THE SCRAXTON TBTBTTNE-MOXD AY MORNING. JANUARY 22, 1891. ONE CENT A Word. Wautsof all Una's coat that f eepi Situation WanttJ.uhhh are inrted FRSS. Situation Wanted. Vl'KSK-I.AUltS' NL'KSh WOLMJ im. DntiaoNi Pa- cBABLOTTB lelmk. KURSK UIK1. address. Fi.lmorc nvo. Ur ANTED POSITION BY A MiRKlSO .mm m aarduer ..r Hurl t; will take my other boneMbM . mploymeat W. a.. No. BIS, rncips OlTtTATION WANTED AS nr In iln liuIlL huiHilVnrli. C it., us sr. tt., Address, oranton, Pa. Agents Wanted. ' ANTED- A SALL'SMAN. $: H i weakly can iix iiiaue wiui our goii ... any locality will prove it or lONeil w. Salary or coiuiiilsiiun as u prcler. There kuttaol a few bow1 work often "inf" wwk'n wanes. Address, "MANCI-ACIl It KKs." P tt Box 59B8i Bolton, Mass. Help Wanted Male. ''ANTr.l- UOi'l) BOV TO WOKK AT V blacksmitblng: one that has worked sit it preferred. UlLHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Help Wanted -Females IfAMTED. A OOOD cook Bt.'RY, uui oiivu street Ur ANTED. A UOOU UWO a.m i.AL.v dress Apple to MKS K P. KINDS- For Sale. I iR BALE 64 ACRK FARM, STOCK V and utensil J. K SHEFFIELD, Monroe uvo. pOK SALE ONE NSW YOST TYI'tv J' writer, also one new Abbott i heck punch, at a bargain. Jl fliirccs H. J., caw Tribune ot- llee. , L'OK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOBBCBAN .r ton property-A betirf iik orange grove jFnrenillll in PTOu OOtloO aud value yearly in the orange Motion in Florida, Adores I. E. NE1TLETON, Lake Helen. Florida For Rent. rVB Rl'.NT APRIL 1 Till: BOOMS NOW r iiiM'uniod hv the Teleuhoiie P.xchaiige. M: I ..ickawnnua avouue. A mil; ulv at the office of Uhleh Salt Mining Co., Third National Bank building L. 8. and E. C. Fuller. I iK BENT HOUSE 407 WYOMING AVE 1 Hue from April I. Eleven rooms, all the modern iniproveiueu s. rout J."1 per mouth Apply to F. H. CLEMONB, la Lackawanna avenue. GENERAL NEWS OF 1 Statistics ol tbe Pig Iron ami Steel Output lor Last fear, THERE WAS A LARGE FALLING OFF The Production, in Round Numbers, Decreased Two Million Tons as Compared with the Dimensions of Ihe Preceding Year's Record Inter esting Table Showing the Produc tion by States and by Halves of the Year Other Newsy Gleanings of Railway, Anthracite and Miscellane ous Industrial Gossip. The American Iron and Steel asso ciation li;i just published full atutis tics of the production of piit iron und Lleseeuier steel in the luited States in 1808, uud also complete IftUH of tho stocks of unsoiii pig iron in the h nn Is of makers or their agent! at the olotl of the year. T" total production of pig iron in lSP:t whs 7,194,802 urrs tuna, against 9,157.000 tons in 1892, 8,979,870(001 in 1891, and 9,909,708 tons in I89;. The production in 18113 was 9,089,498 tons, or over 'J'.' pr cent, less than in 1899, This decline in pro duction occurred wholly in the second half of 1898, as the production of the lirst lmlf was larger than that of the second half of 1899, and almost us Urge as that of the lirst lulf of lstfj. In the followiug table is (,'iveu tho out put by states in each half of isy;j Production, tons of 9940 lbs. i include spiegeleueo.) OTORE FOR KENT BTOKI ROOM AND l? basement. No. 138 Petin avenue, now oc cupied bv C. S. Wool worth as all cent store. Inquire of B. O, BILL, 131 North Washington avenue. I 'OK KENT A LA ROE STORE KOOU AT I 4H3 Spruce street, Inquire; tt III Wyom ing avenue. -TWO-STORY BK1CK DWKL- Uuk house; modern improvements. Ilia forest court. Apply to MAURICE CuLLlNS. 21 Vet Luekuwauna avenue. I 'OR RENT I ageut. ro,.m along railroad. avenue. TERM Apply at fl'u LF.T FOR A 1 Fart or all of three uunared feet of yard OF YEARS Hi Fraiikliu States. SlBS.SHi'hiisetts. CoDQectiont New York New Jerey Pennsylvania. Maryland Virginia N. Carolina Georgia Alubama Texas W. Virginia. ... Kentucky Tennessee Ohio ludlaua Illinois Michigan Wisconsin , Minnesota Missouri Colorado Oregon First lmlf "f 1893, 4.1 If 7,8.15 8B.S98 oU..rtr Second lmlf of 1883, 3,74:1" 5,148 44, -or :i4, 7ur Total for 1S'.15 7,H5!i 18,478 74,05 4, MIS The rannnsr of procedure is to lay a bottom piece, then cross pieces of scran layers; the comprsitinn is then applied, layiug on that u top piece, all of which is strapped together with iron, snaking a bundle S inches thick, all ot which is heated and rolled Into any shap ; de sired, i Under the Screen- On Feb. 0 all the factories of tho Ameri can Watch eompauy here will resume operations on lull time. O.ily a short aluit down, for Inventory, will Intervene. Then, for the tlrst time sluce la-i uumiuer.nll the vast works will be operated to their full capnclty. I'uropnaii coal is being driven out of Co ha hy the Philadelphia exporters. Japanese coal Ihih round its way to Bom bay. A quantity of it was lately delivered alongside in Bombay bnrbor at prices rang ing from eluveu to twelve rupees per ton. In the iron trade there is mora iPipiiry mid more tuisiuess is being done, though it must be OOOtetMd that in the majority of caael it is ut th-i sacrillce of values. The mill Of the National Rolling Mill company at McKeesp'ort will likely be started in full DISC Monday, wages being cut IS to ill) per cunt. A Wilkes-Harre dispatch says that tbe two lace mills of that city, which control the laco curtain output of the country, huvo all the work they cun do. 4, ll.u I used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for croup and colds, and declare it 11 positive cure. Contributed by Win. Kay, 570 Ply mouth Ave., buffalo, JS'. Y. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL onds. It has been many Stocks and Nisw YoitK, ,lnn. !30.r a week since Wall street felt as cherf ill us it did today. The tendency of prlcos was upwards uud tin bulls were in control from the opening to tbe close of the sei- 61011. The following Complete table showing the day s RuctUattoni tn motive stocks is supplied an I revised daily by LaBar it Fuller, atoek brokers, l-l Wyoming uvunue: Open ing. Am. Cot. Oil - Am Sugar KP4 A.T.4VBTV Hy Can. So "i(iij Ceu. N, J Il.'i! Cbiir. & N. W 1I:-'1h !,0-';.,'.itW 1,417,000 3,048,08S 89.730 13-.',l5 2,413 IS, too 447.V48 H,S38 r.r,, aits :7.'i 198,039 094,943 fi,:3 335, 771 81,907 M7,S.r5 H,3;3 99,829 37. 1 19 2,070 02,044 150,701 3118 S3, lOrt 27S.040 419 15,198 10,990 70,37(5 S8t09S -',4 69,400 .15.0J! L'3,ii;- 10,031 8,480 1,788 151,773 '102,8(10 9,848 30,075 7-1), 0,857 81,591 47.M1 307,916 875,805 5.5(17 406 rOI 1 17.53-s 131,772 10,373 89.80!) 45,555 4,730 TU RENT-STORE UbilitlOR FURNISHED i hall on Oreen Ridg street. Very Uesira- nle location and on reasonable terms. Apply toF. E. KETTLETON or O. S. WOODRUFF, Republican building. Total . 4,888,918 2,501,584 7,194,609 Special Notices. fiyHE LACK AW ANN A TRL'SI' ANdVaFE 1 DF.Fi iIT COM PAN Y, OF BCRANTON, PA.. Jan. 10, 1 8114. THE AN - UAL MEETING OF THESToCK Holders of the Company for the election of Director! will be held at their office. No. 4i4 l.ackuwauua avenue, 011 Monday Fub'y 5, between the hours of I and 4 p 111. HENRY BEL1N, Jr., beerttary. '"fllE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR,' 1 containing Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every 1 page Illustrated. Over HO pages. As an edu cator it is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete. Address P. O Moody. Ut Franalin avenue, agent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. fEAIi TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 114, corner Spruce street and 1-raukllu ave nue Twenty niaal cnucaM ot B&ou, uoou table board. M1 Legal. TESTATE OF WILLIAM MATTHEWS J j late of tha city of Serauton. county of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, lie ceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to tho undersigned all persona bavin? claims or demands against the said estate will present them tor payment and all those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to MART! H. MATTHEWS, RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M. MATTHEWS, Executors. Scranton, Pa. WILbJtRD, WARREN A KNAPP. Attorneys. He 3, Estate. 6t"SALE-S&?E W 1 avenue; very lit-sirable lueauon. Anply O F. REVN'OLDA or Vv'lLLARD. WARREN 4; KNAPP. ,nOWILL BL'Y MODERN NEWS-ROOM , Improvements; terms easy, cor IP c. H. & y... cmc. was C. C. C. i: St Col , Hock.Val D. oj U 1)., L. 4i W.... p. a 0. r Erie O. E. Co Lake Shore L, & N Manhattan Miss. Pue Nat. Lead.... N. Y. is H. E N. Y. Central N. Y..O. & W N. Y., S. & W U. S. 0. Co North Pac North Pue. pf Omaha Puc. Mull Reading Hock Island K. T St. Paul T..C. ft 1 Texas 4t Pay Union i'ac Wabash, pf W. Union W. L. E W. & L. E. pf i4 ii,;, 34; a Htih- et. 2S Mi UM lie m B7M Low est. n f-'ti I1H jP new m nh m m vmi wt MM litsB 4 121(4 l!7fl iru UKI ISM r.'s in 37tj m H MM in IM SON ISM 47fg ml ig OM -"'4 m 101Q ib i5hi lew ji" tx4 i nz 20)4 WW M m 15 iSm 44-1s iaL liVu I5ig id ?M OTH Mi's lu m M Clos i'tf. 28 P 11';, Ufa reiz OtUaj Mi m M 1SBU 4141 iuS SB 2754 ISM I11H4 In li.14 MM 37 SUM ST) mm m s Ansmia Is depleted blood. Tlio blood lacks richness and the cheeks lack color. The whole sys tem Tacks the nourishment Scotfs Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. This nourishing, palatable food restores a healthy color, enriches the blood and tones up tho whole system. Phy sicians, tho world over, en dorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prspired by Scott A bunuo, N. V. All Urucciati. PA vv Connolly & Walla Great Domestic Cotton Sole for a Few Days Only Prices Lower than ever before reached in the history of the business. Tn niacin"' our order lor Cottons we have taken every advantage Hie markets afford, The rtwrill is u-r have the largest and best1 bought stock in tbe ciiy. A Few Price Hints on 36-inch Muslins. BLEACHED. HILL LtONBDALG FRUIT OK LOOM PRIDE or WERT ..O CENTS 7 CENTS 7 OBNTS .11 t'FNTS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Directors of the Poor of Bcrntiton Poor District, For tine Year Ed ding Dec. 31, 1893, showing reeetoti, expenditure!, aceounuof secretary treasurer, tax collectors ami super intendent of farm, prolliota ol the farm, and 1111 inventory of the, real and tiersoiial uronerty of the said di-trii:t. as reiiuired by the act of aesembl) approved April u, isii'!. BLEACHED. ATLANTIC P 3 CENTS j ATLANTIC A 0', CENTS i AltCiYLK SU CRNTN BLACK DOCK fjw CENTS Home houses advertise Hill and Fruit Muslins under tin- re.nilar Driee ami deceive the nnhlic bv si-il- iug them a 7-8 width. It is not honest eotnpetil ion. We keep nothing hut the vartl wide roods in stock Sheet iiik and Pillow Case widths from 49-inch up to '-' L-2yards wide, ah ti1(. besl makes iiiclud- int; Utiea, Wamsutta, Atlantic and Lookwood, iii Bleached and Brown, Prices here same as the narrow goods have fallen down to the lowest notch. We have inaugurated this Special Sale at this lime, when people Keuerallv fenleulsb their Cotton sun plies. Housekeepers should bear I his fact in mind and improve the opportunity, Bale lasts OllC Week OLLT & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. ACCOUNTS or BEORETABY. DiisvainiBxu, There were disbars d upon I'laiius anainst the district, duly approved hy the board, for widen M.u' hurs are on IIIh. the um of 57.1.:; i s Distriimled as followa: Salaries und servicee $12,042 US Cr. Ity warrants rasliudiu l-'.Vl t.'uah on hand WARRANT ACCOUNT, Warrants outstandinu Dee, II, 1MB, Warrants Issued dnrittl IJW 70,5S'2 ill 17,043 K 1,100 10 . 16,102 W) 7.;-.: as Total Warrants tiald bv treasurer duriiiu DM II. ,..'. .0 Warrants outstandinu Deo ol, UW . ssu ill PERSONAL MIOPEBTY. outdoor loiiof,. Supplies. liupiovemuiits ami leuairs. db2,$i C n Her Madison avenue and Delewure Btreot. ph 1IAKHV I.KKH O1.40U WILL BUT VLKV DEauRABLE LOT i eorner . ; . aveuus ana ueinwdru atreet. 'lermseasy. Apply HAKHX LiBBIS, Coranton Wnolasala Marksts. 8CRANTOK. JaU. 'JU t'KDlTS Alf D PRO- PBCX uried ajiplei, pr lb., iSae. : evap orated apples, loallc. per lb.: TurKiso prunes, 44aSc;clish currauls,.:'ta ,c; layer raisius, H.TMlO; inuatel, (l.2da 1,80 per box; new Valttnciss, iia7e. par lb. Hk a.ns Marrowfats, $2. tiOa!i. 65 per bushel; mediums, fl.80al.U0. PA8 Ureeu, ll.25al.30 pr bushel jspllt, '2.G0a2.o0: lentels. Mine, per poaud. Potatoxb 65a70c. per bushel. ONIOH8 7ll7flc. per bushel. Butiib 20a25c. per lb. CBIMB 10al2Vfa. per lb. Kuu Fresb. I'ja20c: pickled, 10al7c; coolers, ldc. Msats Bams, lie.: large. lOKc; skinned hams, lO.t; California bams, fc!t,c; shoulders, 8Vu'c; dry salted bellies, d-4c..; smoked breakfast bacon. 12c; fresh pork loins, 10a ) "Wyoming" porK ssaauge, 11c.; Wyoming borne made aau sage, 8-pound pail, larded. He; butch ers' sausage, Kc, our own make; freeh pork shoulders, So.: fresh nigs' feet, 8c; fresh pigs' heads, 5c; fresb spare ribs. Sc.; fresb leaf lard, lie; fresb kidneys, 8c. do..: rough sausage meat, 8c: tongue, 8c. ; pine Its, 5c. each; whole hogs, ytu. Pork Mess at 117; short cut, (18. Laed Leaf In tlerees at UXe.; in tubs, H'lC; In 10-pound palls, lOVe.: in b-ponnd pails, IUXc; 8-pouud pail, lo.ije. per pound. Bkbk Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Poultry Chlekens, lOello.; turkeys, lSalSKe.) dueks. 12al8a Flour Minnesota patent, pe' barrel. S4.40a4.t)0; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 13.75; Uraham at 18.50; rya hour, at 13.85. Buckwbkat Klour $2.90 per cwt: F(Ki Mixed, perowt., at 11.00. Gram Hyp, 06e.; corn, 4b to62e.; oats, Ifis45c. per bushel. Ht Btraw Per ton, $18ald. UAY-Per ton. llOalS. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Cauajoharic, N. Y., syB that be always keeps Dr. Kiugs New Discovery in the bouso, and bis family has blways found the very best resultH follow Its use; that he would not be without it if procurable. l. A. Dykenian. druggist, Catiskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's Now Discovery Is undoubtedly tbe bast cough remedy; that he has need it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that Is claimed for it. Why not tin a remedy so loug tried and tested Trial bottles free at Matthews Bros', drug story. Kcgular size 50c. and 1.00. The number of furnaces which wore in blast on Jan. 4, wri 1H7, which wits the Hiunllest number in blast at the beginning- of any previous year. On July 1, 1S!)I3, the number of furntcei blowing was 830, The stocks of pig iron which were unsold in the hands of manufacturers or their agents on Jan. 1, and which were not intended for their own consumption aggregated 062,008 gross ton?, against 500,110 tons at the begiaolag of 1S98 On July 1, 1808 the stocks of unsold pig iron amounted to ot0.14I tone. The total production of llcsi mer steel ingots in lS9a wa3 8, l3,r?U gro.s tons agsinst -1,108.435 gross tons in 18112, showing a decrease in 1838 of 1,041. '.ill ton, or over 'Jr jmr cant. The production in the last half of i-:r. was less than half tbe production in the first half. The total nroduction of Bessemer steel rails in 18H3 was 1.03o, !ir3 gross tons, against 1,408,788 frOU tons in 1 a decrease of 422.3711 tons, orBhnost2'.i per c-nt. These figures ex clnde the comparatively small quantity of standard rails mid a larger quantity of street rails, which were made by manufacturers from purchased blooms, The new traffic alliauca which tin New York, Susquehanna and Western has made with the Wilkes-B irre and Enstern is in the naturo of expected newe, since the latter road practically belougs to the former. The only point in the new deal worthy of particular notica is the recently manifested eager nss nf Xew York railroads to tap the coal tielde. The Wilkes Birr Tiius proposed that the miners of buzsrne county hold a mass m eting to encoara re H ip. resentative Hines lu his opposition to the free coal clause. Apropos it adds: "Specious pious have beeu formulated in support of free coal, but tt Standi to rsaeon that wh"n influential politicians as Whitney, Hewitt and other noted Democrats organize a great coal com pany In Canada, tney upset to make money, ana a goo i deal ot money, not. by the sale of Hie product in tin l mini'in. but in tbe United BtStaf, The fact becomes more deeply impressed when it is found that these eauio men are interested in railroads and vessels running from tludr mines through Cantda. It is fully demonstrate! that coal can be mined in Nov Sjotia and lauded in Boston, fall River or at any of the Inkejporti'.c'aeaner than Pennsyl vania coal. The Whitney eyu licate, made up almost entirely of American fpecnlators, understand this and had the free coal itm put into the Wilson bill. These facts furnish a fine object lesson for every min jrin Pennsylvania. It must reveal to them the disaster that will follow the passage of a hill admit tingcoal free of duty. All that unv man is required to do to convince him self that tnere is a big Job in tbe prem ises somewhere, is merely to recall the close relations existing between Mr. Whitney uud President Cleveland. " Ex-Sheriff A. B. Stevens, formerly manager of the Steven colliery, and who still makes his home in West Pittston, is now Interested in coal min ing operations in the Sshnylklll region. He has, says the Pittston (iazette, se cured possession of a tract of 238 acres of good coal land in Schuylkill town ship, of the conntv of the same name. . test slope lias beeu driven on tbe property already und a second is now bung started, lha engines and other machinery necessary for the work were made at the mean works in West Pittston, and were shipped to day. There are three veins of good coal on the property, and Mr. Stevens says that they lie in such glinpe as to inuko the 28H acres worth in the ueigh - borhood of 400 acres In this section. A large new breaker is to be built, but work on this will not be started until spring A process by which scrap ileal can be heated nml rolled into shap is in use at the Jefferson Iron works, Steu lnville, O. Harden A Woods, the lu ventors, after muoh work, finally per fected a mineral composition, which, with certain chemicals when mixed with the scrap, enables it to be heated, rolled and welded without melting Cblcazo drain and Previsions. Scha.nton. Jan. .'0 Ti e following quota tionsaru Btipplmd and o irrcctjd daily by La Bar & Fuller, stock bi okers.l-'l Wyoming avenue. WHLAT. J.iu. May. July. Opening tw MM 0','d HiRhost 0 tllW Ml, Lonest ij llSVii "eS Closing 80 tli SSM CORN. Opening li.'.'.ft if HPS; Highest :i;,is SUf ssji Lowest mm !W Si'la Closing JS MM Nm OA rs. Opening ; Vii", 'JliH 2CN Highest leta MU 'J'.i, Lowest ios 'M 28v8 01 sing M antM 28lfj PORK. Opening IDJ I8U Highest i:ii 1S15 Low. st IKrJ 1,7 Closing 131C" 1815 LAUD. Opening 7(',7 748 Highest !T0 7S1 Lowest 7n 7(0 CI Biug ;;i 7J SH UT mus. OpeuiiiK HV, KJ-.' Highest Dtli Lowest ilua IXO Closing aTj Mi 8.831 U 18,518 VI :is,5w 4-: 858 :M 1,110 (III 7j bi I'rint'ag and stationery. r uriilturo . 511s, '.'Hanoi, on 875.802 N 1 hese aei'ounts are null-divided as follows sAI.VIULS AMI SKRVK'KS. Halane-i ol directors far l"l(i ( 1, 7.111 (II Salaries of auditors for 1MI-' 110 110 Salaries of othar oftlcers for !('.' l,;t) as "aiaries ami wug.-s ol' o l eers, attend ants, farni band, etc , tor 1888 s.7o ao 'total lor salaries and services I'.'.ur.' !)s ODTDOOa Rlt.tSIF, Funeral expenses Transportation of paupers Lxaminatiou of insane Medicine Elwrn Home for Keeble mtndod ('nil dren St. Joaeph'a PpuudUng Home Houie for the i'rlendless St Cat rick 's Orphan Asylum Lueknwaiin.i Hospital orders of Relief Provisions, rent and fuel C, .1 Kerr, oveMSOV of poor West l'i'tton 1'iHir district Ararat Foot district 1 .egal expenses Forest City Poordlstrlrt Pbfladelctila Poor district 429 on ho 'J I on "9 i; s'.s S3 lot IUS '-".I 820 50 H 41 W 45 U '4 82 128 K8 4 50 50 lj S7 I:, I I II Total for outdoor relief $ 8,821 K) I'minss, ( 'oal and light s (.am on freight. Meat and tlsh Tobacco and pipes i nothing and dry oods . . . Shoe-, and leather Flour Feed and meat Drugs and mud, cine Crockery and hardware... Horses i,nd cattle ( troceries and provisions. . Fartlilier 8,280 14 888 tl r.'.Wfi 89 is: OS 1.880 80 (ill !( 4: to 21U 13 858 no 4.882 10 21 52 Total lor supplies ls.518 04 IMPROVSMBJITfl AMP RiPAtna, New Men's huilding ISsJUS 03 Recreation yard walls and pailiina. Ii,in7 H2 Mm .iO 886 4D sir, o;, 210 0 :nn s7 li.t 10 s -j Qg 88 W lei v 1SVF.NTORV OF Property in Administration building i usnue oepai I uii'iii omen s building Old men's depart meiit .iiiideinent departnient Octagonal burn Vg"iy New barn Carpenter shop Slaughter house i 'btckery I.l.i k-niltli slioi, oil house Uas house Boiler house I V Etootrie plant Bakery I'llUI phnus, t. ... lee house and creamery Conservatory Lot ot linen old reservoir Morgue Ub9 fixtures '. Signs Director loom, Seraiitoii Totalof personal properly. INVr.NTollV OS REAL IITATR W acres ol' land, at SiOJ 8 omen e bnudlnff Men's building Insane asylum, west wing Aiiiuinistnili". building and east wing Insane asvluui Octagonal barn HSJW barn Arte3ian Well und building new reservoir Ice house Hake bouse Laundry White cottage Electric building old reservoir Hoiler hous 'and stack Haa house and retort Conservatory Carpenter, tool and blacksmith shops Kocr.'ut'.on ground, walls an ( pa villous Slaughter house Hou house Retaining walls and fences Closing out the bal ance of our HUSTLER .1 0,811 W . 4.1 Sl JO . a. ao . -'.746 45 M8 40 . 8,018 no 870 00 . to M 05 '."J50 113 00 :;7s no 980 ao SK 00 . li.llC'llO ,. 1.888 80 .. s.'.'ai isi gas t5 . i.isi to .. 715 90 U-7 II) :;"i0ii so oo l'w oo soo oo 0 00 Ml 70 ..$41,017 o7 l.l.ttiO 00 lii.-sKi 00 98,848 o. 4l.iw oi 01,000 no 6,j"0 ou s 509 on ice oi 8,700 on 'j.uuo no C M 00 '.'OIIJ Oil l ow oo I. 5(10 III pm ill 2,800 00 800 00 ;rvi (X) "SJJ 00 II, 4.7 v; 100 00 auo oo in at following' prices: A.CADEMY OF MUSIC. There will bo fun In town when nil. COMES Monday Night, Jan. 22, Presented by Tkocwi B. Davie' company ot Farcical, Vocal, Dancing and Acro batic Entertainers. Sale opens Friday. Russian Ly.ix Circular Capa, 'J4 Inches, S 1.98 Electric Seal Circular Capes, :il In S.W Astrakhan Circular Capes, !.'4 In .HS Wool .al Circular Cap';s, la Und j Stone Marten Circular Capes, Jl in 40.OJ i Brown Marten Circular Cnpes. 'Jt lu 43.00 Otter Circular Capes, J4 in 30. ou ACADEMY OI TIIIHSDAV. MUSIC. IAN. The Sweet-Slnghi CHAS. T (lei man Couidllati, ELLIS, III His New crioii ..f HU I'ie tuivsquo Seal Sacques long .Count Casper. Seal Saeiiues, 88 inctes Seal Jackets, !lll inchos. Seal Jackets. Jl inches loug Astrakhan Jacket .', Jl lu?bei loai HEAB ELLIS' NEW SO.NOB .SI30 0O . I'lini) . (iiuo 1-Y I "A BUTTONHOLE BOUQUET'' Bj.OO j REQUEST t and "SANTA OLAUS.' Sale of nats o-na Tneadajr. Circular Capes New Yorl; Produoe Maiktt. Ntw York. Jan. '.' i. Floch Very dull. Wheat-Dull, steady, No. 2 red, store and elevator, 6()c.;f. o. b., WUSliC.i ncgraaea rea, ooa7c; atioat, Oijjc, ; No. 1 northern, 71 'io. : ODtioaJ ilnll. closed firm. No. 'J red January. Wlc. : February. 06i,-.; March, ti7'c; alay.f.'J-.. dune, in. c : July, Tlitc: Uecember. Tt.o. Cor-N Dull and firmer: No. 2. 42Vi: elevator, A'ic. afloat; ungraded miiod, 4J.;s,a4sJ.,;c.: steamer mired, 42(c. : op tions dull nml uriu; January, 42e.: reb ruarv. 4SW0.I March, 44c.: May. 449ic. oats Hull and iirmcr: ontioiio. iiuiet and tinner; January, 8JVc; February, 83!c; Match, Btlf'e.i May. StkC! No. 2 white ,lBtinary,?Hc. ; Marcb,il7c; spot prices JNo. ", 3,)a.'i:iVc.: Mo. 2 white. 88C.1 No. 2 Cbiriigo, itl!c.: No. 8, Sy.yc: No. white, 84c: mixed western, flgiflflfl. white do 35.140c : white etnto. 83a40c. Btnur Dull and lirm bLUK Hams Firm at 10 50ul7 .00. TlEHOtn BKSf Qoitt aud steudy. Cut Mkats- Firm. LaSD Dull; western Blentn, IS.10; city. ijsjc; option rsIob none: lehned. dull; con iineiit, c.i',o: South America, fo.lW; com pound, OfsJatlsje. l'iiiik-y net, steady; uiees, 114.284(14 7.1. Hi " yuiet and unchanged: state dairy 10a23c; do. creamery, IbaJ'Jc; l'enu eylvnuia do., t8a33Uc! western dairy. 1HV$rI7c ; dn. creamery, 1988W0I do. fac tory, 18u15Vc; Kigius, UaSAKCi imitation creamery, 14!talSc; rolls, lZalllc. ( HKKSE Unlet, firm: stute. larire. On U'c; fancy, UKSllJiC ; do, small, UnlJc; part skims, 4al0c; full skims, SaBe, EdOl Moderate demand, steadv: ice house, per cae, llajLsOl western fresh, 14al4Hc . southern, 18nl4Jc. Philadelphia Tallow Market. PniLauELpntA, Jan. 20. Tallow was In fair demand nnd Irm. I'rlcos were: Prime city, in hogsheads, IMaftKc.! prime country, lu hogsheads ,'Mio. do. dark, in hogsheads, 4'c; cakes, 5Wc; grense. 4ic. T . Fatal neglect is little short of suicide. Tho conse(Uoures of a neglected cough n:o too wen known to need rs-nt:t : Hr. Wood's Norway l'lnp Syrup cures a cough promptly. Sold by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. Closets Administration building Conduit Itslling Hoard rooms, Scranton Hlaeksiiiithing Pump house Harness, etc Boiler house Insane building Laundry i leetrle building Piggery Women's building Miscellaneous Total of real estate Total of personal property, .Jjill.7,) s4 . 41,1(17 37 HI! '.' I JO n 75 IUM 41 Total for Improvements and repairs'. . as.ien 41 parsTnra am mtatiomirt. Bnbaorlotloo, papers at Farm S 4 Hooks and blanks 8t M Postaue stamps 17 00 Stationery 44 Total rol pi mtlni and stationery .. .. JV.I JS runaiTuns. Tables $ 11 00 Cuspi ores 7 50 Chairs Jul 00 Desks 151 10 Hhudes : 08 Can. eta :ua 88 Paper and daduos IBS ( 0 Sofa nig IB 00 Linoleum lei 9J Beds el 50 Bool; rack 10 50 Repairs of furniture Kl Total ior furniture , H1SCIUASBOVS, Rent, DirectoBs' room 8 83 .'Jl Has I VI Legal co-ts nnd Anti t Si Mi: emit. Midnit s inise'-llaneoi. ex pens, a I'd Si Resident physician s miscellaneous ( xp uiees 23 68 Televnotiea 101 25 Assessment, State t-oeiatioii Unec tors nf the Poor l 110 Safe di posit vault 5 00 I'nxes r.-fiinilnil 14 21 Tuning piano 6 ill Total property of the district 82li;.ti (1 The average number of inmates at Hillsnl Home during the year was 978 18496, and the ier capita cost ot maintaining raupsrs ami nsane persons at the Home, lie iudiug food lotliing, light beat, medicine, salaries of su ls'rintendcnt, resident physician, attendants, etc., exclusive ol' furiu prod arte, wee per k. Thi t-ita! of th ' beard of inmates, sane mid iuauc, is equal to thu tsiai d of one person for 100,718 days B 'sides this, then were taken :it the superintendent s table during the years a number Oi meals - nial to the board of one person for s.S51 days, and by workmen employed on improvements aud repairs in als equal to the board of one person for 1.7l7 days. making tlif total days oi t,.iard at trio iiome ULBia, The number ol minutes at Uie end of each month of UBS was as follows: January Jno, Febru rvJiKl. March JiW. April J.8. Mav J,. June 27s. Jnlv Js;,, August 287, September i4. October 21M. November '.Ml. December JW. The 808 patients in the Home uec. u. IStel, are classed 11s follows- l-ane 111 1. insane 135. idiot la .V blind 7. children OnDec 81. IsOJ. tiler" were In th- II uu ' Jiw: admitted dnrltig the year. 21s: born, 12; discharged dur ing the year, lew oieo, ir; eiopisi, ... P BOD VCR itAisrn us PARM. Tho total value of the products of the farm dmlne; the year 1MW. according to an item I eed statement ore na red by (4eorge W. Beemer. suiHirlntendent, was $7,1154. 2o. . RMlDBMI PBVSICIA i DlPABTUKKt. During the paid year there have been ad Seal Circular Cape. U0 Inches long, with Butterfly Cape JS5.00 Otter Circular ('ape, ad inches long.with Butterfly Cape 105.0b Sable Circular Cape, :kl inches long 35 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, inches long '-"-.' 00 Electric Seal Circular Cape. :J0 in. long.. 20 00 Qry Criiumtr Circular Cape. 30 in. lung Jo oO 10 do.eii American S al Mufts at....$l S3 each I lot 1 f children's sets at No. each 1 lot of hlelgh Robes, plush liiud $J each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. N. H. BROOKS. Supt and Lecturer. BARRY THORN L suite Manager. Week commencing MdMi.l V.,1 A I' A It V 88 DUBLIN DAN COMEDY CO. In ri.ajiincti'.n With Howorth's Eibernica 1 Scenery of Ireland 1 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday, I.AKKY AMI TKDDV. Thursday. Friday, Saturday. THK TWO DANS, UMfitiANT DltAMAS I'lISST-CL ASS SPEC! A ITU'S. MAONIFIOKNT PAINTINGS uie. to back of balcony; SOe. to froot of bulcouy and rear parquettej 30c. opera chairs. Performanoea at J..U an 1 S.lj p.m. Doors open at 1 JU und 7. 1 ll'il'O tiiitti'd to the iusiuie dcpaittneiit leinnles 17; total, 19. civit cosnmox. Males :!2. Singli .sun rtau,, . Widowed Rales. . 15 14 in mail i 10 4 17 olal 19 Jl Traveling esp mtM 118 211 insurance Horse Refunded .Mrs Oiinuliighntn Oarbondkle l'uor district Fireworks Keys Total for miscellaneous 1 00 IV (l y; 111 N 40 ' J7 58 1 75 878 III THE GEM COUPON, THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL, A Trip Through the Colum bian Exposition, 72 leaves, printed on one side only. Showing all the places of interest pn main grounds und Mldwaj I'laisauee. Size, 5x7. lanliossed iaper cover or fiill cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS lakes emboss3 1 cover. ; Tw3 Coupons and 40 CENTS tak8 o'oth cover. Add ! eonts for pontage If ordered by mall The Scranton Tribune. ACCOUNTS OF COLLECTORS. Kred L. Wormser, rolleetor. IMH, tn account wiin pel anion rear uisirici: llr. To balsnt i dm-, per laxi report im:,mi m To ivsrriitit N'o ll.7S:i till -18,680 UJ Cr. Uy exonerations and abate meats s:',.irgl 40 H eoniiiilsslolis 8,51(1' 91 - 0,550 45 Fred L, Woruiser. coUeOtpr IS'JJ, in account with Scrantou Poor district: s Hr. To balance due, per last report 817 811 64 Cr. Hy cash to T. 11. Jones, treasurer 12.020 On Hiiliince due district 5,1111 04 Note.- ill urmser has made application for exonerations and abatements which, when alloed, will, with hi. cummlssions, balauco this account Fred L Woriuaer. collector 1888, In account wltn Scranton Poor district: Dr. To amount of duplicate for 1S01 197J7I 80 Cr. Uy payments to T. H. Jones, Tress... 48,000 00 balance due district. si-,j;i 50 AccorNT OF TREASURER. Thomas H. Jones, treasurer 1WJ, lu account with Sciantun Poor alatrUtl Dr. To esah froin (b)i rzn Mitchell, t.'casuror ,t3t.l8 F I. W rnisor. collecter I8S2 19,000 00 . L. orniser. collei tor 1SIU 49 W0 "0 I.. J. I.ynett, secretary, for - Ileal d of lmuatss ;,071 10 Railroad fates 0 50 Vault door ftu (II Lumber sold IS 75 l'lttstoli Poor district u Id cash loond on laeMtes. . . iri oi Redding estate 1411 SI Q, W. Banner, sunt., for C,Sebrneder's men's hoard tww SO Uiard and produce sold ... 120 OJ 411 The ciinici of Insanity were Typhoid fever, dim icteric 4. congentlal J, sunstroke 1,1a grippe I. parturition 4. wo:in ls 1, dissipation in. mastaroatton . griet i. .na age ,, epuepey & Injury i, pregnano) i, family tr inole 1. un known 1. The number dl-toharced wns 91; Of tins number 11 wero restored, Q improved, and i:j died Tho , auaes "I ib at I were Paresis 4. senile deiiientia j. eollepey 8, terminal dementia 1, dysentery J. phthisis 2 I tie aerage cany population wai izo 32t 395. Dttrlni the year there was hsued l.uvl pre set ipttolis to I. MO patients. I ho cost ol meiiicines, i oi. etc., was 8483.05. We feel thai some exnlanation Is due ti the taxpayers lor the extraordinary expenditures lor liuproveiiieiiis anu repairs noieu in inc. reirart. The main expenditure Is for a Imlld lug for sane men. the ueed tor which has been left many years. The building for sane males used up to this time wan the original frame almshouse, which was iunufHciout for the ac commodation of all tho male Inmates, nnd the overflow was uccoiumodaled In the basement f the Insane building, the (insanitary condi tion of which was a constant tpnroeof com plaint. With the OOnaant of the state bon d of ehurltles, which approved of the plans, wu contracted for the erection of a large lire proof building, whl h Is now approaching completion and which will be ample for tho purposes for which it Is Intended for mans years to come, iiiaklne due allowance for the lucrcaec of ibo population of tbe district. Recreation In t lie open air is necessary for tho physical bia'lh and oenefloiaj to the mental condition ol the Ir.ianc. Tho fence about the recreated! grounda. liuilt about ten years ago. h id become so insecure that it waa unsafe to ullow the insane in it. Desiring to tnske the work secure and permanent, we have enclosed the groiiuds with a brick wall eight feet high, with a brick wall in the cen tre, dividing It into two yards for the sepal a Hon of tbe sexes. A looted walk t urn, about thu Inside of the outer walls, a pavilion hi s been built In the . enter of each yard, SJ that the tiisnne may have their customary exercise In wet weather. A conduit, tu which the steam pipes of the institution have been placed, was also one of the important Improvements "f the year. W. S. Lanustait, president. I Julia (liiiiioNS. I Directors PASTIL Williams, of the P. J Mi iii in ! poor of CHAiiirs Tkiipp. I Serauton Thomas Shihton. . Poor J'liAxrss B. BWAM, I district. Attest, E. J LYNKT P, Secretary. Scranton, Ph., Jannsry 'J. IM4. I e y i I-1 TtLl T FORGET ED El MUSEE Wc:k Comreacinj Jan. 22. DON That we era haadnnarteisj for evervthUUE the line ot WATcuKs. U you have an idea ot purchasing any kind Ol a Watch, lady's of gent's. Bold ok Silver, yon will make u griev - ! ous mistake, it you do not give us u call and get our prices, which yon will find far below all otners. eapeciaMy iii all the high grades of I F.lgiu, Wiilthaui and Hampden movements, if yot) have any doubts aud ore at nil posted on prices give us a cull ami t will liae BO trouble in convincing vou.Weatai haven large ' stis:k todiepo-e of. and will offer you won ierlnl inducements in Jewelry, Silverware Clocks and all otter goods which we have in stock. C. W. Freeman I'tnn Ave. and Spruce St 1.400 71 1 .0li 80 tn,tu i Tor Delicacy, For purity, and far iinprovcnieulof the com pleiion, nothing equals PoiMMI'l Powder. HOLLY WREATHS. BOXWOOD WREATHS. ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reasonable. Space will not permit u to mention the good things for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a lirst -class market. W. H. PIERCE, TENN AVE. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers end Dealers ( Burning, All AanJ iiWDfUILo m also siiattinfi and Journal Greasi ( I 11IU HALL. 1v The Aboriginal lleauty. AGNA Tho Man Woman. N M IT II The World's Smallest l.ady THE PLATYPUS The Antipodean Paradox, i in A l l i:. MULDOON'S PICNIC Admission, 10c. (JO X CERT Mr, Tliea Hem!i'jer, Violinist, l ate Pupil. ,f joachim, Berlin, Assisted by MISS EMMA CONRAD, Y. M.C. A. HaUeTbursday Evening JANUARY 25. PnffMMM win ) pttbltaUwd ltttar iO To Investors. Tin: BCRANTON nIo Works hac issui'ii :;,ooo of ti per cent. Coupon I loads. Interest ; payable semi anmiallj .These bonds are to run for ton years, from No . I, 1893. niy n limited amount are offered for sale to Investors. These bonds are fust mortgage on Lue entire plant of iie company, and are Issued for the purpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominat Ions of 11,000, 50Qftnd$100 each, flor further particulars address ,i no. M. lUiMERER, Pres. Or I - H. RIPPLB, Twasurer, SCRANTON, PA. OFFICE: eH West Lackawanna A v., We.'Kh.'s -Meridlau RtNtl I BLOOD POISON I ed under ituiraoty.fcackl'i b) fhw -l i'.Ml ,.- . r Is ..I, '. 10' ,a,e I' m! i.i'Ulistfd tt.1111 I h fa f , i mt ' 1 1 1 e l , " 1 f t li iti s. 1 1 T. liiti Hot (tprtngn I Mun-iirvfAil. Our Mnirir tH mtXJlf lute. ' Kr.lItM !.. (rmuieotlyeuretl I tnJU tottuda)! by I
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