The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1894, Image 1

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    Page 7
Follow Rlier
lock Holmes
in his solu
tion of ".V
Study in Scarlet." First chap
ters today on page 7.
am f Follow Sher-
Lfqnfn :ok iioimcs
I CIkU I in liis ho1u"
(ion of "A
Study in Scarlet." First chap
ters today on page 7.
Will K
mi to
Anthony Ferrer Meant to Do Desperate Work
with Bis Revolver.
The Bullets Were Intended for Timo
thy Burke, of the Firm of Burke
Bros., Contractors, but Deputy
Sheriff Humphrey Bradley and
Joseph Chapman Each Received
One Burke Shot in the Hand Fer
rer Captured After an Exciting
Chase Talk of Lynching The
Would-Be Murderer Dragged Out
of the Infuriated Crowd and Placed
Under Arrest.
A cowardly, but fortuautely unsuc
cessful attempt, was untile last evening
to assassinate Timothy Burke, of the
firm of Burks Bros., extensive contrac
ture Authony Ferrer was the would
be murderer,
Mr. Burke was standing on the rear
platform of a. Dunmore Suburban
electric car at Washington avenue and
Spruce street, wbu Ferrer drew a 'i'l
calibre revolver and tired four shots
One of them entered Mr. Burke's
Tight band at the knuckle of the little
finger and lodged in the knuckle of the
second finger, shattering it. Another
bullet struck Deputy Sheriff Humphrey
Bradley on the right hip, causing a
painful flesh wound. Joseph Chapman,
of Green Kidge, was also shot iu the
Lip and a flesh wound inflicted.
After firing the fourth shot Ferrer
ran dowu Washington avonue pursued
by many persons.
He was overtaken after passing
Lackawanna avenue and turned over
to a police officer, by whom ha was
taken to the city hall and locked up iu
cell 10.
He will be given ft hearing before
Alderman Wright at 9 o'clock this
After being locked up Ferrer called
for a knife and said he wanted to cut
bis throat.
The would-be murderer is a man
about 30 years of age, unmarried, and
has beep In this country fur the past
three years, and has a fair command
of the English language. He is a na
tive of Italy ami apparently a man of
nervous, impulsive temperament. His
borne is at Moosic.
Soon after coming to this country he
obtained employment with Burke
Bros, as a rock hand, and has labored
for them almost continuously ever
He was considered a very competent
and reliable workinin and was paid
fl.WJ per nay.
About Christmas Burke Brothers fin
ished up the class of work on which
men like Ferrer could be used to ad
vantage and with a number of other
men he was suspended nntil such time
ns the firm would again have work for
A few days ago the firm obtained
contract for building a few miles of
rallload near Wilkes Barre, and as this
fact became current among their sus
pemled workmen they called at the
office of the firm iu the Burr building,
and some of them were told to rep rt u
week hence and they would be given
About 5 o'clock last evening Ferrer
called at the office to find out when he
could, resume work. He was slightly
under the influence of liquor and was
told that they could not tell him when
be eould have employment
He did not. receive the intelligence
very cheerfully, but remiined about
the office for some time talking and
joking with tho clerks
At 5 50 he left the office and ten min
utes later was followed by Timothy
Burke and Civil Engineer Kupp.
Ferrer was standing in the doorway
of the building und as he saw the men
approach he began to load his doublo
action 32-calibre revolver, though
neither of the men observed the action.
As they brushed by the Italian sev
eral cartridge- dropped, but Mr.
Burke thought they were peanuts and
"Look out Tony, you're dropping
you're peanuts."
"Alia right, in picka dem up," re
plied the wily Italian, and Mr. Burke
and Mr. Kupp passed on.
Continued on Page 5.
Joint Legislature Commission Taken
Aback by Auditor General's Action.
Haruisburo, Jan., 16. The mem
bers of the joint legislative commission
which met today to compile the vote
for state treasurer were informed by
the auditor general that they would be
paid their actual traveling expenses
only and not mileage.
heretofore the snm of (1,000 usually
appropriated for the commission has
been used in paying clerks and the bal
ance divided among the members.
Auditor General Gregg has referred
the matter to the attorney general for
an opiuion.
the funded indebtedness by an issue of
bonds to the amount of $2,500,000). A
resolution was adopted giving the
board of Directors authority to make
the proposed lnorease at their discre
tion, should occasion require.
He Will Nam the Delaware Senator for
Supreme Court Justice.
WASHINGTON. Jan 10. The new jus
tice of tho United States supreme court
will be named within a week. The
rejection of Mr. Hornblower was an
ticipated bv the president when tile
jivliciary committee decided to report
adversely upon the nomination.
He has consequently already made a
selection, and tnat selection, as stated
pnvatoly by Mr. Cleveland inmseir, is
George Gray, senator from Delaware.
Mr. Gray is a man of marked legal
ability, and his mind has had a thor
ough judicial training. It his nomina
tion is sent to the senato tomorrow it
an safely be predicted that he will be
confirmed before night, and could take
his seat on thu bench lliursday, if such
hatse should be deemed desirable.
Mr. Gray holds the koy to the situa
tion himself. If ba cnooses to resign
his legislative position for the exalted
seat on the supreme bench he can have
the nomination.
His Forces Are Without Fresh Water
and Five Torpedo Boats Will
Soon Confront Him.
Washington, Jnn. 10 The admis
sion of Admiral Da Gama contained in
the dispatches from
Kio Janeiro publish
ed this morning re
garding the possible
length of tune which
the insurgents in the
bay of Rio can hold
out under existing
conditions, are con
firmed by a l vices re
ceived in Washing
ton. These advices
state that Da Gama's
position is more criti
cal than he admits.
His forces are with
out fresh watsr and their food supply
is also said to be greatly limited. It is
conceded that if the insurgents gained
a foothool in Nichteroy their position
would be greatly improved, but the
probability of their affecting a landing
becomes more remote every day. min
ister Meudonca has been informed that
the five torpedo boats which sailed
from Germany some time ago touched
at the Canary islands eight days ago
and thoul'l arrive at Pernainhuco
within a day or two at farthest. Mak
ing all allowances for accidents and
slow sailing, tho minister believes the
government vessels shonld all reach
the rendezvous by the last of the mouth
und that by Feb, 5 a decisive move
will be made against Di Gama at Rio,
should he bo able to hold out until
The siege of Bage by the insurgent
forces has been raised. After tho rebels
had resisted for eighteen days the
serties of the government troops, who
are commanded by (ieneral Carlos
Telles, the latter made a final sortie
and out the insurgents to flight. It was
a complete rout for the insurgents, who
abandoned their baggage and amiuuui
tions of war. The government loss are
thirty-six killed and ninety wounded.
The insurgents lost 400 killed and
Last evening the- insurgent ships
took up position iu readiuess to engage
the Nichteroy forts this morning. A
hot encounter was begun at davbreak
at close quarters. Eventually the ships
were repulsed with heavy loss. The
United States cruiser New York has
arrived there.
Conclusion Reached After Discussion by the
Senate Finance Committee.
Whatever Deficiency in the Revenues
May Exist During the Current
Fiscal Year, Will Be Promptly Pro
vided for by Appropriate and Effi
cient Legislation at the Earliest
Practicable Moment, Declares Mr.
Director of the Cambria Works Are He
elected at Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Jan. 16 -The stock
holders of the Cambria Iron company
held their annual meeting here this
afternoon. The following were re
elected directors: Jotiab M Bacon,
A, J. Drexel, jr., Robert F. Kennedy,
James McMillen, Divid Reeves. Powell
Stackhouse, John W. Townsend, John
Lowlier Welsh and K. Francis Wood.
Subsequently a special meeting was
held for the purpose of voting for or
against the increaseof the capital stock
from $5, 000,000 to $10,000,000 and also
for or against a proposed increase of
Pittsburg will havo women barbers.
Slab wounds received on Christmas day
resulted fatally to John Lee. Shaniukin.
Dr. Weatherill declares that wife-
slayer Shortlidge Is undoubtedly insaue.
Berks county brushmakers oppose tho
introduction of brushniaking in thu county
Coal gas overcame the family of Wil
liam Culton, Sbamokiu, and tho wifo may
not recover.
Henry Heist will be hanged at (lettys-
burg this innrniug for the murder of
I'.manuol Monn.
Six children have died around Uausch
Creek, Schuylkill county, of scarlet fever
Within a few days. I
Governor Pattison re-appointed James
Young, of Middletown, n member of the
stato board of agriculture.
Two trolley cars filled with passengers
took a header in I'ottsville and a dozeu
people wore bally bruised.
Constables raided a den of five thieves
near New Holland, York couuty, and re
covered considerable bootv.
Fight-year-old Willie Hckjack stole (33
from bis mother and speut 18.00 of it in
one day riding iu Pittsburg strout cars.
Governor Pattison has gianted a respite
to Charles Halyards, sentenced to be
banged at Carlisle on Jan. 33, until
March 1.
The will of Henry S. Eckert divides
$4(10,000 equally between four children and
bequeaths $100,000 to Carrio Wert', his
"tin quiet his nervousness, II. Gross, a
well known resident of Newark, N. J.,
took an overdose of laudanum while in
Erie and died. ,
Archibald Ayers,Bged '10 yoars, was sen
tenced at Tunkhanuock to throe yoare and
throe months imprisonment for au at
tempted assault upou little Addie Burch.
The bondholders of the Philadelphia,
Reading and New England railroad loased
to the Reading railroad, have interposed
an objectiou to the propose. Reading re
organization plan.
Attorney General Hensel dooidos that
foreigu corporations selling their manu
factured enodsin this state must II I e cor
titlrates sotting forth tbo location of their
offices in this state and the names of their
authorized agents.
The Provident Life and Trust company,
of Philadelphia, has become trustee for nil
the bonds of the Pennsylvania Traction
company. I ho bonds are gold bearing for
thirty years at 3 per cent. The road is to
be built from Harrisburg to Philadelphia
The State Horticultural society elected
at HarriNburg president, . H Moon, or
Morrisville: vico presidents. H. M. Euulfe.
of Marietta, H, A. Chase, of Philadelphia;
J. K. Jamison, or mvabs; recording secre
tary, E. II. Eagle, of Wayuesboro; cor
responding secretary, W. P. Brlnton, of
Christiana; treasurer,.!, llibbard Bertram,
of Milltown.
Washington, Jan. 10.
0 CONSIDERABLE headway appears
to have been made at the after
noon meeting of the senate
finance committee, which was
largely attended, and lasted for more
than an hour. Mr. Carlisle's letter was
again discussed, and while no conclu
sion was reached by direct vote, it ap
peared to be the sense of the commit
tee manifested by au absence of oppo
sitionthat the bit thing to be done
for the immediate relief of the treasury
was to make the gold reserve intact,
leaving the question of meeting the
deficit iu reveuuee open for further
After the meeting adjourned Senator
Voorliees, chairman of the commute,
gave to a United Press reporter the
statement subjoined. In making it he
said he did not assume to represent the
views of the entire committee, but still
he knew of uo opposition in the com
mittee to tho opinions expressed. Ibis
was evident from the fact that thu
statement was read to the full commit
tee by Mr. Voorhees before he mado it
While Mr. Voorhees' statement sets
forth the fact tersely tho question of
opening up the entire fi-ld ot financial
debate was discussed at length by the
committee and the conclusion was
reached that if at this time a new bill
was sought to be introduced the treas
ury patleut would collapse utterly
while the legislative doctors were
wrangling over the m-'dlcine they
should prescribe. The situation is
thus set forth by Mr. Vo rhees :
"The embarrassed condition of the
treasury and the necessity for prompt
action for its relief are folly realizd
There is not the slightest ground, how -evor,
for apprehension that the public
credit will suiter, or be endangered, for
tbe reason that ample authority al
ready exists by law for the secretary
of the treasury to strengthen his eoin
reserve to any extent required and
to meet every demand that can
be legitimately made. Tho power of
the secretary for the issue of bonds
needs nothing beyond what is given by
the aot of Jan. 14, loio. lueonlyde
sirable object to be attained by new
legislation at this time on that subject
is to make a shorter time bond with a
lower rate of interest, and yet tbe sec
retary feels assured that he can nego
tiate bonds issned under the act of 187
running only ten years, ou practically
a three per cent, basis.
"It seems, thereiore, that it will be
wiser, sater ana better ror the tiaan-
cial and business interests of the coun
try to rely upon au existing law with
which to meet the present emergency
rather than to encounter the delays
and uncertainties always incident to
protracted discussion in tho two
houses of congress. This view of the
subject is rendered more imperative
by the fact that the condition of tho
treasury admits of little, if any, delay,
and of uo uncertainty at all In the
fiual action to be taken.
"It would be trilling with n verv
grave affair to pretend that new legis
lation on coining the issue of bonds oan
be accomplished at this tune, aud iu
the midst of present elomeuts aud par
ties in public life, without elaborate,
extensive and practically indefinite de
bate. It is also obvious to everyone
that the consideration and discussion
of the tariff now going on in congress
will render any financial legislation at
this time far more dillicnlt and com
plicated that it might be under other
and ditterent circumstances
"It is proper to say in this contiec
tion that the senate finance committoe
for several weak past has had tins sub
ioct under almost constant oonsidera
tion and that the bill submitted by
Mr. Carlisle has been examinod and
discussod with the greatest care. The
interest of the committee will by no
moans bo abated irom this time for
ward. The fact that much remains to
be done is fully recognizjd. Whatever
deficiency in the revenues may exis
during the current fiscal year, will bo
promptly provided, for bv appropriate
and efficient legislation at the earliest
practicable moment. '
miners have determined that a uniform
rate must be established, either
through business methods, or by tire
iggest strike the United States has
ever had. Mr. Mcuryde stated that
out of a total of 11,000 miners in the
district only .1,000 have been workiug.
Groat Precautious Taken in Making
Flour for Passover Bread.
Avondu.k, Pa,, Jan. 10 Tho ilour-
ng mills at this place are grinding au
order for Baltimore Hebrews. Before
any wheat was put into the rollers the
mill was thoroughly inspected by two
rabbis, aud a guard was left at the mill
ntil the order la completed.
The (lour is to be used at the feast of
the Pufraovur.
Some Facte in tha Career of Senator-
Elect John H. Gear.
Des Moines, Jan. 16. John H Gear,
who was nominated by Monday night's
Repnblieao caucus to succeed James
F. Wilson as United States senator
from Iowa, has been a leading figure
in politics for many
years. He was born
in Ithaca, N. Y., in
1885, He removed
to Iowa in 1888, ami
in 1848 engag d iu
mercantile business
at Burlington, of
which city ha was
mayor In 1S03 He
was three times
1 I! .dented tn the atute
iLA Ji3Hp$j general assembly and
' L. ... Ix r.fAtTv' served two terms as
speaker of the houso.
In 1878-1870, and again In 1880-1881, he
was governor of the slate aud was
elected to congress in 1830.
He has ben there ever since, except
one term that Seerly defeated him, in
1800. He was a member of the national
Iowa delegation in 1893 and then served
as assistant secretary of the treasury.
Generals Snowdnn aud Qroenlind Selet
the Ground at Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, Jan, 10 Adjutan
General Greenland and Major Gaueral
Suowflen, commanders of the Pennsyl
vunia National Wnarrt, wer here to
dav insDeeting the ground which will
be occupied bv the division at its eu
campmeut next summsr.
The division will occupy the eame as
that occupied in 1884 -the high ground
west of the Emittsburg road, over which
Pickett's divisio i charged in their as
sault on Hancock's front. .
Unless Uniform Rate Ie Paid There Will
Be a Great Strike.
Pittsburg, Jan, 10. The delegates
at the river and railroad miners s di
triot convention this afternoou decided
to suspend work at ouce at all mines i
the district. Another convention will
be held in Pittsburg next Monday, and
it is very probable that unless there i
an agreement of u.uniform rate of pay
by that date that the Bnspeusioq will
be continued.
Socrotary McBryde, of the organize
tion. stated this evening that tho
7 VS :V2SB
Pedagogue Joyce Denies Having
Flourished a More Deadly Weapon.
He Still Hold the Fort. '
Social to the Svrnnlon IWettM,
Taylor, Pa., Jan. 10. The writ
served upon Martin Joyce to vacate
tho Continental school was not heeded.
Mr. Joyce stopped in the building all
of Monday night and waa there this
morning and rang tho bell as usual.
Mr. Jovoo suys that h will remain in
uhnrge of thu school until the end of
the term, in spit of the writ. The
liroctors will stop all persons from
tresspassing upon the grounds.
Ihe taxpayer! of the township have
become excited over this affair, and
seutiment is hopeful that the directors
will stand shoulder to shonlder and
nsist upon the removal of Mr. Joyce.
Mr. Joyce was a teacher iu the graded
school at Taylor in 1880, but by in
sistance on the part of patrous he was
School Director Morgan will tomor
row issue a warrant tor his removal.
It is learned that Mr. Joyce intends to
tight it out in the courts and will ar
raign every person who has given evi-
leuce against his lie denies
having had any revolver and claims
liis only weapon was a compass How-
ever.there are children ready to testify
that they saw a revolver with him in
Tariff Was the Principal Topic Under Discus
sion in Both Houses,
A Pennsylvanian Introduces a Bill
Providing That no Alien Emigrant
Shall be Admitted to the United
States Unle'ss He Shall Have a Cer
tificate Signed by tbe United States
Consul Setting Forth That the Em
igrant Does Not Belong to the Class
of Alien Immigrants Excluded from
the United States and Docs Not
Come Under Contract or Agree
ment to Perform Labor.
federal electl
mally taken
day, after t
Eastern capitalists plan to invest $12,-
pOULOOO in Sioux City, la., euterprisos.
Tho Americau Physicians' and Surgeons'
congress will meet in waiaingfon, 4lay
The Third National bank, of Uotroit,
went into liquidation aud ceased to receive
Lord Iieresford," convicted in Koine,
Ua., escaped from tho convict camp at
Thin ice sent John Berry and Philip
Nadoau, boy skaters of Providence, to
their death.
The emigration fever has attacked Ar
kansas negroes, many of whom will go to
Africa to live.
For brutal whipping of Mary Schrader,
near l omnibus, inti., i ana scuneiuer, a
White Cap, was lined MOO,
Professor Adam 0 Hill, formerly at
Johns HopkiiiH, becomes assistant profes
sor of mineralogy at lumen.
While hunting near Mipsing, Out.,
lames Urobarger mistook his brother An
drew for a deor and shot him fatally.
Cedar Creek county, Col., has made its
richest strike of gold ore in th i ludepoud-
eut mine, a ton nssayiug 1,608 ouuees.
1'or criminal assault ou Mrs. Uraves, his
cousin s wile, .lames oanoTiea, 01 ueuar
Hill, Tex., was shot dead by tho outraged
Charged with shooting Miss Mary Orls
coll, Mrs. William DritCOlL her mother.
and Floyd, her brother) are on trial at
Sterling, Col. ,
Engineer Smith and Brnkeman .Matt I. 11
injured in tho collision on tho Bennington
and Kiitland railroad atnoutn Miattsbury,
Vt., have since died.
Uoing to the wedding of his loved one.
Mnry Calempe, DonnigaO Fudora, of New
ork, shot his successful rival, Andrea
Bantino, dead at the altar.
A reduction of III) per cent, in the wages
of l.OIK) employees went into effect at the
Mount Clare, Md., repair snaps of the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad cumpauy.
A gang of white laborer! near Camden.
N. J., tried to Lynch James F. Young,
colored, because ha took (be place of one
of their number who was discharged.
President Samuel Sloan, of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna aud Western railroad,
blames engineer David Hoffman, ot the
South Orainie traiu, for tho Hackeusauk
bridge uccident.
Acting Secretary Curtis has disallowed
the claim of Miss Phebe OoMlnJ. for M 000
salary as secretary of the lady board
managers of tbo World's Fair cominissiou.
Tho stilted net balance in the treasury
stood: Gold, 171,490,0811 currency, fJO,
420,320. From thu currency balance must
be substracted fri.Oiil.HM paid ou interest
Six yeare for a president, aud in-eligible
for re-eiectlou; three years for congri'-s
men, and but ten years for supreme oourt
justice, are features ol a bill introduced
to the house.
Dr. Edward O. Shakespeare, of Philadel
pbia, has been appointed by President
Cleveland one of the delegates to repre
sent the I 'mied States at tho International
Sanitary congress, which meets iu Paris,
Jan. 24.
Washington, Jan. 10
bill to repeal the
ction laws was for-
up in the senate to-
y, alter the morning hour,
and the debate was opeued in support
of it by Mr. Palmer ( Dem., Ill ),a mem
ber of the.committeo on privileges and
eloctious, from which the bill was re
ported. The bill has now become "un
finished business," and will have prece
dence of all other business (after the
morning hour) until disposed of, or
displaced by the vote of the senate.
Earlier iu tho day tbo mossage from
the president with the correspondence
as to Hawaiian affairs was laid before
the Beuate, giving to Mr. Hoar, (Rep.
Mass.), au opportunity to oritiotse the
position of the president iu extorting
from tbe queen n promise of amnesty,
and to draw 11 parallel between the
president and the queen as to tho
"reekless" disregard of each for tho
constitution of thoir respective countries,
Mr. uallingor, (Hop. IN. It.,) made a
speech against any tariff changes un
der the present administration.
The bouse worked smoothly aud met
heroically to iay on nmeudm.'nts to the
Wilsou bill, These were referred by
tho chairmsn himself, und all wero
agreed to except one providing that
the wool clause should go into effect
next August 1. A strong fight was
made on this amendment, and it was
still pending when Ihe homo took a
recess at 5 30 Tho amendments ugreed
to reduce tho tariff ou furs for hatter's
use from "20 par cent, to 10 per cent, ad
valorem; calf skius, patent and japau-
ned leather, dressed upper leather,
chamois and other skin from 20 to
15 per cent, all bydrographic charts
wore placed on the free list. Tbe rate
on condensed milk was changed from
0 per cent, ad valorem to 2 cents per
pound. Chair csnes or reeds, wrought
or manufactured from rattan or reeds,
were takou from the free list and a
tariff of 7 per cent, ad valorem iui
Arnold (Dem., Mo ) and McDenr-
man (Dem., Teun.)ad Iretsed the house
this ovening in support of tbe Wilson
bill, hlis (Rep., Ore.) opposed the
W. U Stone (Re)),, Pa. 1 introduced
iu the house a bill providing that no
lieu emigrant shall bo admitted to the
United States unless be ahull exhibit to
tho inspector of immigration upon
111s arrival in this country a cortihcat
signed by the United States cousiil or
other authorized representative ot the
United States, setting forth that the
emigrant do's not belong to the class
of alien immigrants excluded from the
United States and does uot come under
contract, or agreement to perform la
bor. The bill makes it the duty of
United States consuls to inspect ull im
migrants before starting for this coun
try and to investigate their general
character and to grant or withhold im
migration certificates accordingly.
that the back door of tbo store had
been forced open, undoubtedly by
means of a chisel and punch, which
were found lying on the floor near tbe
door. A bunch of waste partly burned
was also found, and the supposition is
that it was thrown at the dog which
was kept in the store, aud has uot been
found since.
Eia-ht Persons Altoanther Were Killed
and a Number Were Wounded.
HOME, Jan. 10. A squadron of cav
alry patrolling Massa Di Oarrarahad
an encounter today with a band of an
archists 500 etroug, who were appar
ently engaged in destroying the fussoln
bridge. The anarchists stood their
ground until several or were killed
wounded and then fled.
I'hey were pursued by the cavalrv
aud finally dispersed. Eight persons
iltogether were killed and a number
wero wound id. Among the wounded
are several soldiers. Many arrests were
Two Tramps Routed ' by a Plucky
Chkstur, Pa., Jan. 10. Two tramps
to-day stopped Miss Margery White,
principal of the Eddystone school, and
-Miss Hannah lomlinsou, another
teacher, when they wre returning to
their homes here via tbe Pennsylvania,
Wilmington nud Baltimore road.
The knights of the highway at
tempted to hug the youug ladies, but
Miss White pulled a pistol from her
Docket and the unwelcome lovers fled.
He Makes a Final Appeal in Behalf of
Corbett and Mitchell, but
to No Effect.
J.LI Bowden.
Jaiksonvile, Jan. 10 The Duval
Athletic club has played its last card
in the contest it bus
waged with Gover
nor Mitchell and has
lost. The card con
sisted of a persoual
appeal by Mauager
bowden to the gov
ernor begging bim
to cease his apposi
tion and allow the
club to pull off the
mill pnhjicly in
Jncksouvillo. But
the governor is ob
durate and told Bowden that the fight
should not take place 111 Jacksonville
or 111 Florida if he could prevent it.
At the conclusion of the interview
n ither Bowden nor the governor was
disposed to talk at leugth. When
asked for a statement, Bowden replied:
"You may say that the situation is un
changed. My interview with the gov
ernor has resulted in nothing. Tho
light, however, will take place. I ad
vise ull those who desire to witness it
lo assemble in jHcksouville on or be
fore Jan 24."
When Governor Mitchell was naked
tor a statement, he said: "I will uot
iieiiist in my determination or in my
efforts to stop the tight." Nothing is
hft the club now but to make arrange
ments for bringing Mitchell aud Cor
bett together iu the woods.. From
this on everything pertaining to the
fight will b kept a close secret by tbe
club, as only in that way can the gov
ernor be prevented from interfering,
oven though Corbett and Mitchell are
brought together in tho woods.
510 AND 512
O close balance of
stock before in
ventory at following
22 pair Swansdown, full QOp
size, per pair v0),
pairs, All-wool.
1 1 pairs Kleven Quar.
ter All-wool at
9 pairs Eleven Quar
ter Scarlet, at
12 prs. Natural Wool
Eleven Ouarter, at
About 15 pairs Fine Cali
fornia Ulankets at heavy
reductions from
Small lot of choice de
signs in Wrapper
Klankets at
Elegant stock of
Schuylkill County Commissioners Refuse
to Qive Auditors the Books.
Porrsvn.i.K, Jan. 10. The new
board of couuty auditors elected last
November met at the court house to
day aud organized. After electiug a
president, secretary and treasurer and
solicitor they demanded the books of
the county for 1803.
The couuty commissioners refused
to baud over the books, stating that
under tbe law qro.iting tho new office
of county controller, the books could
be banded over only to Controller Sev
ern, who la empowered to an lit them
t his places the three audi tors in the
position of being able to draw $500 a
year each for the uext three years with
out doing any work.
About Two Thuds of the Original Mea
sure Adopted by the Committee.
WABHtnOTON, Jsu. 10. - The ways
and means committee livid another
meeting at the treasury tonight and
considered the text of the income tax
bill heretofore reported. About two
thirds of the bill was adopted with a
few minor changes, which iu no way
affect the principle of the measure.
The question of duty upon barley
and barley malt was discussed nud an
ad valorem rate was fixed upon the
former, but will be hold up subject to
a change until hurley malt is further
Father -.m's Suoceseor.
.1 Kits FY City, Jan. in. It is learned that
Bishop Wigger has decided to appoint
l ather iveny, assiHianr, to l ather ix'iiez,
of St Mary's church, thlscltv, totUOceed
Patbor Oorrigan s Mator of the church
of St. Mary, Our hndy of, llobokou
Fifty Dollars Worth of Shoes Stolen
from Townend Hrns' Store.
filiecial Itt Ml Scmnfofl Tn'hunv,
Wyoming, Pa i J n 10. Some time
during Saturday night the general
store of Townend Bros, was entered by
burglars and severnl piirs of shoes,
valued ut i'i, wore stolen.
Sunday moroiug it was discovered j east ami tiigkUy 00W
Major William B, Negley, at Pittsburg.
Ueorgo Poinds! ter Fauford, editor at
Lansing, Mich.
Kx-state Se'nator Oeorge 7t, Erwiu, of
Potsdam, N. Y.
1 bi man Siegel, editor-in-chief, of the
Milwaukee Abend Post, aged 53,
At Saratoga, N. V., Thomas B. Carroll,
au old-time Democrat aud ex-journalist,
aged TN.
(ieneral Nelson Taylor, ex -congressman
and eoldter, at hishumo i'u South Norwalk,
Conn., aged 73.
Hubert H. Carter, 65 years old, tbo
founder of daily journalism iu liurliugtou,
at Hivertou, N. J.
William I). Mount, a wealthy resident
and well known peliticiau of Perth Aui
Doy, N. J., at the ao of 70.
At Auburn, N. Y., Beardsley,
millionaire and oldest bauk president of
tbe United States, aged SO.
Nicholas Audre, ex-member of Pennsyl
vania legislature; John Houck, Warwick
township's oldest resident, aged 87, aud
John (beting, aged UO, of Euiuus, Pa., all
died of grip.
Augustus U. Kiehey. 75 years old, of
Treuton, N. J. Deceased was a director
of the fiouiid Brook railroad, and out of
the best known lawyers in the state. He
was largely interested in icoal and mining
industries in Pennsylvania, aud leaves au
Shtate valued at tl,ix)0,000,
Drought has ruined tho corn crop in
Hoinb-throwcr Vinlliant will be executed
Keb 5 if bis appeal is disuimsed.
PfMOB proposes to convert her 4X per
per cent, bonds iuto '& per cent.
Fifty-ton guns will bo used on the
new Hiighsh battleship, instead ot 07-tou
Four bullets llred from his owu revolver
ended the life of Julius Schulz, of New
York, at a Berlin hotel.
Belgium's kltnltteTlal crisis is over,
Prime Minister Iteernaert having wou his
point ou the sullraKe bill.
Found guilty of libelling Caprivi, Maxi
miltau Harden, the Bisuinrckiau editor of
the Berlin Zukutist, was fined (115.
Paris Figaro says the salon of Mrs. Ens-
tis; wife of the American ambassador, will
be the most brilliant ot the seasou.
Coining direct from Galveston, the Brit
ish steamer Riiisbury is the first cotton
laden vessel to outer the Manchester ( Eng.;
ship canal.
Eighty young men. members of the Dm
ladinu secret Bociety, whose founder
.Mrvn, was recently assassinated, are on
trial at Prague, sevonty-sevou for treason
and three for lulling .Nlrvu.
Wanhinutom, Jan. 10. Forecast
ftr HVilMfsiuy: Fur rnstern Van-
ttrwmfo. generally faf rftafne.
nay, MvoablM oloiity and fftteai
(ik'.s.(m llli)if, ICini.s shiltnu (o
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belling,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lew'iSiReitly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
Will clone every evenlna nt li. 30 P.M.
except Saturday.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor is
Deeded you are promptly told
bo. We also guarantee n per
foot lit.
at ( ( )s r for one week only,
1 1
1. 1 UK,