The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1894, Image 1
Look tomorrow for the key to the mystery of "A Study in Scarlet. "f6 i x " Anuqn J Look tomorrow for (he key to the mystery of "A Study in Scarlet' EIGHT PAGi G COLUMNS. bCHANTON, PA., MONDAY MOKMXG. JANUARY 15, 1S!4. TWO CENTS A COPY. Ml II PAPER OBEFIJL LY TOI mm a IE "A ST I Pi ABLET 99' PUT TO S HIE SAVAGENESS OF QUEEN 11 Her Thirst for Christian Blooi Exhibited In All Its Fiendishness. CLEVELAND ANNIHILATED BY DOLE The President of the Hawaiian Pro visional Government, in His Reply to the Impudent Demand of Ameri can Minister Willis, by the Strong; Dignity of His Unanswerable Logic, Literally Pulverizes the Conspiracy of Self-Righteous Grover Cleveland to Put the Pagan Hawaiian Queen Back on Her Dissolute Throne A Condensation of the Voluminous Correspondence Sent to Congress Saturday. Wasiunotom, Jan. 14. fX RESIDENT CLEV ELAND on Sit Uj urday sent ti couuress the emu p plots correspondence with Min J tter Willis, coveyed from Hono lulu by the cutter Corwln H with held one dispatch, dntcd Oil 8, 18!)-' The message makes no comments. To msko the Hawaiian story consecutive, it is necessary to begin with dispatch which Minister Willis, on Nov. lO.sent to Secretary Greshaui, but which the president in his previous message, withheld from congress. The dispatch dencubes a couftreuea held bv Willie with ex-Queen Lilioukalani, Nov. Ill, and says: I made known to her the president's sin cere regret that.tliroigh (ha unauthorized intervention of the dotted States, sue had been obliged to furrender her sovereignty, and Ml hope that, with her consent and co-operaiiou, the wrong done to her and her people might he redressed. To this she bowed her acknowledgment. I then said to her: "The president expects and believes that when re instated you will show forgiveness and magnanimity; that you will wish to be the ipieen of nlltho people, both native and foreign born: that you Will make haste to secure their love ami loyalty, and to establish peaee,frieud eliip and good government.'' To this she made no reply. After wait ing a moment I continued: ''The presi dent not only tenders you his sympathy but wishes to help you. Before fully making known to you his purposes, I de eiro to know whether you are willing to answer certain questions which it is my duty to ask?" Sue answered: "1 am will in?." I then asked her: "Should you be restored to the throne would you grant full amnesty ns to iife ami property to all those persoue who have been or who are now in the proviBionnl government or who have been instrumental in tho over throw of your government ?" LiunoKAi.ASi is bloodthirsty. She hesitated a moment and then slowly and calmly answered: "There are certain laws of my government by wuich I shad abide. My decisions would be as the law directs, that such persons should be be headed and their property confiscated to the government." I then Baid, repeating very distinctly her words; "It is your feeling that these people should be be headed and their property confiscated" She replied: "It is." Tho remainder of this dispatch is de voted to comments on the Hawaiian leader?. Willis, in this, asked that Blount's report be "withheld for the present " ho as not flfexcite the Ha waiians. On Dec. B ' Paramour'' Wil son saw Willis and gave him a paper containing a method of procednse for reinstating the qnsen. It ignored Americans and gave English advisers of the queen the supr-macy. Accom panying this dispatch was aa outline of the procedurs to be observed by the Royalist party in tho event of the queen's restoration. This included the landing of murines from the United States warships and the formal demand on the part of the United States minis ter for the resignation of President Dole and the Provisional government. On Dec. 18 and 10 Willis saw Lil iuokalani at her home. She then con sented to forego the pleasure of be heading Dole and his coterie, bnt in sisted npon banishing them and con fiic tting their property. Willis told her that President Clevelaud would try to restore her only npon the con dition of absolute and unreserved am nesty, THK QUEEN YIKI.U3. This ultimatum brought the ex quean to terms. She afterward sent Willis a signed paper of which this is the gist: I must not feel vengeful to any of my people. If I am restored, by the United states 1 must forget myself and remember only my dear people and my couutry. I must forgive and forgot the past, permit ting no proscription or punishment of any one, but trusting that all will hereafter work together in pence aud friendship for the good and for the glory of our beautiful aud once happy land. Willis' next letter, dated Deo. 20. tells of his visit to President Dole and his "request' that Dole abdicate. Next comes Dole's reply, which is given in full, and which is the star feature of the entire correspondence. It expresses regret at the failure of tho annexation trenty to meet with the approbation of the present American administration, quotes W. L. Marcy, William H Sew ard, Hamilton Fish and James (J. Dlaine ns favorable to annexation, aud adds: "We shall, therefore, coptiuue the project of political union with the United States as a conspicuous feature of our foreign policy, confidently hop ing that sooner or later it will be crowned with success to the lasting benefit of both countries." The presi dent continued: DOLE'S CltUSHINO ItEJOINDElt We do not recognize the right of the president of the United States to Interfere in our domestic affairs. Huch right could be conferred upon him by the act of this government and by that alone, or it could be acquired by conqueBt. This I under stand to be the American doctrine, con spicuously announced from time to time by the authorities of your government. President Jackson said in bis message to congress in 183(1, "Th uniform policy and practice of the United States is to avoid all InterferanoS in disputes which meroly relate to the internal government of other nations, and eventually recognize the au thority of the prevailing party without reference to tho merits of tho original con troversy." My position is, briefly, this: If tho American forces illegally assisted tho revolutionists in the establishment of the provisional government, that government is not responsible for the wrong doing. It Whs purely a private matter for discipline between the United statos government and its own officers. There is, 1 submit, no precedent in International law for the theory that such action of the American troops has confer red upon the United States authority over the internal affairs of this government. Should it be true as you bare suggest ed, that the American government made itself responsible to the queen, who it is alleged, lo.-t her throne through such action, i hat is not a matter for mo to dis cuss, except to submit that, if such bo tho case, it is a matter for the Americau gov ernment to settlo between them. This government, a recognized sovereign pow er, equal in authority with the United States government, and enjoying diplo matic relations with it, cannot be destroyed by it for tho lake o? discharging tho obli gations to the ex-queen. Upon these grouuds, Mr. Minister, in behalf of my government I resMetfally protest against (he usurpation of its authority ns sug gested by tho language of your comniuuir ciitiou. CANNOT 1IHTKAY A TRUST. Though the provisional government is far from being a great power aud could not long resist the forces of the United States in a hostile attack, we deem our position to be impregnable under legal precedents, under the principles of diplo matic intercourse and in the forum of con science. We have dono your government no wrong- no charge of discourtesy is or can be bro 'lit against us. Uur only issue with your L mle has been that, because we revered l institutions of civil liberty, we have desii d to have them extended to our own distracted country, and because we honor its llag and deeming that its beneficent and authoritative presence would he l'orthe best interests of all our people, we have stood ready to adil toyour country a new star to its glory and to con summate a union which we believed would be ns much for tho benefit of your country as ours. If this is an offense, we plead guilty to it. I am instructed to inform yon, Mr. Min ister, that the provisional government of tho Hawaiian Islands reepectfully'and uu hesitaliugly declines to entertain the pro position, of the President of the United States that it should surrender its author ity to the ex-queen. Tho answer is made not only upon the grounds heretofore set forth bnt upon our sense of duty and loy alty to the brave men whoso commissions we hold, who hnve faithfully stood by us in the hour of trial and whoso will is the ouly eartMy authority we recognize. We cannot betray tho sacred trust which represents the cause of Christian civiliza tions in the interests of the whole people of these islands. NOW TWO TOPICS IN THE LEAD House Will Talk Tariff and Senate Will Dis cuss Dishonest Elections, HAWAIIAN SUBJECT IS INCIDENTAL It May Be Brought Up in the Senate at Any Moment, but the Order of Business Calls for the Considera tion, Regularly, of the Democratic Measure to Encourage an Unfair Franchise The Income Tax Propo sition Will Be Reported Separately in the House. OVER THE GARDEN WALL. 0 CLEVELAND S WEAK REPLY. President Cleveland, through Secre tary GreBhnm, closes the correspond ence by a letter of instructions to Wil lis, dated Jan. 12 last, in which the ad ministration seeks to combat Dole's overwhelming broadside. The sub stance of this letter is as follows: The president sincerely regrets thnt the provisional government refuses to acqui esce in the conclusion which his sense of right and duty aud a due regard for our national honor constrained him to reach and submit as a measure of justice to the people of the Hawaiian islands and their deposed sovereign. While it is true that the provisional government, was created to exist ouly until the islands were au nexed to the .United States, that the queen finally but reluctantly surrendered to an armed force of this govern ment illegally quartered in Honolulu and representatives of the provisional government (which realiZ'd its itnpo teucy and was anxious to get control of the queen's means of defense) assured her that if she would surrender, her case would be subsequently considered, by the United States, tho president never claimed that such action constituted him an arbitrator in a technical s-use, or authorized him to act in thnt capacity netweon the provis ional government anil the queen. You made no such claim when you acquainted that government with tho president's de cision. The solemn assurance given to the jueen has not been referred to as authority for the president to act as arbitrator, hut as a fact material to a just determination of the president's duty In tho premises. THE PRJHTD HOT'S view. In the note which the minister of for- elim affairs address. 1 to you on the S8d ultimo it is stated, in effect, that even if the constitutional government was sub verted by the action of the American minister and an invasion by a militnry force of thn United Statos, the president's authority is limited to dealing with our own unfaithful officials and that he can tako no stops lookiug to a correction of the wrong dyne. The'presi lent entertains n different view of his responsibility and duty. The subversion of the Hawaiian government by an abuse of the authority! rtf Mia I'm....1 .a it-oo in ntotn ........ of international law aud required the pres ident to disavow and condemn tho act of our offending officials and within the limits of his constitutional power to endeavor to restore the lawful authority. The president thereupon "submitted the subject to tho more extended powers and wide discretion of congress, adding tho as surance that he wouM be gratified to co operate in any legitimate plan which might be devised for a solution of the prob lem consistent with American honor, in tegrity and morality. Your reports Bhow that on further reflection the queen gave her unqualified assent in writing to tho conditions suggested, hut that the provis ional government refuses to arquieso in the president's decision. The matter now being in the hands of congress, the presi dent will keep that body fully advisod of the situation, and will lay before it from time to time the reports received by yon, including your No. 3 heretofore withheld, and all instructions sent to you. In the meantime, while keeping the department fully informed of the course of events, yo i will, until further notice, consider that your special instructions upon this subject have been fully complied with. INVESTIGATING LEPOl'S DEATH. All the Circumstances Seem to Point to a Possible Tragedy. Wilkes-BarhK Pa., Jan. 14. Geno Lepoi, an Italian, whp worked in a miue at West l'ittslon, died from what is thought to have been the effects of poison administered to him by some person unknown. Lepoi wronged a girl named Annie Vellalo at Naples, and wheu he enmo to this country she followed him. When she located him here she implored him to marry her, but he refused. The au thorities hre investigating the msu's death. THIRD FIRE IN ONE BLOCK.. The New Syndicate Building Apparently He a Hard Tim of It. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 14 An other nasi lire ravaged the new oate blook on Nicolett avenue forthe third time in its history. this afternoon, entailings los of $118,001 The origin of the tire is unknown. Washington', Jan. 14 EBATE and not action will mark the proceedings in both houses of congress this week. In the house the1 feature will bo the tariff debat", and in the senate the bill to repeal the federal election laws. The week is expected to open in the senate to consider the Horn blower nomination This case may occupy the attention of the body in executive ses fion for two days Otherwise, .Senator Gray, of Delaware, will call up the elections repeal bill Tuesday. The bill will be made the unfinished business aud be kept before the senate until passed or defeated, Some time during the v'ok coming events will cast their shadow b-jfore in the shape of a tariff speech to be de livered by Senator Gallinger, of New Hampshire. Of course there is the always present possibility of resolu tions and speeches on the subject of Hawaii during the morning hours of the week, and this probability is' re duced almost to a certainty by tho re cently published correspondence. DBODMINQ the WILSON hill Tariff will be almost exclusively talked of iu the bouse this week. The general debate ended with the remark able demonstration of Saturday night, when the ball was thrown open to the public and in the presence of more peo ple probably than ever gathered within its walls before, Representative Bryan delivered his speech of two hours aud forty minutes in favor of the Wilson bill, advocating it as an approach .to free trade. Beginning with tomor row's session the house will take up the consideration of the bill under the five minute rule, and the paragraphs will be open to amendment. Already the desk of Chairman Rich ardson is cov-rel with (amendments that will bo proposed by various mem bers, who want to make sure that their propositions shall receive proper atten tion. The bill will be thus discussed ami open to amendment this week and next, and then a vote taken on its pass age Monday, Jan. 29. Night sessions will be held. The scheme of internal revenue will be reported to the house Thursday next by Chairman Wilson, as an inde pendent, separate measure. Then friendB of the income tax proposition will endeavor to attach it to the pend ing bill, and and upon this motion may como one of the most interesting struggles of the debate unless the mat ter is settled in caucus. i sem.a-iJi. "w , .it i I M .. jjvatvjrf. a i... limit mi . 9fc3Ll, III m Mil n Bra. t. m, FINLEY'S 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVENUE, l"Ply ofer dr-r garden vail feer der baby, Tritzy. ' -All right. "Toot' MOB LAW'S SWIFT JUSTICE. PUTTING ON FINAL TOUCHES. One or Two Chang-ea of Iatsreat Made in Tariff B11L WASHINGTON, Jan. I t. The majority members of the committee on ways and means, with the exception of Mr. Cockrau, were in session several hours today considering proposed amend ments to the Wilson bill to be offered by the committee. A number of changes were agreed upon. One makes two classes of cigarettes tobacco and paper. The rate upon the former was fixed at 7o cents a thousand, while that, upon paper cigarettes was left at $1 50 The reason for this action as explained, was that the paper, cigar ettes are made by machinery, while the tobacco cigarettes are produced largely, if not entirely, by hand. The restriction upon the free ndmis sion of books, engravings, photographs, bound or unbouud etchings, m ips, or charts, that they shall not have been printed or bound within the twenty years uext perceding the date of impor tation, was stricken out. It was also decided to admit hydrographu; charts for the uso of mariners f roe of duty. BATTLE ROYAL AT YATESVILLE. Drunken Hungarians Fatally Stab Each Other at a Christening. WilkksBaukh, Jan, 14 There have he m several Hungarian christenings at Yntesville within the last few days and each is attended with the enstomary hilarity. The one in the house of Joseph Malnkosko was conspicuous from the seve.-ity of the tight. Bottles and chairs were first used nnd when these were broken the drunken bellig erants drew knives and the battle royal began. John Bnmhas was stabbed in the back aud fatally injured. John Ma lakosko, a brothor of the proprietor, was hit on the bend and it is thought had his skull is fractured. Andrew Bnmbaswas found along the road with n knife wound in his abdomeu and life almost extinct. A pbvsician was sum monad and said he would not live. Three Poisoners Strung Up and Filled with Bullets by Impromptu Organization of Avengers. ltrssELL,Kan,, Jan. 11. At 1 o'clock thu morning there was a terrible ex hibition of prairie justice here and three men met death at the hands of Judge Lynch. No such outbreak of the old time swift Trontier )OIUC0 DM been witnessed iu Kansas for years. The mob was one of. the quietest aud most determined that ever came together. It was a fiercely earnest and wholly heartless mob also, for the victims were not giveu even time to pray until they Were dropped into eternity. The victim! were J. Q Burton, Wil liam Oay and the latter' son, John Gay, who had lived togethsr on Burton's farm. They were confessedly guilty of the murder of Fred. Diuniny last July. Dummy lived with T. W. Bur ton, seven miles north and last July he disappeared. Burton bad his team and even wore some of bis clothes, but said he had gone to Oklahoma with youg Gy, Gay returned iu a short time and on close question ing confessed that Burtou had pois oned Dihniny. The elder Gay at tempted to point out the place of bur ial but failed. Htrtou tnen made a confession that the Gays killed him, and Thursday took the sheriff to a cornfield in a ravlne,where the body, decomposed and mutilated, was found. Indignation ran high and it was with difficulty that the men oould be gotteu to the jail. Last night they were taken from jail and conducted to a bridge just outside of town. The ropes were ready aud one was put around the neck of each of tiie meu and tied to the stringers. This was no timo given for prayers or pleading, but at a signal all three were pushed off the edge aud droppod eight or ten feet with all the precision of a professional hanging. To make sure of carrying out their purpose, the mob tired two shots into each body, although death came quickly by the rope. FOUR FOUND, FIVE MISSING. Nine Persona In All Are Lost in the Srawbiidae Acclient. L.u hel Hill, L. t, Jan. 14.-Tue bodies ot John Cook and August Blaum, who went down iu the collapse of the temporary drawbridge across tho New town creek, at Penny bridge, iruluy evening of last week, were recovered this afternoon and removed to Oju- way's morgue, in Long Island City. 1 his makes four bodies iu all so far recovered. Five men are still unac counted for and are supposed to be at tbo bottom of tho creek. THEY WANT POLITICAL ACTION. Philadelphia Trades-Unionists Think the Only Salvation of Labor Is -Through Independent Politics. Philadelphia, Jan. 14 in response to a call by the United Labor league for a mass meeting to tako mtasurt-s for the amelioration of the present condition ot the workingmeo of Phila nelphia, a large Innmber of delegat'B aud members of the various trade unions assembled iu the hall at Eighth and CallowhiU streets this afternoon. A number of speeches were made by prominent members of various trades unions. Although their views as to the causes of the present depression and the best means of improviug the workingmen differed, the general sentiment of all the speakers was that thorough organ ization and the formation of an inde pendent political party was the only successful means of attaining the de sired end. Organization under one central body was looked upon as the first ami most important step to be taken, and the following preamble and resolution wns adopted without a dis senting voice: Whereas, Tho lark of organization is in a measure the cause of the present deplor able condition of labor in .Philadelphia; therefore oe it Resolved, That the provisional commit tee perfect plans for a compact central body of trades' unions, said committee to report at tho uext regular moetiug of the league. RELIGIOUS UPRISING FEARED. NO TOLERANCE FOR UNIONS. The Danbury Hat Manufacturers Stand Firm Against the Various Local Organizations of Labor. imi DANBURY, Conn.. Jan II The com- nittees from the Hat Makers' aud Hat nishers' unions, who have been clothed with absolute power, met a committee from the manufacturers' dissociation last night and held a con ference lasting three hours, which was adjourned till !i p. m. Monday. The Trimmers' union had been ignored by the lubor leaders, and the 1,000 girls that compose it held an indiguatiou meeting last night and clamored for representation on the committee that is empowered to try to settle matters. They acted so threateuiugly that they were given permission to be repre sented, aud a committee of forty girls will attend to the iuturests of the Trimmers' union. The Coners and Slippers union also held a meeting last night aud chose a committee of forty to go before the manufacturers. The four committees, each of which contain forty members, were at work tod-iy on the concessions that they will grant the manufactur ers iu order to bring about an adjust ment of the trouble. They will pre sent thorn tomorrow afternoon aud the manufacturers will give them due consideration and in reply wilt tell the unions what they are willing to do. The manufacturers will probably ask for no less than twelve independent shops ami allow half that number to 1 e reopened as union establishments. This will be more than the unions can BLANKETS TO close balance of stock before in ventory at following prices: 22 pair Swansdown, full QOp size, per pair wOUi 13 pairs, All-wool $2. 75 1 1 pairs Eleven Ouar- (0 ter All-wool at W 9 pairs l',Ieven Ouar- (P'J 7R ter Scarlet, at HW-'U 12 prs. Natural Wool RA Eleven Quarter, at ipxvv About 15 pairs Fine Cali fornia lilankets at heavy reductions from regular prices. 'Vint ami tli-r.i wi I ! Vta n nntillinr Tl o Worm-Eaten Maeney Leaf Found by an I manufacturers "are as determined to as they MONEY CAME IN STEADILY. But It Wasn't Ejouirh to Kssp the Bank on Its Fset. MuAHViM.K. Pa., Jan. 14. A state ment was issued to lay by President Cyrus Kitchen of the Meadville Sav- iugs bank whioh closed its doors Sat urday morning, in which the cause of the suspension is charged to the linan cial stringency and difficulty of msk inir collections. Deposits have decreased $1,000 daily for some time, until wliuu a certilicUe for a large amount was presented for payment a itnrday morning the banK bad not the funds to meet it. Tne bank claims to be able to pay all claims if it is granted sumcieut time. SWALLOWED CARBOLIC ACID. Mrs. Shtnffir, Whoie Mind Was D- !.!. . Commits Suicide. Lancastkr, Jan 14 Mrs. Emma 13. Sheaffer, a'ed 84 years, com mitted suicide to-day at her home in this city by taking a dose of carbolic acid. Her mind had bjsn derange! for some time and she was under surveil- .nice How she procured the poison is a mystery. CASH IS WHAT THEY WANT. Ives aud Schaefar Daclda to Divide the Big- Purse. CHICAGO, Jan. 14 Ives nnd Schaefer will not plav off their tie In the three cornered billiard tourney, which eame to an end at Central Musio hall Satur day night. Instead the stars will split the $1,500 purse and will divide bO percent, of the net gate receipts. SATURDAY'S NEWS RESUME. liourko Cockran's Bpoech wasthefoaturo of the house session. Lonis Kossuth, the Huucariau Patriot, has been attacked with the iullueuza and his condition is critical. Secretary Carlisle is preparing to issue e worth of bonds if congress does not act within tbenuxt fifteen days. The isritish troops operating in Sierra Leone met and defeated 4,000 Sofas. A large number of the natives were killed. Ex-yneen laliuokalsul has given up all hope of ever regaining the throne of Ha waii and will sue Uncle Sam for damages. Oeneral,l. II. Hastings la Haid to have a clear He'd' for the gnberuatorlal nomina tion. Congressman Stone is now reportod to be out of iho Held. Judge Long, of Michigan, is out it led to a pension under tho ruhugof Judge Krudley, of Washington. Commissioner Lochreu dare not suspend payment ot the same. Uoyd Von Gilder, of Northumberland, aud Johp lieilly of Wilkes-Darre fought a soven round contest for fn a side at Sniiinokin. Vou Uildor was declared victor. The Matabelos In South Africa, mas sacred Captain Wilton's men and have re venge on the English troops for past cruelties. The entire conmaad fougb heroically, but It was entrapped at Cus ter was. Indian Causing Trouble. City of Mexico, Jan. 14. A irreat religions uprising is threatened at Le cherin, and already $70,000 worth of proporty has been destroyed. An In dian working on the Hacienda de Le cheria found a magney leaf, which bad been worm-eaten until it coutained a tracing, which, to tne Indian, appeared to be a reproduction of the Virgin of (iuadaloupe. Filled with holy joy, he prostrated himself before the plant to worship the picture, then hastened to the mas tar of the Hacienda to tell him the great mark of favor bestowed upon him from heaven. The master, Senor H. l'imental, came nnd looked at it Contemptuously, romarking that any worm could eat out as good a picture as that. He then mapped it with his cane and left. The Indian was infuri ated. That night the Hacienda and 1,000 bales of cotton were burned, and tho in cendiarism has been traced to the lu diau. The other Indians were amused over the supposed indignity, aud have all assembled an 1 'are holding a great feast' A petition has been sent to the cathedral in this city asking that a prelate lie sent to examine the picture, bnt it is feared that before he can ar rive and disabnss the Indians of their superstition, a serious uprising will oc cur. BIGGEST, FAIREST AND BEST. Statistical Becorda of Chlcag-o Exposition Show Small Percentage of Kicks. Washington, Jan. 14. A report of the executive committoe of awards of the World's fair has been mads public. Medals were awarded 10 23,757 exhib itors, 86 per cent of tho whole number catalogued, exclusive of those from Franco and Norway, who withdrew their exhibits from exhibition. This wns a smaller percentage of exhibitois thus honored than the records of any previous world's exposition bIiows. Uver 250,000 separate exhibits were i xatnined and reported pon, ont of which scorned the ultimate total of 211.757 medals awarded. At the Paris exposition thore were more than 800 appeals from tho awards nl juries, and 070 of them were sus tained. In the Chicago exposition there were 05, 122 exhibitors, but only 25!) complaints were submitted in any form against the awards and out of that number only forty-three cases ripened into actual appeals. Small lot of choice de signs in Wrapper Blankets at $3.00 Elegant stock of Blankets. Fine Crib FIN Dili u break the ranks of the unions were two mouths ngo when thev dia charged all their union help aud shut their factories against tnom. WAITE'S SESSION AT WORK. Colorado Legislators Convene ae Bs quired by th Governor. DSNVEH, Colo., Jan. 14 The first bill was introduced at 7 o'clock last night in the house, and a prolonged extra session is uow believed to be in evitable. Thu session will be prolonged indef initely. The house will consider bills and the senate will be compellod either to kill them us fast as they -appear in the upper house or change their deter mination to do nothing at this time in the way of changes in the existing laws. HIS WIFE PUSHED HIS ARM. He Was Cleaning a Bovolvsr and She Got the Bullet. A I. toon a, Jan. 14 Daniel Swartz was cleauing a revolver this afternoon when his wife pushed nit arm and the weapon was discharged, the ball enter ing her left lung nnd causing a wonnd from which she is likely to dio. She is 40 years of age and the mother of a largo family. OUR TRANS-ATLANTIC COUSINS. THE EUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER M'FG COL'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHAS. A. BCHIEREN ft CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak -tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. i Lewis, Reiliy & Davies Reliable Footwear. IMPRESSIVE PRISON SERVICES. to Bishou O'Farrell Spuaks with EITjct Many Convlcta. TnitNTON, N. J., Jan. 13 Forty con victs, thirty-nine men and one woman, were confirmed at the state prison to day. Bishop O'Farrell, Vicar General McFaul aud three assistant priests con ducted the ceremonies, whicn were held In the chapel iu th east wing of tho main building. Oyer 400 convicts were present and acted devoutly throughout the Bervices. The converts wore no striped gar ments at all. The men had on white and black trousers. The women were clad in black. Bishop O'Farrell deliv ered an affecting address before the close of the exercises and many of the prisoners were moved to toars. Dom Pedro's grandson, Priuco August, is in Brazil, disguised. Thousands o( ptasautsin Faros couuty, Hungary, are on the verge of starvation. Anarchist Klisee Kechus will not be per mitted to lecture before students of the Belgian university. The wife, son nnd father-in-law of Char ley Mitchell, the pugilist, sailed from Liv erpool for America ou the steamship Etru ria. John Harris, who tried to murder Henrietta Snmhray, a Parisian woman of the town, is in fact Summorhenlley, a born American, Turkish authorities have suppressed mention of the destruction of one of tho most holed dilices iu Korope tho i;reat M" of Damascus. It occurred many weeks ago, SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Moody and Sankey will hold a month's union revival services in Washington, be ginning Feb. 7. Secretary Morton has bofu greatly vexed by reports that he had uud the official frank of his department improperly. Mrs. lloecher, wife of lleury Ward Heecher, while attending sorvices at thn Plymouth church was seized with a fit of weakness. For somo time she was uncon scious. e DEATH'S RELENTLESS SCVTHE, Hev. Dr. D. 01 Jacobs, at Poutiac, Mich., aged si years. Robert Livingstone Cutting, sr., the tlotliam millioiiiare. At Paris, M. Waddingtan, ei-Ambassa-dor to Knglnnd, aged OS years. At San AugnsV'ie, Tex., Colonel Alex ander Morion, the ibxas patriot aud first aide to (Juuertd Sam Houston. i WEATHER FORECAST. BciEAR Warhinutok. Jan. U.Forrcatt I I fur Monday: For easttrn I'tnn- I tyteania. wmn mid gtniratly " oi "found by iiiccwsinj cloud iness, sourn iiimis. Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reiliy & Davies. CLOSED EVENINGS. We Examine Eyes Free uf charge. lf' uoctor is Deeded you arc promptly told so. V also guarantee a per fect lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week ouly, I.J. L ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.