THE aCBANTON TRTJ1 C N E T U E S D A i" MORNING, JANUARY 16. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of (iff kinds rust that nv'fh, rr- cc;)i Situations rVanlasliSffctsA an inserted 7.7.7. Situations Wanted W' AN TED-A Km at ion as A UUHmp r. Willing nml nolo to do m my kinds of work. Addro-s W. H A , Tribune. U' ANTEl)-A il i I'ATION AS BOOK keeper by a ladv. Understand! both sinirlo und double tntrr, '-' 9TS rIWBOH if required Address 31. A. Ti il.uiio ollleo. MlVATIuN WANTED -BY A i'oITLAK i.uiit' in 'ill to l.'uni tlio nartonuint! uusi less, or hold clerk in :i m--i oiaai pui. Address N'.. Tribune offlc. Situation wanted bv a butcher i year old who understands thebusl uMt; cau give reference if required. AJdrcsn Win..' boa ISA, Taylor. Pa 117 ANTED BT A MIDDLE AUED LAD ti a position st hoosokeeper or umsu. t.-rnn for nursing, fl pw week, Ke.'eienca Itlvtn, Address, Housekeeper. Tjribi Itlotv ANTED SITUATION UOOD I'lAN i-tt, ait lit f aii'r. well up In suo.-, I.ii-.i ltcss. T. M., 1 riliiuif out o. GENERAL NEWS s1 w Agents Wanted. '1 00 D COULtCrOBB WANTED BOND 1 1 required. Apply to B. B. ANDBBWa, Secretary Bcrantoti Commercial Association, Limited, '."M Lackawanna eve., Bcranton UT ANTED LOCAL 80LICITOB8 FOB unco u Weak." Call at Room 4t, lbnr buildiiif, Washington nv.v, between 0 md 6p. ni W. II BLOOMKB, Ma la-ji r. Help Wanted -Females. U"'ANTKIJ -A cl'-iuli ri'iMv AM) i.AI N dr.- Apply to MRS L P, K1XU--iiri:v. wi i 'iiw -.ii-i- ' For Sale. 1'oK SALE-i'lK'i'.'E FHE3H FAMILY r cows, pure tirud Jerseys .m I also Dili bleeds. Addros. HEMtY t. BlbKMAN, Maplcu ood, Wayne County, Pa OF IIIS Will the Philadelphia, Honesdale and Albany Railroad Be Revived? ,'ult BALE Id .YOKE ami utensils. J. M. IAKM. STOCK SHEFFIELD, i-'o Monroi sve, 17 OB BALE BOWLING AL'jBY FIX J turei, comp'ete 30J Center street, city. nOR SALKn.Ni: NEW YOHT TYPE J writer, also one new Abbott cheek punch, at a bargain, Address II. J., earn Tribune of got, ioii sale nit Exchange fob boras- " ton property -A bearing orange grove increasing in production and valno yearly m the orange section lu Florida, Andres F. E. NETTLeTON, LakaHalan, Florida For Kent. iJ l'DUK lul t basement Ma RENT si'intE BOOM AND r-'l I'eiin avenue, now 00 runted bv C. s. woolworthas a&.canl store Inquire of H. u. Uli.i,. Ill North Waahington : with nvanua. POR KENT A LABOR BTOBE 1iM AT I 10S Spruce ntroct. Inquire at lit Wyotn lug avenue. rX)B RENT J den eo of th Jaffaraon ayatan rear. Inquire building f V.n RENT LAHiiK STOKE ROOM AND J taaeinent Dii'kaon aven nc.droen Kldge, .-uitable fur luriiitiiie atnl uudrtiking. Rniit low. 0. A. CLEAR WATER SUCH SAID TO BE THE INTENTION When Last Summer's Financial Flurry Struck the Scheme Considerable Progress Had Been Made with the Surveys and with Negotiations for Hie Right of Way The Report Now Is That This Work will Be Resumed Karly in Hie Spring -Other Railway Moves and Miscellaneous Gleanings. X, t apriiiK it h utideratooj to be tlieitiieiilion of the unpiulirt intar- aated in the pronoMu PMIadalphift, Ho li an;l AlbaMiy r iiroad to c n inue the survey u.i I ii,i o ky in gotiaiioiis interrni t si by the finimcml panto of Ihh' suiu mrj and if these are snt ef iCory, ti noon at an oarly tlato with the practioitl work of ura ling nml track laying. Some dtfflenlty DM been on coimtared ii: cntn: ..: th acheuie. largely because of the unsettled condi ti,'ii of the New Eogland ooftl inefket; but un ltr an elllenoe with the Fitch burg road it is believed the new Hoe can tiecuro aatial'uctory traftie pledges end thus make n itrongar bid for the investment of idle capital, There wu talk not long ago of Simpson & Wat kins being interested in the idaa of a northeastern outlet fur anthracite ship ments, mora direct than any yet in existence. Whether the "Wayne county route" had a part in this idea or not, it is believed to offer Strong attractions for capital interested at tbs same time in anthracite mining. it is announced that tho extemlon of the Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad from the present terminus at Galeton, cast of Ansonia, Pa , lias bet) fully decided upon and the contract for the work will probably bo let by thr end of this month. The extension will bo eighteen miles long and will giv tho company a connection with the Fall Brook railroad, securing it an out let to Williatnsport and tho ltading railroad, as well s a new connection the New 'i nrk. L ike hrlu and FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Btocka and Bonds. New Yokk. Jan. 15. A strong tone characterize l tho hillings at the Ktock ex change to-day. As on Saturday the trad ing element was imbued with tuo belief that Secretary Carlisle will have to issue short term bonds to tide tho treasury over its difflOUltiaa, They argue that thU will release a pile of money aud piopably start up the live oi speculation afresh. A bond issue IS the one tbiug uoeilad, the uinre BaUSjUins profess, to bring into active circulation the troineudous amount of capital now lying idle at this point. Tho unnounceniont that tho Rond iug receivers and the general mort gage bondholders had agreed upon a line of action tor the le-orguoization of the company had a good effect. There will be no voting trust and no assessments on the stock, The tendy appreciation in prices after mid-day frightened the bears into covering and in the Isst half hour of busi ness brokers who had sold Burlington uud Qulncjr and Western Union early in the day were the heaviest buyers of these and other Rtock. The Improvement inngeu from W to ',: per ceut. and was most mater ial in .Missouri and I'niou Pacific. Louis ville, Canada Suuthoru und Lake Shore. The advance wus well maintained and tin' market left off at the top of the day. To tal sales, 889,918 shares. The foil wing complete table showing tlio day's fluctuations in active stocks is Hiipplied and revised dally by Lallar Fuller, stock brokers, 111 Wyoming avouue: Open- Hi fil ing. Am. Cot. Oil -S Am sugar. SUM A. T. & 6. F lllii Can. So 411 ten. N. .1 11H Chic. & N, VV IQO C, B. & Q 7i?i Chic. ( ias MW ('.. (.:.. (.'. & St. L... Wi Col. llock.Val Sc T 1). k II 1X D. . L. & W 101 D & C. F liSM Kr.o 14 li. K. Co Wta Lake shore 190s' L. ,t N 48 Vanliallan. l'-'H(i Miss, roc SIM Nat. Li ail iH III UN Till: FURNISHED RbBI i lata William W MannSia 1ST with Or wiihout barn in tho of H. A. hnapi Western. Tho line has been located. According to the statement of James L, Blakeslee, president of the Montrose railroad, the earnings of thut road last venr were 118.673. 00 and thj exnandi- Bapubltcan , tnrest91.890 "J'i. leaving a deficit of 10, 048.89 This was caused principally Oj improvements to the rolling stock and the road bed. In his recent address before tlio A Uteri CAD Society of Mechanical En gineers, President Eckley li. Coxe mad h verv IntaraaMna anmmar of LET FOB A TEBM ii-' YEARS I ui. i .:': v.i Part or all of three hundred feet of yard ! uls ,u "V"Xr" J" ""iu ui iuc successiui uuii.'iuoii 01 iiir stuaii siz-s awaiinu avenue 1,'oK KENT TWO-STOBV BBICK DWEL J liug house; modern improvements, air. Forest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, H'etlt. .1 Westi.ackaw 'J'U room along railroad. avenue Apply at -Hi Frankliu ' I o RENT STOH B ;'6xiai ( ilt PUBNI8HBD J hall ou Groan Hidge street. Very daslra Die location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F E. NETTLETON or C S, WOODBUFBl Kepublleai, building. Special ANNUAL Notices. Tin: X stis'klinlilors ,jf I ho jluosu UEET1NO uF THE : l',i ier I 'oin pany will be held at the r offleo In the city of Boranton, Pa., on WsdnoadaVi January li. ISN, at eight o'clock p, in., fur tho purpose of electing directors for the onsning year ami transacting uch other business as may come before litem. Xo transfer of stock will be made for tun days next preceding the day of election, JOHN D. BHEBEB, Baoretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF BTOCKHOLD J era nl tba Lackawanna Lumber com pany will be held Tuesday. ,lau. 111. 1S!H, at 1(1 o'clock ii. m , at tin- Third National bank of Bcranton for tho election of directors for the ensuing year and such other business as may properly coma before the meeting, J. L. CONNeLL, Sec v. T1 Mliv ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Scrauton llliiniiua t- Iiik. Heat and Power OOlnpsny will bo held at tha omcaof the company. 18a Wjromlngava. lino, on TuuHdar. .Ian. hi. ISM, at 4 o'clock p. a., for the oloci ion of directors for the unsu ng year and such other business us may Ionic befol o I hem. FRED ('. HAND, Secretary. Bcranton, Pa., Dae, U 1893 VOTK'K is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a firm of 1. A Finch Company, having -old their entire plant business and good will to the Finch Manufacturing Company, have this day. December nth, 1898, gone, nut of business. All persons having claims against, the retiring llrm are requen ed to present them .0 Mr, Irving A. Ftnoh, through whose hands all audi payments and all collections will be made KrpHH BOLDIER in OUR OTVIt WAR,' 1 containing Frank Lealle's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated. Over OflO pagaa As an sdu cator It la unaxcolled. Sold on taay monthly jiayments. both volumes delivered complete Address P.O.Moody. IShi Franklin avenue, agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS 0AM HE HAD T 1IJ, orncr Spruce street and Franklin nve inuv Twenty meal tickets fur 98.D0. Hood table board. CKANToN WBINQBB HOSPITAL, 810 spruco street, ground Hour, 'lliu bsat tolid whit' i iiIiUt rollers, one dollar eat Ii. Work guaranteed by tint oldest and only SX I run hotW uvtl i ' ' . ' i . Ill . t. I It.IlUII. , , . mmmi would compel s Fcranton WhoUsale Marketa. ecRAiuoH. Jan. 1,'t. Fbuim ard Pro luck Lined apples, per lb., CaTc: evap orated apples, Hailc. per lb.; Tuikish uruiise, -. i'ic, English currants, 4nl layer raislus, i. ........ muscatels, ,. . . LOO par box; new Valeuclaa, 7a7'4e. per lb. Beans Marrowfat?,2.00s'i.li5 per buslH; mediums, ILbhaLUU. Peas Oreen, ii ...;.. per bushel ;spllt, tV.50a2.ti(l; leutels, 8alUc. per pound. Potatoes B.laTOc. per bushel. O.Hionfj 70rT5c. per bushel. BllTTiii BOaSAc, per lb. Cheebb llial-ljc. perib. toes Fresh. MO pickled, lUc.: coolers. 19a, Mkats tlams, lie.: lsrge. 10c; akmued hams KiJ'c.; Calirorula bains, HS'C; shoulders, S !4c; dry salted bellies, Djic.; smoked breakfaat haoon. lilo.; fresh pork loins, pic; "Wyoming" pork sausage, lie.; Wyoming home Bade sau sage, 8-pouud pail, larded, 11c; butch ers' sausage, 8j'c . our own make: fresh pork shoulders, 7Xc: fresh pigs' feet. 8c: fresh pigs' heads, 5c; fresh spars ribs, Be.) fresh leaf lard, lie.; fresh kidneys, bo. doz.; rough sausnga meat, l(c: tougue, H'o.; plucks, oc.eaou; whole hogs, 7)4 c. Pork Aleas nt 917: short cuL 118 Laud Leaf in tieraes at H;;c. of antbratile, Putting himsolf in the poaitition of the manager of a steam plant burning, say 100,000 tons of rice coal per year, Mr. Coxe said he would try to make a contract which would require the coal to contain not over a certain percentage of water nnd not less tbnn a certain percentage of Ion, or, wbat is practically the smnt tlilug for anthracite, not over a certain percentage uf ash, and that a i certain percentage of t!ie aver ! age daily sample of the coal would pass through a mesh of , a cortain siz.;, and over a mesh of an i other size, and that the coal abonld not 1 contain more than a certain percentage i of dust dnst beitiz what would pass through a mesh of say one-sixteenth of an iuch in diameter. He stated that if we know exactly how much coal is placed in the furnace (including what is left ou the gratei and how ! much carbon there is in the ash. we i can determine the exact am m:it of , the carbon (originally in the conl) that has been consumed, les the small portion carried up the chimney with the line ashes What the man who pays for the coal wants to know, is how much water can bo evaporated for $1 with different coals; ami it is of no advantage to him to know that if he pays twice as much for his luel he can evaporate a pr cent more water por pound of fuel, and get a wonderful theorotical evaporation from his boiler. It is the qnestinn ol how irjueb more you cin get for $t by using a certain coal, and to arrive this result it is very important to know exactly what kind of fuel is being used, whether It burned up, and whether it was artificially dried before it is put into the furnace in the test. A rumor is sfl ist that tho main lin of tho Ontario and Western is to be made into two division", the southern extending from Jersey City to Banoocl and tho northern from Hiucock to () wego, nnd that the train gangs will be n those two points Tclj the trainmsn to livft II Hancock and Hoboken. The story does not receivo credence in Scrauton. It is officially confirmed that the Na tional Tube works, at McKeesport, will start up full soon. Toe plant will be operated entire under a now scale of wages, which will enable it to compto successfully with other plauU. Ill tube works employ 8,000 men. Minor Ism stmal Gusts: Mining K.xpert John Duffy was run over nml killed Saturday at uirardville by a Lb high Valley train. The Pottsville silk mill, which emplays nearly BOO men and women, will start up full handed ns soon ns a siilllcient number of workers can be employed. I ruin San rrnncisco coni 'B word that there is an linpioveuieut lu geuerul bust ness. Charles Clark has been appointed re ceiver of the Oregon Pacific, succeeding E W. 1 1 ml lev, resigned. Unfavorable topurts of railway earnings continue, though H would appear that heaviest decreases have bean reported. Shipiiiuiils of Pocahontas coal over the Norfolk and Western railroad for the week ended Jautiary 0. increased 17.515 tons, or His per cent. Talk at it ilium,. t toft of II, u i . . TVaC . ii. , ? VtfT1 '? im He association is branded as nonseus.csl bv 2 4.?-: 1?,,"P0U?'! 1""1!' ,0J(,'-; m5"ponD1 iHr..a offldals connected with the roads palls, l(.'Xc; 8-ponud paiis, l'.:,. par pound. Ukec Cholco sugur cured, smoked beef, 14c Poultrv Chickens, llalHo.; turksys, lllallljc; ducks. 12a Etc Flouii Minnesota patent, par tmrrsl, 84.4iin4.e0; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 88.75; Oraham nt (U.5U; rye flour, at 98.99, Huckwiirat Flour 2.!0 per cwt. Keep Mixed, per cwt., at II .00. Grain -Ky 8fie.; corn, 4tto5le.; oats, 9i'a4.ric per bushel. Lye Straw Par ton, lUaltJ. llAY-Per ton. 818al8. ii. Wom.u you ride on a railroad that uses no danger signals? That cough is a signal of danger. The eafeet cure is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Hold by all dealers ou a guarautea of satisfaction. included in its ineuiborship 1'ho .Memphis Paeseuger association comprising southern roads, Is disrupted by a rate wnr. F, STv, Prince, tho Boston broker, says the talk about a foreclosure sale of tho New Liigland road Is ridiculous. Ho does not. look for anything of the sort Hreuker No. 7, of the SunUohuuua Coal company, sos largesuu rsauueoke, worked oniy eigui uours isst weex. The ofllcinls of the Keystone Coal com pany slate that there has bceii no strike In their colliery. The L nitsd Press corre spondent was misinformed, On F. b. 1 the Lehigh Valley Railroad coinpuny will ndopt the Amerionn Knil way nssorliition's book of rules. There will be iinportnut changes in bell and whistlo signals and circulars are being asnt to tne employes. Changes are also to be mado in the nioveuujut of trains by telegraph. N. Y N Y N . Y NY ti. S. pf. A- N. E... Central. . , O. W . , H. a. W. O. Co North l'ac North l'ac. Oiuuhu Mull Reading Hock Island H. T St. Paul O.AI Texua A: l'ac Tniou Fac Wabash, pf W. Union W. L. E W. Ai L. E. pf... est. B Nts ins mi 1I6M nut, ItU n,'., 81 iei 9jM l)s :is'4 l.'.a, 4l, Ml KM ffi W J Mi Low est. 4V 111! seu 73?S (15 8814 Mi KM m 88M I9TU 49M i:it(i k t.s lo's .. IS ii" IBM iHi .. 15W .. m .. ls-e. .. m .. m . . m .. IBM 111 iiii Utl 99)2 uu m m m w4 in 14 ilj?H ifi-4 H 57" (s IsS. l.M4 MM l.i, l';4 Clos ing. 2K 89M ll.-. 5(1 HAM MjlJsj 711 lit!4 U4 181M 168 99)4 15 KM 198M U1M m -I'l, VII io-H is" iii4 so inU B8 ml l5fi m MS m Atlantic Refining Go. Manufacturer aud Dealers lu Illuminating and Lubricating Unseed Oil, Nnpthaa and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease nnd Colliery Com pound ; also, a large line of Par rafliue Wax Candles. Wo nlso handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offleo: Cost Exchange. Wyoming Av Yv orks ut Pine liruuk. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Be RAX TOX. Jan. 15. The following nuota- Hons are supplied and corrected daily by La Bar Fuller, stock brokers.!.'! Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT jnenins Highest Lowest. Closing UOKN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. Opening Highest Lowest 01 lng rutin, Opening HU'iiest Low Ht losing LARD. Opening indues. west CI sing Sii BT Kills Opening Highest 1.. Closing. .Inn. ;:n4 sue ui4 Hits ll-l'n m I , '&h 1:145 I9M 1816 1848 Ml5 si: ml 810 07L' May. (15 KM 11411, l'5i4 ill '.l, 8T, 2t)Js -K?S i'HMl KM 1999 1868 UK UN :;u ;so :s7 7:0 en: us; in.', G5 Julv. otvsi 68M 86m Oilv KM iisM KM KM r ls MS fUl New York Produce Market. New York. Jan. 15. Floor Dull, easy; winter wheat, low grades, 99.00a9.46; , fnir to fancy, 82.45'j". i5; do., patents. IS.i0a8.85: Minnesota clear, i';.50a2U0: do. straights, 99.98a8,7Si do. patents, 3,S0a ISO. Wheat Quiet aud firm: No. I retl, store and elevator, 6(!alitl!;c. ; ntloat, fl7.tao7c: f. 0. b., 07art7iifc.: ungraded red, 6Ua07c; No. 1 north ern, 71!$7l?4.; options clo-od strong at unchanged pricos: No. " red Januury, tiOc.; Fobruury. d7c; March, o!tl8c; May, Uc.i June, 71c: July 72c; August, 2,-..: December, "OJic ( ORN Dull, steady: No. i 41Wc: elevator, 4.')4c afloat: ungraded mixed, niii4J!.;c.; steamer muod, 414c.; No. 12, white, 190.! low mixed, 41 Wc: op tions declined -4c. with wheat, rallied IfO, and closed Arm unchanged ; January, 41 He ; Veoruarr.4M0,l Alurch, 4.1''4c; May.S-lc HATS LmU, easier; options, fairly active, easier; Jnnunry, h'J;hc; February, Sake; March, 34c: May. 34c; No. 'J white. February, 86V&; Rpot prices. No. 'J, i;, ,..!.:,'.; .No,'.' white, 84''ia:t5c: No. 'J Chicago, 8.1)4 c. : No. 3, i'ic.; No. white, 8a88MC: mixed western, .Illaa.Pd'c. ; while do., 35 1 10c; white state, .'ijal'lc BBKT Qntet, lirm: fumiiv. illa)3; extra mess. l8ab.aU. Iikef Hams Dull, firm, SjlflBlC.50. TiKRCKO UEK-C)uiet; city extra India mess, 91u i jli. COT Meats-Dull, firm, pickled bellies TMcs pickled shoulders, (iWc; pickled hums. BaOMO. Nominal. I, aud Quiet, weak; western steam dosed at B&DoM.OOj city, BsSVo.i option sales none; : refloed, qnlot: continent. 99; S nith America, K.40j compound, (I!a6c PnitK Dull, steady: mess, 914 .80111 Litter -Quiet, fancy creamery abo: t s o nly ; state dairy 17u'-'4c: do, creamery. I8a39 1 western dairy, 1417ei do. cream. erv, DaSftJsJOl do., factory, ISulOc; olgius, !15.i36)q; imitation creamery, 15alc; rolls, IlSelTe, OBIUI Moderate demand, firm; state lu ge, ttalliiic; fancy, lltfnllWai .do. sinull, llal2-!4c; part skuns, 4al0c; full skims, 'j ,3c Boos Large receipts, lower, weak; ico house, 160.1 limed, 15sl5l,c : western fresh, lSalOO.! do. seconds, por ca?e, 93 n3; southern, 17al9c, ' m Philadelphia Tallow Marktt. PHii.AnEt.riiu. Jan. 15, Tallow was In fair demand and steady. Pricos were: Prime city, in hogsheuds, .'.-.; prime Country, In hogsheads, 6c do. dark. In hogthoads, I'.c; cakes, 6)c; grease. 4i'c. "A Study in Scarlet.'' AKTOHEHARTHAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor nnd builder of Concrete Flagging, Concrete Blocks, Potato, Butter and Cos! Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may bs left nt Thompson m Pratt, Will ains Si Co, Main ami Eynon Streets, or at Scrauton Stove Works. Also Foundations, Cisterns. Fish Wire Tunnels and Collins. Flagging fur Uaiden Walks, Oueber- Hampden 17-J cwel Adjusted Watches. ' RUBY JEWELED ffl AOJUSTtD fcjJI v WATCHES A: iff ', THE ,4" 3tf It is marvelous how these famous Watches arc taking the place ol all others where accu rate time is required. Railroad menw ill have nothing else. JueKr Watch Works, Canton, Ohio Connolly & Wallace COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12.50 , 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6.00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4,00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10.00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7.50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5,00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3.00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-iide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of goods. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 205 "SSSiSi "E vTSUIMSSK U tREGISTiRED. i TJBB maae a wen Man of e." f f? INDAPO 111k Mil AT HIMOOO REMEDY Ht-JDICU lilt AlK-VL RKAlTLTi In tto IAVA. HfTTOttl DlUMM, l uillnB Mtll'ui y Piki't-siis. all Mttl Bynnii NiuTitlv LjiiIk llMi tUssMitttM by putt it)iU9U), f;lvs vijeni ati(Jite to -liiiinkcit "i';tiH. tind nulckly nut unn-ly rtturui Lu( Iuiihoiiil t.i iil ov vounv. EnMly r;in'lid In t-l :-i PrwLM Rpickng. HU for with a writl i tf iiitrttiilt-1 cure ut moiuy rrfurHlcd. I'-ili't Ivt nnv uninin. I' i : lmjMlwt sell you iin kiml o imitation, '. hATtng I MIA I'll -nOMOtBM H lit Uxt not gut It. we w si na it B mml upon i c elpt of WK9 i - tn eoled pvloM tree. Adtlicw Oriental Mtdtt'Ul Co .IVtiui., i Llc8)ro, III., or otir a(tcnt8. bOI.D bv Matthews Bros , Whul ptnggUti, SCUANTUN, PA ill - DON'T FORGET That weave headquarters for everything in the line of WATCnKS. If you have any Idea of purchasing anv kind of a Watch, lady's or gent's. Hold or Silver, vou will make a criov- ous mistake it you do not give us a call and got our prices, wliicb you will Uud far below ull otuars, especially In all the high grades of Ulgin, Walthum und iUrupdon movements. If you have any doubts and are at all posted on prices gi c usa call and wa will have uo trouble in convincing you. We still have a large stock to dispo-o of, und will offer you won. derlul inducements in Jewelry. Mllverware, Clocks and ull olbur goods Which we have in stocx. iC. W. Freeman rtnn Ave. anJ Sprui a St. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAN. ih. Artistic Dramatic Entortalnuio'it Asjured A four act adaptation from Dumas' famous drama. The Crust of Srisiy. w Elita Proctor Otis, y..jffle Tilbury, Arthur Lewie and unexceptional cst. MAQNiriOEKT DRESSES' ELABORATE APPOIKTMB21T8! Regular pricos. Saloopons Tuesday. sale and Reiail and other Lead ! Cosnpiaxion Preserved DH. HEBRA'S fejMsS, mm a nniriBa irsv?;.. viula mm r Removes Frscklts, Pimplss Liver Molts, Blsckhetdt, 9unburn and Tan, aud re storca the skiu to its origi nal lrebhncss, producing a Clear una ncnniiy com lv Wv' svsr i plcxlon. Superior to all face ' preparations nnd js'rfectly harmless. At fill uruggiMs.or iuiuicu lor suns, bvuu lor circular. VIOLA SKIN SOA? U 'Imply InKmpmbta ti kin purll.ltg Sop, unrqufttei 1ST th ttlSS, rtttS without rlvsl lot U aurvTjr. AMolutrtT ptim luU SdktaUiut edi ct!. atdiuwiiK, Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNEB & CO., Toledo, O. Forsaloby Matthews Bros and Morgan Bro Esoonaio r tmc Hiohist Mioiesi. AuTHesiTmt aJfStAUACHEnt,'Ku!, 6 To Investors. THE SORANTON Axle Works have issued 175,000 of li per cent. Coupon Bonds, interest payable senii-ununully .These bonds are to run fqr ten years, from Nov. I, 18931 Only a limited amount are offered for sale to investors. These bonds are lirst mortgage ou the entire plant of tho company, and are issued for tlio purpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominations of 81.000, 1500 and 8100 each. For furl her particulars address JNO. M. KEMEEER, Pres. Or E. IL RIPPLE, Treasurer, BCRANTON, PA. Russian Lynx Circular Cap's. U iuchss, $l.PS Electric Seal Circular Cspes, i't in n.mj Astrakhan Circular Capes, 1 In V.Vi Wool s.ul Circular Cao. 21 In 14. on Stone Marten Circular Capos, -'1 In 4U.U0 : Brown Marten Circular Cspes. lu 43.UU Otter Circular Capes, M lu 6U.U0 Seal Sacques Seal Sacques. as Inctes long 9130.00 Seal Jackets, 'Hi inches 1UU.0U Sesl Jackets, ill inches long 8 1. IX) Astrakhan Jackets, 'i UMhei Ion 33.WI Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape. 30 inches long, with Butterfly Cape 98..C0 Ctter Circular Cape, Ju inches loug.wlth Butterfly Cape 105.00 Sable Circular Cape. oU inches long Sj 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, 90 inches long no Electric- Seal Circular Cape, J'J in. louj.. 8(1 00 Ury Crlmmer Circular Cape, JO in. long Jo 00 40 dosen American Bal Muffs at....Sl 15 Sach 1 lot , f children's sets at SSc. each 1 lot of blelgh Robes, plush liujj 8J each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LRIOAT, JAX. 111. Cornell University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. FORTY JOLLY COLLEGE BOY'S IN THEIR GREAT SPECIAL TIES. Regular prices. Sale opens Wednesday. lMiAirn will cure you. A T.o.iui-1 tin iHstn lo surTi'rert froutC'oMt. hol-cThroi.l. nllnrn ... II ron c h 1 1 Ih, or. HAY mVEH. AJnrJ- vmumaHrtnc. An eOSclenl . . .? : raaajy. convenient to earn In picket, ronly to use on first Indication of colli Continued Tee KOeets Fermunent '.ire. Hatls faction ffmirantcctl or money rel iimloil Price, BO ft: Trial free nt Ilnnjuistj. Heslatere.l mull, U) ceuts. fl. t. CCSJSlH, M(r Itrtt Ravens, Kith , 0. S. t, CtrsiIMAN'S MENTHOL Th ""St and safest remedy for !,. S," l-:ceBia. Itch 8u Hlieumr.til Sores, Hunts, ( nis. Wondernil rem edv forPlI.KH. Price, CActi. nt Dm.:- n a I U glnt-. ,r l,v lititil .rc put.l . Aililrr si.ulniv,. DHLrn Fur lata Ov Muuliews Bros, un.l Morgan bros Every Woman Sometimes needs a retl able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro prompt, ssfe nrt certain In result The gena. ice (Dr. Pasl'it never uisupiioiiit. Kent auywbera . "U. foai jucdiclne Co.. Clevoluud. 0. Sol,l by JOIIN It. PIIKLPS Pharmacist loiner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street Scrantou, l'o. J. 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. N. H BROOKS. Supt and Lecturer HAKP.Y THORkB. Stair,- Manager' Wsek commencing MONDAY. J AMI n is Second and l.ust VVs ik of MISS FLORA STAMFORD, Supported by the Henry Comedy Com'ny. 1 1 Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known nml so popular us to need no special men tion. All who have nund Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer meolOlnS doesnoteiisc nnd it Isitunrnn teod to (In all Ihut. is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho Liver nml Kidneys, will remove I'lmples, Boils, Salt Hlieuiu and other attentions caused by Inpnn blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ns well ns cure all Malarial fevers. For euro of Headache, Oentlspatlon sad Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entile satisfaction guaranteed, or mousy refunded. Price 50 cts, and 91 per bottle nt Mattbows Bros., Drug store., Croup, a-.iu.m, BHiiN'cniTis and Horn Throat use Llr. Thomas Eclectrlc Oil, aud get the genuine. Any Mtsarttsr Of Th 'JViliuns nidi -cure a bOnk of ffoiir and coal coupons Worth f t nnd faui sore (.0 cenfs on ench parrel ofjtour uud M en( on uc tun uf cuut. Retl Cstatc. w'W"WWVNsVWS vyvwvsAvx.MWvvwwv nOB SALE -SlNULh; HOLhli, KU'iyUl.NCY J avenue; very desirable locntlmi Anply (1. F. KlilVNOLLiS. or WlLiLAitl), WAUHK.N A- KNAI'P. t2,tiao will nt'Y Modern newsroom O house, all Improvements; teniui easy; cor iter Madison avenue and Dolewaru street. Ap ply HAHUY l.KKH 01,400 WILI, BUY VERY DEBIKABI.E LOT corner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Srft n n Pimples, Blotches E:' " L 1 and Old Sores Es PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT 7 .. , . 1 S and potassium Catarrh, Malaria Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. pQrLf1esthhlooJ,btltltItlp thu wouk Mini (imjtUtatad, kiv nirenjfth to VMMnM nerv, f'tpnU ' :. . u ii... i-',i heultb uud Imppluoris where m. an- . kIouui leelluLTs and lansltudo tlrst provallod. Pur iirluiry.(-t!ondury and tertiary pU'IiUh. forulood polaoniuK. inorou rial pulton, ronlarln, dypttpaln, tiid la ull bluud and akin : Uke blotclicn, plmplen, uld chroulo ulcers, ' t' i t-r, Mraid in1-ni, holla, ttryalpelna. , uioma wo may aav, without fnar of cnntradtctlon.that P. P. P. lathehtat li "lit purlQor In the world, and maken positive, apoody uad permanent cures In all cases. Ladles whose atituina are poisoned and whose bloodls In un Impure condl 1 tlon, due to menstrual Irregularltlea, ar peculiarly benefited by the won derful loiito and bloii t'hianslnar prnp- ertlssot P. P. P. - Prickly Ash.Vokti Uootand Potnlslum. BpniNortBLD, Mo., Aug. 1 1th, lvj3. I can apeak In the hlfheat tertna of your medicine from my own iieraoual . LnowledxOs 1 was nfieotttd wlib heurb dUvase, ploarlyaud rbuutnatlam for 1 Bp years, was treated by the Try best , phynlt'laul ana spent hnndrtMN of dol lars, tried erery kuown remedy with out finding relief. I huTw only tukua , one bottle of your P. p. P., nnd can ohesrfully say It haa done moniorw good than any thine l have evertuken. I cm recominemi your intxlloliiu to all utforui's ot th above dleeasea. MRS. II, M YKART. flprlngfleld, Qreeu County, Uo. and Kidney Troubles S. Are entirely rrmovea by P.P.I. """SW Prickly Ash, l'oko Root and Potss- alum, the greatesc blood puriBer ou kw earth. jajl AnranaRH, O., Jnly21,1801. sg Tfrssas. Lii-pman Hos. , H.Taniinh, Qa. i DBabRirs I bouirhc a hutclc of ""SJ7 your P.P. P. at Hot Bprhtca.Ark. .and . 0 It ban dono lue inure aooataua three months' treatmeul at the Hot Springs. aw Hund three bottl.s 0, u. Ii. -tfgf Bespeotfully yours, JA. M. NFIWTOM, "SF AberJovo, Brown County, O. k9 S'npl. J. D. JohnMon. --aSP To (ill ithum il mtty concsrn: I here.- ""kw by testify to tho wonderful properties -t9 of P. P. P. lor orutitlons of the skin. 1 suflered for several roars With au un- "SF sightly sud dlsusreeahle eraptlon ou -B my fsoe. 1 tried every kuown reme dy but In valn.iinill P. p. p. was usod, - 46V and am now entirely cured. j (Plguodbyi J. U. JOHNSTON. Ssvannah, ua. kw kin 4'nnoer Cnrad. 9 Tntimcnf from lh Mayor o $cauin,Ttx, "W BautJiN, Tat., January li, 189U. '"2 Mhsiss. ui'i'WAN Bros.. Savannah, kw (la.: titntttmrn 1 have trletl your P. -M P. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually known as sklu cancer, of thirty years standliiR. and found great relief; IC rtirltles the Mooil and removes all If Ration from tlio sent, of the disauua g aad prevents any nrentllna of the j. I have taken nvoor six bottles 'SW i.i. tl reel oouUdant that another course Will effect a enre. It hss also relieved lue from indigestion .ud atouiuch kw troubles. Yours truly, -am CAPT. W. M. RUST. J Attorney at Law. SW Book on Blood Diseases Moiled Free. S ALL DRUUU1STS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, I.lpmau' Ulo. k.SKi.nnah,la ' E. Robinson's Sons' Lagbpi Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, A WIFE'S TRIUMPH Thursday, Friday ard Saturday. AURORA FLOYD lOo. to buck of balcony; tlOc. tu Ireut ot balcony and roar parquetie: :io.- opera chairs. Performances at ;'.JJ and S.lj p.m. Uuurs open ut 1 A) and 7. UUiUUUUUUUUUUUUUl EDEN MUSEE AD BIJOU THEATRE 221 and 223 Lackawanna Ave. MRS. D. M ELLIN I General Mausg. r 3 BIG FEATURES IN CURIO HALL 3 THEATER Edwards & Mclntyre's IMPERIAL VAUDEVILLE CO. ADMISSION TO ALL, lOo. Saturday Matinee for children, 5c, in cluding seat In Theatre. B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT. WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. BrandtClav Product Co. OFFICE. Dlnghamlon. N.Y. FACTORY 1 Brandt. Pa. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very rensonalib. Space will not permit us to mention the pood things for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anythiutc to be found in n lirst-class market. W. H. PIERCE, PINK AVE, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Itauufacturcrs aud Dealers lubricating OILS' Cylinis Also Sniffing and Journal Greass, Ol -FICBt-TB West Lackawanna At W0KK8: -MerlUlau Streel BOSOM Prleud cures your pain knd cuuali. That's all. 35o. Matthews t'ros., bcrantou.Pa.