THE SCTfANTON TETBUXE -MOXDAY MOIiiNTtfG, JANUARY 22, 1S94. LIVE NEWS Of 11 PITTSTONS Eveuls of the Upper End of Luzerne Couniy Briefly Narrated, PUGNACIOUS ACTORS DISAGREE Two Members of ihe King Pin Com edy Company Vary Their Bail Act Ing by Indulging; in a Realistic Pres entation ot Would-Be Tragedy Suc cessful Catting of a Monster Brass Piece at the Touliill Foundry Run Into by a Reckless Drivvr Miscel laneous News Notes of Two Pitts tons. TllK BdBAlfTOH Tin hunk' a PittltOO de partment is In char";e of J. BL Faliy, to Whom and complaints may bo referred. ' Tlio "Kine Pin" company, an orKnni lattoo of woulil-bn Return, inflicted tail town with tbeir preeence Friday night. They held forth lit the Sinclair house. Their success hr a comedy company has been anything but a bonanza they ex pected it would prove, and as a result the company was about "broke" when the curtain dropped on the last act Fri day evening in Mnsie hall. During the early part of the week one of the company who gives his name ax Uesel TitfOn, iiroug'it suit agtimt William D. Bailer and Robert (i Mor ria, the proprietors, for wages amount ing to '.'i)U. and received a bill of sale for 5Q, The trouble kept brewing until Friday nijjh t about 11 ilO o'clock. When the company returned from the hall to their quarters at the hotel, Tit son made gome insinuations concerning his pay when Robert i. Morris, a crip pb'. having lost his feet some time ago bv being frozen, and noted for bring the author of "Little Nugget and other plays, wan sitting near by and, it Is al leged, handed his cane to William D. Suffer, his partner, to strike Titson on whom he used the caue with farfm effect. Frank Morris, son of R. Q. Morns', and Harry Weibel, took a hand in the frav und assisted in hammering Tltsou. The latter immediately wt-nt before 'Sonne Lyons and swore out a warrant charging his assailants with assault and battery. Thev were ar rested later in the night by Chief Keat lug and held In 1800 bail each fur their appearance at court. Shaffer, one of the combatanti, made his escape to Nanticolce, where the company was billed to appear Situr dav night The chief went to Nanti- coke in search of bim and waited there until Saturday evening, when a dispatch was received by some of the members of the company, who were puttiug up at Hotel Broadway, to the effect that he left on the tl o'clock tiain for Philadelphia. The chief then thinking that he mignt have been on the Pennsylvania railroad train, which arrived in Nanticoka at 0. 14, the train was held and searched by the officer, but the mati sought was not on board and the cbiei returned minus bis prey. The occurrence caused a disruption of the company, and as a consequence Nanticoke people were saved the tor tures of "King Pin." HUGE BRASS CASTING. It Was Successfully Catt at Touhill'i Shop Saturday. A brass easting weighing over two tons and costing in tits neighborhood of $S0O was successfully cast at the works of J. A. Touhill on North Main street Saturday afternoon without a hitch. The work of preparing the mold consumed nearly six weeks and required much skill in itsconstrnctiou. When the hour arrived to pour the "working barrel," as it is called, a large number of spectators bad gathered at the works to witness the interesting sight. When the last drop of the hot metal was emptied into the mold and its success assured much satisfaction was expressed by Master Mechanic liaston, of the Newton Coal company, who was present. The casting is for the Newton Coal Mining company, and is to be used in conjunction with one of the pumps to eject the water from their mines. Its construction of brass was found neces sary owing to tho ravages of the sul phur water and its ROidulout prin ciples. Experience by this company has demonstrated that where a similar casting of iron twice the thicknoss lasted from a month to ten weoks at the furthest, one of brass resisted the same pressure from two to three years. The casting above referred to makes the fifth of its kind Mr. Touhill has cast succesifully fortius compiuy. Opera house, Wilkes-Barre, Saturday evening. Hiss Lacoe, of Kxeter street, will en tertain the West Side dancing class at her home next Friday evening. Airs. Westeott and Mrs. Welle, who have been the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, on tho West Side, for tho past few weeks, leave for tlnir re spective homes in Oneida and Ithaca today. Rev, Dr. Earke bus accept"d an in vitation from tho local Ministerial union to give a review of his fifty Veatl psstorste Of. the Iirst i'resby- tennu church of Pittston at the next meeting of the union on Feb. 5. Division 13. Ancient Orler of Hi bernians, of this place, will entertain their friends with a ball at Arniory hali this evening. Officer George Llewellyn found it necessary yesterday to use his delivery wagon ,to convey some fractious pris oners to the West Si lo lock up. They will be given a hearing this morning Who is the Pittston correspondent of the Wilkes-Barre Leader? is a question that is at present agitating not. a few persons in this place. He is certainly no novice, as may be learned from his writiiiL's. and would prove a valuable acquisition as a politioal editor for uny paper. The committee of arrangements ap pointed by the Caledonian club to ar range for the celebration of Robert Burns' birth lay on tho veiling of Jan. 2S, are preparing an attractive pro gramme for the occasion. The follow ing named gentlemen will deliver ad dresses: George Mitchell, A J. Col born, of Scrantnn; W. 1. Hiobs. Dr. D L, Ross, Colonel c. K. Campbell, Jemea A. Bryden andM.jor J. B Smith. The "888" club has purchased the li brary of the late Thomas Stem, which was bid in by Colon tl C K. Campbell, at executors' sale last w.-oic. The books were removed Friday from Mr. Stem's late apartments in Music hall block to tho club rooms. ENTERTAINING LECTURE COURSE. Palestine Cimmtnlery, Kdnhts Tem plar, Ottr a Varl-d Pnnrramme Siirt ial to the Scmutoii Tribune. Cauuondalk, Pa., Jan. 81 On Tues day evening, Jan. 88, will occur the first in the series of high clas lectures and entertainments which will be hel 1 during the coiniug week in Masonic ballon Salem avenue, un lerthe auspicus of Palestine coram in b ry, Knight Templar. The arrangements have been completed with the managers of the various entertainm -tits and lecturers The finest orators and musicians of the country hav been selected by the committee from the host of names sent them by the different lecture bureau and each of the eutertaiumeuts will be u decided treat. The orator named for the opening of tboao series is one who needs no Intro duction in this city. He has been hers before and on that occ ision delighted large andieuce who will ever r- inein- herliis lecture. He is Hon. Roswell G. Horr, of New York. On Feb. 0 will be held the next en tertainmeut, at which time the Temple quartet of Boston, will appear. Oil Feb. 13, Russell E Oonwell D D . L L. D , of Philadelphia, will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Acres ot Dia monds;" or ''Where toG-t Rich an I Become Great." A gentleman from this city who heard Mr. Cmwell d liver this lectnre says that it was the greatest he has ever heard M irch 0 the Lotas Glee club, of Buton, will bo the attrition. Profe.-sor Twit meyer. of Honetdalt, will olose the ConrtS on March 34 with a lecture on "The Elements of Good Citiz mship ' Single and course tickets will be sold I hey nave been placed at a price within the reach of all, and every one should nvsil hum -If of this rare opportunity and enjoy the entertain ments. res. Mint of Harvard Calls torlertain Improvement Wh Many I'nreutsNoiv Fear the l'ublie Schools. No wonder school children "creep like snail unwillingly to school" and go storming out at playtime. Five long hours in a crowded, malo dorous schoolroom severely tax the nervous systems of teachers and schol am, Proper ventilation without drafts is lifticult, unsolved problem Drowsiness, headaches ami other effects of bad air show themselves. Observe the listless, exhausted air, the pale faces of scholars about 'dos ing time. A promiuent physicians, sneaking or res. Eliot's timely criticism of our grammar schools, says: uur puunc schools are exhausting the vitality of our children." ''For children and all persons closely confined during the winter in shops, stores and schools who are weak, sickly DANGER IN THE SCHOOLS. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan, 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'HYSHIANS AMU M'KGKONS. D1 i)1:, Thousands I.Vmnartls of Div (Jowls. Clonks :uid Fur Capes during salt' Ml less I linn cos! of material. Every Inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hat, this season's styles 103. each. lioys' Winter Waists 100 each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. R. U. E. DKAN. Diseases of tho Eye. Now Threat tad M um Bnnuai utrcut. ouuo- slt court house. A. J. CON NELL, Ofmio 201 Washington avenue. corner Sum. street, nvar Francke's drUL' store Resilience 7 Vine hL Office hours: 10.HU to 12 a. m. and to4 and 'M to p. m. Sunday, 'i to 'i p. m. W. E. ALLEN. Offin nor. Lacks. J wanna and Washington hvos over Leon ard shoe store; ollico hours, 10 to U a. in. and I to 4 n. ni.: evenings ut I'f-Hlili.ncu. f12 M. Washington ave. llltCL FKEY, I'ractlm liiuitetl to UK XJ ease-i ot tlin Kvo. K:tr fflco, Wyuuiiuu avo. street. FOR A BIG CHARITY BALL. Carbondalo Hospital Fund to Be Fwolled in This Manner. 0 SneritU tit th' Scranton Tribune. OabBONDALIi Pa., Jan. 21. Tickets have heen plaow on sule for the charity hall which will bo l'Ivju on Weduos day eveninir, Murch 28, the first Wed neslay after E.ster Sunday, (or tho bi;nnfit of the Cirbondal hospital. Tho cominiltee appointed to 'take charge of tho evont comprises Moses, Sliprheril Walker and Norton. Julius Moses will be general manager of the affair. Admission has bsun fixed at $1 ami tickets hare been printod and distri buted among the business man, who are requested to dispose of thuin to the firms from which they purchase aoods. Theso tickets will cost y .'.:. each and there will certainly be a large revenue derived from them. This will be the second charity ball held in behalf of this worthy institu tion and it promises to far surpass the ono formerly held. It will b held 111 the Keystone hall. i . FUNERAL OF THOMAS BURKE. PRINCIPAL RIDOWAT. and out of son'.-, a true blood and nerve tonic is t'ie only thine that will restore the color of health to their cheeks and till out their fram"s. 1 have found Paine'e celery compound the best adapteil to these cases of lower vitality and lack of nervous tone." Paine'a celery compound has saved hosts of overworked school teachers and scholars from nervous prostration. it supplies what tne tired, worn out nervous system requires Men and women woo barely produce sufficient nerv ms energy to last them 1 11 rough the day find that Paine's Celery com pound supplies them with abundant nervous force, stops heiidncl e, ban ishes sle-plessiiess and debility. A de cided feeling of added strength and en- cinrigenient coinis wit 11 the use ot this great remedy. A genuine food for under-fed nervoi, that will also give tone to the stomach, will soon enable the sick person to dis card all medicines and bo well and stroug. Such a remarkable remedy is Paine's celery compound. It is the life's study ud experience of one of tho ablest physicians of his day. a member of the faculty at Dartmouth college, Prof. Elward E. Phr lps.M. D., L.L D. Paine's celery compound is not a patent medicine ;it is not a sarsaparilla ; it is not a bitters or a nerve tonic ; it is not an ordinary n rvine; it is as far be yond these as a crystal is superior to a piece of chalk in purify an 1 value. Says Prof. W. C. Ridgwny, principal of the famous Jackeou school in Kansas Citv: "I havo used Paige's celery com pound. and think it is th" best medieine that I have nvr known. Resides, I have recommenced its use to several friends, who have used it with much satisfaction." CARVED WITH A KNIFE. of a Domiuick Harcilo Is the Victim Pay-Day Rr.w. William and Frank Malsteo, Michael Sunskin, I.; mi. Koplingerand Nicholas Sslinauiia w iv arrested Saturday on charges of aggravated assault and bat tery, and attempting to kill Dominick Harcilo with a knife, early that morning. The parties are all Pol anders, and the row was the termina tion of a drunken pay-day spree, in dulged in iu an unlicensed saloon in the Third ward. Horcilo has several dan gerous wounds about the neck and head. The collar of his coat was sev ered, lie may die of his injuries. Every window and door iu the saloon was shattered, and bottles and glasses were broken. The prisoners were to havo been given a hearing before Justice Ebret in tho evening, but Constable Bennett failed to show up with the prisoners. RUN INTO BY RECKLESS DRIVER. Soft Drink Diwpsnser Morris, of Scran ton, Is Bfldlv IT past. A eolliBiou that came near resulting in tbo serioun injury of one of the participants, occurred in front of Kearney's blacksmith shop on North Main street, Saturday morning. The accident was caused by Patrick O'BoTlC a reckless teamster, colliding with a gentleman mimed Morris, a dealer in aoft drinks, and whose place of busi ness is located at Scranton. Morris was thrown from hii seat on the wagon to the ground by the con enssion, bnt escaped injnrv. The norses became uninauagnHble tor a while, but was finally quieted. No damage whatever resulted from the collision. MINOR PITTSTON JOTTINGS. Personal Notes. News Brevities and Va rious Interesting Items- Attorneys C. Frank hohen, James L. Morris, of this place, and the Miises Maud Athbrook, Anuie Wilson nnd Regina Donavan.of Philadelphia, com posed a theater party which witnessed "The Crust of Society" at the Grand Knights of Father M athew and Many Others Attnnd It. Elietfslto Vie Fncintnn Tribune. Cauhondai.e. Pa., Jan. 21 On Sat urday morning at : .;. o'clock occurred the funeral services over the remains of the late Thomas Hnrke. The ser vices were held iu St. Rose church. with tho Rev. Father Curran officiat ing, it was one or the largest funerals that has been held 111 this city in many months. The Knights of Father Mat hew.of which organization the deceased was a member, were in attendance, 210 strong. 1 he pallbearers were Andrew Bren- nan, Wlllinm Lonnor, James i'ace. Jo seph Walker, Thomas Malia, Pat rick Walker, John Lavelle and John Hart. The flower boarers were Chris touher Powderly and Frank Clifford. WILLIAMS-PHILLIPS NUPTIALS. Are Solemn iz I at the Home of the Bride Saturday. FHcial to the Srmntun 'Tribune. Jkrmyn, Ph., Jan. 21 The marriage of Thomas Williams an I Miss Sarah A Phillips was solemniz'd at the home of the bride Saturday evening, ltev. v. Gkndtdl officiated. A large number of invited gimsts were present and par tlcipiited in the enjoyable occasion. The CitizeiiB band serenaded the couple during the evening. The presonts wero both costly and useful. At a late hour the gnegts departed with best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Criticising a Young Lady. "Bho would be a pretty girl for but ono thing." "What's that?" asked Charley. (Ieorge Her face is always covered with purple nud red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to be the same way my self, but I caught on to the trouble 0110 day, ami got rid of it in no time. Qeorge What was It? ( hurley Simplv blood eruptions. Took n short conrse of P. P. P. I tell yon, It's jhe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that yon could hear him holler clear across the country every time ho moved. He tried it, nnd you know what an athletic old gent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Deity a pointer, she would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it. HE VAINLY RESISTED ARREST. Passed a Ni.-ht I 1 Jail at a Cost of Eight Dollars Spt'citil to the Srranlon Tribune, IIonicsdalk, Jan il. Thomas Has sett. of Cherry Ridge, became so bois terous on the streets last Friday eveu iug that Officer Smith found it neces sary to take him iu charge. Hassrtt vigorously resisted his arrest and the i-ffk'er called on a citizen for aid. Together th-y marched the man to the jail where he passed the night. He ws released tuts morning aftur paying ifS the fine and costs. - - JERMYN'S NEED OF SEWERS. Plan to Put the Unemployed at Work Constructing Them BptcUU tu the Srritn'ttn Tribune. Jehmvn, Ph., Jan. 21. Now that the miues are working so poorly, and the prospects for better times seem to be dim, ennnot the unemployed bo ntil iz id putting in sewers under the direc tion of our oity fathers? This would serve a two-fold purpose, viz. : give employment to the needy and help to stamp out tlin fever which is rapidiy becoming epidemic The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, such as distress after eating, heartburn, mid occasional bsadaohes, should not he ne glected, Tuko Hood's Sarsapiirilla and he cured. Hool's Pills are the best family cathartic mm liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, su re. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 1 MS tj, Fuwn ' fflii L J '" " " 1 " From the X. Y. Tribune, A'oe. 1, IMS. The Flour Awards Chicaho, Oct. 31. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A tnednl has beon awarded by the World's Fair judges to the Hour manu factored by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the Hour strong nnd pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent Hour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE A (IK N T S. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants who will accept THE TllIBUNB FLOUR coupon ot 96 on each one huudred pounds 01 nour or ou on eacn uarrei 01 nour. leranton F. P. Prin, Washington avenue, Gold Medal Brand. Hyde Park Carson & Davis, Washburn St. Gold Uedal Brand; Joseph A. Hears, Main avenue. Buperlative Brand. Green Kidge-A L.Sppucar.OoM Medal Hrsnd. Dunmore F. P. Price. Gold Uedel Brand, oiypuant .lames .Ionian. Buperlative Brand. Dunmore-F. 1 .Manley. Superlative Brand. Providence Fenner At Cbajjpell v Main ave nue, Superlative brandip. J QlUeapie, w. Market etroot, Gold Brand. Perkvillo-Shnffer & Kclser, Snporlativo 111 aim. Jcrmyii C. U. Winters & Co. Superalativs 1. runt, ('arl.ondalc -H. S. Clark, (lold Medal Brand Holiosdalo-J. N. Foster A; Co. Gold Medal Brand. Honesdale W.P ScliPiick, Snporlativo Brand I altoii- S. K. rum & Son. Gold Medul lliau Uonlil-boro-S A. Adams. Gold Medal Brand roMhanna Tobjrhanna A: benign Luinbj Co., tiold Mi dal Bland PUZZLE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. J. Noku and Throat; Kusidunuo, if Vine K. I, M. GATKM, Hn Washinctoii Avenua. t Office hours. 8 toll a.m.. l liuto a and 1 to 8p.m. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. 1)., Offices ttt and "l ' Cominonweulth building: reaidctlco 711 Madlsonave: office hours. 10 to Vi, li to 1, 7 to Sundays i 110 to 4. I'vcnliiL's at residence. A upeclalty made of divons is ot tho eye, ur, nose and throat and . : --. VB. (I. L). MUHKAY, spei-iiiliy mad" on dt eases of am and skln.Slt WTOmlDB Avo. OIHee hours: Until In a in. I! to 1 and to 8p.m. US. Id; KING, m MULBERRY BTREEI ITJ At ( arliMiidale on Fridays of ca.-h week. VETERINARY BURGEONS BTURQE, Vetcrlnar tlatry a apocialty: koI ii.. tarlo Veterinary L livery, ifib DjX St.. near I cli.plionn No. 4M. y Suroon, lion, u medalist of Ou- ko. Onlee. Hummer s Koller'b carriago uhop LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insuring clcaulinesn and comfort. TIMK TAI1I.E IN EITKI'T .IAN. 14, 131. Trains loavo Scranton for Pittston. Wilkes Barre, etc. t 8.10. 11.15, ILN a. iu., Vi.'M, 3.00, :.:. n.lNi. TJS, 11.06 p. m Sundays. d00 a. in , l.OU, 7.10 p. in. For Ailuntlu City, 8 lfl a. m. For Now York, Nowark and Elizabeth, 8 10 n xpress) a. in . 1-' :tn (express with Bullet parlor ear), S.UQ (ezpreei) p. m. Bonder, 2.00 p. in. Foil MATCH ClirXK. AI.I.KNTOWN. BFTIII.F- iik.m. SAITOH and PBILAPKLPRtA, S. lu n. iu.. 12.80. 8, BO. ( except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday. 2 (H) p. in. For LoNii BaancB, Oqua Qaova, etc., at 8.10 a. in , llfOp in. For Ki aduiK. Lebanon ami Harrisburif. via Allontown, S.lUu. m., V4.'M). O.OU, p.m. Bunday, I'.DO p. m. lor I'ottsvllle, 8 Ida. in., 1' .30 p m. Iteturninit, leave New Yor . foot of Libcrtv Hir.s-t. iNorrn riv.-r, nt s.-i.; I In I Ml .1 'Hi -..v.,....uu ...i.l. ' iu m. Sundiiv. in. I Leave Philadelphia. Hea a. m . L'.OO and II n. in Throojfh tickets to ail poj may la- had ou application in oecet agent at tui station. II. I'. BALDWIN, , Gi n. I'ass. Auent J. B. OI.HAI'SEN. Gen. Silpt. i-ail iDreM) h. in.. Tti parlor cur ) Terminal. 8.4) v. 0Jff a. in. .t lowttt ratM dvuiicu Uj tbo L EIUG'J VALLEY BAILBOAIX C. ItANCK'S Law and Collection of. No. 811 Bpruco ft., opposlto forest House. Bernnton. ra.; collections a IDeeuutt throuKhout Pennsylveniai reliable corruspouu ents in every county. EssursA hand, Attorneys and Counsel. lots at Law, Commonwealth ljuildiu, Washington uve. w LFBEDHANO. WILLIAM .1 A tiirneya and W. H. Jtssrr-. liollAI'K t HANI). W. II JF.ssri, Jr. ILbARD. WARREN H KNAI'P, Attor. iiys and Counselors at Law, Ueonblieau liuililinif. Washiiiirton nve., Scranton, Pt, JATTERSON WILCOX, Attorneys and CouiiacllorH at Law: odium 0 und Library bulldinv, feci anion, l'a. Hoswnt.T, H. PATTlusos. Wll.l.lAM A. Wn.cox. HAND. At- ConneellonL Cominonwealth 1 . 1 . Booms III. iv ; i 'RANK T. UKcLL, Attorney at Law. Boom V Coal Exchange. Seranton. Fa. M1LTDN W. LOWRY, I Att ys. S7 Washing C. H VON STORCH. i tonav.. C. II sipuiro. IAMF.S W. OAKFORD, Attorney at Law. I roon.s (VI, M and M, Coniiuonwealtli b'l 'g. Samuel w. edgau, Attorney at lw. office, S17 Bpmoest, Berantoo. Pa. T A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, IU I j . Lackawanna aue.. Berenton. I'a 1'. SMITH, (oun.'ellor at Law. (ilri.-ti. rooms 54. 65, 50 Comnioiiwenlth building. 1 R PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com V '. morwea th hullninir Scranton, Hn C COMLGVS. ESI Spruce at Oil Itl'.I'l.C'GLE, Attornev Loans negn- tinted on real estate speurity.eH Spi'ie-e. 1) 1 KM. LAM, Attonieval Law. M Wy ). mningavennei Scranton. HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTGAGES written and acknowledged by J W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Fubhc, t) Cominonwealth Bnilrtinif Train leaves Scroiitnii for I'l.iln I..1..I.I.. nA New York via. D. A- H.tR R. at 8 a.m. 12 10, J.S8 and 11 ,80 p, in via D , L. Ac W. R. H., 8.UJ, 11,10 a. in., and .m. 8.80 p. ill. Leave Seranton for Pittston and Wilkss- ... c s " K- 808, 11.80 a. in , 1.80, a.Vi. 8.07, 8.88 p. m. Leave Scranton lor White Haven. Hazletou, 1'ottsvillo and all pants on the Meadow anil I'ottsvill,- hrauches, via D i II. R R. at sam.. 12.10, 3:iS, 4 IS o.m . v a I) , L. A- W. R. R..KIH. 12.1Ua.n... 1. 8ft ip.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Baston, Reading. Harrisbnre and all Intermediate points la D, A II. R K.. 8 a. iii. ,12 10, t 88 11.85 p.m. .via U . L 4j W. R B.,8.08, 1120 a. iu , 1 80 9M p.m. I Leave Scranton forTunkhaniioek, Towan la, Elmira. Ithaca. QeneVa and all ii.t-nuediat.) points via D. II R. R.. 1.88 und lM p. in., via D L. Si W R. It.. 8.50a. n., 1.80 p. ra. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Fulls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west vial) A- H. R. R. 1,85,8.15,11 f, p, in . via, D. L, k W. R. R. and Pittston Junetion it 5 a. in. for Buffalo only). 1808.88 p. iu , via E & W. R. It.. 4. In p. m. For Btmlreand the wtst via Salamanca, via I). A H R. R atll .13ii. m., via D.. L. W R. B., 8, 8JW a. in ami i!.i)7 p, m. l'uihnnn parlor .nd sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all traiiu between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo ami Suspension Bridge ROLL1N II WILBUR, Gen. Sunt. East Div. ( HAS s, LKE. Gen. Pms At t. Philn ,Pa. A W N'oN'NEMACHER.Ass't Qiu Pass Ag't, South Bothlehoin. Pa. OCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for college a: thoroughly trams young children or buainesa Catalogue at icsiuust Rkv. TnOMAS M Can Walikii H. F.rEI.I.. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and .School, 41- Ailaies avenue. I'upils all times. Next term win open r i ".I Jannsry c, R M DI N I lM s C. LAUBACH, Surgeon Dentist, No, Wyoming ave. BTRATTON, office Coal Bxchanae 118 I II NS TOP PAYING RENT. OWN YOUR home. Money to loan on easy monthly laments. S. N. CALLENHEIt, Dime Bank Building s'1 T HOI l i s AND It I ST URANTS. HE WESTMINSTER. -I. 21;i Wyoming ave. Rooms hoatod with steam: all mod ern improvements. C. M Tiii. jiaii, Prop ZIEGLER'S HOTEL. 827 Lackawanna ave uuu. licrautorj. Rutes reasonable. 1'. 7.1 tin. i:it. Proprietor. ESTMINSTER HOTEL. W. O. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at I nion Square, New iork. American plan. :i 3U per day ad upward. 10YNB HOUSE. European plan; good rooms Open day uiil night, liar blip plied with tho best P. II. COYNE. Proprietor, Lu'RANTON HOUSE, mar l . L AW pas 1 3 aeiiger depot 1 oiuliicted on the i.uropean 1CTOH Keen. Proprietor RANI) CENTRAL. The largest and 1js: I eonioned hotel in Allcntowu. Pa. ; ratei per day. ViiToit D. Babssw, proprietor. DELAWARE AND UUD 80N RAILROAD. Commencing May 29, 1882, traiiu will run af follows: Trains leave Brldgo Street st it ion . Seranton, tor Pitts- ton, Wilkes Barre, etc., 8.00, ..'7. Ii U7. 10 42 a. m.. 12.10, 1,23, 88, 4.16. 5.14, 6.15, 1U5 and 11.85 p. m. For New York and Philn delohta. s uuu. iu . 12.10. 1.23. 2H8. 1.10 and ii "0 p. m For Honesdale i from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7.00, 8.80, 18.10 a.m., 12.00 in., 2 17. 5.10 p. m. For Carbondale and intermediate stations. 5.40. 7 00. s.:. 10.10 a. m . I2.0ii m.,2 17, :) 85,5 in, 0 20 and 0 X, p. m ; from Bridge Btreet Depot, 8.03 a. ni . '.'.iTand 11 ii p. m. Pael express to Albeny, Saratoga, the Adi rondaek Roantalna, Boston and Kew England points. 5.40 a. iu . arrivin : at Albany 12.15. Mir. to - i 2.80 p. in , and leaving Boranton at II p. in., srriv n.: at Albany at 8.60 p, m. . Sara (oca, 12.56a in . and B sto i. 7.00a m Theonlj llirect rollte l-t WO"lltl oal fields ami Boston. "Tho Leading Tourists' Route 01 Auiei ica" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes George and Champlaiu, Montreal, etc. I nee tables showing local and through train ei vice between stations on all divisions Dela ware Mid Htulsou system, may Is- obtained it all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. II. G. YOUNG. .1. W. Bl'BDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Agt. il.l.AW BE, LACKAWANNA AND w plan. ( 82 and I) E. F. ARCHITECTS. AVIS HOUPT, Aroalteota, Rooms :i. 5 and 26 Coiinnonweaitli i 10 g. scranton. L. WALTER. Architect, Library build Ing. Wyoming avenue Smiuton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price luiilding. 126 Washington Ave., Seranton. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as 11 Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHKN YOU KNOW HOW $800 IN PRIZES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE noiG THK i t ZZLE IN THE SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME FOR BALE BV ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, oU BENT H ANY l)l)lti;.SS UPON HKCKII'T OV PRICE, 9S CENTS, IIV COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AMI 114 SOUTH EUTAW BTREET, BALTIMORE MI). I rices Colorings and Lower than ever before, are what will recommend them to our pairons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, lyTTSTON, PA. RESTORE LOST VIGOR r. 1 Auu Aiur lining New dmco?erj. Will brace jnu up in a week Mold with WRITTEN '.I A IAN KF. lo l ore Nityuiu Di lnhlv. !.... . I ' 1 1 1 I'lrnai ni , 1 1, i .. .. llivnliinlrT KinllooffK)mDyi'ii.i.. If BMlMted, net kroOblM IimiiI 1 1 ci.ii.iiiii.Ii.ii or IliHti lly, ll.miiii r ln lit uiiiil.ii l.oxi s for M. With m. tv IS j-nhT ivi- kiv.. a nriiton immoh i a eureoi reniaduieMOMy. AiiJri, 1KAL lll-.bU lilt CO.. CloiluJ,Oliio. Fomnln by JOHN 11. PHELPS, rbaruiaciet, cor. Pcrnntou, l'a. Wyoming Ave. aud Spruce St., ' TtUrmja KS Tho only safe, euro and v. K..I.U T.' ....... 1 T5TT T iiuinum j ... iio i i . (, ever offered to Ladies, oepeciaiiy recommend ed to marriod Ladies. Sr Ask for SB. MOTT'S PENITIKO Y A I, PILtS and tuko no other. ,v. i .......... i .. . . . .... , ,i . .... oenu lur uuumr. rnru i.uti mt uha, ...... . .., - ,..o.. Ull. MOTT'H CHKM1CAL CO., - CTevoluuU, Ohio. iebj '. M. BARBIH, Drnnlai, mi Heuu Aeeaoe, M18CVLL V NKOl H ORTON 5 SWAKT8- WHOITESaTR Inmbw, b aud V Dine llauk building, Bcrantnn. Pa. MEOABGBK BROTHERS,- PRINTERS' nppUet, ciiTi'loiiea. lper 1irk, twine. Wiiruiiuiiau. 1H0 WeehlBfWO avo, Siruiituii, p. BAUER'S OKCHESTRA - MU810 TOR ball", picnics, rertii". eeepttoee. wed- dlnn and eoneert work farulahed. Pgr term address I!. .1. Haucr. conductor. 11? Wyoming av(., over Hulbert'a music atore. RZRA H N N & SUNS, buildere ami II ,iRA kinn & suns, buildere ami ron trac tors. Xerdei Corner Olive m. and Allium ; corner Ash st. ami Pebn eve., Berentoo BREOS. ( i H. n.ARK t o, SceJamen, Floetati T, and Nurserymen; store 1411 Washington avenue; green hoiiao, 13W N'orlh Main evenoe sioro telephone 788, TEAS. ORAM) DNION TEA CO., .lones HruM. I l I J WI'STEK V l:li Km.Mi Trains leeve Seranton as follows' Exprew for New York und all points Kait I .SO, ijO, 5 Ifi, H im and 9.50 a. in. : 11 S5 and :l 'U p, lu. Exp reel lor Beeton, Trenton, Philadelphia and Hie South, 5 15, s.uo and U.SII a. in ; 12.55 ami M p. in. Waahington and way stations. 140 p n. Tobvbiinua ai'coiinuoilatiiiii. ii lu p. iu. ICxiu- ss for i . , . 1 1 ,i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Oswego. Elmira, Coining, Hath. DahlVllle, Mount Morris and Hulbilo. 12 III. '1 15 a. in. and 1-1 ; in., ninkiug clpee ooniiectlona at Buffalo to all points in tho West. Northwest and Southwest. , lluffulo iiceoiiiiniidatioii. '.'.HO a. iu. Iliiighaintuu and way stations. 1137 p. m. NiOholeon anil wav stations. 5.15 p. m. Binghainton and Elmira Express. U05 p, in. Express lor Cortland, Byreonae, Oawego, (Jttee nnd Riobfield Springs, ;.I5 a in. ami UN p. m. Ithaca. '.'15 and a. in. and ll p. in. For tiortbamberland,Pittaton,Wflk Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and DanvlBe, making close coniieetioiis at Niirthiiiiiberlaud for WllUamaport, Berrialmrg, Baltimore, Wush- Ington and the South. Nortliniiibi rlaiid slid intcrmeillate stations ti.OU. M0 n. in. and MM anil 11.07 p. m. Nautiooka and Intermediate stations, sih mid ll.m a. in Plymouth and Intermediate stations. BJWand 0.81 p. in. I'ullln.ill parlor and sleeping coaches mi all express trains. For detailed Inforpiation, pooketttm itablee, etc., apply to If. Li. Smith, rity ticket oOoe, ;t!s Lac Kawanua avenue, or depot ticket office. VTKW YORK, ONTARIO AND li Hailro id. Srrantoti Division. WESTERN Timo table in effect Nov. in. I mm. Trains h ave Seranton for Carbondale: 0.50. s.;m, 11.05 u. in., 4.50. 8.1H p. m. For Haaoqpk Junction andmaiu oonneotlona II u5 a m . il .10 p. m. Trains leave Heaeoek .lunetien for main linu connection for Scranton, il.OO a.m., 05 p. ni. Trains leave Carbondale for Scranton 7.'.', 9.15 a.m., I. Ill, i.'M, (.IS p m. .1. C. ANDERSON, General I'assenger Agout. Now Vork. T. PLITCROFT, Dislriet Passenger Agniit, Scranton. I7RIE AM' Ii ItoAD. WYOMlNil VALLEY HAIL- Milan Seranton tor Haw York and in termediate points mi the Erie and llaivle, and loeul points at 0.:15. H.45 a. in. and 8.81 p m. Train leaving at 0.4B a. in. and 8.M p in. are through trains to and from Honeada) e. Trail loavo for VYilket-Barreat a. m. aud :l 1 p. m. w I it si RRI SS. fl OS. Kl'ETTEU 5i5 Lackawanna avenue. BsrantOU, l'a . monufrof Who Screens. -THE , MOOSIC POWDER CO uooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, SCUANTON, I'A. PENNYROYAL PILLS. What is More Attractive 1 Thnn n tin lv fCU V. lHl II mu. hrii-hi complexion?! For it, use Pozzoni's I'owder. ii Lost IHaphood ntronliv. etiv. ninv Mrid bff Hindoo tUrnedy. With ritiRoi-t'fiornr, ami vlfror nulrhlr ret(o(J. ni icut.fle, nlL'hf Iv mlav. 1 by INftAlvO. the trrpnt Ira KOiikBirclurnri, s -j.i hy rugtfUle, ticruutuu, l'a. THK Thatcher IS THE BFST. Get prices ami eo the furnace nnd be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Aupello aud (iauise Door Knngeg. CONLAFS HARDWARE T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO 315 I .A I KAW NV A y.SVK, CRANTON, I'A. SAVIN"(1 M ADM a rontraet with a lime metory to turn out l,ll I ruin s between now and I hr nt mas. I wish tiiiiunounee totlie null- S"&"SS lie that I will make a UK.NUINE CUAYON I'OHTHAIT roplwl from any small ono AB80LUTBLT l'HKE OF Ull A Hi IE LAXKsl STVI.IS III' FRAHV8 I'ROM no UPWAUO. VTorkmanshiii guaranteed. Frames oO per cent, less than regular prlco. E. im l ill il,. Artiat. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Uude at the MOOSIC and KU3H DALE WOKKS. Lnffliii & Hand Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectric Battoriee, Fuse-i for explod ing blast, Safety Fuse and RcpaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AMI DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Attiuiiio leaii und Preneh -tuft Pare Uueeed on. XorPeBtine and Vitrnliilioa Beadv-mlxed PaJnti i 'i eolore, Qlldera' WlilUng, rai ls bite and Kelaomlm Ull1 Urol, ii.. oi- Dust ami t'indov Glas4 THE LARGEST CHEAPB8X BEST The Tribune Hotel WaYerly European Plan. First class Bar atlnclioil. liepol for burifiier A Eugul a Tauuhieusor Beer. i E Cor, 15th and FlUert Wik Most desirable, for residents of N E. PennJ pylvsnis. All roriveuienees ior Iravelora to and from Broad Street station and tho Twelfth and Market Street station. Pe 'tlrable tor visitinu Sorantoiiluus aod lino tli in tbo Anthracite Kegtou. T. J. VICTORY PROPRIETOR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers