1 THE SCH ANTON TKIBUNE-SATl KUAY MORNING. JAM AKV 'JO, 1894. U9lillllliiliillliiiaillllllli(lilU!!illl Pipe I Valves iiTHEY mi CORNELL s UadtT i rafales Irom Ithaca EoterlaiD Large Audience at the Academy. I I Fittings I ! COLLEGE SONGS WERE WELL SUNG THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, I rjiHlinUlllHIIMIIHIIIEIKllllllilllllS Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyomirig Avenue Tho Maodolin Olub Ono ot the B?st Organizations Ever Heard in Scran ton Mr. Miller Captures the Audi ence by Singing Songs of the Va riety Stage Reception at Bicycle Cluh House. GODFREYS L SUIT Their Agreement witb ibe Defendant Com pany Prevented a Recovery. BOND S ACCEPTED Poor Boird Officials Furnish Security to ludemflify from Loss. VERDICT IN THE HENRY CASE: OTHER BUSINESS TRANSACTED Jury Allows Him Four Hundred and Five Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents. At 3.30 a Jury Went Out to Decide if Mrs. Martha Evans Is Entitled to Five Hundred Dollars or Any Part Thereof Other Court Matters. Lackawanna THE fOS Fenn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMA'J. Big Cut in Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's All-wool Hos See The in in our Bargain W indow. MEARS & HAGEN, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. The undergraduates from Ithaca, : w.io, when they wnnt to give vent to th-ir enthusiasm do it after this fnsh l Ion. Onvnell 1 veil veil. veil. Cor nell." entertained a large audience at j I the Academy of Music last evening by j rendering a well arranged programme of music. Than the Cornell Mandolin club it WOQld be difficult to Bad I better j trained orgatiizition The club's reudi I lion Of Metre's BDSnlli) wait;: was one of the most delightful numbers of the evening's entertainment, Tue Glee club sang wonderfully well, due no doubt to the enthusiastic leadership of Mr. Colt. As is usually the case at college concerts tne audience s?emed to most appreciate the clans of songs OM hoars at a vaude ville show. When "Teddy" Miller sung '"K ite Reilley" he was raptur ouslv applaUled by daintily gloved hands, the proprietors thereof declar ing with much eiuphssi that he was "ioo lovely for anything." He wasn't that, exactly, but he proved that he was a nightly clever young fellow. .Mr. Miller's encore number, "The D; butante," pleased the audience im mensely. The banjo cluh played several pieo-s in good style and that they were appre elated was evidenced by very hearty applause (an of the glee club's most successful efforts was the "Newsboy's Chorus" from the burlesqiw "1-W3. " They responded with a selection from "Robin Hood as an encore. l UKiElV A1TLNDED ggCCKIOK After tlie concert the Cornell young Yesterday morning the trial of the trespass suit of Michael, Patrick and William Godfrey against tho Moosio Mountain and L'ai boniale Railroad company was resumed before Judge Archbald. A verdict was taken for the defendant by direetiou of Judge Archbald on the ground that the ar rangement entered into by the plain lilt's and the company was so broad that the consuiaeutial damages claimed now were practically cover.id and h.'nce action now for further dam aged should not bo taken, In court room No. ') the case of Mrs. Martha Evans against George Jones to recover i5lW for services as nnrse was on trial until II 80, when it was given to the jury. A verdict had uot been reached when court adjourned. Yesterday morning the jary in the ease of Michael Henry against Uiglin & beamish, brought in a verdict of $Ki"i.75 for tho plaintiff I'UNO CAUSED TltOt'BLE. The suit of Music Dealer N A Hu bert against Representative Henry K. Lieck, of Moscow, was called for trial before Judge Archbald yesterday ur ternocn. Mr. Hnlbsrt sues to recover a balance of iJOU due on a piano pur chased from him by Mr. Beok. lie also claims (78 interest. On Nov. IS, lSbl, the piano was par ch asod for $800, and of this amount j'lOU has been paid. Attorney H. M. Hannan appeared for Mr. Hulbert and Attorneys S W. Elar uud E. H. Bhurtlefl for the defeudaut. Mr. U.-ck ol jects to paying tho bal ance on the niano for tne reason, he nl- men were tendered! a reception at me leges, thst the instrument was unsre Cleveland's minstrels will be at the Academy of Music this evening. Cleveland's Minstrels will not give a matinee at the Academy of Music this aft ernoon. It M. Watson, of Scrauton, was appoint ed notary public Thursday by Guvernor Pattison. "Brownies'' entertainment will be re peated at the Young Men's hi istian Asso ciation hall this afternoon. Neoree .'arr, the bnnjnist, lias returned from Philadelphia where he attended the banjo concert given there last Saturday Light. EL A. l.eese, ofj the liailroad Young Men's Christian association, secretary at Elmlra, N. Y., will speak at the Rescue mission this evening at ii o'clock. "Dr. Bill" will be presented at tha Acad emy of Music next Tuesday evening for the benefit of Soranton branch of Com mercial Traveler's Homo association. Hev. JoliiiH. Harris, Ph, D., president of Bucknell university, will preach tomor row morning at lO.ao nt tho Scranton Street Baptist church, and Pastor Collins in the evening at 7 o'clock. A spiritual manifestation and cabinet f-euiice will be Riven this and tomorrow evenings by 1.1. Miller, of San Francisco, and Mrs. Hose, of Massachusetts, at Mrs. Sanborn's, Spruce stfeer. Today will be children's day at Wonder land theater, and also the last opportunity Scrantunlans will, have of seeing Miss Flora Stauiford, the accomplished actress, in the diama "Aurora Floyd." 'fho strong variety show at the Eden Musee this week pleases everyone. Today is tho last Scranton people can witness it. Special children's and ladies' matinee this afternoon, wheu children will be admitted for 5 cents. The books containing a full list of World's fair picture, that met with such general favor recently, are again in stock st this office. Die first invoice met with such favor and were dlsposod of so rapidly that a stock twico as large as the first lot is now on hand. Tho viewers appointed by court to as fese the dnmagos ariin from the grad iugof Sumner avenue held their first meeting to take testimony In the arbitra tion room yesterday. Attorney (ieorge S. Horn, Lorenzo Zaidler and Patrick Jor dan are the viewers. At the mooting at Petersburg German Methodist Episcopal church on Taylor avenue, Hev. J. M. Sciiank, of Olypkant. will speak in English nt .130 and 7.30 o'clock. Hev. J. J. Askens. of the African Methodist Episcnpal church, will also speak. All nro invited. Hev. V. G, Cerr. who has given Bible leadings iu several homes Uuriug tho past week, will be glad to meet those who love "Tbe Word" tonight at the home of J. El liot Rose, lTiOU Adams avenue. On Hard's Day morning ho will preach in the Green Kidge Presbyteriau church, Hev. N. F. Slabl, pastor. J-CCUSED OF HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Dantel MoQrath to Be Given a Further Searing, Daniel McGratb, the yonng man ar rested late Thursday night by Officer Haag for complicity in a highway rob liery io the Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western yard on Thursday afternoon, was given a hearing yesterday after noon Uflicer Ilaag identified the man as one of the twain be had seen running between the cars when summoned to the yard Thursday afternoon. Mc (iratb was held for further bearing. bicycle club house, wLich was very largely attended. The patronuesses of the recption were as follows: Mrs. G-nrge Sanderson, Mr. K. G, Brook-, Mrs. J. F, Snyder, Mrs. J. L. Hull, Mm Everett Warren, Mrs. E. N. Willard, Mrs. C. H. Welles, Mrs. H.W. Hull, Mrs. E C. Dimmick, Mrs. J, W. Gamer, Mrs. W. G. I'arke, Mrs. Peter Dnviuton, Mrs. James t. Hosip, Mrs. W. D. Russell. Mrs ,W. T. Smith, Mrs. Charles Seblager, Mrs. John Simpson. Mrs. F E. Piatt, Mra. J. A. Linen, Mrs. Frank Jermyii, Mrs, .lames Archbald, Mrs. Henry lilin,jr., Mrs. 11. Mi fttai Mrj. A. B. Blair. Mrs. Frederick Fuller, Mrs H P. Simpson, Mrs. F. D. McGowan, Mrs. W. H. Boell, Mrs. E. B. Jerniyn, Mrs. W, M. Dickson. Mrs. II. M. Streeter, Mrs. F. L brown, Mrs. A. M. Decker, I Mrs. Jauios i'. Dickson, Mra. R W. Archbald, Mrs. J A. Lansing, Mrs. J. W. Pick, Mis. Myron KeetOU. I OCX OP TOWN Ot'E!lTS. Among those who were in attend ant from out of town were: Misses SadifcMcMillari, Smith aud Cake, of idtmon; Mabel Jones, Brooklyn, N.l . ; .STie. Aslieville.N. C ; Hardenburg, Stanton, Katheriue Stanton, lloluns, Rose 4nd ball, of Honesdale; Miss DaTenporti Plymouth; Messrs. Lance, 1 H Lance. French and Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Whitney, W. W. Dunkee. A. L. Davenport aud l V. P. Davenport, of Plymouth ; R. Dimmick, of Hor.es lale; L. A. Patterson, Stuart and Ur.tiiiiu.ot Uar t ondale; Geo. Fentz. Hulbert, Martin, Fell Haunt. Rvma r, McConnan and t Carpenter, of Wilkes-Biirre ; F. W. "'lool, .J n. Smith, of Flttston; M. J. Merlin, Davis, Howland, Rosser, b W. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. R. b How laud of Kingston ; M. G. Peters and W. .Bra'ider, of White Haven; N. A. Welle:', Wyalusing, I. L Stone and Mr. and Mrs, Stevenson, ofWaverlv; H, D. billings, of Tunkhannock; J, S. Petteboue. of Do.-ranceton ;F. E. Pratt, of Nicholson; and II. C. Siuythe, of Asheville, N. C A HAPPY RE-UNION. Friands of Olden Tinn Com Togsther Aftsr Many Yi are. It was a happy company of old-time friends who came together at the hos pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts, on Elizabeth street, yes tsrday afternoon. bides the above it included Mra. Thomas A. Davis, of Indianola. la. ; Mrs. Thomas Carson and Mrs. E. R. Lewis, of Hyde Park; Mrs. Thomas Jam-s, of Green Ridge, and Mra, M. A. Evans, of this place. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. James are well known to Pittstonians as sis ters of Mrs. Roberts, aud Mrs. Carson is the wife of a prominent Hyde Park merchant. Mrs. Davis, who, with her husband, is in this vicinity on a visit aTter an absence of thirty-five years in the west, will he remembered by many as a sister of Mrs. William Connell, of Scranton. These ladies were the principal mem bers of a jolly social circle in Carboo dale in the "good old times." and, as may well bs imagined, their reunion after bo long u period was the occasion of no small amount of happiness. Mrs. Roberts entertained her guests at tea, and several hours ware p used in re viving incidents of youtuful days aud and in comparing experiences since last they met, Pittston Gazstte. APPEAL TAKEN TO SUPREME COURT. Annexation Prcioeodlnas 'Will Be Re viewed by iligher Tribunal. An appeal was taken to the sunrems court yesterday by Senator M. E Mc Donald and Attorney I. II, Burns in the matter of the annexation of a por tion of Lackawanna township to the citv. before taking the appeal they ex cepted to the decree of the court ap proving the proceedings in tho case which was handed down Tuesday. They also excepted to the action of the court in overruling the motion to quash the proceedings In the oase be fore the city councils. Court noted the exceptions and ordered that they be filed. The exceptions were filed as pre cautionary measure, that the supreme court might not refuse to pass upon the case upon the ground that tho de cision of the lower court had not been excepted to. Musio Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any detdrod uumbor of tunes. Gantschl & Horn., manufacturer, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchentrial organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and iuipinyod with new tunes. presented to him He purchased it for a new instrument, but claim i it was second hand. Tho sounding board had been cracked and was patched, and, therefore, it was impossible to keep the instrument in tuue. When Mr. bjck was on the stand, he wag (inestionod by Mr. Hannah as to his knowledge of music and musical instruments. He admitted that be oc casionally evoked sweet strains from the piano, but denied that these ever took the form of "Two Little Girls in blue," "After the bali" or "Daisy Bell." Such classics ho let severely alone. Tbe case was on trial when court adjourned. -U'KERSUN UOT THE MONEY. Just before court adjourned for the day In No o a jury was sworn in the case of U Kline A; ( o. against Isaac Ackermau. It is alleged that Mr. Ack erman obtained )550 from the plaintiff while they were in business in Forest City and failed to return it. BLACK FEVER S PROVIDENCE. Several Persons Said to Be Suffering from It One Sufferer Has Suc cumbed to Its Effects. Several persons In Providence are suffering from what is said to be very marked cases of cerebro spinal mening itis, otherwise black fever. Patrick K trick and mother.of Sweeney street, m the Third ward, have succumbed to the dreaded disease. In 187'.' this city was visited by an epedemic of black fever that sent hun dreds of persons to their graves. It is unusually fatal and those who survive always lose some of their faculties. Heulth Officer Allen was seen by a TnibX'NE reporter last evening and said there was no occasion of alarm or fear of an epidemic of black fevr. It is uot a contagious diseaso, but as a pie caution he directed that the patients be isolated and the funerals of any that might die conducted privately. The doctor said that cases of spinal meningitis are by no means rare. Ev ery now and then the physicians of the city meet with a case. HAYDN EVANS' RECITAL. Brilliant Showing- Mad by Young Musi cians at Hia Studio The pupils of Haydn Evans gave a recital last evening at his studio in tho Ranb building on Wyoming avenue. They were assisted by Miss Frances Davis, Miss Margaret R-yuold. Miss Lizzie Reynolds and Howell Davis, vocalists. The programme which consisted of eight carefully selected and difficult numbers, was well rendered, and Mr, Evans has reason to feel proud of the brilliant showing made by those of his pupils who took part in the re cital. The playing of Miss Irene Daley, of Carbondsle, was marked for both time and expression. Others who took part were Miss Annie Durkin, Miss Gertie and Lauretta Cannon, Miss Maud Chal mers, Miss Edna Evans. Miss belle Misted and Miss Maud Copsland. Miss Frances Davis, of Jrmyn, sung "O Promise Me" in roally splendid style. She has a rich, pure soprano of fairly good strength, and sings with much intelligence and feeling. Kit C C LavBAcn, dentist, Gas aud Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvum h years In bcranton. Collector Willia.-ns, Trsasurar Jones, Secretary Lynett and Superintend ent Beemer All Quaii.y for Their Respective Positions Resolutions Offered by Director Shotten for Benefit of Scranton Poor District. At the regular semi-monthly meet inz of the poor board yesterday after noon there were present President Laugstaff, Directors Tropp, Williams, Shotten, Gibbons, Murphy and Mrs. Swan Under the head of directors' reports Mr. Murphy reporte I a sad case from hts district where the family of John Rush was in destitute circumstances, both husband and wife were sick abed and there were six children in the fam ily. He was given power to act. Director Shotten thought that when an order of rvlief was taken out that the director should help them. He thought that where a man was temporarily dis abled that they should be helped in stead of sending the family to the home. Mr. Shorten also reported on the case of johu Loftus, who the diroctors of the Osrbondale district claim is a charge on the Scranton district. Mr. Shotten had letters from various peo ple in Carbondale which could prove that Loftus had been a resident of Carbondale for about two years. On motion it was decided to meet at the home on Friday next for the pur pose of seeing the new buildlusr and determining whether it shall be for the uo of the old men or the old women. The case of Georgia bush, an epiliptic, whose family are unable to pay tor her ki-piug at the home, was referred to Attorney Scragg. TAKING t-'ARg OF MONEY. Director Shotten offered the follow iug resolutions, which were adopted: Be it resolved, That on and after lan. 1, 1SIU, the superintendent of the Hillside Home be and is hereby instructed to keep a debit aud credit urcouut of paid pa tients or inmates confined in the insane and ether departments of Hillside Home, render bills quarterly rov amounts due the district for keeping thn lame, and make statement f.omi-auiiiinlly to the board showiug the ainonuis collected and amounts due from each of the said in mates. The same rules applying to the Collection of hills at the state iustitiitlou at I'auville be adopted as the rules govern ing the colhectioi of bills for this dimict. Be it resolved, That on and after Jan. I, 18M, all moneys due the district for paid patients or inmates in the insane or other departments at Hillside homo are to bo paid to the s;ipriuteudent who is hereby to receipt fur and pay to tho treas urer of the district and take his receipt for the same aud make report thereof to the society. The bond of Thomss II. Jones, treas urer of the Scranton Poor district, in the sum of 40,00Q, with benjamin Hughes, William R. William?, T homas H. Dale and John T. Williams as securiti-s was approved. COLI.ECTOP. WILLIAMS' 1IO.NU. The bond of Arja. Williams, collector of poor taxes, in the sum of sld.OOD, with C. D. Simpson, J. N Rice and W. J. Lewis as securities was approved. Sscretiiry Lynett presented his bond In the sum of $2,00 I, with C DaPout breck aud E C. Dimmick as sureties, w is read and approved, as was Super intendent boenier's bond in a like sum, with A. D. Spencjrand William Bloom as s unties. NEWS WEST SIDE OR. AND MRS. EVERHART ENTERTAIN Brownie Matine this afternoon for boys and girls, Yonng Men's Christian association. Admission, io csnts. WILL BE ASKED TO FILE REQUESTS. Oarbondale Conlsattd Election Case Drawing to a Clost. It is probable that, this morning, some of the attorneys iu the Carbondsle con tested "lootnm case will go into court and ask that a time be fixed iu which contestant and respondent shall make their requests on the uommiisioners for findings of facts. The testimony in tbe case has nil been transcribed. It makes a very bulky document, as more than 400 wit nesses wore examined, and is now iu the bands of the commissioners. A re port will probably bo filed within a month. Y W. C. A. NOTES. A gospel meeting will he held at the South Side Vouug Woman's Christian as sociation rooms tomorrow afternoon at .1.46 o'clock. Dr. Aunn Clark will lead. Topic, "Hedge of Thorns," Proverbs XV..1U. The rooms are open from V a. m. to Up. m. All callers will be cordially welcomed. Tho nsc of games aud of piano aro at tbe dipossl ot all. Baths may be taken on Wednesday and Saturday nftoruoons from 'J.30 until V o'clock. . M For Sals at a Baraala. Two SO-foot quartered oak counters, one 'JS-foot quartered oak wall case, one ID foot show case, flvo oak table and chairs, aud all other furniture iu the etorn at 'i'i'l Wyoinlug avenue, V. M. C. A, building. Inquire at Frank Meyer's ,pCfJce. A Pleasant Card Party Givsn in Honor of Miss FahDeatook. Dr. and Mrs. 1 F. Everhart cave a very pleasant progressive euchre party at their Franklin avenue residence on Thursday evening, in honor of Miss blancne Fahnestock, of Lancaster. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jermyn.Mrs. E. B Jermyn, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Labar, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Silkmau, Mr and Mrs. C B. Penman, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Pen man, Miss Romaiue Sevbolt, Davidson, Misses Lindsay, Sue Jermyn. Emma J rravn. Dsvis, Mr. Mrs. Irani; cer, Miss Kite, Miss Jean kenna, Miss Kate Mckeuna. Bessie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Miss Phelps, Mrs, Miss Mtss Miss Speu- Mo-Miss John II. Kate E Happening of a Day Thai Will Interest Bjda Park Readirs. VERY INTERESTING PIANO RECITAL Robert Hand Arrested for Discharg ing Firearms in the Street Meet ing of Young People's Literary and Debating Society Miss Maggie Delmer Tendered a Surprise Oth er Readable Hyde Park News. NOTES SOUTH laiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiigigtiniiiiiiiiiu II OUR Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Readers, OPENING THE NEW EXTENSION Street Cars Run to Minooka and Greenwood The Service Excellent and Everybody Is Pleased The! Q....a x.: n.t.. r.. u.. IIVUUU , , )J VbbUpiCS WHO I IUUI and Fifteen Minutes Athletic Club's Tenth Anniversary. CURTAINS 2 3 Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hallstead. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Parke, J. M. Everhart, Mr. and Mrs. C. B Scott, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Connell. Misi Emma bradley. Miss Griffin, Miss bjssio Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Miss Loekhart. Tom Moore, E E. Chase, George B Davidson. John H. blackwood, Wil liam E. Boyer, A. J. Colborn, jr., Cal vin Seybolt, W. A. Avery, Mr. Stub bing, of Ithaca, H 0 Reynolds, Mr. Cnnant, R-jbort McKsuna and Mr. Williams. MUST RENT OTHER GROUNDS. The State Ltasus Cannot Have tin West Side Park. A dispatch from Wilkes-Birre last night paid: Colonel William J. Har vey, president of the West Side park, and part owner of the park grounds, denies the report that the State league has an option on the park ball grounds. He is a large stockholder in the Wilkes Birr Base Ball club, who are mem bers of the Eistern league. He says while no contract has been made as yet, the lease will be signod iu favor of tbe present home team If the State league desire grounds here, they will be obliured to rent them from other parties and pnt up their owti graud stand and outbuildings. Fifty Qmi for Tan Centa. Hemember that fifty beautiful pictures aud not simply slxtoen-aud thoy all representing the most notable buildings aud exhibit of the late World's fair can now bo obtained at Tut Tribune office for 10 cents and three coupons. I'm 1 of ths World's Fair Portfolio contains these ar -tlslic gems and souveniu. Cut your cou pons and get tbe pictures. JANUARY 20, 1894. tribuYe COUPON Your ohoiee Of llirop beautiful pictutttj, "Telephone Girl," "De iverins Christmas Presents" ami "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messenger or briiij,' coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with LQ cents, stamps or ooim, i" TRIEUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. Tbe West Side office of the Scranton TitrBCTKE is located at la-i South Main ave nue, where subscriptions, advertisemnnts and communications will receivo prompt attention.! A private piano recital wai held last eveniug by the pupils of Miss Mary DsLong at her home on South Main avenue. The rooms were niselv fur nished and the fragrant olor of flowers was prevalent, During the evening Miss Lydie Sailer and Miss Storms, both instrumental pupils of Miss Ds Long's, sang several selections. Ainoug her verv youngest pupils who have proven themselves to be adept are Cin derella Morse, Arthur Summerhill, Ev erett E. DoLong, Archie Saxe, Bessie Spicer and Gertie Lewis. The older pupils who havs bscome first-class players under Miss D-Long's instruc tion are Miss Daisy Pool, Lena Staples, Anna Poole aud Auna Class. The re cital throughout was very ea.j yable and reflects great credit upon the in structor. Btbsrt Hand Aunn Arrested. Robert Hand, a 10-year-old lad re siding with his parents on Jackson street, whose nam appjarei. in Mon day morning's issue for stealing cigars, was again urrested yesterday aftr noon, for discharging a revolver in Wymbs court. The lad's associates are evidently the cause of ui bad ac tions, for as tii-v are considerably older, he is used as a tool by them. Sergeant Williams discovered the lad iu the court aud took him to tbe sta tion house. Later he was given a hear ing before Alderman Blair, and re placed in the station bouse to await word from his parents. Discourse on "Whittisr. " An interesting meeting of the Young People's Literary and Debating society was held last eveuiug in the First Welsh baptist church. Rsv. W. S Jones, presided. The meeting was opened with a biographical sketch on Johu G Wtiitlier, the sub.jsct, of tha evening, by Miss Carrie Phillips. Recitatious of Wnittior's poems w?re then given by a large tiumber of the members of the society. An essay on the works of ' Whittier" by W. A. Prioe was well rendered. Philosophers Will Maet. An important meeting of the Welsh Philosophical society will b? held this evening iu their rooms on South Main avenue. Tne following well prepared programme will be rendered. Gsneral discussion. "Djss a 'MO pound body weigh less at an altitude of 4000 feet. Paper, "The pervasion of heat in mat ter." by D C. Powell; Debate. "Re solved that electricity is the motive power of tbe solar system, continued from the previous meeting by Evan P. Davis and W, A. Price. Dedication Tomorrow. The dedication of tbe Sumner Ave nue Presbyterian churcb will take place tomorrow. Rev. S. C. Logan, D. D., will preach in the morning at 10 o'clock, and in the eveniug at 0 o'clock. Rev. James McLeod, D, D. , pastor of the First Fresbyternin church, will preach at 'J SO p. in. A cordial invita tion is estetided to all to attend the services. A Pleasant Surprls. A pleasant evening ptrty was held last evening in honor of Miss Maggie Delmer at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Benore on South Main avenue. Au enjoyable time was had in playing games and other social di versions until a late hour when re freshments were served, Brief West Side Notes. The Christian Endeavor society of the Plymouth church on Thursday evening elected tbe following officers: President, Miss Margaret R. Davies ; vice-president, Edwin R Hughes; re cording secretary, Miss Jennie Price; treasurer, Richard Owens. Mrs. B D. Moyle, of Moscow, who has been visiting at the home of H. D. Jones, returned yesterday. T. B. Townsend, of Ohio, called on West Siders yesterday. Rev. T. C. Edwards.of Kingston. will preach at the Plymouth Congrega tional church. Thomas Evans, of Philadelphia, ar rived here yesterday to attend tho funeral of his father, Stephen Evans. of Jackson street, which will occur this afternoon. CAUCUS IN NINTH WARD. Dsmcorats Ilect and Nam District Oandidaias. A caucus was held by the Democrats of tbe Ninth ward last uUht at the of fice of Register of Wills Koehler. The following district officers were named- First district Frank Mesrargoe, jude of eleotion; P. J. McCaffrey, in spector. Second district Frank Robline, jr., judge of election ; Thomas A. Ruddy, Insnector. Third district - Al Rose, judge of election; Arthur Christy, inspector. Your Last Chance. Drawing will take place on Saturday evening tor the $150 Premier ltoid Racer. DrawiDg will positively come off. Ticket holders nro invited to be present. Oulv a few more chauces for ssle. Price, 10c each. Fuan ii Holt, 4t)$ Spruce street. p 1 1 The great people of tbit country who accomplish so much in the affairs of life have the peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to them in tho line of action on the spot. There is that pilout Harper's, Frank Leslie's, S.cClure'e, Re view of Reviews, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They are a joy forever, hut not a thing of beauty. Our Mr. Schwencker ran transform them u that they will btconiu the brightest and handsomest volumes in your library As soon as you rend this will yon uot get all the numbers together, before they are lost or toiled, and bring them to The Tiubi'.ni binderi.? A few cents will give you ome beautiful books that will take the place of those rough and ragged magazines. M The Minooka Street railway exten sion was opened yesterday snd every thing seems to indicate that it will be i oni of the most successful roads, in a financial way, that has yet bseu opened in this city. The first car over the new line left j Scranton at 8.15 p. m. yesterday in oharge of Conductor P. J. Kelly, with T. J. Gallagher as motormau. Among the through passengers was Rev. Johu i Louirhran, pastor of St. Joseph's Cath- j olic church, Minooka. On the return j trip Rev. Daniel Greene, Father John's j assistant, was a passenger, and the I round trip cciupied one hour and fif- i toen minutes. Tne cars were hailed with evident deliirht by the inhabitants. Windows, doorways and Iplazzas were thronged, and as each car passed it was greeted with smiles an 1 merry acclaim by all. Groups of children, deeked iu holiday attire, their rosy faces beaming with the delight of innocent childhood, boarded the tars aud traversed the line to call on relatives. To the youngsters it was a rsd letter day. Th service is perfect. Superintend ent Gromley was on the seeond car that went through, accompanied by a TRIBUNE reporter. The new road can not be improved. There are no dan gerous curves and the grades can be climbed with ease. The construction proves that it was in charge of a cap able .builder. The power too is all that could be desired, aud even at the ter minus a velocity cun be maintained, if need be.equal to that on any other line in tbe city. The Tsnlh Anniversary. The tenth anniversary of the Scran ton Athletic cluh wss celebrated in a fitting in -iiitier last evening and tho second decade of the club s existence opsns very auspiciously. Germania hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion and in the centre of tho floor this legion appeared: "Greeting to the Tenth Anniversary of the Scranton Club " Owing to the large membership of the club the attendance was limited to members, their wives and sisters and their sweethearts, aud judgiug by the crowd they must have all accepted the invitatfou. Professor Smith played and William Walter was master of ceremonies. Ullk Wagon Damaxsd Charles Keib, the Su:h Side milk dealer, had to barrow a wagon to dis tribute his milk after 7 o'clock yester day morning. His wagon was struck by a street car. Later he called on Superintendent Gormley. To that gen tleman s questioniugs Mr. Keib an swered that he did not look around, and that he heard several taps of the bell. He is to call at the office again today, but the chances are against him recovenug for the damages. Minor Mention. The funeral of tbe late Ferdinand Scbmidtt will take place this afternoon. I.'ndertaker Storr informed a Tribuxe reporter yesterday that his body wiiea measured for the coffii was 6 ft. In. in length. Dr. Anna (.'lark will lead the ser vices at tbe Young Women's Christian association tomorrow. A class of fourteen young ladies, un der the direction of Miss Shardlow, practiced cvmnastics last evening. Charles Kellar and Philip Robinson, of the M. Robinson brewery, are in New York. SIHlliUIIBIitllliilSBiaDlllsiUlUlllilHIliK S Are worth going a long distancet o S S lee, No such collection can be s found nearer than New York or I i Philadelphia, and then it is not sur- g jg passed in the matter cf unique and g exclusive designs, or richness, g S daintiness and delicacy of mate- 5 55 rial. In a word, our Curtain stock this fail reaches our highest ideal g 5 of what is should he, nnd cannot j 5 fail to mret tlie approval of the 5 S most rctlued and artistic taeli-r. 52 9 Vet all this does not mean high S S P'ices. On the contrary.the values f' we now oft'sr are submitted for S your inspection. Of course, we' ve S every make, and among them will S be found the very choicest crea- S S tious in Brussels, i rials Point.Swiss, S a Nottingham and other Lace (ioods; S S also tho New Snow flake Swisp. g 5 with fcilk Stripe in contrasting g 6 colon:. Also full lines of Silk g S Stupes, Tapestries, etc., made to g trder. " giiiiiiiigiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I HILL k CONNELL ! s ? SCRANTON, PA. B S nillllHIilllllllllBIIIIltlllllllllHIIIIlsfl .- Best Sets of Teeth,$Si00 Including the painless extracting of teeth by au entirely new pro cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 1U5 WYOMING AVE, THEY FILL THE BILL. We have the most complete assortment of Men's Furnishing (loudt. that ever appealed to the eye or to tho taste, home ot our new suuues and designs in Ties are especially at tractive. They are selling at figures which give Jfuu no exeusa lor being without all soi ts of aud stvles, Christian THE HATTER NIAGARA HOSE COMPANY. Officers cf tin Provident s Organization Elected for the Year. The Niagara Hose company held a meet ing Thursday evening and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows : President, R. R. Thomas; vice president, Elmer Heese: secretary, S. B. Robinson; treasurer, M. V. Morriss; foreman, P. J. OempEey; hrst sssitaut foreman, Recs Evans; second assistant foreman, William 'iinmerman; first pipeman. David Joues: see uid pipeman, Clarence Coles: axeman, William E. Muiley; S. P. Kobiuson;driver. William Eldridge; trustees. William Etd ririge and William William Thomas; aud iting committee, E. J. Burke, R. J. Thomas and William Johnson. After Swearing- Off How many have taken vows of absti nence with the birth of the new year U perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts are futile nglust inveterate hahu, a habit which has become a disease. There was a time when it wruld have been easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the hnbit continued un til by the constant or fnqueut use of tbe poison there was forced a change in the nervous system which made it not nly possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and hot seem to get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to keep you feeiing good aud you "oraved liiiuor" because you had becomo diseased. Now that swearing off does no gooil and the pledge can't be kept, go and make your resolution good for all tune by taking treatment at the Keeley Institute, T'.'U Madison avenue, Srauton, Pa. . Keep the dimes for tho three unique pictures, "Toleohono Oirl," "Oood Moru ing" and "Maidens Ironing." ?0j Lackawanna Avenm. Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Set teeth, 55.50; beet set, SS: for pold caps and teeth without platen, called crown aud bridge work, rail for juices aud referotio, TON ALU 1A, lor extraetiiii teeth without la!n. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL HANK. Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have yon ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oyster; fried? At Lackawaoua avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have seen, Open Until Midnight. 25 Per Cent Discount Fur3Wsd01TS!s Mon?h.anci Prices on Millinery cut in Half. All Winter Goods at a reduction. Agency lor Dr. Jaegers Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.