The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 20, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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How can we sell
ftp Muffs at this price?
J 'IP We must have the
room and all Furs
must go regardless of what
they cost. Wc still have a
good assortment of Fine
Black Cheviot
Umbrella back,
a very good gar
ment and well
worth double the money. We
have some very good styles
left in Fine Garments,
WUi our stock of Chil
ft dren's Underwear is
UP much larger than we
Wi want to carry, so have
cut the price deep to close.
White, qc. upward. Scarlet
and Gray at cost.
WEAR. Greatest Bargain
in this department
ever o ered. AH
grades of White, Gray and
Scarlet: price astonishes.
Sewing Machine
128 Wyoming Ave.
A TrM Ml :i Steeple.
TLe spectacle of ;i tree standing upon a
tower of the Unitarian church fn the city
of CTtica, X. V.. bas aroused much Interest
as w til as dtacuaston as to what i really
eneiitiul to jUint life lu unlrr that (level-
opintut mav continue.
This mo'jutain ush luH been growing
for SO years upon a narrow ledge of kana
tone, sprouting from a joint In t'ue ma
soury less than an ineh In Width. The
main stem, just above the stone, at the
present time has a diameter of 3 Inches.
The tree is 15 or 10 feet in height, and
possibly 8 feet across it widest part; the
branches are thick and numerous, nuii for
some years each autumn they have been
bright, wiih thevMd scarlet berries pe
culiar to this species of tree.
Protruding from n chink in a mortared
wall. 43 feet above the treer, exposed to
the glare of the snn In the summer and the
fnmts of many ssvere winters, its roots
only having the mortared interstices of
masonry through which to penetrate in
search of nutriment, the question may
well be uskej. When- does this tree obtain
the dements that enter into tin- composi
tion of all plant life? Is It, possible that it
sn-taiueU lrke the known air plants, 6y
absorbing from the air and lliniilili its
foliage tho elements upon which it lives
ami thrives'' Or does "lust, settle in the
ore vie esf American Agriculture.
WHAT JOBS BAXOI uau to tux
It was one o'clock when wc left No.
:s Lauriston gardens. Sherlock Holmes
led trie- to the nearest telejfruph utfletf,
when to he dttpatohed u louy telegraJBa
He then bailed u cab. and ordered the
driver to tuko Us to the address given
u by l.estrade.
"There is nothing lilts tir-t hand evi
dence," he remarked; "as a matter of
fact, my mind is entirely made up
anon the case, imt still wo may us well
learn all that is to be lonmed."
"YOU anUUO me. Holmes," said I.
'Surely you are not us sure as you pre
tend U be of all those particulars
which you gave."
"There's no room for a mistake," ho
answered. "The very first thing
which I obsorvfd on arriving then
was that a cab bad modetwo rute with
ita wheels close to the .'tirli. Now, up
to last night, we have had no rain for
a week, s, that those wheels, which
left inch a deep Impression, must have
been there during the night. Then
were the LUSraa 01 tne UOrse s lavls,
too, the outline of one of which waa
far more clearly cut than that of tho
other three, iho'.vlng that.thnt wus a
new shoe. Since the cub wus there
after the rain began, and was not
there at any time during the inoiMii:?;
I have Uregson's word for that It j
follows that it uuiot have been there
during the night, and, therefore, that
it brought those two individuals to the
"That seems simple enough," said I;
"but bow about the other mail's '
"Why. the height of u mail, in nine
eases out of ten, can be told from tho I
length oi his stride. It It a simple
Calculation enough though there is no
use my boring you with ligures. I
had this fallow's stride, both on the
clay outside and on the dust within.
Then 1 had a way of cheeking my eel
eolation. When a man writes on a!
wall, his instinct leads him to write
cited. That is shown by the increased
length of his strides, tie was talking
all the while, and working himself up,
no doubt, into a fury. Thon tho
j tragedy occurred. I've told you all I
know myself, now, for the rest Is mere
I lUrmlse and conjecture. We have a
gpml worftlnf basis, however, on which
', to start. We must hurry up, lor I
want to go to Halle'l concert, to hear
I Kortnon Ncruda, this afternoon. '
This conversation had occurred v, bile
j our cab had been threading its way
through a long sncoesslon of dingy
streets and dreury by-WaVS. In (lie
dingiest and dreariest of them our
driver suddenly oamu to a standi
That's Audley court in there," he
said, pointing to a narrow slit in the
line of dead-colored brick. "You'll
lind me here when you come hack."
Audley court was not an attractive
locality. The narrow passage led us
Into a Quadrangle paved with ilags umi
lined by sordid dwellings, We picked
I our way among groups of dirty chil
dren und through lines of discolored
linen until we.cume to No. 40, the
i door of w hich was decorated with u
small slip of brass, on which the name
RaUCe was engraved. On inquiry we
found that the constable was in bed,
and we were shown into a little front
parlor, to await his coming,
lie appeared presently, looking u lit
tle irritable at being disturbed in his
slumbers, "1 made my report ut the
Office," he said.
Holmes took a half-sovereign from
his pocket, and played w Ith it pensively.
'We thought that we should like to
hear It all from your own Hps," he said.
"1 shall be most happy to tell you
anything 1 can," the constable an
swered, with his eyes upou the little
golden disk.
"Just let us hear it all in your own
way, as it occurred."
Elan 00 sat down on the horse hair
sofa and knitted hit brows, M though
determined not to omit anything in his
Otaage Qrewlag in Palestine.
It is only of recent, years that Jaffa Of
snges have obtained a worldwide repnta
tioii, for b":t some is yean tinea they were
tcarealy known sstj at Beyroot, Alexan
dria and Constantinople. A special fea
ture of the Jaffa orange It that It will keep
)I0 or 40dayt, and If properly packed for
two and sometimes even three months.
The port of Jaffa Is surrounded on the
laud side bj orange, groves, covering an
are of 1,780 acres. Rsw orange groves
are constantly being planted, and there
are now double as many at there were 15
years ago. orange garden contains
about 8,000 Muare feet of planted area,
equal to about 1,800 trees to ; ' j oi res.
Toe tress begin to hear the fourth year
after planting, i.ut it. Is estimated that it
takrs seven and sometimes eight yenrs he
fore an orange orchard yields a paying
crop. During all this time and even aft
erward the orchards bsvt to he watered
continually, ami this Irrigation U the most
difficult and laborious part of the work,
the water having to bedrawn hy means! of
primitive waterwhsels from Weill dug in
the gardens HO feet and even 100 fee! del p,
Planters' Offletta
Italy Oolns Time.
Italy bus gained 10 minutes in t i int. by
changing ltt Standard lrom HO minutes
earlier than I ireenw I' h to cr.netly nn hour.
( m the yuestion of time the countries of
EttTOpt ore now divided into tlirre groups,
that of flic west, consisting of liugiaml,
1 ranee, Spain and Portugal, Holland and
Belgium, which take their time from
(jreenwich: the central group of Sweden,
Norway, Denmnrlf, Gerriuiiiy, Anstro- I
Hungary, Switzerland and Italy, whoM '
Stanford time is exactly 80 minutes ear- I
lier, and, iinally. the oriental group of Hits
lia Turkey, the Itnlkan states mid Greece, !
whoso time differs two hours from that of !
Greenwich. Rxocange.
Bcecham's pills arc foi
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
JJtiok free; pills 25c. At
rjrug8tores,or write B.F.Allen
Co ,365 Canal St., New York.
about the level of his own eyes. Now,
that writing as just over six feet
from the ground, It was child's play."
"And his atje'.1'' I asked.
"Well, if a man can stride four and
a half feet without the smallest effort,
he can't be quite in the sere and yel
low T hat vt as the breadth oi a puddlo
on the garden walk which he bad
evidently walked across. Patent
leather boots had pono round and
Square-toes bad hopped over. There
is no mystery about it at all. 1 am
simply applying to ordinary life a few I
of those precepts of observation and
deduction which I advocated in that '
article, is there anything else that '
puzzles you'.'"
"The linjier-nails and the Trichiucp- '
oly," I suggested.
"The writing on the wail was done j
ith a man's forefinger dipped in blood, j
My glass allowed me to observe that
the plaster was slightly scratched in
doinjf it, w hich would not have been
the case ii' the man's uail had been i
trimmed. I gathered up some scat
tered ash from the floor. It was dark
iu color and flaky such an ash as is
only made by a Trichinopofy. I have ,
made a special study of cigar ashes
in fact, 1 have written a monograph j
upon the subject. I flatter myself that i
i I can uiitinirulsh at a glance the ash of i
any known brand cither of cigar or of
tobacco. It It just In such details thut
the skilled detective differs from the
Oregson and .Lestrade type."
"And the florid face." I asked.
"Ah, that was a more daring shot. 1
Aonjfb I have no doubt that I wn i
right. Vou must not ask me that
the present state of the affair."
1 passed my hand over my brow, i
"My head is in a whirl," I remarked;'
"fhe more one thinks of it the more
mysttriOTU it prows. How came these j
two men H there wet-' two men into
M SmntV house? What has become of j
the cabman who drove them'.' How
j could one man compel another to take '
1 poison'.' Where did the blood come
! from'.' What was the object of the
j murdi rer. since robbery had no part in
it? How came the woman a ring merer
Above all, why should the second man
write up the German word "cache" be
fore decamping? I confess that 1 can
notsee uny possible wa of reconciling
all these facts."
My companion untied approvingly.
"V'.'i sum up the difficulties of the
situation succinctly and well," be said.
"Th'-re is much that is still obscure,
though I have quite made up my mind
on the main facts. As to iioor
trade', discovery it was limply a blind
intended to put the police upon 0 wrong
track, by suggesting socialism and
secret societies. It wus not done by n
Herman. The A. if you noticed, wus
minted somewhat after the German
"I'll tell it ye from the beginning."
he said. "My time is from ten at night
to six iu the morning. At eleven there
Wat a tight at the White Hart; but, bar
thut. ail was quiet enough on the beat.
At one o'clock it began to raiu. and I
met Harry Murehcr- him who bus the
Holland Grove beat--and we stood to
gether at the corner of Henrietta
btreet a-talkiu'. Presently - maybe
about two, or a little after I thought
I would take a look round, and see
that all was right down the l!ri.
ton road. It was precious dirty and
lonely. Not a soul did I meet all the
way down, though a cub or two went
past me. -I was a-strollin' down,
thlnkin' between ourselves bow un
common handy a four of gin hot would
be, when suddenly a glint of a light
caught my eye in the window of that
tame house. .Now, 1 know that them
two houses in LtUritton gardens was
empty on account of nun that own,
them, who won't have the drains seed
to, though the very lust tenant what
lived in one of them died o' typhoid
fever. I was knocked all in u heap,
therefore, at seeing a light in the win
dow, and I Suspected as something was
wrong. When I got tn the door--"
"You stopped, und than walked back
to the garden gate," my companion in
terrupted. "What did you do that for'.'''
Ranoe gave a violent jump, and
stared at Sherlock Holmes with the ut
most amazement upon his features.
"Why, that's true, sir," ho said;
'though how you came to knew it.
Heaven only knows! Ye see, when I
got up to the door, it was so still und
so lonesome that I thought I'd be none
the worse for some one with me. I
ain't af eared of anything on this Bide
of the grave; but I thought that maybe
it was him that died o' tho typhoid In
specting the dralUS What killed him.
The thought gave me a kind o turn,
and I walked back to the gate to see il
I could Sec Marcher's luutern, but there
wasn't no sign of him nor of anyone
elsu "
"There was no one in the .street'.'"
"Not a Uvln' toul, sir, nor BSmUCh BJ
a dog. Then (pulled myself together
and went hack and pushed the door
open. All wus quiet inside, ho I went
Into the room where the light was
a-burnln'. There was a candle Qlckerin'
on the mantle-piece- a red wax one -
and by its light. I saw"
"Yes, I know oil tlint you saw. You
walked round the room Several times,
und you knelt down by the body, und
then you walked through and tried the
kitchen door, and then "
John Hanee sprang to his feet with a
frightened face and suspicion in bis
eyas. "Where wat yon hid to see nil
thut'.'" he cried. "It seems to me Hint
vou knows a deal more than vou
Holmes laughed, and threw his card
seeing that 1 hud to prop him up me
and -Mutcber between us. Uu was a
long chap, with a red face, the lower
part muliied round "
"That will do," cried Holmen. "What
became of him?"
"We'd enough to do without lookin1
after him," tho policeman laid, ka an
aggrieved voice. "I ll wuger be found
bis way homo all right."
"How wus he dressed?"
"A brown overcoat."
"Had he a whip iu his hand'.'"
"A whip no."
"He must have left it behind." mut
tered my Companion. "You didn't hap
pen to see or hear u cab after that'.'"
"There's a half sovereign for you,"
my companion said, stunding up and
taking his bat. "I am afraid, Ranee,
that 3-ou will never riso in the force.
That head of yours should be for use
us well a? ornament. You might have
gained your sergeant's stripes last
night. 1 he man whom you held iu
your hands is the mau who holds tho
clew of this mystery, und whom wo
are .seeking. There is no use of argu
ing iihoiit it now ; 1 tell you thut it u
bo. Come along, doctor."
We started oif for the cab together,
leaving our Informant incredulous, but
obviously uncomfortable,
"The blundering fool!" Holmes suld,
bitterly, as we drove back to our lodg
ings, ".lust to think of his having
such tin incomparable bit of good luck,
and not taking ad vantage of it."
"I am rather in the dark still, tit
true that the description of this man
tallii s with your Idea of the second
party in this mystery. Hut why
should he come hack to the house after
leaving it? This Is not the way of
"The ring, man, the ring; that was
what he came back for. If we have
no other way of catching him we can
always bait our line with the ring. I
shall have him, doctor, I'll lay you two
to i me that ( have him. 1 must thank
you for It all, I might not have gone bui
for you, und so llUVO miSSod the linest
study I everrcatne across; a study In
scarlet, ehV Why shouldn't we use u
little art Jargon? There's the scarlet
thread of murder running through the
Colorless skein of life, and OUT duty
is to unravel it. und Isolate it. and ex
pose every inch of it. And now for
lunch, and then for Norman Ncruda.
Her attack and her bow ing are splen
did. What's that little thing of Chopin1
sin- plays s magnificently: Tra-la-lo-Ura-Hra-lay."
Leaning back iu the cab, this ama
teur blood-hound caroled away like a
kirk, w hile I meditated upon the many-
ddedneaaof the human mind.
TO HI' com l.NVBD
PHYSICIANS ami si;itil ONs
I). IlKA.N. ll!.e,iM)h ,,r lliel.yi'. Novj
Tin cat and liur, but bui uc ili cut. buiia
Mto court houmv
ifA. J. cONXKl.L. Ottko" "5T WsshiOgtca
avenue, curnm' Siirui street, ovur
KraackeS drui More. I -Iduuex, hi Vino Hi.
Offlusbount lo.itn to i:. u. m. und t to! und Huuday, It to3 p. in.
DK. W. & ALLEN, UfAes oor. Lsak
waiuit and Wuuhluetou uven : over Leon
iird taoS store; otlioe BOUTS, 10 to 12 a. in. and
'J to 4 p. m ; evening at a JJum. 01 ft
Washington mva
DK. C U KKEY. Practice Hunted to Oil.
casei of tho Eye. Gar, Host and Throat;
nfftre, hi; Wyoming uva. Residence, U Vint
meet -
Dli L II OATES, 14(1 Washington Avenui.
iMi. .. uouri, to 0 ui , ; J and I
to 8 p.m.
JOHN I- WE.NTZ, M. D., Ottlees (I and il
Commonwealth hullduy. residents 'l
Madlsouave; ofaot hours, 10 to li, Uto 4, T to
b; Uuudavs '2 90 to 4. evenings ut residunue. A
i-l :.m t i t Oi diruua of the ere, oar. hum
tad throat and gynecology.
hit. U. u. UU RB AY, iDsoislty made on dm
eases of eye aud akin '.'Ii! Wyoming Ave
litliee hoiirst Until In n ni - to 4 and T to sp in.
At ' in'., on Friday of MOB weak
Photographic Panorama
Now Ready
i. BT17RQB, Veterinary Barsson, Dun
j. tiett y S Speasltyt gold medalist of On
tario iterlosry college. OnV e. Summir'i
livery, tOi Dix Ht near Keller's eurrlugu bhop.
'I , l'-i'l" lie No. It !
i. HUH,
I M C. ItAM.'K'rt Law und Collection of
I . Hoe, No. 817 Btiruco t., opiioslte Forest
House, Bersnton
tliroughiiut Pen
SUtS in every eounty
u, l'a. ; collections a speelulty
nsylvunla; reliable eorroapoiia-
I KShL'I's) I1A.D, AttOmeVi anil Coiinsfl.
J lois at Law, Cuiumouweallli building,
Wubhniitou ave.
w. H. Jassor.
HoiiAci. B. Hand.
illaro, vvabren & knapp. Attor
nevt and CouiiM.'lurt at Law, K.-publieuu
building. Waaliington nve.. Sci uuton. l'a.
IJAT' l KKSO.N & WILCOX, Atwriieys an I
Counsellors at Law; otllcesU aud 9 Library
bulldiug, bcl autou, Pa.
Wll.l I AM A. WlLi oi
tornevs and Counsellors, Coinuiouwealtti
Imfldinn Rnomi It, SO mid tL
nRANK T. OKi.LL, Attorney si Law.
r ft, Cosl Esohsngs, Bersnton, rs.
i. Att'ys,
I ton
J Washing
H Miuara
rooms 88, 64 and Aft, Commonwealth b'ly
OA.ML'EL V. BDOaB, Attorney ut Law.
f oftice, Snrucebt.. Borsotoa, Pa.
I A. WATRE8, Attorney ut Law. 4';
I j Iunekawanua sue., Serunton. Pa.
P. hlllTII, Coonndlor ut Law. Office,
rooms f4. .'.i. CoiiiiuonwuH'th building
lid HUfiUiltntllgeGr
kit knife und vuthout pain.
f7 lag triurset cou be
s I never cure but often
JU inution, Ktrsiiguhitioa a
ITl YllMi'iOC ovarian. F
Sivca you a leehnir of horror and
reud. Then- la no longer necessity for
lb; use in imny dlscafes formerly re
gardsd us incurable without cultuir.
The Triumph of Conserv at'ivo Surgery
la well Illustrated by the fnrt that
DIIDTllC or llrcaeli, is now radi
nUr i ,Uu eured wlihout. the
irown uwiiy ; they
en induce Intlani-
angulatlou and death.
TIIMnnC Ovarian, Fibroid 1 1' terinei
IUINUIIO ki many othcrji, arc now
removed without the perils of cut
ting operation.
other disuses ot the lower bowel, art
permanently cured without pn!u or
retort to the knife.
QTflNP 'n Ulad'lcr, no matter
OIUITU ),,w large, IB crushed, pul
verized, washed out and pertcctly re
moved without tang.
CTRIPTIIRP of I'rlnary Passage is
OI nlw 1 unt. aS remmed without
cutting in hundreds of cases. For
iiatuphlet, references and all particu
lars nd 10 ncnts (in in-; to
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, m Msio St., Uutlalo, N. V.
1 '
' . tiionwea th ix'tlning. Bersnton, Ha
i . UOMEQYB, aai Bpraeest
DI) U10I LoOLL, Attorney-Loans nego-
natsd on re d estate serurit v.4o Bproea,
I) 1 K1LLAM, Attoruev at Law, i'Ai y-
I't omlngsvsnae, Bcrsatoa
written ami seknowledmd by J. Wi
BUOWNINO. Attorney mid Notary Public,
Common wealth Building.
Something new. It is a Great Education
tor any Man, Woman and Child who
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vantage of its Grand Offer.
It consists of Over Two Hundred Photo
graphic Views of the Sights and Scenes of
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It Is Issued in Four Parts, or Portfolios.
Each Portfolio Contains Fify or More Different
and Distinct Pictures.
Over TWO HUNDRED Views Shown, No Two
All of the pictures are of equal interest
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Part One Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views.
Part Two Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views.
Part Three Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views.
Part Four Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views.
All Separate and Distinct Pictures. No Two Alike.
School of
ton, l'a
or businesa
Catalogue at run,U(.'-t
prepares boys and girls fori;ollog
thoroughly traius voung utuldroa
.n)lBtMr,l!K u'
.HI. ,li . LHL0
rnaae a wen
Man of
v v s i y v
Rev. TnoM.vs M Can
and BcOoeL II- Adams svenas FanUi
l icoirod at all nmSS N xt tsrui will opto
.lainiMi'V X'l
' 1 m
C LAUBACH, Burgson Dentist, No, 11)
Wyoming avo.
It SI. STHAT'I'ON. (, Coal Evliangf
b 'ln i. Moii.'V to loan on nav lnc.Ktlilv
' svmeota s. N. CALLGNDGR, pime Bsai
ROl v U ami ;:i ST l RANT.
nrn iniprovements
I'm man, J'rop
on. dinar
rsosi i'k.the aSovs
llf.sI'LTS,in no iiwj
lloas, t'to., SSSSM by p;,t .itue
lu unuunn orsans, h
let .UnnhaHMl III ...111 il- ..utl
iTtsvlssmsM.lTltntll Fml
i,v, r vitfot urn. si7i
and ipik-kl but ISNlV NttOtfl
1 nind tfliU ,"jri I, .! in .
H'lct. I'l li'l.U at. . k .f- -., I" i ... loin :i
wrlllcil tfitlll-nntt'P eoi-nr,' nr MSStl rsfSMM. OonM
kr nil v uillrlrn'iol-d itr'iuffit "'ll you SSf WSS "J
oi,if.i(,'..'i lnl.t on liiwliur 1MIIMI nonrotli i It
ht' llns not a"Ot. We will fl id It DJf null SB0BrflM
of in lie. Pioiiplilit ItfLMilfdsnv, Inpi' Iree. Aiblrei!
ori ntal sSUalOe.rntt.iCaUsi, IS.. smisiisSfc
SOLD by MsttasM Dm., Wholssall nnd Retail
Drnggiils, SCKANluN, PA.i and Stbef Lead-
on: Drafflitt
HisiitsT Mtnici AuraeniTiti
tuiiion. Ncrtv a rtal Uennan Invarla' I oorosa the table to the constable
bly prints in tbf Latin rharaoter. SO
that we may f.aMy Miy thntthis wits
not.writtM by "0i Lot by u anunsjr
imitator, tfcho ovuriliil hk part, it was
slmplv a rase to divert inquiry into a
wrong Channel. I'm nut .i n( to toll
ou muili more of tho case, doctor.
SOU know a nonjuror gttt no credit
when once he litis cxphiinod his trick,
nnd if 1 show you too much of pay
method of Working! you will comu to
the conclusion that I am a very ordinary
Individual nftor all."
"I shall never do that,-' I unswered;
"you have brought detection as near
nn exact i, 'it'nee us it ever will he
brought In this world."
My companion flushed up with pleas
ure at my words and the eurnest way
in which 1 uttered them. 1 had al
ready observed that ha bonsitlve.
to flatten on the scon: of his urt as uny
girl could he of her heiiuty.
"I'll tell you one other thiol,'' ho
aid. 'Tutent-leuthers und HatMN'
toes Same in the sumo cab, and they
walked down the puthway to;fother us
friendly as possible-arm-in-arm, iniill
probability. When they got inside
they walked up ami down the room -or
rather, latent-leathers stood still
while Stjuare-toes walked up und
down. 1 could read all that iu tin;
(lust; and 1 could read that, us he
walked, lie ktow more aud more ex-
"Don't get arresting DM for the mtir
der," he said. "I am one of the hound!"
and not the wolf) Mr. Gregton or Mr.
L'eiilradc w ill answer for that, tio on,
though. What did you do next?"
Kance resumed his scat, without,
however, losing his mystified c.vprcs
nlon. "1 went bnek to the gate and
nounded my whistle. That brought
Marcher and two more to the spot."
"Was the street empty then'.'"
'Well, It was, txt far as anybody thut
could be of uny good goes."
"What do you mean?"
The oonitable'i features broadened
into a grin. "I've seen many u drunk
ehnp in my time," he said. ' but never
anyone so oryin' drunk us that cow.
lie was at the gate when I t ime uut.
a-leiinin' up agn the railin's und
O'Slngin lit the pitch of his lungs
ubout Columbine's new-fungled bun.
ner, or some such stuff, lie couldn't
stand, far less help."
"What sort of a mau was he?" Meted
Sherlock Holmes.
John liiine,' appeared to be some
what Irritated at this digression, "He
was an uncommon drunk sort of nan,"
he suld. "He'd ha' found hlsself in the
station If we hadn't been so took up."
'Ills face his dress didn't you no
tice them?" Holmes broke in, impa
tiently. "1 should think I did notice thorn,
miwevou ritTADDU
VfiaaEggMSTH inn ni 1
tri'iitl'oldv, HiirnThroal,
Iartaonr.i. BrAmhllli,
crllAI l'l'.VEH. Aardi
OiuiirfHatr n'OA A n pfflrb'nt
rrmmlT. mm BBlsnt In rnrrr
In nfirki't, nmlv to MS on flrt Indication of fold.
fondniiiMt I'to S tr . 1 IVnnnnntt Cnre.
Hailpfsrttoniriinranti-edormnnoy relundi'd. Pidi-,
r.o ets. Tii'.il free ut liruuKimn. Raslstered uiall,
to i i tit. 1. D. CI'SKSIN, Vfr., HrM Ritti. K. n , U. S. 1
UPSJTiini Tin- wircnt and sat, t rcnioilT for
mtn I nut all kiti ilisnanen. K. ii'iin-. Itvli.Snli I
llhulil.old StirPB, Itvinis, Ci!'-, Wonderful umii
r.lf r.TFU.KS. rrlrnt. atllnn: DAI SS
(jliUr l.y mail pri'pal'l. A'ldt.snsnlioTf DHJLnl
by Mattbi'us llroi. Morvan liroi aud
Mort,'iin A t o
T CHICAGO. Illinois, ou the short- ol Lake M it'll i iran. frtom
May. to October .'30. 1S9:!. stood tht' .Muoie t'ity the Dream
I "il V- 1 llMl I'.'lllSI-ll tllP will ,le ,,1'bl t, bolt on. I n in n .M,.
. " .. v. .b. v um., uuu - nvn-
der und amazement. This was the crowning achievement iu America's
historj of 400 years. Every nation from "Greenland's ley Moumaius
to India's Coral Strand." from darkest Africa to (he islands of the sea
poured forth their riches as tribute to the World's Columbian Exposi
tion, that ii should be the mosl marvelous displaj of ancienl aud mod
ern times. All thai the human brain 1m l conceived, that human skill
could execute, was there. All this wealth of the earth and genius of
mind was.concentrated there within au are of c:i:i acres, of which 250
aeies were covered With buildings thai alone cosl Twenty-three Million
Dollars. Only the spirit aud the pictures of this, the eighth and great
est wonder of the world, remain with ns. The spirit w ill make our
nation greater aud all humanity better, while the pictures make a pic
torial history thai win tell the story to all the children of men.
'I'l I 1 A e ... mmm ... .
me rnoTOgrapnic ranorama ot tne world s Fair is designed to
perpetuate the glories of the Magic City, tor the entertainment of the
multitudes aud for the enlightenment of posterity. Il presents vivid
and realistic views of Grand Exposition Buildings, with their towers,
pinnacles and glittering domes. pictures of State aud Foreign Buildings,
of massive Arches, of Colonnades and Peristle, of noble Statuary and
Egyptian Obelisks, of Sculpture and Mural Decorations, of jetting
Fountains, of beautiful Interior Exhibits, f Venetian Ooudolas gii't
ing over the deep Lagoons, oi Pavilions, of Foreign Villages, of Cafes.
of the Wooded Island, aud nr.iii oilier
including the famous Midway Phiisauce
side .shows of the World's Fair.
Every vestige of the World's Fair is (asl passing away. Ahead
lire has played havoc umons the buildinm. while a small armv of men
nAVIS ,V liOL l'l'. Ai. nitiMt Kootn '.'I. . . ., . . jl .. .. ., ,. , , ., .
fonnil'-V, lonnnonwi-altli b'M'B. Siranton are 01 WOl'K ICllloVing I'VeiytlllUg III tile fOtlll ol BUildiDgS a ud exhibits
E. 'iJtS.vtt kmU Uhat dwt the Bl8h1 r lhe World's Fair visitors. But thanks
to photography, it remains for the entertainment and edification of the
multitudes ami for posterity.
The "Photographic Panorama of the World's Fair" is a volum
inously illustrated history of that great event, It Is a history that is
boib highly entertaining to the young and old. and instructive to nil.
It is such a volume that should be in every patriotic home. In older
lo have a complete, continuous and connected history, it will be ueefcs
sary to have all four parts.
'lEUI.KRS HOTEL. BR Lackawanna
Lt Liie, Scralitou. Kates reasonable.
Y. Znoi.aa, Proprietor.
W. Q. SCHENTK, llaimjer.
Sixteenth Btreet, nno block east ,.f !:..':,, .v
at fnion Square, Now YorK.
Amerli-aii p'lin. JJ1 ."hi jmt ilav ami unwanl
'OV.N'E HOt'SE. RnrOMSD plan; good
V' rooiiw. Open Jay anJ ni(Ut. Uur sni
pint! wits tbe Ust.
P. Tf, COYS f,. Proprietor
QCBANTON HOUSE, near D., I. W. pee
O p k 1 depot. Condnetce on tas European
plan. VlCToa Koon. Proprietor,
p KANI) C'ENTUAL. The larkfet and bjif
vl eqnipnel hotel in Allent 'wn. l'a.; ratei
i . anil : . -1 per ilav.
A 111 II ITKt'TS.
Ft L BROWN, An h n. Architect, l'liee
buiidini:. i'J0 vashlaaton Ave,,Serantoa
HI-.I I I I l Ol .
U Dime Hank bnibli.ii;.
liuiiber, Ii and
Bersnton, l'a
i i luppltss, sayewMs, paper bans. twin.
Warehouse, YJI) Wai-biuiitoii ave, Seranton,
ittractions of the Dream City,
the bazaar of nations, or the
l balls, picnics, parties, receptions,
dints ladebaesrt work rarhltascL For
ifs 1(. .1. BSUM, eoiiductor,
OfSr tlnlbcrfs music store
lZKA FINN SONS. bUllden snd omit i
Aj torn Yards: Comer olive '. nnd Adams
nve. ; corner Ash st. and PsBB ;ive.. BetaatOB
(T It. CLARK CO., Beedsnea, Florlsti
"I. and Nurserymen: Bbre 1 4,1 Washinston
nvenne; green house, IH9 Nesth Jlaiti avenue,
Btore telephone TH'J
llllfllllllllllltllllltllllllllllintlllllUllillillllMHINIIIillllMMtllll imillhlV.
I The Tribune Order
1 1 w
0111 111',
wnti s m i n -,
For sal
les KUETTEti
ft Scrsatoii, l'n
5il Lackawanna nvemu,
nmnuf r of Wire Screens
i World's Fair Art Portfolio j
5 S
Removes Fmoklet, PlmplJt,
Liner Molet, BlaelhoedB,
Sunburn snd Trn, sti'l re.
rtorcs tho kla lt la crl;I
ual frenhnetn, irnduciii,t s
clear nuu Basilar cor.-,.)
lire pa rations suit P'lf.illy hnnnlewi. At all
iiinsgbiui, or mailed lur M is. u ml lor Circular,
VIOLA BKIN SOAP h 'imrij iiMiststskU s
.v.i, i.i Ti ling Koip, imi'iinklel fir Oi Uiltft, and wltliout s
il, .1 Bit UM Mm;. iiJutfl jiun, ud driksHI bm41
eBMd. i dmnil.t., Prfoe 2S OenU.
(,. C. BITTNKR & CO., Tomdo, O.
For sMo BY Matthews fetal .Mi.ritan Bro .at .1
Sill KMU ! ('".
Every Womaii
Sumotirnes needs a (ell
able monthly regulating
Aro prompt, Bflfo and ccrtnlii In rsBtilt. The genu
leetUr. reid'si never disappoint, sent anywhere
HOB) J'n i v,-:i ii ,Cierelnnl,0.
Sold hy JOHN II, PHKLP- 1'harmaelit
corner i yondns svems i street
HeraQtvii, l'a.
Rooms 1 iti I Commonwealth M'i
aladeattho ItOOSlQ and RUfeR'
I, n niin ,V Rninl I'owilpr (.'o.'s
Kloctric Bsttcrlo, Faeei for exploi
ing blasts, (-nfety I'nse umi
RcpaiiaaClicmical Co, ' High Explosives
The Tribune
COUPON, January 20, 1894.
Send or bring; 3 Coupons of different dates, to- g
S orothcr with 10 Cents, and receive each part of Mag-
nificent Photo-jraphs. No delay: no waiting, as each g
I part is now ready.
THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Penn Ave, and Spruce St,
All four parts are now ready to be de
livered. There is, therefore, no delay in
curred in waiting.
Each part can be obtained by cutting out
three coupons of different dates, in this Col
umn, and sending 10 Cents (not
stamps) with eadi three coupons.
The other Art Offers are still open