THE SCEATTTOIT TRIBTT1NHE FRIDAY JtfORKpTG. JANUARY 19, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. c B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT January Sale Woolen Dress Goods. In anticipation of our regular annual stock-taking we have re-marked all our Dress Goods stock so that immediate buyers may secure U 11 c o m mo n Values in Rich Foreign Dress Goods. TIE NEWS OF 1 TOWNS TOntof town corrosponrtonts of Tub Tttta l m should sign their names in full to eaol uen-s luttor, not fot publication uuttoifuard against Juouptlou.iy . DANCE AT AMITY ROOMS. , MOVEMENTS IN MONTROSE. Interesting Little Items That Chronicle One Day's Actlvitiee. ftjiecial to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Pa, Jun. 18. 3. D. Pet tit, of Scranton, is registered at the Montrose House. He is here assisting Conn Stenographer Arthur Head. Rev. Dr. Hawlchurst, of the 'Meth odist Episcopal church, Montroie, lec tured in the opera house at Owego on Tuesday evening; subject, "The Pas sion Play.1' The Masons gave a banquet at the Tarbell Home on Wednesday evening. An enjoyable time was had and the supper was one of those that make the Tarbell House a favorite place for hold ing banquets. Dr D. L. Bailey, of Carbondale, was here yesterday as a witness in a Forest City damage snit. Special revival services are being . held in the Baptist church. Ben Mulford and R M. Bastwlck were trying their luck with tip up and line on Wednesday. Attorney Cornelius .Smith, of Scran ton, has been professionally engaged in coart here this week. Miss Cora Miller, daughter of ex Sheriff Miller, has been seriously ill at her home in Lathrop. L. P. Wedeman, of Forest City, is here this week having charge of a very important case in conrt. Some of our moneyed men would do well to invest in teuament houses here Where all the people will live next year is a every house is now occupied and people are inquiring for bouses. WANT A SUMMER HOTEL Montrose Persons Believe There Are Millions in the Soheme. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Mostuokk. Pa., Jan. 18. Montrose is fast becoming a favorite summer re sort, but before the people will come here in any great numbers we must have a large summer hotel and the lo cations for such a house are many The grounds near the Consumers' Water company's rewervoir could be purchased at a small cost, ami a large hotel built with all modern improve ments (for electric lights is a sun thing inside of a year) We have the best water on earth and our railroad accommodations nre noc slow. A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a rentury Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have reaeived benefit from Its use testify to its wonderful ourntive powers in nil diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. A peniedy that has stood the test so long and that bus given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Kach bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to be the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free at Matthew Bro's. Drug Store. Large size f0c, and $1,00. Homember that Tub Tuibunb art port folios cost only 5 cents for each part. Bring In your coupons. Honesdale's Sprightly Junior Club Holds , Its Monthly Dance. Special to the. Scranton Tribune. IIonksdai.k, Jan. 18. The Amity Social club held its monthly dance iu their club rooms last night. An ele gant lunch was servant and all present had an enjoyable, time. Those who participated in the danoa were Misses Amy Kimback, Carbou dale; Catherine Uaylord, Maine Deln, Kate Hessler, Ida Bussa, Anna Uran detnore, Lottie Gobi-, Mamie Powell, Rena Keen, Jennie Hawkou. Tillie llartutig, Uussie BoWeQ, Sirah Sly. Julia Bader, Julia Meyer. 11a Heft, Anna Herman, and John Groner, Bert liassett, David Doney, Ed. Lake, Al bert Gratnbs, Augustus Grambs, Gtiorgo Meyer, William Penwarden. Philip Sommer, Howard Rsitnauer, Parol Reichenbaker, John Smith. Jotm Boyd, Fred Bunnell, Wyman Kimble, William Alexander, Ed. Hartung. Benjamin Gardner, Jacob Oumer; and Erastus Taylor. OBSEQUIES PAID TO DEPARTED. Mrs. Kate C. Psarce and Thomas H. Hurd Laid to Rift Djweial to the Scranton Tribune. Hosesdale. Jan 18 The body of Mrs. Kate C. Pearce, who died in Cur bondale Jan. 11 was brought here over the Gravity railroad this morning tor interment. The tuneral services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Benjamin at the home of her father, William toiey, of Seelevville. The body was laid to rest in Glen Dyberry cemetery at noon today. The deceased was 27 yean old and is survived by a husband. Thomas H. Hurd died of consump- tiou at his home In Cherry Ridge last Saturday night. Mr. Hurd was 22 wars and six months old. The funeral services were held yesterday by Rev. C. A. Beniauiin. Interment was made in the Darling burying ground. MINOR HOMESDALE MENTION. Short Olimpies at the More Newsy Oo- ourrences of a Day. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Jan. 18 William Wal lace Ham has entered the offioes of Dr. R. G. Barclay as a medical student. Charles Dexter is making baroon- dale friends a visit. J. J. Simpson and Mr. McMnllen, Carbondale; E P. Hen wood, Scranton. and Q F. Potter, Wilkes-Barre, were among the guests at the Allen house to-day. Rv. P. C. eel, of v likes-uirre, and Rev. P. Christ, or Scranton, were the guests of Rev. William H. Dasael a few days this week. The dancing class of I'rofessor Hert will In .Id its finale in Pioneer Hall. Jan. 85 by giving a grand masquerade ball. The music Will oe rnrnisnea oy Metzgar's popular orehestra. A good tima is assured. Admission, 50 cents ; extra lady, 25 c;nts. George Checkley i entertaining Charles Wills and son, of New Bruns wick, JN. J. John T. Ball left town today for an extended visit in New Jersey. The fiirewel recention to b tendered Rev. and Mrs. George C. Hall will be from 7 to 10 p. m. tomorrow (Friday) evening. Owing to the failure on account of sickness, of the Palmeroy Family qnar- tette to give their concert in tne u ip tist church, O. E Neal will give speo tacnlar viewa of the Johnstown floo I, Washington and the World's fair. This exhibition will fill the vacancy in the course made by the non appearance of the Palmeroy family. e MONROE COUNTY BREVITIES. What the Good People of Stroudeburg are Talking About. Sfiecial to the Scranton Tribune. Stroudsburo. Pa.. Jan M The Knights of Pythias annual banquet on Feb. 8 promises to be an interesting af fair. Lewis W. Mills, of Barret township, whose horse fell through a county bridge has been awarded $100 damagee for the injuries his horse sustained. The track survey of tne proposed Water Gap Electrio survey has been completed. The road leadi to the mountain top and will prove popular with summer boarders. The business plaees of the town still continue to be closed during the early evoning on account of the interest shown in the revival services held in our churches. Many conversions are reported. An effort is being mde to start an order of the Sons of Veterans in this place A. H. Schoonover has the mat ter under his care and about twenty names have already been secured. The ice men are now happy for thv nrefllling their ice houses rapidly; however, not with as thick ice as they would like to have. The ice fumitia scare has diminished of late. Ice fishing at Porter's lake is what the sporting men are having as an on joyment. Two large porkers, weighing 020 and 500 respectively, were killed by Tuom as Gearhart, of Chestnuthill township. HAD ONLY A PEN KNIFE. An Insane Italian Creatas Exoltement at th Ertgerton Colony. Special to the S-raaton Tribune. Carhondai.b. Pa., Jan. 18. An In sane Italian created much excitement today at the Edgerton colony, by ac tions which quickly drew a orowd. It was feared there would be arecurrenc of the Ferrer shooting affray. The man, when seized, was found to possess no more dangerous implement than a pen knife. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report KV I Baking ABSOHTTELY PURE RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN. Thomas Burke Severely Injured While Riding on Coal Car. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Camiondai.e, Pa., Jan. 18. Thomas Burke, a resident of the South Side, received fatal injuries on Wednesday evening. The young man was on his way to this city. He walked to the Delawaro and Hudson tracks, as was his usual habit, to bjard a coal train and ride in. He was seen by the train men of a passing train to be standing near the tracks, and it is supposed he attempted to mount the cars. Soon agonizing cries for help were heard and assoonas puss i mo thi train was stop ped and the trainmen hastened to res cue tho unfortunate, when it wis found that Burke ha 1 been struck by the engine and dragged a short dis tance to an open cnlvert into which his nanimate form fell He was at once removed to his home and his injuries investigated. It was found by the attending surgeon that his skull had been crushed iu ami that i difficult operation was at once ueces- arv, wiucli was performed ny Lire. Pitisimtnoni ami Gilli -s, and a consid- urable amount of splintered skull re moved. Tho boue in soveral casss had been forced into the brain, and so seri ous are Ins injuries mat uoarn is ex pected. Mr. Burke is a member of the Cottage Hose company and the Knights of Father Mathew. ej ( CARBONDAlb'S NEWS CONDENSED. TERSE TAYLOR TOPICS. New Officsrs of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Baptist Church. Special to the Sd'an'.on Tribune. Carbondale, Pa., Jan 18 The re sult of the electidn of officers for the Ladies Aid society of the Biptist church, which took place at the par sonage on Wednesday afternoon, was as follows: President. Mrs. Milo Gard ner; vice president, Mrs. George Davis; secretary, Mrs. ri M. reck; treasurer, E. E. Heudnck. The report from the treasnrer of 1893 found that the ladies had earned dnriugthat year $560, which was very encouraging. Mrs. Grace Seeiey. of Scranton, was the guest of Miss Belle Vannan.' Thomas Howley returned to Ins home in Scranton this morning after spending an evening with friends in this city. A merry party of skaters this even ing went to unionuaie, wnere tney spent a few hours enjoying a skate on the ice on Ljwis lake at that place They returned this city on the train arriving here at 10.50 p.m. Harry Loe has resigned his position at tin store of G. W. Reynolds & Son, on Lincoln avenue. George Rettew was tendered a sur prise party by his young friends at his home on John street this evening and the evening was passed in a happy manner. The Ambrosia Social club held their monthly social tonight in their rooms on the South Side. AN ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT. The McCloud and Melville Company Please a Large Audienoe. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa., Jan. 18 The house which greeted the McCloud and Melville company in "Will o' the Wisp" Wednesday night was not as large as it should have been. Professor Collins played the "Will o' the Wisp" march on the piano in a charming manner for an overture. It was one of his own productions, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. McClou.L The show as a comedy drama is one of tho best that has ever played here. It possesses a good story and is filled with humor of a catchy character. The scenery is a little above the average, especially in the third act, where'the meeting of the waters in the vale of Avooa presents a very fine picture. The singing and dancing were excel lent, receiving many encores. The harp playing by Mrs McCloud, Mc Cloud and Melville, was received with rounds of applause and was "responded to with an euoore. On the whole the show gave good satisfaction. Prooeedlnga of a Day Narrated In Biad- nble Paragraphs. Special to the BcraniCM Tribune. Taylor, Pa., Jan. 18. Mrs George E. Winterburn left today for Miners ville, being summoned there by the death of her sister. The Literary and Debating society of the Welsh Congregational church, will meet Saturday ni'ht. James Powell, jr., is a candidate for school director. The Ladies' Aid society, of the Pres byterian church, mot this afternoon at tho home of Mr. Whitefoid Thoy were entertained with an afternoon tea. Tiiylor band has runted Weber's rink and will open it every Saturday night for roller skating. William E. Jones left today for Min ersville, Schuylkill county. The McKiuley Republican club holds a meeting on Saturday night. All members are r quested to attend. The Price library holds an enter tainment next Thursday night. Eddie Allen has withdrawn from the contest for high constable,which leaves the field to only Morris Davis. Mr, Allen announces himself a candidate for constable iu the Third ward. Next Tuesday night occurs the can tata of the Congregational church. John Gwynne, of Moosio, was in town today, MOSCOW PERSONAL NOTES. Coming and Going Quest and Other Nwv Mention. Sltecial to the Scranton Tribune. Moscow, Pa., Jan. 18 Mr. S. B. Whitlock, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Gaige. C. H. Stratton is dangerously ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ford are making their home at Hotel Allen. Miss Myrtle Gaige, of Memphis, Tenn., is home for a few weeks. The Patriotic Order Sons of America gave a banquet Tuesday night, the oc casion being installation of offioers. Miss Ruth Gardner, who has been sick Tor tho past two weeks, is able to be out again. Mrs. Charles Noack spent Monday with her daughter. Mr. E W, Davis, of Elmburst. Peter Robinson, of Stroudsbnrg, was the guest of P. S. Pnsten yesterday. My physician said I could not live, mv livor out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not re tain food. Murdoch Blood Bitters cured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, U72 Exchange street, Buffalo, N. V. FUNERAL OF MRS. SHERWOOD, It Will Occur This Afternoon, with In terment at Maplswood. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Pa.. Jan. 18 The re mains of Mrs. William N. Sherwood, who died at her home in La Plume on Wednesday morning, will arrive in this eity Friday on the Delaware and Hudson train due at Seventh avenue station at 10,50 a. in , and will be in terred in Maplewood cemetery. Mrs. Sherwood was a former resi dent of this eity and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norman Hill, OLD FORGE IN MINIATURE. Two Item That Will Interest Eaoh Resident Thereof. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Old Forue, Pa., Jan. 18. Mr, Dove, the state organizing agent of the Mer cantile Co-operative bank, will organizs a branch onTnesday evening at Max Rosenblutb's hotel. Birrbertown. John Snrber, who owns considerable real estate in the township, is a oandi date for tax collector, having been a resident for more than seven years iu tho township. The Bruises, Harm, Ulcers, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, WANTED TO ROB A POOR BOX. Burglar at J n mv n Try to Gain Entrance to Sacred Heart Church. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Jermyn, Ph., Jan. 18. Another at tempt to rob a poor box must be cred ited to the sacrilegious burglars of the Lackawanna Valley. It was made at Sacred Heart church, but the iron screens resisted the intrusion. Burglars have made five such at tempts in this county within the past two months. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she vraanllitld, sho cried for Castoria. When she liecamn Mis, she clung to Castor!, When she had Children, (he gavotheni Castoria, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, best salve in the world for Cuts , yalt Ilheum, Fever Chilblain. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, nnd posi tively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price M cents per box. For salo by .Matthews Bros. FOREST CITY MISCELLANY. Mention of Prominent Resident and Readable New Brevities. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa., Jan. 18 Miss Emma James and Mr. A. Bender, of this place, were married at the home of the bride's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis, on Railroad street, yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'elook by Rev. Rhy Morgans, of Wilkes-Barre, formerly pastor of the Welsh ohurch, in this place. Mrs. W. X. Roese is visiting with friends and relatives in Scranton for a few days. Quite a number of people from this plaoe are attending the Carl Nelson vs. Hillside Coal and Iron company law suit at Montroa this-week. "Two Old Cronies" will be tho at traction at the opera house tomorrow (Friday ) night This is one of the best shows that tho people of this town will huve a chance to see this year. MINERS ON-HALF TIME D. & H. and Erie Colltrrlss Oat Order to Res I riot. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale. Pa., Jai 18. An or der was received from the Dtdawara and Hndson company's mine depart me nt yesterday putting their oollierles iu this vicmitv on half time. This or der is due to the recent action of the coal producing companies to restrict the January output. The collieries of the Hillside Coal and Iron Compuny shut down last evening to remain idle until next Mon day. It is feared that this will prob ably be the order of things for some time to come. Quinsy troubled me for twenty years. Siuce I started usiugDr.ThomaH' Ecleotrlc oil. have not had au attack. Tho oil curee sore throat at ouco. Mrs. Lotia Conrad, Standish, Mich., Oct. 24, 1888. , Soveral thousand parts of the art port folios came yesterday. A nickel takes this book of handsome pictures. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And Us associated ttstt of Em-Hub and Ger man i'bjbiciuns,are now nermauoutly located at Temple Court Building 81 I SPRUCE 8T SCRANTON Whero tho may bo i nnsultod DAILY AND MINI1AY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot the Dnivorsity or Pen Ily Irani, formerly demonstrator ot physiology and snrgnry at the Medtco-Chir-nrgioal College, of Philadelphia. Ho Is also an honorary member of tho Medlco t'hirur gical Association, and was physician and surgoon in-cliiof of the most noted American and German hospltaLs, comes highly Indorsed by the loading profossors of Philadelphia and New York. His many yoars of hospital experience en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformiti and diseases with tho most flartoring luccoss, and IiIh lit b standing in the state will not aU m him to accept any Incurable case i.osr manhood hk-i'okkd. WEAKNESS OF YOUNG MEN CUIIED. II yon hnvo noen givou up oy yonr physi cian cull upon the doctor and lie examined. Ho cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility, Bcrofula, Old Soros. atarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumor, Can cers and Cripple of overy description. Con nltation in Eiiu-lish and German Free, which shall bo considered sacred and strictly confi dential. fllc. Hours: OA.M. to U P.M. Daily. Sunday, U a.m. to 2 m. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, coine to 'the College. COMMON ENGLISH COUKSE. BUSINESS OOUItSE. UUBlBaHIIWUHjig, ti n TTT AATl TJ : .i. NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Dec. 10, 1803. called for by the Comptroller ol the Currency. ItKSOUltCES. Loans 1,304,473.40 Overdrafts 740.JJ3 Cnlted Mules Itnnds 200,000.00 Oilier llonils 448, 127. 7 Hanking Moose 28,074.46 Premiums null. S. Iloiid.... 17.443 75 Due from I s. Treasurer 10.000.00 Hue from Hunks 321.130.00 Cash 173.000.08 t 2,403,008.00 MAmi.lTIKs. Capital 8200.000.00 o ruins Undivided I'rnllts.. Circulation Dividends Unpaid. Deposits.' Due to Banks ....... .240.000 00 00,935.20 . 102,000.00 1.882.50 ,1,722,250 80 86,624.07 2,463,008. 06 WII.MAM rONNEI.I, President. GEO. H. I'ATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM U. PECK, Cashier. DIUECTOKS. William Council, Genrgo IT. Catlln, Alfred Hand, henry Uelln, jr., James Ari-liliulil, Willi mi T. Smith. I. inner Heller. , This bnnk offers to depositors every facility wurrnnted by their balances, busi ness anil icspiin-lDilltv. Speclul attention given to business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits. THIi TRADERS National Bank of Scranton, ORGANIZED UM CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. a VXTEL II IN B8 .(President W. W. WATSON, Vice President A. a WILLIAMS, Cashiur. DIRECTOno, SAMPIL HiN-rs, JAMES H' EvEnnAnT, HtVINO A. M.Nt n, I'lEHCE U. r I N LEY, Josei-h J. Jehmyn, M 3. Kkmekkiu, Cuas, P. Matthews, John T. Puktsr. W. W. WATSON. PROMPT, ENtRdETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank invites tho patronage of business men unu urms generally. Mrs. Sarah Trader Of Philadelphia. "Bad Spells" with tho Heart Dizzy, Faint, in Despair tfooA'R SaraapaiHUa Cured. "I have suffered very much during the past few years from Heart Trouble Physicians said I might live a number of years, might die any dny. I could usually- tell w hen the worst attacks were coming on by feeling a sharp pain In the heart, then violent thumping, shortness of breath, followed by a coldness com ing all over tne, Uion dizziness, faintness, and then, unless I rould Ho down at onoe I would fall wherever I was. I never dared to be left alone for I had to have help at ouce and Hint applied with vl;or. I could not do any work, even to sweeping, and hail lo be careful of the least excltetiieiit I got very much dis couraged ut the out look and thought There Was No Hope Of over finding anything to help me. One day a friend asked, ' Why don't you fry Hood's Sarsa parllla7 I thought It over and decided to try It, and I thank God for it too. Since I began tak ing It, three years ago, I Inivo had but one ' bad spell ' and faint was due to carelessnoss on my part, and from that I quickly recovered. I can not tell you how much better I feel and hv thankful I am. I feel as if would like to tell every person In the world about It. I can and do now1 do all niv housework, even to washing." Mkh. Haiiah Ti.i.m i ii, 8U0 Latimer Street, Philadelphia, I'a. Hood's s Cures " I know Mrs. Sarah Troxler from having pur. abased Hood's Harsuparilfa for a long time,' and have every reason to believe that the above statement Is true." K. & F. P. Shocklm Pharmacists, 541 E. Thompson flt., Philadelphia Hood's PIII9 are the best family cathartic, gentle and effective. Try a box. 26 cent Seeds and Fertilizers Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. REMNANT SALE CARPETS! TWE have culled from our stock a large line of patterns that will not " be thade again iu WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, M0QUETTES, VEL VETS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIrS AND INGRAINS, which we have marked down to such prices as will insure a quick removal of the en- entire lot. PKUFK SIIOR CO., Ino'p. Capital, 1 .000,000. BEST ai.AO HHOK IN THE WOUI.u. "A dollar euved it a dollar earned, i Thlsl.adles'Holtd French nongnln Kid But ton lloot delivered free nnywhero In the U.S., on receipt HI, null, Minn-y wruer, or l'ostul Note for $1.60. Eqnuls every wny the bopts eld la all retsll stores Tor $2.60. We msko this boot ourselves, therefore wo guar antee the ft, ttule and teear. and If any one Is not satisfied Will rciunu ino money end another pair. Opera oo or Uomaea isonie, widths C, I), K, k EK. 1 to) ana nun . Send your ttu; li t n I. Ill ymi. Illustrated Cata logue FREE FEDERAL ST., HOSTON. MASS. REMNANTS atftiM HALF PRtfE Odd lots of Lace Curtains, Chenille Portiere3 and Table Covers, Bric-a-Brac, &c, at actual cost. DljQQ Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, fftUUO $2. CO: rediirprl from cn u ' J' o STORE CLOSES 6 P.M. A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER! TO THE) TRADE ONLY THE RICHARDS LUM SEP CO 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, TELEPHONE 422. -,4- 0 TAKE ELEVATOR, OCrailtOn, L 1. "VX7"HILE many manufacturers and dealori are matin:; extravagant state ments concerning the merits and durability of medium or low trad pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine tuo fatuous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application E.C.Ricker&Co. 123 Adams Ave. Dexter Shoe Co Special term to Dultrt. TABLES 91 These are Center Tables. Last week we interested the men with Office Chairs, which they ap preciated, as we judge by their pur chases. This week we will try and interest the Ladies with Center Tables at One-third less than former prices. They will be displayed in our large show window with prices on each. A Table of this descrip tion can be used in numbers, as every room in the house should possess one. They are as handy as a shelf or mantel, and decidedly more ornamental. Look up your spaces and come THIS WEEK ' and select a Table. Remnants of Carpets And Odd Pairs of Lace and Chenille Curtains at "Way Down Prices."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers