The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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1 Fittings 1 election of company officers
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Critic Writes Entertainingly Aboit Matters of
Interest to the Thirteenth,
A Commander of Company A to Suc
ceed Captain E. E. Chase Will be
Selected Tonight Other Elections
During the Week Order for In
struction in Drill Regulation and
Guard Duty.
"School of the Bol-
of the Com-
f08 Perm Ave. A. B. WARM AM.
Big Cut in Ladies',
Misses' and Chil
dren's All-woo!
See Them in our
Bargain Window.
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
The hoard of control will bold a regular
meeting tbiH eveiiiug.
The Huitler Will produce nt the Ac-nil--iuy
of .Music this evening.
Th new county commissioners observe
tin; Saturday hair holiday law.
Hum tiro', orchestra will hold its an-
nuitl hail at Turner hall tonight.
The members of Company A will tonight
elect a captain and Brit and second lieu
tenants, The annual hall of Hook and Ladder
OOtnpaay takes place at Turner hall on
I rb. U.
The Social Uroup will give n complimen
tary social at Siegul s ueadomy 00 Wednes
day evening.
Hoyt'a famous play, "A Temperance
Town" win b at tin) a lademyot Music on
t nday evening with many ,of the original
The ladies of the Methodist Kpiscopal
church, DaltCn, will serve the quarterly
church tapper next Wednesday from (.80
to 7 p.m.
'I ho car shops of the Uelnware, l.ncka
wanaa and Western Kailroad company
will go on six hours a day, beginning with
this morning.
II. 8, Nowton, collector of state and
County toies in Scott township for tho
jear 1898, settled his duplicate with Coun
ty Treasurer Powell on .Saturday.
The ScrRutoii clearing house has been
established three weeu and including
! aturdny, during that tune the total
amount of exchanges has been Ji;l,7LiS.'Ji.
The woman who was arraigned In police
contt on Thursday for drunkenness and
who gave her nmne as Mrs. Jennio Will
iams, of liiuyea, wan not .Mrs. Jennie Will
lams, tho wife of Supervisor J'hoinas It.
Williams, of Duiyoa.
The announcement is made that Siguor
Mull whoso career us a tenor singer und
mush; teacher In Scrnnton.wns short lurid
ly brilliant, und Startling, w.n recently
married to a wealthy St. Louis widow
named Mrs. Uelaiiey,
The Brewers' association basset a move
muntonfootto prosecute foreign agents
who are doing business in this city. The
intention is to compel them to pay $.0l)
eMh to tho county. Kr-Sberiff itohiuson
will he the prosecutor.
Mr. nud Mrs. Patrick (iihson, of Fig
street, were arraigned before Alderman
lilnir on Saturday charged with nrsuu.
lohaj K Uibsou and t '. ('. Ilonovan became
their bondsmen before ludg Archludd m
the sum of $2,1100.
In the damage suit of Carl Neilson
against the Hillside Iron and Coal com
pany, tried Inst week at Montrose, wifh
Alnjor Everett Warren nud Cornelius
Bomb of this city retained as counsel, the
JuiT awarded the plaintiff $3,000 damages.
An application was made to the court
Saturday for a charter for tho Uerman
Kvangelical church of Petersburg. John
Miller, Ueorge Kics, Usorgo Ifelwia?. Aug
ust Schmidt, George Deugleborg, William
Kiel and Louis Vesteare tho subscribers
to the articles of incorporation.
An entertainment will bo given at the
rooms of tbe Voung Womou's Christian
association tomorrow evening at S o'clock.
A large number of stereopticoti piotures
will be ahown and a short musical pro
gramme will be rendered. This enter
tainment will be free to all young women.
Come earty und enjoy tbe reading aud
recreation rooms.
Suits were begun Saturday by City
Solicitor Torrey against the following
bondsman to rocover forfeited recogniz
ances: Jouns Brandt, bondsman for Paul
Saflln, for $H0O; Johu Tierney, bondsman
for Peter Macbavltz, for f 1,000; Mtfrtiu
Woyshner, boudsinan for William Fitzpat
rlck, Frank Morris aud Stepheu Sewon, in
tbe sum of 30U each.
Baadleaton ft Woua'a and Ballantlne'
Alee ere the best. K. J., agent, M
Latkaw auua avenue.
There will be an election for officer
in threo of the companies of the regi
ment this week. The first of these
will occur in Company A tonight. This
company will elect a captain and first
and second lieutenants to fill tbe va
cancies caused by the expiration of
terms of service of Captain Ivlward E.
L'liaso, First Lieutenant Arthur H
Lee and Second Lieutenant Frederick
V. Stillwell, Captain Chase and
Lieutenant Lee, by reasons of business
cares, have signified their determina
tion to retire from active military life.
This leaves Lieutenant Still well the
only remaining officer of the three who
have for livo years by their intelli
gence, energy and military knowledge
made Company A. famous llitougiioat
the state as the very best company in
the National guard of Pennsylvania.
It is a serious undertaking for any of.
fleer to assume tho captaincy of such a
company as A, with its marvelous und
will m-rite.i record. It is a matter of
record that from the date of its organ
Izttion it ha never taken n downward
courso. From l77 to 1894 it
has forged ahead under the
leadership of aucb distinguished
officer as lloysoo, Knapp, Watres,
Mattes ami Chase, until today it stand
the peerless military company in the
state If not in the United States. Each
of the above oliicers did his share to
bring the company up to a high stand
urd of (IHeitnOfi but it remained for
Captain Chase to bring the company
up to tho very highest notch of effici
ency and discipline. To till the place
made vacant by Captain Chase requires
a man of nerve, intelligence and brain.
He must be a disciplinarian of un
doubted courage aud a drill master
that tliouroiiglily understands the drill
regulations and can exemplify them
intelligently. Lieutenant Stilwell,
First Sergeant Cox and Sergeant Conk
lln have been mentioned as candidates
to succeed Captain Chase. Major C.C
Mattes has been detailed to conduct
the election,
cu'TAiN BOOKWBUnl suoC'K;sott.
Tho second electiou of the week will
occur in Company H tomorrow even
ing. This electiou will bs to till the
office of captain, made vacant by the
expiration of term of Bervice of Captain
William U. Rockwell. There is uo
captaiu in the regiment that com
mands more respect from hi company
than dots Captain Rockwell, every in
dividual member respects and admires
blm. lie can succeed liims.'If without
opposition, as be is the unanimous
choice of his company for re election.
It is a qucstioti-if any other officer in
the regiment can captain company M
us successfully as does Captain Rock
well. It is a company of peculiar char
acteristics, of which modesty i one of
the most prominent. It doe not make
much noife nor endeavor to Httract at
tention, but when it come to
drill, inspection or any mili
tary duty it is always found
in the front rank. The
members of Company H are n
steady set of gool fellows nnd are a
conservative lot of hard plodders, who
take pride in their company's record
and have never yet been known to
shirk from duty. It is a matter of
regimental regret that there is a pos
sibility of Captain Rockwall, owing to
business pursuits iu New York state,
not accepting the captaincy for another
term. Hd is one of the bost officer of
the line. His company holds the im
rortnnt position of right of the Second
Imttalion. In battalion drill for him to
get rattled or confused is almost impos
sible. His absence from the right of
the battalion would- bs indeed a serious
loss.uot only to the Second battalion, but
the entire regiment. The Thirteenth
cannot spare him any more than can his
company. He has boon in commission
fifteen years aud it is to be hoped he
can see his way clear to again accept
captaincy of the company.
In the event of Captain Rockwell's
declination the company could do no
better than elect Liontenaut E D. Cor
win to the captaincy. He is an intelligent
and tried officer anil wil fill the position
with crodit and houor. Adjutant Mil
lar has been mentioned for the office in
the event of Captain Rockwell' not
accepting a re-electiou. While the ad
jutant fully appreciate' the honor he
positively declines to be a candidate
He hope that Captain Rockwell will
necayf. but in the'uvent of bim not do
ing so trusts the company will not go
outside of its own membership for a
captain. Majjr lieorge H. Whitusy
n,i been detailed to conduct this elec
tion. Kl.fci TioN IN COMPANY l.
The third election of the week will
occur in Company I) for a second lieu
tenant to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of the lamented L. I Seeley.
Sergeant Stokes, tbe efficient first ser
geant of the company, and Corporal
(libbons. n deserving npa-rtom mission
ed officer, are candidates for the office.
Captain M. Barnard Ima been detailed
to conduct this election. (
Colonel Ripple issued the following
order last Saturday.
i antiiy, ;in Hki-iaou, N. 11. P. )
Regimental Orders No. 5:
I. The non-counuissloueil omcers ol tms
regiment with the exception of companiei
K and (i, will assemble at tbe armory of
theScrautou Oily Uuard, bcrantua, Pa.,
in uniform wearing side arms on the first
Thursday (at 8 o'clock, a. ui.,i iu the
mouths of March, April, May, June and
July, for the purpose ol instruction iu drill
regulations and guard duty.
II. The non-commissioned officers of
companies I and U will asseiuule iu uni
form with side arms in their respective
armories upou such dates in tbe above
months as may bo agreed upou by tbe
company commander and the instructor.
III. Kach non-commissioned officer will
be required to familiarize himself with all
duties pertaining to his outre, aud be pre
pared to unswer all tactical questions pro
pounded. IV. Any non-commissioned ofllcer who
absents himself from two of these lessons
without good nnd valid excuse, or who
upon tbe report of tbe instructor to tbe
commnuding officer does not exhibit rea
sonable knowledgsof tbe dutlos of his
oltice, will be required to appear beforo the
regimental ooaru ol examiners lor exami
nation. V. Adjutant W. S. Millar ll hereby de
tailed instructor, and he will make a full
report of tbe attendance and progress to
the commauduig ofllcer tbe day following
each lesson.
VI. Tbe following are tbe topics for each
Thursday, Feb. 1, "Uuard Duty aud In
spection." Thursday. March 1, "Usneral Duty, In
spection and Extended Order"
Thursday, April 5,
Thurday, May 8, "School
pany;" "Duties of Guides."
Tnursday, June 7, "School of the Bat
talion;" "Duties of Uuides;" "Extended
Thursday, July 5, "Guard Duty, Inspec
tion, Battalion and Regimental Parades."
By order of
Colonel Ezra II. Ripple.
W. B Millar, Adjutant.
The adjutant general has issued or
der for tue spring inspections to take
place during the months of February,
March and April. The Thirteenth is
liable to bo called upon at short notice
to undergo ! ordeal. Brush up on
guard duty i 1 get out those shoes!
It i now ti ught that owing to lim
ited space the proposed encampment at
(lettysburg will not occur, aud that
Mt. Gretna will be the scene of the
next annual encampment.
Company commanders received the
past week the balance of the annual
allowance of $889 for 1898.
The company that have 100 per cent,
present at the coming spring inspection
gain a big advantage in the aggregate
of the spring and fall inspections.
Every company should hope every man
present for inspection. CRITIC
l?ifty-two Membsra Graduated from the
Frimary Department.
Commencement exsreisos of a very
interesting character were held yeater
day afternoon In the Penn Avenue Bap
list Sunday school. There were fifty
two graduates from tho primary de
partment. They weroassigned to classes
iu the intermediate department in
charge of E C. Dean, Mrs. H M.
Streeter, Fred M. Kosliler, Mrs. Clara
Conrad, Miss Bertha Carpenter, W. W.
Browning, Miss Neilie Atkinson and
William Smith.
Superintendent Luther lyeller gave
the graduates a warm welcome. He
was followed by Rev. Warren O.
Partridge, who spoke encouragingly to
the scholars. Each member graduated
from the primary department was
given u handsome diploma sigued by
Superintendent Keller, Miss Sarah C.
Krigbnum, aud her assistants in the
primnry room. Class No. 43, taught
by Miss Margaret Carman, was award
ed a beautiful banner for the largest
average attendance daring the year.
Park Place Resident Thought They Had
a Genuine Riot.
The Hungarian who livo near Park
Place became engaged in a light on
Saturday and the report went forth
that a riot was in progress. All of the
police force that could be quickly huiu
moued were taken to the scene but the
fight was all over bsfora the officer
Ualv one prisoner was secured and
he was lying on the ground in what
was at first supposed to be an
unconcious condition. Lat-?r it was
noticed that lie was dead drunk. His
name is Frank Macheska, end at the
police court hearing yesterday he was
fined $5.
First Class Show to Be Given at Eden
The Eden Musee has just closed a
most successful week and intends to
presiit four great freaks during this
The freaks are Uiuie, the aboriginal
beautv nud his wonderful collection of
curios and relics from Australia; Agaa,
the man woman, the latest foreign at
traction; Neith, the smallest woman
living, 'J feet 11 inches tall; the
Platypus, the Antipodean paradox.
The last three of these wonderful
curios have nevor before been exhib
ited here. In the theater "Muldoon's
Picnic" will be presented.
EnforcemsBt of the State License Law Will
Close Many Theaters.
He Will Ask lor Instructions Irom the
Attorney General Before Proceed
ing to Collect the License Fee At
torney General Henssl Says the Li
cense Fee Must Be Collected -The
Only Remedy Is to Repeal.
Criminal of th. County Will Be Given
a Hearing- This Weak.
This morning a two week's term of
quarter session and oyer aud terminer
will begin. There are 227 oases on the
list, a great many of which are lega
cies Irom the terms of lust year.
David Wardon, charged with man
slaughter, is tho first case on the list.
The crime was committed at Winton
suvsral months ago. Thomas E. Reyn
olds' name beads the list for the sec
ond week. He is charged with em
The Judgement Recorded on Saturday
Amounted to $261,600.
Claude It Pratt, who conducted a
book, art and wall piper establishment
on Lackawanna avenue, failed on Sat
urday. His liabilities ho far recorded
amount to 128,000. The failure occa
sioned muciisupris in busiuess circles.
For several years the firm was oon
duated by Thompson & Pratt, but last
spring George IS. Thompson, the senior
member withdrew, and since then Mr.
Pratt has managed thy busiuess alone,
I. Warner, of New York, Held X.uoky
Number MtJ at Florey & Holt's.
The drawing for a high grade bicycle
took plaoe at Florey Holt' on Satur
day evening.
Hie lucky man was 1'. L. Warnor, a
traveller for the Union Cyole Manu
facturing company, who held $10,00
worth of ticKets. The winniug nntubsr
was 8118. Mr. Warner immediately put
the wheel up at auction and it found a
final owner in W. Peters, of Hyde Park.
Mr. Gould, or tbe Oarbindals Herald,
Will Soon Retire.
J. W. Gould, editor of the Carbon
dale Herald, and formerly a valued
member of The Triune staff, will
sever his connection with that journal
on Feb. 1. Mr. GouM has under con
sideration offer from two other
papers, but has not as yet decided to
accept either of them.
Some time ago he began reading
law under the direction of Attoraey
James J. O'Neill and he may. there
fore, remain in Carbondale. His rela
tions with tbe Herald proprietors bave
alway been and still remain of the
most cordial kind.
Fifty Gems for Ten Cent.
Remember that fifty beautiful pictures
and not simply sixteen nud they all
representing the most uotable buildings
and exhibit of tbe late World' fair can
now be obtained at Tut Tiuhi nk office for
10 couts nnd threo coupons. Part I of tin
World's Fir Portfolio contains these ar
tistic goms and aouveutrs. Cut your con
pous nnd get tbe pictures.
Onb dosen of Gil ilia's ivoryette photo
will make twelve Christum presents.
What can you present your friends that
will be more acceptable?
Fnr Sal at a Bargain.
Two 80-foot quartered oak conntrs, one
25-foot quartered oak wall case, oue 13
foot show case, five oak tables and chairs,
aud all other furniture in tbe store at tit
Wyomiug avenue, Y. M. O. A. building.
Iuquir at Prank Meyer's oflloe
During the past fsw week the
mauagers of traveling theatrical com
panies have bad unpleasant experi
ences in several of the counties of this
state through the efforts of conntv
treasurers to collect a liceuse fee of sf.V)
under the provisions f of the act of 184")
and tbe subsequent amendment of 1851,
This law has during tiio greater part
of the time that it has he -n iu exist
ence, remained n dead letter on the
statute books of the state. In the book
of instructions issued by the auditor
general's department for the year l'.M.
the matter has been brought to the at
tention of the county treasurers of the
state reminding them tbat it is their
duty to colltct this theutrical license
from every traveling theatrical com
pany. The law says that a license may
be issued bv any county treasurer, good
In any p:irt of the state for a year, for
l,0i)0. A county license in Phildel-
phi co-its 300, Allegheny $300, and
the other counties of the state $ j0. But
here the language of the act is some
what ha.y, as it doss ntt clearly state
whether the $50 shall bs taxed for each
performances or for a county license
good for oue year.
This law was brought to the atten
tion of Judge Doty, of Westmoreland
county, by a test ease heard daring the
August term of last year. That learned
judge iu hi opinion declared "tlijit in
any county of the commonwealth
outside of Philadelphia and Allegheuy,
the theatrical license is to b paid by
the tronps giving the exhibition and
cannot be assessed against the building
iu which the exhibition is given." Tbat
settled the disputed point a to whether
the license should be paid by the com
pany or tbe house, which was the issue
raised in the ease.
Iu 181)0 County Treasurer Campboll
collected a liceuse fee of $59 from the
Academy of Music in tins city, the
Academy of Music aud tho Opjra
house in Carbondale, but in April of
18'Jl, by directions of the state traas
urnr, be refunded the money, it having
been decided tbat the hous should not
pav the license.
The haze that envelopes tho languas
of the act when it speaks about a tax
of :'t'3U being levied iu the counties out
side of Philadelphia and Allegheny,
has been somewhat dispelled by the
Supreme court, which has declared
that when a theatrical company pays a
license fee of $50, it is allowed to give a
performance in any portion of the
county where the license is obtained
for one year.
County treasurer Powell was seen
by n Tribune reporter yesterday and
said that be had been considering tho
ioense matter, but before he would
make an effort to collect the fee be
would ask tho attorney general of the
state to give him explicit directions as
to what is the proper interpretation to
give the law and now far he will be
justified in going in order to collect the
$o0. After receiving these instructions
be will act in accordance with them,
W. S. Cleveland, the manager of
Cleveland minstrels, which gave a
performance at the Academy of Music
Saturday night was requested to pay
the lieenss when his company exhib
ited at E iston, but ho positively re
fused to pay $o0 or any portion of it
He unid to a TRIBUNI reporter Saturday
night that rather than pay the license
he would move his company out of the
state. Ho said tbat many theatrical
managers now refuse to make contracts
for performance in Pennsylvania
theaters until such time as the matter
of license is definitely settled. The en
forcing of the law will practically close
nearly every show house outside of
Philadelphia and Allegheny or compel
the local m inagars to form and main
tain stock companies.
Attorney General llenssl has ac
cepted tbe decision of Judge Doty ns
the direct rule be must follow. Against
this course of action no end of nrotests
have arisen, as the sUte liceuse fea
ture, if carried out, will work a revo
lution in present method.
Attorney General Hsn-1 in an inter
viow said: "Judge Doty holds that
the net of 1815 n quir s a license to be
paid for each thoatrical exhibition, and
this Is hi decision in the K--eler-Currau
case, brought before the Westmoreland
county court last April ns a test case
"Aud you propose to follow out the
letter of the decision:'' was asked of
Air. Hensel.
"I have no other course to pursue
was the attorney g-meral's reply. "The
Doty decision rules ail violations as
criminal by intent and character, and
the law is there for enforcement I
Eut Cheap Only la Prlc,BoIns; Standard
Work, Handsomely Bound.
In conformity with the nrogresslve
methods of modern metropolitan jour -
Ultllsm 1 HE iltlBl'NE characteristic-ally
takes the lead iu giving its readers tbe
benefit of standard American and En
glish literatnrejat unparallelled price.
We have purchased tho entire gtoak of
the United States Book company, com
prising 20,000 standard volumes by
prominent authors, elegantly bound in
the finest material, and at such futures
as will enable persous in most moderate
circumstances to posssss iiu libraries
at comparatively small cost. No Buch
offer has over before been made. Ten
thousand volumes, covering the entire
field of literature, may bo had at 10, IS
and 25 cents, not iu rjsner covers, but
elegantly bound in Enclish vellum
cloth ami printed on fibre piner.
lue first carload is expected to arrive
early this week, and theso aro samples
of what may be obtained. A man may
ot it library of 200 volumes of which
aoy person might bs proud -for $ao.
the orl-r niclu les u maenifioant set of
Dickens' entire works (10 volumes), cost-
ug only $2 50; Coop-r's Leather Stock
ng Tales (5 volumes), $1 ; Dumas' en
tire set. $1 50, etc., etc., etc. Toere i
not a prominent English author' work?,
regarded us standard in literature, that
cannot be bought at prices heretofore
deemed impossible; and it would not
be r.06sible now were it not that hard
timss compelled the I'nited Statos Book
company to realiz cash, aud The
Tkiblni: took advantage of tho chance
winch may 'tevar again oitr. Get
roady to cut coupons as soon as the
books arrive.
was passed at a time wnon the state
was iu great need of money and when
there was mncli fueling against the
theater and kindred exhibitions. It
was doubtless also intended to be pro
hibitory on theatrical exhibitions, cir
cus performances nnd menageries
which it specitiss.
"About the obnoxious features of
the law, 1 have nothing to say, but the
remedy lies in legislative repeal and
unquestionably the repsal will not be
loug iu coming. The auditor general
has been instructed to proceed ou the
Hue of tbe decision and has geut out
the usual notices since the first of the
year. These are what we are hearing
from now."
Sbe Became tbe Bride of Charles Sing
nese LauDdrvmaD.
Rev. G. C. Alricli, Pastor of Grace
Reformed Church, Was the Officiat
ing Clergyman Parents of the Bride
See Her Wedded to the Mongolian.
Mr. Sing Will Take His Bride from
the City.
Muelo Boxes Exclusively.
tieat made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Uautscbi AT Sons., manufacturers,
lniJO Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia. Won.
let tnl nrchestrial organs, only $5 and (10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tune.
E. Clark and Patrick Golden Want
to Get In the Democratic Column.
The question of deciding whether M.
E, Clarke or Patrick Golden will bave
their names printed undsr the Demo
cratic headline on the tickets that will
be used in the Sixth ward at the Feb
ruary election wsb argued beforo
Judgs Edward on Saturday. Attor
neys (,'omagys and Vaughau repre
sented Mr. Clarke, while Attorneys
Sera;,-'' and Heedv looked after Mr.
Golden's interests.
The trouble dates back to a Demo
cratic caucus held in the Sixth ward on
Deo. 10 It was called by Mr. Manuix,
city committeeman from the ward, and
was to have been held in the school -
house. School Controller Mahon or
dered ths citizens out, and the cancus
was held in the bouse of Mr. McDon-
ougl:, directly opposite. The contend
ing factions had their representatives
ou the board and Clarke and Regan
were declared tho nominees.
The following Tuesday evening Mr.
Golden called u caucus at Ilia place.
i'his was the caucus that a TBIBUNI
reporter failed to tiud. Mr. Golden'
frieuds aver, however, that the caucus
wua held and that it, was strictly Dem
ocratic. I he certificate of nomination
was signed by George P. Duliigg and
Johu P. Mahon a officers of the caucus.
Mr. Clarke filed his certificate Dec.
19, while Mr. Golden's was not filed
till Jan. 8 Both claiming to be Dstno
crats, the courts will have to pass
upan the right of either to the coveted
position. Many witnessas wire
sworn on both sides. D. W. Vauzhan
and M F. S indo, vice-chairman and
secretary repectivoly of the Demo
cratic city committee, shed some
light on the rules of the party while
many Sixth ward citizens, represent
ing both sides, gave testimony in be
half of their candidate's interest.
Judge Elwards gave the case very
close attention, nnd lie will hand down
an opinion in the case today,
A Gay Frenchman in the Ileshs of the
Chattel de Manuel, a sewing machine
agent, who claims his home is iu Uly-
phant was arrested at the De'aware,
Lackawanna and Western depot Sat
urday afternoon for attempted pocket
picking. He was given a bearing in
police court yesterday alternoon.
De Manuel is a typical Frenchman
and the nationality is stamped on every
lineament ol his features, lie wore
pointed toe (boss and clothe cut in
tbe latest style. Hi beard was cut in
Vandyke style and his whole appear
ance betokeued the man of dress.
When questioned he answered iu
good English and stated that he had
lived in Paris until last April. He
could converse fluently in seven dif
ferent language Nothing could be
proved against bim and he was dis
Jury Say He Must Pav Back to Mr.
Beck the Sum of $100.
The init of W. A. Hnrlbert againit
W. K. Beck to recover $178, debt and
interest, due on a piano, was given
to the jury Saturday. The defense was
that the instrument was not a good
one and had been misrepresauted by
Mr. Hurlbert.
Instead of giving a verdict for Mr.
Hurlbert. the jurv gavo a vsrdict
ugaitist him for $100. A verdict was
rendered in favor of the plaintiff for
S8.Al in the case of Martha F.vans
against George Jones, executor of
Hacbnel A. June. Mrs. Evans sued
for $500. The case of L. Klein & Co.
against Isaac Ackerman was continued
until tbo March term.
Dublin Dan Company to Appear at
Wonderland Theater This Week.
This week the Dublin Dan company
and Howarth's Hiberuioa will be the
attractions at Wonderland theater.
Uf Howarth's Hiberuioa, nothing need
bo said, for it Is tbe lameone exhibited
here years ago.
The company will present two plays.
Today, tomorrow aud Wednesday,
"Larry and Teddy;' a new Irish
comedy, will be seeu, aud on Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, "Th Two
Dans," another good comedy, will be
There was a marriage ceremony per
formed ou the top Hoor of the post
office building at Penn avenue and
Spruce street Saturday night at which horseshoes, bells, etc., were con
spicuous by their absence.
The blushing end happy bride was
Miss Jennie Shaffer, maiden who has
buffettsd th adverso storms of twenty
four golden summers aud as many cold
and sloppy winters. The mau ihe
promised to love, honor and obey while
life shall lust was Cuarlie Sing, the
almond-eyed Celestial who conducts a
laundry in the basement of the postof
fice building. His bride's parents re
side on the top tioor.
Uev. G. C. Alrich, pastor of Grace
Reformed church, tied tbe knot in the
presence of Miss Shaffer' father and
mother and ths two Caucasians who
acted as bridesmaids and groomsman.
otie of Mr. Sings friend had the g
pleasure of participating, they were
rigidly barred out. After the ceremony
had been performed Mrs. Shaffer
looked admiriugly atjiier daughter and
then at her sou-in -law. She seemed
pleased with the anion.
Mrs. Sing is quite an attractive
young woman. She is a blonde, and
whenever she appear on th street is
stylishly and becomingly dressed. In
some way Charley Sing, who is an
Americanized Cliiuamau, and much
better looking than the majority of bis
countrymen, succeeded in winning her
affections. Sh sesms very much de
voted to him. Th festivities that fol
lowed the wedding wre very quietly
conducted and yesterday Charley re
turned to his duties in the laundry,
He is far too practical to allow such
a common place affair as his marriage,
eveu with a pretty white girl, to in
terfere with his business duties. Last
night in lien of a wedding tour ho In
dulged In innumerable games of fan
tan with several of his countrymen
and volubly discussed the many ad
mirable 'qualities of Mrs. Sing as a
housewife. He says that he will short
ly take her from tiio city although he
has nut yet decided where they will
Within a week Sings laundry has
been investigated by the being
alleged that he conducted a gambling
j Aro worth going a long (list ancet o m
see. No such collection can bo
found nearer than New York or gg
j Phlladelpbia.nnd then it is not sur- jj
passed in the matter of unique and g
j 'xclusive designs, or richness, g
daintiness aud delicacy or mate
rial. In a word, our Curtain stock a
I this fall reaches our highest ideal 3
of what is should lie, and cannot g
j fail to meet the approvut of the S
5 most refined and artistic tastes, g
I Yet all this does not moan high g
3 prices. On the contrnry.the values g
S ere now offer are submitted for g
S ycur inspection. Of course, we' ve g
every make, and among them will g
S be lound the very choicest crea- S
S lions in Brussels, IrTsb Point, Swiss, &
S Nottingham and other Lace Goods; S
S also the New Snowftake Swiss, g
with Kllk Stripe In contrasting g
m colors. Also full lines of Silk g
S stripes, Tapetrlf etc., made to g
S order.
A Delaware and Hudson Engine StrikeB
Aged I J. Winan Saturday Night.
( 'ondnctor Skeel's passenger train,
due in this city at 7.18 p. m., struck I,
J. Wins i, aged about 05, a well known
oharacter about the streets of the city,
near the Dodgetowu bridge. It is not
knowu whether he waa walking the
tracks and did not hear the traiu ap
proach, or whether ha attempted to gt
over the crossing before the train.
The body was placed ou the train and
was brought to the city and placed iu
charge of Undertaker Cusick. Ooronor
Kelly empanelled a jury consisting of
T. A. Kraus. E T. Sweet, F. U. Megar
gee, Thorn-is Stanton, S. Cdfeeand R.
J Beamish. After viwing th re
mains, they adjourued until Wednes
day night at 8 o'clock, at which timj
they will hear testimony iu tiie cas in
the arbitration room of the court
We bave the most, complete assortment of
Men's Furnishing Uoods that ever appealed
to the eye or to tht, taste. Some of our new
shades and designs in Ties are eepeclally attractive-.
They aie selling at figures which
give you no excuse for being without all sorts
Of siites and styles.
205 Lackawanna Avenm.
Dr. Hill C Son
i; for koIJ capi
illuJ crown und
Fct teeth. IMS; best Mt
nnd teeth v.-it-.- Data.
brldsce work, rati for prices aud referonous.
TONALGIA. for extracting tedth without
pain. No ether. No gas.
JANUARY 22, 1894.
Your ojioicc of three beautiful
pictures, "Teleplaoue Girl," "I
livering Christmas Present''
and "Maiden! Swinging." Bend
by mail or musseiim-i- or bring
coupons like this tit three differ
ent tlates, with 10 cents, stamps
or coin, to
Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St.
Thk great people of this country who
accomplish ao much in the affairs of life
have the peculiar fashion of executing
whatoveruiay come to them iu the line of
action on the spot. There Is that pile of
Harper's, Frank Leslie's, SlcL'lure's, Re
view of RcviCWf, North American, Cen
tury, etc., that you bavo read. They are
a joy forever, but not a tbiiiK of beauty.
Our Mr. Schweucker eau transform tliem
so tbat they will become tbe brightest and
haudeoniest volumes in your library As
soon as you read this will you not get all
tbe numbers together, beforo they are lost
or soiled, aud bring them to Tint Trihcnk
binders A few cent will give you some
beautiful boolis that will take tho place of
those rough and ragged magazines.
Burnt Cork Performers Oive a Good En
tertainment at th Academy.
The minstrel performance given nt
the Academy of Music on Saturday
eveniu' by CleveUn l compmy was
good, although tho oomidians strug
gled with the old familiar jokes one
hears from ever- variety performer in
tue business. Tno vocal corps was
not extra strong, but the work of tbe
noloists was satisfactory.
Lew Benedict wno kept the forcos
o! Washington from going on a striicn
during that mdiniriblj winter at Val
ley Forge by relating funny storii .
was the star of the organizition, aud
the old timer was crtainly much bit
ter than any of tue young blood talent
corralled by Manager Cleveland during
the season.
Th comnqny will appear at WiUes-
Bsrre touight.
After Swearing; Off
How many have taken vows of abati
nence with the birth of the new year is
perhups bard to estimate, but we now
know that such efforts are futile against
inveterate habit, a babit which has become
a disease. There was a time wbeu it
wculd have been easy to quit, but having
ueglected to do so the babit continued un
til by tbe coustaut or fnquent use of the
poison tbero was forced a change in tbe
nervous system which made it not only
possible to drink, but necessary. Then
you could drink a good deal and not seem
to get drunk, but you also found it neces
sary, to keep you feeling good and you
"craved liquor" because you bad become
diseased. Now that swearing off does uo
good and the pledge can't be kept, go and
make your resolution good for all time by
taking treatmunt at the Keeley Institute,
7M Madison avenue, Sranton, Pa.
For Furniture, Etc.
Keep tbe dimes for the
pictures, "Telephone Ulr),'
ing" and "Maidens Ironing.'
three unique
"Good Moru
you ever Huntington tried
For oysters stewed or oyster)
At Lackawanna avenue 413
You'll find tbe nicest you hav(
Open Until Midnight.
25 Per Cent.
Best Sets of Teeth, Jg.oo
Including the rainless extracting
of teeth by au entirely uew pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.s.
We will allow 25 per
cent discount on all
vSales in our Cloak,
Fur and Millinery De
partment before taking inventory.
Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Underwear, etc. (slightly imper
fect), we will allow a discount of 15 per cent. The
above are bona fide offers and our natrons should not
fail to take advantage of them.