com pliment to their excellent showing. Ice men are now more than hnppy. The Central house of this place, now conducted by Mrs. J. S. McNenl, has been rented to James Newton Place, the landlord who formerly kpt the Cauudeusio house, this county. WlM Pnliy was slek, we pive her Castorla, Wbensbe was a Child, she cried for OaetcriSa When elie liei-amc Mine, eho ohing tot 'aslorla. w I., 'i slut had Chlldruii, hhe j; "Hi. m Castorla, ARCHBALD AND ITS AFFAIRS. and Jones, called Brief Budget of Readable Newa Pereenel Information. Special to the Scranton Tribune. cYBCRBALD, Pa., Jan. 21 F. J. White returned last Friday from a pleasant visit with friends in Scranton. Saturday the employes of Simpson & Co., were paid. John Gilgsllon, of Scranton, on friends In town last Friday, The donation party tendered to Rev. Mr. Rudolph last Thnrsdav night was largely attended. The tables were covered with goo I things, and the la dies of the congregation were kept busy attending to the wants of the hungry, Tho Star band rendered sev eral selections during the course of the evening, and the music was much enjoyed. The funeral of the late Mrs. Fox tdok place Satur lay morning. A high m is of requiem was celebrated a: St. Thomas' church at 9 a. m. by Rev. T. J. Comerfoid. The remains were in terred in tho Catholic cemetery. Mrs Burke, Whose death was an nounced iu Thursday's TltlliUNK, was also buried on Saturday morning at 10.80. A high mass of requiem was celebrated at St. Thomas' church, and at its close the rem tins were taken to the Catholic cemetery fur iuterment, "The Confederate Spy" will be the attraction at the opera house next Wednesday evening. It, will be pro duced by the Ulyphaut Dramatic club under the auspices of the East Side hand. Miss Nellie Curran, of Scranton, is visiting friends in town. Mies Trssie Cusick, of Scranton, is visittng Miss M A. Burki. J. R Melvin, of Scraut on, passed Sunday at his former houii. VARIOUS JERMYN JOTTINGS. The Usual Chronicle cf a Live Borough Presented In Brif. SptCtai to the Scranton Tribune. JettMYN, PA., Jan. 21. J. F. Boyle, lineman of the Postal Telegraph com pany, is erecting a fire ulariu system for our borough. Charles F. Baker transacted business in Wilkes Bane Saturday. Miss Adlie Coleman, of Bosman, Mont., is visiting at Mrs Calviu Vail's CarrA: B II begun nperaitous in their new breaker Friday. At a caucus of the Democratic voters in White's hotel Sttur lay evening, of ficers were nominated for the third ward Michael Roberts and W. B Swick are candidates for justice of the peace subject to the Republican caucus Mon day evening. Miss Dana Rymer visited friends in Olyphant Sainrday. The old Catholic church is being put In shape for night school purposes, Electric lights havo been put in, and other changes arn lining made Misses Mullen and Gilligan will be the teach ers for the present. Mrs. Alfred Mattows arrived hom Thursday after a five months' visit with frien Is in England There will b a caucus of the Repub lican vot:rs of the First ward in the basement of 0. D. Winter & Co.'s store Monday evening. The Bed Men's fair has been a suc cess from the beginning, Will Tennis, of this burg, won the regalia presented to the lo ige by Grand Chief of Records Dmiielly. of Philadelphia. Revival services are being held in Methodist Episcopal and First Baptist churches with gojd results. The miners of the E Igerton colliery were paid Sa'urday. BTATBO by H. B Codiran.druggist, Lan caster, Pa. Have guaranteed uvor 8110 bottleH ot Uurduck Blood Bitters for dys plasia, sour stomach, bilious attacks, liver and kidney trouble. OJicer Bugene Christina Of Philadelphia. An Officer's Battle Ho Might Have Lost But for Assistance How It Wait Ol vrn . tt ml the Inevitable Beeutt An officer connected wilh the Tncony Station house, Philadelphia, has had a re vere battle wilh a monster, or a demon, lie hardly knows which to call it. Wo will let him tell the story in his own words: " I Want to Say a Word about what Hood's Rursaparllla did for me. I was troubled the .vay with dyspepsia. Why. I could not ml anything at breakfast Without distress, anil when 1 (II J manage to eat a little it Would all BOOM up again. I tried almost everything I heard of to find relief, but still I suffered. At hist I was told Jnei hew fell and what Hood's Sarsaparilla would do for me by an advertise ment in a paper. 1 de rided to try Hie mealcine, and realized all ike hrurili promieed II was what llood's Sarsa purillu actually did for me that Convlncod mo of Its Merit I cannot praM it enough. I ran eat heartily new, although two months ago 1 did not know what it was to keep anything on my stomach. Hood's Cures Besides hidnr; cured of dyspepsia, I have been relieved of severe pains in the kidneys. I am willing this should be used to tell otMri how to be cured of dyspepsia." OmcKn Kuoenr CnuisTiNR Tacony Station House, Tacony, riitladclplila. HooD'6 Pills ear Raqsta, 8iu Headache, liiiiiti,ii.ii, liaivameu. butd by all drutuUU. Dr. K. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And hta so.tud i.tnir of Baalish and Ger man 1 liysiclaiia.aro now permanently located Temple Court Building .11 1 SPRUCE ST.. - SCRANTON Where ihoy may bo consulted Daily and . SUNDAY. The Doctor In u graduate 0t tho Unlvoraity er Pennsylvania, formoily demonstrator of pliyHioJngv and Furgiiry at the lledico-t'hir-iirgicsl College, of Philadelphia. He la also an honorary n ember of the Medieo-Chirur-gical Association, and was physician Hnd nrgeon-tti-eblef ot the most noted American and Qerman hospital comes highly Indorsed M the leading eroeeaore of Philadelphia and New York. His many yearn of hosnltal experlenoe ou i'M" this eminent pbyaician aud surguon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and dine.. with the most flattering success, and his In h standing in the state will uut all w him to soeept any Incurable ease. LOST MANHOOli HKTtKKD. WEAKNKS8 OF YOU SO HEN CUilED. II ynu nave neon given up oy your physi cian cull iijion the doctor and lie examined, lie cures the worst casusof Nervous Debility, Hrrofiila. Old Sores, i atarrh. Piles. Female Weakness. Affections of tbo Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of overy desoription. Con rultailon iu English and Herman Kree. which shall be considered sacred and striotly confi dential. i nice Houini o A. M. to S P, M. Dally. Sunday, !) a.m. to 2 p.m. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Dec ID, 1803, called for by the Coin ptroller nf the Cnrreuvy. BESOI R( 1 g, l oans 1,2U4,4T:: 40 Overdrafts ;io :.t I idled Males Bonds 200,000.00 Other Homls 44K. 137. 7.", Banking House 'a. 074.40 Premiums nn V. s. Bonds,... 17,443.75 Hue from II. v Treasurer 10.000 no Dun from Hunks 391. 1 :tO.OI) lush 173.0U0.U8 2,403,008.00 LIABILITIES, fiipiini sann.ooono Surplus 340.00000 Undivided Profits 50,088 'ill i ' i renin lion 1 0'-'.OOn.OO Hit blends Unpaid 1,883 SO Deposits.- 1.788,086.80 Due to Haulm 68,684.01 3,-103,008.66 WILLIAM rONNIM T President. GEO. H. CATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM H PUCK, Cushion DIBECTOB8, William Council, George II. Catlin, Allied Hand, Henry Beltn, jr., Arehbald, William T. Smith, Luther Heller. This bunk offers to depositors every facility warranted by their balances, busi ness ami responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits, THB TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED ISM CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, PAMIT.I. HINES.rPresidonl. w.w. watson. Vice President A. li. WILLIAMS, Cashier. MllKl'TOIIS. KAMrat. BnraSi .IAMF.S II' F.vmilAnT, IllVINO A. Fl.NOn, 1'lKlllT. H. FlNl.KV, Joseph J. .Ikhmvn, M.S. Kemkhkic, Chak, 1. Maixuews. John T. Pouteii. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLR6ET1C, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL ThiB Imnk Invites thu patronage of busiuess men ami inn Keiirrully. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. , HUNT & CORNELL CO. 1)1 mil IBOB CO., inr'p.i'apUal, $1,000,000. 11DST Sll.ol) SHOE IN THB WORLD. "A dollar nared Ua dollar earned." ThlsLadlee'eVelld French Oongohi KidBut ton Hoot dullvorcd frro anywhere in tlio U.S., on receipt of t.'inh, Money Order, I'oslnl .010 lor fi.uu. mils every Way the boots d in nil mail stores for 60. We muke Mils boot selves, therefore we quar ter Ihe itiile and icrar. I if liny one is not siiilstleil 1 will refund the mens ill. Opera 00 Sens,', K, St KK, 1 nnd half 1 1 our tier; ' lit you. Iliuslrittcd Catalogue FREE FEDERAL ST., IIOS'l'ON. MASS. Special IffSW to lHalen, tidsiiolhc 143 HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they Lave never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity aud want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON KNliMSH COUBggl. iu'.nim:ss course. SHORTHAND COUR p g . NEW YEAR. OPENS JANUARY 1. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. REMNANT SALE CARPETS W1! have culled from our stock a large line of patterns that will not " be made again iu WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, VEL VETS, BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRIrS AND INGRAINS, wliich we have marked down to such prices as will insure a quick removal of the en- entire lot. REMNANTS Suitable for Rugs, in length from one to three yards, at HALF PRICE Odd lots of Lace Curtains, Chenille Portieres and Table Covers, Bric-a-Brac, &c, at actual cost RI1RQ Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, nUllO $2.50; reduced from $3.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER! TO THB TRADE ONLY THE RIGHARDS LUMBER 00. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, SSffiFSSdSfc Scranton, Pa. W HILK many manufacturers and dealers are making extravagant stats puinoi, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application. E.C.Ricker&Co. 123 Adams Avo. mimm TABLES These are Center Tables. Last week we interested the men with Office Chairs, which they ap preciated, as we judtre by their pur chases. This week we will try and interest the Ladies with Center Tables at One-third less than former prices. They will be displayed in our large show window with prices on each. A Table of this descrip tion can be used in numbers, as every room in the house should possess one. iney are as nanuy as a shelf or mantel, more ornamental. spaces and come and select a Table. and decidedly Look up your THIS WEEK Remnants of Carpets And Odd Pairs of Lace and Chenille Curtains at "Way Down Prices." Dexter Shoe Go,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers