THE SCEAXTOX TRTKUNE-SATUttDAY MORNING, JANUARY BO. 1894. SCKANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. PtBLieun DAILY AND VEEKLV 1" ECRAV tom. Pa., by las Isnum pcblj8i-o CojirAv. Nit Yobk orrici: Tribuxe CriUJisc, Frank 6. Gray, Manages. decorated glass ptnols shall gupircede polished woodwork that destroyed forests will remove from tUe list of postibililies and when glass ceil ings and glass floors will no c m-a u features of every well-appoiate3 Auiar ictu borne. It will be an ai;e when Yankee householders will find it un safe to throw stones. Eultrtd at the Fottofflce at ATM to ? tmnitkm Man natter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. FCFANTON, JANUARY 20, 18S4. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOR C0NOKK3SM.YN-AT LARGE. GALtSHA A. GROW, OF SUSQUE1IANNW ELECTION FEBRUARY 20. IMITATION IS PRAISE. Whntvtr atkr journal copy futures that im' eonetlvtd, it dot$n't mak u amji j. Bl you, we rtgard that tu the jnciest Kind of prat. They're copying TRIBUNE feature.;, note. many of 'm; if they wHl le patient, in V time we'll aire 'am more modi Is to pattern, after. What is this? Collector Herring to remove the rovenu toadqavrttti from this city to Blooaubur' Wint con ceivable sense is there in that? It munns more rout. It meant that the business center of northeastern Penn sylvania will have to endure inconve niences. It tneatu that tiie new Gov ernment building will loo an import ant tenant. And to Bloonisbur. too. Ot all earthly pl-iees why select this.' However, Herring owns the prize, We suppois he merely obevs a uatural in etinci tu wanting to take it in triumph home. TBKRI APPKAR8 to be a close affinity tetweeu free trade and free soup. ; The cuckoo will find Id stnatorial courtesy its most formidable opponent. WHO WOULD ever have supposed that Hayseed Vilas could bunco the wily Mr. Hlllt ,. . When Jacob Bchaefek goes on the nUtfe there is some .lunger of his miss ing his cue. Kuse CoaHLAN'i rigbttoiu indigna tion seems to have subsided with start ling rapidity. 4. mm HlLL KaV never he president, but he cau play ,tna mischief with the presi dent's nominations. m 1 KNTBC08T ius contributed lii share of tes'.imony to the absolute uniitness of his appointment. , . h has retched such a stage now that what we are eager for is what Willis was instructed not to do. TlIB OOVIBNOR Of New Jersey is in a worse plight even than (irover. He has two senates on his hands. The CLUUX of the Hawaiian comedy was indeed readied when Lilioukalani acoldad poor Willis like u fishwife. Wiiln MB. CaUNEOIK'S papers rtaih him In Egypt he will find some very interesting and instructive reading. AtTIR Mk. BbBCKIMRIOOB shall have settled with Miss Pollard ho may be less enthusiastic over the prospect of an income tax. ... Wnu the defeat of Horublower, all of the nominaaious, so carefully se lected from tho list of anti -Snappers, are likely to be defeated or hung ou a peg indefinitely. There will be nu retiial until the tariff iuestion is settled, it will then be a iUM tion da to uhether the recital will tabe plOO in this country or in Europe. Mr. t.irou- at Lancaster. THE HIJECTION of Mr. Hoinblower if significant mainly for the open hostility it aroniea between the Democratic fac tions. Henceforward there'eannot be even a pretense of frisndilntai. - INCIDENTALLY, Mr. Ilornblower'a re jection will make a groat many men very mad. It makes uioro debts to pay, and at this rata the settlement of ac counts between the two Democratic factions will be a serious affair. THESE is something due to the cour tesies, in the president's ofiicial rela tion to the smiators oT his owu parly, eveu if they are known to be personally opposed to him, in making important appointments in the states they repre sent. A CURRENT dispatch credits the trus tees of Dr. Tnlmago's new Brooklyn tabernacle with considering the ad visability of charging stringers an ad mission fee of ten cents to help lift the church debt. It is to be feared such a fee would cause many to stay nt homo and read the eloquent doctor's Sunday sermon in the twu-:ent Monday news paper. There will be thirty-five soft posi tions to give away in the collectorship office; or rather, thirty-three, since Chief Deputy Giuler is to be retained, aud inasmuch as Elitor Maloy. of Lansford, has already got his "tip." even thirty-three chances will make nu interesting scramble for office. Good luck to tho winners, and may they have to fight hard and long. COLOXBt Fellows' aecond appoint ment for the place of assistant district attorney for New York was of a quite different sort from that of Pjntecost. Hi promotes John D. Lindsay, one of the working force of the oftic for nearly twelve years, as indictment clerk, deputy assistant and chief as sistant, being appoint d by John Mo Kean in lav. retained and promoted by Randolph B. Martin", Fellows in his previous term aud Nicoll. This it just right. The ul'ddle in Schuylkill county whereby on account of the new con trollership law, county auditors get vnlaries without having anything to do it an illustration of slip-shod law making, which is unfortunately too common in Pennsylvania legislttion. The controllership idea is an excellent one in theory and could no doubt be ninde excellent, also, In practice. But technical kinks will .need to be straightened out before the present In novation will commend itself unre servedly to popular approval. The success which has attended tba second tett of the Bonta plate glass ma chine will mean a great deal to the people of tha twentieth century. It plearly points to an age of gists, when There iil! l e nortcttai until thrtaiitj qUtttion is settled. It will then be a yues tion as to uhether the rttttal will tal.e ulace in thie country or in Europe. Mr (.'cur at Lancaster. MR. GKOW AT LANCASTER. The voter who is privileged to read thocompleto tut of Mr. Grow's opening speech of the spring campaign, da livored Thursday evening at Lancas ter, and very cursorily reported by the news associations, will bo impresso.l with thu speaker's remarkable lucidity of thought aud his equally indisput able sincerity ot expression. There is no trace in it of the enthusiast or the ! demagogue. Not a linn of the address can by any jugglery of misrepresenta tion be wrested from its propjr place aa part ot one of the mojt symmetrical, straightforward and effective cam paign ntterincei ever voiced in this uotntnonweaUb. To those who. in re cent years, have not had evidence of the vigorous mind of the sagacious war-speaker of the American house of represen tatives.this masterly presenta tion of the Republican policy will ba a most agreeable surprise. Nous but a mind in complete mastery of vigorous and varied powers could have con ceived this speech, much less delivered it with an eloquence that, we are told, "carried the whole vast audience by storm." In nu adjoining column we present, this morning, some striking excerpts from this remarkable address, regret ting the lack of apaos which prevents its reproduction entire. The roundness and lores of Mr. (irow's nota'olo talent for epigrams is well shown in these quotations, but not the strong power of his consecutive utterances, each strengthening and re-inforcing the other until the argument reaches its completed symmetry and cumulous ef fectiveness. It may be said that there is no new thought to be contributed at this late day to an economic discussion which has busied our ablest economists for more than threo-score years. Whether this b9 trua or no. the elec tion nest month of Galusha A. Grow as Pennsylvania's co njjressman at large will replace in tho decisive forum of this to long prolouged debate a champ ion of the American policy comparable with the very best. A copy of this Hpeech should be put by county Republican committees in the hands of every wage earner in Penntylvauia. . Thtr will be no revival until the tariff quution is settled. It will then be a tues tiun as to whether the eectcal will take place in this country or in LUtrupe.-Mr. (Irou- at Lancaster. CHOOSE GOOD MEN. inasmuch as affairs are already shap ing for the making of legislative Domi nations in tho various districts of Lackawanna county, it is pertinent to call atteution to one or two facts that sometimes receive leant consideration in distr lot conventions. The commun ityof which Scran ion it the eenter has .Town to be, in point of population, wealth and importance, the third in tho state. It has interests which rrf quirsthe most careful and experienced attention, not only here but at Ilirris bnrg. Such attention is paid at the capitol by persona representing Phila delphia and also Pittsburg; but in this region the impression has been too general that tho selection of candidates for representative is not of particular moment, provida the nomine! has an ordinarily harmless record. Not only are Philadelphia and Alle gheny members retained term after term in legislative poiitioni, where they show a watchful interest ovtr th I needs of their respective com nu'iities, thus gaining a familiarity with their work and an adroitness which render one "city" member n, match for tw I dossnraw "country" recruits, but they are additionally ro-inforcod by the frequent presence of what, for lack of a better name, may be called legisla tive expertt, or meu who know every "in" an "out" of the state house from roof to cellar, and who lose little time in putting to Its final sleep any bill calculated to hurt the business inter ests of their constituents. It is well to he plain in this matter. For a city ot Scranton's magnitude, having the varied interests that Scranton liar, wo have been upon numerous occations very poorly defended against the ig norant or nwddlesoinn oflicioutnets of distant members, intent upon gaining notoriety at tho expense of ttie anthra cite region. The theory that "any body Is good enough" to go to Harris burg has worked ur infinite harm and can work us vastly greater harm in th future, if it shall be much lotigur adhered to. The point of the matter, and a point equally applicable to both parties, Is that it is time tottop permitting indi vidual ambitions or mere partisan ne cessities to hamper tho efficiency of our legislative represantatioi. When a member thows keeu wit, rea ly com mand of the situation, in nhortgool staying qualities, it is timi be wer kept where he can do the most good, not only to his party but to his district and hlssr ction. When he fails to show thcte qualities, no matter what his wealth, or bounty or SDecial "pull," he should be tnrned down. If the conven tion will not do it for him, the people should, and in the end all parties and all classes will be the gainers by such brisk methods. The importance of Scranton and of the county in general demands that men adequate to the situation b'.i kept in the legisla ture; and it is decidedly more import ant that they should be adequate than that they should livo on this street or that street, train with this crowd or that crowd, or voto this ticket or some other. Legislation should be business Grit aud politics afterward, GIVE THEM A CHANCE. In the annual cutting an! slashing of departmental estimates, in which the estimat-8 committee irdulses it self about this time of year, one esti mate iu calls for fond and tender indulgence. It is the estimate sent in in behalf of the over worked goardiani of Scranton's municipal peace. For lo. these many years, the aid gmrdians have vouchsafed it unto a much burglarized public that their number is insufficient to cope with the colossal iniquity of the Electric City evil doer. At each halcyon spriug time, together with that tired feelinu has come the annual request for an adequate force of patrolmen And regularly, each recurring twelve month, thit pathetlo appeal has beon placed where the daisies bloom, and the enterprising lojal burglar has gone on his wy in glee. This has continued until it bus be come time to trive the police depart ment a show, It is not denied that they are brave and forret-eyed men ; but their number is few, alas, too fow. They are but as a drop in the backet or as a glittering mica pebble in tho vast i.xpanse of solitary desert when it comes !o giving the citizins of Scran tou protection in proporty and peac. They uoed reinforcements. They re quire aid. Let the estimates committee try thr experience of an innovation. L-)t ttiem spring a surprise by giving the police force a chance. FORTUNES BEI f ER THAN SQUALOR. Ji, (trow at Lenceter. In the course of regular bUliaeM indi vidual fortunes are made bv economizing the prollts in the production and exchange of the products of labor. If that Is doae oy our citizens, the tortunos tuns accuur.i Intel are expended, at a rale, lu the com m unities Where they were mads. Some in costly living, which, bo werer. gives gmnter employ moat to all kinds of labor. Bona in munificent charities, which will latt as loug as human suffering. Some in great public improvements, constructing new arteries f t rade and channels of commerc t hat will last as long as the mighty rivers they span or the granite mountains which they scale; all contributing to tho wealth, the greatness and the glory of a coun try A nation whose people produce only raw materials to ho sold toother nations or ex changed fur their more advanced aud, con sequently, costly fabric, will always bo poor iu comparative wealth. W Buy In th Butt Market. Me. drew ot LjneitsUi. The free trader objects to all attempt. by legislation to secure tho home market for home production, because tho xreai law of trade, he claims, is to buy where you can buv tlie cheapest. That is true. Bttt the consumer in ull cases buys cheap est when he pays easiest. The stute ol things which gives to the laborer the larg est employment at the best wages enable him to pay easiest, and in tout way be buys cheapest, no matter what the nomi nal price ot the article may be, for without employment ho could not buy at all, and with scant employment must buy scent Supplying the home market by homo Utboi gives to home labor the largest possibl employment, aud the nearer the produce) and consumer are brought together th better for both, for each thereby saves :l trie cost or aouble transportation. The ITnwi.iie.!i Distune. Mr. (Iron at LeaCCtftr, The Ameiican people owe it to them selves by the lovo they cherish for liberty and free ioititutlonr, by the gratiturt. they owe the fallou heroes who Hied tha: government by the people, for .the peopl hhould not perish from the earth, to mnk. this infidelity to the spirit aud gomuB o free institutions so odious that no servair of the ereat republic will ever dare to re peat such au act, and so that this polic of double dealing with a friendly powei this recreancy to liberty and the inalleuii ble lights of mankind, fittingly charac terized as the policy of infamy, shall to ever stand in Aiuericau history eolitar. aud alone. PHO-RE-NOS lTt DRUNKENNESS. e4 U tk'KuJUy Cu at .raetl tcJt Uafcata'JltjitMtet ml aaalMwa- it, Curetthe Tobtc Habit easily without dis- rc-gfert Goldsmith's Q Bazaar Labor Munt He Protected. Mr, tin w at Lancaster, The most baneful of all the pernicious inllueuces which lead to national decay i tho policy tnat degradea or impoverltbei labor. It is tho great fact stamped on kl the rnini that, strew the pathway ot em pires. It articles of consumption can r lurnished tbe consumer cheaply ouly b; reducing the wages of the laborer wh' produces them to tho same rate pnid hi competitors iu other lands where penui sits at their Breslde and sorrowing wan: surrounds their death bed, thou eheapneei is not n desirable object. Hence, come tbe necessity iu tarill legislation for pro tection to American labor in discrimiunt ing duties ou foreign imports. Protection Adilt to Na'lonal Wealth. Ur QrOW at Ltincmter. liy producing at home tho commodities which a people consume, the profits of the production aud the profits in each an . every v-xchange of them in tbe course oi trade is retainud in the country, and th aggregate makes the wealth of'tne nation. The country that produces for itself ha both tbe article proiluceil end the none) paid for its production. iiisJmd oj'hnvi i hut one of these values, us would be th case iu buying abroad. AVOID THE GRIP BY WEARING Mammoth Red Letter Clearin g Sale Bovs 4tz Clothin Fleece Lined Hygienic UNDERWEAR Stock Being Closed Out at a Great Discount Because We In tend to Give Up This Department for Want of Room. This is convinced no fake. Try it and be CONRAD, HATTER SELLING AGKNT. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - Vt YOJllJtO AVR 6CHANT0 STKIVWAV SOX DECKER BROTH ERA KKANICH & BACK 8TU1.TZ & UAUKrt PBASMOS ilK large itoek ot Brst-otan CANS Boy3' Cassimere Suits, worth $2.25; now $1.49. Boys' Heavy Cheviot Suits, worth $3.50; now $1.98. Boys' All-wool Jersey Suits, worth $3.75; now $2.25. Boys' Fine Cloth and Jersey Suits, worth $5; now $3.49. Boys' Double-breasted Cloth Suits, worth $7.50; now $4 98. Boys' Knee Pants, worth 60c; now 35c. Boys' Knee Pants, best All-wool, worth $1.50; now 98c. The above stock uas all made for the best retail trade and can now he obtained cheaper than shoddy ready-made clothing. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. Mercereau & Connell MUSICAL MERCHANDISE MUSIC. ETC., ET& 07 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE SNOW 2EE F.L Crane's New Prices FURSI FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. DIAMONDS, WHITE and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. "reueli Coney CftptS, IS liicb.'n deep, itrukhuu Capei, 11 " ttmkbuu Capua. " " . Atrakhuu Cupus, 11 " , Dyed Upowan Cmm " " . Muiuey i'hi--. ' 11 , i !.'. v Capuj, " " . Vat. Ottor I'apej, " " , Nat. Ottor '.'upoi, M 14 Kriniiner Capua, " " . Bevrw Capus, " " , tfutria Cupas, " , Seal or P-riaii ('aces " " Alaska Sual Capes, " " . Aluaka Sual Capua. " " , MinkCapuH. " " . Brown Marten Capea " . ,.$ 3 00 . 4 VI . . ! Ul I . v 00 . . 8 00 I .. It .. 15 110 . . iti Oil .. US OU .. 12 0U .. a ou . . 13 IXI . . a ou . 3 i oo .. 1.UUI . . 60 00 .. 3W NEVERSLIP HORS Removable and Self-sharpening Calks. Tl H i CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. kttrakhaa Ctpao, U inches iWp s;o 00 luitic Bo Oapn, " woo iUotrio fai Oapos, M is on rrtuefa Cotiuy Capes, " 0 00 !iuk Capes, ' 50 ) rown Marten Capot, " 50 IK.' Muukey Capea, " S5 U0 We are sole agents for Bradford, Columbia, Lacka wanna, Luzerne, Montour, Tike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, State of Pennsylvania. Catalogue on application. iigbest Cash Prices Paid for Raw Furs Repairing Furs a Specialty. ANK BOOKS LAN R BOOKS MEMORANDL MS Frotactiun Raducn Prlcai. Ur. Qrotaai Lancaster. Tha affoet of protective tariffs, inatoml of euliauriiiK prices, is to reduce tliem In all cases where natural facilities exist, fni tho production of tho protected article. Ah t lie home product ion of n protecteil ar ticle increases tho importation of the lik loratgn article decreases, and the price of the protected article In our market is les sened uutil the homo market is gupplio 1 uy the home article, and then the price will be leas tlinn at any former period. - Direct and Iadir.ot Tazitlon. Mr. itioicat Lani ii.iftr. If a direct tax of ?l ia levied upon a por- son, jiim in it amour, must lie pant to the collector of tuxes. Rut if t at the custom house is collected on the cloth of which that person a coat Is made it iaHOtoar taiu that he pays the dollar in the price of his coat. Iu many cases, aud porhaps moot, he would not pay all of it, and the course of trade in..'., hi 9iich that be would not pay any of it. The I. sue in n Kutihell. Mr. Ore) at tnncatttr. A revenue tariff ijivei the supplying of the home market wholly or in great part to the poorest paid labor of foreign coun tries. A protective tariff gives tbe oup ptylng of the bomij market whjlly or in ureat part to homo labor. On the. atate meut of this proposition the o,ue3tiou in voluntarily arises, how, theu, cau thereby anv .difference of opinion as tu whicil policy is for this couuiryV U Is a Btandlns Menaos. Ur. Orpu at LaHatr, The Democratic pnrty in power is a standing menace to tbe busineis of the country. Kveu the threat ot what it pro poses to do, having the power to do it, is suttlcient to paralyze tho business of tho country aud till Us thoroughfare with un employed labor. Illnt to the Pennsylvania Dtmioraoy. " t f . Putt. lu any other state in the Union the Democrats would move to make Qalusha i i row's election unauimous. Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages I.EAD1XU MAKES. Fine Stationery WIRT, WATERMAN ami FRANK LIN FOUNTAIN PENS. All CluaranteoJ. Agents for Crawford's Pens and Hack's Flexible Rubber Stumps. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. 817 bACKAWANNA AVE. Bittenbender&Co.,Scr anion, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmakers' anil Btnc'.tsmitln' Supplies, Iron and Steel. Ice .". Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. IFoote 6c Sliear 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. LIMB, CEMENT. l 1 Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO ECRANTON AND WII.KES BARRE. PA.. MANUFACTURERS O i Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offioe, SCKANTON, PA. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWSRS FLOUR IS THE BEST THE WESTON MILL CO,. ECRANTON, THE Upholstery Department or William : Sissenbeiger Opposite Eaptist Church, Per in Avenue, Is replet8 with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Rs-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will ba as good as new. DO YOU SELL? OR ARK YOU MAKING PRESENTS? of Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, or any stylo of Candy or Nnts, Express Wagons, Velocipedes, Trioyoles, Doll 'abs, Drums or Toys of every kind. 1 DOLLS chum Dolls, Wax Dolls, Patent Dolls. Jointed Dolls, any kind of doll from '.'octoyij SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, in Maple, Oak or Iron, from ''")c. to 115.00. BICYCLES We have the goods and our priees are right. Wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS u BRO., 314 Lacka Ave. VniBk(a SPECIALTY of Rupplylngcoui mitta ur Sunday Schools, rsirs, Ktivi DELICIOUS, MILD SUGAR OUWX) ABSOLUTELY HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. fhk tradk upplied Tm STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA Frank P. Brown & Co. W I .. I Hi. r In Woodward Cordage and Oil Cloth 720 West Lackawanna Ave. Msiiufscturarb' Agont tur LAMHS and ULASSWAKtw. CROCWtRT,