The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Valves
i He Is Elected to the Office of Secretary of tbe
Scrauton Boird of Trade.
9 1 1
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
?08 Penn Ave.
The Voting Was Spirited T. H. Dale
and F. L. Hitchcock Tellers Ather
ton Had Forty-Threo Votes and
Kingsbury Thirty-Five Names of
Those Who Voted-Llst of Ab
sentees from Meeting.
August Erutart Becomes Despondent-and Firjs
a Bullet lmo His Body.
Lady Wiudermere's Fan Given a Brilliant
Production at the Academy.
Says He Is a Cripple by Reason of the Neg
ligence of the D. & H. C. Co.
A Thirty-Eight Caliber Ball Imbedded
in the Flesh of the Heart and Left
Lung He Lived After it and Became
Conscious, but Would Not Explain
His Action Love Affair is Believed
to be the Cause.
Offer for This Week
new line of lo inch
all wool Bourette Stripe
Cheviots, made to
for 75c; 7 yards
cost you
2yc. per y
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
D. P. Atherton was elected secretary
of tho Serantou board of trade last
The voting was spirited, and whim
Urn teller. T. II Dale and F. L
Httoheook, had eompleted their labors
of counting the ballots, it whs shown
that Air. Atherton had reclived 48
votes and Mr. Kingsbury 8$
Those present and voting were; D,
P. Atherton, H, M. Boitt, John K
Barrett, Henry Belin,jr., George D.
Brown, Moses Brown, A J. Casey, u
H. Cobb. c. R. Connell, H. A. Conr
Sen, K Q, Conrsen. W. P. Connell, P.
L. Crane, T. 11. Dale, A. W. Dickson,
J M. Kverhnrt, ,1 H, Fellow, A R
Foote, L A. Finch, R. J. Foster. S.
Goldsmith, W. s. Gould.P, II dil
galloo, W. L Renwood, B. A. Hill,
Samuel Hinee, J. W. Howarth. F. L
Hitchcock. M. II. Bolgate, & P. Hull,
Cr. A. Jetmp, 0, L. Johnson, 0, D.
J. nits, Qeorga Keller, Luther K.ller,
M. J. Kelly, T. J. Kelly, J. M. Kem
nierer, W 1 Kennedy, S. (i. Kerr, B
P. Kingsbury, 11. V, Kingsbury, J.
A. Lulling, Joseph Levy, R W. Luce,
F V. Martin, L. T. Mattes, R J.
Matthews W. A. May, J. G Mofiitt,
Thomas Moore, Richard O'Brien, R
ft Pane, W. II. Peek, J. W. Peek, W.
H. Perkins, J. H. Phelps, P. L
Phillips, C. H Pond, J. T. Porter.
P, K. Piatt, W. H. Pearce. David Pick
ers, G. H. Rush, Charles Sehlager,
George Sanderson, W. T. Smith, J. 11
Steel, E. Q Spanlding, J. L. Stelle, I',
ti. Sehoonniaker. T. C. VonStorch,
Everett Warren, L. A. Watre. W. W.
Watson, T. 1). Watts, V. R. White,
Ebeneeior Williams, L, J. Williams,
C. S. Woolworth.
There were equally as many mem
bers of the board absent as there were
present. The list includes 11. II
Archer, H. J. Anderson, John Benore,
I K (i. lirooks. W. D. Hoyer, E. A
itartl. William Carlucci. U. 1, Dick
son, G. W. Frilz. E. L Fuller, M.
(ioidsmith, J 11 Uuntter, V. r,
Hallstead, D. D. Hand. Alfred Hand.
Dr. O- E. Hill, A. E. Hunt,
John Jerinvu. W. II. Jessup. J, R.
Kingsley, Victor Koob.W. J. Kaon. J.
A. Liueu. William MoLave, 11 li Me
gurgee, A. C. Nettleton, Simon Rice,
W. H. Richmond. E. H. Ripple. Aug
ust Robinson, Conrad Schroeder. 0. D
Simpson, Samuel Sumter, W. H. Tay
lor W. A, Thayer, T. H. Watkins.W.
W Winton, B. P. Yost.
A change of o votes would have al
tered the result, and Mr. Atherton had
the advantage of his opponeut for
while Mr. Kingsbury was obliged to
stay at his desk, Mr. Atherton was In
the corridor, where he had ao oppor
tunity to approach the members before
they entered the room.
The other otlicere choion were: Pres
ident, Captain W. A. May; vice pres
ident, Luther Keller; treasurer, A. W.
Dickson; trustee, G. A Fuller.
William Jefferson baa resigned his posi
tion as manager of tho Eden ilusee.
The Pennsylvania State league of base
ball clubs will bold a meeting In this city
A dime a day will pay for a library and
uo borne is complete witbout tbe great
The sale of teats for "The Crust of So
ciety'' will open a: tbe Academy box office
tbis morning.
Harold fir u r lias i -turned to the
city after a short illness at bis home hi
Clark's Lireeu.
Attorney C. W. Dawson returned yes
terday from a visit to bis home at Mlack
Walnut. Wyomingcounty.
Subnrban lodge. No 15 ;, Order of Touti,
publicly installed officers at Fenner fc
chappeU's ball. North End, lasteveuing.
Wilson Raymond wh received at the
Lackawanna hospital last evening suffer
ing with a broken arm. Ha came from the
poor farm.
Another Bible reading will be given to
night by W. Q. C'arr at 8. M. Foster'. MM
Washburn street, at 7.30 o'clock. All who
delight to bear are cordially invited.
The turkey dinner to be served at tbe
Young Women's Christian association to
business men, Thursday, Jan. Is, promise
to be an attractive as on previous occa
sions. A ladies' nraver service will be held at
the Young Women's Christian association
this afternoon at H.3D led by Mrs. Dr.
Pearce. Ladies of all denominations are
invited to attend.
A handsome switch Wnrd was placed in
the new telephone exchange yesterday
mid Mr O'llrien stated that the company
would be found in its new ijuat tors not
later than April 1.
Rev. Halph liillani, assisted by Mr.
Mronson, soloist, will conduct, a half hour
nervice for young women ibis noon, be
ginning at 13 o'clock, at the Young Wo
ineu's Christian ussocintiou.
Mayor Conntll Deals Ltnlently with
MUeuidfd Children.
The three children arrested for beg
ging on the streets were brought be
fore Mayor Connell last evening for a
hearing. Mary Dumbroski was the
first. When questioned the child
claimed that she was not sent out to
beg by her parents and she waa dis
charged. Lorainno Zofg was the next child
She could not speak English and would
not talk to the interpreter, so the ex
amination had to be conducted through
the Dumbroski child. The other child,
Annie Kashimie, hail baaii sent out by
her parents, who had $200 in the bank
The mayor discharged tiie two chil -dren
and told their parents if they
were found begging again that they
would be fined $.0 apiece.
A Wifs'a Triumph Well Producsd and
The HenryL'omedy company delight
ed large audiencss at Wonderland yes
terday afternoon and evening with Us
presentation of the drama "A Wife's
Min Staniford in the leading role of
Helen Farady was excellent, and Mrs.
Jessie Oriswold as her false friend.
Jnno Temple, proved that she conld
capably handle heavy parts in an ex
cellent manner. The work of At F.
Darcy and Miss Maggie Willett In tbe
comedy roles was first eiass and both
received the approbation of all who
witnessed their work.
It la an Able Document Calculated to Do
Prior to the election of officers at the
meeting of the board of trade hut eve
ning. Secretary Kingsbury read his aa
inial report. It was an admirable doc
ument. It touched on everything per
taiuing in any way to the
progress of the city, its manu
factures, and the advantages it
possessed for manufacturers seeking
a location. It was a voluminous
ment, and it elicited the admiration of
even the men who had decided to vote
against Mr. Kingsbury for re-election.
Many of the members pronounced it
the best report in the history of the
organization, and a confidence that its
publication and circulation would
work the city incalculable gdod was
general. ,
Tbe various committees had nothing
of importance to report. Mr. limes
complimented Treasurer Dickson's re
port. Mi Paine informed the members
that nu ordinance tnxing poles had
been introduced in councils and he
urged overy member to use his Infln
ence with the councils. It wns a verbal
report. The motion to receive had no
second, but prevailed jnst the same.
1 ither business transacted was as fol
lows: Col. H. M. lioies elected to sue
ceed himself as trustee of the public
library for a term of five vears;the
membership of 15. L Richards trans
fered to A R. Foote; resolutions from
the Reading board of trade and tbe
Pittsburg chamber of commerce re
ferred to the committee on legislation
although the first motion, made by A.
Dickson, was that they should be re
ferred to Atidrew Carnegie; W T.Smith
ami Luther K"ller elected delegates
and Captain M iy and T H Dale, al
ternates, to attend the me -ting of the
national board of trade that convenes
at the Shoreham in Washington on
Jan. 88; unanimous adoption of Mr.
Kemmerer's resolution indorsing no
tion of councils in bonding the city for
bridges and asking for citizens to rat
ify tho action on Feb. 20, and the de
feat of Colonel Hi i I,. - k's motion to
reiluneths March assessment from $lo
to $10.
One of tbe Finest VarUtr Bills Ever
Thoso who attended the Eden Mmee
yesterday were agreeably surprised bv
the excellence of the show. All had
expected something good, and their
expectations were more than realized
In the curio halls Wilalns, the Kan
sas giant, is the attraction. In the
theater, Jennings, O'llrien and Jen
nings entertain all with their clever
act. The work of the little tl year-old
child ii especially commendable.
Eddie Edwards, Rice and Mclutyre,
Inez Pearl and u host of other well
known variety stars appear and do
good work.
A Young Lad Dragged Under a Loaded
Coal Car.
John Barrett, a 15-year-old door
tender in tho Leggot's Creek mine, was
received at the Lackawanna Hospital
yesterday, suffering from a bad lacera
tion of the thigh,
Barrett was opening the door whon
he was struck by a oar aud dragged
along the track for some distance. The
Injnry Is not a serious one, but is very
liemembur that TheThibunr art port
folios cost only .1 cents for etoh part. Bring
in your coupons.
At 12 -l"i o'clock yesterday afUrnoou
Atigmt Erheart, a German, until re
cently employod as u baker ut Ziodler'l
bakery on franklin avenue shot him
self, the bullet going through, tlie
heart aud penetrating tbe lungs, The
deed was committed in the hallway at
Ms Franklin avenue.
Deputy Sheriff Craig hoard the shot
fired .111 1 rushing into the house found
Erhenrt lying in the hallway bleeding
profusely from a wound just above the
left nipple. Beside him on the floor
lay a 38 calibre American Bulldog re volver.
One oh tuber was empty three
OOntained loaded cartridges and an
empty shell was in the other. Sergeant
Divis end OSosf GorrllU wire sum
moned and the nan was taken to the
Lackawanna hospital,
His hands and face grew cold at once
and perspiration covered his face, and
death was expected momentarily, but
at midnight he was still alive and con
scious. When questioned as to his mo
tives for atteiupiing suicid. ho suite I
that he had suffered nud had troubles
that he did not wish to express. Fur
ther thau this, he would not speak.
It is thought, however, that he will
despondent over u love aff lir and took
his life in consequence. In his coat
pocket tho hospital authorities found a
cabinet photograph of a lady, and they
hud no more tnan found it bofore a
messenger came thero inquiring for
tho photograph. Tho messenger stated
that the picture had been stolen from
Its owner upstairs In the house where
Erheart attempted his life. A TltlBCNa
reporter called at the housj on Frank
lin avenue during the afternoon but
could find nobody home. The neigh
bors did not know who lived upstairs
at :I28 except that it was a widow.
Erheart was always a steady mau
and was never known to become in
toxicated until within the past few
days. Saturday afternoon last he was
disehnrged from Zeldler'l bakery on
account of his habits and hai not been
seen since until yesterday when he met
one of idler's men, and bidding hitn
good bye, lold him that within uu hour
he would be dead.
Court Did Not Think Then Was Suf
ficient Rtason fjr Interfering.
Yesterday morning the jury in the
ease of Mrs. Mary Rosensgle against
Judge Handley filed into court and
handed in a verdict in favor of the de
fendant. A similar verdict was re
turned wheu the case was tried in this
court before.
Tipstaff Jacob Ritter privately in
formed Judge Archbald of what he
believed was improper conduct on the
part of Attorney Noper on Saturday
uight. bnt the judge did nut thiuk the
grievance was such as to require any
interference on the part of the court.
An application will be made for a
new trial by Mr. Sopsr, and one of the
reasons that will be cited why it should
be granted is that Mr. Ritter preju
diced the jurors against the plaintiff
by rolating to them the particulars of
his trouble with Attorney Soper.
Most of the Interest Centers Upon
the Stinging Shafts of Cynicism Ut
tered by tho Aesthetic Oscar's Soci
ety Men The Romance of the Piece
of a Familiar Type Story of the
Englishman's Play.
Says That the Carria",o in Which He
Was Being Lowered Into the Dick
son Shaft Struck the Fans The
Result to Him Other Cases Heard
and Disposed of in Court Morbs
Jury Goes to Carbondale.
Binghamton, Honesdale, Wilkes-Barrj
and New York Send Delegations to
Make Merry with the Members of
the Local Organisation Officers of
the Carnival Hall Attractively Dec
orated With Lvergreens.
Membere Invited to Hake the Piece a
Second Home.
The Central Republican club held n
regular meeting in its hands ime new
quarters in the Price buil ling on
Washington avenue last evening nud
transected business pertaining to the
welfare of the club.
The members of tho executive com
mittee with to announce that the
club rooms will be open every evening,
aud also announce to tho members who
were not present at last evening's
meeting that they are Invited to make
use of the rooms as they would their
own homes. It is the intention of the
club to 111 ike the rooms a place where
the members cm spend an evening
enjoyably wheuever they 10 deiire.
General Manager Archer to Put a New
Rule In Force.
General Mtnager Archer informed a
reporter for The TlIBOMI yesterday
afternoon that Superintendent dorm
ley had been instructed to put a new
rule in force on all cars running on
Lackawanna avenue.
For some time past the general man
ager has noticed that perioni getting
off on the avenu a are very liable to
accident, ami to guard against it all
conductors will ue instruoted to let
passengers ott on the opposite side
from approaching cars, the intention
being to keep die gate nearest the
double track closed at all times, While
the new rule may be confusing for a
time, its enforcement will no doubt
result in the saving of life,
He Will Hnq'.itv Into ths Sanity of
J . Godwin.
Mrs. Mary MucDonnell yesterday
petitioned the court to appoint n com
mission to inquire into the sanity of
her brother 111 liw, James do I win,
She lays be his been insane for the
last twelve yeras and ii incspable of
managing Ins estate. Court, appointed
Attorney C. U, d miner to act as com
inisiioner in the caie.
James dodwln recently became
wealthy through the death of his
brother John, of South Washington
avenue, who left him the greater part
of his property. The eitate of James
Godwin is now valued at $o0 000.
- -
Cffloere Peee Rieolutlone.
At a meeting of the officer! of the Thir
teenth regiment, National Hoard of Penn
sylvania, the following preamble and
leiolutious were adoutid:
Whereas, It has pl.'nsed Almighty God
to rotnove from our midst our fellow offi
cer, Lieuteuant U I. Seeley, of Company
IJ, be it
Kes olved. That in tho death of Lien ten
ant Seeley tbe officers of the regiment
have lost a genial comrade and true
friend; and the regiment a valued and
fail hf ul olllcer.
Reeolved, Thnt our heartfelt sympathies
are hereby extouded to the members of
the bereaved family in t heir iffltotlon,
Resolved, That these resolution) be pub-
liihed in tho dally papers and a copy be
tranimilteti to toe tatniiy or 1110 deceased.
Major . U. Fulton,
Captain Montrose Barnaru,
Lieutenant L. T. Mattes,
Keep the dimes for the three tiuique
pictures, "lelepuone Ulrl, "Uood Morn
ing" and "Maidens Ironing."
Since the days wheu O.tcar Wilde ex
lilbited his shrinking knees, uncased 111
plush breeches ; since he shocked the
world by his amorous anil rather in
decent devotion to the tuiitlower; siuce
Sir Arthur Sullivan caricatured him
as Uurnthorne iu the opera "I'atience,"
tho world has regarded hint us a
freak Now that he has put before the
public a play that is remarkable for
the stinging cynicism of its dialogue,
he is regarded as more of n freak than
ever. Liy all tne laws of precedent Oi
car Wilde should not have done any
thing more etait.liug than attoudiug
afternoon teas aud receptions.
By his first dramatic work, "Lady
Win lermere't Fan," which was pio-duc-d
ut the Academy of Music hist
evening, the ii'sthetlc Oscar broke awav
from the environments of froakdom
and appeared as a dramatist and, too,
one of the cleverest of his age.
The story Oscar Wilde telli in "Lsdy
Windermere s ran is about a very
good young wife who discovers that
hsr very good young husband is paying
large sums of money to u woman who
owns a rather shady reputation who is,
iu reality, the handsome mother of the
young wife, having deserted her hus
band and child twenty years before.
The large sums paid to her are the in
nucent contributions of tho young
hushund who, out of devotion to his
wife, who believes her mother to be
dead, would like to rehabilittte
the wayward woman in society, When
iu a moment of innocent rage and hu
miliation over the prosense of the sus
pected woman in her house, tho wife is
preparing to tl v to the protection of a
man who has long pestered her with
his attentions, sho is saved from the
fatal step by the aforesaid woman with
thee. r. , who after twenty years of in
difference suddenly experiences a pang
of maternal sympathy and rescues tbe
still innocent girl from ruin by claim
ing tor herself an undeserved disgrace
It Is in this situation that occurs th"
episode of the fan. Lord Windermere
hasfouul his wife's fan in tho apart
ment of Lord Darlington. The woman
with the reputation confronts the no
bleman as they face each other after
the discovery, and, announcing that
she took Lady Windermere's fan by
mistake wheu she was leaving that
lady's home a little w'nile before, gath
ered to herself all the guilt, and iu the
intensity of the moment wheu all
eyes are fixed upon the woman
with the reputation, Lady Winder
mere who has been concealed behind a
curtain, takes advantage of the oppor
tunity and escapes, and her honor is
saved. Lady Windermere does not
subsequently learn that tbe wouiau
witli the reputation is her mother, as
might be expected she would, but after
a touching scene with her in which she
expresses proper gratitude for the lady's
services the night before, bids her a
tender farewell aud nestles iu the arms
of her husband,
It is hard to cone ivo of a class of
people who can glitter so incessantly
as the people 1 Mear Wilde has put into
"Lady Windermere's Fan." The in
terest ceuters almost entirely in the
heartless utteran:es of a group of
rakes, and the sentimental interest of
the story is secondary to the
dialogue of those dissipated cyn
ics Tho real romance is rather
hackneyed, and frequently is
tedious, the central situation is fa
miliar, and the movement of the play
at times is far from brisk. Oscar wakes
up his audience wheu he troti on his
roues and sits them about the stage
much after the style of a minstrel per
formance, with an interlocutor in the
middle, whoie duty it is to draw out
shafts of wit from the end men and
these shafts are 9barpely pointed, it
must be admitted.
The performance at the Academy
last evening was given the benefit of
an unuiually good stage setting. The
young, confiding wife, Lady Winde
mere, was admirably portrayed by
Miss Evelyn Campbell. Mies Virginia
Harned.aH the woman with the historic
past, looked the part most effectively,
ami missed uo points, sustaining her
self throughout with certainty, vivac
ity, and at the propor times with con
vincing passion. Ot the male members
of the company, Frank Oillmore, How
ell HaneeH. Herbert Ayling, J. d.
Saville and K. a AbaliH wero all good
The Place of Qinzell & PfelfNr Entered
at an Early Hour
The saloon of dingoll & Pfolffer on
Penn avenue was entered by burglars
about II H0 o'clock yesterday morning,
but nothing of any value was stolen.
The burglar gained entrance by
smashing iu the transom over the front
door. The police wore inform d of the
ill'alr and visiting the plaoe they
smashed in a large ptne of plate glass
In order to gain entrano but no burg
lars were found. The rear door was
wide open and they had mado their es
Patrick Burke, a vonng man who re
sides at Dickson City, Is the plaintiff
in a trespass suit against the Dtlawar 1
and Hudson Canal company that was
called for trial before Judge Archbald
In court room No 1 yesterday after
noon. On July 20, in-'j, Mr. liurke
sustained injuriuH in the Dickson eliaft
at Green RldgS, operated hy the Dela
ware aud Hti Isou Canal company. As
a remit of the accident his rignt leg is
cripplod nud ho says he has other per
manent injuries. Colonel T. J. Mirtin,
of Wlllieg-Rirre, and Attorney T. J.
Duggau appeared for Mr. liurke, and
ex Judge W. H. Jessup for the com
The plaintiff was tho lirU witness
examined, He said that on July 20,
lbST, between 'I and 7 o'clock in tbe
morning, with several other mine
Workers, ho got on the carriage to go
down the shaft to the Clark vein,
where they wero employed At the
fourteen-foot vein, which isaboijlhalf
down llie shRlt, the carriage struck
fans that extend out luto the shaft for
the carriage to rest on when it stops at
the fourteen-foot vein. Just before
they went dowu a load of meu had
been lowered to the fourteen-foot vein ,
When the carnage ngtiin went to
the surface, tho fans were not raised,
and hh it descended to the Clark's voiu
it struck the fans with great force and
rebounded about fivo feet The shock
threw the men violently to the 11 or of
the carriage, and witnesses' right knee
struck one of tho iron rails. The leg
was forced backward until it touehed
his back and several men fell across
his breast. He was taken homo and
his right knee and ankle fnun 1 to be
injured nnd he had also sustained in
ternal injuries.
These injuries confined him to bd
for four months and it was two years
before he was able to resume work. He
is now employod as a miner in the
Richmond mine. About a year and a
half atter the accident several pieceB
of bone bad to be taken out of the
knee, (in cross examination Mr. Burke
admitted that sixteen years ago when
he was a boy of 12 he hud the same leg
broken ubovo tbe knee. It made bitu
slightly lame, but never gave him any
trouble. The contention is that the
mechanism that operated th fans was
not iu goud order and tho accident was
the result.
Joseph t'oyil testilie i that before the
accident tne lever used to rais i ana
lower the fans at the fourteen foot
vein insecurely held in position. After
the accident the levet was supplied
with a safety block. Dr. Arudt, or
dreon Ridge, who treated Mr. Burke
was called and testified to the nature
of injuries he found when called to
attend Mr. Burke atter the accident on
Aug. 3.
In court room No. 2 whore Judge
Guniter is holding court this week the
case of Benjamin Howey against
James Wilson wee called for trial
vesterdav morning. Attorneys Huls-
lander A; Vosburg appeared for the
plaintiff and Attorneys Connolly and
Davis for the defendant.
Sir. llowey was employed by Mr
Wilson to do some work and iu pay
ment was allowed to plant a piece of
laud owned by the defendant. Ueforo
the Crop ripened Mr. Howey wai dis
charged and Mr. Willou refused to a!
low him to remove the crop he had
planted. The suit was brought to re
cover its value, A verdict of $li for
Mr. Howey was returned by the jury
A jury wns sworn in the case of Lois
Morse against the Scrnnton and for
est City Railroad company. The plain
tiff sues to recover damages for land
t 11,-11 in building the railroad. The
jury went to Carbondale at noon to ex
am 1 ue the land, this morning th
trial of the case will !gin.
A Verdict of II, 122.21 was taken bv
Agreement in tne case of J. Hay i
Sons, of Easton. nsinst S. W. nnd
M ry J, Beeimr. The case of A. M.
Moyer against P. H. Koons and Will
iam Koch, replevin, was reported set
tled aud was stricken from the list.
By agreement thecase of Dr. A. E.
Burr against the Scrauton Illuminat
ing Heat and Power onmptny re
ferred to Attorney C. W. D.twiou.
IgU of Merriment Given by the Lleder-
xm at Music Halt,
Who Will Guide the An irs for the
Gomtua- Year.
The Boilderi exchange held a mint
ing ltiit evening aud installed tho ofli
Deri who wero recently elected for the
ensuing year.
rbe officers are: President, John
HoWarth; vice presidents, John Oolll
g'.n, Clurles N. Lord; recording seore
tary, James Collins; reading secre
tary, William R Willisms; treasurer,
Tiuunai K. Lvddon, direclori, George
W. Finn, William R. Williams. Peter
Stiop, John Colligan, Henry duuiter,
1) I I homes
Music hall wai the icene of much
merriment and enjoyment last night.
the thirl annual carnival of the
Serautou Liederkranz held there was,
if possible, more pleasant and success
ful than any of iti predecesaori.
it was attended by between 0U0 and
00 persons, among whom were repre
sentatives of German societies from
other cities.
Tlieio carnivals wore inaugurated
purely for amusement, that the mem
ber! of the Liederkranz and their
friends might meet once a year, aud
forgetting the world aud its cares de
vote themselves unreiervedly to pleai
ure, surrounded by their wives and
Last evening's carnival was not given
ov-r wholly to the lOVlal citizen of
T- utonlc extraction for men of all na
tionalities were present to participate
iu tbe festivities.
Among the out of town societies rep
resented were Binghanlon Maeuner
chor, Honesdalo Maennerchor and
Liederkranz, Wflkes-Birro Concordia
aud New York Eicbeukrauz. The fol
lowing members of the last named or
ganization and their wives were pras
ont: 1 bandore Kriiegsr, pr -aidant,
Dr. F. L. Morehoad. ft Martins, H,
Linger, A Lohse, B. Harthel and Au
gust Droege.
rbe king of the carnival was Frank
Hummler, who performed the duties
f his exacting offi-je with cleverness.
His court jesters El war J Btrll and
Franz Becker ably assisted him Iu
keeping the spirit of merrimsat ram
Members of the court of king earn i-
val were Fred Hummlor, Frank Lin -
tbener, John Klassen, Fred K-llar,
Cbarlee Falkowsky and Mr. Freierick
who made humorous epn-choi.
Thoie wore interspersed with songs,
parodies on popular ditties of the day.
111 which incidents in the lives of
prominent Germans during the year
were pleasantly referred to. I ue sonijs
and speocbes were in German.
Bauer s orchestra furnished excellent
music at intervals during the evening,
The hall wai attractively decorated
witli evergreens aud flags uud pre
sented a pretty appearance.
Lvory man who took psrt in tho car
nival was supplied with a carnival cap
of many colors ornamented with bells.
. -
Had No Intention of Preferring Charges
Against Hulelandr& Vosburg.
On Sunday the Elmtra Telegram
published a sensational article with
regard to the Burr caie that reflected
seriously on the integrity of Attorneys
Hulslander & Vosburg. Attorney J
Alton Davis, who was. represented as
preferring charge.' againit the law
firm before tbe Lsckawanna Bar asso
ciation, yesterday wrote a letter to At
torneys Hulslander cc Vosburg stating
that so far as he and Mr. Connolly, his
partner, were concerned the matter
was a ,ieit.
The letter with regard to the matter
printed in the Telegram w is a jest and
found its way into public print from
the fact that a newspaper man happened
to be present aud took posietsion of it
after It had been tossed to Mr. Con
nolly, one of the censors of the associ
ation. No one objected to his doin g
so, as it was not supposed or iuteuded
that the litter should bi giveu to the
Weston lll'.l Now Has 6.000 Barreli rf
Flour on Hand.
Ott Saturday night when work closed
for the day at tho Weston mill it was
anuounced that the flour department
would be shut dowu for an indjfinite
This move will throw a Urge num
ber of men and boys out of employ
ment. The reasons given for the ac
tion is that the market is already well
ine weston Aim company lias on
hand at proseut li.OUt) barrels of rlour
for which it has 110 sale.
S Are worth going a long distance to g
S see. No such collection enn be
S found ueai-er than Xew York or ge
-t Philadelphia, and then it is notsur- ;
8 passed in the matter of unique and j;
exclusive dosigDS, or rlcbnees, 5
eg ilaiutineis and delicacy or mate- SJ
; rial. In a word, our Curtain stock 5
this (all reaches our highest ideal B
m of what is ebould be, nnd caunot S
fail to meet the approval of the jSJ
g most refined aiid artistic tasks. S
Yet, all this does not mean high S
JJ prices. in the coutrarr.tbe values S
B we now offer are submitted for S
S your inspection. Of course, we've m
S every make, and among them will S
S be found the very choicest crea- S
S t ions in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, S
B Nottingham and otber Lace Goods; 3
S idso the New Suowflake Fwii-s,
B with kilk stripe in contrasting j
B polofe Also full lines of Mil 3
m Mnpes, Tapestries, etc., maOe to B
m saw
5m aiiisiiii miiiiniMmiiiir?
Vc lave tbe ost complete assortment 01
Men's Furnishing Uoodi that ever appealed
to tbe eye or to tbe taste. Some of our new
eiiadee ami deHignii In Ties ire especially at
tractive. They are selling at ligurei which
give you no excuse lor bein witbuut all eorti
O ize aud styles.
it "i m m
20rj Lackawanna
Dr. Hill Son
Fet teeth. H&n; best set. JS: for gold caps
ami teeth without ulaten. called crown and
I bridge work, call fur prices aud references.
I TONaLGIA. for extracting teeth without
pain, auetuer. rsoga.
For Furniture, Etc.
JANUARY 16, 1894.
Tow choice of timr beautifal
inclines," iVk'plioiu'Cirl,'' ''De
livering, Christmas Presents"
and "Maidens Nwiugjng." Send
by mail or messenger or living
coupons like this of three Uill'ei'
eut dates, with 10 cents, stamps
01 coin, to
Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce fit.
Rev. N. F, Stabl Conducted the Ser
vices Last Saturday Mcraiuir.
The funeral of L, Q. Flory, who
died on Wednesday lant, took place
Saturday morning from his late resi
dence on North Washington avenue.
The sermon was preached by Kev, N,
V. Stahl.
The pall-binrers wero Mr. Flory's n
lociates In tho office aud were: Sidney
broadbvnt, Joseph Mills. Riahard Oi
laud, M. Audrews. Ueorge Hutching
son and Arab Marvine.
Mr. Flory had been for twenty live
years bookkeeper for the iJiokion
Manufacturing company, and his sud
den death win a great shock to his
many friends in th" company.
Alter Swenrinir Off
How many have taken vows of absti
nouce with the birth of tho new year l
perhaps hard to ostimate, but we now
know that such eflorts are futile ngaiust
Inveterate habit, a hnbit which bus become
a disease. There was n time when It
WCUld have been easy to quit, but having
neglected to do so the babil reiitiuued 1111
til by the constunt or fn queur ime of the
poison thero wns forced a change iu the
nervous system which made it uot only
pusslblo to drink, but neeesRnry. Then
you could drink a good deal and not seem
to get drunk, bat you nlso found it ueces
liry, to keep you feeling good and you
'craved liquor'' became, you hid become
diseased. Now that swearing oft' does no
good and tbe pledge can't be kept, go and
make your resolution good for nil tune by
taking treatment at tho Keeley Institute,
720 Madison avenue, Srautou, Pa.
' - - -
Tho three pictures. "Telephone Uirl,"
"Uood Morning" and "Swinging, " offered
by Tub Timiiink. now brighten huudreds
of homes, 'lhoyouug meu Iu the offlcu
are kept busy dealing out these gems el
Best Sets of Teeth,$30o
lEClnding the painless extracting
cf teeth by an entirely uow pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Have you ever Huotington tried
For oysters stewed or oysters
At Lackawanna avenue 413
Tub great people of this couutry who 1
accomplish so much in the altairs of life
have the peculiar fashion of executing
Whatever may come to them in tho line of
action on the spot. There is that pile of ,
Harper s, I rank l.osiie s, HO) lure s, Ke
View of Reviews, North American, Cen
tury, etc., that you have read. They are
a joy forever, but uot a thing ot beauty.
s., find the nicest youliave
handsomest volumes in your library As
soon as you read this will you not get all
tho numbers together, before they are lost
or soiled, and bring them to Tub TmnrxE
bindere A few cents will give you eome
beautiful books that will take the place of
those rough aud ragged magazines.
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Hest made. Play any desired number of
tunes. GaUtSCbi A- Sons., manufacturers,
1080 ObOStnUt street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orrhestrial organs, only ;r and jlO.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paiied and improved with new tunes.
Open Until Midnight.
Tuesday-Special Discount Day
Will be allowed in our Cloak and
Fur Department.
This is no fake sale, but a gen
uine sacrifice in price for todays
bargain seekers.