The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wauls of all kinds cost Ihul much, ia oept Situations Wmttd,hieh are inserted VRSK, Situations Wanted. uitl'atjon wanted bv a butoheh 3 86 peers old who understands the bush nm; oaii give reference il required. Address 'Win.,'1 box 188, Taylor, l'u. W 'ANTED A Vol S'u WOMAN WMHM to rend to elderly ladj or gentleman H taw hours, each day. Amnh Itemicr, 1'itts- tou, Pa. ANTED-BY A MIDDLE AUED LADY a position Si housekiui er or HUM ternn for iiuiaihg, ;8 p)r week. He'ciemo jilveu. Addi e-s llouei;-,ii-. Tribun" ."lti'-v. C1TDATIOM WaNtfd-american man C 86 years of egs a id m u ried. to Hit ns watchmen. Janitor og laleiman, A, No. I 1 efcrunce. AfldtSS', N. 'I ribiiuo oil Q U ANTED SITUATION -- HOOD MAN 1st, ilsbt reader, well up la so on busi ness. Ti M . Tribune oftice. Agents Wanted. U' ANTED A SALESMAN, KM TO S0 weekly mil hi uncle with our good in any locality, will prove It or forfeit 810U Haw urci nunUaloQ as yoa prater. The re isultioi i. few nou' work often equal u Weeks .at; s. Address, "M AN L'l'ACT I K ICRS," P o. Iti.x MU8, Boston, Has. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Individual Anthracite Operators Now Concede the Wisdom of Harmony. Help Wanted -Females. U PANTED iiilli. FOB OFFICE WOBK; low wattes t" begin; advancement good rataranoaraauiradj Mute age. Address PERMANENT, Tuiiiiini: office. For Sale. l?OK SALE IU-ACRB l AltM, BTOOK SHEFFIELD, t2B and Utensils. J, il. afonros ave. LOK SALE Hi.Wl.IVi! M.M.Y 1 I X .F turpi, comp'oto WSOantarstraat, city. 1"0U BALE -ONE NEW YOHT TYPE I writer, also one new Abbott cheek punch, at a bargain. Address ft, J.i euro Tribune of fice. TTOB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB BCBAN J ton property -a bearing prangs grove increasing. In production unci value yearly in the orange eeetion In Florida, Addree I. E. NETTLbTON, Lake Helen, Florida For Kent. 5oB BENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NOW 1 oceapled by the Telephone Exchange, 108 Lackawanna avenue. Apply at the nlllee of Lebifb Salt Mining Co, . Third National Hank building. L. S. and K ('. Fuller, CTOBE FOB KENT MOKE ROOM AND 0 basement. No. 188 penn a snue. now oc cupied bv 0, s. Wool worth as a 5-cent store, Inquire oi H. U. IIII, I.. Ml North Washington avenue. ,K BENT A LAltilK SToltE ROOM AT 4U8 Spruce street. Inquire at 1H Wymn F ag avenue. "UK RENT THE I'l'U.NlSHKD Bts'l J denco of the late William W. Mamies, 127 Tefferson uvuuuo, with or w ithout Inru in tho inquire of 11 A Knupp, Hepubll. .in Ing ear. build nOB BINT LAlKiK STORE ROOM AND J Laaentaat D.i ka.u ayannaOraaa Uidge. fultablt for lurii.tuie and end-rt iking. Kel.t l,w li. .t.'i EAKnVATKK. noBBENT TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL J ling house; modern improvements. :115 f orest eourt. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent. 7.1 V.'st Lackawanna avenue. rpo LET FOB A TERM OF YEARS -I Part or all of thrie hundred feet of vard loom along railroad. Apply at 'M Eraiikliu avenue. ' pO BENT-STORE ffizW UK Fl'KNIriHED I ball on Green Ridge atreot. Very de.siru iie location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F. E NETTLETO.N or O S. WOODRUFF, Republican building, Found. 17NTTKlfuTiTr5 nFYniTAs badge Owner can have wane by prov. ing property am paying for this adv. fall ou J C., 'a 1 y House. , Special Notices. rPHE ANNl'AL MEETINH Ml' THE 1 stis'kholders of the Seranton Illuminat ing. H 'at and Power i-ompaiiy will bu hold at tha oOce of the company, Us Wyoming ava- nue. on Tuafday, Jan hi. l.V.U. at i o'clock u. Hi , for tbu election of directors for tho ensu mg year and such other busluessas may come before them. FRED 0 HAND. Secretary. BcrantOB, Pa . Dec. 15, M. XTOTICE is HEREBY UIVE'X THAT THE firm of I. A Finch A-Company, having mid their entire plant business and gixal will to the. Finch tftmufarturiiig ( ompany, have this day, December With, liSM, gone out of business. AH persons having claims against the retiring linn are reques ed to present them o Mr. Irving A. Finch, through whose hands all such payments and all collections will be made ' . k'MlE SULDIEU IN OUR CIVIL WAR," 1 containing Frank Leslie's lainons old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every Page Illustrated, Over WOO pages. As an edu cator it is uuexculled Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete. Address P. O. Moody. y)0 l-'ranklln avenue, agent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT HI. coiner Spruce street and Franklin ave nua. Twenty mual tickets for 18,50. Qood ' ta bio board . ccuanton WBINQEB hospital, uo C5 Spruce stieet, ground floor. The best solid WhMa I libber rollers, one dollar each. Work guarantood by the oldest and only ex pert wriugcr repairer in Sqganton. .' - Legal. XT' STATE OK WILLIAM MATTHEWS J 4 late of the city of Si ranton. county of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, da ceased. Letters testamentary upon the alsjve named estate having been granted to the undersigned nil persons having claims or demands against thosaul cstatu will present them for payment and all those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to M RY H MATTHEWS. Kb HARD .1. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M, Matthews. Executors, Scrantoii, Pa. WILLARD, WARREN A ENAPP, Attorneys, Ecranton Wholesale Harksts. ECRAKTUH. Jan. 13 b'ftum and Pri Kiel Lined apples, per lb., 6a7e.: era orated apples, fa'.v. per lb.; Turkish prunes, sj,u.1c.; English currants, 4al'4c. ; layer raislus, $l.UUa'J.bU; mussatels, (i,4iia 1.50 per box; new Valencia, 7a7!te. per lb. Deans -Marrowfats, (2. ti0a2.05 per bushel ; mediums, $l.bUal.U0. PCA8 Ureeu, 1.25a1.80 per bushel ;spllt, 8'i.SOa2.60: lentels, UalUc, per pound. Potatoks Cna70c. per bnshel. (miosti 7ilaV"ic. per bushaL Humn Uilaa-ic. per lb. CBKEBB lOnllic. per lb. Eons Fresh. Mai pickled, 19c. : conltirs. luc. Meats nams, 10ia.: large. 10c.: akinned hams, 10&; California hams, He; shoulders, 8c. ; dry salted bellies, )e.; smoked breakfast bacon. 12c; fresh pork loins, inc.; "yomtng" porg Hrtiisage, Ho.; Wyoming home made sau HHge, 3-pound mil, larded, 11c; butch era' sausage b'v , our own make: fresh porlc houlders, 7c: fresh pigs' feet, 8c; fresh pigs' beads, 0c; fresh spars ribs, 3o. ; fresh leaf lard, lie; frssh kidneys, bo. doz.; rough sauaago meat, h;vc; tongue. 8kC.;plucka, Sceach; whole hogs, 1)ic. roKK Mass at 817; shortcut, 813 Lahd Leaf In tleraes at 0X.; in tubs, ."4r ; in 10-pouud pails, Hi',c: in 5-pound palls, luc; 8-pouud pails, ltis. par pound. pjixrCholce sugarcuretl, smoked beef, lie. Poultry Cblckena, HallXo.; turkeys, 13al8Hc; ducks. 12alc Fixidii -Minnesota patent, per barrel. 84.s0u4.0ll; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 83.75; Urabam at 88,60; rye flour, at 8.2h. Bookwueat Flour-82. WO per cwt. FxEii-Mlxed, per cwL, at 81.00. URAIR-Rye, Me.; coru, 40 to 59a. ; oata, 0a45c. per bushel. Kte Etiiaw Per too, tlSsia. Hay -Per ton. $16aia "A Study in Scarlet." VERY GRATIFYING UNANIMITY NOW There Is No Desire to Return to the Old Era of Ruinous and lndiscrimin ate Tdroat-Cutting Serantonians Retui-n from the Recent Meeting Pleased with the Feeling Prevailing Among Members ot the New Asso ciationOther Recent News and Gossip ot an Industrial Character. Although the duty of taking the in itiative In SOU14 specific Action calcu lated to in net the prevalent crisis in the anthracite trade wan at the recent ses sion of tli Anthraoito Cosl Operators' association referred to the executive committee, Scrautohians who ware in attendance bring back cheerful reports coucoruing the lmruiony that prevailed, in oontrMt with the former disjointed and irregular attitude preserved by the individual oporators toward vital in terests of tha trade in anthracite, this new confession of mutuality of inter rnta, and thin novel disposition to work together as n unit instead as jangling and jarring fac tors have greatly encouraged those who were largely instrumental in bringing the operators together. The coal trade is like nuy other kind of business, It responds with immediate emphasis to good or bad management. But unlike most other kinds of busi ness, the raw material in which it denls is not BO inexhaustible that tho present generation of producers or consumers can afford to sit idle under the stress of incoherent and conflicting control, in which investments ure jeopsrded, pro duction made capricious and prices re duced to a plane of unintelligible and indeterminate fluctuation. Coal experts are investigating the alleged coal beds of Sanora in the in terest of a Chicago syndicate. If their report is favorable, the syndicate has agreed to purchase the coal concession, built a railroad from Ouaymas to tho coal fields, build coal docks at or near Quaytnas, equip the mines with machinery capable of mining o,UOO tone, and put on a line of whalebacks between Ouaymas, S,in Diego, San Pedro and San Francisco, tor the purpose of hauling coal to these ports. Everything looks favorable for the opening up and operatitig of those immense coal deposits and the fur nishing to the Pacific coast of that long felt want cheap coal. Colonel Blanco.of the boundary survey for the Mexican government, while at Yuma said: "There is no question but that the Colorado river can be so imnroved that cowl barges can come to Yumn, loaded with coal from the Ssn Marcial eoal fields, and thnt the coal can ho laid down here for $-1: at most for per ton. It will not be difficult or ex pensive to keep the Colorado river open for such vessels as are required for that Irade." Oenernl Manager Voorbees, of the Lehigh Valley, says: "A summarv taken Dec. 23 showed that there had been 3,200 men altogether who had left tho servica of the company during the strike, and of thete 1094 had been re employed in accordance with the terms or the agreement tip to that time. As thorn has been some question in regard to the number of locomotive engineers who left the servico of the company, it may be of int-rest to state that the to tal number who struck was r27, and up to Christmas day 2;SG of these meu had secured employment With the company, leaving 391, according to the company 'a pay rolls, who had not got back. In re-employing those men no questioua were asked ns to their affiliations with any bodies of organizod labor, nor has any distinction been made on that ac count." The Ilondrick Manufacturing com pany's works in Carbondale are credited with having the largest punching machine in the world. The Leader says it was made after plans of Mr, Hendrick'sand is an improvement over former machines in that it works automatically. When In position it will be worth whilo seing the big teeth or dies of the ponderous machine come down and chop out blocks of iron as easily as an average person takes a bite from a hpo apple. There are but three or four concerns in America that are ns well equipped for the manufacture of punched plates and screens and it is this fiol that ex plains the activity of tho ilendrick works whpn there is depression in all kinds of manufacture all over the country. The ll.-thlehem Iron company has dosed its steel rail mill owing to lack of orders, but may not, as reported, close its merchant ami paddling mill. The ordnance works will continue run ning on full time, as tho company has plenty of government work ou hand At the company's office in Philadelphia it wiib said Sttnrday that the steel rl' mill will not resume operations for srflne time. Under the Scenes. President Wilbur, of tho Leliijh Valley railroad, contemplates a trip tiouth after the a. on. a I meeting Tuesday. After several months of idleness tho Forest City Electric Works resumed with a small force of men at Geneva, O. The big sheet mUl of the Union Rolling Mill, of Cleveland, situated at Mnncie, Ind., will start today, giving employment to several huudred men. The guide mills are also to bu started. The Pnsey & Jones company, whose shops in Wilmington, Del., have been idle about two months, will resume operations in a few days, They have received orders for machinery whirn will keep tbe shops running for four mouths at least. It Is believed that the Central Trafllo association is near Its end. Reading officials say they look for Judge I'axson's return about tho end of the month, There is sotnewhnt better demand for cars in the northvest, and the movement of wheel in that tection is expected toin- c rouse. Tho hearing before Judge Colt, at P.oi ton, to appoint a receiver for the Now England in Massasnchusetts has been post poned from Jan. 15 to Jan. 22. Receiver 1'axson, of the Reading, is re ported as saying in an Interview iu Lon don: "Our policy is to lop off all uure munerative branches nnd leased lines and to economize iu every direction, nud to c mline the Reading to Its sphere as a coal mining and coal carrying property." The largo Union paper uillla, at New Hope, have just resumed operations in full. The Missouri Fnrnsca company, wboa plant has been closed Bines tbe Belleville Rail mills kIiih down, will resume opera tions with 250 men. The Pennsylvania Railroad company has Accepted an Invitation to make an exhibit at the international fair to be held at Ant werp, from May to Decetnbor of this year. It has not been decided as to wbat the display will consist ot. Chief of Motive Power T. N. Ely will have its preparation in charge. At the mooting of trunk line presidents, which was held tn New York last week, a better understanding regarding passeugar rates was reached. This has led to a re port tout a big pool was formed. At the i'enusylvuuia railroad office the report Is cuaracterizou as unrounded. Would you ride on a railroad that uses uo danger signals That cough is a signal or danger. The safest cure is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by nil dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds New YonK. Jan. 18. There was little activity in the stock market today.The un dertone was strong, tho effort to create uneasiness regarding the bankl regarding a revival of gold shipments, being offset by the more favorable trade reports and the decision of the ways und means com mittee nut to tack tbe lucerne tax mutter ou the tariff bill. The further accumulation of money at this center was another point iu faVOI of the bulls, the banks having gained 88, 787,025 iu surplus reserve. The general market first advuueed to per cent., then lost most of this gain, but in the liuuueial transactions was lirm again un der the leadership of Sugar, nnd loft, off at or near the best figures of tho day. Tho prominent stocks recorded net gains of , to 4 per cent, for the day. Total trans uctious were only 10,089 shares. The full iwmg completo table allowing tho day's fluctuations In active stocks la supplied and revised daily by Laliar & Fuller, stuck brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Ilii'b- Low Clos ing, est. esc, ii. g. m lly 410-4. L. aju Am. Cot. OU... Am Sugar A. T.&S. F Cm. So... Con. N. J Chic. AN W. C, B. ft CJ UUlc. Uas. C. (J.. C ft St. Col, Hock. Val ft T. li. ft II D L. ft w D.AC. F.... Erie It, L. Co iWl Lake Shore IZM l. a n kj Manhattan Wt -'!! Ha elild 21 Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y. ft N. E N. Y. Central.... N. Y., O. ft W... N. Y.,S. W... U. S. C. Cu North Pae North l'ac. pf.... Omaha Pac. Mall Readmit Wfl Rock IsTaud ei, It T Paul f.,0. ft I Texas ft Pac. . Union Pac. ... Wabash, pf... W. Union W. ft L. K W. ftL. E. pf. 12 '-is.. 15 toy; iSl est. m 4UL4 101 ' 881 IBM IIM 3JH 122V, ml ml 214 ini Mi lit. 44 15 ink HM 44 Mi 74W 81 Jt 25 1, m Hd I88M 42ty in 21 iijs 88 15 4 isH wye mi i 'jfcii 7it2 88 m i ik MM IIBM 42lv l iij. us 16H 4 15 351, UM WW 57S 57H 07t(j . m . 86m . 124 48H m 124' 4tJ t8U S4 L-'l ISM 4H Chicago Grain ScitA.NTON. Jan. 1.1. Hons are eupnlled and Bar & Puller, stuck hru one, WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest, Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. Opening Highest Lowest CI sing...... PORK. Opening.' Highest Low at Closing LARD. Opening Highest .owest 1 sing SH I: r ciiw Opening Highest Lowest Closing ind Provisions. -Tha following qunta c irrectod daily by La- kers.121 Wyoming ave- Jan. May. July. WW UtM 07 IttU 05'., tii, t04 C6g tfllu mi wi4 asi Mi .)-,., ail 37J SOS aiSj tfii smi Z7U 28i, 87M 80U 8M X7 2l)S, VMS, 27 28H KM 1320 - uei nd uitt iw) 1326 1337 - 812 775 - 818 7l "12 775 - 815 775 Ulu 50 68) 1)77 tin5 S5'l 6j 1)75 New York Produce Market. Nkw Yong, Jan. la. Floor Easy. dull. Wheat Q.ilet, weaker; No. 2 rod, store and elevator, 66aUt,Vc; afloat, 87a07Kc; f-o. b., C3.aG7ic.; ungraded red, Ii0a07c.; No, 1 north ern, 71)a71;..; options dull, weak and .'i'ac. lower. No. S red closed, January, Ofl1-'.; February, (37c.; March, 66Ke.j Way, TOJc.; Jnne, 71c.; July ro0. August,' 73:.: December, 76'ta t.'ORX Market quiet, easier; No. 2, 41(a 41!'4c.elevator, 42;ja42-;,c. afloat; ungraded mixed, 4420.; steamer mixed, 41,a 41c.; No. 3, low mixed, 41)ic.: op tions dull, weak; January, 41 'i.e. ; February, 42',i'c; March, 43Vjc; May,42c. Uats Dull, firmer; options, dull.steady; January. DHo.; February, March, BtVe,; .May. 340. ; spot prices: No. 2, SfStfa; No. 2 while, 35 'c; No. 2 Chicago, 340.; No. It, 82Hc,: No. 8 white, aa.'.c. ; mixed western, 34o:i5c. ; whlto do.. 35:i40c; white state, 35a40c. Beef Steady, quiet; family. 8llal3; extra mess, 8SaS.50. hEEf Hams Dull, firm, IOnl6.50. TlXBCXn Beek Dull: city extra India mesa, ft Da 20. COT MJUT8-Quiet, flrm.f pickled bellies, 7?iC; pickled shouldere,li1)1c.; pickled hums. OaOVc LaRD Quiet) ensier; western steam closed at 18 fi."; sales none: city, 8)a8Vf0. : Juuuary closed, IS.D5; February, 18.25: .May, I8.1C; refined, quiet; coutineut,;8Si. 10; South America, M.50: compound, Bauc. PonK Qoietl firm; mess, 8l4.Mal5. BCTflE Dull; funcy, fairly slendv; state dairy 17n24c: do., creamery 18a22c; Western dairy 15al8c; do., creamery lVJjXc; do., factory 14al7c; elgms 88a26cj imitation creamery ISXalSoi rolls 14al8c. CimtcsE -Qnlet, firm; slate large, 0a 1 1 54V ; fancy, llftall'c,; do. small, 11a 12:':,c; pai takuui, 4al0c; full skims, ViaSc. Boos) Moderate demand, steady; ice bouse, 14al7c; limed, l.mlOc: western fresh, l9Walle, seconds, per case, J'.'aS' southern, i m'. ' ,e. Philadelphia Tallow Market. PHiLADKLrniA, Jan. 13,-Tallow was flrmer.with a better demand. Prices were: Prime city, in hogsheads, Cc.: prime country, In hogsheads, oc. do. dark, iu hvgsheads, 4c; cakes, Bc; grease. 4iJo. Electrio Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular ns to need no special men tion. All who live used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does notexist audit Is guaran teed to do nil that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver nud Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impnre blood. Will drive .Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure alt Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Coutitpation nud Indigestion trv Electric Bitters Entile satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 81 per bottle nt Matthews Bros., Drug store. - Fon Colds, Croup. AsTniu, Bnoxi nnrs and Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas Eclectrio Oil, and get the geuuine. Any subucribtr of The Tribune may se cure a buuk of futlto and coal coupons worth $S and thus save &0 cents on each barrel of flour and U cents on euch ton of coal. dct 1 Estate. I.MJR HALK -SlNULE HOUSE, r yUlNcT inniiu"; very desirable location. Anply (I F. REYNOLDS, or WILLARD, WARREN A KNAPP. -.uouwiLL nuy modern newsroom house, all Imtiroveniuiits: terms eav: cor ner Madison avenue aud Deleware street Ap ply HARRY LEES. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Directors of the Poor of Scranton Poor Diitrict, For the Year Eod'ng Dec. 31, 1893, Showing rocolDtn, expenditures, accounts of nocrooiry, treasurer, tax collectors ami super lntondent of farm, products of the farm, aud an Inventory of tho real and personal property of tho said district, aa required by tbu act uf iiMciuuiy approved April , lu 98 ACCOUNTS OF SECRETARY, DISBl'nSEVENTS. There went Uisburs d upon claitiM ugainst the district, duly approved by tho board, for which vouchers are on tile, the sum of J7i distributed as follows: Salaries and services 818,042 US Outdoor relief 3,1121 03 Supplies )s,:jl3 01 Improvements and repairs. 3s,5mM J Print lag and stationery . 253 3S Furniture 1,148 08 Miscellaneous 87il 10 178,808 S 1 hese accounts lire sub divided as follows. SALAII1ES AND SERVICES. (Salaries of directors far 1888 $ 1,780 00 Salaries of auditors for 1st:.' 150 0U Salaries of other olticers for li'J2 1,353 38 Salunes and wages . if officers, attend ants, farm Bands, etc., for 1W3 s.TSS 30 lotal for salaries and services 12.042 8 OL'I'DOOK ItELlKE, r uneral expenses f. 488 00 i rsaaportanoa of paupers urn s examination oi insane , to no .Medicine 29s till i.iwyn Home for Feeble minded Chil dren 4is 03 at. Joseph h Kuuiidling Home 4Ut nomerortne Friendless 1US 2S St. Patrick's Orphan Aaylum , tf) 5h uacaawanna Hospital .... us 41 Orders of Relief 8S 45 Provisions, rent nnd fuel 1,204 82 C. J Kerr, ovnrainr of poor 128 82 West Plttstou Poor district 24 50 Ararat Poor district 5n 77 Legal expenses 15 s; r ureal city Puor district W W rnuaaeipnia Poor district 1 1 57 Total for outdoor relief. . . . si ret Ii.- Coal and light reign! Meat and fish Tobacco and pipee Clothing and dry goods Shoes and leather Flutir Peed aud meal Drugs und medicine Crockery and hardware Ilnmnu i.nd . .,t, (Iroceries and provisiuns i i in: ei .8 3,21 U3 8 8,070 ou 4211 Wt . 3.'.-W 16 ;3 65 . 2, Hit) Sft . 482 03 . 1.391 90 , 644 th 4H3 ;t5 . 250 13 . 8511 00 . 4.8U2 10 27 52 Total for supplies 18,513 (14 tUraOVIMIMIg AND UTAIRS, New Moh's building $28,343 02 Recreation yard walls aud pavilions. U.4H7 J L'ipSStt s;i 60 Administration building 805 43 Conduit 415 K5 Railing Hoard rooms, Scranton Kit' 0 Rlackiitnithlng 2tfl " Pump house Ml 40 Harness, etc 82 08 Holler house 8t) 97 luHsno huildiug 1A4 88 Laundry 85 77 Klectric building 314 62 Piggery 8 HO Women i building n 75 Mlscellaueuus Ms 41 Tutal for improvements and repairs . 43 I'll IN T I N", I ANll evATiAtftmv. Sulnrriptlon. papers at Farm...s 8 4 75 books aim oianas . woes Poataaa ttamna i?ii Stationery 44 78 Total for printing and stationery. FL'HNITL'KE. Tables Cusp! ores Chairs Desks Shades Carpets Paper and dadoes Sofa rug Linoleum Beds Book rack Repairs of furniture. . . 203 38 ..5 14 00 7 60 MM 151 It) 7 IKS 343 S3 163 00 ... 18 00 .. 14103 61 50 10 50 2175 Total for furniture 1 H6 06 MtSCILLAMlOCa Rent, Directors' room 9 lias Legal coits andcxpehses Superintendent's miscellaneous ex peusea Resident physiclau's miscellaneous expanses. Telephones Assessment, State Association Direc tors of the Puor , Safe deposit vault Tare refunded Tuulug piano , Traveling expenses Iusurnnco Horse Refunded Mrs. Cunningham Carbondale Pour district . , ! Fireworks Keys , 68 Ml 1 S3 lb si 101 85 88 :ti 101 '.-5 80 00 5 00 44 81 5 U0 112 20 00 )5U 00 88 0) 80 40 I 1 76 1,400 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT corner Madison avanua and UiUw.r. street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES, Total for miscellaneous 876 16 ACCOUNTS OF COLLECTORS. Fred L. Wormser, collector. 1891, In account with Scrauton Peor district: Dr. To balano) due, per last report Jt:,J41 85 To warrant No 14,783 8 60 Jti..uU 45 Cr. By exonerations and abate meats SS.M1 46 Bv commissions 3,6i Vt U,jM 45 Fred L. Wormser, collector ls2, iu account with Scranton Poor district: Dr. To balance due. per last report 117,341 01 cr. . By cash to T. H. Jones, treasurer 12,000 00 I'.ulauce due district 5,341 61 Note. Mr. uriusvr has made application for exoneratlons-and abatements which, when alloed. will, with his coiumlsaious, balance this account Fred L Wormser. collector 1898, In account with Scranton Pour district: Dr. To nmouiit of duplicate fur 18D1 $67,271 50 Cr. By payments to T. H. Jones, Treaa... 4K.O0O CO Balance due district $18,271 60 ACCOUNT OF TREASURER. Thomas H Jones, treasurer lssrj, in account with Sciuhtuii Pour district: Dr. To cash from DOOMS Mitchell, treasurer 188488 25 F. L. Wi rmser, rollecter 18V2 12,000 00 V L. Wormser. collector 18S3 4S.0O0 00 E .1 l.ynett, secretary, for - Hoard of inmates !,U7U 10 Ruilror.d fares 50 Vault door Ml 00 l umber sold ID 75 1'lttBton Pcor district 80 10 Cash found uii Inmates :, m Reddlug estate Ua "n 0, W. lie. ii ,: supt , for C.Schroeder's meu a Isiard 8J88 80 Board aud produce sold 120 00 1,406 71 Cr, By ...:.'-. ,i I., i . i, mi. ... l.OiC 80 8tW,66 76 . 76,582 IS Cash on hand 17,048 67 WARRANT ACCOUNT. Warrants outstanding Dec. 81, 1S82 $ 1.160 40 Warrants Issued during 19V3 15,302 08 Total 76.472 88 Warrants paid by treasurer during 18 75,582 18 Warrants outstanding Deo 81. l-j.t .. 880 IV BftOMAt PROPERTY. INVENTORY OF Property In Administration building insane department Women's building Old men's department Implement department Oct.igonal barn Piggoiy New bam Carpenter shop Slaughterhouse ' In, 1.1 i v Blacksmith stiup Oil house Uas house Boiler house Laundry Klectrle plant Bakery. Pumpnouse Ice hnnse and creamery' Conservatory Lot of brick Old reservoir Morgue (las (Inures..... Signs Directors' room, Scranton. . . . .9 .',,318 HO . 4.181 20 , 3.286 73 . 2,745 45 . 548 40 , 6,618 00 270 00 , 2,82.' 50 66 dj 22 50 ii 116 00 278 00 K W 80 225 00 . 0,198 It) . 1.85 SO . 4,285 00 268 1)6 . 1.585 UI 718 20 627 U0 25 00 20 00 l"8 00 ,. 300 00 20 00 962 70 Total of personal property 41,047 57 Connolly &, Wallace COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12,50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6.00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4,00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10,00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7.50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5.00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3,00 4.5U uAHMtNTS FOR 2.25 Thi is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of goods. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 w4?aI2! AE IN VKNToRV OP REAL ESTATE. 156 acres uf laud, at 8100 9 15,000 00 Women's building lo.WK) uo Meu 'a building 28,313 02 Insane asylum, west whig 44.000 00 Administration building and east wing Insane asylum 61,030 no Octagonal born MOO 00 New barn -. AoOO 00 Artesian well and building 4,0W no New reservoir 3,700 (X) Ice house , , 2,u00 00 Bake house , 2,500 00 Laundry i.uW 00 White cottage 1,000 00 Electrio building 1,600 00 Old reservoir 108 00 Boiler housjand stack 2,500 00 8as house and retort 300 00 ousei vatory 350 00 Carpenter, to.iland blacksmith shops 3od 00 Recreation ground, walla and pa vilions 6,407 K2 Sluughtor huuse 10O uo Hon house 300 00 Retaining walls and fences 1,600 00 Total uf real estate $3tU.7uu 84 Tutal of persounl property 41,1117 57 Total property of the district $246,048 41 Till, nv..-Ce turn,)... i- ..r Inniafn. ot llfllaMu Home during tbe year was 873 60-365, and tbe per capita cost ot maintaining puttpsrs and insane perums at the Home, including fond clothing, light heat, medicine, salaries of su perintendent, resident physician, attendants, etc , exclusive or farm prudticts, was 41 si per Week. The total of the board uf minute-, aane and insane, Is equal to tho board of one pcraun rui 1(0.716 days. B'Sldes this, there wore taken at the superintendent's table during tbe years a number of meals equal to the board of one person tor o.sai days, and by workmen employed on improvements and repairs meals equal to the board of uno person fur 1.747 days, making tbe total days uf board at the Home 111,313. The number uf inmatea at tbe end of each month uf 1883 was as follows: January 265, Feurusry 260, March 266, April 272. May 27, June 278, Jnly 25, August 287. September 281, October .". Nuveinbor 2SW, December 208. The 288 patients in tho Home Dec. 31, 1898, are classed as follows: Sane 168, Insane 135. Idiotic 5, blind 7, children 8. On bee. 81. 1802, there were In the Home 265; admitted during the year. 218: born, 12; discharged dur ing the year. 132: died, 88; eloped, 27. PBoftvee RAISED ON FARM the total value of the products of the furm during the year 1803. according to an Item Ued statement prepured by Ueorge W. Ueeiuer. superintendent, was $7,954 20. HESIIiENT rarStCIAlfl PIPALTMIiNr. During the past year there have been ud udtted to the Insane department: Males 32, ' fuialHS IT- total 4J. CIVIL CONLITION. Main-. Females Total Single 15 3 10 Married 14 10 24 Widowed '.. 3 4 7 38 17 40 The causes of Insanity were: Typhoid lover, 2, dim icteric 4 cougeutlal 3, sunstroke 1,1a gnppul. .larturltion 4, wwumls 1, dissipation 10. masturoatlon 4. grief 1, old age 7. epilepsy 3, Injury 1, preguauay 1. family truubls 1, un known 1. The number discharged was 81: of this number U were restored. 6 Improved, and 13 died. rioi . auses ,,f death wcie- Pi.i . sonl'm dementia 2. epiLpsy 2, terinlntl dementia I, dysentery 2. phthisis" The average daily population was 126 82!' 36'.. During the year there was Issued 4,0.1 pre scriptions to 1.43K patients. The cost of medicines, books, etc.. was 8483.35. We feel that some explanation is due tn the taxpayers for the extraordiuarv expenditures for improvements and repairs noted in this report. 1 ne main expenditure is fni a but il ing for sane meu, the need ror which has been lelt many years. I ho building ror sane males used up tu this time was the t rlglntd frame aluishuusu. which was lusutHricnt tor the ae on: i nulla: i mi uf il the mule initiate, and Tho overflow was accomnioduted In the baseuiunt . t' the Insane building, the uuaaultary coudl tlon or which was a constant source ur com plaint Witn the consent ot t ie statu bund of charities, n'hlrh approved of the plans, we coDiraouu ior km erecnon i i a lareo n.-,-. pre .t building, whi.h Is now approaching I completion and which will bu ample tor tho purposes ior wnicli it is intended Tor many years to come, making due allowance for the increase of the population uf the district. Recreation in the open air is necessary for the physical health and beneficial to the mental condition OK the inianc. The fence abuut the recreatoin grounds, built about ten years ago, hid become so insecure tut it was unsafe to allow the insane iu It. Desiring tu m ike the work secure and permanent, we have en i the grounds with a brick wall eight fee: high, with n brick wall iu the cen tre, dividing It into two yards for the separu tlon of the sexes. A looted walk runs about the inside of the outer walls, a pavilion has linen uutlt in the . enter or each yard, sj that the Insane may liuve their customary exercise In wet weather. A conduit, In which tho steam pipes of the institution have neeii placed, wua also uiie uf tho iniportiint improvements of the year. W. S. LA.NUSTA.-l-, prejideut, ' JOHN ', iiiiio,- I Directors Par let wltttaMt, I of tho P. J UORtPHT, ' poor ur ( 'ii a in r.s Tropp. Scranton TlloMAS SlIOTTOX; j Poor Fuaxcks B. Swan, i district. Attest. E. J. LYNETT, Sccietai v. Scranton, Pa., JamisryO, ISsi Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Russian LyoX Cirooler Cap?s, 24 inches, $4.66 Electrio Seal Circular Capes, 24 in 8.88 Astrakhan Circular Capes, 24 in (1.93 Wool Circular Capes, 24 in , . . ...... ..14.00 Stone Morten Circular Capes, 84 io. 40.00 Brown Marten Circular Capes, 24 in Otter Circular Capes, 24 la w.U0 Seal Sacques Peal Sacquce, 88 inches long $160 00 Seal Jackets, 26 inches 1U0OU Seal Jackets. 5S4 Inches long og.OO Astrakhan Jackets, 34 Inches leug 35.00 Circular Capes Soul Circular Cups. 30 Inches lung, with Butterfly Cape $sj,00 0t.;"L(-'i,ut'ulRr cPe' 'M ut luug.wlth Butterfly Cape . , 106.00 Sable Circular Oape, 80 inches loiig...... 85 00 Aatrakhau Circular Cape, 80 inches long 22 DO Electric Seal Circular Cape, 30 tu. lung.. 20 IK) ira.y Crininier Circular Cape. 30 In. lung 30 W) 40 dozen American Baal Mulls at... .81.25 each i lot . f cbilrlren'a sets at tojo. each 1 lot of bleigh Rules, plush lined $3 each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. l$Wi i I DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything In tbe line of WATCH BO. If you have any Idea of purchnslm; aur kind of a Wutcl, lidv'a or gent's. Hold or Silver, you will make a griev ous mistake tf you do not give us a eall nnd got our priees, which you will find far beluw all others, especially In all the high grades of r.igiu, wniiuam and ii-wupdim movements If you have anv doubts and are at all nnated on prices giw us a call and we will have uu trouble in convincing you. Westill havea large stock to dlspo.o of, and will ofTor you won flerlul IndueeiiiHnta Iu Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and all ulhur guods which we have In stock. C. W. Freeman Pcun Ave. and Spruce St. Ei Robinson's Sons1 Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of ttTe Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. B RICK DRAIN TILK FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market Brandt Clay Product Co, OFFICE: Bingbatuton. N.Y. FACTORY : Brandt, P. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 880MDAY, JAN, 15. OSCAR WILDES PLAY, Lady Windermere's Fan Direction of (.'has. Frohrnau. Performed for 200 nights at Palmer's: Theater. New York. The greatest social comedy since Sheridan's "Scb.oelfor Scandal." Regular pricea. Sale opens Friday. S'.5b5R,?KS' SuPt ni1 Lecturer. HAltm THOBNa Stage Manager. Week coiumencltig MONDA"Y, JAM; Alii' 1 Second aud Last Week cf MISS FLORA STAMFORD, " Supported by the Henry Comedy Com'r.y. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A WIFE'S TRIUMPH Thursday, Friday and Saturda;, AURORA FLOYD lOc. tobaok of balcony: 20o. to front of balcony and rear paruuette; 3()o opera chairs. Performanoes at 8.88 and t.16 p.m. Doors open at l ay and:. ' EDEN MUSEE AND BIJOU THEATRE 221 and 223 Lackawanna Ave. MRS. D. 1IELI.IN-I Qsneral Manager 3 BIG FEATURES IN CURIO HALL 3 THEATER Edwards & Mclntyre's IMPERIAL VAUDEVILLE CO, ADMISSION TO ALL, I0o. Saturday Matinee for children, 5o., in cluding seat in Theatre. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reasonable. Spnco will not permit uu to mention tho Kood tiling for a Christinas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in u lirat-class market, W. H, PIERCE, PENN AYE T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, QIC LACKAWANNA AVKNt'K, uu SCKANTON, FA. H 3S4 AVINO MADE a contract with a frame factory to turn out l.UIKl trams lietween now and Ohr It mas, I wish to announce to the nub ile that 1 will make a (IKRDTNE CRAYON POH THA IT copied from one ABSOLUTELY FKEE Of any smalt (JHAKUE. LATfelsT milk OP FRAMES I lid VI SO I'l'WAIlD. Workmanship guaranteed. Frames ;w psr cent, less than regular price. . ilUTHEIL, Artist. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. manufacturers and Dealers l Burning All A an J ttwcttiu UILO m9 Ilso Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE: -1 West Laokawanna Are. WORKS. Meridian Street I Mt II AN la A sa el ;ml Tl-'or iskklf LOST ItlannOOu "-i'ii.i'iinri', f,1.1'1' "c eurelf cniwl bf lNIiaPO. tha 1!.. nl.. H. -in,-. I) Vlthrlu(iii,ruir.loean. Sold tir Mai i'UkWS aaos , uruugi.ti, bcrauton, fa.