EXPLANATION ' Of "A Study in Scarlet " is found on page 4. EXPLANATION Of "A Study in Scarlet" is found, on page 4. EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. M'KANTCXN", PA., TUESDAY MOUSING, JANUARY 10, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. EVERY TilllE iPEI fl n llTfl FR OF THE TREAT TRAINS CRASH F URIOUSLY I A DENSE FOG Eleven Persons Killed and Many Wounded in Wreck on the Lackawanna. REVISED LIST OF THE VICTIWIS The Dover Express on the Morris and Essex Division Is Run Into by a South Orange Train Two Cars Are Telescoped Weil-Known Men Among the Killed Lack of Proper Signals and a Heavy Fog Assigned as Causes Dramatic Incidents of the Terrible Collision as Gleaned from the Narratives of Surviving Participators. J. New York, Jin. 15 (7 NT. of the worst railroad BCOtdtntl ever experienced in this naiKh borbood occurred daring n thick fog Hbont o'clock thin morn ing 0D the IMawaro, LtOlMWanna and Western (Morris and Ehj railroad, on the meadows just wo,st of tbe bridtf over the Hackensack river. A South Qrtnge train ran into the Dorer ex press. The two rear curs of tli latter train were partly telescoped aud smashed into splinters. Eleven per sons in those cars wer killed aud fif teen or twenty bally wounded, REVISED UN OF DEAD. William r. Adaw, summit, n.j. JoHH Fl8H, Summit, N. J. Wim.iam Fkhci'siin, Summit, N. J. Edward Kixnr, Bernardiville, N l'.nw ARD Mi mm. I., Mimiuit, M. J, JOHH haUBRIROTON, Short Hill, N. J John 11. KiM.MKii, Summit, N. J. Patrick Ryan, Mi burn, N". J. W. J. TliiNKit, Bsskinir Ridi;e, . T Da Dot?, H'skin Bldgs. N J. H. D. CmMIBTON, Summit, N.I. LIST OF TBI IN.M KKU. t'. Arnolds, Short Hills, N. J., inti-rual injurifH. Willi ar Rarclot, Gladstone. N. J. binlly Kmlded. Louis Bnem Summit head cut. Harvey s. Cowan, Busing Ridge, prob ably fatally injured. EuWAltD II. 'lark, Haskinc Kidge, leg brokmi and lacerated head. Fred Fehoison, Dammit injured nbout le ad aud .shoulder' and broken leg, Arthur Gardner, Abort Blllt, X. J., in ternally injured, probably dio. E. W, GRAY, West Summit,' N. J., frac tured leg, nmptitatiou necessary. BaWXBSi summit, N. J., injured about body and bead. David HDfFMAN, Smith Orange, engineer, severe Bodll injuries. Washington IRVIXQ, Short Hills, N. J., injured about b nly and spine. QlOROI Jkkiiy, conductor, head cut. ( athhink Kikiinan, New York, broken arm. Lester Di Yocso, summit, n. j., scalp wound and knee injureil. W. H. May, Summit, N. J., arms aud hnud cut. Miss BSBTIE A! ILLS, Newark, N. J., injur ed about bead, Crarlei E. MlNsHELL, N. G, Ninf.i.er, internal injuries. Edward PlEBftON, Newark. William Bobslino, William Boalee, Newark. El! NEST H. BCHABV. Caul H. BOBOLTE, jr., Murray Hill, N. J., severe internal injuries, leg broken; will die. GeoRQI Poncf.r, Murray HiH, N. J., slightly hurt. Captain j. l. btbasrv, ldaiurieid, N. J., head eut. NnUET Wintermi te, Newark, eye cut. TeRODORI White, hnmmit, N. J.. com pound fracture of the leg. John Williams, Newark. WHERE IT OCCURIIED. The collision occurred about 400 Tarda west of the bridge over the Hackfinsaek river. The train known as the Dover express, which had made its laac stop at Newark, aftr call ing at Short HilU and Jlilbnrn, bad alowed np at this point, presumably to make lure that the drawbridge was closed, when, accord ing to the statements of several pas sengers, before there was even time to send ont a hrnki man to flair any ap proaching train, the express wai rnn Into by the train known as the 7.f3 from South Orango, express to High land avenue, Brick church and East Orange. The force of the collision was terrific. The engine of the Orange train No. 91, nnd known as the "W. H. .Lewis," End driven by David Hoffman, plonghed into the rear car of the Dover train, a combination smoking and baggage oar, nearly a quarter of its length, and forced It into toe next forward car, so that the tipper parts of both cars were nearly severed from the flooring and platforms. Hoffman jumped as ho saw the car of tho tram iti front of him, aud was badly injured. The fireman, however, stnek to his post, and was practically uninjured, having only re ceived a cut on the back of bis head The force of the collision knocked the rear truck of the engino's tender Ml the tracks, and the platform of the the first two carl on the South Orango train were siiiuslied, but none of the passengers on that train was injured, ulthough many of them complained of the effects of the shock. IT WAS A HOftltinLR SCKNE. The result of the col ision, however, in the last two cars of the Dover ex press was far ditforent. The sight was horrible. Ae soon as tbe passengers who were uninjured recovered from the sbock they piled out of the cars pell mell, and hastily proceeded to the assistance of the injured. Tbe track was literally strewn with bodies of those who were dead Or dying, Apparently the bodies of many persons bad bean thrown clear out of the two cars by the collision, one side of the rear car being knocked completely off, and the dead and wonnded just thrown along the track. The bodies of three or four passengers were dragged oat of the telescoped cars, bat it seemed to tbe passengers that nearly all tbe dead nnd wonnded were thrown on the track bv the collision. The surviving passen gers did the best they could for tbe sufferers. There were cries for physicians and whisky aud water for tho wounded There was fortunately ORE physioiau, a Dr. Reynolds, on the i-oene, and luck ily ho was one who escaped uninjured, it is sai l, from tho fatal rear car. Hs did all in his power, in common with other passengers, to assist In rescuing the dead nnd relieving the 8ufferins of the wounded and dy ing. All tho dead except four wrre finally removed to Hobokon, and the injured were taken to various hospitals. The bodies of four mn who were killed were placed iu the baggage car of the Sonth Orange train. Two of them only had been identified up to midday. Due of them WEE frightfully injured about tho head, and the fen tmes almost unreoognliable. NOINCER HOFFMAN kksfonsihle. The conductor of the South Orange train was W. T. Rundio, one of the company's most trustworthy employes. He was in the middle of the tram tak ing up tickets when th collision occurred. Iho conductor of the Dover express was Jerry George, who has always been regarded as one of the most careful conductors on the li ie, aqd especi ally carelul in the ui ,tler of sending out tho rear ur.ike- tiieu to tltg approaching trams No blame It WES said could tie attributed to the conductor of the Dover express, as it was pretty well agreed by nil at the scene of the accl 'ent, that a brake man was sent out to Hit: the South Or ange train as soon as it begau to slacken speed. The person respond nl for the collision appears to be Hoffman, the engineer of the South Orange tiaiu Passengers on that train said that the traiu while not going at its usual rate of spend, on account of the fog, was nevertheless traeling at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour, bv no means as cautiously as the Dover traiu. e SEVcN MEN ARE DROWNED. Wreck on tin Northern Pac-flo Sends Thein Into thn Water. San BaFABL, Cal , Jan. 10. News has just leached here of a (rightful railroad accident at Austin creek bridge on the line of tho Northern Pacific railroad between the station of Duncan's Mills and Cazaderoa, iu this county. As an etiginf on the Northern Pacific Coast railroad was crossing Austin crrek li st evening the bridge gave way and the engine rolled into the stream below, a distance of forty feet, drown ng seven men. P3CEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Biief R?sunu of Work Dons m the Hou a:id Senate. WasihshtuN, Jan. 15, The Hawaiian question was up in tho bouse today, brought by Mr, Doutelle, Maine, and. resulted 111 a sharp three sided debate participated in ry the speaker. Mr. Houtolie and Mr. Millin, Tennessee. When the excitement caused by this unexpected episode bad subsided the tariff bill was read through in full, consuming nearly two and one-half hours. The first amendment was of fered by Mr. Wilson to the tobacco schedule. The purpose of tnis amend -ment was to simplify the bill and lessen the danger of evading its pro visions. An amendment was offered to this by Mr. Payne (Rp., N. Y ,) in the Hue of raising tho amount of tariff on to bacco, and two substitutes were offered to theso amendments, one by Paynter, Kentucky, and one by Marsh, Illinois, I at only the original amendment of Mr. Wilson camo through a vote safely. On this question three Democrats voted with the BepnUlorns, viz. ; Cooper, Florida; Speiry and Deforest, Connec ticut. Two or three other resolutions were off jred by the chairman of the committee on ways and means and were agreed to, after one of the most interesting and excited discuisious that the bill has yet giveu rise to. The open session of the senate today was of very brief duration. After the presentaaion of several petitions against the passage of the Wilson tariff bill with others favoring government con trol of the telegraph, etc., the resolu tions of the Portland, Oregon, cham ber of commerce condsmniug tnestate ments made in Governor Pennoyer's open letter te President Cleveland, were presented and rea 1 and referred to the committed on edncation and labor. Thin on motion of Mr. Hill the senate went into executive sessiou to consider the Hornblowor nomination, Mr. Gal linger, of Now Hampshire, graciously postponing a sp3ech he had expected to make today on the tariff question. The executive session lusted until 7 o'clock this evening and then adjourned as soon as tbe doors wore re-opined. CARLISLE ASKS FOR MORE CASH Uncle Sam's Finances Are Getting to Be Very Much Embarrass. GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING BEHIND In a Long Letter to Senator Voor hees, Chairman of the Senate Fi nance Committee, the Secretary of the Treasury Explains That His Early Estimates of Probable Defi ciency Was Far Too Small, and That Ready Money Must Be Had at Once to Meet Current Expenses, BIG STEEL PLANT CLOSED DOWN. Preference to Be Oivon to Married Men When Mills Start Up. Pottsvim.k, Pa., Jan. 15 Nearly all the departments of the I'ottsville Iron nnd Steel company s big plant at Fishbach have been closed indefinitely, nnd the outlook is very serioas for the 800 men who depend on this concern tor employ ment. The management has announced that in starting up the mills again a preference will be given to the mar ried men. This is taken to mean that there is no likelihood of u general ro- sumptiou iu the near future. SENTENCED EIGHT TIMES. Now Smith la Working For Pardon from Life Imprisonment. COLCMBCE, 0 Jan. 15. An effort is on foot to secure e pardon for Isaac Smith of Pike county, convicte I of murder in the first degree. Kight times the date fori his execution was named and he was as often reurived, the last time after the death warrun t had been road to him nnd he was on his way to the gallows. Governor Campbell then commuted his sentence to life iuipeisoninvnt. He has steadfastly protested his innocence. . , M, END OF INSURRECflON AT HAND. Cable Mesiairo from B o Jansiro Sum mnrisa th Situation. Washington, Jan. 15 A cable message iu cipher from Captain Picking at nlo Janeiro, anil a.ldressel to Sec retnry Herbert was, translated at the navy department to lay. It is understood to contain a sum m iry of the situation, with a hint that the end of the insurrection is near at bund. Wasimn:ths. Jan. 15. EOJtETARY CARLISLE has made ' public through a letter addressed to Mr. Voorbses, chairman of ' the senate Committee on finance, an authentic statement of tho present critical condition of the (Jolted States treasury ami of ils urgent needs. The letter says in part- When my annual report was prepared, it was estimated that the expenses during the current fiscal year would exceed the receipts to the amount of about f'-Jl.tKIO,-000, and 1 asked congress for authority to issue and sell bonds, or other f irms of ob ligations, to au amount not exceeding ."'), (100,(100. That estimate was much too low. If the same average monthly deficiencies should continue the total differences be tween receipts snd expenditures on the Until day of Juuenext will be 178,167,583. Thecoin reserve has been reduced to ?74,- and it is evident from tho condition of the treasury that the department will have no means to defray the ordinary ex penses of tho government unless h. largo part of tho payments are hereafter inado out ot that Hind. It this is done, tile com reserve will be reduced by reb. 1 to about $lXi,0'll,S84,a sum wholly inadequate for tbe purpose for which it was created. CABLISLI Has an EXPEDIENT, On account of this critical condition of the treasury 1 have considered it my duty, iu udditlon to the earnest recommenda tions o uituiiied in my annual report, to appear twice before your committee, aud after full explanations of the situation, urge prompt legislative action on this sub ject. With the permission of the commit tee, I have prepared ami presented for its consideration a bill, which, if promptly passed, would, in my opinion, meet all tne reqireineuts of the situation by providing the necessary means for defraying the pub lic expenses and replenishing the coin re serve to such an extent as tosssure the maintenance of the pnrlty of all forms of United States currency. While this proposed measure of relief has not yet been disposed of or consiuer, d by the committee, the great differences of opinion which are known to exist in both brooches of coagross concerning the pro priety of granting additional or amended authority to issue bouds in any form or for any purpose render it doubtful whethor now legislation up'u tho subject can be secured m time to provide the means which are imperatively demanded in order to preserve the credit and honor of the ioverumeut. The necessity for relief at this time is so urgent, and the prospect of material im provement in the financial conditiou of the government is so problematical, that unless nuthority to issue and sell shorter bouds, or other obligations, boaring a lower rate of interest than that specified in the existing, is granted by congress at a very early day. 1 shall repl constrained by a sense of public duty to exorciso the pow er already conferred to the extent nt least of providing an adequate coin reserve If this actiou should bo taken, congress ought, nevertheless, to provide promptly for tho deficiency In tho revenues during the current hscal year. WHAT CAKLISI.K'S BILL, IS. The publication of this important letter, it is conhilontlv expected, will be followed by soma immediate con - sideration of tho question by congress The bill which is referred to in the abovo letter authorizes the secretary of the treasury to issue from tliiis to timo as he may deem necessary, and iu such form as he may prescribe, coupon or registered bonds of the United States in denominations of $?5 und mul tiples tnereof, redeemable in coin at the pleasure of the United States fter ysars from date, bearing interest at a fats not exceeding !i per centum per annum, payable quarterly in coin, and to sell the same at not Uss than par in coin: and the proceeds of such bonds shall be held and usod to maintain the parity of all forms of money coined or issued by the United States, but the secretary of the treas ury is hereby authorized to use from time to time such part of such proceeds as may be necessary to supply the de ficiencies iu the public revenues during tho fiscal year 1S&4 EDITOR MOORE'S TRAGIC DEATH. Suicide of a Brhcht Journalist After a Prolonged Ddbauch. York, Jan. 15 John R Moore, as sociate editor of the York Daily, com mitted suicide this evening by sending a bullet to his brain, Many rumors of a sensational character are in circula tion as to the cause, but as they cannot be verified the act is attributed by many to excessive drinking, Moore was about 45 years of age and leaves u wife and two daughters, tho judgment of the lowor tribunal may be reviewed by tho supreme court. The writ was granted and ltockafel low was admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000 pending the hearing of the np- pesl. WAGES CUT AT BIG POTTERY. Twenty Per Cent, to Be Hald Until Tariff Schedule Is Btady. WHEELIMO, W. Va. , Jan. 15. -Today the potters employed in the L Belie and Wheeling potteries were notified that beginning next Monday a general cut of 10 per cent, in wages would be demanded. In addition to this it will b.' proposed that '-'(J per cent, of their wages nt the new rale .vill he withheld until it is known what changes will bo made in the tariff schedules. In case there is uo change the 20 per cent, will be handed to the workmen. If the tariff is reduced a proportionate part of the money will be retained by the manufacturers to make them whole on all ware thsn in stock which comes into competition with tho foreign mado goods. It is not likely that the operatives will accept the proposal The same general proposition lias been rej.-cted by Bat Liverpool tiotters. CANNOT FIND H ER. Kansas Eighteen-Year-Old Daughter of City Physician Hissing. Kansas City, Mo, Jan. 15. -The mysterious disappearance of Miss lielle Bonssteel, the 18-year-old daughter of Dr. William Boncsteel, a prominent local physician, which occurred Inst Thursday, ban just been made public. On that evening. It appears, Miss Hone steel, who is an extremely handsome girl, starttd for tho opera, accompanied by two intimate frieud. Before reach ing the theater shs changed her mind and decided to make a social call, since which she has not been seen or heard of, Though all clews have been thor oughly worked by detectives, no truce has been found of the missing girl, aud now foul play is feared, When last seen Miss Bjueateel wore valuable dia monds. s RAILROAD ACCIDENT IN CUBA. Sixteen Persons Failed and Nlns Others Badly Wounded. Havana, Jan. 15 A frightful acci dent lias occurred on the Titnina-Ma-tanzas railway at a point eight miles from Ctimaniiygua, iu the province of Matanzas. A passenger train was go ing at good speed when it ran into a cow that had walked suddenly ou the track. The engine was derailed and several of the cars were piled upon each other. Help was at ouce sent to the sceuo of the disastor. Sixteen persous were takan out of the wreck did. Nina others were badlv wounded. GLASS WORKS TO START UP. Work Will Be Resumed, but at Reduced Waaea. Taiientum, Pa., Jan. 14. The fires in all of tho No. 2 works of the Pittsburg Piatt Glass compauy will be lighted Tuesday morniug. The works will be resumed in full, but at greatly reduced wages. They have been idle since last July. Eight hundred men will be em ployed. The body of M. Bndrek, a French glass worker, was found In his iroom today. He had evidently died of star vation. Ho had been out of employ- ment ON HER BROTHER'S GRAVE. Woman Found Unconscious and Nearly Frcza to Death In Cemetery. IIaLDBM, Mass.. Jan. 15 -Catharine Donahue, aged !!7, of Medford, wis found nearly frozen to death nt L80 o'clock yosterday afternoon in the St. Mary's cemetery on Highland avonuo, over her brother's grave. The woman wai lying unconscious across the grave. Her ears and lower limbs were partly exposed and frozm. Tlere was considerable blood on her clothiDg and ou the snow about her Tne doctors say sho cannot possibly re cover. SLIGO IRON WORKS NON-UNION, The Management Positively Refuses to Par the Scale Rates. PlTTIBURQ, Pa., Jan. 15. Today the Siigo Iron works started up as n non union plant, the management having positively refused to pay scale rates. The puddlers hereafter will receive only irl por ton. A majority of the old employes are at work. s ROCKAFELLOW ADMITTED TO BAIL. Held in Sum of $5,000 Pending Hearlmr of Appeal. PHtliADKLPBIAi -Ian. 15. The caso of Banker F. V. dtockafellow, of Wilkes- Barre, who was receutly convictod of embezzling and senteucud to two years and two mouths' imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary, was today ap pealed to the snpreine court. Attor neys V. V. Wheaton mid J. T. Lena han preseuted a petition to tho conrt asking lor tho special nliowaiico or a writ of error to the Luzeruo county court of quarter sessions iu order that POST-MILLENNIUM HOME. Adventisti Will Erect a Medical Sani tarium in South Africa. Battle Ckkk, Mich , Jan. 15 The Advnntists hero aro raising HO, 000, to be used to construct n medical sanita rium at Claremont, South Africa. The building will be built here after plans furnished by Dr. J, II. Kellogg aud under his supervision. When com pluUil it will bo shippsd to Africa. The Adventists believe, it is said, that aftor the world ends their build ings will be preserved and they will return and occupy them FAVORS BONDS FOR PENSIONS. Mr. Ridley Has a Schem to Pay Vet rane With Two Per Cents. Washington, Jan. 15 Representa tive Itidley, of ronnsylvanla, wuo is greatly opposed to an issue of bonds, has prepared a bill which h will iutro duce if it is decided that the Becrotary of the treasury has (lower to issue bonds without action or congress. The bill provides for the payment of pensions iu 2 per cnt. bonds, In deno initiations of from 180 to $100, which shall bu a legal tender, HORNBLOWER IS DEFEATED. An Adverse Majority of Six Votes In the Senate. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 15 The senate today, after a lengthy executive sss- fion, declined to confirm the notuinu tion of W. B. Hornblower for associate justice of the supreme court, the ma jority against confirmation being six. Tho nomination of John W. Walker to be. United States marshal for the western district of Pennsylvania was continued. . f- LUMBER DEALER FAILS. A SLIGHT MISTAKE. J!-. .-r-. m 1 ii5 m -m f Ml)( i , ' .A"o i in HOTEL CLERK: "Front, lady, forty-nine. Lady: ''Only twenty, if you please." JOYCE HOLDS TKS FORT. All Efforts to Dislodge Him Have Failed -Writ to Vacate Is Served With Difficulty. Special to th' Strenfoa IWeaae TAYLOB, Pa., Jan, 15. Martin Joyco, principal at the Continental school, still holds tho fort. A wcok ago today the directors of the schools of Lacka wanna township met ami decided to close the school for one month on the account of poor attendanc . This was blow to Mr. Joyce, wuo has been charged by the citizens of that vicinity with cruelty and misconduct to the pupils. When tne directors decided to close the school Mr. Joyce was determined to make trouble, and wu-in School Di rector William Morgans, local director of that school, called last Thursday, he was ordered by the point of a re volver to leave tbe grounds. Mr. Morgana did not hesitate, but left Joyco baa since occupied the building night ami day, aud continues to teach the ten pupils. He is provided with provisions by noighbors. ibis afternoon Kouert Uurleigh, sec retary of the sshool board. served a writ on Mr. Joyce, demanding or him to leavo the school br tomorrow and deliver the keys to School Director Morgan. When Mr. Burleigh called ho found the door to the upstairs room locked. Ho then enters I the primary lepartment and found Mr. Joyco in this room. It was hero he served the writ. Mr. Joyco said nothing and if he does not vacate force will bo brought to bear. Resi dents of Archil l I say he acts like a maniac in the building. He keeps pace from window to window and is armed, so that persons fear to pass tho build. ing. It is learned that proceedings for trespassing and carrying concealed weapons will be entered against him. e TRAIN'S NARHOW ESCAPE. Wrecker' Work on Baltimore and Ohio. Passengers Feared Robbors. Bit EM en, Ind., Jan. 15. Ait attempt was made last evening to wreck ex press train No. 14, eastbound ou the Baltimore- and Ohio railroad, throe or four miles weit of this city, near the 'Big Marsh," one of the most desolate spots on the Chicago division of the railroad. The train was making fif ty miles an hour, when it strucl: a large piece of lumber that was lying across the track. The train was immediately stopped and an investigation inado by the train crew, who found the timber wedged firmly between the trucks of the bag gage car. Had the, engineer tint stopped his train at the moment he did the en tire train of six coaches, heavily loaded with passengers, would have been de railed. The passengers on the train were panic stricken. J. M Pa., Is Now AN ATTEMPT TO ABDUCT A CHILD. Woman Boldly Enters a School Build ing to Carry Off a Boy Her Plan Frustrated. FINLEY'S 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVENUE. BLANKETS TO close balance of- stock before in ventory at following prices: 22 pair Swansdovn,full size, per pair HOW THE TARIFF WORKS. Guthrie, of Indiana, a Poor Man. Indiana, Pa., Jan. IV J. M. fjoth rie, the owner of extensive saw mills at Uomer City, has failed. Guthrie was also the owner of several thousand acres of coal land iu Indiana county. His liabilities will probably reach f-'Du.OUO All of Mr. Guthrie's property is now in the bands of the sheriff. The Idleness in Welsh Tin Plats Mills Continue!. Lonix'N, Jan. 15 -A dispatch to the Time irom Cardiff saya that the Mc Kinloy tariff is still working disaster in the export trade of South Wales. I he tiu plate trade with the United States is only one-third of the produc tive capacity, and has been nt a stand still for the last six months. Over 5.000 workmen aro unemployed, and besiilos these thro are numbers of others iudirectly affected. The loss in wages is computed at 19,000 sterling weekly, while the employs are losing 64,000 sterling weekly. One hundred and sixty out of 500 mills are idle and there is great distress among all the employes, Many of the families are liviugon "Js. 01. weekly. i ..... -as.. CANNOT M. Kl IT PAY. Ohio Railroads to Beg for an Amend ment of Inters! nte Law. Cincinnati, Jan. 18, -President In galls auiioiincos that the railroads hore will this week petition congress for the amendment of the interstate commerce law. He aays the roads are doing a big business, nnd yet they must sit up nights aud figure how to reduce the ex penses in order to get ulong. The chief thing that will be sought iu the effort to bring about an amend uieut will be a clause winch will make the roads amenable to the government in case they ire guilty of an infraction of the agreements entered into between two or more roads i . e Repreentativ Gear Nominated. Ukh Mo'inks, la., Jan. 15 John Henry Gear, of llurlington, member of congress from tbe First Iowa dtstriot, was tonight nominated for United States seuntor to succeed Jauius 1. llsuu. Mrs. Annie Matthew Pansecki yest erday made an attempt to abduct 0-year-old Willie Susky from No. 9 school at Pine Brook. The effort was frustrated by the teacher who had the little boy in charge. The lady formerly resided in Con necticut, but now makes her home In Park Place, this city. Yesterday morn ing, accompanied by Mrs. Kate Baknre, of Alarion street, she visited the school ami asked permission to pee the boy. It was granted and then Mrs. Pau seek! wanted to take him out of the room for a few moments. This request was refused as the teacher had become suspicious of the woman. Throwing off ail disguise Mrs. Pan sacki declared that the boy had been unjustly taken from her and she appealed to the teacher to give her pos session of him. She likewise appealed to the little boy to go to her, but he drew back iu aversion and declared he did like her and would not accompany her, words which drew tears from the anxious woman's eyes. The teacher positively refused to al low the woman to take the child out of the building and requested her to withdraw from the room along with her companion. After some protest she complied, but remained near the building until the recess hour, thiuk ing theu to be able to spirit away tho boy. Again she was disappointed. The boy was kept within the school and a messeuger dispatched to tho home of his father, Pius Susky.of Phelps street. He was not at home, but Mrs. Snsky, the boy's stepmother, responded in haste, and at the noon hour took her child home. Mrs. Pansecki and her companion were still lingering about the building in the hope of gettiug the boy. His mother was Pius Snsky's first wife who died while he was an infant. Tho child after his mother's death was given into the care of his aunt, Mrs Pansecki and lived with her until last September, his futher paying for his keeping. Somo time ago Susky married again and lust September took his son from the aunts home in Con necticut and brought him to this city. Mrs. Pausecko followed some timo later for the purpose of claiming the boy. Tho father retused to part with him ami the unhappy woninu decided to use strategy. Yesterday afternoon Pius Susky swore ont warrants before Alderman DeLaoy for the arrest of Mrs. Pansecki and Mrs. Baknre, charging them with abduction, but later, on their promis ing not to again molest the child, tbe churges were withdrawn, MURDERER BURT ON TRIAL. Dose Not Senn to B-i Affected by tho Trying Ordoal DOVLE8TOWN, Pa., Jan, 15 --The trial of Wallace Hurt, charged with the brutal murder of Samuel M. Rightly and his wife, Lena, last September, was begun before Judge Yerkes this morning. Burt appsarod to be but slightly af fected by the trying ordeal through which l.o is to pass. IU declared his iunoocuce and feels he will uot be con victed. MADE A BUTT OF HIM. Farmhand Turned in His Wrath and Stabbed Sight and Left. BUFFALO, Jan. IS - A Polish dance which lasted all night, torniinated in u stabbing affray, and Frank Kasczpa is dyiug iu the hospital from a perforated lung. The assailant was a farm hand from West Seneca named Mux Moalon. He was the butt of ridicule at tho dance and finally turned on his tormentors and slashed right and left. COLONEL FRANK A. BURR DEAD. Was Widely Known ae a News Corres pondent and Btltor. Camdkn, Jan. 14. Colonel Frank A. Burr, who was widely known as a newspaper correspondent, died at his home today iu this uity from a com plication of diseases. He had been ill two months m WEATHER FORECAST. 13 pairs, All-wool $2.75 11 pairs Eleven Guar- CjO fit ter All-wool at VP". uU 9 pairs Eleven Ouar- C0 ter Scarlet, at. H0, IJ 12 prs. Natural Wool M Rfl Eleven (Juarter, at iP-T-vU About 15 pairs Eine Cali fornia lilankets at heavy reductions from regular prices. Small lot of choice de signs in Wrapper ffQ AA Blankets at ipO.UU Elegant stock of Eine Crib Elankets. FINLEY'S THE GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER MOTS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS. A. BCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak -tanned Leather Belling, H. A. Kingsbury AOENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. v .1 a - Feet of ev?ry description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. CLOSED EVENINGS. r ICLBR Wasiiinoton, Jan. 1o. f orcrnsf I I fir Tuttdavi Abr tostem Ann I J tyleomia, KpM rnin, fMmvrd by WMffM iintther; hi(i uimls, pfJ0blbly cof.it'i Tiusiiuy niyht. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a do6tor is needed you are promptly tohl so. We aiso jiuuuutec 11 per fect lil . WATCHES AT COST for one week only. f . J. IIC1, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE
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