THE SCRANTOV TIttBUXE TUESDAY MOBBING, JANUARY 10, 1894. AP FOR LADIES' MUFF. w wVi How can we sell AF Muffs at this price? JlgP We must. have the "VUb room and all Furs must go regardless of what they cost. We still have a good assortment of Fine Furs. A 4 Aft FOR LADIES' $lavU Black Cheviot A 4 AA Umbrella back, w w ment and well worth double the money. We have some very good styles left in Fine Garments. A CHILDREN'S UN MP DERWEAR. Our stock of Chil ft dren's Underwear is Mr much larger than we want to carry, so have cut the price deep to close. White, qc. upward. Scarlet and Gray at cost. AN UNAVAILING KICK. 25c. LADIES AND MEN'3 UNDERWEAR. AP Greatest Bargain fi in this department VUi evcr offered. All grades of White, Gray and Scarlet: price astonishes. HOW SHE 00T IT. No $16.75 $16.75 Sewing Machine uemorest AT WALTER'S, 128 Wyoming Ave. FRAMING PICTURES. Protecting Pictures of Orude Art KxoeUenea efl 'fritting 7ost. Many households uroat the present time 'fipb in ai'cumulation of pictures of gen nine artistic merits, such, for instance, us ones included in the holiday numbers of the magazines and periodicals. While all may not be worth the trouble of pre- n f I - . V .:,,J 1 A K1F.POX FRAME FOR PICTLT.F. erring! not a few are worthy of fram ing and hanging at least in the sitting room and bedrooms of the average homes. To preserve one that pleases, a single frame can bo made thai is ample protec tion and costs but a tritle of labor and expense by following these directions, given in t he New York Times: Gum the picture on a mat of bristol board, leaving a margin tliu width of the ribbon to be used, about inches. Fit a piece of window glass over the mat and picture, holding it in place on either side with a band of ribbon passed quite arOQnd glass and mat and secured with R bow. A piece of narrower ribbon or wire attached to the mat and glass through a perforation hangs the picture. Apples ami I'otatoei. Apples and potatoes should never be lu-pt in the same cellar, or if this is un avoidable, the potatoes should lie kept in i tho warmest part of the cellar and ap plet in a barrel well headed up near tho windows, where on days when the air outside is only B few degrees above freez ing they can be treated to a cold breeze from the open windows, while at the name time the atmosphere in the part of the cellar where the potatoes are Uept dots not fall below 40 degrees. Waddtap AnnlTerMriM, First, cotton wedding; second, paper wedding; third, feather wedding; fourth, book wedding; fifth, wooden wedding; sixth, garnet wedding; seventh, wooleu wedding; eighth, bric a-brao wedding; ninth, topaz wedding; tenth, tin wed ding; twelfth, silk and linen wedding; lifteenth, crystal wedding; twentieth, china wedding; twenty-fifth, silver wed ding; thirtieth, pearl Wedding thirty live, sapphire wedding; fortieth, ruby wedding; fiftieth, golden wedding; sev-euty-lifth, diamond wedding. Scotch Apple Fie. Scald a largo teaenpful of oatmeal by pouring ovi r it a pint of boiling water. Allow it to stand for four hours or lung er, if Unit is not enough to swell tho oat meal. Add I large apples, pared and sliced, li tablespoonfulsof sugar, '! tablo spoonfuls of Hour. Mix all thoroughly together and bake in a buttered dish. When cooked, turn out aud serve. This makes a delicious pie, and is as whole some as it is good. T, e Importinee of keeping the liver snd kidney iu Rood counition cannot be ovei estimated. Hood's Harsnpni illn in a great remedy for reulntiuK aud ltivlgora tiiiy ttiese organ. Hood'i PUI act oaaily, vet promptly and effectively, on the liver and huwola. "But, my dear grandson," said old Roger Loomis from the couch by the window, from which he was uever to rise, "I distrust tho blood. I remember this young lady's mother and grandmother; cold, Selfish women both of them. Then there was Stephen Phibbt), who was a boy with me. Wc used to call him 'Foxy' Phibbt at school, and it stuck to him, and, like all nicknames that stick, it was pat. father and sou they have all been Toxy' since. Now, from cunning and greed, what can you expect except graphs frcm thistles V "Oh," cried Bgbsjtt passionately, "how cruel, how unjust, is such logic! Is not every soul free and independent!1 What has Frances to do with her people, or her people with Frances? She is herself, thank Uod, and through God, lur Divinity only could fashion so innocent, so gentle, so charming a creature. As for the Phibbs family, it has always been considered re spectable at least.'' "Ah, t here is a remorseless, fixed respecta bility far more to be feared than u score of failures from weakness, Vou can't escape from heredity, Egbert; it is bred in the lnine. The book may be revised, but the original thought permeates it. I have never seen I his fair goddess of yours, but I'll Ven tura to say that she has a smiling counte nance." "Oil, sir, 'tis her chief charm, if such equal rivals may own a leader! It is the soft glow of purity, and there is benedic tion in it." "1 thought so. All their Women have had it. An inherited twist of the muscles. We used to call it the 'prosperous smirk.' 1 fear If yon were not my heir there might Isi more negation than benediction." "Oh, sir, desist for the sake of my love!" "Pool Egbert. Vou are between two Ores, your respect for tne, jour passion lor this young girl, and they both scorch you. Know, then, that solicitude is a mark of affection." "I appreciate your tender anxiety, believe me, but iu this instance it is at fault. If you only might see her and judge from substance, not fancy! l can't begin to fit tingly eXpNBS the admirable qualities which distinguish my Frances, her'' - "Prnydon'tl 1 am too feeble tO endure u sonnet to your lady's eyebrow." "Ah, you would not jest with my fu ture:" "Why not ( All hopes ato but the quips of destiny." "No power could shake my faith in you, grandfather, nor in her. As for her people, surely they are admitted t j be in the first circle. Her father was a warden at St. Si mon's. Her uncle, Judge Pbibbs" "By the way, what do the politicians cull him:'' " 'Foxy1 Phibbt. Oh, that's too bad! Grandfather, 1 can't argue with you. Were all y our fears facts, it is too late. I love her far more than life or eternity. I would give tne fortune you promise me, my im mortal soul, to make her my own. I 1" Hen Egbert rested his head on his hand and was overcome by an houc-t emotion. "She might accept Volt without the lat ter, hut never without the former. Hut there, there, my boy, 1 am old enough surely to know that 1 have attempted an Impossibility. Voting love is blind and de af and dumb and demented. No argu ment can move him save the prod of one of his own arrows. Forgive me If I bae wounded vou. I 11 not speak so again. Ke tnember, yon are the Benjamin ox my race, and how proud 1 am of you! 1 would save you from your fate, but it wouldn't be fate if I could. Experience is a harsh master. In disciplining he transmutes, aud I would keep your spirit as it is. you can't recol lect your mother. She was a beautiful woman, and ail reverence to the dead, but your father was not happy with her. Nei t her. alas, was I happy with 'ah, the gliding years! At fourscore can I not forget the re greta and sorrows of my youth:' Leave me, Egbert Discussion excites me. I would regain, through rest, the stolidity of my condition. Hely always on my fondness." old Roger Loomis lay propped by the pillows on the broad couch by the window looking out on the hedge lined garden, which ran down to the river. On that turf be had sported as a child. Through those winding paths he had strolled iu early man hood, arm and arm With one whose memory was now as bitter s her presence had then besn gracious, In this great house of the Loomis family hu had dwelt throughout harvest and winter, maintaining a famous hospitality, achieving respect if not love, and the honors which position, wealth and learning may bring. Hut thesacred hearth of home bod remained gloomy and cold. Here he had seen his only sou re-enacting the griefs of his father, a noble youth ad vancing into u noble manhood, until the cling of soft arms had become u restraining clog. Here he had watched the successive mutations, coldness, recrimination, un hap piness, despair, as one may view a revisited landscape. Here he had been left iiWme. for his strength had not descended and death had snapped the chain of similitude alone, save for his little grandsSn. Ah, what u mighty exception I The light of that child's nature hail dispersed sorrow and brought contentment, in him his pride and affec tion had found responding recompenses. Nsver had Egbert disappointed him. Never had he given the lie to that ideal of manli ness and honor which had become his like ness. How the old man loved him and prayetl for his future! How he would fain mark the pitfalls, that they might be avoid edl And how Judgment ihjrided this anx iety fend exposal its Impottnof) But the day previous he had been willing to die, as indeed he knew he must, for he had felt that DatUre and discipline had cleared the path for his darling, but now, even in this resig nation, had come the young man's ingenu ous confession of passion for one whose as sociations he drafted and despised, and out from the forgetfulne-iof the past straight way rushed agonies gibing tit his extrem ity and their own undiminished powers. "Ah, well," llghed old Roger Loomis, "it is hard to kick against the pricks. He must Win by struggling.'' Yes, such was the condition of man's rise from the tsl I , that nsvs? dying, ever extend- ing mysterious sin, but was it necessary that toil experience should come s.o late that ere the clouds had rolled away the sun had set? Let him consider! He had h:-cn renowned as an adviser, one who could ca jole circumstances and win their favor. Ought not his fuiling powers now sufllc:: to protect his very and only own! Yet what could he dot Under no consideration would he disinherit or restrict tho inheri tance of tho last of his race. Ho was en titled by birth and character to take it, and lake it he should. Hut might hu not seem to do that which he would not? Might not this sweetly speaking, sweetly smiling maid be led to suppose that her lover was not the heir, but as poor as the poore t Whom she surely despised! Would Dot then her voice grow shrill and scornful, would not her beaming features harden into refusal? "Let me see," soliloquized old Itoger Loomis. "It's dangerous, yet what worthy play hath npt its hazard? I am certain of thu statute. Why, I argued for its ret en- tion bofori the council of revision. Hut I might die immediately after the execution. No, 1 know my strength; It wilMnst me for at least another month. What victory could ever bo won if fear of death were heeded? I will tell Btirgess that if I don't send It to him in a w eek's time that, Will be a sign that I have surely destroyed it. Hut Egbert? Will he hesitate? Not for Due instant! Would 1 have hesitated; Thank (Jod, in honor my boy cannot be taught by experience!" The next morning old Roger Loomis sent a note to his luwyw, Abel Burgess, and during the afternoon in response that wor thy man called. For mi hour hu remained 1. PAPA My dear, I have t ought yon something that you wanted, mere trifla " " Heiress Why W. FBI shocked! You know I never drink'; dps V v Papai-Now, Sum, peu it carefully. l- . It y Mm "You so-, daughter, owing to the strict laws concerninc panpor immigra tion, I smuggled the Duke through as brandy." Heikkbr How lovely' in consultation. For an hour he sat ut the desk and wrote, and his client watched the glide of the silver river and prayed that thus might his purpose speefl to its goal. Then tlsl butler and the gardener were sum moned, and with Unaccustomed fingers at tached their signatures. The lawyer prepared to take his depar ture with many a muttered "humph'1 and shrug of shoulder. "I see you don't like it, Burgess," said old Roger Loomis. "The sentiment does you honor, but 1 have my reasons. Preserve the will 1 made a year since, and If you don't receive this one from mo within a week offer that one for probate, for you may then be sure that I have changed my mind and applied the match." "(.'hanged your notion rather," growled the lawyer. "There it is, and I hope ir soon may burn for a fantastical piece of d d nonsense. It's a sin to trifle with the law. But there, 1 never offer my ad vice unsought least of all to one so obsti Date as you, Goodby." "Goodby, old Prickly Pear," said his cli ent, smiling whimsically. It was a fortnight Inter that old Roger Loomis called Egbert to his bedside. "Vou are going to be married, of course, my dear?" he said feebly. "Alter I'm gon after I'm gona God grant that my fore bodings are foolish. I'll forbode no more. One request I make. Take this sealed package. A month before your wedding open it, examine the contents and act. You buve confidence In me you believe in my love?" ' Though you fIuv me, yet will I trust In you," responded Egbert simply. "I will do us you wish." "The Lord make bis face to shine on you, my boy," faltered tho old man. "1 think 1 may sleep now. 1 am weary." Ah, tranquil slumber, thut rewards and relieves the Weariness of yesrsl Ah, blessed calm, that preceded and cannot coexist with light! Aftei the Acad had been yielded to the pence of the gravo Abel BttlgSfeJ produced the will made the previous year as the last will and testament of Huger Loomis, de ceased. As such it wan at once admitted to probate, for it fnllllled general expecta tions, and Egbert Loomis became t he owner of the vast estate of his grandfather. How hfippy was Egbert I He remembered the kind old man too tenderly to mourn for him, for he knew that never hnd curfew come more gratefully to tired laborer than had death to Roger Loomis. Ho was happy iu the ofetM of Ids prop, erty, happy, oh, so happy In bis love. And Indeed melancholy would have been that nature that did not lighten from const ant association with Frances Phibhs, for she was as blithe as the sunshine. And like the sunshine rhe was blithe, for It hath no hope beyond existence. Her ambition, if she was ambitious, was fully satisfied. She was beloved, and he, who worshiped her as his goddess was thot nost gallant, the most talented, the richest youtig man of Aber deen. From his position she could look about her with superiority, for for below she would discern the struggling throng of kin dred, friends, acquaintances aud Strangers, Aud so the golden days outstretched and formed links of weeks and coils of mont h .. and the time came when Egbert, looking forward with fond anticipation, murmured to hitnuelf, "A month from now and Fran ces will be my wife." He was seated, as he Spoke his thought, before the glowing hearth lu his grand father's great room, watching the Hashes t brougb t he curls of smoke, aud from them conjuring views ol felicity. It was late at niL'jit , and the v hole house was silent, save for the vain buffeting of the storm with out, not vain, indeed, since it intensified comfort by its contrast. liven us Kgbert spoke, he looked toward the couch by the window and seemed to see the gaunt old man again extending u sealed package and to hear his words, "A month before your Wedding day open it, examine the contents and act. When his grandfather had thus spoken Egbert had received the admonition, as he always had. implicitly. What it meant of course he did not know, but some good Sowing from that p-renninl fountain of benelicence. He had scarcely thought of it since and then only with a tender smile, as one recalls a kindness. But now the room seemed chill, the lire on the hearthstone spent, and a dread shook his heart. Such Is the frailty of mortal felicity. When through patient toil it hath been construct ed, then comes apprehension lest the Weight of the coping stone shall o'ertopple it. Egbert went to the desk and brought forth the package. He bore it to the drop light and broke the seals. He unfolded t he w rapper and discovered a legal document. It was indorsed the "Last Will and Testa ment of Roger Loomis" and dated a fort night previous to his grandfather's death. He read the contents. They Were terse and significant. The testator abrogated all oth er wills aud devised his entire estate to the the Abardetn Benevolent fraternity, of which branch he had bcenoucof thecharter members. Once more revery in the great armchair beforo the capacious hearth; but, oh, how faint the glimmer of the sparks, and, oh, how penetrating the t ingle of the blast from wlthoutl Egbert never questioned, never doubted; he comprclieuueu at once wnat had been done and he faced his future. Gone were the joyous anticipations, covered with dead gray abh that smiling vision of love liussa with passion lit eyes and white arms extended. He saw a Ufa of drudgery, of privation, of loneliness. Neverdld imagina tion daro to link Frances with it. That judgment w hose voice had la-en unheard in prosperity now assured him that she was us foreign to such a condition as a lark to the gloomy w ladings of a cavern. There is a consolation in that despair which comes from Inability to do wrong. It stifles thought nud convince one of one's position as absolutely as co;ild bands of stl el. by should the prisoner In a tread mill dream of green fields? Why should the wrecked mariner sinking In midocean recall pictures of home? Egbert soon be came conscioasthat he was cold and weary. He hastened to bid, and sleep, that cher-it-ber of the unfortunate, composed and caressed his limbs. The next morning, an hour before the opening of court, little Mr. Phibbs, the sur rogate of Aberdeen county, sat within his private office rending the paper through sparkling spectacles und amid coruscating smiles. The dooropeued, andEghert Loomis entered. "My dear fellow," cried the lawyer, springing to his feet, "I am charmed to have you break in on my leisure. That's right. Make yourself comfortable. Have a cigar? It is pleasant to desifere in loco, eh? Well, how is everything? How is the fascinating Frances? Ah, you lucky dog, you will be one of us soon." "I desire to see you iu your official capac ity, Mr. Surrogate," said Egbert stiffly (why is rectitude always a clown und ras cality u courtier!-), "and to file with you this document." . "Eh? What' this? The lust will and testament, of Roger Loouus, made only a few dayi before Ids deuth? Why. the old man must have beeu daft. Everything to the Aberdeen Benevolent fraternity? Pre posterous! Let me see: a oharitablo devise within less than a month of the testator's death? Oh, ho! Where d!4 you get this, Egbert?" "Grandfather left a package in my charge, and I only examined it last night." "Aud brought it to court at the first pos sible moment! I salute you. I had sup posed that the one perfect man had been translated some time since. Well, no great harm, I guess. Whom have you told about this?" "No one. I went to see Mr. Burgess, but lie is out of town. After all, 1 do not need advice." "No? And w hat about Prances?" "Ah, Frances I I have not the heart to see her. I shall write to her today." "And givo back the heart you have taken and all that folderol, eh? Mark my words, young man, you can't shake e ll a Pbibbs so easily. Fidelity is a family characteristic, sir. But write; it will serve to make you better acquainted with your future wife. Now, na for this document, it's u will of course, and as such must b? respected, but well, I won't say. I'll have my say later. ' You would best taku it to the president of i the corporate board and let him act, as he I will speedily. Don t be disheartened, my boy; ao write your letter and count your blessings." "And now," muttered the astute Mr. Phibbs, after he hud called his clerk and informed him to hold all business pending un important half hour engagement, "now to see my fan- niece. Ah, Frances, that pretty head of yours is about as level as they make them; but, for all that, if it were not for your devoted nuclei fear you would this day bite off the daintiest little nose iu Aberdeen.!' That evening after a solitary dinner Fg bert sat iu melancholy thought over his coffee and cigar. How leuious was life a Struggle through a jungle into a morassl No wonder his grandfather bad always said that the hyperboreans were the mast virtu ous and happy race, since they hailed death as a victorious friend Willi garlands of flow ers. His grandfather! As he recalled that face there was tender affection in those deep eyes. But w hy no, lie would not ask it He would reverence the memory as he had the man. There was a glide, a silken rustle, and Francei Phibbs sunk sobbing at his knees. "Oh, dearest!" she cried, "this is no time for conventionality, Oh. your cruel, cruel letter! How could you wrong your faith-I fill Frances so!- Never shall you leave me; I 1 will cling to your feet: Would you kill! me? Come weal, come woe, I am yours! welcome poverty, since it malnlests mv constancy. Wherever t hou gout 1 shall go, and thy God shall be my God!" The day ame for the hearing of the mo tion for the revocation of probate of Roger Loomis1 will before Mr. Surrogate Phibbs, Egbert was present, sitting at one side, calm and Indifferent S0 were the presi dent of the Aberdeen Benevolent fraternity, expansive and hopeful, and his attorney, .lames Wallace, Esq., dubious and silent. There were but lew in attendance, for little Mr. Phibbt had a way of keeping matters KCTet which he wished to be secret, whili, at tho same time he won frequent encomi ums from the press for information courte OUaly furnished. "You do not appear by counsel, I believe, Mr. Loomis," he said when the case was called. "No, your honor," replied Egbert, "I do not H ih to oiler any opposition." "I think you may sufely trust the court to protect your interests. Now, then, geu tlemen." The will contained in thesealed package was produced, and the butler and garden er, with many a precatory glance toward tbelr young master, testified to its execu tion. James Wallace, Esq., read its pro visions fur the information of the court, and apparent ly to some effect , for that smil ing and sparkling personage interrupted as follows: "But, Brother Wallace, we have proof here of the date of the death of the testator, and it now appears that this document pro pounded was executed only a fortnight prior to bh death. It la hardly necessary for me to remind you that such a charitable devbe, under the stutute, is void agaiust th. natural heir." "1 think I can show, may it please jour honor, that we are clearly within the rule as laid down by Mr. Justice Jackson iu 'Knox versus Knox.' reported." "No, no," again interrupted the little judge. "I can hardly agree with you there. I think I most deny your motion and bold thut the probate of the will first ottered shull stand. Possibly the supreme court may put me in error, but I doubt It, Broth er Wallace, I doubt 't axceedingly," But Brother Wallace was fi r too erudite a lawyer to tempt the supreme court iittalust his own private convictions, and the Aberdeen Benevolent fraternity was forced to continue Its benefactions without the aiil of the Loomis estate. "1 wonder why grandfather made it?" conjectured Egbert on his wedding day to his old friend Abel Burges. "lie must have known of its invalidity." "Perhaps he hoped to prove to y,ai the vanity ol huniau wishes," said the lawyer indefinitely, "Bear old man! If he know, he is as happy today as I am." New York Times. A rutent Medicine. The Doctor --Are yon aware that balsam of tlr possesses rare properties as a medi cine? The Head of the Family I urn. lean recall Instances trhere a' sealskin sack soothed a tremendous Irritation In inv family. There's nolhing like a balsam of far - n ' WHEN THERE'S DANGER ! Physicians Use, Prescrlba, Recom mend Paine's Celery Compound. More words of praisn have been writ ten and spoken by well known mn and wi men iu every section of tho country witbiu the past few years for the fa mous compound first prescribed by Prof Phelps of Dartmouth college than Imvebeen bestowed upon all other re mo lies put together. More physicians in high standing are using, presdiibing aud recommending Paine's celery compound than any othsr prepared remedy in tbe world. More space is devoted in many a medical journal to tho wonderful cures Paines colery compound effects that to any other one subject. Puine's eelt-ry compound is pre emi nently the remedy that iuaks people well. W.Allen Hubbard, M. D , 70 West ( Vdur street, is one ef Boston's best physicians. He says what hundreds of other physicians have said before, and his experience adds one more to the iiundreds already published, that Paine's celery compound is unduntedly the highest prodnct of the medical knowledge of this century. "The formnln of Paine's celery com pound, "he saTS. "interested mi because of its sci- ntific valne, and 1 prescribed the remedy in a number of cases where the Hood was impoverished and the nerves werkened. The results were so tatitfactory that I do not hesitate to indorse Paine's celery compound as a most valuable remedy." J. H. Hanaford, M. D., whose writ ings in journals of national Circulation have ondeared him to thousands, lies said: The formula of Paine's celery comnound which was submitted to me was so satisfactory that 1 have used the medicine personally, and with much benefit. I hsve prescribed it with mojt excellent results." The well known Boston physician and surgeon, Dr. A. W. K. Newton, whose portrait is given a,bove, states very emphatically tbat this compound is the most reliable touio and strength giver he hat found for the peculiar and dangerous codltion of the system that follows the grip. "Paine's celery eom pound," he writes, "is now a patent medicine, and it must not be oonfound ed with the ordinnry nervines, bitten or ssrsan irillas it is js -. ,..,,. ; ior to them in formula and results as tho diamond is superior to glass. It ! purifies the blood, strengthens the ner ves, ana is natures tooa for the brain. "1 had some trouble myseif," he writes, "from blood poisoning, received in a very delicate surgical operation. The formula of Paine's celery com pound led tue to try it, and I was much pleased with the result. 1 prescribe it for men and women who have no ap petite, cannot sleep, and are weak and run down. For this condition, and for disorders of the bloc 1 and has no equal. "Whoa a man or woman has lost appetite, lost sleep, and fenls that life is a burden, that person is in a serious condition. I prescribe Paine's celery compound for my patients who have these common and dangnrous symp toms; with invariably satisfactory re sults. " It is the best possible remedy to keep up one's strength during the winter months. WE'RE ALL Beecham's piils are it iiiliousncss, bilious headache dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sielc hea' iche, bad taste in the moult coated tongue, loss of appc titc, sallow skin, when causec by constipation; and const, pation is the most frequent cause of all of them, Hook free ; pills 25c. At drogstores,or write B.F.AUei Co.,3G5 Canal St., New York. Workingmeu Appreciate Luxuries as Well as Rich Men. Tlill Applies Especially to a Library. You're :i workingmau. We're all workingmeu. Still, gome rich people can afford more luxuries than some Vforkingmen, A library is 11 luxury. 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