The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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w m a w
No Fake Sale in Ours
Ti c bave better barns! ns every Of in
tie your tbnn so-called "Wpnin days,
"clesrinp; sales," and such well-known,
worn-out, jilnyed-ont schemes will afford.
Fur real bargains iu k'lUST-CLASti KVV
Popular, reliable and within lyonr reach.
Hare taken over 100 first premiums In
the past titty years.
(Wier mnkes of piano. Four rnsttos of
Organs In beautiful new deslRna, See onr
Mock betoro buying. We have the good.
Unr prices uro ritflie. livery liiiug in the
luuuic bus.
IS4 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.
thf :
Punch Cigars
have The initial
G.. B. 8c Co.,
Imprint on Ench Cigar.
k ney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
, covm uuik .-ji akk.
LB TO 5.S3 P.Jt
Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Hyde
Park Header.
A Number of Valuable Articles
Taken from the Store at an Early
Morning Hour New Lodge of
Ivorites Organized Two Men Badly
Injured by Falling from a Scaffold.
Archdeaconry Meeting.
Their intimacy continued and bo took
her to Avoca, where she wwked as a
servant for relatives. Their intimacy
continued until a short tiuio ago, when
Miss Hoovsr besought Robertson to
tmvo her from approaching disgrace
and keep his promise to marry her.
He refused and was arrested for the
offenses committed in Luzerne county
and entered bail.
Monday Miss Hoover swore out in-'
formation on the two charges above
set forth for offenses committed in this
county and he was arrested lute last
evening. He waived a hearing and
was sent to jail, but yesterday was
taken before tne alderman and entered
bail as noted above.
Deputy Sheriff William Craig It on the
sick list.
Kev. A. J. Schlnger, D. D., of Bingham
tou, was in the city yesterday.
John A. Hamilton, L. L. B., of Easton,
bos entered the law office of Judgo Hand
& Son.
Hiss Jennie Andrew! was at her desk
in the city treasurer's office yesterday after
an illness of three weeks.
B. H. Kilmer, of Wilkes-Barre. a candi
date for stute vice-councilor of the Junior
Order United American Mechanics, will
speak before the Carbondalo council Fri
day night.
District Deputy Grand Regent Victor H.
Lauer installed officers in Arcubald coun
cil, No. 1143. Royal Arcanum.last evening.
Tonight be will iustull in Lackawanna
council, No. 1133, West Side.
Ueorge Reach, of the well known firm
of A. J. Reach & Co., of Philadelphia, was
in the city yesterday, and attended the
State Jleague base ball meeting. Ho was
proudly exhibiting a number of personal
letters from James J. Corbott to the base
ball managers.
A Rsferenoe Library Within Etay Reach
of Everybody.
Everyono who reads, everyone who
mingles iu society, is constantly meet
ing wih allusions to subjects with
which he needs and desires further in
formation. In conversation, in trade,
in professional life, on the farm, in the
family, questions are constantly aris
ing which no man, whether well read
or not, can always satisfactorily an
swer. If the facilitiei for reference
ar at hand they are consulted, and
not only is curiosity gratified,
but bia stock of knowledge
is increased, and perhaps infor
mation is gained and ideas sng
gested that will directly contribute to
the success of the party concerned.
And how are these facilities for refer
ence to bo bad? How are the millions
to procure this library? How are they
to obtain the means of informing them
selves with respect to persons and
places, on questions of art and science,
religion and politics, literature and phil
osophy, commerce and manufacture?
How can the workingman hope to
bring within his reach the whole circle
of sciences and other points of human
knowledge that has developed up to
the present day?
The Encyclopedia Britannica answers
all of these questions and can now be
procured at less than one-fourth th
regular price, and at the unheard of
rate of 10 cents a day.
For the convenience of thoie busily
engaged during the day, The Tribune
Encyclopedia reading rooms at 437
Spruce street will be kept open even
ings. A pleasant hour can be spent in
looking over the volumes, even though
yon do not care to purchase. Or drop
u postal to The Triuunb "E. B.'' de
partment, and a volume will be sent to
any part of the city for examination
free, or the full set of twenty-five
volumes can be secured for a limited
time at $1.98 per volume, on easy
monthly payments. The offer cannot
be continued indefinitely. You mean
to have a library. Why not begin at
Faator Returns Thanks.
The pastor of Zion Evangelical church
desires for bis congregation, as well as
himself, to thank all who have contributed
townid the payment of tho debt incurred
in the erection of the edifice, which was
provided for with tho exception of $'.'00,
tho raising of which was assumed by the
pastor. And also to thank the press of tho
city for the generous manner in which
they reported the dedication.
Meetings will bo held in the churrh
every night this week. All are invited to
attend, floats are free.
J. W. Mebsinugk.
Scranton, Jan. 15.
New Bicycle.
A new bicycle worth $75 will be sold for
$85. The machine is guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the
Tribune office.
One dozen of Griffin's ivoryette photot
will make twolvo Christmas presents.
What can you present your friends that
will be more acceptable?
Beadleeton & Woera's and Ballantlne'a
Ales are the best. E. J. Walsh, agent, 8$
Lackawanna avennt.
The West Side office of the Scranton
Tiubunk is located at 12S South Main ave
nue, where subscriptions, advertisement!
and commuuicatious will receive prompt
Between the hours of 19 ted 1 o'clock
yester lay morning the hardware store
of S M. Foster, on South Main avenue,
was visited by a gang of burglars and
a number of valuable articles were
taken. An entrance was effected
through the window which fuces the
alley on the lower sids by breaking n
pane of glaj. Although they had to
pans through tho ofiioe to gain entranoe
nothing was disturbed in that apart
ment. The robbery occurred within a
few doors of the West Side police sta
tion, but no clue to the thieves has
been obtained. Air. Fostthinks the
burglars are young men, from the
nature of the i.rticles stolen.
New Lodge Organlz d.
A preliminary meeting was held last
evening at the l'nilosophical society
rooms to organize a lodge of English
Ivorites. J. H. Phillips was appointed
cnairtnan of the evening and GK V.
I'owell as temporary secretary. The
committee selected to appoint officers
were E. R. Jones, William V.jQri filths.
Ed. Kobathan, Thomas Marshall and
Gran Williams, The committr's to se
lelect tho name by which the lodge will
be called consisted of E E Hobathnn,
W. G. Danielsniid John Morris. It re
ported in favor of calling the lodge,
"The Robert Morris Lodge.'' J. J.
Davies, Roger Evans and D. M. Jones
were appointed to select a hall for hold
ing the uieotiugs. It was decided to
obtain the assistance of Renjatnin
Hughes, J. P. Davies and D. P.
Thomas to attend the next meeting
and expound the working of the Ivor
ites. lodge.
Archdeaconry of Scranton.
The winter session of the Archdea
conry of Scranton was continued last
evening in St. David's church on Jack
sou street. The morning session was
opened at 10 o'clock, and an excel
lent sermon waspreachel by Rev. F
S. Ballentlne, of the Church of the
Good Shepherd, of this city. The busi
ness of the day was transacted at 2 p.
m , and at 3 o'clock the missionary re
ports, and reports of the archdeacons
were heard. Rev. Rogers Israel, of St.
Luke's church, spoke ;on "How to In
crease Ctiurch Attendance." At 7 30
p. m. a Sunday school service was
held. The ppsaker was Roy. John H.
Burns, of St. James' churcli, Pittstoa.
An address to parents and teachers was
then given by Ret. D, Webster Coxo,
D. D.. rector of St. George chnrch,
Natiticoke, The Archdeaconry will
hold three sessions today.
They Threw Eggt.
The Juvenile society of the Fourth
Ward Welsh Baptist Sunday school,
held a meeting on Monday evening in
their rooms on North Garfield avenue
A gang of young boys in the vicinity
procured some ancient eggs, those with
in received a volley of the hen fruit.
An effort is now bomg ma ie to have
the boys brought before a magistrate.
In a Ead Condition,
The condition of ths primary rooms
of No. 14 school are such that Suporiu.
tendent G Phillips has found it necss
sary to open a new room in the Taber
nacle church on South Hyde Park ave
nue. Tho session will begin on Mon
day morning. Th teacher as yet has
not been appointed.
FjII from a Scaff ild.
J. B. Morrow and E lward Davis fell
from a scaffold on the house of a man
named Kelly on Price street yesterday.
Davis received injuries about the back,
while Morrow was injured about the
head and limbs.
Benefit Concert.
The concert and drawing for the
benefit of Luther Lewis will occur tbia
evening at Mear's hall, when an ex
cellent programme will be rendered.
Interesting News Notes.
The Cymrodorion Banquet society
will hold a meeting this evening at the
West Side bank rooms to make pre
liminary arrangements for the banquet
to be hold on St. David's day.
Contractor Daniel El wards com
menced yestorday to lay a walk in
front of the First Welsh Lt iptiat
Mr. and Mrs. David I Divies, of
Philadelphia, have returned irorn their
visit nt the home of J.imcs Roberts on
North R"becea avenue
The Diamond shaft is s nit down
during this week for the building of a
new breaker tower.
Stephen Evans, of Jackson street, is
Miss Cora Evans, of St.. Clair,
Schuylkill county, is a gnest nt the
home of David Jones on Eynon streets.
The employes at the Capouse colliery
were paid yosterdry.
Miss Lizzie Thompson, of St. Clair,
Schuylkill county, is visiting the fam
ily of Clarence D. Johnson, on Capouse
Now James Sheridan Finds Himself
Defendant In an Action for Damages.
Juntas Sheridan, of Old Forgo, has
brought suit against Charles J. Kengh,
of the same place, to recover damages
for defamation of cbaractor. The ac
tion was begun for him yesterday by
Attorneys Fltzsitnmons and Stark.
Mr. Sheridan says that on Monday
Mr. Keogb, in the presence of in my
witnesses, called him a blackleg and
also applied a number of other vile
epithets to him.
May Conduct a Four Month's Campaign
in This Viflnity.
The Pittston Gazette publishes the
following: "It will interest a great
many people to learn that there is a
possibility of the great evangolists,
Moody and Whittle, coming to this
neighborhood to conduct a great religi
ous campaign during the coming sum
mer. Last fall severul of the Chris
tian workeri of Pitlston, while in Chi
cago, broached the subject to Mr.
Whittle, aud it was received with
favor by him,
"Since then some correspondence has
passed between Mr. Whittle and the
people here, and a few days ago the
Rev. T. W. Swan received a letter
which made a definite offer to the
Christian leaders here. Mr. Moody
says that he in willing to corns to the
Wyomiug Valley and conduct a four
months' campaign during June, July,
Angu3t and September, providing tiio
Cbnrotljpeople aud business men raise
sufficient funds to purchase a tent ca
pable of seating 3,(1(10 people The idea
is to spend a few weeks in each of the
principal towns of the valley.
''.Mr. Moody says that heeannot prom
ise to be here every day during the
four months, bnt he will take charge
of the meeting?, he her the greater
part of the time aud attend to the work
of procuring evangelists and singers
for the meetings. Mr. Whittle says
that he will surely join Mr. Moody in
the work for one month, and longer if
his health permits. One very import
ant requirement of Mr. Moody is that
all the pastors concur in the call, and
it is likely that some action will be ta
ken shortly to got the clergymen to
gether for a discussion of the matter. "
Will Be Presented in Good Style by Lo
cal Amateurs.
In the presentation of Roscoe Whit
man's new military comedy-drama
"The Efcape from Libby," atf the
Academy of Music Tusday and
Wednesday, Jan. 30 and 31, for the
bsnefit of Scr.iuton's poor, Company C,
Thirteenth regiment. National Gnord
of Pennsylvania, will appear at the end
of the first act, and 1"0 people will be
on the stage, which will be something
of an unprecedented undertaking In
local amateur, theatricals.
The prep irations are elaborate, and
no local performance has ever been at
tempted on so extensive a plan. A cast
of extraordinary strong local talent
will present the play under the per
sonal supervision of the author. The
staging of the play will be au attrac
tive feature.
Viewers Report Adversely to the Pro
posed Fell Township Road.
Patrick Brown, A. B Dunning, jr.,
and Attorney John M. Harris, the
viewers appointed by the court to re
port the necessity of the proposed road
in Fell Township, yestoriray mads their
return to court.
The viewers say that there is no oc
casion for the road, and that it is un
necessary. The report was confirmed
Can Be Obtained bv Calling at the Post
office. List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the Scranton postodlce, Lacka
wanna county, Jan. 17, 18!)4. Persons
calling for these letters will please say
advertised and give dato of list:
Aliramn, Frederick V Jennings, Mrs A H
Remington Typewriters and Edison
Phonographs for Bale nnd rent. Copying
work executed. Phonographs rented for
an evening's entertainment. Telephone
2!t43. Edw. Gunster. Jr., 435 Spruce
street. 1
Mies Martha Hoover Makes Serious
Charges Against Him
Robert Robertson, a Dnumore young
man, entered bail before Alderman
Wright yesterday in the sum of 1,000
to answer at court for having deceived
Miss Martha Hoover under promise of
marriage and enticed her from home
for immoral pnrpoies. The young
man's father, Adam Robertson, and
George W, Potter became his seourlty.
Miss Hoover is now 17 years old and
resides at Avoca in Luzerne county.
In April, 1802, she resided at Duninore
where she became intimate with young
Robertson. On April 1, 1802. under
promise of marriage he wronged her
Andorssbn, Martin
Burt. Mrs Miry
Bror. G 'or'u
Baylies, henry
Covert. Miss t'arrlo
CutUn W H
Caafleld, .latin's
ussy, Ed ward, 2d
Corey, Mrs
Dlsken, Mr
Dawson & Bro, 0 A
Dohson. W
Dunn. Thomas J
Del'ow, Mrs John
Eddy, Mr,
Ellsworth, .loo
Kidridg ', H A
Kller. Marcus
Fob; or. Gen V J
Presley, Ben
Krceiey, -Mrs Martha
i reetev,
PsmlL M
iss Kate
Fetter, Magk'io
Gordon, s E
Graves, II W
Gladwig, 0 C
Garvin, .Miss Mary
(ieist, Henry
(tnmle. Patrick
Mall. Mis
Hull. K
Boran, Anthony
Hess, Jos
Hoaluy, Miss II K
Johnson Is TuncsH
liles, Win, ill
,1 lilt's, ( '
Knapn, Mrs Virginia
Kimble, P II
ftjllgaler. i'atrirk
Lancaster. Mias Bessie
I.upfor. Mrs Laura A
LovhIhiuI. .1
Lowe, Mrs Minnie
Loveland, Mrs II M.por
Loiiard Colu
Marion. Miss Ella
Morgan' Hear W
Main;. Misi Katharluo
Mi'Nultv. T. F
Ni.rth, Miss Ada
Noaoh, (' W
Q'MeUey, Miss Cussio
l'vn . (' w
PereitaL W ,1
Pel OtlS, Felix
Boll ins, Wui H
Kiimiey, Grant S
Swnrts, Gilnioru
Stt'ousoo, John
Smith, Wm
Stark. Mr. Win
Stout, MNs Curio
Sotnbarger.Prof frank
Tennlg, MrsCC
Wall, Miss IlBttle E
White, Charles
Wells, Ed F
Walk ins. Mrs L'has T
Young, B II, M L
Peniianplo. Lorenzo Mnritniio, Clemnnto
Fnjco, l'asquaio BelarJo Giuseppe
Ollveri, Franc SJOO l'ietro, Frauolii
Huutofuotti, Angela .
Wlecsorkiewtes, An-Segaeki, Josef
drej Jnrkos, Fronk
Gnys7.';iewlC Jan I.owcUiloski, Fronk
Oelstteirskema, Woj-
Andras, Mllyo
Fututl, Danko
Pali. Knrey
Lenavt, Tomasz
Sroka, Jakob
Rlbovioa, l'etro
Josefnek, Nimeth
Kartittk, J oh an
GawiabiSj Anton
Bealyo, Palo, Paolo
Witnlk. .Lilian
l'alllgi, Audoro
Happenings of a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribune Readers.
He Got Money from a Minister and
Was Arrested The Case Settled
Mary Quinnan a Success in Furni
ture Breaking Rav. Mr. Holter's
New School Shorter Paragraphs
of Interesting News.
Fred. Young was before Alderman
Robling last evening charged with ob
taining money under false pretenses.
The nlaintiil was Rov. Frederick Bol
ter of Christ Lutheran church on Cedar
Young is evidently on tho shady side
HO. if one would judge by the color of
his hair, which is tinged whit", appa
rently with the frost of time. One day
last week the defendant appeared be
fore the pastor with his tale of woe. It
was to the effect that he had just ar
rived in town, that he was a steel
worker and he hail secured a position
at the rolls in the South works. He
told ths minister that all the clothes
be had, were those that he wore, and
ho wanted to obtain money enough to
procure working clothes. Mr. Holter
believed the story and gave tiie man $fi
Young at once proceeded to have a
good time at the minister's experts',
i y visiting evory saloon in ths dittiict.
Air Bolter coiniug to har of his con
duct, promptly put an oflioer on his
track. Young was discovered to be a
machinist in the employ of the Dickson
company. He is a migratory character
and there is au attachmsnt pending
against his wages for board. Bsforo
the alderman last evening Young com
promised matters by giving au order
on the company for $G and the coats.
A Successful School.
A week ago Rev. Frederick Holter
opened a school in the basement of his
church on Cedar avenue with an at
tendance of twenty-five. Yesterday
there were forty pupils present. Mr.
Holter is acting the pedagogue's part
at present, but has engaged the ser
vices of a young man named Roma
nian, of Chicago, who will be here in a
week or so. Tho school is well lighted
nd well heated. It contains thirty
seats and sixty pupils can be accommo-
.lated. lhe seats were bought from
the board of control.
Breaking the Furniture.
Mrs. Mary (juinnnn, of River street,
is giving her landlord, Mrs. LUeu
Moriarty, considerable trouble. Mrs.
Qmtinau owes rent to the amount of
$0) and as she refused to pay Constable
Woeluers was directed to levy ou her
household effects. They are advertised
to be sold one week from today. Yes
terday Mrs. Moriartv informed the
constable that Mrs. U linnan was
breaking her furniture to nrevent any
thing being realized ou it at the sale,
Constable Woelkers will visit Mrs.
Oninnan today and if she persists in
breaking the f iirnitiireAit will be re
moved from hsr premises.
Shorter Paragraphs.
John Kviveney, of Ciierry street, who
had his big toe ernsned and two others
broken on Dec. 81 expects to go to work
again on Monday.
lhe Saongerrunde will bold its thir
teenth annual masquerade ball ouMou-
day evening at Natter's hall.
lhe marriage of Miss Winifred
Kenny to Thomas Needham will be
solemnized today in St. John's churoh.
Miss clvii Kelly, of Pear street, and
James Manning, of Cedar avenue,
were wedded in St. John's chnrch
Monday. Rev. E J. Mellev omolatino
James Loftus was best man and Mist
Jnlia Flood was bridesmaid. Mr. and
Mrs. Manning will go to housekeeping
on rear street.
"The Crust of Society" will ba pre
sented at the Academy of Music to
morrow evening by a strong drainatio
company, beaded by ZMne lllbnry
Elita Procter Otis aud Arthur Lewis,
who will assume the characters that
they took iu the original produotion in
Boston, where it was produced under
the management of John Stetttou
The company that will present it here
is one of the strongest that will be seen
here this season in society dramas.
W. S. Cleveland's Minstrels will ap
pear at the Academy ot Music on Sat
urday eyening. The company includes
a number of hrst-clsss black face hu
morists, prominent among whom Is
the well-known Low Benodict. The
vocal corps of Cleveland's show this
season is said to be unusually good.
Important to Bu&ijess Wen.
'J he l nun nk win soon publish b care
fully cotnpilud and classified list of tho
lea ling wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will bo bouud
in bonk form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our publlo build-
ings. business DIOC IS, streets, etc. The cirru
Istion is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well a:ithe city
nt large, ivopreseul'itives or THE TMHUNE
will call upon rHOSI whore names
are DEailinn in this edition and explain
its nature moro tully. Wetrust ourLiVK
business men will give it their hearty
Those desiring views of their residence
In this edition will please leave notice at
the oQlce.
S iveral thousand parts ot tho art port
folios came yesterday. A nickel takes this
book of handsome pictures.
Anheuser bunch Beer.
Lculs Lehman's, UU6 Spruce ob
Relnhnrt's Market,
83 and 85 Lackawanna avenue. Every
day from B a. m. to 10 a. m. Kouud steak.
11c.; sirloin steak, lie.; standing rib roast,
10o. ; chuck roast, sc.; boiling meat, 4c.
fresh pork, l'J,' wc. ; pork sausage, L" ,c.
The pictures which hnvo oxcited the ad
miration of so many people may be had at
Iiik liumrxe omce today. Dm demand
was bo great that tho supply was ex
huusted, but a thousand are now ready
for Uibiiilnitiqp,
The Brownies
Will bn given in the Young Men's Chris
tian Association hall Thursday night. Re
served seals at Young Men's Christian As
sociation omce.
Books I Books I Books 1
During the coming week wo shall offer
to the subscribers of The Tuuiuxe rare
bargains iu books.
We have u large lino of bright and pop
War volumes, elegantly bound, that wo
intend to give to thai patrons of the paper
at anon! nne-ronrin oi tne usual once
The following list will give you an idea
of the inducements and tho unusual op
portuuitios to secure valuable additions to
your library.
Uegnlur Tribune'
Priee. Prior
The World's Fair (New) i&0 $ ,86
Pictorial History of the Great
Civil War 3 00
Pilgrims' Progress (Illust'ed) 2. SO
Earth, Sea und Sky 2 75
Marvelous Wonders 2.75
Life and Works of Spurgeon 1.50
Pictorial History of the Bible
Museum of Wonders...!....
From Pole to Pole
Pictorial History of the Uni
ted States
Science of Life 2.75
Lifeof Barnnm 1.50
Indian Horrors 1.50
J sephut 8.00
Shepn's Photographs 8.50
don'tknoY it,
but it is a fact. We
have the largest line
of medium priced
in the city. We sell
no goods "but what
we guarantee
116 Wyoming Avenue.
In compliance with law and tho ordinance
of the city of Scranton, I, W. L. Council, mayor
oi skiacity.uo nereny five notice utst an eieo
thin will be held at the places of holding tho elections in said citv on Tuesday.
the twentieth day of February, being the
third Tuesday of February, ism. for the pur
pose of obtaining the assent of theeleatori of
said citv to an increaso of indebtedness thereof
by the is-,ue of bonds in the amount of i'iVUXK)
for the purpose of building bridges over tho
Lackawanna l iver at Linden street and over
Roaring brook from bprmo streot to Front
stroot, as proVidcd iu ordinance of said city,'
fllo of common council No. li, WM, entitled,
Vn ordinance providing for incieasinir the
city debt for the purpose of building bridges
ami suouutiuig tne j ; : , . . or such increase
to a vote of the electors thereof,' approved
January t. ism.
s rennlred bylaw, tho followlne Inform e.
Hon is given to elo tors:
First Too of the last assossod
valuation of tuxaolo props.ty ill said cite is
becond The amount o" tho existing debt
of said city is goO.MI.78.
intra --'ho amount of the proposed in
creaso of debt is $ii 1,030.
Fourta--Th ' proposed Increase of debt is
1 and IMMAQJO peroent of the city's valua
tion lsu.l. ,-xcliisivu of occai atlons.
Fifth The purpose, for wlecn the Indebted.
ness is to be Inonrrenre hereinbefore stated.
Annexed hereto is th I city controller's olli-
ciai statement of Indebtedness and resources
of the city, also copy of city ordinance.
witness my hand ami the e,l of the city
oi aoranwn, tuis utn nay oi January, a. l ,
W. W. L. I.IIN.NLLL, JlaVor
Si iiANTO.v, Pa., Dec. M, 18U3.
Statement of the indebte luess and resour
ces of the city of Scranton at the close of
business I ice 'inher .!, isj.i:
Consolidated loan isecoud seriesi
due Dec i. 19UU, il perceut 100,ll00 00
Due July I, Itl.ll. and annually to year
ISM lit rate of 11,(00 $4,50U 00
Dun July 1. 1HH7, ami annually to year
lliOli, at rate of 12,000 20,000 00
Hue .liny 1, pin,, ami annually to year
1010 at ruto of 18,500 35,000 00
ruKDiNa loam, use, 4 pan cent,
Due July 1, 1S1H). $15,000 00
Duo July 1, 1001 l-j.uiiu. on
Duo July 1, WOO )5,(i00 (X)
Due Fob. 1, 1S05. No. 1 to 15 inclu
sive t 15,000 00
uuii r 1 u. i, leuo, no. jo 10 inclu
sive Duu Feb. 1, 1005, No. 'Ill to 00 Inclu
Due Fob. 1, HMD, No. Ill to 'M inclu
Due Dec. L 1901 1 28,000 on
Due Dec. 1, WOO fl,OH0 oO
UBS Hue. 1. I'.ui 82.000 II
Duo Dec. 1, 1010 I,U0II 00
t'E T.
Duo June 1. IMS, No. 1 to :il inclu-
. sivo 184,000 no
i-iuciime 1, urns, io. ,1:1 to lis, inclu
sive. 04,1100 00
ioa iiunu i, 110.1, ?io. ui to lug inclu
sivo. 38,M 1)0
lUVVHUa I, no, ,,u. Jill 10 H4 lllclll-
elusive 38.U0I 00
20,000 (O
25,00') 00
W',000 00
181, 4W
(.i2,5IM 00
SI NPRV claims.
Unpaid warrants Dec 30,
1B0U i 2,lWi 30
Coutract iiikI other ac
counts subject tu ad
justineuts ?110.tl43 40 fll0,J4fl S5
lotai indebtedness 0! city, $017,740 S3
RBSOUBGla or citv.
Cash in general city.
fuud 8117,173 74
lash in Interest and
sinking fund 21.738 33
Delinquent taxes nnd
other Items estimated
collectible (Sj; 5,000 on 8140012 07
Net indebtedness of city, M s:u ?s
Iu addition to the- above stated assets tho
city purchased bonds of its leans of I8P8 4U
... i . . .I.. .. .
ov. uiii. iu HW MWJ -III OI Jl-I.UUJ lor tUU
oeuuuv 01 us suuting IUnil.
Statement of the amount of last proceedlna
assessed valuation of tho taxabH property
ot the city of Scranton; Pennsylvania. Detail
the assessment for yoar 1003:
Occupations J 1.0S0.710
neai esiaie null personal 17.001,855
lotai SIS,1HS.505
1 no proposed increase of debt amounts to
IMAOOQ, for the purpose of building bridges
us per oruiiniiico aiuiciieii, anil is eiiual to
1 ami.n-in.ui p--r cent, of the city valuation
ice., exclusive 01 occupations.
City Controller.
Commonwk Vl.Tll or Pennsy lvania, i
OOUVCT ok Lackawanna, v.
. I or ,
Ou the fifteenth uav ol January. A D
i it... ... . '
v .... ..... ... ,.,io.i v, ;v. v., inei.
personally appeic iin oeiore mo tile subscriber,
th May O of the Cite of Slnnlr.,, EV.o, 1
Wtdm . or. who .betSH duly sworn, doth de
poee ami say, that he Is the Controller of tho
City ef Scranton, and that to tho Host of Ins
knowledgeand beliefthe raNMmsstatement
of tho tin ances of the City of Scranton is just,
correct and tru '.ami that tho other foregoing
statement is also correct
sworn ami subscribed before mo tho llf-
tcenth day of January, 1S03.
W. L CONNELL, Mayor.
Providing for increasing the citv debt for
tho pin p M of building bridges aud submit
ting tho iiiestloii of such increase to a vote
of tho electors thereof.
BROTION L- Ho It ordained by the Select
nnd Common Councils of the (Sty of Scran
ton and it is hereby ordained by the authority
of tho same, That for the piirpoie of con.
stnictiiiK a bridge over the Lackawanna
livor at Linden streot, and a bridge over Rear
ing brook from Spruce street to Flout street,
together with the purchiiBo of such right of
way as ni ly be necessary for tho host np
preaches to said bridges, an Increase of tho
City dobtjiy the Issue of city bonds in the
amount iif two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars is hcroby authorized, subject, never
theless, to the consent of the oleetors of tho
City of Scranton, as herein provided.
BBC 2. -The question Of assenting to tho
above proloHed Increase of tho city debt shall
be submitted to a vote of tho electors of tho
City of Scranton. at tho next onsuing general
eleotiou occurring not less than forty dais
after the passage of this oidinanne.
Sec. 8. After the passage or this ordinance
and at 1 est thirty days before said election
the Mayor shall publish a notice of tho elec
tion hereby atith rizid, iu three daily news
papers of tun city and the statement rcnuln d
to be published in such notice shall be fui
nlsheil by the City Controller.
Br.c. 4 If the electors shall agree to In
crease the Indebtedness of the city for the pur
poses of building such oaid bridges and procur
ing the right of way, there shall be appropri
ated and set apart for the Linden street bridge
and purchasing the right of way theret . the
sum of one hundred anil twenty ilve thousand
dollars, and for Hie Spruce street bridge tho
equal sum of one huifdrud and twenty- live
thousand dollars.
Approved January 4. IMH.
W. L. CONNELL. Mayor.
presentation of two of tbem
Coupons, Subscribers of TIIE TKI11-
UNK may purchase any book iu the
abovo list.
Photograph taken of your Wifo or Children,
llornes, Dogs, House,
Or Yourself, you cannot do bettor than
At Van Uordcr's Oallory, 82!! Bpruco street.
Bpeclal attention given to devolopiug and
flnlshlug for amateurs,
Prices ou goods iu our windows will
tell the tale of first-class bargains at
merely nominal prices.
& Delany,
Coal Exchange Building. 132 Wyoming Ave.
s the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn
sylvania The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The
lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal
terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the
leading inducements. Look at the list
Sohmer Pianos,
Everett Pianos.
Vose & Sons ' Pianos,
Mehlin Pianos,
Popular Pease Pianos.
Estey Organs,
Story & Clark Organs.
Chicago Collage Organs,
Palace Organs,
And all kinds of Musical Merchandise
constantly on hand.
The Holidays urn born i,1 fV,'a ,. . u lu.H m ... e -.l i -1 .
J wir, 1(3 buo jo.o iu UUV 1 1UI1US 1UT II ' IJ I 1 S I 111 ill
1 resent.. Prir-na nro In,,.,, tWor, ... i : o . o 1-1
, " ...nil iiuj umoi music oiuiy in ocruuiou. opelBl
Attention Remember nlwsys when von start out to search for a Piano or Or
Kan that Christopher Columbus points with bis right hand to the exact place
you want to go. Nowhere It is: '
J. W. Guernsey, Prop.
Do You Need an Ulster?
Do You Need an Overcoat?
F YOU do, now is the time to buy one,
and our store is the place to get it.
Because we are going to sell every one
which we have in our store this winter.
Price is no object, profits have now disap
peared, and you can buy one very cheap.
Try it.
220 Lackawanna Ave.
P. S. Lcok for our name before the door before en
tering. Make no mistake.
All those who an seeking useful
aud serviceable SLIPPERS should
avail themselves immediately of
tho bargains now ou sale in
Hsu's Faust Slipper..., !, OO; formerly S2.W)
lien's Allinntor Slippor. 'J. formerly 8,00
Mon's HuHsia Calf
Heft's Kussot Goat"
Men's Kangaroo '
Moh'h Velvet Op'ra'
Men's " " '
1..10; formerly S.'.5
1.50; formerly -.00
l.UO; formerly '.'.00
I.OO; formerly 1.50
.no; formerly i.oo
Also, a variety of Fancy and
Colored Slippers, in all shapes and
styles, al figures far below market,
SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store.
G.W. Owens & Co,
Ladies' Tailors and Furriers,
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tho Specialist, on tho Eye. Hearlaclies and
rvousnosH reliovel. Latent ami Improved
Hlylo of Eyo QJeeMI anil Bpooteoles at tho
I'SweMt I'riceM. Ilext Artltlcial l. u . inserted
fi M,
iOS SI-riUCE ST., op. Poet Office.
Think that because you have not
bought your
That you can Ret alony without it tbie
wiuter. We have three months of
cold weather ahenU of us.
To dress warm is to have GOOD
Yon will find our slock lsrge with
If you think of buying or
not, visit us. We may have
just what you were looking
You know that a garment that fits
perfectly is what you will bur.
The Price Will Please You.
s S
Portfolio of Photographs
1 CO UPON. 1
January 17,1894 3j
Semi or In iii); in - Coupons
of different dates, together
S with 5 cents, anil receive this
S Album of rare PhotograpllS.
Cor. Psan Ave. and Spruce St.