8 THE SCKANTOtt TBTBU1STE-SATURDAY MOKNTNCr. JANUARY 20, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THE NEXT WEEK OR TEN DAYS Will bf Important to buyers of Dry Goods unci t'vm'ilinly profit able, especially to purchasers of Dress Goods. We have just fin ished our annual Inventory, and previous to opening our new spring stock, have several lines that must be disposed of. Buyers will Bnd tempting in ducements and rare opportunities. In Silks and Dress Goods In Ladies' and Misses' Jack ets, In Printed Cottons, In Housek'pi'g Linen Goods In Hosiery and Underwear In Dress Trimmings, In Lace Curtains. IHE NEWS OF ! NEARB IMS rnnt of town eorrospondonts of Tim Turn DNI should sliin their MUSI ill full to oacll news letter, not for publication out to g-nard llillst doeuptiuU.I We note below a few of the re ductions in DRESS GOODS K"c. All Wool Dress Gooili Reducod to 18ft 75c. All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to o7lc. 63c. All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to 83a 50a All-wool Dress Goods Reduced to Wc. BARGAINS IN CLOAKS. We offer all odd Jackets anil Newmarkets and all the accumu lation in Cloak Department at less than one half, and many instances at less than one-quarter of the cost, TO CLOSE AT ONCE, that we may have no old styles to carry over, and that our entire spring stock may be new and bright. CLARK'S GREEN GATHERINGS. Newsy Gleaninca of Personal Gossip and Other Information. Special to the tcrantun Tribune, Clark's Gkekn, Pa., Jan 19 The remains of Frederick B Wick izer, the vounpt man who was injur-d, and died id Carbondalu on Saturday last, arrived hsre at noon on 'lueg.lay ami was interred in the Clark's Green Cemetery. Frank Seraple, of Bethlehem, visited his cousin, W. S. Frace, on Wednes day. A donation is billed to occur at the house of J. B, Austin on Tuesday vn ing for the uenstit of Rev. F. II. Par sons. M. H. Coon ii now located in his new residence. C P. Matthews is filling bis ice house, beiug the first to gather ice in this vicinity. B. Hi Stone was married to Miss Nwllie Tiffany, of Scranton, on Wed nesday evening at tho bride's home, They left via Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Cincinnati for Chattanooga to spend a couple of weeks with Air. btone s brother. The Epworth league has announced its first entertainment, consisting of recitations, essays, chorus and solo si n King. Herbert Pelham, who died on Wed nesday at noon, will be interred at Fac toryville on Sunday next. Mrs. Mosnlmati visited friends in Fleetville on Monday last. Mrs. E, J. Chapman is visiting friends m Dnltou. The farmnrs are aroused and are holding meetings, one of which was beld at Summit last Sitnrday and another will be held in the election room on Saturday nsxt. They are working np the dairy interest. J. D Knight iB visiting friends in Now York state. William Brown, of Stroudsburg. who has been visiting his friend, 11. c, Morthrnp, returned to his home on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Samuel Polhamus, who has been nick for some time, is still iu critical condition. Mrs. E. J. Hinckley is seriously sick with Brighta' disease, but is reported as iu a somewhat easier condition. CARBONDALE CHURCH NEWS Thames and Hours of the Various Ser vices Tomorrow. Special to the 8CTQ1UOH Tribune, Carbondai.e. Pa., Jan. 11) Exercises will be observed in the different plac-.'s of worship in this city, Sunday, at the following hours: At the Methodist churoli, Rev. William E Igar, pastor, preaching at 10 80 a.m., and 7 HO p. m, Sablinth school 12 o'clock. Epworth It-agile. 0 30 Presbyterian churchRev. Cbarhs Lm, pastor. Preaoliiug at 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Sabbath school 12 in. Junior Christian Endeavor meeting at 4 p. m. Senior Ubristiau Eudeavor 0 80 p. m. Baptist church, Rev T. E Jopson, pastor, preaching at 10 30 a. m. ami 7 30 p, in. The theme of tho evening services is ''Converted iu a Prison," and the sermon is the fourth iu the series of sermons on tho "New Toata niiiit Conversions' Ordinance of baptism will be administered at close of sermon. Sabbath school at IS o'clock. Juuior Endeavor society meet ing at 1 p. iu. Senior Endeavor society at 5, 30 p. m. Congregational church, Rev. Abra ham Jones, pastor. Preaching at 10 80 ii. iu. and 0 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m, Trinity church R"V. E. J. Balslev, pastor. Preaching, 10 80 a. m.. 7.30 p, m ; Sabbath school, 13 o'clock. Vouug Men's Christian Association hall Meeting for men only at 3 48 p. m. Sabbath school iu township school house uuder the auspices of the Bap tist Christian E ideavor society, B. R. Hall, superintendent, at 2 o'clock p. in - e CRISP CAHBONDALE CHIPS. oma of the Minor N swa Occurrsncse of One Day. Fiietyit lo the Scranton 2W6eaa Cauuonuale, Pa.. Jan. IS) The sec tion of the Epworth League under the direction of Misa May Kilpatrick are making preparation to hold a "Mum social" at the home of Frank Kilpat rick on Darte avenue on Wednesday evening, Jan. M The proceeds will be eVOMd to the amount promised by this section to decrease the indebted ness of their church. Mrs. R. H. Trallas and Mrs. II. S. Bolton, of this city, called on their relatives in HouesdaU today. On Thursday the Delaware and Hud son company lam on twenty-six or their shop hands aside from several other side employes. The comedy of ''Ole Olson' will be presented at the Academy of Music on Monday evening next. Philip R. Bevin, of Knoxville.T.'nn., is the guest of John B. Hoyt, ou River treet. On Tuesday morning of next week ti e Junior Christian Eudeavor society f the Presbyterian church will bold a mon social in the lecture room A meeting was held iu City Treas urer Gramer's office by the Republican candidates for citv offices tonight to numa a city committee. Mrs. J. S. Bassett. of Thorn street, is visiting friends in Scranton Miss May L. Davis, of Scranton, who has been the guest of Miss Sarah Mc Coinb, of Garfield aveuuu, returned home, this evening. loinorrow morning at 9.30 o clock will occur the funeral of Thomas Burke, who was killed on Wednesday evening while attempting to board a coal train on the Delaware and Hudson railroad. A requiem mass will be cele brated at the church of St. Rose, after which the body will be interred in St. Rose cemetery, Oa Wednesday evening, Jan. 31, the Trinity Church guild will serve u sup per and give a Brownie entertainmout in the Young Men's Christian Assjcia- tion hali. Miss Millie Salem, of Sonth Main street, is the guest of Miss Wormser.of Scranton. and eermon, 10 30 a.m. ; Suuday school, 12 m. ; Christian Endeavor, 0 80 p m. ; evening service and sermon. 7.80 p. iu. Baptist Church Rev. C, H. Hall, pnstor. Morning service and sermon, 10.80 a. in. . Sunday school 11.-15 a. m ; Christian Endeavor, 6 30 p. m. ; even ing service and sermon. 7.30 p. m. MINOR AVOCA AFFAIRS. A Quarter Century Teat. For a (inartor of a century Dr. King'i New Discovery has boon tested, and the millions who have received benefit from Its use teBtitv to its wonderful curativi powors in all disenBes of Throat,Chest and Lungs. A romeily that has stood the test so long anil that has given so universal sntisfnetion is no oxnoriinent. Kach bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded. It Is admitted to lie the most reliable for Cough and Colds. Trial bottles Free at. Matthew Bro s. Drug Store. Large size BOO, unil 1,00. Ol lNHV troubled Din for twin v years, Since 1 started using Dr.Tlioun'ICelectric Oil, have not had auuttack. Tl oil cures soro ihroot at our.n. Mrs. Let a Uourad, M,.,l.. I, Mirh Oct. 24. 1HR3 Newsy Happenings of an Enterprising Horough Biliflr Narrated. Special ta the Scranton IWbtjaa Avoca, Pa.. Jan. 19 Miss Maggie Shuhan, of Sayre, Pa., was a visitor hero Thursday evening. A baby boy has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrey. The Laugcliffe, Coal company paid their employes today. The Avoca Coal company will p iy tomorrow. Rev. J. J. Outran, of: Carboudiile, was a visitor here Thursday. Miss B. O'Brien was iu Scranton yes terday. Mrs. Henry and Miss Agnes McMil lan, of West Pittsou, were callers here yesterday afternoon. Misses Katie Mackinand Nellie Dm uelly, of Hturmerville, are the guests of Miss Katie Dougher, Miss Maud Morrison, of Providence, is visiting friends here. Misses Clara Doylo and Kittie Hop kins, of Scranton, were visitors at the lair Thursday evening. Miss Lizzie McDormott, of West Pittston, is the guest of Miss Mitiuio Leonard. The Republicans held their caucus in the Albion ball room ou Thursday evening and nominated the following ticket: Burgess, 0 D Hnlllater, ; coun cil, G B Beantoni, E E Reynolds; school directors, Jacob Webster. D. C. Marton ; tax collootor, D. W. Boone; constable, L B. Williams; high con stable, J. P. Boae; registry assessors, North district, W J. Willianu; South district, E C Kellam William Brown, sr., is on the sick list. The remains of Miss Anna Gilmattin, who died Wednd.iy at her homo, West End, N. J., and who is well known in this place, aro expected to arrive hero this evening The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon in St. Mary's cemetery, Thursday evening was ono of tho mam moth nights of St. Mary's fair. The tntertaiement was given by talent from Pittston and was highly appreci ated There were oyer 1,200 paid ad missions. A large number of valuable article were chanced off. e PIT BY PECKVILLE POINTERS. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fovor Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo periect .,. , m or money reinndeu. rnce SO cents per box. For sale by .Matthews Bros. MAPLE CITV BREVITIES. the Short but Interesting O lmpim at Honssdnla Field. Special to the Scranton Tribune. IIoNKSPAt.n.Jan. 19 Miss Catherine Gaylord will leave Honesdale Monday for an extended visit with relatives at Philadelphia. Miss Lucv Heft left town this morn ing to visit relatives and friends in the valley. Mrs. W. E Urseley and son, Ray mond, of Scranton, are the guests of Honesdale friends. Percy L Cole will spend Sunday with bis parents at Dun more Mr. John iaylor, of Scranton, was a eallorin town yesterday. Auss Vinme Roso attonded the Cornell reception at Scranton tonight i'hysicians rep .rt that the uecreas in the number of cases of sickness the past two weeks over the few weeks preceding has been remarkable, the number of calls a week having fallen off about 7. per cent. Dr. C. K Parke U Holwell. ir., Scranton; R. P. Hchwarz, Stroudsburg, and E. Peck, Carbondal ; were among the Allen House guests today. Bernard Moll, of Scranton, Is visit ing his parents here, Mrs. Josspli (iillispie is the guest of friends hero this w ek. My physician said I could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not re tain fond. Burdock Blood Hitters cured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 312 Exchange streot, Buffalo, N. V. " General Events and Personal Movements R-p Ttad In Fw Words. Specitil to the Scranton Tribune. PEOKVIIXS, Pa., Jan. 19. Cal Rolls, of Jail streot, who had the misfortune to sprain ins ankle last week, is sons to attend to hit work again. Richard Wren will dispose of his property en Brook street and take his family to England, his former home. There are notices postad u i for a Third ward caucus to bo beld at the borough council room Saturday even ing, Jan. 20, for the purpose of nomi nating the ward offices and as the peo ple are to have a vote on the question of light or no light it is important that the voters turn out in full force. Horace Frear, who has been clerking in the Olyphant Beady Pay store, has moved his family into rooms in Will iam 0, Bert's residence on Jail street. is. ii. Johnson, or isrooic street, is building a douhlo housn iu the back end of one of his lots. Virgin Stevens, of Maple street, is the happy possessor of tho finest doll in town. It is as large as a child 5 years old. R. J. Uren, of Maple street, was called to Lsnesville, Pa., Inst week by the serious illness of his father, who died Inat Saturday. He returned homo Thursday evening Miss Blanche Shaffer, of Plymouth is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Bloes. Mins Blanche Taylor entertained a number of young folks at her horns on Hickory street last Wednesday even ing, Mrs. Major Richardt, of Providence, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Bsn nott, of Colfax, Iowa, spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. J. E Milrov. Tbomns Swales, who ha) been Suffer ing with rheumatism resumed work last Thursday. Mins May Jenkins in suffering from la grippe, Charles Grny, who has been visiting friends at Poyntelle for the past few days, returned home Thursday. hit Wall is visiting with relatives at Belmont. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Tn thill on Thursday last, a young daughter. Dan Wilcox has returned home from n few days' visit with relatives at Beu ton. Mrs. Jessie McKean, who has been very sick for the past week, is imjrrov ing. -e OFFICERS PUBLICLY INSTALLED, THIS CURIOUS THING Is a Sweat or Excretory Gland. Its mouth is called a PORE. There are 7,000,000 in the human skin. Through them are discharged many impurities; To close them means death. Sluggish or clogged pores mean yellow, mothy skin, pimples, blotches, eczema. The blood becomes impure. Hence serious blood humors. Perfect action of the pores Means clear, wholesome skin, Means pure blood, Means beauty and health. Cuticura Resolvent Exerts a peculiar, purifying action upon the skin, and through it upon the blood. Thus its cures of distressing humors are speedy, permanent, and economical. Like all of the Cuticuras, it is pure, sweet, gentle, and effective. Mothers and children eminur suushud. are its warmest friends. find GoinplcxioflS BTnfgUfa action of the pores also causes the oomplezlon sad rUIo, to heroine dark, yellow, oily and mothy, (,'iving rise to pimples, black. heads, roughness, redness, falling hair and bab) blemishes. The only reliable preventive and external c ure is Ci TiruRA Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying sonp iu the world as well us the purest sad sweetest for toilet and nursery. OrmrniA RsxiDrsi srs aotd everywhere, Prtoe, Odticdbs ltsoi.. Bulo Proprietors, Uu.um, iiu. 4-"aii about the Bkla una Blood," mailed free. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Hiereare hundreds of youujr, men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Bosiness and Shorthand lias been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inaetivity and waut to do something tangible, eonie to the College. COCltHK. COMMON KNCMHII BLHIMOHS COUUSK. SIIOKTHANU COT USC m;v year P. E. WOOD, Proprietor. OPENS JANl'AKY 1. KERR lb SIEBFCKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. WHALEN OFF FOR KANSAS. The Noted DeteottTS Will Brlns; Supot Wilb urne Pack. VTlLKES BaRRB, Jun 111. Detective Whftlon, of this city, left here to-ilny for Biker, Run., with requisition pipers to brinif baclt ,1. C. Wilbouru-, who was arrested there yesterday. yVilbonrns is the m m who so brut ally murdered Contractor John John son ou the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad at Hanover a few weeks ntfo. HIS RIGHT ARM CRUSHED. Thomas Brncy Sustains a Painful Acc -dent a' the UrU Pnclcte. Ppcctal ttt the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Jan. id. Ibomaa Bra- cey was badly injured at the Erie pockets yesterday morning. His ri'iit arm was oangtlt between the bumpers of coal cars and horribly crushed be tween the wrist and elbow. Dr OVouurll was culled, and as sisted by Brady and burns, gave relief to the sufferer. STORES DESTROYED BY FIRE. Six Thousand Dollar Bias Is Experi enced at Avoca WilKES-BakRE, Jan. 19 Hollister & Bowman's company stores at Avoca were partially destroyed by fir this movnin :. Loss on bnilding $2,0(M, on stock 1 000, fully insured. The origin of the lire is as yet un known. Hood's Cures Dr. B. Grower Ik Pliiladelplih Specialist, And his HB-K7i.itd ktaffof EnsrUah and Ger man i nysMUUM,aM now permanently locuted Temple Court Building .11 I SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON Where ihey may be consorted Daily and SUNDAY, The Doctor Is a graduate ot the TJnlvoreity or Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology and Mirg-rv at the Nedlco-Cuir-urKical College, of Philadelphia. Ho Is also a honorary n ember of tlm Medico Chirur gical Association, und uaa physician and lurgeon-ln-oblef ot the moat Doted American and Uerman hospitals, comes hUhly Indoraod by tM leading professors of Philadelphia and New c.rk. Ills many years of hosnitil experience en ables this -eminmit physlolan aixl surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and diseases with the most Haltering success, and his bLh standing in the state will not all u nun to accept anv incurable case i on i ii , mm on m -Kim i WKAKXRftS 1' VOUNG MKN CURED, 11 you have DSeQ given up oy your physi cian cull upon th" doctor and lie examinod. He curcti the worst enscsof Ncrvoua Debility, Bcrofnlk, Old Soroa i atarrh. Piles, Fomala WeaknoSBi AlTei-tions of the Ear, Eye. Noao and Throat. Asthma, Doafnoss. Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of every dosoription. Con sultation in K'.. : 1 and Oorman Free, which (liall lie coneldercd sacrod and strictly cuntl dentlaL liffleo Bourn ! A. M. to 0 V. M. Daily. Banday, o a. in, to . p m. REMNANT SALE CARPETS! ljj?E have culled from our slock a large line of patterns that will not " be made again in WILTONS, AXMINSTER5, M0QUETTES, VEL VETS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIrS AND INGRAINS, wlii' l. we have marked down lo such prices as will insure a quick removal of the en cut ire lot. REMNANTS Suitable for Hugs, in length from one lo three yards, :ii HALF PRICE Odd lots of Lace Curtains, Chenille Portieres Table Covers, Bric-a-Brac, &c, at actual cost and RUGS Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, $2.50; reduced from $3.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SUNUAY CHURCH SERVICES. Mapls Interesting Programme Rnndred In Christian Aencclatlon Hall. spct iiti tn the Scrttafos rWfrana CABBOMOALBi Pa., Jan. Ill In tho Yoiini; Men's Christian Association hull tonight ocenrrnd a public installa tion of officers of Council No 083, Junior order United American Me chnnics. The priocipil addrMssf wore delivered by J. C. Turner, of Mayfleld, and 11 P. Kilmer.of WilKes-iiur Too following ehtertaiuiug program was also renMredi Biniing, opening ode; address by J. C. Tnrnr, of M.iy Beid i piano solo by Mrs. W. H. Jenk ins; recitation by Mies Ltbbie Merrttt: Inetrnmental trio by Mamie Maxwell and (1 W. Illy, with violins, anil Miss Lizzie Maxwell, with piano accompani ment; flashlight photograph of audi ence ; vocal solo by Misa Mamie Dalev; piano solo by Professor A. P. Thomas; installation of officers; sing ing, America. e FINEST SKATING IN THE STATE. ; Siiiiilny school 12 0 00 p. in. ; oven- Times and Servloss In the Varlou City Churehee. Special to the SiTantun Tribune. Honesdai.k, Pa., Jan. IU -Mthodllt Episcopal Church Rev. C. A. Iienja min, pnstor. Morning aervicee and sermon, 10.110 a. in m. ; I '.j. wort h leagnn. ing service, 7 110 p. m. (iermsn Lntliersn Church Riv. William Scluulilt, rector. Morning prayer and sermon, lO.Hd a. m. ; Sun day school, 1.80 p. m. ; evening prayer and sermon, 7 p in. Grace Churoh Rev. Meorge C. Hall. Morning prayer and serrnoti, 10 80 a. in. , Sunday school, 12 in. ; young peo ple's service, 6.45 p in. ; evening pray er and sermon. 7 'JO p. tn. Presbyterian Churcn Rev William 11. Swift, piiBtor. Moraing service If You Wont to Ei.J iy It Oo to Number Seven Pond Sfuci'il to the Stranttm Tribune. OARBOMOAIiB, Pa , Jan. 10 Skating parties are nightly occurrences among the young people of this city. This evening a merry party took the 0 o'clock Gravity train for No 7, where they oiijoyed the, beautiful moonlight evening in participating iu tho health ful exercise on the smooth ice of No. 7 pond The party returned homo on font It is reported tliero is no better skat ing in this section of the state than on No 7 poud. TheioslD perfect condition. Several thotHand parts ot the art nort folios came yesterday. A nickel takes this hook of handsome pictures. Wlu'ti Bfefcjf WSJ Rick, we (javn her Cantoris. When she wus a Child, lu cried for ( 'ustorle. When nlie became MIkr, she cliui to I'ustorla. When She had Children, she guvcthcui Custorla, Mrs. Mary SprnUman Ot Philadelphia, A Week of Writing Would Not Toll tho Story Scrofula for Srren Yearn Cured by llovd'H Sarsapartlla. "A week devoted to writing would not be snf- flclcnt to tell of the good Hood'sSiirsapioillahiis done me. Seven years ago a running sore ap peared on my inikle, which grew worse until It entirely covered ml foot and tin- bones came out of my toes. Then the sorei appeared on my other foot, right arm ami hand. Holes were eaten in my lower limbs, my mm was one great sure from tin- shoulder down, nnd the bonus oamo out of two of my lingers. Wolds Cannot Toll My Sufferings. I coiild not llei i and had no appetite. Ahont three years alter the first appearance of tho dis ease my bUSbUd read of what Hood's Sarsapa rllls had done for others, anil urged me to try It. I WM confined to the bed at the time, had given up all hope, However, I commenced taking the medicine, and before I hud finished the bottle, could sleep, and not only cat. but enjoy my food. Now the Sores are All Healod Up with the exception of ono spot on my limb. I tli ink (iod for having directed my husband's at tention to Hood's Siirsaparilla, otherwise I should have been lu my grave. I can now movo nliout w ith the aid of crutches, nnd will always need their assistance, but anyone who had socu my condition when 1 ciinimcneod to tnku Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Pit 111. 1803, culled for by Hi Comptroller of the Cllrrnlicy. BESOU1M K& Loans 1,104, i Tl 10 Overdrafts T40.aa United States llomU 800,(1011.00 mi', Bonds I4K.H77.1 Hanking House VH.074.40 Premiums mil', s. Boada... 17,41:175 Hue from I . s 1 1 i nsurer Hl liOOOO 1 oe h "in II. ml, . .'I'M. 1 till III) lush 17:i.fl0.OK A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER! TO THE TRADE) ONLY THE RIGnARDS LUMBER GO. 99 arif? 93 PrYYim A-n -nrnn If Vi Tnilrlinnf ' UIUU JV VVUliUvU I JJUlluiti, TF.LEPHONK 421. TAKE ELEVATOR. Scranton, Pa. TKTHILE many manufacturers and dealers nremakin? extravagant menta concernino; the merits and durability of medium or low pianos, Intending purchasers should not fail to examine tiie famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containiii"; valuable information on pianos on application. state grail E.C.Ricker & Co. 123 Adams Ave. 1,408,688. 60 LIABILITIES, ( aplial ... v '.hi 000 00 Snrplna 840,000 00 l n. mid.. 1 Hroflte 80,888.80 ( It-culatlon lU'j.ooo.oo Dividends Dnpald i.kh : ..o Deposlta l,7'i'J,iHt.HO Due lo Hiitihs 80,694.07 .4(;:,098.00 tVILLIAM CONNKLL, I'resldcnt. iKO. II. ( ATI, IN, Vlce-I'resldent. WILLIAM H. PKCK, t asbler. 11)111 (KlltS. tvilllam ConoalL Qeoran II. l ull In, Alfred llnml, in om 11. in, jr., ,lumes Aiebbnlil, IVillliini T. tsiultli, I.uther Keller. (iiih (luiiK oners to ilepoNltors evcrv fnrlllty warranted by (heir bulimce, busi ness and reaiMtiiNlblltcy. Bpeolal attention given to business ao oouuts. Interest paid on time deposits. 11 no Hood's Sarsaparilla wotiltl rn.irvt'I Hut 1 am now ulivu to movn ut ill." Mies. IttiBY BriaiKlUJr, 1796 latuna streM, PbUadelphU. Hood's Fills curt liver Uts, tonsUpAttoDi bUlouiDMSi tnwrtl ioit hvnrtohe, IndliMtfoo DFITKR Hm, CO., rapltil, $1,000,000. BEST Kl.Ao HHOH IN TUB WORLD, 'M ,i'r ftiMtJ ii a dollar l arnttt . ThlaIAdletHollt1 French DongoU Kid But ton Ittiot delivered free nuywhoro In tliO U.S., on B ri'C'Int of ( i-1 Montjy OrtJiT, or ToHtitl Notu for $i.:o. Bdltall t'viry Wll th DOQtl titiM In nil retitli MonM for $2.U, Wo tnitko lliii boot PUrttlyit, tluMffoio wo iyiifir ante? tho fit, ntutc amt mnr, mill If uny nun U not rattNtlcd vn will i. i nut uie money or ne.ml niiotlier pair. Opera l oo or t tin mon renw, wlrltlis ' , D, Mi ft I K, a Hi J km 1 If, H noil h:tif wT'J.eiV.i'lzua. Sfttif uournizf: will fit you. llitinTtuieo Otttv louiti) FREE FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. MAMi Sptcial Urm Dmitri 1 IIRA m. ri5 x ATV' JT- X T.A I ie- r v SIW - w 1 ' I ' L I' X wr a i i a a. u n . snan ami u i . i.i ii 143 Dexter Shoe Co., TRADERS National Bank of Scranton, OltllANlZKU 18IM. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAMUEL HINK8,tPro.ldent s . W ATM iN, Vice I'realdent A. U WILLIAMS, (.'nshier. lllllKl'TotlS. SAMrai. Hints, .iami- M- KvrnnAnr, iiiviNii a. I'lM'ii. i'ikiii r. li. riNLBTi JOBKPII J. Jk.HMVN, M. H. KliMPIIEIU, C'llAb, I'. Maitiilws. John T. PoilTB V. W. WATSU.N. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bnnk Invites the patronaifo ot biuduosa in. i, und in in , generally. These are Center Tables. Last week we interested the men with Office Chairs, which they ap preciated, as we judjjc by their pur chases. This week we will try and interest the Ladies with Center Tables at One-third less than former prices. They will be displayed in our large show window with prices on each. A Table of this descrip tion can be used in numbers, as every room in the house should possess one. They are as handy as a shelf or mantel, and decidedly more ornamental. Look up your spaces and come THIS WEEK and select a Table. Remnants of Carpets And Odd Pairs of Lace and Chenille Curtains at "Way Down Prices."