THE SCB ANTON iiilBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 1. 1894. WEBER SHAW IN GREAT VARIETY. No Fake Sale in Ours V,'p have bettor bargains every flay 'J tie year than to-called "bargain 'day, " "clearing Miles," ami Rich well-known, urorn-out, played-out schemes will nfford. For reul harijiiins iu HKST-CLAfcS KEW PIANOS AND ORGANS SEE US. EMERSON PIAN03 Topulnr, reliable and within yonr reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Hove taken over 100 first premiums k tiit- past tlfty years. Ciller makes of Pianoi. Tour makes r.f Orpsns lu beautiful new designs, our Mock bttON buyiuj. We havo the goods. Cur prices vu nuns. Everything- ui tile luusic liuo. STELLE & SEELEY IS4 Wyoming, Ave., Scranlon, Pi PUIS NEWS FRQI WEST SIDE NOTES OF SOUTH SI CASES FOR FIRST WEEK BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co, Imprinted rn Eae.h Cltpr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARE RPECIALI8X EYE. EAR. KOSE A.U THROAT. flSSIP.K HftliRH TOUJPJ.IL i.SOTO j.30 e u. '35 WYOMING AVE. ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED. A Reference Library Within Easy Reach of vrybdy. Everyone vM reads, everyone who mingles in society, is constantly meet ing wih allusions to subjvets with which he needs nnd desires lurther in formation. In conversation, in trade, in professional life, on the farm, in the family. inestioas itre constantly aris ing wbic!i bo man. whether well read or not, can always satisfactorily an swer. If the facilities for reference are at hand they are consuit -il. and not only is enriogity gratified, bnt bis stock of knowledge is increased, and perhaps infor mation is mined aud ideas sag Bested that will directly contribute to the success of the uarty concerned. And how are these facilities for refer ence to bo had? How are the millions to procure this library? How are thev to obtain t'lomeansof informing them selves with respect to persons and places, on questions of art and science, religion und politics. literature and phil osophy, commerce and manufacture? How can the workutiruian hope to briuir within bis reach tile whole circle of sciences and other points of human knowledge that has developed up to the present day? The Encyclopedia Dritar.nica answers all of these questions and cm now be procure 1 at less than one-fourth the regular price, and at the unheard of rate of 10 Cents a day. For the convenience of thos busily engaged daring the day, The Triwn'e Encyclopedia reading rooms at 4)7 Spruce street will b kept opm even ings A pleasant hour can be spnt in looking owr the volumes, even though you do not care to purchase. Or drop a postal to The Tribune "E. B.'' de partment, and a volume will be sent to nny part of the city for examination free, or the full st of twenty-five volumes can lie secured for a limited time at fl.98 pr volume, on easy monthly payments. The offer cannot be continued indefinitely. You mean to have a library. Why not begin at once? COURT HOUSE NOTES. Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Hyde Park Readers. THIEVES WORK IN THE MORNING Mrs. Emma (,'obb, who was a Drifts in the fall of 1170, yesterday began proceed ings lo secure a divorce from her hus band, Nathan W. Cobb, who deserted her Oct. 4. 1887, and has since absented him. self from her side. Court yesterday approved of the follow ing bills of the viewers who assessel tho damages caused by the grading of Itar-fi-ld BVMnup; Martin McUonough, ISO; John Hisen, $30: C. B. llardner, $35. Charles B. Lowry was allowed $1 for posting notices of tho view. The awnrd of arbitrators was set aside by the court in the case of t. W, Stegman against K. C. Wills. Court yesterday directed the sheriff to pay into court tbe money derived from the sale of tbe property of Loawlg Daddaat the instance of J. W. and J. S. Miller. Attoiney James J. O'Neill presented a petition to the court yesterday asking that Bifbop O'Hara he allowed to sell to the Anthracite Land and Improvement com pany, for $14,000, the pastoral residence of the Church of St. Kose of Lima, of Car bondale. The pet mission was grauted. In an opinio banded down yesterday Judrje Arclibaid discharged the rule for judgment iu the case of Charles I), and Sarah U Wetlierill ngaiust benedict aud Margaret Carr. M. (!. Clark, candidate for select council in the Sixth ward, ye-iterday Hied objec tions to the certificates of nomination of Pw rick Golden for the olli of select council and Michael J. limine for the of fice of common council. Mr. Clark savs the papers purport to have emanated from a Democratic caucus, but that the caucus was not hld under the rules of the Demo cratic party nnd the candidates do not represent the policy of that party. The objections will be argued next Saturday morning. Judge Edwards made an order yester rlny allowing three conncilmeu aud three school directors to bo horealter elected from each of the three wards of Olyphant. At present each ward has two representa tives in each of these bodies. Those to whom Clerk of tho Courts Thomas yesterday granted marriage li censes were Karl Henry Klein, of Scran ton, and Louise Kohl man n, of New York: Henry J. Tuthill anil KoseSontag, of I'eck vllln: Thomas F. Needhnm and Winifred B. Kenuy, of Scrsntou. Bskdleston ft Woerz's and Ballantlne'a Ales are the bent. . J. Waluu, agent, M Lackawanna avenue. Kkminotox Typewriters and Edison Pbonographs for sale and ront. Copying work executed. Phonographs rented for an evening's entertainment Telephone 2343. Edw. Uuuster, Jr 433 Hpruoe street. Trial Trip Made on the Greenwood slon of Electric Road. Exten- Thcy Enter the House of John Doud, on Sherman Avenue, and Steal $295 from a Bureau Drawei Elias Lawrence's Narrow Escape from Death During an Exciting Run awayDelaware, Lackawanna and Western Cars Get Off tho Track. I'l'he West Side Offloa of the BOBAIrTON Tliinutiu Is located at IS South Main ave nue, when subscriptions, advert isemnuts and communications will receive prompt attention. A during robbery was oommlttuil at an early hour yesterday morning at the home of John Doud, on Sherman ave nue, while the occupants slumlmrod. The thieves entered through a window on the side of the UOUS4, and m ney amounting 1898 was tskeu from a bureau drawer in a bedroom on the gronnd Boor, All the other drawer In the bureau were ransacked and some of the goods stolen. Patrick Scott, a workman who resides iu the vicinity, saw the open window while on bis way to work, ami remarked to Sirs. Doud that they must feel rather warm to have the window open. Mrs. Doud knew that she di I not leave it open and immediately investigated. It was then that the family discovered its loss. Narrow Escap from Death. An exoltiog runaway occurred yes terday afternoon at J o'clock, iu which Ellai Lawrence, of Lafayette street, bad a narrow escape from death. Mr. Lawrence started from his home with a horse attache 1 to a light bttggv and drove slowly down the street. When Hearing Lincoln avenue the auiiuil became frightened aud dashrd off, at terrific speed. Wheu Sumuer avenue was reached the horse endeavored to make a short turn, but in doing so the buggy was uns-t, but tlis aiiiuul kept on. The bnggy separated at the king bolt and the young min was thrown into the real. He still clung to the reins with a death-like grip, and in this manner was drugged through tho mud until the animal was brought to a standstill. How Mr Le wrsnoe escaped with only a few cuts aud bruises is a mystery. The vehicle was badly wrecked and was strewn along the iu frugiueuts. Archdeaconry of fcranton. The Arch leaconry of Soranton com menced its winter session last evening in St, David's church on Jackson street. -Rev. Edward Henry Eckel, rector of the Trinity church at West Pittston, spoke on ''Ths Church of America," with its relation to the church of England, Rev. E. J. Bal sley, rector of the Triuity church of Carbondale, spoka on "In Minion in America." The service will be con tinued this evening. Car Cf the Track While an engine, was backing a train of Delaware. Lackawanna aud Western cars the coal chu'es at the Oxford breaker, oae of them jumped the track at the .Scranton street crossing and the rest became badly tangled up. Tin car was thrown off on the upper side and the flig station wis knocked over. Fortunately no one was injurad, His Birn Was Robbed. John Plannlgan, of Hampton street, was surprised yesterday morning by finding that his birn had bien brokm into by thieves during the nig it. Vh?n he went to the barn yesterday morn ing it was band t lit th I lok on ths barn door was broken off, ami that two geese and about 230 p muds of foel h id been taken. McK nUy Republican Club Ther will be a meeting of the Fifth ward McKinlev Republican club this evening, at its club room in the French roof building on Washburn street. Every member is requested to be present, as business of importance will be transacted and action taken for increasing the membership. A New Organiz ition. A meeting of all those who have signed tho petition giving their inten tion toj ln the new organize: in known as the English Ivoritos will bi held this evening at the Philosophical rooms on South Main avenue for the purpos i of perfecting a permanent organiz i tion. Fifty signatures have been ob tained, among them some of the best citizens of the West Side. Intsreitlnir Short Itsms. An ontertainment and social will bo given an lor the auspices nf Maco coun cil, No. 43, Degree of Pocahontas, Im proved Order of Rod Men. on Thursday evening, Feb. 13, at Heir's hall, Re freshments will also be served by tho ladies. David Divic?, of Wanamle, lias re tnrned home, after visiting relatives on this lid . Miss Ray Williams has resigned as organist in tbe Welsh (! ilvinitlc .Meth odist church Miss Lizzie Parry will till the vacancy. Robert, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. (i Daniel, of South Main avenue, is ill. Emerson Owen, of North Bromley avenne, has accepted a position as West Side correspondent of the Times. Mr. Owens is a brighk young man, and has a good scent for news. Miss Annie Owens, of North Main avenne, is suffering from a sprniued ankle. A. M. Morse ami Alfred Twining, of the Sunday Free Press, spent yesterday at Daltoa P. W. Kroraer, of South Main nvennn, is lying seriously ill at his rsBi -deticn. Mr. Krorner was stricken with paralysU a week ago today, and since that tims he has laid almost in an un conscious condition. Taberniole Congregational church is making arrangements to bold its fourth annual St, David's entertain ment and banquet, in honor of David's Day, On March 1, 18M Evory effort will be made to make it a fAiccessful celebration. Sheriff Sal. Wednesday Jan. 17 at 10 a. m., the counters, casen, scales, chairs, tablos, par titions, awning, candy, rugs, etc., at li'J'J Wyoming avenue. The pictures which havo excited the ad miration or so many people muy be had at. Tlis Tmiiufu office touay. The demand was so great that the supply was ex hausted, but a thousand are now ready for distribution. Anheuser Busch Bear. Louis Lobman's, iWo bpruos -ou ' N"w Blcyole. A new bicycle worth $7o will be sold for $83. The machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be soeu at the 'iribuue office. A NEW GLEE CLUB ORGANIZED Organist John Lentes to Bo Instruc torNumber Ten School in Un sanitary Condition Republican Caucus Tomorrow Evening Ferdi nand Scbmitt Much Improved. Shorter Paragraphs. sr 31, in charge of Oeneral Man ager Archer, made a trial trip over the GfroenWOOd extension yesterday after noon. The car was in charge of Ifotorman John Bile and Conductor Mileg Foley. The following persons besi le Mr. Archer were in tho car: P. S. Page, Superintendent (lormley, Master Mechanic Archer, (Hoe Skenk. Evau ltebb, Andrew ('onion, Will Page, A 1 Haydn, M J. O'Toolnanda TftlBDNK reporter. Rev John Dough nut boarded the car at Miuooka, as did John Kelly, the extension contractor. The trip was uneventful. All along the line merry urchins danced and shouted, and "glmmo a ride, mister,'' was frequently heard. The trip was not as succssful is it might have been, owing t tho fact that the fend wire was not cut into the power house, aud the only power was given by means of n connection with the South Bide trolley wire. This will be remedied this morning, and the schedule will be arranged and put iu force at once. A New OUe Club. Several South Side young men have formed themselves into a glee club aud permanent organization will be ef footed tomorrow evening. John Lutes, organist at the Hickory Street Presbyterian church, will bo instruc tor and it Is expected that the young men will have reached such a degree of profioienoy at Easter that they will be able to sing at divine service. The personnel is as follows: John F. Boheuer, Jaoob Behnnk, A F West pfabl, Jacob Cristophsl, John Frichtel, William Brhardt, William Zieteman, Fred Hermann, Fred Heinz, William Mans, William Oreenwald nnd Fred Riebl. The young men do not as yet know what their voices are fitted for. This will be determined Wednesday evening and iu all probability some name may bo adopted. Tear Down the School. For some time Mr. N'o'z has been en deavoring to have No. 1J school, to be rebuilt as a preparatory school and In a manner suite 1 to the require ments of modern architecture. The location of the property just tits it for Mr. Nolz's views, and seems no doubt that within a year or so at mist he will see the realil ition of his hopes, The building ougnt to be torn down on sanitary grounds. It should bi an object of investigation by tin board of health. There can be no doubt that it is unhealthy. Mr. Wagner was forced to give up tenoning there on account of aff .'Ctions contracted hy bad ventila tion, and scUool had to be dismissed yesterday on the same account Republicans to Caucus. The Republicans of the Nineteenth ward will caucm at Workmen's hill tomorrow evening. John Noll and Jacoo Mantz nre candidate! for tho of fice of school controller, and August Neuls and Oicar E. Btranoh nre candi dates for the office of common council. The vigilants are as follows: First dis trict, Charles Hainm nnd Louis Schw.iss; Second district, Honry Molir and George Nape; Third district, John P. Rink and Jacob Weisminn; Fourth district, August EigleharJt und Aug ust Franlz Shorter Paragraphs. Ferdinand Sohmidt was somebetter yesterday morning, lhe doctors are now in hope that ho has reached tbe highway to recovery. All hemorrhages have oeased. Mrs. John Slabber, of Meadow ave nue, died yesterday morning. De ceased was 3D years of age. Tlis fu neral will take place Wednesday morning. Select Councilman A T. Connell had the city engineer corps at work yester day making an estimate on the cost of improving Pittston and 1 rospect ave ones at th culvert, and also the cost of extending the pipe drain from Stone to Prospect avenue. Foreman Andrew White sets a good exiinplo to tno men ot the William Connell and other city hose companies Mr. White is one of the most zmlous volunteers iu the depariiii'tits, and sleeps in the hose home nightly. Miss Ella Clementine Rodgers loc lured on Temperance before a large audience, at the Cedar Avenue Metho dist Episcopal church, Sunday ovenlng She is a pleasing Speaker, and will make Scranton her headquarters for somo time, Fred. Mursch, the iron feno builder, of Pittston avenue, submitted to a deli cate operation Sunday. It was the re sult of an accident sustained more than a year ago. John Duggan, of Pittston nvennn, whoso ssrions illness was referred in these columns, died Sunday night.' He is survived by a wife and family of sin ill children. Lena, tho four-year old danghtsr of Mrs. (.'. L Wieswaiser, had both feet scalded in a frightful manner yester day. NEW HOTEL FOR SCRANTON. It Will B I. .it id Whir th Korea t House la Now. John Jermyn lias decided to tear down th run at House and replace it with a handsome H story modern hotel Mr. Jacobus, tbe present lessee of the I'.ii-est Hons, will vacate the properly April 1, and th work upon the new itrncturo will begin at once. Tho new hotel will occupy the entire space nlong Spruce street as far back as Oik ford court. The Forest House at present only occupies about one half of the lot. Mr. Jeimyn's new building will be constructed on the most modern and most approved plans, now being pre pared by Architect John A. Duckworth. Tho ground floor will be devoted to Stores, of whio I there will be throe fronting on Wyoming avsuuo ami similar number ou Sprues street. The remaining seven stories will be used for the hotel, The dining room will be located on tho eighth fl or and will be reached by three elevators. The new building will be of brick with stone rout s. Several tbousnnil imrts of l.lin nrf. imrt. folio came yesterday. A nickel takes this oook oi nauusome pictures. 0 i. ; .' Don't crowd your place of business when you ceu got storage at 11U iraukliu ave uue. Quarter Sessions Trial List as Arranged by District Attorney Kelly. THE COURT WILL BE KEPT BUSY There Are More Cases on tho List Than the Court Will Be Abloto Dis pose of Wardnn Manslaughter Case Heads tho List Other Cases That Are Sot Down for Trial During the First Week of the Term. District Attornoy Kelly yesterday Compiled the trial list, for the two weeks' term of quarter sessions and oyer and terminer court which begins next Mon day. Tbe following are the casts set down for trial during the first week: K! S PAY, .IAN 181)1. 1. David Wardati alias Kraiik Warduer, manslaughter; .lames J. Kelly, pros. " llavel Wanlsii alias I' rank ai iluer, fel wounding; John I ' rick, pros. 3, David Wardnn alias Frank Wanlnor, carrying concealed weapons; John Urlck, pros. 4. Frank Mehnaire, rol. attempt; .lames F. MoAudrew, pros. V Frank Melinaire, carrying concealed Weapons'; .lames F McAndrew, pros. ft. Margaret Qehre, bawdy house, Wil liam Price, pros. 7 Margaret Uehre, tip. house: William Price, pros. B, Oliver P, Swartz, fel. attempt; I). W. Bwarti, pros. I. ( uruclius Show, L and r. ; Clayton Clark, pros. III. illiatn . irtkl, et. SJ,, con. ; Joseph Biskiewics, pros. II. William ZarSU, et. al., falso prot.; Joseph BJskieWICS, pros. 19, Charles Lather Tobey, I. and r.; Con rad Luther, pros, Kl. Jiilni' U . , a. and b.; Michael Nie- seu, pros. 14, Martha lobey, L and r.; Conrad Luther, pros. 15. Fred Luther, L and r.; W. T. Simp son, pros. Hi. 1 homas l.iiughran. James Loughnin and Max Mlnuick, I. nnd r. ; W. T. Simp son, pros. 17. W. W. Thorpe, a. and b.; N. Sheri dan, pros, IN. Edward Coleman, open lewdness; M. Gallagher, pros. III. John Copinski. false prot. : Keubeu Brown, pros. ML Michael Lavelle, John Lavulle and (luorge Callahan, riot; lleorge Starner, pros. "I. l-.mtna l av and harles W Into, die. house; W. T. Simpson, pros. 2". Martin Devanuey.m. ui.; C.U.Smith, pros. 2.1. Winifred Mnrphy, m. in.; I.P.Dolpb, pros. 2i. Max Blewllkey and Anthony Urban, a. and b. ; John F. Hennessey, pros. TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 18111. 25. Michael Robbing, false pret.; Ueorge W. Okell pros. 26. Patrick Oibbous, 1. and r. ; L. D. Kemmerer, pros. 27. Henry Vausellor, 1. and r. ; L. D. Kemmerer, pros. VIS. Uridget Joise, 1. nnd r.; L. D. Kem merer, pros. 2:. Dennis Buckley, 1. and r.; L. D. Kemmerer, pros. 3U. Henry Howolls, I. and r,; L. D. Kemmerer, pros. 81. William Keeso and Dan Mahou, rob bery; John Flock, pros. 32. Peter McDermott, robbery; Anthony Murphy, pros. 113. Johu Campbell, robbery; Thomas L. Williams, pros. 34. Lawrenco Loughran, L and r. ; Moses Cohen, pros. 35. Lawrence Loughlan, 1. aud r.; Thos. Cavanaugh, pros. :ni Eugene Dutheil, lar. by bailee; An -drew C. Mitchell, pros. 37. Charles P. OriQiu, bur.; M. Moran, pros. 3S. Joseph Biednus and Adam Wilkalis , robbery; Adam Kartouski, pros. 311. Joseph Lildouk, a. and b. : Joseph Pertifski, pros. ' 4u. Frank Scavo, fel. wound.; Qeorgo Williams, pros. 41. William James, a. and b.; William Dnvis, pros. 42. Johu Mulkoarn and Sarah Mulkearn, a. and b.: D. 0. Perry, pros. 4.1. Michael McAudrow, in. m.; Mary E. Bryer, prox, 44. Frank Shnltz, a. aud b.; James J. Lavelle, pros. 45. John Micknock, m. m.; Michaol Col isk, pros. 4(1. John Micknock, c. c. w.; Michael Colllh, proi 47. John II. Suyder, emb.; August Snusr, pios. l1-. John P. Coar, emb.; August Sauor, pros. 40, Hannah Finnen, tip. house; B. Davis, pros. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1894. 50. M ithew Freebird, I, aud r.; Adi m Mon sky, pros. 51. Philip Connolly, 1. and r.; John J. Covne, pros. William Dogan, f el. att. ; W. E. Si monson, pros. 53. Michael I lodfroy, tip. house; Martin S. Mslsta, pros. 54 Michael Godfrey, selling liquor ou Bnndayi Martin s. Malsta, prs. 65. William Uodfroy, a. aud b.; Joseph Mitchell, pros. 5ii. William Savage. Joseph Sumonskj. Martin Btnetter, George Weichel ami Jo soph Goodat, a. and b.; Williams Uodfrey, pros. 57 Steve Sewen. cruelty to animals; E. A. Jones, pros, ,r.S. Poleuder Rush, 1. and r.; Ueorge Lock, priu, 511. Charles Woods.soJnction; Alice Fair prox. H i. Char'es Woods, c. o. w.; Alice Farr, prox. HI Qeprgt 11. llellor.a. and b.; E. J. My lette, pros. 112. Felix llanlon. 1. aud r.; W. T. Simp son, pros. til. James Dannsr, 1. and r. : Charles Ridgewav, pros Mi Andrew Mahellick, p. f. n. j John Drabs, pros. H5. James Itreck, att. at rape; Andrew Welseuflue, pros 89, Charles N. Hanker, p. f. a. ; Joseph BtantoU) pros. 117. Folix McLaughlin, a and b.; Ann Jones, prox. 68, Hurt Bartman, fel. wound.; William llilliert, pros. CD. I'alrick Ruane, 1. nnd r.; W. F. Far roll, pros. 7u. John II. Toban, a. and b.; S. K. Koehler, pros. 71. Frank Dotz, a. aud h.; J. C. Tumor, pros. 72. Frauk'!otz,a. and b.; John Rowland, pros. THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1894. 73. D. W. Schoonover, Win. Schoonover, D. R. Mohoonovor, fsLwonndNoraGleary, prox, 74. Mathow Si'sulon, agg. a aud b.; Win. T. Simpson, pros. 74. Mathow Sranlou, agg. a, and b.; Wm. T. Simpson, pros. 70. Mathew Sc.anlon, agg. a, and b.; Wm. T. Simpson, pros. 77. W. J. Schubmohl. libel; J. A. Dolphin, pros. 78. August Blankonberg, a. aud b.: C. Shroedef, pros. TB, Patrick Mai la, pointing firearms; John Koike, pros. 8(1. Phillip Potulos, Knot h Jabon nnd John Bsrshmski, a. aud b.; Michael Dully, pros. HI. Patrick Munley' Thos. (iibbons and Frank Morrow, lar. aud roc; T, F. 1'ierce, pros. . II1' TOt WAN T A riiotograph taken of your Wife ,,r Children, . ' II- IIoks, House, iWtsEfHEART Or Yi ttrsslfi yon raunot do bettor than CALL AM) 1KB SPKCIMKirs At Van Oordor's Gallery, ,tfj Sprnoo street. Hpeclal attention kIvou to develupiug mid OnlsbliiK for amateurs. 82. Anthony Monahan, a. aud b , B. Monaghau, iroB. 83. P. J. Callahan, emb.; Johu Kiusolla, pros. 84. Johu Ruane and (Jwcu Malia, m. m. ; Owen Lee, pros. 85. James Kennedy, a. and b. ; M. Bo shatuick, pros. 80. Mrs. Michael Lyman, a. and b. ; Thomas J ockot, pros. 87. Peter Andrews, a. andb. ; Ann Pobr, prox, 88. David Kane, a. and b.; J. J. Whito, pros. 80, Philip S. Leonard, at. at rupe; Sarah J. Morgan, prox. DO. Mary Jones, a. aud b.; Michael Ly man, pros. 111. John Holland, a. aud b. ; M. Thomp son, pros, Ui. M. Perko and Ueorge Hum, a. andb.; I, Harrison, pros. 113. William Fitzpatrick and Frank Measures, att. to rob. ; Frauk Smith, pros. PJUDAT, JANIIARV 211, 18U4. !I4. Wolf .Mi Tioforand Steven Stavinsky, m. in.; I 'mil Von GoilO, pros U5. Edward Oonklln, a. and b. ; William Dillon, pros. DO. Harney Crevalis, a. and b. ; Mat. Tomillvaticb, pros B7, Frank Sbanley, a. and b. ; Edward Bnmphreys, pros. 86. Lewis II. Bailey, emb.; F. E. Wood, pros, III. John llrozack, m. m.; M. Needle, pros. inn. Frank Harilla. a. and b. ; Andrew Cool outage, pros. 101. W. .1 McHala, a. and b.; Paul Keeler, pros. 102 Patrick Judge, a. and b.j James Moran. pros. 103. Theo. Roberts, m. m.;M:ke Runyak, pros. 104. Mat. Hi ay, a. andb.; William Ac ton, pros. 105. Henry Sykos, p. f. a.; Mary U'llara, prox. bin. Fred Harper, a. ami h. ; M. J. Bul ger, pros. 107. Anthony Peanut and Anthony Val lenlioe, I. and r.l Anthony Kongor, pros 1UH U. O. Stock well, false prot.; E. H. House, pros. 100, D. fl. Stockwell, false pret.; C. ('omegve. pros. 110. E. J. BhrgOod, for., ent and dot.; James Obristman, pros, HAIL HI) AY. JAN. 27, 1804 111. William Armstead, surety; Cathar ine Mulherin, prox, U2. A. T. Bwtngle, desertion; Mary Swingle, prox. 118, Thomas Harris and Mrs. Thomas Harris, surety; Thomas Price, pros. 114. Mury Dougherty, surety; Patrick Roland, pros. 115. Augelo Roma, furoty; Anthony uruvo. pros. 110. John Scott, surety; Elizabeth Scott, prox. 11.. John Scott, desertion; E.izstmtb Scott, prox. lis. Alexander Sienediu.ska, surety; M, Walaoowlcs, pros. ll'.l. William 0'Hnra,8urety; Charlotte J' Sykcs, prox. 120. Augelo Viuconz, surety; Elizabeth Hreig, prox. 121. Joseph Stanton, surety; Charles N, Hanker, pros. 122. Wesley Cross, desertion, Lida Cross, prox. 128. Anthony Monaghan, surety; Bar bara Monaghau. prox. 121. Wolf McT'iofor, suroty; Pauli Van Uozlo, pros. 126. Steven Slavinsky, Burety; Pauli Van Oozlo, pros. 120. Robert Melzgo, suroty; Charles Bcbroeder, nros. 127. A. Fuller Johnston, desertion; U. Johnston, pros. Important to Buciueso Men. The TUBUHl will soon publish a care fully compihd aud clarified list of tho leading wholesale, baukiug, manufactur ing aLd proferjifonal interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound iu book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, business blocks,streets,etc. Tbe circu lation is on a plau that eannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at lariro. Representatives of The Triulnk will call upon TB08I wko3B names are DKsniEn lu this edition and explain its nature more fully. We trust our live business men will givo it their hearty support. Those desiring views of their residences ' in this edition will pleaso leave notice at tbe office Books I Books 1 Books I During the coming week we shall offer to tbe subscribers of Tin: Tkiulxk rare bargains in books. W e have a largo line of bright and pop ular volumes, elegantly bound, that we intend to give to the patrons of the paper at about one-fourth of the usual price. The following list will give you an idea of the inducements and the unusual op portunities to secure valuable additions to your library. Regular Tribune's Price. Price. Tho World's Fair (Newl J2.5U $.85 Pictorial History of the Great Civil War 3.00 ,80 Pilgrims' Progress (Ulust'odl 2.50 .80 Earth, Sea nnd Sky 2 75 .75 Marvelous Wonders 2.75 ,85 Life and Worka of Sporgeon 1.80 .vi Pictorial History of the Hible 2.75 ,88 Museum of Wonders 2.75 .85 From Pole to Pole 2.75 .80 Pictorinl History of the Uni ted States 8.00 .!.) Science of Life '.'.75 LOO Lifeof Itanium 1.50 .50 Indian Horrors 1.5'.) ,50 J. sephus ;t (HI 1.0(1 Shepp's Photographs 3.50 1.25 $ A (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) On presentation of two of these Coupons, subscribers of TDK TR1H- I'MP. ,,,l,V ,ill,..iac ... !.. v., t.u..i ....J . Ill ; uuove nsi. 0 . BUSINESS NOTICES. Reinhart's Market, 33 and 35 Lackawanna avenue. Every day from 0 a. m. to HI a. m. Round steak, lie; irlolu steak, 14c.; standing rib roast, 10c.; chuck roast, Sc.; boiling meat. Sc.; fresh pork, lljf'&l pork sausaco, YOU PROBABLY dou'tknow it, but it is a fact. We havo the largest line of medium priced TEA AND TOILET SETS in the city. We sell no goods but what we guarantee. SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA I HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Prices on-goods in our windows will tell the tale of first-class bargains at merely nominal prices. TWICE PAY YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER Martin & Delany, Coal Exchange Building. 132 Wyoming Ave. THE COLUMBUS II BOOSE Is tlie most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvania. The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. Tho lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal termsever offered to purchasers are some of the leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos, E verctt Pianos, loso & Sons ' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED Estey Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Collage Organs, Palace Organs, And all kiwi of Musical Merchandlsj cuustuutJy on Laud. The Holidays are here, and this is the place to bny Pianos for a Christmas i resent. I rices aro lower than any other music store in Scranton. Special .Wtl.ntlOll Kellll lllbl T Illwuva when vnn t . i. t ris T- -, gan tnat Christopher Columbus points with his right hand to the exact place ..iv vs t. nuw litre HI5. 205 VASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Gucrnccy, Prop. rippoPITE C0LUKBU8 MONUMENT. SCRANTON, PA Do You Need an Ulster? Do You Need an Overcoat? F YOU do, now is the time to buy one, and our store is the place to get it. I Because we are going to sell every one which we have in our store this winter. Price is no object, profits have now disap peared, and you can buy one very cheap. Try it. tennsr. THE CLOTHIERS FOR THE FEOPLE, 220 Lackawanna Ave. P. S.Look for our name before the door before en Make no mistake. MARK DOWN MEN'S SLIPPERS .W. Owens & Co. All thoso who nro socking useful ami serviceable SLIPPERS should avail themselves Immediately of the bargains now on sale iu MEN'S SLIPPERS Men's Faust BUppr....Sf.OO; formorlv HSO Men's Alligator Blipper, (.Mi formerly 8100 Men's KtiHsia Calf " 1.50; formerly 2.2S Men's Bnssst Qoat " 1.50; formerly 8.00 Men's Kangaroo " 1,50; formerly ilX) Men's Velvet op'ra" 1,00) formerly 1.80 Men's " " " .50; formerly 1.00 Also, a variety of Fancy nnd Colored Slippers, in nil shapes nnd styles, at lignres lar below market prices. SCHANK'S Arcade Sboa Stors. WYOMING AVK. J M , - tOCJfe Ladies' Tailors and Furriers. tl 'RUCK ST.. CO! KT HOUS1- SQUAKIi) Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tlie SjioeiallHt. en tlie Eye. lletulnche-t nnil Nei viiusinws relieved. Latest and Improved style of Bye Qlassss and Bpeotaolss at the LoweetPrioea Best Arltleisl Byss hiairtefl for t-'i. 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poet Office. DON'T Think that because you hare not bought your WINTER FURS OR CLOAK, FUR CAPES, JACKET, WRAP OR MACKINTOSH That yon can get along without it this winter. Wo have three months oi colli weather ahead of us. To dress warm is to have GOOD HEALTH You will find onr stock large with NEW IDEAS. If you think of buying or not, visit us. We may havo just what you were looking for. Yon know tlmt a garment that fits perfi cily is what you will buy. The Price Will Please You. JlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllS Z ell TMIIS OUT. S I "TRIP AROUND THE WORLD " I Portfolio of Photographs I I COUPON. I z 5 January 16,1894 S i Semi or bring lu2Goapons s 5 of different dates, together : 5 with 5 cents, anil receive tins I s Album of rare Photographs. E THE TRIBUNE, s Cor. PSOn Ave. and Spruce St. i CI IT TlUM ( II IT. niitiiBiiiiiii!igiiiiaiiiiiti3iiiiBiiiiiigi