iUE Sl'HAjNTON TRIBUNE THL KSUAY MORNING. JAM ARY 1H, 1894. 5 UHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Pipe j Valves I i Fittings HIS FAREWELL SERMON ! PLENTY OF NON-SUITS S THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, SiiiiiiiiiiiiuhiiiuiiiihiiiiiiiiihiikS Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna THE SOB Fenn Ave Laundry A. 3. WARMAN. MARS & HAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of 'loineli all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to sell for 75c; 7 yards will cost you $2.03, or only 29c per yard. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, JRngs, etc Rev. Ralph Gillam Preaches to Large Audi ence at DuDmore Presbyterian Church. END OF WEEK'S REVIVAL SERVICE The Assistant of Evangelist B. Fay Mills Delivers a Very Interesting and Convincing Sermon All Who Have Not Done Their Church Dut ies Classed as Sinners He Says Be Kind to One Another. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave, CITY NOTES. The select canal will hold a regular atssiou this eveniug . John Kiehard hi. : William Kyau were y . -:-rd iv fined $jfor lighting The (Jruit of Society" will be the at traction at the Academy of IIumc this evening. Jumna Hank and Marry XloUreenale, Vagrants, were put to work on the chain gang yesterday. Tue pupil of Haydn I'.vsu will give a recital in bis studio on Wyoming aveuus tomorrow eveuiug. Tho common pleas list for the term of argument court, which begins Feb. .", con tain forty-nine cases'. Awullkuowu Philadelphia manager u desirous of seeuring a 'uitable place for a high class vauJville bouse. The Enterprise Dancing class will give OB of its enjoyable socials at Kicelsior Hall, on Wyoming avenue, on Jan. ii5. Bridget .N'aunhton was drunk aud dis orderly in the North hind. She was BOB!' initted to the county jail tor thirty days. Court yenerday refused to grant a new trial In the cae of W. ,M. I'ord againat John W. Matey, whi;b was tried last week. air. Lees Sunday school claas will hold Its next social tomorrow evening at the iHideuceof Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. I'.anc.k, 410 Vine street. Jaines l-'allon, of the South Side, was committed to the county jail for thirty days yesterday for breaking a large win dow in the Coyue Houae. A complimentary social will be given by the St. John's society of 1'lno Itrook In Its ball Friday night to the young ladies who assisted it at Its recent tumr.iet. W 0. ("arr spoke at Oreen Hidge I'ret byttriiiu church last nighr. ami will give a reading tonight at H. M. Foster's, liii Washburn street AH art welcome. The ladies of the Diilton Women' Chris tian Temperance union will hold a pie social at their rooms, Saturday evening. Refreshments will be served from till 8 o'clock. Cards containing the terms of court ar ranged in accordance with tha recent or der of court are being distributed bv the clerk of the courts. Tuey were printed at Tiik 'i amine jab office. The really excellent show at the EJ.-ti musee continues to attract large crowds. The performance in the theater is a re fined one, aud Is given by some of the best vaudville performers over soon In the city. There will be a men's moetlug at the Penn Avenue Baptist church tomorrow evening. There will by a paper on '-Why So Many Men Do Not Attend Church," by A. L. Collins, followed by dtscuMtoni. All men invited. Isaac S. Davis, ex treasurer of Lacka wanna township, has announced himself hs a Hepublicau caudidate for auditor of the township. U. Si. W. Doad will bs cuudidato for town clerk, and Adam Fa told for constable. Today, tomorrow and Saturday "Aurora Floyd" will be the attraction at 'oud.ir land theater. This play is especially adopted to Miss Staulford and she as well us the entire company appear to advantage in its presentation. Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk of the Courts Thomus yesterday to Kuua Davis and Gweunia J. Thomas, of Hcrau ton; Kubln liransdopr and But Miller, of Scranton; Thomas J. Williams and Sarah Ann Phillips, of Jerrayu. The ladles of the Voung Women Chris tian association have spared no effort in their plan for the turkey dinner to be served today from II, 30 till a o'clock to their lady and gentlemen friend. Supper will be served In the evening for t!5 cents from 6 till 7. Dinner will be 50 cents. The euulty suit of Joep1i S.JKnigbt against Johu W. llrogan, which was be gun Saturday, was yesterday discontinued by agreement of the parties. Knight Ob- Jected to Hrugan building an addition to a oase at Dnnmore which the plaintiff oc cupied aud obtained an Injunction re straining the work, After a week earnest and persistent effort, after attaining an unprece dented success in the history of moral work in Dunmore, Rev. Ralph Gillam cii I hi chorester, Mr. BronaOB, last evening said farewell to the people among whom he ha been laboring 10 zealously. Long before the appointed hour the church was crowded und the alalea had to be Utillftd to iicoomuioilate the throug. lleslde the large choir, which did excellent work .luting the week, there was in the gullery a choir of fifty children. Around the pulpit was ar ranged haudAouiJ floral decorations. THIBI IS ROOK After rending the parting words found in sixth chapter ofGilatitns Mr. Gillam begau hi sermon, which was in two parta, taking for one text thou words: "And yet there it room." "1 am glad tonight," said Mr. Gil lam, "that there is room for all tin ueia. All who have not done their church duties, as well at those out of the church, nre Dinners. Vet theie it room lor them. No man i so loaded down with iu that he caunot bsuorne a child of God, aud there is room for all. Friends, take your place a a (in ner tonight and pray to Jesus, 'B merciful to me a sinner.' Ther is room in the kiugdom of God for the man who will take hi place a a ait) tier. There i room lor those who are thirsty for Christ's love. Ye, there is room for the thirsty Christian. Here is the invitation tonight, and there is room for those who are willing to coin. Von have listened to all pleading), yet you are here tonight with the needful stsp not yet taken. There i room for you if you will only accept. NEED or K.UTH. "What you need tonight is thecoup liug pin of faith. Piu yourtelf to God and become a Christian tonight. Jems will blot out all sin and forgive yon if you will only eotns. There is no pries to pay because Jesus paid it with His own blood Ave you willing to com-)'.' All that is needed ou your part is your willingness to come. " At this juncture the Rev. Mr. Gillam made it his last appeal to the uon-coa verted aud many arose, promising to take Christ a their Master aud bid farewell to the follies and sun of this world. The sscond part of his sermon was devoted to his parting, taking one word for his tneme, "Farewell." "To members of the church 1 would say: Be perfect, be of one tniad, and the Lord's peace shall keep you. Dj not trouble your mind about perfec tions. Do the beat yon can. Walk in Jesus aud your life shall be perfect. Walk perfect in your daily life, so that the world may miss you when you are gone You will never hear Christ's 'well done' uuless you havj done well. Vou may be a model church member, but unlets you lire according to His commandments, you will never hear thot beloved words, 'well done. ' UE KIND TO UE01NXE1W. "Bi? kind one to the other. This was the spirit of Jesus Christ. There are new beginner in this congregation who uteds your blessings in words of kindness and good deeds If they stumble by the waytide, do not critiz , but give thtm a kind word. To those who are just beginning a Christian life, f would tay. study yoar Bible. There is not a book in the world to compare with the word of God. "If you will tonight commenoe to search the Scriptnres you will find in them the word? of life. There it no book in the world that can strenghten and bring peace to your soult like this one. Then ynu must pray. Your heart mutt be tilled with a desirs to live for Christ, and you ranst pray that you may bo ttrengthsned aud ovsr couie tlis adversenets of your toul. ML' ST JOIN THE CHURCH. "You must join'the church. Every man who has n desire to live op to the religion of Jus Christ joins the cbureli. It is one of the most impor tant step. Tak? upon you this re tpontibility for Christ. D.m't join the bull. ling, but join everything that will help the kingdom of God on this earth. "The next thought i to abstain from the very appearance of evil. Do not think of the things you mutt give np for Christ's sake, bnt of the things that H promises in the hereafter. Many of you aro going to atk 'Can we play cards and dante ' Well, maybe you can, but 1 cannot. I cannot dance and glorify God Throw aside everything that ha the appearauceof evil If yon are doubtful about anything, da not do it. Work for Christ. Vou will find plenty of ways to put In your time." After a few earnest words of jood bye that overflowed with pathos, Mr. Gillam doted. Never before has ther bten a more henrtfelt parting between teacher and people than wni experienced in the Dunmore Presbyterian chnrch last evening. Tnefacasof the large con gregation were turned on the speaker until hi last eloquent farewell was spoken. Mr Gillam leaves for Philadelphia to -night. CHARTER IS APPLIED FOR. rhtllp Shtridan Moaumsnt Association Wants Ltgal Standing- An application was ma le to the court yestrday by Attorney J. C. Vaughan for a charter for the Philip Sheridan Monument aisoot ation. The object of the association it to provide a fund for the erection of a atatue in the court house iiiuare In this city. Tuo corporation is to exist for live yenri. Thote who subscribe to the articles of incorporation ars: M. If. (irlflln, Thomas J. Moors, F. J. Johnson, William Dawson, James J. I Higher. Michael J. Rowan aud James C. Vaugliau. WILKES- BARREAN IN CHAINS. A Lustra Vairrant Working for tht Btnetti oB.Lsokawanna. On Tuesday night William Holme., applied to Dssk H;rgant D uter for lodgings. Whnu the officer questioned bim, he became vary intuiting and abusive and was locked np. When brought before- Alderman Wright in police court yesterday, the fellow claims! his home was in Wilkes-Barre, and the alderman de cided that in that case he should servs on the chain gang. Three Cases That Did Nit Go to a Jury on Account of Fatal Weikness. WHY ACTIONS WERE BROUGHT THE PURPOSE IT HAS IN VIEW SACRED USE C CHOI N?w Musical Organization, with Evans as Leader, Formed, Haydn City Failed to Make Out Cases in the Action to Recover From E. F. Boyle and D. J. Campbell on Municipal Liens--A Non-Suit Granted in the Jermyn-Black Case Morss Cases Will Be Argued Today. Three non-suits were granted by Judge Archbald yesterday. The first one was in the case of the city of Boranton ugniiibt K. F. Byle.au action to recover ou a imuiicipttl lien. Mr. Boyle owns a property at Pisa street and Lee ally and the city sned to collect an assessment of $150 for the cost of laying the Lee alley sewer. At torneys T. J. Duggan and Connolly te Divis appeared for Mr. Boyle and City Solicitor Jantaa U. Torroy and Attor ney John P, Albro appeared for the city, Mr. iloyle objects to paying the assessment on the ground that it was not made according to benefit. The city failed to get in evidence any paper which showed that Mr. Boyle had been officially assessed tor the Bewer and lu consequence a uou suit was granted on motion of the defend ant's attorneys, ANOTHKK NON-SUIT BOB CITY. The case of ttio city againtt D. J. Campbell was next called. The citv sought to collect $275 for the same Leo alley sewer. Mr. Campbell's propsrty is at Gibson street and L- alley, aud he objected to paying the assessment b?oauo he had previously paid for the Gibson street sewer and had his prop erty connected with it. A non suit was granted for tha samt reason as iu the Boyle suit. The tuit of John Jermyn agaiust T. A. Binck was the next called for trial. Ex-Congressman Lemuel Ameriuan ap poart for Mr Jermvn and Attorney T. V. Wells for the defendant. On July 1, 188, Mr Jermyn rented the store room at .'0 Penn avenue to Mr. Black on a two year lease at a rental of $701) a yoar. Afterwards Mr. Black rented ttie'rear portion of the adjoining store for $300 for a year and made u pirole agreement for a continuance of the original lease with Mr. Jermyn. MR. BLACK VACATED, On Dsc. 81, 1800. Mr. Black vscatel the premises, and some time later Mr. Jermyn sned to recover ?i,tW3 37 tor rent dua up to the time of the expira tion of tha verbal lease. After the testimony for the plaintiff was all in a non-suit was asked for by the defense and granted on the ground that the agreement of lease between the par ties was a parole one exceeding three vears and hence held at the will of the lessee only. When court adjourned for the day in No. 1 the ease of Michael Henry against Beamish & Biglin was on trial before Judge Archbald. The plaintiff is rep resented by Attorney E. O. Nawcomh and the defendants bv Attorney K. J, Beamish. Mr. Henry says the defend ants owe him $544.50 for work done and material furnished for a sewer they were building at Green Ridge iu the summer of 1800. The defendants claim a set olt' that will balance Mr. Henry's bill against thm. WILL BE 4BODBO TOKAY. The Moras case continued to occupy the attention of Judge G mister and a jury in court room No. until :i ito yes terday afternoon, when the testimony closed. Court Adjourned then until tliie morning to enable the attorneys to prepare the law points on which they will ask the court to charge the jury. The argument wiil be made this morn ing. CORNELL CLUBS' ENTERTAIN Nl ENT. They Will Be Oiaattd at the Academy by a Crowded House A number of college glee clubs have given entertainments in Scranton during- the past few years but none of these organisations have been greeted by to large an audience a will attend the Cornell Glee. Banjo and Mandolin clubs concert at the Academy of Music tomorrow evenlug. The advance sale of seats commenced at the Academy box office yterdsy morning, and during the day almost all the lower portion of the bouse was sold. There are still a number of good seats to be had In the balcony. The I'ornellians will arrive in the city from Ithaca durlnz the afternoon, and a number of dinner parties will ha given in their honor. The reception that will be tendered the 9IB.DS at the Scranton Bicycle club house after the concert will be one of tho most bril liant social events of the season, und will be attended by a nuinbsr of per son from neighboring towns. Those who will receive are Mrs George Sanderson. Mr. James P. Hosie, Mrs. F. E Piatt, Mrs. James P. Dickson, Mrs E B. Jermyn and Mrs. James Archbald. s VIEWERS FILE THEIR REPORT. Damairea Allowed to Oxford Strt Prop erty Owner. Attorney T. P. Hoban. John Schweuk and O. W. Kirkpatrick, the viewers who assessed the damage done to property by the grading of Oxford street, presented their report to court yesterdy and it was confirmed nisi. They ullowed the followiug damages: Jacob Pfeiffer, $350; Nelaon Steinbnek, 47S; Fun n v Aswsll, $1150. Sophie Williams, $'i50. Tii fees of the view ers are. T. P. Hoban. $55; O. W. Kirk patrick, $-31.75; John Sob wenk, $45. TEST OF GLASS MACHINE. A Nnmbtr of Boranton Stockholder Will Oo to Wiltnlntrtoii. The practical demonstration of tha Bonta plate sltsa rolling machine will be made at Wilmington today at noon. Tha oinboesed glast representing "Lincoln and His Cabinet" will be rolled today, and the smooth 1 plate, rolled on both tides, will be made to morrow. A large number' of Scran tonians will leave on the 5 o'clock a. D, train this morning. SHOOTING CRAP ON STREETS. TwoUrobtns Floktd Up for Oamb Idb by lb. Polios. Edward Felts and ,Jotph Patqualet were shooting crap ou Penn avenue yeaterday when tha polio surprised them at tho fateinating game. They were arretted and the dice con fitcated. Wheu brought before the police magistrate yesterday tlu young sters were fined $5 eaoii. The three pictures. riiluiz" aud "Telephone (Hi)," ...1 l ... ,, i I "H i. ,, , ,1., ' . .e .. by The Tiuuunc, now brighten hundreds of homes. The young men lu the office nre kept busy dealing out .these gems of art. Will Be a Musical Trainingchoo! for the Members of Catholic Church Choirs and Those Who Wish to Study Sacrod Music Names of Those Enrolled as Members at Last Night's Meeting. At College ball last night a choir was organizsd to rehearse Catholic chnrch music. Nearly 100 young men and women enrolled ns members of it. The choir will he under the leader ship of Haydn Evans, and be iu a measure a training school in music for the members of the Catholio church choirs of the city, aud its vlciuity, and for auch others as wish to be com 1 members of It. The masses sum; in the Catholic church" are of n Iiiarh class of music and difficult for the average singer to master without long practice and study. This choir, it is hopad, will stimulate the study of this sacred music and lead to a more ready mastery of it. An other ol jsct i to have a large choir of trained singers that can b called into requisition to render sacred music ou special occtaions. THE SINGERS ENROLLED A permanent organization of the choir was to have been affected last night, bnt on neennnt of the absence from the city of Rv. J. A. O'Reilly, who was to have acted as temporary chairman, the work of forming a pr manont organization was deferred until next Wednesday night, when rehearsing will begin. Haydn Evans called tho meeting to order and explained the object of the organization, tie said that the larg hall on the top floor of Die college had been tendered to tho choir for practice free of charge, and that he expected to have tho choir in hapeto givo a public concert after Easter. The following then enrolled as member of the choir: Sopranos, Cathedral parish Ella ftegau, Anna Ford, Maggie (lilroy, Mary Browu, Julia Houston, Belinda Byron. Mary Byron, Mary Leonard. Lizzie McManamy. llaltle Murphy, Ksto Derr, Merium Miller, Katie Blewitt, Annie Madigai, Annlo Snields, Mry Murphy, Nellie Charles, Mary I 'Keilly, Lizzin Mcflalo.Liz zio .May, Maine I'Brien, Katie ( ' Hovle, Mary Barrett, Katie Kich, Lillie Duffy, Anna Hanawny, Mary Byron, Lizzie Kicharlsou, Hessie - I' m:. Katie .Milan, JUacgie ItcQoldriOki Mary Murphy. Nelli Chili- arty, Lottie Ryan, Margaret Murpbv, Annie Sheehan, Mary Slieehan, Bridget Lavelle, Belle Fbllbln, Lizzie U Hovle Agues Phllblo, Knt Shea, Katie Shaugh noesy, Annie Kafferty, Katie HngHus. THE CATHEDRAL ALTOS. Altos. Cathedral parish -Celia U'Boyle, Kate O'Brieu, Msgiie O'Boyle, Maggie Leary, Sarah Duggsu, Mary Jordan, Man gle Foyn, Josia RDer. Tenors, Cathedral pirish I. J. Scot. Thomas F. Timlin. Frauk Mellon, J. B, McOawlsy. Bassos, ( athedral parish W. It. Brad burv, Thomas Walsh. Johti Kirby, Daniel Jordan. Sopranos, St. 1'ntrlck's parish. Hyde Park Annie Doud, Barbara O'Malloy, Mary Johnson, Kate Sullivan, Hose Smith, Katie Rooan, Hannah Walsh, Maggie Sweeney, Kose Keese. Mamie Uaynor. Altos, St. Patrick" pariah, Hyde t'ark K itie Saul, Itoso Cnnaran, Agues Walsh, B. Madden, M iry A. Gallagher, Mary Mit chell, Nora llealy. Tenore.St.l'iitiick's parish, Hyde Park,--P. J. McAndrew, John Feenny. Bassos.St. PatricK'a parish. Hyde I'ark, J. E. Gallagher, P. J. Walsh, Herbert Johnson, Sopranos. Holy Unary parish, Provi dence Hannah Thornton, Katie Thorn ton. Gertie McKacbeu. Altoe, Holy Rosary parish, Providence Mamie O1 Boyle, Auuie LOche. BasSO, Holy Rosary parish, l'ravidence -Chnrles Connolly Sopranos, St. John's parish, South Side Celia Oilmartin, Sarah Dougherty, Elite Dougherty, Misses McTighe,Mis Vaughan, Nellie Foley, Mary Foley. Basso, St. John's parish, South Side Neil Ruddy. Soprauo, Dunmore-Nellie Mellale. . AN EISTEOOFOD IN PITTSTON. On of Professor D Prothtros' ComBOst tlona Will Be Bung- by Mali Choir. The Cambro-Amerioan soi iety of Pittston is arranging for an eisteddfod on May 80, and plans are boiug laid to eclipse ull previous attempts and to have competitions that will attract from far and near The money prizes to be awrfrded will vary from$5 t.o$150. The big priza of $150 will be given for the best rendering of "The Sea Hath Its Pearls," by Plnsnti. This compiti tion will be for choirs of not loss than forty or more than sixty voices. A prize of $50 will be awarded for "The Spsratau Heroes," by D. Proth eroe, of Scrauton. Thit competition will be for a male choir not to atestd thirty voices. A prizi is to be offered for the best renditiou of "The Bill of Abfrdovoy" (Oiyohan Aerbyfy,) ar ranged by T. J. Bavis, of .Scranton, to be sung by n female choir led by a fe male. Tha programme, it not com pleted, but will bi of unusual interest. f- HISBODV GROUND TO JELLY. Frightful Death of a Thirteen Year Old Slat Picker. Michael Diskin, the 18-year-old ton of Mr. aud Mrs, Jere Diskin, of Min ooka, mat with a frightful dsath yes terduy afternoon. He was employed as n tlatepioker in Corey' breaker and was walking on a plunk above the cog that torn the screens. Suddeuly the child wut ob served to fall and the uext instant his little body was between tha rhaetive teeth of tha cogs. Wheu he passed through, and it re quired less time than n does to read this artlsle, the little fellow's remain were unrecognizable. Who I Vour HatUr, Dunn P When you want style, quality and the right price on a bat of any description, yen must acknowledge that Dunn's is tho place. Exclusive styles and always the correct thing See the It. 00 hand made, (tiff or soft huts. This hat 1 equal to any S'J.SO hat shown elsewhere aud guaran teed not to fade or break. T PARK DONATION JANUARY 18, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of threo beautiful plctur , "Telephone Girl," "De iiveriug I'luishiHw Presentu" ami "Maidens Swinging." Bend by mail or messeuger or btfing coupons like tins of three differ ent datea, with 10 cento, stamps 01 coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. Select CouncilmaiL Consul! tbe Oaly Member of tbe Committee Present! ITS ADVANTAGE AND OBJECTIONS Description of Wood Lawn Park, Conditions Under Which It Is to Be Accepted One Item for Grading to Be Stricken Off Mr. Connell Is Op posed to Its Acceptance Says It Is a Land Speculation. Seiscl Councilmau A. T. Connell called a meeting of the park committee, of which he is chairman, for yester day afternoon, but no other member of tbe committee appeared In company with tbe gentlemen interested in Wood Lawn park, Mr. Connell visited the site intended for a city park, and a TRIBUNE reporter was also a member of tbe party. After a tour of inspsctiou Mr. Connell informed the reporter that he did not look with favor ou the project, although he would not try to iutiueuce the action of the cammlttie In the matter. An ordinance ha passed the lower branch of the city government direct ing the mayor to draw up the neces aary docntnents of aoceplauoe, the par ties to tho second part beinic (i. W. , S, W. and M. W. Finn, G. ii Clark and Hanson Carpenter. WHAT THEY WILL CUVi:. The latter gentlemen own a tract of land bsyond Arlington Heights iu the Thirteenth ward. The tract com prites about seventeen acret and Is 440 feet in width, extending from the Boulevard to Washington avauue. The land intended to he donated for park purposes is right iu tha center of this tract. It it in three part, each being elliptical in form. Tbe total area is given as-two acres Each strip of laud is fifty-six feet iu width and tho intersections are Capouse and Wyoming avenues. On either tide, exumding the entire length, is a driveway twenty-four feet in width. The proprietors in their olTor to councils asked tint the city bear half the sxpenSa of grading, which they iiHsumad would be 1,00XI Yesterday the gentlemen luformsd Mr. Connell that if the city would accept the park they would bear the entire expanse of grading t h boulevard. ADVANTAGES AND OBJECTIONS, The proprietor of Wood Lawn park argue that the propated park i noth ing new. Chicago lias its Drextl park built no similar lines, while other cit ies in the union have the same advan tages. They urgue that it will be a re sort and hreathiug spot for residents of the North End, They point to many large trees that form a natural park in themselves aud the tract potteties two tprings of good water, one of whicu iiat never known to bs dry, even in tbe greatest drought. The water they in tend to bring to the surface and form a fountain in tbe park. The first objection Mr.Counsll found was tbe item of $1,500 for grading tha boulevarl. He contendtd that it was h laud sptculntiou pure aud simple, and all expense should bo borne by those intetssttil. This tbe projectors de cided to strike out 't he second objec tion wat the item of $i,800 for tide walks. Hit contention is ; that property owners have to flag in front of their properties mother portious of the city and no exception ahonld be made in this case, Mr. Countll's lest objection i annual appropriation of $?.'i0 for maintaining the park. He bold that the park is too iusignilicaut to be for all time a burden on tho city, and while he favor the purchase of park he will not favor tho one that he inspected yester day. iTCARTY IS AGAIN AT LIBERTY. His Pardon Was Rcslvd by Warden Onxmi Ytrday Afternoon. James J. McCarty it again a free man. At 1! o'clock yeaterday afternoon Warden Michatl Grimes received hi pardon from Governor Pattison and thirty nriuutts later McCarty walked out from the county jail a free man with the coveted pardon iu his hsnd. He has been in the county jail since April 2U last, when he wss sentsncad to a year' imprisonment for a forgery which he persistently claim ha never committed. Last evening McCarly went, to hit boyhoo i's home near llouesdale, where be will rem iin for a lima. Before leaving the city he tai 1 that his plans for th future h had not determined upon. After tbe prisoner had bean rtleased Warden Grimes notified tho secretary of the commonwealth that tha pardon had been given to MaCarty. . NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. Scrantonlm Will Lttht Pariona, Mluer's Mills and Plain. Alexandr Simpson, W. S Hears, Thomas A. Simpion, A. 13. Tumor and F. W. Bleckley, Scranton capitallit. have applied for a charter to supply the town of Parsons. .Miner's Mills aud Plaint with electric light. The geutlemen are known to possess tbe necetsury push and mean to bring the matter to a focus st an early date. It la not decided ns yet where the plant will b located, but It is pretumed that Miner's Mill will be choien as being centrally locatsd. Alexander Simpion it a brother of Mr. D W. Kimble, of Parious, whose husbaud is outside foreman at the Delaware and Hudson Laurel Run mines. He residea at Providence and Thomas W. Simp eon la hit sou. Mr. Mvnrs livet at Hyde Park And tha other two gentle men in Scranton. There it a good field for a plant of thit kind and it It ex- Eected to le a go. Wilket-Bnrie sadsr, Th Brownt aud the Anvil i 'horns will be witnessed by a crowded houte tonight. . . The great people of this country who arcoinulith m much in the affair of life have the peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to them iu tho lino of action on tho spot. There is that pile of Uarptr', Frank Leslie's, McClure', Re view of Kovlowa, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They are a joy forever, but not a thing of beauty. Our Mr. Schweucker can trausform them no that thry will becomo the brightest and handsomest volumes In your library At soon as you rend this will you not get all tho number together, before they are lott or toiled, and bring tbem to Till: Tkibcnk l. ii, .let A few ceut will give you aoine beautiful books that will take the place of those rough and ragged magazines. FAME OF CITY Best Sets of Teeth, $St00 Including the painless extracting Of teeth by an entirely new pro cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. IBB WVUMINU AVIi Amateur Athletic Cbampionsbips May Possibly Be Held Here. THE HONOR CAME UNSOLICITED The Excelsior Athletic Club Hand somely Recognized by the Board of Governors President MontoH's Letter Academy of Music the Only Place Large Enough -Club Will Engage an Instructor. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin,a i v OUR SiiMiiHiniiiiiNiiiniHiiiiniiaiiuiii: CURTAINS President McNally of the Excelsior Atletic clnb, is in reciipt of the fol lowing letter fr on Charles Montell, chairman of the board of goveruo's of the Atlantic Association Amateur Ath letic union: Waltimokk, Jan. 14, ltm. Mr. Joseph McNally, Scranton, Pa. DfcAK SiK: In aciordauce with retola tlou passed at the last meet o g of the board of governor of Atlantic Association Amateur union, I wi.h to inquire if your club desire to hold tho boxing aud wrest ling championships. Vour truly, ChahlksS. Montell. Chnirmau. The championship referred to iu the foregoing are very important events, and every iclty holding membership in the association strives annually for the honor of holding them Only tbe btst men in all tbe clubs partioipate. and there are five bout in boxing and the same numbtr in wrestling. HOME CLUB IN DOUBT. The borne club is in donbt as to the advissbility of accepting the proffered honor. It cam unsolicited and th young men constituting the Excelsior club have reuton to feel proud. This all comes from tbe loyal an I gentle manly treatment accorded tho young men who have come here as the club s guests to enter tournnmeuts that have been held in the past There can b no profit to the houu cfub from such an evnt. The expense will be very'fcreat. There will be ten first prizes, gxild medals, valued at T'J5 each, besides ten silver aud ten bronze btedalt for second nnd third prizes. The medals alone will cost nearly $500 while other expenses will make an ag gregate of more than $(100. There is only one obstacle in the way. That is to get a place lnrge enough. The Academy u th. only place in the city that would be suita ble and at the club's next meeting a committee will be appointed to wait on Mr. Burguuder and there can to no doubt that if the young man are suc cessful the Academy wiil be packed with a representative Scranton andi ence. TO ESOAUE A TEACHEU The members of the hum club have awakened to the fact that in tbe science of boxing there, is room for im provement in many of the member, and they propose to set about remedy ing tbe defect at once. President Mo Xally has written P.J. Donohne, edi tor of sports of the New York Rs corder, in relation to au instructor, and has reoeived the following reply: Jan. 15, 'til. FUBND Jos. Boxers are cheap, but boxiug teachrs who know their bujiness and who will at once give sali-taction and be on the level are scarce. Consequently yon ask me a great deal when you ask me to recommend a mau. If you address Professor Mike Haley, care this oflice, 1 think you cau do bneiuess with n man who would suit you. Your friend. P. J. Doxohls, Mr. McNally has written Professor Haley and expects to hear from him today. In speakiug on the intlon to a TittBi'NE reporter last evening Mr McNally said i "Too club is dirous of securing the services of a competent instructor. Salary will be no object We have come to tbe conclusion that it is cheaptr to hire a first class man at a high salary than an inferior teacher at half his coit." Aftsr 8werlnr Off Hbw many have taken vows of absti nence with tbe birth of the new year is perhaps bard to ettimate, but we now know that tuch efforts ore futile ngainst inveterate habit, a habit which has become a disease. There was n lime when it would have been easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit continued un til by the coustant or frtqueut use of the poison there was forced a change in the nervous system which made it not enly possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and not seem to get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to keep you feeling good aud you "craved liquor" became you had become diseased. Now that tweariug off does no good and the pledge enn't be kept, go and make your resolution good for all time by taking treatment at i tie iveeiey lustitute, j TM Madison avenue, Srantou, Pa. , . Ifutic Boxes Ezoluiivtly. lies! made. Play any desired number of ! tune. Oautachi m Soiis., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut (treat, Philadelphia. Won derful ore hettrial organs, only 15 and fin. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re- paired and improved with new tuues. , Br. C. C. Laubaoh, dentilt, (las and WatSC company building. Wyoming: ave- I nue. Latest improvements. Klght years in Scranton. Keep the dimes for the three unique pictures, "Telephone Girl," "Good Motu Ing" and "Maidens Ironing." DIED. SHF.RWOOD-Jan. 17, 18W, Sarah A. Sher wood, wife of William Sherwood, at her home in LaPlnme, Pa. Service at. the residence of Mr, J. V. Haugl, lb)4 Dick son avenue, Scranton, at t a. m. Friday, Jan. IU. lutermsntat Carboudale, train leaving (treen Ridge at 10 1 J a. m. I I Are worth going a long distance to ee. No tuch collection can he found nearer than New York or Philadelphia, and then it is not sur passed in the matter of vniuuoand g exclusive, designs, or richness, B daiutioess and delicacy of mate- g rial. Iu a word, our Curtain stock g this fall reaches our highest ideal g of what is should be, t.nd cannot 5 tail to meet ilie approval of the B most refined aud artistic tastes. S Vet all this dots not uioan high 5 prices. On tho contrary.the values B we now offer are submitted for your inspection. Of course, we' ve S every make, und among them will m be found the very choicest crea- B tious in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, S B Nottingham and other Lace Goods; S also the New Snowflake Swiss, 5 with Kllk Stripe In contrastim: 5 jj colors AIbo full lines of Silk jg (unpen, mpesiries, etc., mace to S m cruer. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiimii.iiiiiii.iuiiiiu M S ! HILL k CONNELL ! aw Ms SCRANTON, PA. I' niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiliiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiEiin. ) ' THEY FILL THE BILL. We lave tbe most complete se;rtment at Hens Fortuning Qooda that ever appealed to the eye or to the taste. Some of our new sOat.Hs ud designs in Ties ro especially at tractive, rhey are selling tt figures which nya yon bo excuse for heniK wluoui all sorts of siZ'js and styles. Chr::::, THE 13.11, HATTER 205 Lackawanna Avenm. Dr. Hill C Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teeth, MJS0; best set, i; for roM csjis and teeth without plates, callei! crown anl liraijre work, call for price and ref.rone-.-sl fONALOlA. lor extracting leeth withou, pan. No ether. No gas. OVER FT BIT NATIONAL BANK. Storag For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have you ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oysten fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have seen. Open Until Midnight. 25 Per Cent, Discount Furs Sold This Month. Prices on Millinery cut in Half. All Winter Goods at a reduction. Agency for Dr. Jaegers Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.