THE SCRAN TON TK1B UNE S AT V KDAY MORNINC. JANUARY 13, 1894. 5 UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII2 Pipe ( j Valves f 1 Fittings I i THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. s niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiR Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna THE 508 Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAN. WEARS & HAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of 4o inch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to sell for 75c; 7 yards will cost you $2.03, or only 29c per yard. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & MMUL7Y. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. tin' county j nil for assaulting her. Mr. Beppler shj-8 uia wife's quarrelsome dispo sition is responsible for all tlie trouble. The report of the inquisition in the case of Dr. A. E. Burr has not yet been filed, but us soon as it is, exceptions will be made b Dr. Burr's attorneys, Hulslauder & Votburg. The exceptions will set forth that commissioner Hawloy participated in the deliberations of the jury, and that one of the jurors introduced matters in the jury room not disclosed by the wit nesses. Thit information, though false, it is alleged.swayed the judgment of the jury ugaiust Dr. Burr. The following are the officers of Pride of the Valley ra tie, No. 15), Kuights of the Uolden "Eagle, of Duumore, elected for the ensuing six moutbV term: Past chief, Arthur Johnson; noble chief, Thomas C. Matthews; rice chief. William Johnson; high priest, Sudlrr S. Wirt: venerable hermit Harry B. Cole; master of reoords; E J ward Aug wlh, jr.; clerk of exchequer, Harry Ed wards; keeper of exchequer, William Har vey; sir herald, Charles (.iron; worthy'bard, William' Cole; worthy chamberlain, John H. Jenkin; ensign, Edward Angwin, sr.; enquire, John H. Keast; first guardsman, John Webber; second guardsman, Job Bailey; trustees, W. Ureaves, J. Webber, K. Webber. HAS FACTORYVILLE A SPOOK? Very Peculiar Manifestations Said to Take Place in the Barn of Captain Gardner. HOKE MANAGERS IE I A genuine spook is said to be causing consternation in the vicinity of Fac toryville. It appears that it makes its headquarters in the barn of Captain Gardner, abont one mile and a half from Factoryville village, and various good citizens assert that it makes its presence known by many and peculiar manifestations. The twilight hour seems to be the favorite roiliping tint) of bis or bor spookship and stones and other misiles of the earth earthly are cast about by unseen hands in a most reckless manner. A few nights ago brothers natm.l R-ynolds, residing nt Faotoryvllle, went to the barn to investigate the causa of the manifestations. They carried a lantern and as soon as they entered the barn the rlanie turned blue. Wheels on the w.igons began to fly round uf ter the style of a Fourth ol July snin wheel in full operation and carriages moved about the building propelled by unseen power. The Investigation was discontinued for that night. "The Tornado" will be the attraction at the Academy of Music tonight. William J. Fay and Ellen Welsh, of Dickson City, were granted a marriage license yesterday. A new class in music sight reading will be formed at the Young Men's Christian association parlor this evening. Rev. Kalph Oillam. with Mr. Bronson. his solo singer, will conduct the services at the Rescue Mission this evening. J. J. Bailer was yesterday appointed postmaster at Thornhurst, this county. The notice of an earlier appointment was incorrect. The stock of the firm of 0. E. Tropp, grocers of Wyoming aveaue, was sold by the sheriff yesterday, it was purchased by Charles Tropp for J08. . The children of the public schools will receive their sight reading music lesson at the Young Men's Christian Association hall at 2 o'clock this afternoi. Today is the day that the magnificent lion, Wallace, now at the Eden Musee, can be seen. The exhibition is a marvelous one and should be seen to be appreciated. Theodore Hemberger, violinist from Berlin. Germany, will give a concert at Young Meu's Christian Association hall, Jan He will be assisted by Miss Em ma Conrad. Ezra Grifnin post, No. 13U, will leave fur Forest City this morning at S,3i) to at tend the fnneral of John K. Dairies, an old comrade, who died at that place Wednes day. Mr. Davies was formerly a resident ou the West Side. Many requests have come to J. T. Wat kins, chorister of the Penn Avenue Bap tist church, asking for a ropitltiuii of the delightful music given by the choir ac Christmas time. He has decided to repeat the service tomorrow, both morning and evening. f Today will be the last opportunity Scrantonians wlli have of seeing the un tamable lion Wallace, at the Eden Musee. It is really a fascinating sight to see Bronco Boccaclo, the East Indian trainer, enter the cage with the infuriated beast. The show given in the theater is excellent and pleases everyone. Fullor Johnson, who resides at Rattle snake Pond, near Moscow, was before Al derman Post yesterday, charged with de serting his wife. Mr. Johnson said his wife was to blame, as she frequently be comes Intoxicated and absents herself from home. He was held in $300 bail and George Okell became security for him. Tomorrow afternoon Joseph Summer hill will begin hit engagement as corneter at the Yonng Men's Christian association Gospel meetings, when a series of song services will be commenced under the di rection of Tallie Morgan. W. E. Carr, a well known evangelist, will deliver a brief talk on "The Bible Christian." The song service will begin at 3.45, Mrs. Mary Sullivan yesterday began suit against the Philadelphia Life Insurance company. She held a 1,.'00 policy on the life of her mother, Mrs. Catharine Burke, who died about six months ago, and the company refuses to pay it on account of an alleged failure to pay premiums. Mrs. Sullivan says she had a special arrange ment with the agent concerning the pay ment of premiums. She is represented by Attorneys Hutslander Hi Vosburg. Rev. Ralph Gillam will speak at three services in the Duumore Presbyterian church tomorrow: 10.30, 3. U0 and 7.30. Those attending are requested to come early. The morning subject will be 'God's Invitation." In the evening, "The Un answerable Question." An increasing in terest has been manifested in these meet ings during the past week, and Mr. Gillam has been greeted with crowded houses. He ts an eloqnentand forcible speaker. Testimony in the divorce case of lira. Lizsie Beppler against Conrad Beppler, was heard before Judge Archibald yesterday. They were married in I87n and took up their residence in Petersburg. Mrs. Bep pler says her husband became intemperate and frequently beat and abused her. He is now serving a term of imprisonment in WltKES-BARRE IN THE EASTERN. Freas Bogert's Crowd Won't Play with Seranton This Season. The men who shove their bands down in their trousers' pockets to the extent of a thousand dollars or bo every spring, so that the population of Wilkes-Havre may have a base ball club to bang on to the tall end of a league, have made the announcement that they don't want anything to do with the Pennsylvania State leagu Not they: V, hat they want is a gilt edge collec -tion of aged men who were able to play fairly good base ball in days gone by. They don't care a rap for young players of the State league kind, full of snap and ginger and life. Oh, no! Such a clnb would awaken Wilkes Bnrreans from their trance and Wilkes Bnrreans love dearly to Blnmber. A town with inhabitants who still date letters 1893 wants worn out Na tional league players who have reputa t ons not ability. So loug, Wilkes1 Barre, we willjwallop the life out of you after we get through trouncing our own State League clubs. SONS OF VETERANS' CAMP. Annual Election of Officers and Appointment of Committees. TREASURER'S ENCOURAGING REPORT During the Year There Has Been Ad mitted to the Home of the Friend less Eighty-Eight Persons The An nual Report a Very Interesting Doc umentDetailing the Work That Has Been Accomplished. The twenty-second annual msetin g of the directors and board of managers of the Home for the Friendless was held in tbeYoungW men's Christian as sociation rooms yesterday afterno);!. Kev. F. S Ballentino opened the meeting with prayer. James P. Dick son presided and Mrs. W. D. Kennedy read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted. Mrs Daniel Langstaff. treasurer, made her report. It showed thit there was on hand Jan. 1, 1803. $8,480 95. the eceipts during the vesr were $'.i,906 54, with a total of $7,837.49. The KOAndi tures daring the year were $3,098 11, leaving n bulanne on hand Jan. 1, 1394, of $4,739 88. The report was adopted and then Mrs. W. D. Kennedy reviewed the work of the past year in her annual renort. During the year thirty-four boys, tblrty-two girls and twelve Wo men wre admitted to the home. The total number of inmates for the past twenty-two years was 1,170. Iherepirt was adopted and Mrs Kennedy tendered a rising vote of thanks. The election of officers re- ulted in the choosing of the satna ones that served last year: They are: Presi dent. Mr. J, Attic.u Robertson ; vice president, Mrs. C. P. Matthews; gen eral .manager, Mrs. John G inter; re cording secretary, Mrs. W.D Kennedy; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. B Penman; treasurer, Mrs, Daniel Ling Stuff ; eight managers for thrse years, Mrs. J. P. Dickson, Mrs. V. M. Spen ser, Mrs. W. W. Watson, Mrs. A, Hen chick. Mrs. Charles Schlager. Mrs. J. L. StellS Mrs. R. W. Luc, Mrs. Lu- her Keller; auditors, R. W. Luci, W. Kennedy, STANDING! i.'OMMITTEES 10R THE YEAR The standing committees were ap pointed as follows: Advisory H. A. Kuapp. E. H. Rinule. W. T. Smith. Executive Mrs. W. W. Winton. Mrs. A. Hendrick. Finance Mrs. F. M. Spencer. Mrs. W. W. Watson. Mrs. F. W. Mason. Mrs. D. E. Taylor. Mrs. E. S. Moffat, Mrs. P. It Ger loclr. Mrs. J. L. Stelle, Mrs. E. T. Cham- berlin. Fuel-Mr3. R. W. Luce, Mrs. A. E. Hunt. Repairs and Improvements Mrs G. L Dickson. Mrs. R. G Brooks, Mrs. D. E. Taylor, Mrs. E. H. Ripple, Mrs. J. P. Dick son, Mrs. N. Y. Leet. Mrs. Daniel Lsng staff, M s. J. L. Stelle. Inspection Mrs. C. F. Mattes, Mrs. Jo. seph Ober, Mrs. John Nelson, Mrs. J. P. uioason, R-ligious services Mrs. E. H. Ripple. Mrs. J. R. Fordham, Mrs. W. H. Perkins, Mrs. F. H. Gerlock. Burials Mrs. R G. Brooks, Mrs. John Genter, Mrs. F. H. Gerlock. Grounds Mrs. Charles Schlager. Mrs. Luther Keller, Mrs. F. W. Mason, Mrs. Cora Merrl field. Desserts Mrs. A. E. Hunt. Assistant manager Mrs. N. Y. Leet. Matron Mrs, A, K. Walker. A N-w Oae Established Last Thursday at Harford, Susquohanna "County. W. E Cahoon, of this city, assisted by members of Camp 8, Sons of Vet erans, mustered in a new camp at Har ford, Su-quehanna county, on Thurs day, with the following charter mem bers: F. A. Oiborn. A. D Darrow, T. G. Gillespie. E O. Follet, II. A. Rob- bins, J. L Robi.ins, C. C. Darrow. F E Darron, C. H. Whitney, t. E. More, A. 0. Salisbury, E. R. Flint, G L. Felton, E. H. Osborn, Elmer Smith and E. C. Patterson. ft will be known as George L. Payne camp, No, 7ti The ceremonies were followed by a sooial time which all thoroughly enj iyed. Those present from this city were George Forest, C. A.' Ridgway, George Gardner, Arthur Ridgway, A E. Stingham, F. R. Leber, Charles Leber, C. C. Battenburg, H Hoffman, W. L, Nash, William Wide- nor, JU. Graham, John Mover, V. A. Hartwick and W. E. Cahoon. CORNELL GLEE CLUB CONCERT. The Collegians Will Be Entsrtatned Dnr Their Stay Here. The Cornell glee, banjo and mando lin clubs will give a concert at the Academy of Music next Friday even ing. Much interest has been aroused by the active work of theCoroell alum ui in this city, and the entertain ment promises to be a big success, musically ami socially. The glee club is composed of twenty four well trained voice?, while there are twenty-one men on the banjo und mandolin clubs. Daring their stay in Scran ton the Ithaca collegians will be handsomely entertained. Several din ner parties will be given before the concert at the Academy, and at its conclusion, a reception will be tendered the clubs at the Bicycle club house. ENGINEERS FORM A CLUB. The Organisation Stares Out with a Membsrsh p of Thirty. At a fnoeting of about thirty of the mechanical, electrical and mining en gineers, ebemiits and architects of this city, held in the office of the Colliery Engineer Thursday evening, the Scran ton Engineering clnb was organized. The club will have its own rooms, and meetings will be held at stated inter vals. . The following are the officers of the society: President. James Archbald vice president, F. W. Gereke; librarian and recording secretary.C. C. Conklln corresponding secretawr, H. W. Row ley ; treasurer, A. H. Storrs: directors, Henry Wejirum, Capuln W. A. May, V W. C. A. NOTES. The Sunday afternoon meeting this week will be of interest to the girls and young women. Miss Delia will conduct a "pur pose meeting.? In the song service, which bugiuH at a, 45 p. m Mrs. B. T. Jayue and urs. ur. Brewster will assist. A room has been set apart as a recrea tion room, which will be open from 9 a. m tin v p. in. daily. The ladies aiu-planning another of their popuinr lurxoy dinners ror Thursday lau. is. A class in gymnastics for bovs between the ages of 4 and 9 years will meet for Its nrst lesson Saturday. Jan. 80, at JJ.SO p. m. Ladies desiring to now enter gymnasium classes for the remainder of the year oan ao so oy tile payment of a for association members auu ft! for non-members. THE DEATH RATE WAS HIGH. Happenings of a Day That Will interest Hyde Park Readsrs. SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Midwinter Exercises Held 'at the Washburn Street Presbyterian Church Ex-Superintendent D. A". Jones Presented with a Handsome Morocco Covered Bible Hurt by a Fall of Roof at the Hampton. Twenty-Seven Persons DUd from Pneu monia Last Month. At the monthly meeting of the board of health yesterday, Secretary Briggs made a report showing the total mortalitv for December 107. In the deaths from natural causes there were twonty-siven reported as being due to pneumonia and eight to la grippe. The total deaths were 1,558 for the year. There were twenty two cases of contagious diseases rep rtel, as follows: Diphtheria, 6; typhoid fever, S; measles, 1 ; scarlet f.iysr, 13 Dr. Allen reported having the Dimmock and Schwartz properties. against which complaint was enters I, and said the premises were as clean and wholesome as any in the vicinitv. Superintendent Loftus and Food In spector Thomas made their reports. Doctors Bentley and Fame were elected delegates to attend the state convention in Harrisburg, Jan. 26 and and H. J. Zieizler and M. J, Kelly were elected alternatives. The question as to whether putting water into milk was adnlteration and punishable, was referred to Dr. Bent ley and the city solicitor. Colonel Ripple stated that the Dombrowskl premises in the West Side were in h filthy condition and the sanitary ofhVer was directed to see that the conditions were improved. The balauce of ijil.afW due the crema tory company was iscuised and the matter was referred to Dr. Bentley and Colonel Ripple. The crematory needs repairing and it is intended to keep the cost out of the amount not paid. The qnestion of properly covering the garbage carts was freely dis?ussed and the rule that the wagons must be canvas-covered will be enforced. On mo tion of Colonel Ripple the secretary was directed to requestor councils that the wooden file cases being taken out of the controller's office he transferred to the board of health rooms. Super intendent Loftus, of the crematory was uiven authority to suspend work men at the erematory when found guilty of negligence or not amenable to orders, On motion of Colonel Ripple it was deoided to close the crematory for repairs at the earliest moment pos sible. The board decided on the following appropriations for the year, and they will be submitted to the estimates committee: Running expenses, crema tory salaries, repairs, tools, coil, oil and waste, $8,500; purchase of lot, 18,000: interest, S'.'OO; salaries of ofti clals, $3,300; fence and retaining walls at crematory, i700; incidentals. 700 emergency fund, $1,000; total, $11,400 PREPARING FOR LEAGUE MEETING. Mooting of the Direetor of Bcranton Bass Ball Association, a The direetors of the Seranton case ball club held a meeting last evening and made arrangements for the coming meeting of the Pennsylvania State league, which will be held in this city on Tuesday next. The league meeting will be held at the Forest house and will be followed by an informal supper. Secretary Diddlebook will arrive in the city on Monday afternoon. STOLEN HORSE RECOVERED. Found at Suryea, but It Had Been Used Hard. Wednesday night George Richard son. of Lackawanna township, had a horse and carriage stolen. The matter was reported to the Seranton police. The turnout was found at Daryea yesterday. The carriage had been badly used and was broken in several place. NEWS FROM WEST SIDE IThe West Side office of the ScraNTON Tribune is located at I'H South Main ave nue, where subscriptions, advertise men ci and communications will receive prompt attention.! The midwinter exercises of the Sun day school of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church were held last evening. The church was tastefully decorated with evergreens. Au inter esting programme wan rendered by Miss HoIJy Jones, Kosovelt Phillips, Miss Lena rraunfelier. infant class under the direction of M. Louise Wil liams; Miss Ethel Jones, Arthur Morse, Edward Vail, Miss Lslia Porter. At the conclusion of the programme R ;v. D. W. Skellenzer presented the ex Superintendent D. A. Stone, with u handsome morocco covered bible. Mr. Stone responded with a few remarks, n which be thanked the teachers and scholars for the evidence of their good will. After the entertainment the clisses repaired to the lloor below where refreshments were served. Discussion on Shakespeare An interesting meeiinir of the Young People's Literary and Debating society was held last evening in the church on South Main avenue. Rev. W. S. Jones, the pastor, presided. After singing and prarers, Shakespeare's "As You Like It," was discussed by Miss Emilia Evans, who introduced Miss Cora Jones, John Edwards and D. J. Jen kins. Tne meeting wus interesting throughout. The Author Found. An inquiry appeared in yesterday's issue of The TkibI'.ne e ent in by the Birdio society of the West Side to find out the author of the poem "A Voice From the Hospital." Alderman T. T. Morgan and Enoch Harris had the honor of discoveriUL' the bard, who was JohnR.-ese, who formerly Lourdo ' at (105 South Main avenue, but who has since left for parts unknown. An Enjoyable Time. MissLettie Diyle, of South Main avenue, eutertainej a number of her friends at her home last evening in honor of John Stafford, of California, who is visiting friends on this side. Miss Gwonnie Thomas assisted in entertaining. Hurt in the Mines. Willie Thomas, of Hampton street, was seriously ininred at 10.80 o'clock yesterday morning, while at work In the Hampton mines, by a fall of root which struck him on the buck. Brief Items of News William M. Fowler, of Jaekson street, is on the sick list. Amos Nichols, of Montrose, eashier in the First National bank, called on B. G. Morgan yesterday. R';V. William Kincain, of New York city, secretary of the American Horn Missionary society, will oocupy the pulpit at the Plymouth Congregational church on Sunday at 10.80 o'clock a.m. and 7 o'clock p.m. The Epworth League, of the Simp son Methodist Episcopal will give an entertainment in the church on Thurs day February 8. Among other feat ures will be a debate, between Misses Minnie Rinker and Rachel Jones against F. F. Gibbs and H L, Morgan. Kay Morgan son of 15 U. Morgan is visiting friends at Brooklyn Pa. Special music will be introduced during the service at the Washburn street Presbyterian church tomorrow evening by an instrumental quartette Mrs, T. 11. Kice, of Academy street, has been confined to her room several. weeks by illness. P. C. Powell, of Philadelphia, re turned home yesterday, after calling on West Side friends. NOTES SOUTH IE I of a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Readers. OBSERVANCE OF WEEK OF PRAYER Services That Were Held During the Week at the Young Women's Chris tian Association on This Side Dr. King Makes a Correction of an Item in This Department O. L, Hengel Tendered a Surprise Party. The following letter from Dr. J. W. King needs no elucidation. Your article in this morning's Taibuke is erroneous. Dr. Ring at uo time express ed h'tti elf as quoted. While the case is a most desperate one, it does not necessarily follow a fatal one. To be sure, Mr. Smitn cannot stand many such severe hemor rhages as the one he had from I a. ra. until 11 :30, the time when I left him. He has rallied agsiu, and at this writing, is apparently safe. Scientitic medicine is uowbere in it with "The Seven Booka of Moses," and the ancient "Black Arts" of Arabia. It is a pity that wo cannot today mete out the same deserving punishments as wero administered to witchcraftcy in the colonial days in that great common wealth, Massachusetts. Sincerely yours, DR. Kim;. P. 8. You would do mankind a charit able act to insert the ahpve in tomorrow's Tribune. My namo attached. J. W. K. A Wnlcof Prayer. The present week has been one of prayer at the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association on Cedar avenue. The services were led as follows: Monday eVening, Miss Margrettn Watts; Tuesday evening. Miss Ethel Flanaghan; Wednesday evening, Miss Cora Turner; Thursday evening, Miss Flora Tompkins, Miss Lena Linn led the servlcss list even ing and Miss Kate Cristophel will lead this evening. Tomorrow afternoon MisB Shardlow, physical directress of the central oily branch, will lead to morrow s service, and the topic will be "Purpose Meeting," A Rtal Surprise. The birthday surprise party to O. L. Helnegel Thurslav night was a sur prise in the most complete sense The following persons attended i Mr. and Mrs. John blatter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs.J.H. Brook, Mr. and Mrs. M. Zizelman. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moor, Mr and Mrs. H. Arm- brust, jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Arm- brusr, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. A. Helnegel, Mr. and Mrs. P Hiltz, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Peil, Mrs. James Croghan, Mrs Alfred Tolemic, Mrs Jacob Soutag, Miss Ros Hand, Miss Minnie Hand, Miss Lulu Sunday, and Miss N llie Croghan, Michael Hand, Dr. Klb, Geo. Ryle, Henry Sunday, Tueo. Zizelman, Jacob Miller, Richard Fraelicb, Milton Moore, Fred Crogan, Cuas. Dippre. No Alarm floundsd. At 2 o'clock yesterday morning the brick honse owned by M. J. Lovern, situated on Stafford avenue, in the Nine teenth ward, was burned to the ground. The building was so remote, and there being no city water in the vicinity, no alarm was sounded. The house whs built by Mr. Lovern several years ajfo, and a portion of it was intended for a photographer's gallery, Mr Lovern being.very proficient in that ait. lie has not lived in it for some time. The. house was tenanted, but the origin of the fire is not known. Shorter Paragraphs. Owing to the intense cold, school in the higher grades of No. 3 was dis missid yesterday. The Democrats of the' fourth district of the Ninth ward have nominated John Breen as judge and Nicholas Sheridan as inspector of election, John F. Warren was nominated for register. Fred Truss who had his leg broken some six mouths ago, slipped and fell Thursday night anil sustained a frac ture in the same place that was broken before. MONUMENT TO GEN. SHERIDAN. SUNDAY'S QUART t Hiv CONVENTION. It Will Be Held In St. John's Hall, Pine Brook, The third quarterly convention of the Second district of the Seranton Diocesan Union of Seranton, will be held in St. John's hall, Pine Brook, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Papers will be read by C. G. f! .land, of St Patrick's society, and M.iior Josonh H. Duggan, of Father Whitty's society The iusurance features will be dis cussed. The following programme for the evening entertainment has been prepared by St. John's society. Remarks D. J. Campbell Piano Solo Miss l.'urran Vocal Solo Miss Kathryue Mongan ocai solo an &aiie niewut Recitation Mii-s Sadie Oerrity ocal nolo Miss Angola blewitt Address T.. Powdurly Vocal Solo Miss Maggie Harrington Weal Solo Peter Snyder Kemarks. John H. Devine, President of the Union Vocal Solo Will F. Burke Piano Solo Miss Kate Saltry Address Rev. P. J. McMnnus Vocal Solo M. J. Coyue Cornet Solo Professor Hartnett No charge will be made for admis sion to the entertainment. JOHN CLELANO ENTERTAINS. A Number of His. Fritnde Enjoy an Ex callent Gams Supper. John Clelanrl gave a game rapper to a number of his friends at the Driving Park hotel last evsniug. Those present were F. L. Crane. J. J. Jarmyu, Frank Jermyn, E. B. Jer myn, W. M. Jermyn, Jumts R, Mears, John Simpson, George Maddocks und Dr. G. E. Hill. "A Study in Scarlet." ARCU JANUARY 13, 1894. TRIBUNEC0UP0N Your choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "De livering Christmas Presents" and "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. INC 10 1 JURY All the Testimony in the Rosenagle-Handlev Case Has Been Heard THE DEFENDANT ON THE STAND He Tells the Story of His Business Relations with Mrs. Mary Rose nagle He Denies That He Ever Told Her He Had $50,000 Worth of Stock in the Wyoming Manufactur ing. Company. Ez-Judge Handley was on the stand in court for several hours yesterday and subjeet to a searching cross-examination by Attorney Soper as to his business relations ' with Mrs. Mary Rosenogle, who is suing him to recover 8,000 that she says she lost on account of his misrepresentations concerning stock in which she invested. Mr. Handley said that be first bs oam acquainted with Mrs. Rosnagle in 1807 when she employed him in the life insurance oase she was prosecuting. He continued to act as her attorney un til he was elected judire of Luzerne county. On Dec. 11. 1883, he received from Attorney H. W. Palmer $4,000, the amount of money received in the settlement of the life insurance case. From this amount $1,000 was deducted for counsel fees ami expenses incurred, dnring the trial and witness hp ten dered Mrs. Rosenagle the $3,000 re maining. She wanted to invest the money and various forms of securities were discussed, THE CONCLUSION UEACnKD. Attorney J. H. Campbell and Rich ard Evans were in his office at the time and he introduced Mrs. Rosenagle to them. Mr. Evans was the engineer of the Wyoming Manufacturing Com pany and had just returned from a visit of inspection to the company's plant in West Virginii. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Rosenaelo had a conversation abont the West Virginia nronsrtv and she seemed so well pleased that she de cided to invest her money in the stock of the company, She bought a por tion of his at par and he guaranteed her a dividend of 0 per cent, on it. Mr. Handley said he never told Mrs. Rosenagle he owned S"0, 000 worth of stock In the Wyoming Manufacturing company. He paid the dividends reg ularly until the company's property was levied on. Be declared that he never told Mrs. Rosenagle that he owned $30,000 worth of stock in the company and that it was paying divi dends. EVIDENCE IN KEBCTTAL. Several other witnesses were called, and then Mrs Rosenagle and others went on the stand in rebuttal. At 3.30 the closing arguments to the jury were begun. Attorney Amertnan had not completed his argument when court adjourned yesterlay. Hs will conclude this morning and be followed by Mr, Soper, who will oloie for the plaintiff. It Will Be Erecied by Members of Phil Eherldan Illflei. The Phil. Sheridan Rifles held a meet -ing on Thursday evening and decided to erect a mouumeut to General Sheri dan on Court House square. The following committee was ap pointed to take charge of the matter: M. G. Griffin, chairman; J. C.Vaughan, s 'cretary ; T. J. Moore, treasurer The board of directors appointed were T. J Moore, F. J. Johnson, M. A. Griffin, J. C. Vaughan, William Daw son. M. S. Doucher. M. J. Rowan. Secretary Vaughan was instructed to apply to the court for a charter for the urganization Aftsr Eweurlne Off How many have taken vows of absti neuce with the birth of the new year is perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts are futile against iuveterate habit, a habit which has become a disease. There was u time when it would have been easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit continued un til by the constant or fn queut use of the poison there was forced a change in the neryons system which mado it not nly possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and not seem to get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to Keep you feeling good and you ''oraved liquor'' because you had become diseased. Now that swearing off does no good'and the pledge can't be kept, go and make your resolution good lor all tune by taking treatment at the Keeley Institute, T'.'6 Madison avenue, Sianton, Pa. The groat people of this country who accomplish si. much lu the affairs of life have thi) peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to tbem in the Hoe of action on the spot. There is that pile of Harper's, Frank Leslie's, J cCltire', Re view of Reviews, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you Huve read. They are a joy forever, but not a thing of beauty. Our Mr. Schwoncker can transform them (u that they will become the brightest and handsomest volumes in your library As soon as you read this will you not get all the numbers together, before they are lost or soiled, and briuii them to TnK Tribune binder- A few couts will give you Bomo beautiful books that will take the place of thoso rough and ragged magazuies. Dr. C. C. Laubach, dentist, Oas and Water compauy building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Bcranton. ' The three pictures, "Telephone Girl," "Good Mornfug" and "Swinging," offered by The Tiuhunk. now brighten hundreds of homes, 'lueyi.ung men in the office are kept busy dealing out these gems of art. Best Sew of Teeth, J 8. OO Including the painless extracting et teeth by au entirely new pro- S. C. Snyder, D.D.s. JttO WYOMING AVfci glllllllllllllllUlllllllllllliliilllllllllf E OUR I CURTAINS I SI. C. A, Leland T. Powers in th Y. Standard Courai. The third number of the Young Men's Christian association course occurs Friday eveuing, Jan. 13, Leland T. Powers will give "David Coppertleld" as only he can do it. Single admission 75 cents. Musio Boxss Exclusivity. Rest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Oautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 11)80 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchescrial organs, only $5 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paiied and improved with new tunes. G.W. Owens & Co Ladles' Tailors and Furriers, KfkO SPRUCE ST.. OUO COURT HOUSE SOUARE DON'T Think that because you have not bought your WINTER FURS OR CLOAK, FUR CAPES, JACKET, WRAP OR MACKINTOSH That you can get along without it this winter. We have three months of cold weather ahead of ns. To dress warm is to have GOOD HEALTH Yon will find our stock large with NEW IDEAS. If you think of buying or not, visit us, We may have just what you were looking for. You know that a garment that fits perftoily is what you will buy. The Price Will Please You. jlllllUlllllllllllligilllllilllillllllilliS Are worth, going a long distance to Bee. No such collection can be found nearer than New York or Philadelphia, and then It is not sur passed in the matter of unique and vxclusive designs, or richness, daintiness and delicacy of mate rial. In a word, our Curtain stock this fall reaches our highest ideal of what is should be, and cannot fall to meet the approval .f the moat reflued and artistic tastes. Yet all this does not mean high prices. On the contrary.the values we now offer are submitted for your inspection. Of course, we' ve every make, and among tbem will be found the very choicest crea tions in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham and other Lace Goods; also the New Snowflake Swiss, with Bilk Stripe in contrasting colors. Also full lines of Hlk Stripes, Tapestries, etc., made to order. miiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii i HILL & CONNELL I S0BANT0N, PA. sXnillllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllHllllllf THEY FILL THE BILL. We have the most complete assortment of Men's Furnishing Hoods that oyor appealed to the eye or to the taste. Bonie of our new shades and designs in Ties are especially at tractive. They are selling at figures which give you no excuso for Ueiug without all sorts of size and styles. Christian THE HATTER 205 Laokawanna Avenu:. Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teeth, S5.W: best set, ?S: for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown and bridge work, call for prices and references. TO!cALGIA. for extracting ueth without pain. Mo ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL RANK. Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have yon ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oysters Med? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have seen, Open Until Midnight. 25 r j. ii i 0 uiscouni anoweu in O Cloak and Fur Dept. Special reduction on all Winter Goods. Prices on Millinery cut in Agency for Dr. Jaegers Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LAOKAWANNA AVENUE.