t 6 TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TWO P1TTSTGNS Events of the Upper End of Luzerne County Briefly Narrated. ARE HELD IN BAIL FOR LARCENY Frank Valecci and Frank Machette, Italians, Arraigned Before Squire Gibbons and Then Transferred to the County Tribunal -Seventh Ward Democrats Hold a Lively Caucus. Butcher Lewis' House Slightly Dam aged by Fire -Miscellaneous News. The BORAlROa Titiiu nk's Pittston de partment is iii charge of J. M. Kahy, to whom news items uuil complaints amy bo referred. 'Squire Gibbons' office the scene of an interesting larceny oaso Saturday evening Ferdinand Incutti, who con ducts a boarding doom on Booth Main street, was the prosecutor llechsrge'l Frank Valecci with the robbery of $100 anil Implicated Frank Machette ami Stephen Leon as accomplices. Attor ney (.'. Frank Boliau appeared conn eel for Incutti and Attorneys Otwle Bohan, M. N. Donnelly and Klias Cohen, of Wilkas-Uirre, represented tbe defendants. Incutti testifi-d Valecci boarded with him up to a few daye ao when he un ceremoniously left. Incutti discovered when Valeeei disappeared the loss of $100 which he alleged he had stored away in a trunk for a rainv day. Upon investigation he found Valecoi had given Machelle and Leon $50 of the money. To these statements th defen latit plead "not guilty" and claimed it was u job concocted by Incutti to abstract money fro.ru them Tn o was full of interest throughout and created much amusement tor the lirge number of epectutors preeeut. Tbe 'tqaire, after liiteuiuK to the testimony, de cided to hold thedefeuJente iu the sum of 100 bail each for their appearance at court. LIVELY DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. VoUre of the Seventh Ward Me: and nominate Officers. In pursuance of a nail by the vigil anee committee, the Democratic voters of the Seventh ward hel I a ward cau cus at the Ele hotel Saturday uveu Ing to place in nomination ward 00 cers to be voted for mt the coining; Feb ruary election. The meeting wis called to order at 3 o'clock by M. W. M irris, chairman of the Yitrl . committee. The election of a permanent chairman and secretary was the first business, and resulted in the selection of G-orgj Hasadorn and Joseph M. Fahy, re pectively. Mr. Hajadorn, after calling atten tion to the purpose of the call, stated nominations for councilman, school di rector, assessor, register assessor, judge of election and inspector of election were in .order The usual formalities governing urinations, resulted in the nomination of the following persons: Councilman. Ueorge B. Reap. School director, Al. W Morris. Assessor. George M, Hugiuiom. Register assessor, (ieorge V. Hagadorn. Juilgs of election, A. B. Brown. Inspector of election, (ieorge 97. Buss. Mr. Hagadorn wasquite adverse to being named for the two offices, but as tbe duties pertaining to both are simi lar, tbe caucus insisted, whereupon Mr. Hagadorn gracefully acquiesced. The meeting, having no other business, adjonrped sine die. THE HOSPITAL BENEFIT. All Congregations Will Unite In Making Offerings to That Institution. Tbe Catholic, as well as the Protest ant Sunday schools of Pittstou an I West Pittston, are to join in the union offering for the hospital on Sunday, January Si While the hospital is par tially supported by the state appropri ation there is need of additional con tributions from the people of the town for its efficient maintenance. This hospital, open as it is to any poor un fortunate individual ovsrtakn by ac cident, is one of the few charities upoi which all people of whatever nams, race or denomination may unite. The schools in whicn the offering will probably be mads are as follows: Tne Methodist, E ist and West Bid; the Presbyterian, Eist and West Side; the Congregational, Eist ami West Side; the Episcopalian, Eist and West Side; the Catholic schools at North Pittston. Pittston, and at Inkerman, the Dnryea Snnday school, tbe Milanie chapel and tne Sloenm Chapol Sunday schools and others. Uazotte BucVlnn's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for Cuts Brnisee, Horns, Ulcers, Halt Khnum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ivo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price M cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. . SATURDAY NIGHT FIRE. Osorge Lewis' House Has a Narrow Ei- oate from Destruction. About H.30 o'clock Satnrd iy evnning an alarm of fire was turned in from box No. 73, located at the corner of Parke street ami Lnztrne avenue, West Pittston. The losntion of the fire was found to be the frame dwelling houso of Ueorge Lewis, the butcher on Lu zerne avenne. The alarm was answered promptly by the fire companies wh ise.timely ar rival, succeeded in extinguishing the fire before it got much hoadway. Tbe loss Is fully covered by insurance. i Quinsy troubled tm for twenty years Since I started using Dr.Tboma' Ecleetric Oil, have not had an attack. The oil cures sore throat at once. Mrs. Letts Conrad Htaudisb, Mich., Oct. 21, 1888. NEWS NOTES IN PARAGRAPHS. A Orlstof Interesting Looal Event! Told in Brief. There was a difference in tempera ture of 21) degrees yesterday compared with Saturday. The personal effects of the late Thorns Stem will bs sold tomorrow at executor's Hale. Shafts 8, 10 and 14. Old Forge and Ewen, will be idle today and until fur ther notice. ''Will the Hspublicans of the borough place a tisket in the field?" is the ques tion beard on all sides. Rumor says they will, and as a result much uneasi ness is felt by the supporters of" the Citizen's movement. The concensus of opinion differs greatly regarding the wisdom of eucb a move. Many say it would be unwise, while the Republi cans who are not disposed to let their party become extinct, locally speaking, are decidedly in favor of naming a ticket. What the Repnblieai borough committee propose to do, at this time is hard to foretell. During these bard times it would be well to bear iu mind the familiar quotation of Franklin: "Beware of little exponsss; a small leak will sink a great ship," Joe Hitohner will tickle the risibil ities of Laoeyville people next Satur day evening with his latest lecture, "Zigzag Tales." The lecture will be under the auspices oi' the baptist church. Our neighboring borough, West Pittston, does nut lack for political timber in the selection of a burgess, as my be seen from the following list of gentlemen, who, it ih alleged, are not adverse to being houored with the nomination of burgess. II. Q Dewey, Joseph Langford, ex,-Burgess Hrun ton, L. K. Drake and Harry Coward. Bff the time for holding the primaries rolls around several mure names are expected to be added to the above list. Lewis Morrison, who appears at Mu slo hall this evouing in "Faust," will be greeted with a reception seldom, if ever, accorded an actor, prices consid ered, that has visited here. There are but a few seats remaining unsold and the probabilities are they will be sold before the curtain rolls up. The citlieu of the See.iud ward, ir respective of party affiliations, held a caucus in the school building Saturday evening mid nominated the following persons to be voted for at the coming clod ion Councilman, James Ryan; school director, T. J. O'Brien; judge of elcctiou, Thomas SV. O'Brien; in spector of election, W. C. Walburu. The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Itorrity, of Port Griffith, occurred Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The remains were conveyed to St. John's CatnoUe church, where a mas of requiem was sung, Rev. Fathor Kelly officiating. Interment was made in Market street cemetery. The tuueral of the late Patrick Price took place from his homo on Mill street at 8.80 o'clock Satnrdav morning. A IMM of requiem w is sung at St. John's ohnroh, Rey. Father Ur ere Officiating, interment was made in Market street cemetery. The pall-bearers wre: Michael Kelley, IVt-r Heap, Johu Ojrdou. William Dougherty, Authutiy Newcomb aud John Newcomt). The Ministerial union of Pittston and vicinity will meet iu the Young Meu's Christian eisooiaftoa rooms this after noon at 2 30 o'clock. The committee to prepare a scheme of orgauiz ition will make its report at this time. There are in Pittstou and parts adj icent more thau twenty five ministers of the Chris tian religion. All these, of whatsoever nationality or denomination, are in vited to attend this meeting and to participate in the social anl literary advantages of the union. The officers elected last Monday are: He v. J. H. Brittain, president, 'aud Rev. E. H. Eckel seoretarv. A Thankless Man. He Was one of those uieu with a pleiise-tread-on-the tail-of-uiy-coat expression, and as he plunged across Woodward avenue he would have been run over by an electric car if a more peaceable und bigger citizen bad not seen his danger and pulled him back. "Take your hands off my coat collar, sir! How dare you stop me like that?"' and he squirmed around, striking oat wildly. "Hold on, man! Want to get run over, thnt you're so brash? If it hadn't been for me, you'd have gone under those wheels, so you would." "I'll thank you to mind your own busi ness! I know where I am going. I had plenty of time to cross," sputtered the wrathy man. "And I say you had not. I measured the distance with my eye, and you couldn't have done it." "I'll thank you to keep your distance, sir. I insist upon it, there was no danger. You took a most unwarrantable liberty with nic, sir; that's what." "Did, hey?" cried the stranger, catching him up again by tho coat collar, which he hail just released. "Now, here's another electric car coming it is just about when the other was over you go, if you don't ask my pardon in a jiffy for not lc-tt iug you get killed. Quick! Say the word." "I I I much obliged, I'm sure, sir," as tbe other made a motion to throw him. "You've saved my life now" as the cat went by "if you ever dare" But ha waa given lifeuh.it landed him on the opposite sidewalk, and ns he stoix there shaking with rage the big citizen walknl off laughing over his lirst attempt us a Ufa saver. Detroit Free Press. The Origin of a famous Motto. The following account of the origin of a well know n motto for a timepiece, whc-Uiei true or false, is worth recording Somt years ago a new clock was made to bt placed in the Temple- hall. When finished, the clockmaker was desired to wait on the bencben of tho temple, who would think of a suitable motto to put under the flock. He applied several times, but without, get ting the desired Information, aa they had not determined on the inscription. Contin uing to importune them, he at, last camt when the old benclnrs were met in the Temple ball and had just sat down to din ner. The workman again requested to be in formed of the motto. One of tho benchers, who thought the application ill timed and who was fonder of eating and drinking than Inventing original mottoes, testily re plied, "Go alsuit your business." The me chanic, taking this for an answer to hit question, went home and inserted at th bottom of the clock, "Go about your bus! Hess," and placed it on the Temple hall, U the great surprise of the benchers, whe upon considering tho circumstance agreed that accident had produced a better motk than they OOUld think of, aud ever sinoettH Temple clock has continued to remind the lawyers and tho public to go about thc.ii business. Million. i it. o Bar nViseir. There was a certnin actress w hose charms and vivacity had long been proverbial. "Father." said a young man with enthu siasm, "she !s an nngel mid I love her!" He was speaking of the lady, whose iinme wu have not given, and he added, "fltopl Not a word! I beltevi her to be an nngel. I adore her, nml I won't allow you to breat he a syllable against her." "Certainly not," said the father, "cer tainly not. Why, I ndored her myself when I waa your age."- London Tit-Bits. In Doubt. Mrs. It. Christopher, darling, I never ran remember whether "soda water" is written as one word or two joined together by a syphon. Boston Budget. Criticising a Ynuna Lady. "Sho would bo a pretty girl for but ono thing.'' "What's tliatr asked Charloy. George Her face is always eovored with purple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily onough dls nosed of. Used to be the same way my self, but I caught on to the trouble ouo day, and got rid of It in no time. Ueorge What was it? ( barley Simply blood eruptions. Took n abort course of P. P. P. I toll yon, it's ihe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism eo bad that you could hear him holler clear across the country every time he movod. He tried it, and you know what an atbletie old gent he is now. If somebody would give Mise Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it. Ancestors of tbe Ancients. The -figures of the goda in ancient Egypt were represented on the monuments foi ages In animal organisation o( the local pop ulation run on totem lines. Eacheity had different beast gods, in the royal genealo- gies beasts are named as ancestors, showing that tbe early Eg ptlana actually considered themselves descendants of animals. Thi primitive element iu the early (i reek reli gtonhaa been preserved In the 'aacredohap ters," fragments of Which have been given us by Herodotus, Pauaanlai and others proving that the oldest images of the Ore clan gods were represented iu animal forms, and that the different royal houses claimed descent from iiiiiiuuls,JiM do the Savages ot America and Australia. Popular Science Monthly. . Unmusical "How long can a man live without nir?" "It. depends on tho air. Forever if I's 'Tii-ru-i ti Boom de-ay.' "- Kate Field's aahington. LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, Consumption comes. A alight cold, with your system iu the scrofulous condition that's caused by impure blood, is enough to fasten it upon you, Consumption is I.ung Svrofulu. You can prevent it, and you can cure it, if you haven't waited too long, with lr. Tierce's Qolden Mednid Discovery. Kor Scrofula, Weak I.ungs, Hronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs PlXftGI BngWHttsai : ('una. llefore taking the " Discovery " I would have four or tlve bad coughing apella every day and Would cough up moutlifuls of solid white troth, uini before I took one bottle it stopped it. l could not wulk across the room with (he puin Iu my buck ami sides; but soon the pain huh all gone, anil I could sleep well nt niffnt, my general in nit h is ii m il better since taken the "fieidcn edloal Discovery" al though 1 huve been Obliged to work bard on a farm. Mrs. JOHN LINCOLN. Olen Annan, Iiikhi Co., Oat. w Mm taoi Bfi ItKftl .Mill AMU TUIM WEAK MEN Y0UR ATTIMTION Ureut t-.iiKli.-li Kuuiudy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER from Ner- i asjJM sawaisn VOUH l- I'llitv, Vmknt'HH nf Body and Mind, Sporiuii loiTUPA, and linpotciicy, uini all dimmmtH that ililf from ovm- uiduluenco mid wlf abunv, uu Lohh of Mt'inory und l'owor, 1 nm.u-- t Vin ton, I'l-i'iiiitturo old Au and many other di BMM that MM to ItiKitinty or i yiimiinptioii uini linearly gravo, writ" for u imtuptdot. Addrim UllAY MI' DH'INK 00,, liufTnlo, N. Y. Tho hpt-ciflu Mcdiciuu in sold by all rtniKirinU at $ por packap, or Hix packau''H lor ..! 'M ly mail on iwofpt or mony.and with every WW order Wr. GUARANTEE a curt' ur nn'iicy rffinnl'l aa-sss is , C V'Hn account of roiiutnrl'oitrt wo have Hdoptfd tho Yrllow Wrappor, tho only (HJU-iii-'. bold in Srranton bv AlutthtWH i i .. , AIT. PLKASANT Mas. Lincoln. AT RETAIL, Ooul nf Dim best qunltty for domsalla UHu.mul of nit slziie, il.-l i in uur part u( the city ut luweNt price. Oriitu-s left at my otflee. NO. IIK, WVOHINO AVENUB, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or Mi nt by mall or telephone 'u thu miuu, will reeelTS prompt attsnnon. Sl-eciul eon tracts will tie mndu for Uio salu slid delivery of lluckwhuat CuaL WM. T. SMITH. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. COL'HT Ilot'HK KgtAIlt All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best. 1' 'al i- " .l- "mm 1 ft urn fas X V. Triftime, Xav. 1, IMS. The Flour Awards "CiiiCAdo, Oct 31. Fhe first oflloial announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judge to the Hour manu faclured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co , iu the trjat Waehburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family aud bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOH-SALK AGENTS. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand? of flour can be had at any of the following merchants who will accept Tmk Tkihlne flour coupon ot 80 on each one huudrod rounds of flour or 00 on each barrel of flour. fcrnntnn-F. P. Prieo, Washington avenue, ttolil Mmlttl Hranil. Hyde Park Carson A Davis, Wa-hburn St. (Mil Meilal Brand; Ji-xeph A. Mears.Maiu avenne, Superlative Hranil. Srean Ridge A LSpetaeer.Qold Medal Brand, Dunmore F. I' l'rii-.i. (b.lil Mwlal Hrand. Olypbant jams Jordan, superlative Brand. Dunmore-F, D Itantsy Baperlatlve llraiid. Provldonee Fenner & Ch.ippell N' Main ave nue, Siyierlativo lirand;(. .1 Oillespio, W. Markot street, Uuld Medal Brand. Peckville-Shaffer & Reiser, Superlative Brand. , Jermyn -C, I). Winters & Co. Superalatlvo Brand. Qtf Hon dale R S. Clark, (Inid Medal Brand. Honesdiii,, - .1 N. l uster ii Co, Uuld Medal Brand. Hontldale W.P. Bohenek, Superlative Brand Dal ton & E. Finn & Son. Hold Medal Brand Uouldaboro-K A. Adams, Hold Medal Brand robyhanna Tol.vh.inna & Lehigh Luinbo Co., Uuld Medal Brand. 1 PUZZLE, i THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable us a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE i:sv RTHKN YOU KNW now 800 IN PRIZKH WItiL BR DI8TRIDC THI TO Tllosi; DOING Till' PUZZLE IN THE sin K Tl si BPAOR C TlMB. I'Olt HA liK ItV Ml- SBW8 COM I A N I Km HI I 1 1 ) Kits AND AT TOY O ANY ADDDI.ss II'ON IIBOUIPT Hioitls, on SENT ltl( I , .!.-. CKNT8, 11V oi COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AND iu BOUTH r.HTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, BOX (MM RESTORED MANHOOD lil.l ' 'ill. AN1 Al l i l; I INi I. RESTORE LOST YIGOR iSBl.J,i7J"W, w'" !"" T" "pin wepk flol with WRITTEN k -1 AKAN V. I. ! i urn N t . nj I1- I i i , I . I i ... ... MtslaaUrylaMoMwamsayesMtc if nKiori), uch iteskiss Issa t! Bvloi.. mil Alit lalug. ,,,') . rSSiOl '"' T ' '"r y Wl"1 I For sale by JOHN EL l'IIELI'3, l'Laruiacist, cor. Wyoming Avo. aud Spruce St Scran ton, Pa. . V r ai , iv t The Strike Over $5,000 WORTH OF- Dry Goods And other seasonable articles wore tied up on the road and delivered to us. now These must be sold every article is marked with it lowest selling prioj In plain flifuris. We will deduct an extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. Thus offering a grand variety of fine present at price invariably less than cost of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods arc just tho thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Eta Kuch article ll a piese of art, ornamental and useful. Our nnnox is located on William street, next to our Millinery Department. Hoe the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of Hue fraroa, such as Outlts, Bed Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and many other u ful select articles. These constitute our List of of Rare Bargains Every article is a present to you if you patronize tho I'ioneor Establishment of warranted goods and low prices, A. li. BROWN'S BEI3 HIVE. We will andean show you a larger ftock than auy other concern in this section. Hem. m her. we are MAKER8; the ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Department and as to prices, we invite comparison with any concern in the laud and know we are the cheapest A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 33 N, Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William SL PITTSTON, PA. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHY8K IANs AM) gUKOKONg, DR. Q. E. DEAN. Diseases of theEyo, Nun Throat ami liar, UH tiprucu street, oppo- mU court liuusi-. Dli. A. J. tUNNEU., Otli.o ail Washington avenue, roinor Spruce ftrot, ovor hranvku'sdrui; atnro, Hesldenco, TS Vine st Officii hour: 10.80 to U a. m. nnd S to 4 aud u:H) t-i :M i in. Sunday. to .1 p m. Dl!. W. K ALLEN, Office cor. Lcta. wanna and Wimhlueton aves. : over Loon nrd ah. t(lr.; office hours, 10 to 1J a. m. and ato 4 p. m.j evt-uings ut residence, tU N. ashinpton avo. Dli. ( L. i- iiEY, Pnicticriimttl to Dls eaam of the Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat; i.fflcn, 112 Wyounugavo. Residence, iS Vine Hreot. lK. L at hates, 140 Washington Avenue, 1J dtllco hours, BtuU a.m.. l.!Jto o aud 7 to S p.m. IOHN L. WBNTZ, If, p., OlBoes J and 41 Cominonwealth building: residenoo "ll Madlaouave: offlco hours. 10 to 12, 1 to 4, T to t ; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of ilieas,- of tho eye, ear, nose and thro:it and gynecology. DH. U. U. MURRAY, Hpei-ialtv "made on dis eaBea of eye and skin.'JL' Wyoming Ave. Office hours: Until In u m J to 4 aiid? to H p in. R8. UR KINo. 00 MULBERRY STREET. At Carbondaj on Fridays of each woolt. M l rEKINABT 817BOEOM& KSTL'KHE, Veterinary Surgeon. Pen . tlstry a siocialty: gold medalist of On tario Veterinary College. Office. Summer' liverv. .'OI I'ix at., near Keller a carriage ahop. T. l.-ph.,ne Xo, 4l:t I) ABCHITECTg, AVIS St HOLTTrArchitecti.' Rooms i H Hnd ao Oommoa wealth b'id'g, Scranton. ? L. WALTER, Architect, Library bui.ii--i Ing, Wyoming avenue. Scranton. 1 L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price building. 120 Washington Ave., Scranton. M l I.I I N mi g. HORTON U. SWAHTS-WHOLESALE lumber, b aud V Dime Bank building, Scranton. Pa. EOABOEK BROTHERS, PRINTERS7 1VI Bupplies. envelojiea paper Imgs. twine. Waruhuuae, 1J0 V. :, . are, Scrauton. Pa. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR hulls, picnic, parties, roceptions, wed dings and eoticert work furnished. For term address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Huibert's music htore. EZRA FINN & SONS, builders and contrac tors. Yards: Corner Ohvo st. and Adams aye ; corner Ash st. and Penn ave , Scranton SEK.Dx. GR. CLARK 4 CO.. Scotsmen. Florists i and Nurserymen; store 146 Washingt .n avenue; green house.liijO North Main avenue; atore telephone ttt TKA8. ORANU UN ION TEA Co., ,lo:i,-. Hi , WIRE B( RE I NS. I.A u KEM, T M C RANCH'S Law and Collection ot- I . lice, No. 817 Spruce St., opposlto Forest House, Brrnntun, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania, reliable corrosiHinu cnts in every county. IF.SSUJ'S & I! AN U, "Attorneyship "Counsel" I lors "at Law, Cominonwealth building, Washington ave. W. H. Jcsst p, Bora ci f BAfA w ii JaaauP. .tn- ttor tiriLLARD, WARRRM m KNAPP 11 noys i.ii.l Counselors at Law, Republican building. WiiHhington ae.. Sci anion. Pa. PATTERSON & "WILCOX, Attorneys and 1 Counsellors Rt Law; offices u aud S Library building, bcruuton, Pa ROSWIMi II PATTBIlsoe, WILLIAM A. WILOoa ALFRED II AND. WILLIAM. I HAND, At torueya and Counsellors, Comuionwealtli building Hoiiiih 11'. 20 and 21. IMtANK T OKi-.LL, Attorney at Law. Room I ."i. Coal Exrbange. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. I.OWRY, ( AtCys, 227 Washing C. B. VON 8TORCH, l ton av C H square I AMES W OAKFORD, Attorney at Law, I roonin IVI, o4 and lTi, Com nion weal t h b'l'g. QAMUBL W. BDUaB, Attorney at Law. H office. IB Spruce st.. Scranton, Pa. I A WAT RES, Attorney at Law, 421 J. Lnckav.anna aue.. Scranten. Pa. Iji P. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. Office. . rooms 54. ffl. W Cominoiiwealtli building i R. PITCHER, Attornoy at Law. Com ' inonwea th bnllning. Scranton, I'a l COMKOYK, 1121 Spruce st. nil REPLOHLE. Attorney -Loans nego- Hated on l eal rst.te security. 40a Spruce. 1 F. KILL AM, Attorney at Law, 11 Wy l eming avenue, Scranton, HAYF. VOf It DEEDS AND MORTOAHFS written and ncltnowledged by J W. BROWNINil. Attorney and Notary.lVbllc, Commonwealth Hntliliug. JOS. KCETTEL, 6i5 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manut 'r of Wire Screena THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices ami ice tbe furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON. PA. " Mlllliil. VJCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa . prepares boya and glrla for college or biialness: Ihoroiighly tralus young children Cataluguo at request. Rev. Thomas M canx Wai.tr a H. Hi-k u I1HS WORCESTER'S K1NDF.RU ARTKN ll and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils recolved at all tluioa. Full term will upeu Heetembrr I Dl N I I8TM, ' C LA UHACH, Surgeon Deutlat, No, IU " . Wyoming ave. R M. sTRATTiiX, ...-e r,.al Kx.-linng" DR. Mom PILLS Tlmnreatn'meily for nervous prostration anil allnervouadlseases of Hie Keiicrailvo orgnns of ellher mi. sneli as Nerious 1'roslratlcn, nit' Ing or Iml Mammon., luipoieiicT, Mgluiy Knilsslons.Youlliriil Krrors. i nirnini worry. ei sive nw'ot Tohai-co or opium , which lead to Con- i iiisiiiiuf. i.iui every ! onler wo gle a wrlllcn gunr- inteejojiBretirjyfund UM2,nioneyL Hold at ai.oo psrbox, Jxixea For Bale by C, H. n Altuis, irugaft. 1 it Heim Avenue, LOANS. PAY1NU b'F.NI'. OWN YOUR Mi'li'V to hiali on easy tnotitlilv aviuellts. S. N. I'AI.I.r.Nlll'H. Dime llallk Building LJTO'P 0 Imme. HOI I I H WD REST l R I NTS ' I ' HR W I s r M I N STER, W iilT'Wyomlnf I live Rooms heated with steam: all moiF Fin Improvements. C M Tiil'MAB. Prop yiKULER'8 hotel. W Lackawanna ave- J uue, Scrantou. Rates reavonablo. I, y.iiin i' it. Proprietor. llflBTMlMHTBR Hol'FL. W. (). SCHLNCK. Manager. Sixteenth street ono block east of Hroadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, fllNl piT da) and upward. 10YNB HOUSE. European plan; 'good ' rooms. Open day and night. Bar sup plied with the V. ,i P. H. COYNE. Proprietor. OCR ANTON HOUSE, near l, L W ias- 0 senger depot. Conduct, d on the European plan. Virion Kocii, Proprietor. 1 iltAND CENTRAL. Th largest und best M eqiilpped hotel in Allentowu, Pa.; ratal 12 aud 12.00 jper day. YIOIOl D. Barneb, Proprietor. DUPONT'S MININO, BLASTING AND BPOBTIMQ POWDER Slamifncturednt Ihe W.ipwallopon Mills, L'.l xoruo county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, nS Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOF.M'ltS. THOS FORD. Fittkton. Fa. JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth. Ps. E W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Hal re. Pa. Agents lor the Hi-puuuo Chemical Com psny'a High Kxplosives. - THE MOOSiC POWDER C RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal iihod exclusively, insuring CMaaUnaM and comfort. ma tabu in arraa nncsi, 1803. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, WUksa. J H ? "u: v't .l". ".15, 11.30 a. m., 12.30, 2.00, uilUfno'.I.'m: P" "' .' '-. For Ailantlc City, 8.10 n. m. I' or New York, Newark and Ellubett), 8,10 WOftm) a. m 12.30 (express with Bullet parlor ear;, J .10 (cxprewij p. ra. Sunday, 2.H0 roa UAvoH CncKa, Aixurowa, Bithi, ',' ' ,""- N""1 i'ii-Auti.pnu, 8.10 a. m.. Sun:iaylrp'ln,,:";U,'t l'" P- - For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrii-burg, via 210 p m'1'' "' "'"' li 3l' 5 W' v'u, Bu'lilk For PottSTllU, S lOn. m., 2 :p. m. "i-turnliiK. h ave New York, (out of Liberty 1 m"'i V' ,".,h nv""' at M i"Prta) a. m., I 1", I .SO, (express with Buffet parlor cai ) p. m Sunday, 4.3U a. m. LoavePhiuulBbhla, Reading Terminal, P. 43 . m., ...01 and 4..H p. ns, Sunday, 6 27 a. in. .Ji"!""r V"'1""'' ''.'"'" i'"ntut lowest rate nay L., had on anpUeation In advBDO to tho ticket agent at he ttation. ii. r. BAIjUWIT. J. H. OLHOUSEN-, Oen, Supt. Gen. Pais. Agent. LHIOa VALLEY RAILROAD. -,TXRvl !'i,av''s ;s.' ra,'t" for Philadelphia and r Hand n r '.'' U ",',t. .! ' " ! S it ( . .. ' V v!u t . L- & W. R. R , SOD H. 0 a m.. and 1,31), ;t ,V) v BarrVvt n''a't'l vf,V J'lttston and Wilkes- ita5;-.PVm' HH"Ja.m, Poi5ol2S505ior MU ll"' n Haaleton, v. , ' KS ;l" l"""tv "" the Beaver Meadow and 1'otUv lie branehet, riaD It. It. at S u.ni., 1110, 2 38, 4 10 u in , li W. R. H..MSJ. J2.Wa.m..lT':ii,L' Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Kastun. Heading. Ilurrisburg and all mtermedlate point- v iu D. & H. R. It , am ,12 10, 2 IM P.tn .via I) . L & W. B. R..S.08. ll.2lJa."S'lti MO p m. i Leave Berantoa for Tnn khan no k. Towaada. timli a. Ithaoa. Geneva aud all intermediate point-, via D. II R. R UH and lt.: p. m.. via I). L. & W R. B.. iM a m.. 1JU p. m. l-ave Scranton for Rochester. Bnffslo, Ni agara lulls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west mil. A H. It. H. Js7.1S,UJI p. m . via D. L. &W. H. R. and Pittetou Junction (Hot) a. m. for Buffalo only;, 1.30 9 3S p. m , via E ts v . It. It. 4.Io p. m. i.F'.'rw lmil,l un,i Wf-8t vin Balamanea, Vla ft At II R. it at.i5p. m., via D . L. ii W. K. By 0. O. io a. m. and 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor ; ud sleeping or L. V. " hair afS on ull trains between L. & B Junction or Wi'k.- Ham- and Now York. Philadelphia, Buffalo aud Beipsiitioa Bridge. P.OLLIN H WlLhUR, Qen. Supt. East Dlv. a ... i ..I.'.KK- I'a-s. Ag t. Phila .Pa. A ! u I ACBBB, Aaet avu.Pass. Ag t. South Bethlehem. Pa. - - " yvnr a.u HUD- LZ . SON RAILROAD. i ommendng May 2!'. i"t2, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Stitiou. Scrunton. for Pitts- W jlYlfHt m '": wiigea-n mum ut I'-" 12.10, rem "-"i ! rtw r and 11.86 p. m. n" For New York and Phila delphia, s tiuu. m., 12-10, ;.25, M8, 4.10 and 11.30 p. m. For Honesdale (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot , 7 0J, 8.80, 10. IU a.m , 12 00 m.. 2 17. 6.10 p. m. For Carboudal" and intermediate stations, 5.40. 7 00. 8.30. 10.10 a. m . I2.ni m ,2 17, .; 2r, in, B.ai andO 3ri p. m.: from Bridge Btreet D, pot, 2.U3 a. m.. 2.17und II ;!5 p. m. Fast express to Albjuv. Saratoga, the Adi- rondsek at oun tains, l..t nand New England point 5.40 a. m., arnvin; at Albany 12.Jj. Saratoga ISO p. m , and loavinc Scranton at 3 p. m.. arriving at Albany at -..V p. in.. Sara toga. 12 6i a. in . ai.ti B at on. 7 QO a. m. The only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes George and Champlain, Montreal, etc Time tables showing local nnd through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware nnd Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware aud Hudson ticket offices. H. W. YOUNG J. W. BURD1CK. Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Aft -I ELAW I RE, LA CSA W A N N A AMI ESTERS RAJ R(iAl) Trains leave ScranUn as follows- Brule for New York aud all points Uast. 1.50. 2.50. 1 18, 8.00 and 0.60 a. m. : 12 (5 and 3.5H p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton, Philadelphia and ths South, 5.15, 8.00 and 8.80 a. m.; 12.53 and l 80 p m. W aahington and way stations. 2.40 p. ro. Tobyhanna accommodation. 0 111 p.m. Expr ss for Binshamtoii. Oawego, Elmira, Conung. Hath. Dansville. Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12 10, 2 15 a. m. and 1.24 p. m.. making close eonnection at Buffalo to all points in tho West. Northwest and Southw.-s-. Buffalo accommodation. H im a. m. Bii.ghamton and way stations. 1J 17 p. m. Niobolson mid wav stations. S ii p. m. Bingbamtnn and Elmira Expios 8.08 p.m. Express for CortUnd. Syracuse. Oswego, Uttea aud Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. ltijaca. 215 and V.'t) a. m. and 1.21 p. m. For Northumberland. Pittst m, U i;k,- Barre, riviuouth. Bloomsburg and Dauv.lle. making close oounections at Northumberland for Williamsport. Harnsburg, Baltimore. Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, 6D0, MO a. m. and L8U and O07 p. ru. Nsntlooke and intermediate stations. 8.09 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth aud intermed,alo stations. BHVand t'.;ts p. in. Pullman parlor nnd ulecping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket tim I tables, etc . apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 3 Lackawannaavenue, or diiot ticket office. VEW fOBK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN i' BAilrpad, Scranton Division. Timetable in effect Nov. pi. sw. Trains h ave Scranton for Cirlsindale: IBB, s.:kl. 11.05 a n.. 4."H In p. m. Por Hancock Junction and main connections 11.05 a.m.. 0 M p. m. Trains leave Battoook Junction for main lino connection for Scrantou, OiM a m , 2.05 P in. Trains leave c.irlioiidale for Scranton 7 24, (VtS a.m., 1.10, :l.34, 6.16 n m. J. C ANDERSON, lien, ral Passenger Agent, New York. T. FI.ITCROFT. District Passenger Agent, Scranto'i Rooms 1 and I Commonwealth Bld'a SCHANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSIO ami It U SI I DALI WORKS, LaflUn & Rontl Iyowder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Retteries, Fusoi for exploJ Ing blasts, Safety Fuse ami RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives THE LARGEST 0HBAPH8T UES'l" The Tribune 7RIK AND WYOMlMa VALLEY RAIL I J ROAD. Train leave Scranton for Neiv York and in termediate points on th Erie and Ha lev and local points at II W. 0 4o a. m. and 3.24 p in. Train leavtnf at l'4" a. m. and 3 24 p. in. are thronatl trains to and from Hones! ale. Trains leave for W lkes liarreat 8 40 a. m. aud 3.41 p. in. ATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS A tin n i ii lend und 1 rrrieli Zinc, I'm Linseed oil. Turpentine and urultlict Itcaily-nilioil Palate in " colors, Gliders' Whiting. Paris White ami Kalaomlntt Oil Vitrei, Marble Dust and U in do OlaH Hotel Wayerly European Flsu. Flrct-class Bar stt . el. D. pot for Berguer M Engel'a Tannhieuwr Beer. N. L Cor, 15th and Filbert Sts., Philada. llnat desirable for residents of N.E. TennJ fylvanla. All conveniences tor travelers to aud from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. De ilrable for visiting Serantonlaus and te lle iu tlio Anthracite Region. T J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR.